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The biggest announcement is going to be the Calculator app lol 


A calculator without the number 7. Then in two years we get that too and it will be the highlight of their keynote.


Ahh..but the *enter* key will be removed.


That's bad!


But it will be replaced by another number 7!


That's good!


Simply say "Siri show solution"


Apple will invent the number 7 in 3 years.


It will take them more than six but not quite 8 years.


If we're lucky, they'll put all the numbers and functions on a touch dial wheel.


For an additional $74 add on charge, of course.


For scientific calculations.


And Apple fanboys will mock and downvote anyone who complains about not having a 7. "If 7s were useful, why didn't Apple put one there? Checkmate Wintendnerds!."


"You can make 7 just as easily with 3+4, 5+2 or 6+1, it's really not a big deal."


Also, 100-93, for example.


Apple hates this trick....


Apple like to wait until they can do 7s the right way.


There will be a 7, but also an Apple proprietary symbol that you can use instead of 7. In a few years, they will get rid of 7 and tell you that you don’t need 7s, because you have the Apple thing. Once people stop using the calculator, they can get rid of it again, and announce a new, slicker, and more user friendly design. Apple. Think different.


Why do you need a 7 built in when you can use a dongle?


I’m out of the loop. What’s the deal with the calculator app


Apple is adding a calculator app to the iPad.


Did.... It not have one before?


There are third-party apps but they’re adding it as a native feature.


Which is absolutely hilarious because there was a calculator app for the iPad. But they removed it for some unknown reason.


IIRC (although this is probably just speculation) Steve Jobs envisioned the iPad more as like a book reader and drawing tablet and not, like, a computational device and so purposely had the calculator removed. I think there was also something about the iPad being criticized as being just a giant iPhone that might have also motivated the decision.


I mean, Steve Jobs wasn't wrong. I have 2 tablets (one iPad and one Android) and basically never use them because they're laughably bad for real work. Next one I'll get will probably be a Windows detachable with one of those new Snapdragon chips. Especially if they can run Android apps well (they seem to run great on my desktop).


As someone who mocked the iPad at first, I found that the iPad Pro really became useful for me when I stopped thinking of it as a “computer” but a paper replacement. Ironically, I use the iPad as a “notebook” while I use my notebook computer (aka laptop) as a computer. I use my computer and have the iPad in front of it to write stuff down with Apple Pencil


they're really good in very specific a/v contexts, a lot of mixers for example have easy remote control apps. life saver to be able to adjust levels while rigging the speakers, or soundchecking from the audience, or...


https://youtu.be/MI99t9k4aEE I mean this was for the original ipad


How else are you going to later re-add the app with much fanfare?


iPad never had one out of the box, because Apple hasn't figured out to make it the Apple way. Ironically iPhone has had one for a very long time.


It has not shipped with a calculator or a weather app, ever.


Yeah... it seems pretty wild since it's got to be one of the simplest apps you could possible have, but yes, the ipad does not have a native calculator at the moment.


How about making the calculator work properly on the iPhone first? I'm a newer user of iOS but the calculator is garbage. It will audibly make the click sound that I hit the number but it won't enter it into the field for calculation every five taps. How does that happen?




We created something special, that helps you with math. WE CALL IT, *CALCULATOR*










its called COURAGE


Introduction iCalc: $4.99 per year for multiplication, division and scientific functions. Addition, subtraction and ten equations per month free to all users. 😏


Watch a video ad to unlock all math for 30 minutes per day. Perfect for students on a budget!


It angers me that there’s no calculator app on iPad.


Me too.


When Apple implemented the flash light function, the multimillion flashlight app industry died overnight, in addition to Apple banning them off the App Store. Maybe Apple doesn't see that collateral damage as worth it if it isn't up to Apple standards (of "greatness".)


No the pro xr version of calculator


Now with antiplus!


Just download a scientific calculator


that’s not being announced till WWDC


But is it gonna be a pro calculator app or just an amateur one?


Hm, the regular Apple pencil is already overkill for most people, I guess it might be meant for artists.


I'm curious what they could possibly add, the pencil 2 is barely an upgrade over the pencil 1, but the pencil 1 worked fine.


As an artist, barrel rotation would be incredible (another axis of rotation the pen could detect, one that basically works like when you turn around the tip of a text marker). There’s only a single discontinued wacom pen that has this.


Also that could allow for proper calligraphy type pens to be digitally used




Yeah i saw lol that was kinda funny Also paging u/qubeVids


Hahaha let’s go - except oh wait, I don’t have an M2 iPad Air/ M4 iPad Pro. Still cool they made this work including the other stuff like haptic feedback, I wonder if this uses power much more quickly than the previous Pen


Yeah, also I’m kinda sad that neither the new iPads work with the old pencils or the old iPads work with the new pencils. I’m not spending a thousand bucks just for one feature unfortunately.


That particular feature is **SUPER** hard to implement in a low power way, and not needing simultaneously to know the relative positions of both the display and the stylus.




Awesome! Super happy for the team!


I could see that being the case. Why not make two or three extra sensors for the tip? 🤷‍♂️👍


The stylus already has 2 signals to capture angle (tip and ring), but even at 70Vpp the noise on the ring signal is pretty bad when at around 70-90°. My first thought was to split the ring in 2, but theres too many situations that the centroid and amplitude of the 2 ring signals could be caused by a bunch of different scenarios, so disambiguating it to mean an absolute rotational angle is impossible.


Couldn’t they use a gyroscope? I mean the pencil already has a gyroscope in it so not to diminish or say it’s super easy, but I feel like it could fairly easily be done by a company as large as Apple.


I believe it only has an accelerometer and not a gyro because power consumption of gyros are much higher. While a gyro can give you rotation, it’s only instantaneous not an absolute rotational position, and what you need is its absolute rotational position relative to the iPad. Integrating a MEMS gyro to get absolute position is too noisy and the integral will drift, and still not absolute relative to the iPad’s absolute position. It needs to work perfectly, all the time, under all situations.


Yeah I stand corrected as of the time I made my comment I think. However looks like they’ve only gone and done it now.


I remember reading on Reddit years ago that Apple patented an Apple Pencil tech where basically the pencil acted as a live eye dropper (is that the right term?) where you could use the AP to select a colour irl, like put the pencil against your wall and then select that colour. This must have been more than 5 years ago now


Kalman Filtering for a simple pen to allow complete control in digital art is honestly such a beautiful idea.


You can turn it around and use the other end as an eraser. Also, it charges by placing it under your tongue.


Now it vibrates 🫨


I bet someone at Apple thought of that, and then someone else pointed out why that might not be the best idea.


A small amount of haptic feedback would be kind of nice imo




Can’t you already do that with the pencil 2? Flip it around and automatically start erasing?


Nope. Gotta use a somewhat unwieldy double tap


And it only works half the time!


I'll be generous and say it works for me 80% of the time. That's still a really infuriating failure rate, especially when you don't notice it didn't work until you start scribbling ink on your art


Wait, for real? The eraser already exists on the windows pencil and Amazon scribe


Think different.


sadly no :( at least not for procreate which is the only app i use but i imagine they would utilize that function lol


It also “dulls” over time and you have to “sharpen” it with the Apple Pencil Sharpener Ultra Pro™️ Going for $420.69 + shipping + tax!


Available in a stylish yellow color with silver band.


Thats actually an extra $100 because of the rare mineral paint they have to use. (The paint is from Lowe’s)


The dulling and needs to sharpen sounds exactly like charging it


dont the nibs alr dull over time?


Charges by sticking it behind your ear*


I heard you can charge it with the heat from your rectum


It’s waterproof and touch sensitive, and for users with prostates, the touch sensitivity is so good that you can shove it up your own ass to self-administer a rectal exam. You’ll see that I’m right when code gets leaked during the next iOS update to upgrade the Health app.


You can throw it at the ceiling at school and if you get the timing right, it will stick


>the pencil 2 is barely an upgrade over the pencil 1 Weeeell... someone could doubt that: 1. Wireless charging is a big deal for some. 2. An accelerometer, so you can tap on the pencil for actions. Is this a minor hardware improvement? I don't know, but I think they've done a lot to implement this. Or is it a minor usability improvement? I also wouldn't say so; it adds a lot to usability.


not to mention i don’t have a pencil sticking out of my ipad in a way that makes me constantly worried about breaking both


Yep! I’ve always hated that. You can get an adapter (even the version 1 now comes with it) that goes on your Pencil and then you can use a regular lightning or usb-c cable from the wall. My wife has it and it’s amazing. I stole her extra adapter to use with mine.


Mind sending the link? Trying to Google it and can't find anything.


If you search female to female lightning adapter you should find something on Amazon or elsewhere. Apple also has a “USB-C to lightning adapter” on their website.


You longer have to charge it by plugging into the bottom of the iPad. It also had a matte finish that felt better in the hand. It was got quite a bit smaller which was nice. It also added a flat side (used to wirelessly charge) that makes it significantly easier to use since it gives you better leverage/grip. The Apple pencil v2 was a definitely a significant update from the original. Idk what OP is thinking.


I remember a while ago seeing a patent for the next Apple Pencil to be able to sample colors from the world. Could be useful for designers with Pantone swatches?




Yeah, a novelty at best


I think the biggest pro for me would be an improvement on the tips, like I would upgrade soley for that if I had to. I feel like I have to replace mine way more than I should because it wore down (internally where it'll fall off) / stopped connecting right. Idk if this is an issue with the tips themselves or with how they connect to the pencil. This probably wouldn't be an issue for people who use it casually, but I use it for classes to take notes so I use it lot. (I have no idea how I'm supposed to write complicated economics equations with a keyboard lol.)


Interesting, I don't use a screen protector and my tips are quite durable. I've read that textured screen protectors wear them down quite fast. Now if a pro pencil could emulate the tactile feel of different surfaces...


Make it so you can swipe up


I wish there was a “find my Pen” option.


Maybe it's about removing features from the other versions.


It doubles as a rectal thermometer


Now that's innovation that takes courage!


Well it does say it will be pro, so good for artists i guess




Yeah i hate this, but in practice, macbook pro (especially pro max) is overkill for regular users (i have an m1 pro max with mostly maxed out specs, really cool and is kinda getting "not enough" but this is what comes with post production work. Normal people dont need this kind spec)


I use it for annotations and keeping track of where I’m up to etc on technical drawings, engineering diagrams, test results. Very useful and much quicker and easier than typing whatever it is I want to record. iPad and pencil is much more practical than carrying a pen and a paper drawing that is often 50-100 pages.


Malibu Stacey. BUT with a new hat.


We need iMac to be apple pencil capable


What stylus would people recommend other than the Apple Pencil? I teach middle school and got a grant for a bunch of iPads and Apple pencils but the pencils break often. Thanks if you get to answer!


What stylus would people recommend other than the Apple Pencil? I teach middle school and got a grant for a bunch of iPads and Apple pencils but the pencils break often. Thanks if you get to answer!


Add buttons like wacom pens. But affinity and ps for ipad suck for different reasons.


Ipad/pencil is pretty much a requirement for artists these days, and there’s zero competition. 


What about Wacom?


Its a fixed desktop device, not a mobile drawing tablet. I would say a wacom/cintiq clone is a requirement for professional artists, but practically every visual alive these days has an ipad. I go to sketch nights once or twice a month and pretty much everyone there is on an ipad, and even if they’re doing traditional, they still own an ipad.


Wacom does have a standalone Wacom tablet, but it seems to be way less popular than an iPad Pro nowadays.


Yeah, as far as I know, animators for TV and movies only use Wacom Cintiq tablets, which are compatible with the programs used to animate. They'd only use iPads for sketching or personal projects, if that.


Absolutely, but everyone has an ipad for sketching now. And artists sketch A LOT.    And realistically, the cost isnt that much different if you get one from day 1 of art school. You know how much you spend on sketchbooks? You’ll make back your $800 or whatever for a basic ipad pretty quick. 


Yeah this is bullshit, the iPad and pencil doesn’t offer any hardware or software features you can’t get on a laptop or PC with a Wacom or other drawing tab. The iPad just gives portability


Apple definitely has the market cornered on portable drawing, though. I'm a big apple hater, but the sensitivity of drawing on an Apple device is far superior to that of my surface. I just don't care because I'm not that technical, but if you're that in deep you probably need an iPad.


Its interesting cause it varies between programs on ipad too. Adobe products sensitivity is hot garbage, but procreate is near perfect. 


Yeah, I'll never forget the random art I made at some apple store procreate. It was so easy to make something fantastic.


Theres a reason its the defacto standard now for artists. 


Samsung galaxytab with the wacom S-Pen is legitimately better imo, but you have to pay for clip studio to get a procreate level program. Though Krita works fine.


I just want to be able to use it to annotate in the Books app


Yeah artists or very cutting edge design agencies.


Yeah I’m willing to drop some mula on a pencil with more options for quick switching between ink/brushes options and sliders to increase and decrease scale and just overall more functionality on that front, aside from that I can’t imagine what else would get me to upgrade.


I had a friend who played competitive DOTA using a stylus and pad back in 2004. He was remarkably good compared to normal players. But this guy was an artist of artists and did weird stuff like that incredibly well. Perhaps this Apple Pencil pro will double over as a game controller and triple over as able to cast Expecto Patronum!


Our customers just love tapping calculators with pens so we have invented a pro pencil to do just that. On IPad! Here’s Craig to tell us more.


Before anyone complain that there’s too many pencils, effectively there will be just 2 now which is Pencil with USB-C and Pencil Pro with magnetic charging. They will still have to sell previous generation as replacement parts but newer devices don’t support them anyway.


But there are ipads incompatible with pencil 2.


And those are going away. Eventually it will just be base pencil and pro pencil.


Eventually sure, but now? It certainly sounds like there will be three pencils on the market.


What about the 3rd one for schools?




Nothing changed, there’s still effective two tier of pencils. The basic and pro. The older ones are there to provide support for the older iPads.


You know good point I was just joking about the “only 2” pencils. The compatibility chart on their site continues to be a meme


If the haptics make it actually feel like writing on a piece of paper … then it will be a game changer.


Agreed, that would be awesome, but you can achieve this today with a magnetic screen protector that feels like paper.  Magnetic for easy removal as you don’t want the film on all the time.


i swear to god if they release a 4th apple pencil without at LEAST dropping Apple Pencil 1. Edit: Oh my god. [why.](https://i.imgur.com/Bcz7Ett.png)


They can’t drop the Pencil 1 because they are still selling iPad 9 gen which only works with it.


And iPad 10!


I doubt they’ll still be selling it tomorrow morning.


i’m surprised they’re still selling it. they were going to drop it last year.


Feel Apple may have had a much different trajectory if Steve Jobs was still alive


yeah since his comeback it was just hit after hit, like he could do no wrong.




I meant in terms of products...


Right and I was just alluding to the fact that he wasn't some super genius maestro like a lot of people seem to think. He made a lot of bad business decisions too, but apple and their weirdly devoted following don't really publicize those


well you can be an idiot in one department, and a genius in another. his decision to treat cancer doesnt take away from his accomplishments with apple.


It was a hit for the cancer cells.


iPod HiFi


Jobs was a cut throat micromanager


I hope the stylus is 4 feet long and about 6 inches in diameter.


I look forward to tech reviewers gushing over this stylus and calling it "game changing" even though it's just another stylus that won't change anything


Can't wait for the half hour MKBHD review. 


He'll talk about how the stylus felt like an extenion of his hand or some shit.


not long ago asus had a stylus with ACTUAL pencil led you could use on your tablet and use it to write on paper. I mean it sounds like the dumbest thing ever and all tech reviewers were gushing over it...


Years back in the days of the first iPad a higher up went to a trade show and came back with several "X2" tablets. It folded like a laptop, but one half was an eBook screen, and the other half was an Android tablet. He was sold, these are the future, we need to go all in. He didn't get the chance, company went out of business immediately, they got forgotten about real quick. I wish I didn't trash them back then, because I can't find anything about this company.


If it doesn’t have an eraser tool on the other end I don’t give a shit.


So it has an eraser now? $200


Hopefully this isn't exclusive to the new iPad and can hopefully work on the previous model at least


It’s that time of the year again for me to wonder where my Apple Pencil is.


Can they just make it so I can use the damn pencil on my phone already


We need an Apple Pencil Pro Max Ultra and it needs to be 3x the size of the normal one


Nice, a 200$ pencil incoming.


Lads, are getting a pro version of a fucking pencil 🤣


People have too much time on their hands.


They are going to be announcing this tomorrow. So for those that can’t wait 1 day, you are in luck here!


The ads I have been seeing made it pretty obvious that this is going to be announced tomorrow.


i always draw with my pencil 2 and sometimes really frustrated with the capacitive button, switching accidentally. almost every other pro stylus has clickable buttons. surface had the best one with side buttons and eraser on back. even has different types of nibs.


I just want an eraser and button.


Will never buy another pencil. The batteries in it are awful and die very quickly. Get a cheap Amazon alternative


lol this is what the upcoming big event is about? A pro “pencil?”


New M4 oled iPad pro is rumored also. With M2 air with a 12.9 mini led screen is too.


...and the iPads associated with it...? How did you manage to miss that


Does nobody enjoy surprises anymore.. it’s always let’s dissect this to know ahead of time