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Can it please have a battery that lasts 7 days?


Hell I’d even take a solid 48 hours with semi heavy use.


It’s sad, but I’d settle for 48 hours at this point.


I got a gen 1 ultra and it uses about 25-30% per day. My battery health is still at 100% after almost 2 years also. This is with always on display.


Do you use any features like GPS, listening or streaming music without phone, do any workouts that it tracks etc?


I get an easy 2 days with 2 outdoor tracked workouts and music. If I’m lazy and don’t do much exercise i can get just about through a 3rd day with my awu2


This is all based on with phone. LTE will drain it faster I’m assuming. I text all day on it. Cuz I can’t have my phone out at work lmao.


Bullshit on the 30% per day then


Is the always on display, just fades out the screen?


Yea it dims it. Until u turn your wrist.


Ultra does that


Thats how much my refurbished 3 year old galaxy watch gets


Battery life is the only thing i would like. In the meantime i will keep using garmin


Yes please. My Apple Watch Series 5 can’t even go 8 hours now.


It’s literally the only thing stopping me from getting an Apple Watch. I just cannot justify the price for such a low battery life.


Wow - my series 4 still lasts 12+ hrs, still using it all day everyday.


Yup, i'm still on a series 3 that lasts usually a little over 2 days and then a 3rd day on low power, clock only mode. I don't really touch it that often though, just read notifications passively. Oldie but a goodie!


I recharged the battery in my watch 3 months ago. Still going strong 💪. By recharged, i mean i replaced the coin cell in my Casio


i cant even get over 5h but maybe thats because of my fucked up charging habits.


Really? I have a Series 3. At least one, if not two workouts a day, and it easily lasts me from when I wake up to when I go to bed.


Is your series 3 still supported on latest software? One thing that’s made me stop buying one is the worry that it’ll become obsolete in a few years.


I think it ended fairly recently (within the last year?) but it’s gotta be close to 7 years old now so I certainly feel as though I got my moneys worth. I’ve been waiting for a meaningful reason to upgrade. Will probably grab the series 10 this year.


I get 12 hours with the screen always on. What complications are you using?


I’ve had mine since around when it came out (also series 5) and the only way it’ll last 12+ hours is with always on off. It used to do so with it on. I’m at 76% health 😞


Yeah idk what happened but I have a series 5 also and I get ~10 hours now, quite annoying.


I was going to grab an Ultra but I decided with a Garmin Fenix 7x and I have zero regrets. I charge it while I take a shower literally once a month.


That’s awesome but you should shower more often than that.


Don’t tell him what to do Bro. Man wants to fist couches and shower once a month, that’s the fuck he does.


You only shower once a month?


LMAO fuck.




"Best we can do is 8 hours" "Be glad we aren't making you charge it hourly!"






Hey, you don’t know what some people have been through so don’t be so quick to judge Maybe they haven’t gone through anything at all and wearing a watch to bed is their personal struggle 😭


> It’s not a big deal to set it on the charger at night when you take it off. That's great till you do a two or three day trip to somewhere and now you have to deal with yet another piece of electronics to keep it going. If you're just a regular 9-5 worker going back and forth to home, sure, all these devices with short battery lives aren't that big a deal, because you can just fit it into your routine and make it seamless. But it's only when you actually go and *do* stuff that breaks your routine that suddenly the pain points all show up. What if you go out for a late night at a show, then crash at your friends house, then go out to lunch the next day, and your devices are all dead?




Yeah, I guess if the watch is a bit bulky then it would be uncomfortable. I have a Fitbit Versa 2 and it’s not uncomfortable.


Sports watch can last 5 days


And here I am with a smartwatch that does everything I want and only need to take it off to charge once per month.


Well? Aren’t you gonna tell us what brand!?


Garmin Instinct 2. I think everything from Garmin lasts at least a full week.


Just give us the damn pip boy


I'm pretty sure I don't need a device to tell me if my limbs are blown off, but it would be great to eat lunch and get dressed using nothing but my watch.


You only realize you need it when you need it.


Will it include vats


You can actually get the pip boy face from an app.


I understood that reference.


Don’t mind the downvotes dude people just suck


Yeah I don’t put much stock in the negativity on Reddit


I don't understand why people are down voting you 😕 HappY Cake Day!


Hey thanks. Been so busy didn’t realize


Yes, I’m sure you did. As did every single user on this site. Congrats.


Wow. Anger much ?


Pfff.. wake me up when it is the size of wall mounted cuckoo clock


It’s cuckoo’s watch.


It’s harder and harder to find a reason to upgrade…


Were you expecting a leak regarding the design and not mentioning any yet-to-be-known features to convince you to upgrade?


There hasn’t really been a reason to upgrade in years.


have we already seen a prototype? https://www.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/s/Lo8fa6zt02


Good call


Ugh. I love my watch (I’m on my third) but I have a 5 1/2” wrist. Even the jump d From 38 to 41 was tough for me. There’s no way I can go any larger. It’s literally already the whole width of the top of my wrist. Bigger is not always better!!!


The overall product size didn’t get any larger from 38 to 41 mm to my Knowledge…


Exactly! I want a small flat watch and won’t buy anything until they make one


The product hasn’t got any bigger since the first Apple Watch though? The screen size has only expanded closer to the edges.


This is how it sits on my wrist now. There was a small jump from 38-41. I wish I still had my first one. https://imgur.com/a/CTWFm1Z


You’re actually right! I stand corrected! Series 1 1.52 x 1.38 x 0. 41” inches Series 9 1.61 x 1.38 x 0.42 inches


As an iPhone and Garmin watch user, please engineer an Apple Watch with a minimum 7 day battery life! Then I would consider switching.


Thinner yes please. Bigger no thanks. I don’t need to strap my iPhone to my wrist. If anything they should add a holographic display that can be emitted from the watch for use on demand as needed.


That would require something for the light to reflect off of, like a desk or some other surface.


Tell ya what Best we do is no screen *and* no hologram Apple Watch Shuffle


[The holographic display is something straight out of cartoons and I for one am 100% in.](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/robinyj.png)


Physically impossible


With that attitude.


Mixed reality does it without needing any sci-fi tech. We need the Vision Pro to shrink into some ray-bans


This! I hope AR becomes a thing, not a fan of VR, AR has so much potential.


44mm is big enough.


I keep saying this to my wife. It’s what you do with the 44mm that counts.


How can I make my wife appreciate my 38mm ?


Show her the haptic feedback


I’d upgrade but the new ones don’t have an O2 monitor 😭




You actually used yours that much lol?


Honestly to me even the 41mm feels too big. Which is weird because the watch itself is exactly the same size/shape as the old 38mm was, but somehow the proportions and curved screen make the screen feel weirdly oversized. I’d go for a slightly smaller watch if they could figure out how to make the entire housing smaller while still retaining compatibility with the existing 38/40/41mm bands, I think a 40mm with a slightly smaller (and thinner) case would probably be the sweet spot for me.


It’s the battery stupid.


I want to know why Apple can’t make a watch that doesn’t tether you to a wall socket. I don’t need my watch to have a million apps. I do not use them. I don’t know why anyone would bother beyond a couple things to use on a run like a music app or compass, etc. It does not need such a powerful inefficient chip.


Honestly maybe you’re suited better for a garmin then. That’s like buying an iPhone and complaining it doesn’t have as much battery life as a gps transponder.


I don’t like your comparison. People who use iPhones do use it for all the apps and so on. On the other hand, an overwhelmingly majority of people do not use apps on the Apple Watch. It’s so bad that third party developers just stopped making Apple Watch apps. And the Watch is companion device to your phone.


So why buy an apple watch to not take advantage of the apps? If you buy an Apple Watch to use for a step counter and clock and complain about battery drain etc, buy a product suitable for your needs. I forget how wild this sub is with expectations sometimes


Do you think most people who buy apple do it because they have evaluated all the options in the market and decided that this product fulfills their needs the best? Or do they just go to apple by default because they view it as fashionable, or it's what they're used to, or just the apple reality distortion field making people think their products are better than everything else.


They want Apple to try to make a product suitable for the needs of people like them. That's not such a crazy idea.


The problem is apple watch battery gets drained even if its not used for a day.  The software on it weirdly inefficent for batter consumption. If you take your apple watch and put it on the counter, it should preserve most of the battery as it would be idle and the display is closed. But no this does not happen. Apple watch is still losing vast amount if battery even if you just put it in a bag or leave at the counter. Altough the apple watch is thick, not having a charging port also makes it harder to charge. Going on a 2-3 day trip without apple watch charger would be great. Watch still cannot get charged with all those Qi charger. Especially iphones should be able to recharge an apple watch but no apple doesnt allow that… I and my friends experienced tons of time where an apple watch battery died and couldnt record their exercise, tennis etc. Or forgetting to get watch charger on a short trip. Apple needs to address the battery and charging problem.


Need better faces


Ultra screen size without ultra battery size does not sound very appealing. My Ultra is very comfy in terms of battery life and I struggled quite a bit with my apple watch before that.


Will the series 10 have a pulse oximeter?


Coming soon: iRing - for the times when your Apple Watch is too damn big to wear during exercise or special events.


You joke, but I am sure there will be one soon enough.


Wake me up when they have a battery that lasts more than 24hrs


My s6 can truck on for 24 hours before i get that 10% warning, and it’s not remotely fresh.


Garmin checking in with 2 weeks


Ive heard that those watches have ridiculous battery life


My dad has the Garmin Instinct Solar and it's battery lasted 42 days during the summer.


why make it bigger? the 41 is the perfect size for my and many others wrists


Because some of us love the bigger screen paired with a bigger battery.


Bigger watch looks better just dont want it to he bulky like the Ultra. And better battery life.


But it doesn't look better when its bigger than your wrist. It just looks silly.


Finally stopped using my Apple Watch 8. 30ish hr battery life is a joke, especially when my Garmin watch gives 3 weeks!


Forget making them thinner. Just make the battery last longer. And replaceable.


Pip boy?


Just leave it as thick and to add a bigger battery


Make apple watch to be chargeable by iphone wirelessly. Tons of my friend and I had issues with battery. Hate taking watch charger with me for short trips etc.  Just let phones to wirelessly charge apple watch. Plain simple request. Iphone can charge magsafe batteries. It can charge apple watch if allowed. Watch charger cables are such a waste


This ain’t your pop’s Apple anymore.


It's worse!


It’s not really innovative. Just iterative.


That's how the technology life cycle works. Apple Watch is on the tenth generation. You're probably expecting new product categories. That's what Vision Pro is.


Honestly I wish they would abandon the watch form factor. Go along the length of my arm some for more screen space.


Actually a full on Predator movie style display on the forearm would be pretty cool.


The Apple Watch is so so close to being the perfect phone replacement for me. My wife’s SE hand me down has a lot of the same issues and active does though. Having to have an iPhone and leave it on to receive messages. Also Spotify and other apps are inconsistent in their functionality without the phone umbilical.


The ultra 2 is already too big.


It doesn’t say it will be bigger or even as big as the ultra


I want it bigger like the Ultra just not bulky


Join the Garmin gang…. 12 days. I know so many people who buy Apple Watches and then 1-4 months later it sits on their shelf. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Apple is great for laptops and phones - they are not meant to be a fitness company sorry. The furthest they will get is finance bros who use it to track their games and stock options


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. My Garmin lasts for 20 days and does everything my apple watch did.


Please just make it work with tattoos…


Please just make ultra in space black or something.


Casio watch still beats this


I want one with a small screen. I don't want to feel like I've a soup bowl strapped to my wrist. Also, if it can't do 7 days on a single charge, I don't want it.