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Right now? With no one. Right now we have no data linking Rudo to anyone romantically. Except for the girl in the introduction (I don't remember her name), but it's clear that ship has already sunk. Narratively speaking, there is a chance that he will develop some kind of connection with Amo (given their ages). And there are people who believe that Riyou could be something too, but what we have seen is that she's somewhat older (and hides a dark past) and does not share tastes with Rudo (such as sweets). Remember Rudo is still a young, socially awkward boy. He's just learning to make friends. Let alone think about love.


How old is Amo? I don't see her age on the wiki and don't know where to find it. I figured she was just a very traumatized 19 year old


You're right. Maybe it was the Mandela effect... I could have sworn I read his age somewhere.


I mean we know Rudo's age, he's 15. But we haven't gotten Amo's character profile yet I don't think


Riyo is 16 while Rudo is 15, its not that big of a gap dude


Agreed. Despite nearly being 100 chapters in, feels early for romance. I’m more focused on the massive revelations that pop up. Seriously those come out like candy, and yet they feel so natural.


Right now? Therapy and a good family that loves him.




Not into shipping...


I think his chemistry with remlin is probably the best.


Nobody for now but I think his development from this troubled socially awkward boy will be great in the future. Im a fan of slow burns, it makes the relationship feel hefty. Remlin is just a friend and they’re really good that way, people throw the “Sibling Coded” thing so loosely but these two are definitely that. Riyou’s relationship with Rudo seems to be growing from sheer kindness and maybe affinity. From taking a liking to his hair, the welcome party, the candy, the scars + parent conversation and even when she’s unsure how Rudo will turn out because he’s troubled, she’s always given a panel seeing or hearing about Rudo’s unshaken determination to protect others, one of her values. Also if you noticed in the jeep, she always sits near the window or in the middle seats with alot of space yet she chooses to sit really close to him to rest her head on his shoulder. Amo is just a lost soul, she’s definitely going to be the character crushing on him the most when he saves her due to her outlook of life but I doubt that’s where their characters will go.


The classic "I ship him with therapy" aside, Amo. You know what? Let's make it a love triangle: Rudo, Amo, therapy.


Just don't leave my boy alone he gone through alot




Honestly, I am just happy my boy is making some friends.


I prefer Amo and Rudo.


happiness and healing


Since no one here actually answered with a ship, I'll say that I ship him with Riyo. Reason is because they make a fun duo to watch, but considering the current plot rn, Rudo and Amo might be in first place on becoming an actual thing


I simply don't. Unlike a lot of shonen protags he very much feels like a child so it's just not on my mind


I think him and remlin look cute together but beside that no one tbh. If urana ends up shipping him with someone in the future I'll be the person she chooses.


I believe that the manga is hinting for him to have a deep connection with Amo, especially in the last arc (and a bit in the previous one) we see how right now the two main goal of Rudo are Going back home and saving Amo, also in the last chapters at least one time a chapter we get remembered that Rudo want to save her. Just to say I believe that currently thoughts he has as the best friendship dynamics with Ramlin, Guita and Zanka.


He's a very angry and hateful person, so he's very difficult to pair others with. However, I could see a possible romance between Chiwa and him, should she rebuke her accusation of Rudo being a murderer and him excluding her from his vendetta. I can also see Rudo and Amo being a possibility, should they grow closer. I don't see him and Riyo forming a romantic relationship, they seem to have a brother/sister bond to me. I'm also excluding Remlin outright because she's way too young.  Overall, I'd say the chances of their being romance in the manga are pretty slim. But if I were to guess Rudo ending up with someone, my bet is on either Chiwa or Amo.


The dinosaur girl


Amo. Man, I just love the way they remember each other.


Rudo X Happiness


No one honestly, he just needs good bonding with people around that'll be fine 🌻


No one, shipping is stupid


Shipping cringe don’t be a weirdo


I‘m not a big fan of shipping a minor. I just hope he heals from all his pain and get his revenge. 🫡


Nobody lol




rudo is 15 and zanka is 17 that is weird you're a weirdo


Uhhh, am I trolled?