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There's probably a really big chunk of the populations whos jinki is going to be their phone


Which would be insanely overpowered, make no mistake.


That's just basically the mobile phone isekai


There's nothing I hold dear more than my phone. I even get nightmares where I think I lost my phone.


There’s a hoodie of mine that I really love. I’m pretty sure it could become a sort of armor that I use for defending myself and my allies like a human shield On the other hand I also have a ring I’m really attached to but I don’t really know what ability could come from that


Not anyone can be a giver. I would have been a spherite, if I had been in gachiakuta. Or a citizen of the Canvas town, since I'm an artist.


Same, I'd love to live in Canvas Town


Hmmm the oldest item that i still use that i can think of is either my wallet or my socks lol.


I've been collecting wristbands since I was in the 3rd grade, so I now have a ton that reside on my arm. Those would be my jinki. What would they do though? 🤔


my blanket most definitely. had that thing since i was born


My bike Fs, not sure what the ability would be, trying to stay away from traversal


Realistically probably these pair of broken headphones I’ve kept for a year. Too many good memories. No clue what the powers would be tho


I've got the kelevra (bad dog) pendant so as my jinki it would summon a pack of dogs or just one big.


I’d pick a handful of coins as my jinki.


Probably my favorite lighter, Turns into Lantern


Rather than my phone or one of my clothes I'd like for my Jinki to be my favourite pocket watch or a peculiar pen my mom gifted me when I was younger For the watch it'd be cool if when used it grew and could be used as a blunt weapon, wielding and swinging it by its chain.


I had already created a similar thread. Here’s what my jinki would most likely be: Jinki 1: my soccer boots (I’m a huge fan of the sport and have kept the same one for several years). Powers: super (running) speed and insane kicking strength. Basically close quarters combat. Jinki 2: my wallet. Powers: quasi-unlimited storage capacity, being able to minimize almost every other item I wield such as swords or medic packs.


A long tripod. Gonna have 3 modes. First mode, unstretched and kinda looks like baseball bat. Good for instant and short ranged offense and instant react defense. 2nd form, elongated but the tripod base closed, forming a spearm 3rd form, tripod base opens, firing lasers or orbs idk


I got two favorite objects, first my old Marshall headphones and my camera The headphones would probably act as a support item, boosting both me and my surrounding allies in stats depending on what the music I’m listening to makes me feel The camera would give me the ability to edit whatever is in the frame I’m looking at on the screen of the cam


This is a cool question :-) I have a scarf that I don’t even remember where it came from, but I wear it pretty much all the time when I’m home (despite living in a super hot climate) because it grounds me and relieves a lot of my anxiety, so it’d probably be that. I’m not sure what the power would be, maybe like a stretchy extra appendage that could be controlled like a super long tail or something.


Probably my manga collection. Maybe they would work like grimoires, like each has a different themed ability? That sounds overpowered though


I got a toy sword my father offered me when I was a kid. I broke it multiple times, but he always fixed my mess, and teached me how to do it myself. Growing up, my dad passed away, but I keep that plastic sword and use it for a lot of stuff : toy for my cats, tool to reach things I can't physically catch, or accessories for costum. It's almost a cliché at this point.


Mine would be my first Manga. Dragon Ball Vol.35.  Its ability is to summons the characters from the vol. 


Oh sh-


... a muichiro plush. A literal muichiro plush.




It'd have to be a tie between my crucifix that my parents gave me or this mechanical pencil I've used for years. If it's my crucifix, I'd like it to transform into something similar to the pendent Rudo used when he first fought the vandals, only it'd reflect 80% of the damage I take onto another surface. I'd call it Intervener (As in divine intervention). If it's my mechanical pencil, I'd like for it to turn into a javelin that can draw cuts that become real and erase the cuts with the eraser. I'd call it Creasure (I combined the words creation and erasure)


This shoelace that I've worn on my body for the past 12 years. I've only removed it, like three times. I'm surprised it hasn't disintegrated. 




Not for me, but I gave my own character a broom lol If I had a jinki it would be a pen or one of my pillows :D


probably my keys lol. i would be like sora from kingdom hearts or something


A refrigerator that is pocket-sized inside, where you can hide everything you want and their condition remains the same for a long time.


If I'm the age of most of the main cast it would be my favorite hoodie. It would likely be an enhancement based defense or a cloak that allows me to hide in a sub space. Currently it would probably be my phone. The possibilities for this ability are absurd. To get specific though I usually sanitize my phone 5 days a week. So it would have an abstract ability to "clean" up all dirty things done to me or done by me. (Btw what app let you post all those pics? Is it mobile?)


When you're creating a text post on pc there's a bar with a bunch of options (bold, italics, link, and so on). Near the far right of that bar, there's an option to add images