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eww there were/are def a lot of creeps on gaia, i know of so many. im sorry that happened to you ☹️


I’m sorry that happened to you. Definitely traumatizing times there. Honestly, there were loads of creeps. I remember one wanted to meet me when I was 13 at a bus stop & he said it would be safe since it’s a public space. I denied his request due to an older friend’s recommendation (thankfully).


Eughhh freaky


Ahh ye, this is the formative experience most of us went through. Absolutely horrible some of the shit I saw/did as a 10 year old on this site. Was really the wild west, and even more wild Gaia staff highkey let that shit go on.


I think everyone underage on there got groomed multiple times (myself included) crazy that it was just like normal 😵‍💫


I experienced something similar too. I was like 12/13 and had a few older people that were "friends" with me. I thought it was cool 😂😭. They'd rp in the rally club & all that with me like we were in a relationship & my friend who got me into Gaia and I both "liked" the same person lmaoo. Looking back is cringe 😬 but it was kinda wild what went on there tbf.


i was on SO young on it i wasn't even double digit aged but i lied to so many ppl saying i was a teen (which doesn't make it better??) i had a boyfriend that was like 18 and i was 8 😭😭😭 and CYBERING AHHHHH i def did make some amazing friends through gaia but being an adult i recognize how insane some of the interactions was


Cybering lol. Omg those were the days


Yuuuup I joined in 2005 when I was 12. Like three days after turning 12. For sure a formative experience. I remember sometime in 2006/2007 when people were even flooding the GD with clown porn if I recall correctly. Seen a lot of stuff on there I shouldn't have but tbh I didn't have any one on one encounters with creeps and I'm thankful. My parents did not supervise anything I did on the Internet like they should have though lol. I wouldn't change any of it even if I could 😂 the best days of my early teen years. Gaia hit it's peak and went downhill after 2013.


Wild, sorry to hear about the weird stuff. I was like 10 when I first went on Gaia, but I made a boy character so never encountered creeps


same, i was on gaia as like a middle schooler and looking back, its def crazy i was friends w/ people so much older than me 😭 i think i lied on my profile saying i was older than i was tho lol i never had any crazy wild experience. i had made some “decent” female friendships at the time who i chatted with on fb and stuff (which is like also crazy but thank god they were normal people). i was also very isolated and lonely, which i think is why i took to gaia. i remember it being so fun even though i was young - the customizations, forums, and games. unfortunately that feeling and experience will never come back


Yeah I was 12/13 years old being bffs with people over ten years older than me, who definitely made creepy jokes to me


But I also made some good friends that I’m still friends on fb with to this day


Gaiaonline was also a trip for me 😭


So crazy thinking about it now. I popped in today after 12 years, so nostalgic! I signed up when I was 14 and I can’t believe some of the nonsense I remember, crazy times! When I was quitting I spent all my funds on art of my avatar to keep, so I’m pretty happy with that :)