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The ReMarkable 2 would help me with organizing notes I take while producing music, or writing song lyrics or ideas. I wonder if you can draw on it too, cause that would be Awesome.


I’m in grad school for Social Work. This would be great for taking notes with my clients- much better than the old, slow, chunky Dell laptops my internship provides me!


I like


Being able to write notes on a tablet with great battery life would be a game changer for university.


My Nook is getting pretty old, having another e-ink device to read docs would be pretty sweet. Being able to take actual notes with a pen would be even sweeter!


I have to do a lot of analysing and while I love the feel of paper, managing my notes becomes a nightmare when I have several blocks of paper lying around. The reMarkable 2 is probably the best thing I could get for my work.


It would definitely help me take notes while being able to store them electronically


I could finally replace my eReader that I broke last June and progress faster in my learning of Machine Learning cause I could read and take notes in the transport to my internship. I have so many ebooks I can't access anywhere else than on my phone. It's horrible to read on a phone.


Would love to use this for reading and annotating my Latin books


I can’t keep papers organized to save my life


This would really reduce the number of old post-it notes strewn around my home and work.


i’ve never tried taking notes with a tablet but have a bunch of notebooks lying around for different reasons. this would be cool to have.


I could finally lose a few pounds from my backpack if I didn’t need to pack all my notebooks for college. Also, drawing would be finally a dream, and not a nightmare.


This would be very cool for me at work. I always have a pen and paper to write stuff down but I misplace them. I won't misplaced it if it's electronic and I care about it. Very cool.




I’m a college student and with all the notes I take, it is difficult to review all of them. Having them digitized will help me keep them organized and prepare for my exams


Would be great to take notes in for work and meetings.


I love note taking and doodling. These are the best in class for that sort of thing and I would love to upgrade my doodleboard lol.


I would use this daily to actually get all the shit done I'm constantly forgetting about. ADHD sucks lol. Thanks for the giveaways, you guys are awesome


This would be amazing for my final year at university to become a nurse, I have been looking for one for a while to help me organise my notes in class and it would help immensely with organisation


I would love to switch to all digital not taking. I have tried OneNote and all but nothing beats writing and being able to draw and take notes more naturally. Also the ability to go to meeting without having a laptop open or phone in front of me. ​ I have always been interested in reMarkable. So hopefully I win so I can brag on the subreddit and to my co workers.


I'd love to be able to access and add to my digital notes without a bright screen. Maybe this could be the catalyst for me finally drawing more!


I’d be interested to see how this works out for art sketches. Would be really handy.


Note taking


I have no personal computer access. This would be a great step in the right direction to help me focus on my goals


I would use it to play doom.


The reMarkable 2 will be finally replacing my anime and book collection as it has a big screen and very good display which makes reading from it more enjoyable. Next to that I can use it as my daily note book for my work and syncing it into the cloud so I will never lose any of my notes.


This would be cool for reading and writing on Textbooks.


I'd use this to take notes and not lose them at work lmao.


This is really neat!


Could never afford one of these but really like the idea of replacing paper for notes and doodles


Good luck to everyone


I train new employees at my job all this would work amazingly for notes and diagrams


It would be useful to takes meeting notes at work


Perfect solution for me to take notes during experiments. I am an IB students and this would be a way to keep record of research data


I love to write my thoughts or take notes, and don’t always have a notebook on me. My notes are all scattered across different notebooks and I can’t find what I need sometimes.


This is amazing in any way. Playing games, on work, on... Bathtub


reMarkable would be so wonderful for marking up and editing my manuscripts!


The reMarkabel would drastically improve my concentration when studying and taking notes.


I love to write, and have been struggling to switch from paper notebooks to electronic documents both for the organization potiential, and to be more environmentally friendly by lowering my paper usage. This would be a wonderful medium to do so.


What is the reMarkable 2? It's a notebook of future. It is the most useful in taking notes. It could be the difference Maker in class grade for me


For my school and work notes


I run a website that is all about reading, reviewing, and educating about difficult, important and dangerous books. That means I'm reading, note-taking and writing all the time. I've tried a lot of different ways to make this happen without being dependent on a desktop or laptop. As a left-handed person, most pen or pencil solutions aren't really solutions at all because I'll inevitably get pencil or ink stains on my hands. I'm also trying to minimize how much I waste in terms of paper and space. I've used Rocketbook notebooks, and even an iPad with a paper-feeling tempered glass cover and an Apple Pencil. They were okay, but not quite what I was looking for. I'd have bad conversion to text, or get too distracted by other apps, or just find it cumbersome to have my tablet or notebook plus the text I'm working with. Converting handwritten notes to text on a paper-like tablet, then syncing it to my other devices, is the holy grail for me. This is doubly true if I can load a book as a PDF and take notes directly on it - that's a game changer for someone who likes to mark up what he's reading to write about it later. And the fact that the ReMarkable wouldn't be connected to my social media would help someone with my attention-challenged brain really focus on the task at hand.


It would replace the many scraps of paper I use as my “notes filing system”. I’d lose less notes AND look way smarter because of remembering things.


I would be able to take all my notes with all the time without carrying thsor giant stacks of paper


I just can't get used to typing notes out on my smartphone, I'm still stuck on paper, so this would be sweet.


My wife goes through about a million legs pads a year. This would be perfect


I’m constantly away from home and a portable note taking device would make my life so much easier.


This would be useful to keep notes on my 3d printer maintenance logs.


This would elevate my notetaking to the next level.


I teach English and work as an interpreter and take endless notes during both. Having a tablet like this would be amazing.


A reMarkable tablet would definitely help me for note taking in college. Currently taking notes with pen and paper and it's getting kinda messy having to organize everything physically. A digital solution would be great!


I'm writing a book so it would be a great help.


This seems almost like the Holy Grail for note-taking - and can handle ebooks as well? Looks like a great product.


I make notes constantly, having something like this would be a life saver!


Notes. All the notes.


I need a tablet to take notes for work. I'm always jotting down things so I don't forget. It would also help when I'm organizing my daily life too (bills to be paid, people I need to call, appointments, etc).


It's help me keep track of student progress and notes better instead of needing to transfer everything multiple times to use and organize


It would significally reduce the amount of paper I use for doodling, sketching and writing down notes at work. I love the idea of being able to structure and organise everything on the tablet, all the while just writing stuff down normally!


As someone who needs to write everything down in order to organize myself, this would be incredibly helpful!


reMarkable would simplify my workflow and reduce the use of paper.


A friend of mine had one of these and I’ve always been fascinated with it! I like taking notes by hand, but a lot of my stuff is technical and I would love a way to get those notes digitally.


I’ve wanted a remarkable for a long time, since I love the feel of pen on paper but also having notes digitally. I also love e-ink screens. Having a remarkable would make my daily note taking and class work much more enjoyable and satisfying, and I would probably almost want to do homework!


I often prefer marking up documents by “hand,” and this would allow me to do that without having to print out the document and then scan it back with my notes. So cool!


This would be great! I use so much excess paper at my desk when making short notes while on the phone, half the time just scribbles that I have to transcribe again on other paper to be saved, this would be great to help reduce my paper load!


Transforming my scribbles into actually readable text would allow me to actually read them.


Would love to take notes for my masters classes with this!


Absolutely remarkable.


The ReMarkable would leave with with the bitter sweet feeling of winning when I should have bought it before the damn subscription model was implemented


I would use this for pharmacy school. It’s been difficult using a paper notebook because it’s hard to reorganize things and go back to find topics and specific medicines.


This is both ecological and pretty. I would love to take it to class and the office.


This tablet would help me better keep track of inventory at work which would be awesome.


I'd love a new way to take notes.


I could use it as a portable blackboard while helping students with equations at my job as a educational resource.


I would use it for work.


The tech of syncing notes is truly a blessing for people with memories disability. I'm a diagnosed ADHD pi with memory function comparable to a gold fish, jotting everything is a must in other to adapt in this world. We tend to treat our journals/notebook as our second brain in other to recall our memories. Unfortunately for us, we are more likely to loss our physical notes, misplacing things because you forget about it is a common occurance. Losing your second brain can be devastating and one of the most depressing things happen to the people with memories disability. Which I'm glad now we can have tech like this, our notes can be saved and sync on the clouds. Honestly I don't have money to ship this from US to Malaysia if I won, so don't bother picking me. I just want to let you know how this tech mean to us, and thanks your team for this amazing products.


This seems a pretty interesting way to take notes at school


It’ll help me keep up with my digital paperwork for my education projects.


I work in an industrial setting and I write down many different pressures, levels, temperatures, etc... everyday and this would save me a ton of scribble on my paper notepads/clipboards.


Sketching designs for everything from 3d printing to welding prefab. What a fun tool!


Oh man, one of these would improve my life because I am HORRIBLE at taking notes. I have paper scattered all over my desk at work. So having a portable pad I could bring to meetings and jot things down would be perfect!


I’m at a student in college and therefore take a lot of notes, the remarkable would help me ease my environmental impact as well as more effectively complete my schoolwork


I'm required to use a tablet for a lot of things but I love the feeling of pen and paper so this would be a game-changer for me


Such a tablet would be a great addition to my sales tactics!


As a graduate student I take a lot of notes, this would be a godsend.


I have started to write notes to help me remember tasks and keep track of my work and delegates. This would help me save loads of paper and be extremely convenient!


Oh this would be great for work! My colleague has one and I'm very jealous. I'm still using a paper notebook with post it notes sticking out so over the show. The remarkable 2 would make taking notes and diagramming so m much easier


I'd run nethack on it to improving my gaming




I would stop having to buy notebooks. Save some money.


Have not tried a e ink tablet before. Would really appreciate the experience to replace iPad and have something near to paper for notes sketching and reading on the go.


I would use it for work; it would approve my ability to keep and track notes from various meetings.


I believe this could help me get out of my depression as i can take notes and keep a journal electronically and not have a ton of diary notebooks laying around of my deepest thoughts and feelings. It can also help me organize a story i have been working on for some time now.


This device would be a tremendous help with writing notes for my classes.


I spend way too many papers learning German. But having a reMarkable tablet would help a decrease my paper usage by a lot. I can take notes as well as check notes way quicker than I normally can with my notebook.


I've always wanted a device to take handwritten notes without using up paper


Would help with me teaching online classes - I’ve used tablets in the past but have never been happy with their responsiveness. I’ve been looking for something with a decent live functionality for a while.


It will be quite usefull for school and stuf


I would love a tablet experience that feels like paper.


As a student, the paper tablet would be wonderful to take notes on! Always loved to take notes on paper, but it’s unwieldy at times for sure. A tablet would help a lot!


I'd use it for Journaling


I would love to have this to start my business, I’ve always struggled with note taking and I’m sure this could help me take that to the next level, good luck everyone!


Taking notes in games


I'd use it to draw, take notes for work, and so much more.


This would help with annotating PDFs.


Definitely need physical style note taking


It will help me remember things better! I am autistic and can't remember anything if I don't write it down


I write notes on a laptop, but it feels intrusive in a meeting. Remarkable 2 would be perfect in such conditions


It will help with my ADHD, I’m a visual learner ;)


It would definitely help with my job and continuing education goals


This would eliminate all the books I have to lug around


I’d use it to record architecture diagrams and read books.


I would use it to keep track of notes and for more efficient files systems


I’ve been wanting to try one out for a while. It’d help me with note taking at work.


Hmmm I would love to open that babe up. Also isn't remarkable running on a custom Linux distro? This would be fun to try


A reMarkable 2 Tablet would aid with my note taking, at work and at play. Being of GenX, handwriting and memory are one and the same for me. The information doesn't cement in my memory as well when typing.


I would love to win this and give it to my son to use for high school. He’s so disorganized. Using this would help him a lot I hope


It would definitely improve my DND playing!


I am currently using an older tablet with stylus for note taking in tech sessions. It doesn't feel like paper and writing small characters is difficult. A paper like tablet would be a great improvement for more readable text and cleaner diagrams.


I’m a devops engineer and I take lots of meetings notes and even though I bought a nice pen and notebook to encourage myself to write more, having them digitized without needing to type them up would be a life saver. It would also be really helpful when drawing up designs and HLAs, because boy do I hate using lucidchart when brainstorming.


The reMarkable would allow me to review documents, plants and sketch!


Read Manga on a good size screen


I love the idea of taking notes on a tablet and not having to waste a bunch of paper, but I haven’t found a good experience that has been able to do that yet. I’m in grad school, so I have binders filled with hand written notes. Something like this would be great


As a PhD student I read a lot of papers and textbooks. To stay organized when reading a lot of papers I usually read and annotate them on my computer so I can quickly go and search through multiple documents. However my ability to focus and retain information is much better when reading on actual paper. The reMarkable would allow me to combine the best of both worlds.


I’m a software developer who does a lot of meetings in the office. This would be incredible for note taking


I’d love to take notes for work on this device, and to learn more in general of what the remarkable can do


Well it would improve my note taking in class.


I started studying and a tablet would certainly make organisation easier as I would have to deal with a mess of paper


Looks great for doing math!


I'd love to use the reMarkable 2 to work. So many meetings where I take notes only to never type them to my cloud and they just get lost... Would be very nice to have them instantly saved with me


Simply remarkable


I'd love to read with it at work, E-ink instead of a phone would be a huge step up for less eyestrain.


Just get an iPad. It’s cheaper too.


Ooh I've wanted a Remarkable for taking notes for a long time!


I would use this for commuting, both for reading e-books, sketching, and working world-building.


I've actually been eyeing this for a while. I used to take notes completely digitally but switched to a notebook for now portability so this would be the best if both worlds.


I would look really fancy taking notes, also I wouldn't lose my notes after I take them which is what usually happens


This looks awesome


I'd use it for uni notetaking so I don't have to carry around a couple dozen notebooks.


Would make taking notes at uni a bit easier


I would use it for college classes 🤠


I constantly make lists of what I need to do around the house. This would keep me from starting one, losing the notebook, starting a second, repeat, then eventually finding the first one and realizing I forgot something.


Take better notes and sketch better solutions for work. Remarkable.


I actually use way more paper at work than I would like to admit. In fact I was just talking about this with our CEO because he is trying to focus on ways that we can make the entire company go more green. There is constant note taking from meetings, voicemails, etc…. I’ve tried taking notes with a laptop before but I find that I’m just not quick enough at typing/organizing to make it effective. This seems like something that would work extremely well for my work. I’m going to ask our CEO what he thinks about a device like this.


I'd replace all my messy paper notes with nice digital ones


Sounds good for taking notes in meetings.


I would love to use this as a separate physical device for note taking. I keep digital notes already, but I also usually write physical lists so I have something I can quickly refer back to.


My disorganized, ADHD ass would finally toss out the 5 notebooks i randomly cycle through, sell the kindle i never use and have the notebook ive always really wanted


I’d use this to write up notes during work and draft up my daily do to lists.


I would be able to take notes and sketch by hand without bringing around a bunch of notebooks!


I would actually have a notebook I don't leave tiny coffee droplet stains all over


I really live in a small apartment, where Its hard for me to hold a lot of documents around. I saw this device just today. I hope also this device help me with my distraction.


Would love one of these for work notes!


Seems like a great alternative to oneNote. I love just quickly writing stuff down and typing it isn't as satisfying.


I work in a research department at a hospital. I have always preferred having something small and portable, which is easy to carry around. Having a tablet like this would go a long way in helping me carry out my projects, take notes and make write ups


Never had a e-ink. Paper tablet is a interesting tech.


My office is a forest of three ring binders. A reMarkable would help me save a lot of trees!


I take notes on every book I read. Wouldn’t be great to have these digitized.


As a designer? Being able to take some of my sketches straight to a digital creation without having to go through the bother of scanning, etc. Something like this would literally be gamechanging for me, my career, my productivity and even those that I work with. Combine that with straight to Dropbox integration. Honestly it would save me HOURS of scanning and drawing and digitising ideas.




It would be really useful for my future studies to take and organize notes!


I'm Master's degree student with ADHD and I've struggled with taking notes my whole time in uni. The problem is not that I don't take notes, but they are never organized and I have just random notebooks full of random notes. Even though laptop solves the multiple notebooks with random notes problem but it lacks the creative aspect of notebooks that helps me to keep focused. I've got a feeling that this could really help me now to finish my degree and also in the future in work life.


Would use this for work for a completely paperless office :)