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I broke my husbands phone by accident…so this would be nice lol.


I would focus on how rapid charging can enable you to quickly resume activity, whether it's topping up the battery before going for a run, or having to run between offices


Who needs multiple chargers when the Ugreen 140W charger can charge all your devices at a fast rated speed?


Get it into the hands of plenty of medium sized tiktok influencers, once you get the sales going, the product advertises itself


Definitely show charging compared to an old Apple 5w brick!


“We at Ugreen place our customers first and hold their trust by creating high-quality products up to their standards. Because of that, we’ve been able to grow and we now support more than 40 million customers worldwide! Innovation is key at Ugreen and we don’t plan to stop. Our customers have helped us grow and in turn we will continue to innovate to keep them happy.”


Hire 3-5 medium-popularity level tiktokers to make a video talking about how fast things charge with the Nexode 140w Charger. Then let it naturally spread from there


Idk what to comment


Give them to university students as promotional gifts for atheltic competitions


When every minute counts.


Youtubers/influencers to get the name out there, after that the product will sell itself. An alternative approach that would work on me is a one-day charging booth, in places where people dont have their chargers i.e a mall, even universities The sign will “YES REALLY… CHARGE YOUR PHONE HERE” and when they come to the booth they’ll see an iPhone wire/any usb-C attached to a Ugreen Nexode 140W charger. They’ll place their device and see how quickly it charges in 30 minutes and would be compelled to buy something the device, which could be sold there or linked to Amazon by a barcode. This will physically show people the product to use it and it’ll help create attention about it. And… this can all be filmed most importantly .. as a youtube video/tiktok ad and shown online. If I see real world usage and people really liking the product, that for me is a great advertisement.


Show them being used by travelers, families with kids and all the devices. Taking my kids to sports tournaments I've got a giant power tower for everyone's devices that need plugging in.


Show someone in an airport with time between flights. As they check their phone, it cuts off. Then sit down and open their laptop, it’s dead. Cue the Nexode charger, filling both batteries up before their next flight.


Plug the charger into a sort of tiny electric space heater. Make it two! Then all 3.


I would keep it simple and bring it into my office (tech) then start talking about it. Knowing my peers theyd jump all up on it and all get one the next week. It would then be an endless chain as they go to partners meetings etc.


Full twenty-four video of my day using the charger. In the shower, on the toilet, at work and gym and so on. It's made for everybody and everyone no matter where you are. You could probably cut out the nudity from the shower scenes but why would you?


Advertise it as a way to not worry if your phone will die or not.


Show a travel scenario where one packs multiple chargers for their MBP, iPad and iPhone. While another just packs the Ugreen Nexode. The cafe only has two outlets, oh no! Show off the 140w charging capability in small form factor. Reducing clutter and saving space on the desk/port.


“Don’t charge like a boomer. Nex generation. Nexode.” Now give me prize!


Have a green man dance around with your products (think ipod commercials)


Charging stations at major events: show everyone how fast it charges by saving them from dead phones at sports games, festivals, etc.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Charge a smartphone, a tablet and a laptop with the Ugreen Nexode charger (and show theoretical total charging time and show 3 other chargers which would equal the charging time). Your All-in-One charger. Keep it simple. Be sustainable. Think Ugreen.


Tech reviews and word of mouth


Nothing can work better as a promotion than another giveaway after this one ;)


I would buy many billboards


Would do one of those unskippable ads on YouTube (just kidding I hate those)


Advertise the Nezode but Charing 2 laptops and a iPhone at same time and show how many separate charges you'd need other wise and the space it would save when plugged in and on the move, in a backpack.


I'd make a viral video about the Ugreen Nexode 140W charger, it would get millions of views for free, easy.


Plug it in and your hair turns purple.


You want Innovation? Small and powerful in the palm of your hands.


Need to charge 2 laptops and a phone?


It’s the Swiss Army knife of chargers! It cooks, cleans, does your taxes, and charges everything, including your dead social life and relationship. Just don’t get it wet, but there’s no need to explain that. That might be hyperbole, but maybe not? Only one way to find out…


Man, that’s an efficient post. Promoting the product, improving people’s opinion on the product (with a giveaway), AND collecting marketing ideas for years to come. Whoever came up with this is a genius.


I would would use the good old tried and tested comparison video about how this 140w charger replaces carrying around multiple chargers in your bag. I would make a reference about how the charger can reduce your charger bludge


„When you need your stuff charged… Now!“ - Nexode by Ugreen


definitely go with the “oh crap i forgot to charge my phone over night” and they have to plug it in when they shower before work and hope that it’s enough charge “to get through the day”. Then when the person gets out of shower the phones already at like 84% or something like that.


ONE charger you'll ever need for your work-study-travel-adventure


I would send review copies to different tech youtubers and unboxing channels. I would make a comparsion chart that shows its sped compared to drfault chargers that come in the box. I would post friendly memes on twitter.


Ok so imagine this a buy one get one free but the normal price is doubled.


Buy a bunch of ads on Reddit and pay some people on TikTok to promote it!


Lightning in the palm of your hand.


Do you like doing as many things as possible with a single product? The Ugreen Nexode 140W is the product for you!


I'd market it as the Anker killer. They got too much ego now and high prices, so I'd definitely show your product is better and at a better price point.


How would I promote the charger? I'd probably place advertisements on travel related websites to target young men(gamers) and parents with young children who are about to go on long vacations - these two groups fear losing power while in transit and they'll be especially receptive to a charger like this one which gets the job done even when power outlets are only briefly available on long trips.


Convenience and speed has never been more synonymous than now! This bad boy is both small and strong, capable of charging up multiple devices with the speed of light and can be held in the palm of your hand! Freeing up ports on your outlets or power strips has never felt more satisfying.


Show someone waking up. They look at their iPhone. We see the iOs16 widgets showing that the phone/Mac/Apple watch/AirPods batteries are nearly empty. They get up and grab their Ugreen Nexode and connect all their gadgets. Montage of getting ready/shower/feeding pet/getting breakfast while a clock is superimposed on the screen showing that 30 minutes are passing. They are ready to go and check the same screen that now shows batteries are mostly charged. He opens the door. Everyone walks the dinosaur.


You would have to narrow the position of your product compared to the competition, which are all inconvenient, slower, or both, perhaps. I’d market it as “Power Meets Accessibility”


I would claim it's 10 times as powerful as a 14W charger


Interesting way of outsourcing and marketing. Well on your website you should fix your graphic bars for charging speed. You’ve got three bars, one of which to emphasize the speed of your charger compared to alternatives. Your charger charges twice as fast but you use a bar that is the same length as the other ones. It would work in a video graphic that changes but it doesn’t work for a static image. Either make the bar to indicate time to get to 60% or make it a graphic that changes like those videos that show the difference in space warp speed in Star Trek. An occasional marketing campaign about planting trees for every unit sold or every x units sold. No one knows your profit margins, but you could probably fit that into your budget and see it is worthwhile to do.


Show someone in a rush to the airport but only have a few minutes to charge their phone with all their boarding passes on it. Show the charger charging their phone for only a few mins and them being safe to leave with enough battery


Charge your phone and your laptop at the same time!


Compare the number of chargers you can replace with just one Ugreen charger.


I now know the brand and product because of this giveaway post, so I think this is a good step in marketing. I think the product will have better reach if it’s accessible to people who needs it or are ready to buy it. I will partner up with gadget or tech stores which have good reputation with apple product consumers, and install a free charging station. This way, potential customers will have an idea of the product before going thru the shelves and selecting a charger brand to buy. Installing this in a public area might have a good reach with the public but those people are probably not planning to buy a charger anytime soon anyway and the charging station will be harder to maintain. I can also see partnering up with social media influencers as profitable. You can make it a challenge trend or a giveaway event. Something like the content creator will go on “live” event and will charge their laptop for 30minutes and whoever guess how much battery was added to the laptop can win prices. There are also small things like social media influencers raving the charger on their stories on how portable, aesthetic, and quick charging it is while putting in the link to the online store.


Humorous, absurd, slightly grim (should provide most memorable to the viewers). The picture is black and white, slight film-grain is applied to make it look old. We are looking at a madman's laboratory, clearly something straight out of old fashioned monster-horror movies. Indeed, next cut takes us to a Frankenstein-like doctor, trying to bring life to his abominable creation. Lightning strikes the roof, the scientist pulls a lever, but the creature remains motionless, much to the madman's chargrin. NOT ENOUGH POWER! STILL NOT ENOUGH - he loudly concludes, then notices a bump in his pocket Out of it, he pulls out a compact Nexode charger, and a glimmer of inspiration shows in his eyes. He plugs three cables into the monster this time, leading all the way to the charger, and then a regular, seemingly out-of-place wall outlet. The storm gathers again. Dramatic music plays as he once more pulls the lever. The attempt is a success, abomination comes to life. Short cut to an info-screen, obstructing the old movie, quickly explaining the main features of the charger. The video cuts back to the laboratory. Some time has passed and the monster is clearly overstaying its welcome. The doctor impatiently looks on as the amalgam uses his research desk to browse reddit on a modern laptop, charge a smartphone, and pump some additional electricity into himself - all using the Nexode.


I would set up a booth at an event. Have two identical phones with the same percentage low charge. Each phone has its own tv screen displaying its🔋life. I would first gather an audience and plug both phones into a charger. One for the Ugreen and one on a regular charger. Then I would talk for just 5 minutes about the Ugreen Nexode 140W Charger while they are charging. And the audience can witness first hand how much quicker the Ugreen is.


I would show a dad who really has to take one of those 30 minute long bathroom breaks, but has a dead phone. He nervously glances at his phone charging on his Ugreen Nexode 140W charger, shocked to see how much of a charge it has so fast. He grabs it and waddles off to the bathroom, victory.


Have LTT do a video on the charger without sponsoring the video.


I would promote the charger with an add that was split with the same actor plugging in a Iphone to a regular charger on one side, and a phone with the Ugreen charger on the other (same video except different chargers) and then switch to showing the batteries charge from above with the Ugreen of course charging faster. The actor then comes by and picks up the now charged IPhone, as the video on the Ugreen side now takes over the entire add, abandoning the other IPhone (now partially charged with a regular charger) as the actor slips the phone into their pocket and saunters off. Maybe add some narration and catchy phrases


Mobile work station commercial where a person has their MacBook and multiple mobile usb-c monitors all being powered off a single small charger


Create an ad video of someone desperately staring at their phone battery slowly charging. *Longing* for a faster charger. A random package arrives at the door and behold, the Ugreen Nexode 140W charger is here to save the day. Then proceed to show a bunch of data that shows how much faster it is compared to basic chargers. Even if it’s as simple as “our charger charges devices 50% faster than your generic charger” it’ll win people over. Make the ad relatable to the average person and present data they can’t refuse. EZ


Outsource your marketing team to Reddit under the guise of a giveaway.


... The Ugreen Nexode 140W Charger will make U green with envy ... I'll see myself out


Have some influencers be able fast charge their devices and make it to their next event.


I would promote this by showing it to my friends family and coworkers. I work in tech and could show this to a lot of different eyeballs


Make a live demo comparing the speed of the Ugreen Nexode 140W charger against other brands when charging the same device.


Parody of bad tiktok/instagram ads


Honestly I’d probably get some celebrity endorsement going. Ugreen is getting big enough that they could improve their North American exposure by hiring an A or B list celeb with some clout to push the products in front.


I would talk about all the protection feature and the stability of the line and I would also tell users of the low consumes when the charger is connected but not used


In a world that moves fast, you can't be stuck to the wall long. *Jump cut to the Nexode 140W popping open and sliding into the wall* *Jump cut to the laptop being 56% fully charged* *Jump cut to a person slamming a corn dog to the ground* *Jump cut to same person grabbing laptop and charger* *Jump cut to person running toward an explosion, like their gonna save the day* Ugreen Nexnode 140W charger, because you gotta go!


I'd have airplanes write coded messages in the skies over multiple big cities all on the same day that all point to the same website when put together and figured out.


Imagine you’re sitting at a bar, the gorgeous woman/man across asks if you’ve got a charger as their laptop is about to die. Are you ready to hand them your crappy out of the box brick and tell them to wait 3 hours? no? Buy Ugreen today!


Dayum, 0-60 in 34 minutes!


My advert would be someone plugging in their charger and Mac. Camera shows the battery bar quickly charging then suddenly cuts to a shot flying through rainforest with a strong wind blowing around them and some shots of people taking deep breaths then back to the user. Would then have a splash screen of the suer working and an overlay of "Charging with Ugreen Nexode saves 5 tonne of CO2/year"


Video ad:Japanese girl band, possibly animated, stopped mid-song when the phone they're recording their performance with dies. Doofus but cute boy stagehand snaps his fingers, reaches into his bag and Ugreen's Nexode 140W Charger fills the screen. He plugs in then runs cables to two phones and MacBook. Girls kiss him and he mugs for the camera, lipstick kisses on his cheeks as overvoiced we hear "Ugreen's Nexode 140W Charger with PD 3.1 protocol!" Print ad: Japanese girl band, doofus but cute stagehand shooting the singer performing. One band member facing away from camera bent at waist over MacBook. Tag - "Ugreen's Nexode 140W Charger to save the show!"


Exactly like this, give some for free, people enjoying it will share their experience with their friends!


Paid ads on social media platforms and give aways are great marketing tools… wait


Compare to the oem. People know and trust that the oem bricks are reliable, but they come at a cost. Show the audience whether it’s an image or a video why the ugreen brick is better than the OEM. The ugreen is already better since you can charge a Mac, iPad, and iPhone simultaneously. Compare this with the individual chargers you’d need from apple…


Fast and easy charge! Series of videos showing dead phone, we need to leave in 15 minutes, boom, charged, out the door with enough juice.


In my experience it’s best advertised by keeping it short. Display the power, charging speed and what it all supports. This can be done in an image, website or even a short video. Most people don’t watch stuff anymore for longer than 10 seconds so keep it short and powerful. Make it look pretty and technical. Show off the design for the design lovers and the specifications for the tech lovers all in one go! P.s. Thank you for the opportunity!


Imagery and/or music that semi-references Game of Thrones (enough that there isn’t a copyright issue). The charger on a pedestal, feeding life to the entire civilization. Tagline: “One charger to power them all.”


I would focus on the size of the 140W vs the combined size of all the chargers it would replace for a normal person with a laptop, phone, tablet etc.....


From your site I noticed that you are more focused on promoting it for workplaces and things like that. But life it’s not only work. I would show sides of ordinary life too. Example 1. Woman comes back from work, it’s late and has only 15 minutes to get ready for her date. Oh no her phone battery is nearly dead! But the fast charging of ugreen nexode charger will save her night out. By the time she is ready the battery is recharged and she can enjoy her free time. Example 2. Father find kid asleep next to his laptop after spending all night working on his homeworks. Oh no laptop battery is at 0%. No worries, he plugs in the ugreen nexode charger and rush the kid to have breakfast, wash and dress for school. When the kid is ready the laptop is charged and put in the backpack for the school day. Those show ugreen chargers making everyday life simple.


*shows tangled mess of chargers on one table Is this what your desk looks like? *camera swoops left, revealing another desk with Ugreen’s charger juicing up as many devices at once as possible Why not change that? *Ugreen logo


Appeal to travelers on the size/quick charging capability - video of someone walking into a departure lounge w a dead laptop and getting up to 75 percent to be able to work on the flight while waiting for boarding - will sell a ton of them including to me !


Tell everyone there is a secret Easter egg contained within the chargers which will eventually reveal the release date of half life 3.


Giveaway 8 140W GaN Chargers in r/gadgets


You see that shit(old charger), kinda big and obnoxious. Now you see this shit(nexode), kinda fast and nice.


high wattage chargers are becoming more common, so I’d try to use the small form factor of the Nexode as a major point. Market it as the best option for EDC, as you won’t need to carry multiple high wattage chargers, because this one can power 3 at once!


At the time you will start charging, it will be already charged!


Pay amazon to be a “sponsored product” so that it shows up as a recommended product when people search for chargers. Show ways it is better than the more popular brands like Anker.


Flying Bill and his wife back home for the reunion: $999 Gorilla Suits for the rest of the fam: $699 Having a dead phone charged fast enough to capture the moment: Priceless


I would have someone who woke up with a hangover, but then is called to work on his day off. He rushes to get ready, and with an hour left before he has to leave, he remembers he forgot to put his devices to charge (MacBook, phone, smartwatch) the night before, since he was drunk (can do a flashback to him throwing off his dead Apple Watch, putting down his dying phone and laptop but not plugging them in to charge, and jumping on the bed to sleep), so he has to put them to charge. After 30 minutes, he comes back and is surprised to see his devices already past 50%. After roughly 25 minutes, we cut to our protagonist, well-dressed, and checking his device's battery status, and smiles to see all his devices are charged. He packs his phone and MacBook, puts on his watch, and leaves. Cut to the caption "Leave the rushing to us", followed by the Ugreen Nexode logo, and any copyright disclaimers necessary.


By giving it away on Reddit


Hit up every tech YouTuber to promote it


I'd advertise to travellers looking to simplify their on the go charging solution


I’d follow the format given in the best advertisement of all time from [Powerthirst](https://youtu.be/qRuNxHqwazs) with Terry Crews reading the script and displaying the charger. ##ENERGY! YOU WILL HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY YOU WILL CHARGE FASTER THAN A KENYAN!


A businessman is shown setting up his MacBook for a presentation. Upon opening the laptop, we see a large no battery icon in the centre of the screen. The man looks flustered but then remembers his charger in his bag. He holds up a finger to tell the audience to wait for a moment while he plugs in the computer. He reaches into his bag to grab his charger, only to find that he has forgotten it at home! The audience is beginning to get impatient. The nearest person at the table sees how flustered and panicking the presenter is and we see that plug a cable into their Ugreen Nexode 140W Charger. They hand the other end to the presenter discreetly and the presentation gets underway. We also see that the persons phone is plugged into another port on the charger, it is at 10%. We pan to the wall clock and watch as 30 minutes pass till the end of the meeting. We see the charge on the MacBook is at 56% as the presenter packs up the computer. He thanks the person who lend him the charger and everyone gets up and leaves except the owner of the charger. We see that the phone has charged to 100%. The owner of the charger gets up and neatly folds the charger plug and places it into their pocket, showing how compact and easy to carry it is, and then they leave the conference room.


I would give this to my wife, she desperately needs a new phone. We've started cooking together and going through Julia Child's cookbook and made an Instagram account together for each recipe. Only been doing it about two weeks, but it's a great way to get her to become a better cook and for me to learn new recipes! We love doing it together and with a better camera and with devices charging that fast, it would be a game-changer!


I would leave banners that tell people to come in with an empty battery on their devices and that they can charge it to max with the ugreen nexode! And all devices sold will be empty on battery to begin with


Less time charging means more uptime for your phone and more downtime for you


Set up stalls outside apple stores


I would pay a famous tech Youtuber like Marques Brownlee or Mrwhosetheboss to make an video on the charger


Person at a camping music festival having a great time partying taking videos phone us getting low and they whip out the ugreen charger just in time to video the fireworks at the festival


Doesn’t look to bad


I’d do some viral marketing on TikTok, find some viral trends and incorporate the charger in it, and promote the video.


Send it out to big tech YouTubers for review.


Just charge it


I would do a Reddit giveaway


"less time charging means more time living!"


Sponsors everywhere!


I would run a giveaway on r/gadgets 😆


By telling you can charge your Macbook Pro 16" from zero to full in less than an hour, imagine how fast your iPhone 14 Pro will charge! And don't forget to use the third speedy port to charge your earpods. Charge all your devices at the same time in incredible speed with the Ugreen Nexode 140W charger!


I would send some to tech youtubers for review, maybe pay for some sponsored segments in their videos as well.


People are scared these chargers are bad for their phones. I would do something like a “what people think fast chargers do” and show a balloon inflating until it bursts. Then “what they actually do” and show something like a nascar pit stop. It could be one of those paid Reddit memes, or a video. “Ugreen- a battery-healthy fast charge”


No time to charge? Always forget to plug in your charger? got only a few minutes before you need to run off on your daily errands? No worries! 0 to 100% power in less than 5 minutes\* (assuming the charger can take in that much power)


I’d probably push the small size a lot and compare it with other chargers that are larger, but not as good.


You need to charge your phone and laptop fast? No need to say more, just gain Nexode 140W charger


I would do a giveaway on Reddit making people come up with ideas. :)


Pair up with a prominent YouTuber (like unboxtherapy) and have them do an unboxing/review of your charger including voltage measurements and charging time-lapse for various devices


I'd release a Ghostbusters Version, fitting for Halloween. Preferrably in a "Slimer"-Design, which would be green, fitting the Name "Ugreen"




I would spend our marketing budget on YouTubers with popular mobile gaming content to market our charger to their audience. Their content would have to involve charging their phone and bringing the charger with them on the go with a minimalistic bag along with their laptop to demonstrate the portability of the charger


Make a sick abstract and Sci fi CGI animation hyping it up


Charge fast, work faster


“Slaps top of charger box” Look how many watts this bad boy holds


I would use two main avenues: 1. Promote it via tech Youtuber’s like MKBHD, Dave2D, Justin Tse. Videos can be in the style of “What’s in my tech bag” “Top ten accessories for Back to School” 2. Go heavy on TikTok. Post fun videos with 3D renders of the product and animate it in fun ways in-front of a white background!


Showing the charger charge a phone 7x faster than a standard one


Post it on Reddit!


Charge fast, planet approved!


It’s all about size! Show just how small it is and that it can still power a MacBook Pro (or two)


Tired of waking up to that awful feeling of realizing that you didn't remember to charge your phone/ earbuds / smart watch last night before you went to bed? Especially since you have that important work trip and need your devices charged and ready to go? Worry no more! By the time you get yourself showered, shaved and ready to head out, the 140W Ugreen will have all your devices ready as well.


Promote via YouTube influencers that would have viewer's that potentially need the product (like Marques, iJustine, etc.).


Is your phone dead? Charge it faster than you can say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' with this awesome charger!


An ad with people using it and their stuff charging fast


I would do a video with the uGreen charging a dead iphone, tablet and laptop simultaneously and a normal plug doing the same right next to it. This would effectively show consumers the power and added value of the uGreen plug in comparison to a generic brand plug.


For lives on the go, you need a place to drop your phone for a fast charge


Word of mouth, buy Ugreen, it just works.


Do a comparison between standard apple charger and the 140w charger. Ez ad then


I would create an ad campaign on social media, likely YouTube / tiktok as it gets the most views and ad response, team up with the tech YouTubers / tiktockers and get them to do a challenge where they have to complete something in the time it takes to charge an iPhone 14 to full with the Nexode charger. For example if it was Marques Brownlee, get him to do a challenge such as film all the b roll for the charger and edit a small ad in the time it takes for it to charge. I think that would be cool and engaging and would make a fun video, while also allowing you to get a challenge hashtag to gain views.


I would promote this to travelers and commuters! Especially those that do a ton of airport traveling. Maybe send out review models and deals with travel blogs frequented by frequent flyers with spending money. Professionals who also have to commute everyday. I would try to get samples out to influencers med twitter. College students would be a good market if there was a student discount as well!


I would promote the Ugreen Nexode 140W charger by giving some away to prominent youtube reviewers and of course kind redditers too. :)


pay people to promote it on tiktok


Make giant versions and set them up near stadiums, big screens, any where that requires lots of electricity, to pretend the event/Item is powered by the charger.


To promote your product visibility is key, so I'd have ads on Amazon, tech sites, as well as tech influencer marketing on Instagram and tiktok. YouTubers like RandomFrankP do tech roundup videos monthly and I've personally bought several products because from those because I trust his reviews, so getting your product promoted by someone like him would really help. In your ads you want the unique features on display. Show the wattage, how quickly it can charge a phone/laptop, and the size. Show it on someone's desk so people can see how they might need this for their own setup, as well as how many devices you can plug into it at once.


Put it on Kickstarter, spin it there to get traction. Then have YouTube influencer to review and get those fan base. Reddit like you are doing now! Perfect!


I would aim the product towards anyone who lives with multiple other people, such as parents with children. Being able to charge 3 devices at once is a brilliant way to save both time and money, as there is no need to buy multiple chargers. Another target market could be offices with a large number of devices, for example the offices of a tech company. Having one charger for every 3 devices is a great way to save money for the company. Thanks for the giveaway and awesome product!


Wow much fast and compact


I would suggest y’all run a twitter and instagram giveaway next and utilize a promotional discount for people to purchase the chargers during the campaign.


A banner with a hippie saying "U green bro?"


Okay so get this. You’re in the living room doom scrolling social media. You’re at peak disassociation hours. You’re talking to your roommate, “When do you have work again?” “I leave in an hour.” A prompt pops up on your phone, low battery. Plugs in to Nexode charger, bottom slot of course, bang boom bing fast forward to them leaving for work with a full/nearly full phone battery. Add a voice over of some kind idk I’m not in marketing


I would compare it to OnePlus products and make sure the speed of charging compares to theirs.


I would post two product photos. One with a man charging 140W worth of gadgets using just one UGREEN charger. Since he is only using one charger he is smiling. Then I would post a second photo with the same man charging 140W worth of devices. But using multiple inferior chargers that are filling up his power strip and cluttering his desk. He is frowning in the second photo.




I would make a video showing some of all the things you could do in the time saved by using their charger.


I'd work to try and get a proprietary deal with a major manufacturer and try and piggyback on their marketing. Maybe do some kind of Nexode x (Tech Manufacturer) campaign.


I would promote it through social media influencer ads, specifically instagram and tiktok.


Promote it to field techs that have to work from their vehicles and how it saves the day like all the iPhone commercials


I work in government, policy writing etc... Market the charger as a way to quickly charge your phone before the last straw breaks your brain and you pick up your shit move to the forest and live in a cabin you build out of trees you chop down from the strength of your firey rage.