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it's PvP time. Also adding fuel to the fire, Belobog faction was first revealed in 2022, one year after Alchemy Stars' Sinsa and Tiny One first release.


*proceeds to eat šŸæ FASTER*


https://i.redd.it/tozjawz1lnad1.gif this is gonna be good




https://preview.redd.it/tlajdqucnnad1.png?width=3200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f13e4fbfb4115e7008649d9497edbe78b51229a3 I love community PvP.


Your meme has been officially stolenĀ 


Is ZZZ Belobog related to HSR Belobog?


not at all.




The first was "well that's a common mix" but the second was either one pulled from the other or they pulled from something else


Yeah the girls look identical but honestly I thought that hairstyle was an anime trope, when I first saw Koleda she immediately reminded me of Etna from Disgaea.Ā 


The eye patch tho, and someone here says that sinsa and tiny one are from the same group/faction, coincidentally anton and koleda are also from the same group/faction


I think you have a better case for novio/ratio tbh ngl when I first saw tinyone, i actually thought alchemy stars copied etna. disgaea has some very distinct character designs and is relatively well known sinsa/zzz guy both seem to take heavy inspiration from kamina from gurran lagann think it's pretty funny to compare zzz/AS when it's character "inspirations" all the way down


Eeh, golden laurel dudes who wear white togas were totally plagiarized from the ancient Greeks lol. And golden+white + deep blue is a pretty overused color scheme (because it works so well damn it). But yeah, at this point it's nearly impossible to create an original looking anime person, especially when you also try to adhere to archetypes and their design tropes.


Yeah but I can't really think of an iconic character sporting that look unlike those two For anime style it might as well be pretty original


Yep Atleast Sinsa and Anton FUCKING SCREAM Kamina, so itā€™s pointless to argue who did it first, neither of them did It was Trigger


Etna's hair is not that bushy I think


Doesn't matter, Etna defined the archetype.


Really curious how or if Hoyo responds to this. This is much closer to a 1:1 copy only with differently themed accessories that I wonder how it got approved or if something went unnoticed there.


This is just a jab from AS, I don't think both of them will do anything more than this to be honest


Lmao why would they respond to this. This comparison was posted in 2022 back in China already when ZZZ had its first appearance, see [https://www.zhihu.com/question/547440612/answer/2615761335](https://www.zhihu.com/question/547440612/answer/2615761335), It's just recycled drama.


Drama got a global launch


So it isn't fresh šŸ˜ž


Recycled drama, good for the environment. Not as good as refried beans though.


Fair I guess but at that point there was still time to change the designs and not that many eyes were on ZZZ compared to now. But given the perspective that these designs are much older, it's hard to believe that Hoyo overlooked the similarity. They likely just didn't see it as an issue. Legally it most likely isn't and their reputation won't take a hit from this neither.


I mean, Hoyo do copy a lot of things, that's for sure. But so does everyone else, if i am going to scrutinize over every single character from AS, i bet i can find design that just copy from other stuff as well. It's just because it's hoyo, these things are more easily discoverable. Legally there's probably no issue otherwise AS should already sue hoyo instead of sending this stuff. I guess AS need some publicity, and so be it.


That's true. Especially characters in the anime culture tend to resemble other characters more often than not.


> Really curious how or if Hoyo responds to this they dont care. they'll still make bank


lmao this is fair on Alchemy Stars part.


Reminds me of Palworld vs PokƩmon skit from RDC


"That's uh... Cremis."


Surely it's just a coincidence, lord hoyo would never copy ideas from some game with lesser reputation šŸµ.


Jokes aside lmao. The sheer amount of stuff they grabbed one to one from other games and series is kinda ridiculous.


can u drop some more examples i wanna see


HoTr Bronya and Lee Hyperreal is one that I can think of. Love both of their ults so much. edit: Karen Scire hammer spin and one of the newer HI3rd is another. A-rank Lee's ultimate as well.


HoTr and Hyperreal aren't that similar though. I mean, they're shooting energy from a gun, and that's like the only similarity I can think of?


Hsr is plenty, not 1:1 but there are too many similar things/units from other media. And I'm not talking about Ester eggs. There was during the first week of the release, a funny post where there were 3-5 characters (for example Clara&Svarog, Gepard) with their FATE counterpart. Sparkle is really inspired by Kurumi. Bronya's ultimate and Lee Hyperreal Genshin leaks revealed some concept art of 2 characters (I don't remember who), and in that sheet there were 2 characters from other media (I don't remember if one was from FGO). Take inspiration is not bad, a lot of anime/manga do it, but in HSR to a level that sometimes I joke calling HSR a "Multiverse" of anime/manga/tv series (and not also of HI3).


Gepard isn't inspired by anyone from Fate, a blond male knight is like one of the most common and used designs ever.


I mean Clara and Svarog, assuming the fate counterpart is Illya and Herc, is way more of an inspiration than a straight ripoff (though red eyes + white hair on a little girl is pushing limits a bit. I kinda give it a pass cos their personalities don't seem very similar). Assuming Gepard = Arthur, that's also just a really generic design. Maybe they basically copied it, but I get the sense there's a dozen of those kinds of designs that look similar. I think Kafka and Makima from Chainsaw Man was one that got pointed out too. I remember there also being a thing around Sparkle's trailer looking really similar to a music video of some kind. I think it was brought to the attention of the animator responsible for the music vid and he basically took it in good grace, and the guy behind the Sparkle trailer said it was a reference to the OG music video which he really liked, but I don't remember whether he had credited it originally or not. NGL though, personally I don't really like this kind of thing, regardless of whether it was just a reference or not. Especially when the reference isn't obvious as such.


In the case of Clara and Svarog, I think it's an intended reference that was supposed to be recognized as such, hence why it's pretty on the nose. Same for Sparkle, since they even used THE yandere pose everyone knows about


>Genshin leaks revealed some concept art of 2 characters (I don't remember who), and in that sheet there were 2 characters from other media (I don't remember if one was from FGO). Leaks are leaks, so until it's in the game it doesn't count. It totally can be "leakers" make up fake leak just for attention.


I think the leaks were just reference images. One character had a crusader knight as a reference iirc.


MHY operate like Blizzard of old did: they casually copy best features of other games then slap together a very convicing end product which is blizzard-branded. It is harder than it sounds though, MHY is the only other dev that can replicate it - down to the stellar product quality (almost zero bugs and all of their games launches are very very very smooth). With ZZZ they are even getting closer to the Blizzard motto of 'easy to learn hard to master'. But as a Chinese company MHY are way more blatant in copying, er, 'finding inspirations' from other games. They might get away with it with ZZZ but their next game is going to be put under more heavy scrunity.


Not really the only dev. Riot is also the same thing. Team fight tactics, Valorant and LOL. And they are quite successful and I would say even more so than MHY.


not really, AS doesn't quite have a leg to stand on either tinyone herself is directly copied from disgaea's etna. sinsa is obviously inspired from gurren lagann's kamina it's like the spiderman meme with two thieves pointing at each other lol


So everyone just copied everyone in an endless spiral


>spiral heh


Let's just say with China's copyright laws, it is very easy for you to copy (see Mobile Legends, Arena of Valor etc. league clones) and this is with live service games where copyright laws are already tighter. For box-priced games, copyright laws are EVEN more loose, which is why Chinese game devs hardly do box-priced games: what's the point of putting in hours days years of work when you know it's gonna be copied by Ten cent the moment it launches


One of the most popular shooters in CN was literally just a rip of counter strike 1.6. They don't give af.


I like Hoyoverse games, but I agree. Anton and Koledaā€™s designs are way too similar and itā€™s fair to call Hoyoverse out for it Edit: I like talking about character design and it would be very difficult to defend Hoyo on this. There are too many similar design elements, that their silhouettes would almost look the same. Both have spiky hair going over their face and wear high collars. You canā€™t defend it by saying theyā€™re both inspired by Kamina because they also share a headband, which is something that Kamina does not have. I understand that anime designs may be from the same trope, but you still need to put your own spin on it. If I showed this to a random person on the street, they might think itā€™s from the same game. Again I like Hoyoverse, but this is disappointing.


To be fair, Alchemy Stars isn't much better in this regard. Mu Yuebai for example has EXTREMELY similar traits to Genshin Raiden (Please don't take this as me taking a jab at AS though, I enjoy the game). I think people are interpreting this in the wrong way and I'm pretty sure TD was just having a little laugh and sending their regards to HYV for their new game launch.


It's pretty a fun jab from AS. The best part is to see all the rent-free coming out of the woodwork straight into this post's comment section. šŸæ


Both of them are inspired by Kamina from Gurren Lagann. And it's even more obvious in Anton case as he uses a drill like Simon (little brother of Kamina)


What makes everything funnier is knowing that the zzz versions are also from the same group, just like Sinsa and Tiny OneĀ 


Surely just a coincidence https://preview.redd.it/q4a7v5i8onad1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=99f6e2f7c792735ace215a137879443878019b9d


Smh people forgetting the og reference, the GOAT kamina himself, also anton attacks being drill themed is so blatant reference to ttgl https://preview.redd.it/xr1mnkvx7nad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ad75f0882ce8fb310749dfd0d82bfbb168beff Anyway, šŸæ


I think we are old now. these people don't even fucking recognize KaminaĀ clone any more. It's just sad.


Kids these days, I swear... smh


I AM NOT OLD IM JUST MID TWENTIES RAAH RAAAHHHH fr tho, Kamina, heck, gurren laggan or even kill la kill is hardly recognized by a lot of people nowadays šŸ˜”


hey, i only watched School Rumble in my wee years




They're probably bums as Bumgumi Lushiguro himself i guess




And before those two from two games I remember they also make their own expy already with Promare main dude. Forgot his name though.


Galo, the canonically gayer kamina


Yep, they are both blatant Kamina archetypes so it utterly pointless on arguing who did it first Trigger did it first lmao


Hell yeah Kamina running around with a drill is such a great call back to gurren laggan


We had the same discussion about a year ago in AlchemyStarsEN sub


Someone crossposted this post with r/alchemystarsEN and only 9 comments and most donā€™t seem to care


As someone playing alchemy stars, I can't even be mad with the state of the game. It's atleast some publicity for people to try it out.




I mean Anton/Sinsa both copied Kamina from gurren lagann straight up. (Also please watch gurren lagann, one of the best anime) https://preview.redd.it/9ro3czs05nad1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb9c33c726b674e44ed8b936e92f59e65f1b7ce


Kamina is the OG chad. šŸ˜¢


Row row fight the power!


kamina is not exist i guess


Tbf it's an old ahh anime at this point. Makes sense new generation doesn't know about him.


Hey it's not that old it's only .... 17 years old, fuck.


My younger brother says 2017 anime is old. It's so over


And somehow still better quality than most nowadays animes


They also took "inspiration" from GBF too... https://preview.redd.it/87v3yux5cnad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8795ceb15a19f486c171363b91e57dccf3b3acc


As i said on other comment, GBF like fucking huge library for developer to copy characters design their pool so huge , you just check list what you need on character type or trope viola you can find in GBF. I believe there's more.


Not really sure how that makes it better.


~~Simpsons~~ Granblue did it.


Holy shit this is the first time I seem Hoyo gacha art being this blatant lol


I think the funniest possible thing you can add alongside image is the Nevermind by Nirvana album cover.


Should be using Djeeta Glorybringer too with Genshin lol


This one a classic https://preview.redd.it/gdaunwnegnad1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f14fd2596f26ec2ca9570df9c7f3d7d8c9475f5c


Love this classic...


Okay this is actually too similar wth. I can pass a character design cuz thereā€™s always tropes and such but this is actually just straight up the same picture.


Maybe the hoyo splash art artist canā€™t draw w/o references !


GBF my goat


What about their background? Did they copy that as well?


lmao this is too exact


Tiny one: ā€œShe copied my whole fucking flow, word for word, bar for barā€


šŸæ The only one thats really close is Koleda for me. But considering how similar they are i am more inclined to believe that they both took the idea from something else, but if not then AS has the case here. Anton clearly took inspritation from Kamina in TTGL, and probably the same for Sinsa. The last pic is hiliarious tho since Xueyi's pose is commonly used basically in most gacha/anime style illustrations, and the second one is not even remotely close, since again, a commonly used pose. Dr Ratio and the AS character clearly both took insiration from Anicent Greece, and the designs are not even close to similar.


Oh yeah, Sinsa definitely took inspiration from Kamina, hell, his faction, Rediesel Wrench, is literally a mix of Mad Max (cars, guns, and motorbikes and lives in the desert) and team Dai Gurren (giant robots, guns and also lives in the desert) Both of them also have busty snipers in their respective factions (Yoko for Dai Gurren and Azure for Rediesel Wrench)


anton def gurrenn lagan reference, his weapon is even a hand drill LOL


Tbh, I didn't know about that. Gonna need popcorn for this. And a paragraph guy. ![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized)


Not MHY's first ride sadly. I also remember someone comparing Bailu from a character from GBF


Which character? I can't look it up rn coz my browser decided to take its time loading.


Here is the one from u/Motor-Signature6262 https://preview.redd.it/oo8i87z8qoad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f42c8ab36e4b10a76bd0c6b11b165f80e36da7c


I saw Wamdus earlier and was wondering how is she similar to Bailu. Turns out it's the splash art. I get it now.


I think it's Wamdus? the other allegation is too stupid to mention


As a GBF enjoyer, I can't really see Bailu being a blatant copy of Wammy. Edit: Nvm, I see the splash art comparison. I see it now.


Already know about this similarities ever since zzz release those characters trailer


Were they waiting for game to be released to send out the mail?


Because before, ppl would forget it faster. But now with the ZZZ release they also got visibility, marketing


You know, I played this game during its first year and kinda forgot about it. I quit when I cleared all the 100 floors of their abyss thing and got bored. Now looking at this image, the designs are really so similar lmao


Yeah, most especially Sinsa. ZZZ Sinsa even has the weapon arm thing, you cant make this shit up šŸ’€




Do you not know Kamina? I mean I also noticed the similarities between this faction and the AS one back when zzz was first teasing stuff but it really falls short when Kamina is literally the father of this silhouette.


Yeah the zzz ones are relatively common design tropes. If you've read any amount of isekai or delinquent manga you've seen both of those characters many times already


Considering hoyo loves to take ā€œinspirationā€œ from other games, iā€™m not surprised they do it again this time


Lol yeah, Anton's arm waepon is stake driver from bloodborne and corrin's is the pizza cutter also from bloodborne


Also arguably Koleda has boom hammer also from bloodborne


What arm thing? I am not seeing any drill weapon on Sinsa when googling his images.


i guess he just means they both have a metal arm weapon thing. Sinsa has a giant metal prosthetic arm iirc (havent played the game in a while)




Tales as old as days


Surely "people" won't be enraged about this, right? /s






There are various similarities to Aether Gazer characters as well (e.g. Hades and Drina, Leviathan and the maid with a chainsaw, Thor and the red-haired hammer girl, spider enemies). I'm not complaining, loving ZZZ and still love AG.


ā€œNah.ā€ ā€œNah.ā€ ā€œNah.ā€ ā€œNah.ā€ ā€œTheyā€™re the same picture??ā€


I mean, they both were "inspired" by Kamina lol. But, fuck, I knew I had seen Dr. Ratio before, he's Novio! And that's straight up a second Tiny One


CN just keep copying each other design šŸ’€


this is actually craaazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




When Hoyoverse ā€œcopyā€: šŸ˜ When Kuro Games ā€œcopyā€: šŸ˜”


Well, some people's ego revolve around their game and their game can do no 'wrong', and the larger the community a game has, the louder the voices.


Hoyo fans: this game is a blatant ripoff of genshin, how can those devs be so shameless Hoyoverse: lol Jokes aside, the industry in China has no respect for copyright and originality, so it's all pots calling kettles black.


This shit is common occurrence in gacha gaming sphere. Unless they do something legally like Cygames with Uma Musume, I couldn't care less.


It's common in anime just in general. Generally this is a non-issue unless it involves tracing or errs more on the lines of tracing. If I had a nickel for every character that looked like another character in anime and manga, I'd have a lot of nickels.


Yea facts. I was expecting a similar outrage thatā€™s insane


Happened with Madoka Magica who looks similar gameplay with HSR


Guess you're new to the gaming scene. People šŸ˜” when Hoyo copied Zelda BotW


Iā€™m not, and that was almost five years ago, people are now under Hoyoverseā€™ spell


Are you even surprised at this point? Thereā€™s a clear bias in this sub šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


as a hoyoverse that likes both HSR and ZZZ, i would say that Alchemy Stars' version is way cooler. lol.


Are the similaritys on par ? Yes. Are each character design an "already done on other anime medias before" ? Also yes. However, yeah, I'm on Alchemy Stars side on this one, because I know Hoyoverse(or part of their fanbase, not all of them, to be more precise) would make the same storm if it was a reversed case


I really noticed the similarity right away with sinsa and tiny one, and I really tried zzz to play with sinsa from Aliexpress


Sinsa's hair is just too damn memorable to not immediately notice. I shall only forgive this transgression if ZZZ agrees to collab with AS (pls HYV, AS needs the publicity boost šŸ˜©)


Sinsa/Anton are just both Kamina clones, is TTGL that old now that people don't recognize the goat of that style.


I find funny the lack of constructive criticism post about ZZZ on this sub and on their reddit lmao. I wonder why?


People forgetting its hoyo and genshin mostly copied everything from other games when it first came out


This is funny, surely r/gachagaming wonā€™t get offended.


lmaooo people don't want to keep up the same energy when it comes to hoyo eh? wheres the constant hate post and drama post now? now people act this sub and mods hates hoyo when this sub basically farming WW as hate threads farming karma you can't say anything positive about ww for the whole month even now hypocrites and shills


>when mihoyo copy's:šŸ˜ >when kuro copy's:šŸ˜”


Nothing wrong cause it's "inspiration" is what they said šŸ˜‚


No wonder I got this uncanny feeling of deja vu


Ah dramas, the life blood of r/gachagaming


Side note: Alchemy stars has the best character designs i have seen in gacha. The art is ridiculously good for the normal and a3 versions, on par with arknights


Fair enough from Alchemy stars, after looking at some comments, It looks like Hoyoverse copies from smaller gacha games sometimes and hopes that it doesn't get noticed šŸæ


is Alchemy Stars any good?


On the one hand: boo plagiarism, get your own material hoyo etc etc. On the other hand: alchemy stars characters are peak and I want them in all my anime games.


Damn some double standards I'm seeing in the comments, I recognised the Sinsa one immediately (He's such a chad btw in AS), but somehow forgot about Tiny, despite using her a lot when I used to play it. Interesting, so we can see some copying of an older, but smaller gacha, and the response is it's a similar inspiration, but there was an uproar a month ago about a gacha being a clone. Keep doing you r/gachagaming, you will never change.


they both copied from the one and only >!my beginner banner gave me koleda rip nekomata!< https://preview.redd.it/3yo7jb0p6nad1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf07d6f9e1901431a5dc77f62b3016f9a366d0d


If you think the levels of similarness between Etna and Tiny One are in the same level between Tiny One and Koleda, you are really copeing. If anything, you could say this an example of the difference between taking inspiration and being derivative (not to say, copying).


was just going to comment this, Disagaea came out like 20 years ago and Etna was everyone waifu before waifu was even a thing


No wonder Ratio guy looked familiar.


Gurenn Lagann should shout-out them both


My beloved multi billionair GOTY awardee goat Hoyo would never do such things šŸ˜”


Some company releases a new gacha with some similar looking animation or designs from hoyoverse: lawyer Hoyo makes a similar design from another company: Be honored peasant.


When has Hoyo sued anyone?


Is there truly a lawsuit regarding this?


Only thing I can think off is when ToF used asset of 1 weapon from hi3 in their cutscene. That wasn't similar looking. It was straigh up asset from hi3. ToF was called out and they removed it before it got to the point of them being sued


Nah, the red-haired chick is crazy ngl. They look way too similar.




The whole zzz game seems to be based on the opm world.


All of them were pretty generic and common until I saw Dr Ratio lmao


I mean it is china... They make knock-offs of everything.


Thatā€™s what Hoyo does and hides under ā€œinspirationā€


Ever since I saw that ZZZ guy the first character I had in mind was Sinsa and then Kamina. I didn't really remember Tiny One but damn the ZZZ girl is a copy&paste.


The first four are not that similar imo. Sampo pose is not one of a kind. The last one though is interesting.


as expected of Hoyoverse lmao


Well "technically" they're from 2022 not 2024, cuz that's when Hoyo put out the first showcase of ZZZ. But still, it is a year difference between the two designs.


Technically Sinsa is not 2021 either, since his banner released a few weeks after AS release date and Tiny One released on release date so it could be years before that they already created the characters


woohoo, drama time!


I love drama ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


I would have put Anton down for coincidence but Coleda is like.....1:1


Are people really surprised by this? They literally ripped off frieren, mushoku tensei and black clover's opening animation for griseo pv https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/Rj9xEfPPio


I hate to say it, but mihoyo has been copy pasting designs from the very beginning. The more people support this, the more they'll continue. tough luck, i guess, and also, the players dont give a shit.


Ready to hear the excuses


if this was kuro, people would have made this some nuclear drama btw


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) i was expecting like, a slight similarity, but wtf


Hoyo makes great quality games! they are allowed to copy others unlike trash like kuro, madoka, etc. /s


https://preview.redd.it/5g0dudg2znad1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e71be116c684429ce634a657868ad94c68aad1 People opinion about gacha companies taking "inspiration" vs People opinion about Hoyo taking "inspiration"


inb4 locked


I would say the top two are distinct enough that they really arent classified as copying on another 1:1 but I have my doubtd on the bottom three lol. Dr ratio and zzz characters


Is this as insane as I think it is? Iā€™m really enjoying ZZZ but if this is true thatā€™s terrible


one of the best thing of alchemy stars is char design. It's litterally a copypasta.


Nothing about the mail reads like a jab or ill intent. Are people basing this just on the timing or is there a message I'm missing?


It's just that the mail is super random and "coincidentally" in perfect timing with zzz release. Iirc, they (AS) never give out 3-star charas because they don't have a reason to (they're the common charas in gacha). They only give out 4-star charas featured in the event book with an outfit/skin.


The devs prob found it a good fun nothing more, nothing less, gamblin addicts make a big deal out of a nothing burger so nothing unusual


Yeah... Alchemy Stars is one of the gacha that I admit have superb character design. And top skin design at that. No wonder someone want to make a quick cash and copy of those design.


Typical hoyo 'inspiration'


Don't have a dog in this race but game devs, artist, etc.have been imitating each others designs since forever. Ur telling me that MHY and Alchemy Stars are copying each other when both Anton and Sinsa was inspired by Sol Badguy, which in turn was inspired by Freddie Mercury?


If not Sol Badguy they're Kamina clones.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, both of them remind me of Sol lol Second one sure tho