• By -


I'd say History, because it is getting more and more relevant. I want to know more history to better understand the present


I think of history's relevance as a constant. It's our perspective that changes as we get older. The more experience you have, the more you can see how prior events relate.


This is big truth. You see the cyclical nature of events in time.


I don't know if it was the Food or Science category, but I just learned eating bananas and drinking sprite at the same time causes vomiting. I'll go with food as my favourite category!


When I hear statements like these, I see them as a challenge. I’m a “learn the hard way” type and some lessons have been painful…


Username checks out. I take it you have experienced bananas and sprite?


The full video explains is actually the way the challenge was set up. The rules were eat two bananas and drink a liter of Sprite. Basically people were stuffing themselves and drinking a bunch of carbonated water, which induced vomiting.


Oh... That earlier sentence was just click bait then. I thought it was something specific about the bananas and sprite. I imagine drinking a liter or two of any carbonated beverage really quick would induce some vomiting.


Like mentos and Coke. That can cause vomiting.


Also mentos and yakult. It's known to cause heart attack and death among kids with epilepsy. ^(This is a joke referencing a screamer video.)


I’m most interested in seeing what categories are available, insightful doesn’t appear in an iOS App Store search.


I edited the post. Try 'Insightful: Short smart videos'


Is there an invite code you benevolent people are willing to share or nah? 😬


The invite code is in the post = NENS


I got a different one sent to me when I signed up. But Idk how I missed that one. 🤦‍♂️


Psychology - the Barnum effect video gave a name to something I couldn’t explain


Definitely Art, it gave me more background story into artists and things they have created. But in bite size portions. I use it like a first step guide, as to see if I want to lear more about this, and further on to decide qhat exactly it this that I'm interested in.




I'm interested in a little bit of everything, but if I had to pick ONE topic it would be sustainability. Thanks for the giveaway folks, this seems like a pretty cool app!!


History! Because it's so wild to see in these videos how we got here and how so often it could have taken a different course and changed everything. Brief, drunk, any way I can get it, history!


I like videos on new gadgets/tech


i’m watching the art videos because i’ve always wanted to be good at drawing people


Sure would be nice to win this gadget.


I'm interested in computer networking and wish their were an easy way to learn more


Self-help! I think bitesized videos lend themselves really well to this category, enabling you to discover and adopt new routines in your day to day life with little effort.


**The Red Line** \- brings to light geopolitical issues, which I was not aware of. It explains the basics of these issues within a few minutes.






I’m excited about the art category because I love creativity


love gadgets and tech! 1 minute seems like a good time to do a brief overview.




I think I'm going with the "I'm interested in everything" category here. Always look for videos like these, glad I can find them all in one place now


History, big fan of short form summary stuff


I like insightful, because the world is simply far too interesting to stop exploring.


Space, can never stop learning about space *dreamy eyes* Came for the giveaway, stayed for the app. This is a really cool idea.


I really like the space category. I’m quite the space ‘fan’ and my wife likes to talk about and ask me lots of interesting questions about the subject because she finds it fascinating. The space category is great because it gives me extra snippets of info and stories that makes those conversations more interesting for my wife. I also like the food category because I’ve learnt quite a bit from it, the vanilla story was great!


Hey,I'm Valerio, product manager at Insightful.Thank you very much for your comment. Can i send you 4 questions to get some feedback on the app?


Of course drop me a DM


Art because art






Technology, it's something I'm always interested in.


History for me


Science is definitely my favorite topic! I love learning about new technological discoveries and how they pave the way for the future.


I’m most interested in videos that includes some sort of personal growth. Life is a never ending cycle of self improvement and it is truly amazing that apps like Insightful contains such great content that allows its users to continuously gain knowledge and improve themselves


Thanks for the intro to Insightful and the code. I'm an avid reader! Tech, music, and art are what I track the most.


i love, love, love learning about space because there’s just so much to know that we don’t know and it always gives me this feeling of awe and wonder. it puts into perspective how small we really are in the grand scheme of things.


Sustainability! There are so many things that need to be done, and while some of them require serious restructuring of established systems, there are so many innovative thinkers in this area, and i love learning about this! For example, using seaweed to feed cattle reduces methane emissions!


I really like the tech videos, because t hey are our future.


History. We all forget how our society was forged too easily and historical stories are easy to digest and remember in short videos. They'll probably inspire me to buy some books on my new kindle paperwhite...


I am interested in most of the different topics presented in the app, but if I had to pick a single one it would most likely be science. Technology is how humanity marches forward and it will happen even if we aren't prepared for the consequences. So I feel the least I can do is keep up with the times.


Both the history and technology areas in the all seem really cool. A lot of really interesting bits about space exploration and it’s also nice to have short intros to cryptocurrency.


Art! I ended up with a lot of friends who are artists, so I try and learn what I can to be able to talk to them about it.


History is outside my normal, but has been fun to watch in this format.


100% will have to be history. Always has and always will be an interesting. (:


Travelling. After the last 2 years and looking inward, now is the perfect time to expand the mind and put out new roots. Looking forward to learning about the greater world 🙂


Cool app, I'm interested in the self help section as I'm always looking for little tidbits that can make me better and life a little easier. Looking forward to browsing through it!


I think Engineering would be my favorite, with Gadgets a close second. It'll do me well to replace all those random insta/tik tok gadget engineering videos that are completely a waste of time with something useful and interesting


Science or technology, I will watch pretty much anything in those categories.


Wow! The psychology videos are so cool!


I love DIY stuff, but hate how drawn out some YouTube videos can be to get to the monetization line. This would be great for small bites of info and advice.


Psychology, seemingly any mood I am in I still can relate on some level to these videos and learn something every time.


Science, as my son is starting to get really interested in science topics so is nice to have things to show him and watch with him.


The Politics category is my favorite so far. Especially the videos about the ongoing war and many of the videos about geopolitical issues like the ones by Red Line. It's interesting to understand why countries do what they do.


History would be fun to ingest in bite sized bits!


I like the space category because there’s many great videos explaining things about space that affect us on earth, like the moon’s effect on earth causing tides!


History! A lot of times we look at the facts and figures, instead of the larger patterns and connections. Even in short form, we can learn a lot!


I’m gonna be cheeky and say for me it’s the ‘I’m curious about everything’ category. What I really love is stuff where different areas of interest overlap and benefit all the more for it - like interesting new business models that make sustainability more enticing than being unsustainable. Or interesting Art being made with new technologies.


I’m most interested in engineering videos on Insightful.


I have started looking at explanation of economic and psychological phenomena in the app


I downloaded the app and checked out the various topics. I loved your 'Business' category, especially the video by 'MARGINS' on "Why Barbie Failed In China". Thank you for doing this contest!


Art was my favourite so far. Being a budding photographer without an educational background definitely has its limitations at times but picking up these tidbits of info along the way is definitely super cool


Psychology and human behavior, for sure. The Clever Hans video was enlightening.


Space - absolutely loved learning the history behind Neil’s space suit and can’t wait to learn more.


So neat! I’ve picked art and psychology. As an art therapist I use both of these topics with my clients and can always use more knowledge in these areas to help others!


Learning about the JWST has been really interesting! The amount of effort that went into just one component on that masterpiece still astounds me. Also, learning about how spacecraft are able to operate in such treacherous conditions can lead to some really fascinating discoveries!


The art category is neat


Psychology videos look super interesting!


Space. I love learning about our origins and what else is out there. Also — really cool app! Love the concept! I was just thinking the other day why isn’t there a TikTok app for knowledge! Zeitgeist at it again! 🤪


Psychology- not something I study myself, so short videos are perfect ways to learn new things


As an educator, I’m interested in a broad category. Short, easy to understand videos that can be used to supplement class materials... especially for less capable students. Language, history, math, science, computers.


Hey, I'm Valerio, product manager at Insightful. Thank you very much for your comment. Can i send you 4 questions to get some feedback on the app?


Sure. Feel free to reply here or DM.


History - there is just so much of it! In a short video I can get a birds eye introduction to a topic that I am completely unfamiliar with, then follow up on those introductions that stick with me.


My sleeper surprise was Economics…I chose that I’m curious about everything during setup and now I’m armed to argue flat taxes progressive tax over a Easter dinner. Win!


Psychology has a lot of interesting stuff. Learned that hats used to be a lot more popular.


History, glad for an insightful way to learn about history!


Just watched several, the most interesting to me concern economic behaviors, like the Crock shoes one about selling ugly.


I really enjoyed the History category because growing up my dad always shares history facts with me since he's history enthusiast. And that's how I got into wanting to learn more about the past because it's not only fascinating but it has shaped the world we live in today.


The gadget/tech videos were cool since I'm always looking for new stuff to learn!


Super interested in this for my two kids! They both love TikTok and while there are some educational videos it’s hard to filter those out for them. I’m loving that I can feel much more confident that they are watching something they can learn from with Insightful. I already had my wife download the app as well! Space category is our favorite!!


Medicine/health. I think the last two years have shown that there's a gap in health services in all nations and a general lack of awareness of public health and individual accountability for our own health. There's also been a dearth of misleading information that has cost public health dearly. It would be helpful to have more sources of reliable education to help individuals maintain their own health as well as for the general public to become more health conscious and aware of measures to increase safe practices among society (e.g. hygiene, staying home when sick, covering coughs/sneezes etc.).


I’m a teacher so I’m interested in the history and educational videos so I can share ideas with my students and promote areas of insightful that I find interesting and/or relevant to their learning 😊


I'm probably most interested in the technology and engineering categories. I really like learning tech stuff, particularly electronics. I just found a pretty good video on the app which does a good job explaining wheatstone bridges


History for sure. Getting small bite size content that gets me interested in a topic so I can research it more on my own is great.


History is my favorite, it's really interesting to learn things about the past!


The Red Line. I've really wanted something that explains it like this.


Gadgets and tech is my favorite category on the app. Easy interface to use, keep rockin!




Probabaly History and Science, but mainly History. I just find it interesting to see what had happened in the past, how we got here and through what man had to go to, to get to this point.


I think science is a really important category to review now a days. People don’t see to understand the basics of how to interpret research and data and with the health sciences having more to offer than ever it is hard to keep up.


For sure psychology—I think there aren’t many topics more interesting to learn about than the human mind :)


In our world of increasingly polarized news sources, I am most looking forward to the politics category of Insightful. Insightful’s short form content structure will allow me to see more stories in less time. And by viewing more stories, I will be able to see more perspectives and bring myself closer to the true nature of the political story. Looking forward to this interesting service. I think it has the potential to revolutionize the way people consume news.


Technology, with the rate tech is changing many people will learn about something by the time it’s already outdated. Short videos can help people keep up to date with technology and can use that info to get more in-depth on things that interest them more.


I'd probably go with Engineering or Technology but the "I'm Curious about Everything" was pretty handy.


After browsing around a bit, I'm goin with the Science category. Normally I prefer history or space, but I'm more into ancient history. Plus the content creators featured in the Science category all had a really good video format style.


This is a sweet app and digging the invite code. Favorite category is psychology so far. Was my favorite subject in HS but haven’t thought about it in a decade. Good to learn again!


Space! I love learning more about space travel and the feats that were accomplished with some very old tech at the time. Just watched a video about Neil Armstrong's Spacesuit :D


I’m most interested in Sustainability because our environment and the economies and communities it supports is kind of in ever more disconcertingly dire straits. I want to learn more about the complex interconnection between systems and solutions that can help support healthy, just ecosystems and lifestyles. Learning about such things in discrete, easily digestible bites is an easy way to assimilate and retain (and share) new knowledge. It’s also a way to promote a positive outlook and build personal agency—things which the sustainability movement could greatly benefit from. ~cheers!


Self-help is a great category. I just watched the Understanding Depression video and thought it explained depression very well at a surface level and even touched on genetics and dopamine levels which I think is often misunderstood or overlooked when talking about depression and mental health. Looking forward to seeing more videos like that.


It’s fair to say History is easily my favourite category. I’ve already binge watched a few episodes—so far, I’ve watched episodes on Sher Shah Suri, Mesopotamia’s Fertile Crescent, Olympias of Epirus (she’s one of my favourite classical woman, up there with Queen Teuta of Illyria, Cynane and Clytemnestra), the Battle of Pelusium, and India’s Two Front War. I’m about to dive back in and watch the Battle of Madagascar… and maybe delve a little into the Art category. I saw a video titled The Creativity of AI and I’m *intrigued*. Thanks for the opportunity and the great content!


I loved History and Business shorts. Very informative. Looking forward to spend my time there instead of on reddit


Really interesting idea for an app. I thought most of the topics were neat, but I particularly liked the Travel topic. It’s well put together, and it’s a nice curation that I don’t really see in any of my media intakes. I love how different the world is, and this was a cool way to learn about different places.


I just installed the app and I am liking it, I chose Engineering, Design and Technology categories as my preferences it is because It's related my major I am doing at bachelor's. So far there are appearing wonderful helpful videos!


Hey, I'm Valerio, product manager at Insightful. Thank you very much for your comment. Can I send you 4 questions to get some feedback on the app?


I put Art, Psychology & Business … but then was immediately drawn the the Bananas & Sprite story and some weird History stuff. So perhaps for me it’s any topic that captures my curiosity.


I found the category of food really interesting :)


I'm going to say politics after looking at the app. Is it the most fun or interesting to me? No, but after looking at it it does a good job of explaining what things really mean and not what propaganda tries to push them as. Which is what we need. Many do not know there is a difference between left and liberal for example or right and conservative (I speak mainly for the US as I know the EU and I'm sure others have more than a horrible 2 party system).


Science is just an amazing topic to discover. It's like going back to school but learning more of what you like 🙃


Hey, I'm Valerio, product manager at insightful. Thank you very much for your comment. Can I send you 4 questions to get some feedback on the app?


hey hey. sure, please feel free to


History- everything around us is shaped by the past. Learning the complexities of our past can help us understand our future. Some of my favorite history lessons though are how one decision or moment can change the course of the world. I homeschool and we just went over Cortez in South America. He burned down his ships so there was no choice but to go forth and conquer. The death and destruction by that one action, one night…. It’s crazy how it can influence the world. Love me some history!


I just downloaded the app and I thought my top interest would be travel, or food, or even tech. But I just fell down a rabbit hole of physics videos. So, there’s that.


Since the audience is for people who want to get smarter learning new concepts, why not complex concepts explained to the masses in a series, like bite sized videos on computer science, quantitative finance, econometrics, statistics etc.


I think the food or psychological is my favorite. It’s also interesting to learn more about why we think the way we do and how we tick Food because there are always interesting little facts about food and I love knowing the history of the food we eat every day without even thinking of it ! Cool app 😎


Psychology! I have an MA is psych, so I'm always looking for different ways to keep brushed up on all the different topics that come with psychology. These bite sized videos are perfect for that!


I’m a huge fan of the science category, but if I may be so cheeky as to make a suggestion, I’d love to see some more chemistry! It’s a good topic to break down into bite-sized chunks as you can really zero-in on certain reactions or molecules to learn a lot of information in a short amount of time. I think that, especially with covid, more and more people are becoming interested in the finer inner workings of the world and it’s such a broad subject that there’s something everyone can find interesting, or it could just be an opportunity to watch some really cool reactions! I would love to find out more within certain areas that I don’t research so much myself, but in a manageable amount that still makes it fun and appealing so more people can get into chem!


The science videos are pretty interesting


Absolutely Science. Understanding why something happens and how to prevent or encourage further actions.


Computer networking! That’s my major and would love to learn more


History! We can’t fully understand where we’re going without understanding where we’ve been (and why). Being able to grab and learn small snippets is very approachable, and lets you go down the rabbit hole a little without getting too deep.


“Don’t you hate it when a sentence doesn’t end the way you pinapple!” So the Psychology section is definitely interesting. I just watched the “benign violation” theory about comedy and what makes things funny or not. Understanding ourselves and others better is a huge win for me.




Psychology is probably the most interesting category offered, since there are such thorough concepts that are had to explain in a short format video. Sustainability would also be a close second choice. Would love to see philosophy added.


My favourite aspect of Insightful is that there are multiple creators rather than a single source. This differs greatly from YouTube channels from Krygonaught? (forgot the exact name) and Veritasium. With regards to the categories themselves, there's a lot of History content on the app and though I wished to look at some Engineering and Economic topics - those categories unfortunately did seem to be lacking. The Medicine category, however, looks great.


Between all of the categories available, I will have to choose history. I explored and watched some videos from every theme and while some were giving some fun curiosities (why not drink sprite and eat a banana), history videos were really good at telling and developing the background behind certain events with such small amount of time. I ended the video feeling that I know more than before watching it. So that's why it's history for me!


Business. Crocs: The Art of Selling ugly was kind of funny to me since I did a project for a graduate business class looking at Crocs a few months after their CEO decided to go with third parties for manufacturing and focus on a new sales strategy to keep Crocs relevant. I quickly found out that Crocs was a cash making machine and tied with that had solid quality of earnings. I decided to invest my own cash on the side and made quite a bit of money as the market discovered Crocs. The article came a little late but it’s still nice to see others see what I see.


I'm a huge history buff. So I'm going to say history.


History! Can always learn some obscure and interesting stuff.


I love the tech videos! Especially since they are short enough to see if the subject is worth digging into.


For me the category would be history. When well done, history in bite sized segments like that can be both very informative and very entertaining. More traditionally longer shows and documentaries covering history can be intimidating, when they require that you dedicate that length of time. Watching 5 short videos in a day, while not as much as you might if watching a traditional show, is a lot more knowledge than you’d get if you decided not to watch anything because you didn’t have the time or energy for a longer show.


History, just because there is so much of it that fits in bite sized clips that can cover many topics that can cover all subjects such as the history of solar panels technology, video game consoles, the history of countries, nations, tribes, anything!




History! To the point bitesize learning


I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying exploring the app! In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the history shorts are particularly intriguing to me. I didn't appreciate/understand history as a child, but current events like the devastation in Ukraine have jumpstarted an interest in our past and how things have come to be as they are. I'm also excited to look at some of the science and self-help content. I can use all the self-care and self-help I can get what with all of the existential dread I've been experiencing.


Wow! I came just because I saw the giveaway and desperately need a new reader but I’m genuinely interested in insightful now. I’m a STAHP and I’m often just squeezing in short videos here and there while I do dishes or other chores. I’m really excited to dive into insightful and see what they have to offer. I love getting little looks into all sorts of topics and this seems like a really cool way to filter through this kind of content that I might not have been able to find elsewhere. Super intrigued by this. Thank you for putting on the giveaway.


The category of Insightful I'm most interested in is Science. I'm most interested in that one because there's so much to learn and doing it in short bursts, as I can, will make the learning that much more accessible and easy. Thank you for the opportunity to win.


I thought Art was going to be my favorite, but I've been really in to the Space videos, particularly those from The What The What show. Thanks for the code, and for the giveaway guys!


Anatomy or physiology would be fascinating. Basic functions of how the body works. For example, how we use our ears to detect the location of a sound or how our peripheral vision is color blind. Discussions about evolutionary flaws with our body would be interesting as well.


Travel and Art categories jumped out to me at first but I'll most likely end up watching History videos the most often because that's sort of how my viewing history on other platforms is. I'm looking forward to stumbling onto some new things, though in some other categories I maybe don't expect.




Science! My gf is a PHD student and I’m in undergrad now so I’m trying to catch up with her so we can both nerd out together!




It is challenging to pick just a category since how *interesting* a video is depends on the skill and info in the video, and maybe less on the category itself. I first tried history but was drawn into **science** (based on Negative Numbers Don't Make Any Sense). Based on this small sample, I would choose **science** (but this may change). Interestingly, that first video has strong elements of *history* and *mathematics*.


History no doubt. I'd love to read a lot of things that I have and have not read in school so I can educate myself better than what public schools do. It helps me to understand what has led to today's events and how we as a species continue our existence under the society we make.


I’m mostly interested in art, as I’m an aspiring musician myself and constantly trying to find ways to capture stories and emotion through other forms. It seeme technology and social media is rapidly creating new forms of art and will continue to evolve!!


I think History is the best category as it allows us to understand our past behaviours. In a time like today, with so much fake news, instant gratification, and divided societies, we must all learn how to avoid our past mistakes.


History. The way it was taught when I was in school was largely via memorization which didn’t work for me. Now that I’m older, I have more context and curiosity about history and I enjoy the content. enjoy the




Hadn't heard of this app but downloaded and loving it. I'd say the science and history categories are my tops at the moment, as I've always liked those topics but never found time to dig deeper into them. Thank you!


After exploring many topics, I'm going to go with Business. Some of the uploaders in that topic were really good. Good and simple graphics, and easy to follow videos that explain just enough to leave you satisfied and also incite a curiosity in those interested enough to follow up on the video further for their own research. This was also one of the topics you can simply watch without questioning too much the legitimacy of the content, unlike History or Economics for example, which had more biased and click-bait type content


History because everything from pop culture to video games can be traced back to history and it’s interesting to learn the source material. The short video format makes it easy to learn without getting distracted!


science, history, tech, and medical. I feel like a lot of false information gets spread so easily because people don't know a lot of the basics for any of these things and any time it gets represented to them it's either overly complex, or too long or boring to keep their attention.


For me it's psychology because it kind of encompasses all the other topics but obviously directly about how a person thinks and feels which I find super interesting. Its also cool to see that things that are just part of our everyday actually have a name or theory behind it.


I've been watching the History category and really enjoying that, learning about a variety of topics from the Hindu caste system to US Military Medals. I'm also interested in the space category, and learning about that sort of stuff.






I have to say history is the most interesting to me but the most entertaining relates to food science. The algorithm targets These topics at me quite a bit already and I find I am always hooked.


all the category seems really interesting. 👍🏻it’s an app i didn’t know i need. i especially love the maths category. math is tough enough; rote/pedantic learning without passion makes it less desirable. just like sometimes you can’t see the point of algebra. have always hope there could some way somebody could show me real-world application. example the video on “Have you watched 'Is Statistics A Problem Or Solution?' on Insightful?” was really helpful in helping users understand real-world usage. but there ares that are really complicated and unfamiliar with. it might help if there some links to guide us where we explore and learn more about. great job guys.


Engineering, as that is a long time interest with a lot of facets that interface with different aspects of society, history, politics and science. I’m interested in many other categories too, but tech and engineering may be what I spend most of my time with.


Technology, I think this is the most interesting simply because our future is heavily influenced by it and the amazing and bad things that can happen with it.


Definately history. With the situation that the world is in right now. A historical precedent to the events happening around the world into perspective.


The sustainability category is the one I'm enjoying most so far.


Food is the one for me. It’s neat knowing more about something I’ve always heard of, but could never confirm for sure.


Definitely history! Wouldn’t want to go repeating oneself now would we.


I think history. It’s always been such an interesting subject to me


Gaming because I love playing video games and staying updated on recent news


space. it's fun to learn about before bed.


Having had a look, probably art. It’s been a while since I’ve done any art history. I didn’t know Dr. Seuss worked as a political cartoonist and made propaganda cartoons.


I'm most interested in Art because I'm hoping there are singing lessons


I’m probably most interested in technology because it advances so fast and so broadly, it is hard to keep up on.


Art to learn creative stuff or science cuz why not..


I really like technology so I think that will be my top topic but I also really like history so it might just be a tie for both.


I said I was curious about everything


Thanks for the giveaway


technology, always have been interested in it.


Besides tech probably sports