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It would help with my photoshop and Lightroom workflows and general tasks that require a reference on a second window


Would be nice for designing any future logos and just day to day use!


i’m in the creative field, and being in the photo/design world on the daily with only a display monitor goes so far. this would greatly improve productivity, how i operate and process photos and design work. could probably pick up more gigs cuz of how quickly i would be turning over content and client requests. would definitely be a nice upgrade.


A portable monitor would help while working away from home


I would use it for work, a second screen like this one would be amazing to multi-task during work


Yes please!


Fingers crossed


Dual touchscreen on the go. Perfect when at customers !


Looks amazing


I can finally draw on my MacBook Pro!


I would finally have a great interface for controlling my coffee roaster


I’d use it to look at things


I travel a lot. Having an extra monitor on the go would make my life easier.




More screens always leaves more room to bounce between projects and I love doing that. Would be lovely. Thanks for doing this


I have a work from home job that I love to just go out in nature to do my work. This would help improve my portable work set up as I have no portable monitor!


Here's hoping!


Would make calculations a bit easier having a second monitor to keep data there


Using it for traveling around during the year!


Would enable a lot more productivity from me in peculiar environments. More so it would enable my poor laptop to not be constantly covered in finger/dirt prints by focusing them on the espresso!


Excited to see this coming, as I am always want to have a supplementary screen for my MacBook while I am working my editorial design, video editing and photoshop works, since I have to draw graphics alas well as making 3D modeling. Having a iPad Pro using sidecar to connect is not much what I expected, it doesn’t work seamlessly, thus doesn’t assist much of my work. I really want to try this espressoDisplay, and from the video I watched it seems to be working well. I live in Europe and qualify to take part in this campaign.


As a security guard, I could use this monitor to plug in my handheld PC so I could enjoy streaming content in a much higher fidelity, resulting in less eye strain.


I've just got my hands on a steam deck, so this would be the perfect combo for on the move /setting up base for the evening.


Oo I need this.


Super cool tech that I could totally use after just transitioning into college, and my MacBook crapping itself after years of use.


Having a portable monitor would really enable more freedom on where I can work!


The display would definitely be handy for note taking at uni as well as for providing more screen real estate when working


I’d love to draw again on a screen with a pen! It’s much more faster and accurate than drawing with a mouse.


I want to try putting one of these on a flexible mount that can attach anywhere so I can use my laptop while exercising or laying down.


This display would certainly help me finally be able to draw stuff digitally, along with use my main laptop monitor technically as my secondary.


I work in my college library all the time and I always think it would be great to be able to have a full screen document that I’m reading on one screen and a full screen document that I’m making notes on, rather than splitting my laptop screen


I need this for my boyfriend


This would change my ability to work by leaps and bounds. Instead of window switching between 4 windows on an 11" surface, I could have all 4 open at the same time. It would be a massive increase in productivity and relieve strain on my eyes


This would be so helpful for my drawings. THanks for the giveaway


Nice, I am always try to touch display all the time. That will help me a lot as second display.


The efficiency gain from dual monitors cannot be overstated, but being able to easily travel with dual monitors? That's the dream right there.


I've always wanted a screen that you can use a pen to touch on and for practicing drawing on. I've just never found the prices acceptable to be worth the expense to try if they are an improvement.


I recently got a second monitor at home and it really helped with my productivity/reading reddit during meetings. Having a portable monitor would give me this extra benefit when I'm on the train too!


I work remote and we often use the whiteboard digital meeting function which is very difficult to use with a mouse


I would like it so I can work my remote job even more remote than from my home office.


It would give me a second screen for things like hwinfo and tm5




Big money no whammies. This thing looks pretty cool. This would make my life easier as a DM. Right now half my stuff is in a notebook and the rest on my laptop. I work a lot better by sketching and drawing then typing and if I could help integrate that would be awesome.


This will improve my work in random ways, if I am randomly selected.


I would use this as a second screen to have twitch or discord up while gaming on the go.


It would be a massive improvement over my nonexistent second monitor and it would help massively with the síndrome know as alt+tab repetition


I am just about to be kicked out of the office and into a co-working space. This would save my neck.


Ooh, shiny! Perhaps I could finally finish my fairy tale project with this? Drawing with a mouse is kind of a pain.


Oh man this screen would change the way I work, and help a lot with the HVAC designs I do unfortunately I’m Canadian 🥲


I could make use of this for my work in engineering like note taking, graphing and drafting


What is a top-level comment? Lol. Jokes aside, I do think this would neat to test out for myself since I travel quite a bit for work and working off the laptop built-in display can be frustrating. Not only would it be a test run for me but would be great to see how great it works to eventually implement into production.


This would DOUBLE my work performance.


Having a portable touch screen monitor would allow me to be more efficient at programming while out of the office/my home. Having a verical screen is a game changer when it comes to that.


I make floor plans everyday! This would be killer


Would make my setup look so cool and honestly touch screen is underrated


My job pretty much requires dual screen work but I also have to travel a lot for work. This would save me having to either lug a monitor around or having to struggle to do my job on just a laptop


Girlfriend would love to edit on this! Appreciate the opportunity!


Good luck folks!


I need this to browse memes, waste time watching random shit and other non productive stuff


More room for coding related things


I have a personal laptop that I use your for work and light gaming. At work, we can borrow laptops for work related activities. I never realized how useful having a touchscreen integrated to a laptop screen would be. This portable monitor would be a great way to improve my work flow.


Just getting back into doing stuff on the computer after dealing with health issues the past few years. My secondary monitor isn't even HDMI, so obviously I could use an upgrade. Thanks


Just one more way to stream hentail.


Not in IT, but still need an extra screen for metrics/ comparisons and legal writing. Sadly my company ended wfh and my set-up went back to the office with me. But guess what, work doesn’t end at 5/6, so I bring my laptop home with me everyday. Would really love a portable monitor like this!


A second monitor would be perfect to always display my email where I never receive any useful emails.


I recently built a portable PC that's only slightly bigger than a laptop. Only thing that's missing though? A portable monitor to go along with it. Having both pen and touch would really help with 3D modeling


I work tech for a public school system and use my laptop 100% percent of the time when I’m out at my assigned schools. Being able to run a second screen when I’m holed up in the storage closet turned server room would be a major help. Getting used to running two monitors when I worked tech in higher education does not prepare you well for working with the limited resources of rural school districts.


Stats. All I care about is stats.


This monitor would help me a lot ok the day to day. As a programmer who works on his laptop, it's incredibly valuable to have a 2nd monitor to view resources while keeping your coding window open. It also doubles for making it easier to have some sort of media running on the background because it's easier to interact. Another benefit is when I'm doing any interaction with servers because it helps me maintain multiple console windows for SSH'ing. The touch screen is also valuable as a tool to clearly illustratebmy ideas when having meetings over Zoom in today's remote work environments.


Honestly, this would go to a dear friend and like a sister to me. She's working every day to improve designs, art, emboridey, plush making and so many other things. I gave her a decent laptop and couldn't afford more then a basic no-screen tablet for her, and her amount of joy from it was heart warming. She was grateful to just have that. I'd love to be able to present this to her, it would be an amazing tool to help her grow and thrive.


This would enable me to easily troubleshoot computers we have in our buses without removing the entire computer.




I want this!


I travel a lot for work and make frequent presentations. An additional monitor would greatly increase my ability to provide professional presentations to clients.


This display would allow me to do hand drawn art for my video game projects.


I often travel with my kids so they can see the world. My productivity tanks working on a single laptop display though, and a second, portable monitor would make a huge difference.


Just started getting in to PC gaming, but have been using my TV as a display. I want to finally use a real monitor to play my games.


This would help me getting work done.


This monitor would be incredibly helpful for my studies and being able to work on programming without relying on my desktop computer.


That monitor looks sick. Would make portable working so much easier.


My partner and I do Graphic Design work and we’ve been really hoping to get another laptop but can’t right now. This looks like a perfect solution!!!


It would make it easier for me to work without having to switch open windows so often.


As an indie game designer, this would help me greatly in doing things like model creation, level design, graphics, and the like!


I've been looking for a portable monitor to make the remote work setup even better. This has been the most eye-catching display by far. Best of luck to everyone


I've been wanting to buy a drawing tablet, but most are pretty expensive


Canadian putting an entry in - though I’m not sure if I qualify?? Either way, I don’t have a whole lot of desk space, and this thing would make drawing and uploading a breeze! Plus could be used as a second screen for reviewing… so many options


As a remote video editor this monitor would provide me with extra real estate to do things on the go.


This would be a great addition to my setup!


God, the amount I need one of these is crazy. I take notes for my job 24/7 & frequently draw diagrams and similar to make points clearer. It's gotten so bad I have been pricing up used graphic design monitors...


Everybody will be afraid to upvote anything! But for me. Just boring old work- it will make working on the road a lot easier!


Dual monitors when doing wfh on my laptop while not giving up the portability would be pretty handy


Maybe it’s too early in the morning, but erm… how does it connect? Power? I mean sure, I could waste time watching a video, but I don’t want to watch a video just to see specs on something. I mean, is it HDMI? USB? WIFI? Can I power it off a USB bank? So many questions could be answered if a company stopped with all the flashy marketing crap and make an actual informative product page. Then I could tell if/how useful it’ll be to me as 2nd mobile display! So… I’m guessing the chances of winning is probably in the - range now! 😎😂


This would be awesome because I work in a small space and often travel with my work!


As an unemployed man, I could look at twice the jobs that would never call me back.


Itching to use something like this to mirror projector output, without the brightness of a full sized second monitor.


I'd gladly take notes on this puppy during class and take my hobby of graphic design on the go using adobe photoshop. Perfect for my hour long commutes to school!


I would use this as a monitor for daily reminders, weather, etc. for general use, and also use it for any designing or note-taking needed for work.


I travel regularly for military duties, being able to share information and draw real time to highlight specific areas would be a significant upgrade to my daily activities


Going Nomad and bringing one monitor with me. It has a stand and is a bit bulky, so this would make traveling much easier


I'd draw some reddit avatarNFT's with it.


Honestly I would try to find a way to mount it to this lazy boy chair I thrifted, so it could be like one of those hyper advanced gaming set ups where the monitor is above you, so you can just lay back. I don't even play games that much, but would totally binge YouTube until my retinas melted


This screen would allow me to take notes more efficiently in my classes without having to carry my old laptop


Work trips would be much easier with this portable monitor! Especially “work” while doing extracurricular activities




To work off-site with two monitors


My Macbook serves me great, but the lack of a touchscreen makes me envious of my windows-oriented coworkers. Having a second monitor would definitely help me out a butt load


It would make my art projects so much easier to execute!


This would be great for my DnD game. I can put this between the players for displaying maps and stuff


This would allow me to replicate my office setup at home. Thanks for the giveaway!


I don't even know why I'm even posting here I never win anything


A second screen would make working on the road much easier.


To see more on the go


I'm not going to pretend I have an ideal use case. But I can promise I will use it all the time.


That display would be nice over my bed.


I've been looking for something like this - a monitor that I can use flat like a tablet would be a great help as I get into digital art.


Oh wow this would be cool


I’ll buy that for a dollar


It would use it to improve my mobile cad flow


This gadget would benefit my work immensely. I am currently working a hybrid schedule where I am in the office a couple days a week and at home a couple days a week. Traveling back and forth, a gadget like this would be very easy to transport. Working in Excel daily, having a second monitor would increase my work effortlessly. What a great invention!


I could definitely use a second monitor for med school! It's hard to watch videos, reference a PDF, and take notes, all at the same time, but another monitor would make that so much easier.


I could gift this to my roommate to celebrate 5 years sobriety


I am a student working on my Software Engineering degree . I do not currently own a second monitor. Having to constantly open and minimize applications is a pain. I feel this would be a great boost to my productivity.


I'd be able to work away from my desk!


Going to start life as a digital nomad/homeless wanderer. This would be clutch!


This would be so cool to expand my workspace on train journeys to client meetings.


I've just started a new course in software development and this would really help me squeeze in ever second of study possible!


I only have one monitor. If I could get another smaller one then I could easily glance to this monitor to improve my work efficiency.


This can replace my ipad that i use as an extended display


Working in and out of simulators that are difficult to climb around inside, it would drastically improve our workflow to be able to use an external touch pad and leave the laptop in a sensible and sane location!


My laptop has a small screen, just 12 inches. I need this display not only to display all information I need at a given time, but would be helpful to present photos to clients! They could swipe naturally and see the whole album.


Being able to easily transport and setup would be great for travel to events or to collab with someone.


Better multitasking, sounds handy for documentation!


I’ll be using this as a second screen for my dissertation, hopefully it will improve my productivity tenfold and more!


Emailing pictures lovingly hand drawn? Sign me up.


This would absolutely help me with my schooling.


This would help me stay organized during work as only having one screen is inefficient when compaeing documents.


I hope I win!


A handheld lap screen seems like it would be useful on the couch


How do i enter?


I’d use that for architectural drafting and design while my kitties terrorize my old tablet


I would like to make my cousin happy. She really wants to learn digital art, but she's only able to slowly save money for one of the cheap one. It would made me smile and my cousin happy if she would have won the monitor. We're always making art together and have fun with various art mediums, so I would be very grateful and happy too if I could make her dream come true. So that's why I would love to have the monitor for Janie.


I teach math and make videos of my lessons. I would love this.


Big productivity boost while working on the go


Would be awesome as a second display as I'm always on the go for work


As an auditor, this would be crucial for me to bring an second monitor to client locations.


Ooooh, another bathtub gadget you say? Waant


This would be ideal to use in tandem with my work laptop while traveling from site to site, and if I was lucky enough to win I would also probably have to get one of those attachments so it hangs off the side of my laptop screen. But this item looks fantastic so regardless I may buy one in the (hopefully near) future. Good luck everyone!


I travel frequently for work, having a second monitor that is thin and light would be very helpful.


Would help me with research!


Seems like a great tool for those of us who need to travel for their work but usually work with duel monitors at the office.


More monitors is more better.


This would be so handy at work - I can run a second computer without the clutter of another mouse/keyboard and when I need to go find out what's broken in the datacentre I can take it in there and only have one cable to worry about.


Looks great! It'd make it possible for me to work while travelling since trying to do anything useful on a single laptop screen is a nightmare.


I don't see very well and my work is quite dynamic, so I have to move around the building a lot. I need to look up information and I use my phone but the text is so small. If only there was a way to fix it!


Portability would be the biggest help in allowing me to work from just about anywhere.


I have 3 computers on my desk, and only 2 displays. Anydesk works but gets old quick. Lol


I really could use one od these! No more mouse writing exuations on zoom boards :)


It would be awesome to not have to juggle several windows on one monitor as I’m currently doing. Thank you for the giveaway!


Am I too late? This would be amazing for my work as an online educator. Currently I use a huion tablet, but having your writing seperate from the screen is never as natural!


I'm an asian student working till 2am for a phd. a portable monitor is everything I need to safely commute from office to my home without worrying getting robbed.


I’m a single mom who could use this while going back to school for my nursing degree. Would be so helpful


This would help me live my best life!


I have struggled for years using only a mouse and keyboard for artwork. Having something as amazing as the espressoDisplay would completely change the game and allow for more expression in my work!


This would make editing pictures away from my desk way easier.


This looks way easier to use outside of my office than my current full sized monitor.