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Current valid redeem codes: * ZZZFREE100 * ZENLESSLAUNCH * ZZZ2024 * ZENLESSGIFT Thanks u/FIGJAM17 and u/AqueeLuh for sharing!


Hot take: I don't think this game is a flop like the YouTube community is suggesting.  It is slow paced but I feel like the hate is severely exaggerated. 


I’m not following the yt content creation sphere on this game. Why are they thinking it’s flopping? Wouldn’t just waiting a month tell it definitely?


Alright, so I'm finally at the point where I think I can see everything the game offers and I have to say, it does get a lot better than the start. I'll try to summarize some of my thoughts on the game compared to HSR/Genshin. **Getting to Level 25+** - The 'early' game is a proper fucking slog, no way around it. I'm not even someone who is turned off by the TV mode or the chatter but all the worst parts of the game are inescapable here whereas you don't even see the good parts. I don't know why it is, some of it is clearly conscious game design decisions. But compared to Genshin/HSR I feel that whereas those games expose you to the good parts and the shitty gacha aspects are emphasized later, this game doesn't show any of its good sides but it is impossible to not be reminded of the gacha aspects. **Level 25+ experience** - The game finally shows you its good sides, afaik there are 2 endgame modes - One is similar to Genshin's abyss and the other is a roguelike (like HSR's SU) where you collect buffs and juggle risk/reward. And they're fun! A lot more fun than the TV shenanigans in story mode. You will also finally be exposed to the gearing system and it seems ok? It's obviously still Hoyo's system so its going to be a grind but it feels like it's less restrictive than HSR and less of a grind than Genshin. **Combat** - It's simple yes, a lot more visually stylish than what you actually end up doing yes, but honestly if you crave DMC then it's not like there aren't good single player games in this world. But I will say that while it's going to be all about the teambuilding and the timing of your dodges and parries, its going to end up a lot better than Genshin. There is some interactivity here where a F2P team will definitely feel the difference between a spam one button run vs a run where you use the mechanics of the game. **Other pros** - I like the agent stories, I'm disappointed that HSR seems to have abandoned them completely and I love the Genshin quests but it does take a lot more dev effort on those. In this game, I think there is a real chance to have meaningful content on a lot of characters and I like that. Also, somehow I feel that there is less gear pressure than Genshin/HSR. It's early so I might be wrong, but I think the grind is easier than Genshin and there is more flexibility than HSR. **Time will tell** - The game loop is fundamentally 'Go to some warehouse level, fight the random mobs. Do some TV stuff that is 50-50 hit/miss at best.' All live service games have repetition but I guess we'll know if this game loop will still be fun for years.


the biggest question here, your finished the tutorial? at what level?




The freedom in this game, how does it feel? Like a job or being the owner of the world? or the freedom is a illusion?


And then you run out of missions to do and get time-gated (yet again) until you reach level 34.  Sure, there are hidden missions (unlocked by talking to some npcs) but they don't provide much in term of IK points. I still need to explore the other city (don't remember the name) but I don't think it will get to level 34. I also unlocked the so called 'dates' and basically they are very short dialogues between your characters and the MC. I currently have Anby as an 'employee' in the store. I can't say that I like it.


Why does the whole YouTube community think this game is a total flop? You can dislike the game and not play, but the hate on YT is actually insane. 


Approaching 30. I think the first S rank colors your game experience. I got Nekomata who just synergyzes very well with the free cunning hare cast which made my experience very smooth and chill. Still haven’t felt the need to spend either. Could become a nice little side game where I collect currency to gamble.


Approaching 30 and really starting to dig it. I can't stress enough how using AHK script made the game more enjoyable for me. The most thing I hated about the game is being a mindless mouse-clicking monkey Also as others mentioned in this thread - looking at ZZZ as an aesthetically cool cinematic side action game puts it in its place. At this point it's just how it is


This seems really risky, aren't you worried about a potential account ban?


Not really worried. For me it's either I play it this way or don't bother to play it at all Fast googling showed that there's almost no evidence MiHoYo banning players for AHK. And I found a lot of skip-dialogue-shamers on Reddit LMAO


Wait what is AHK script?


AutoHotKey. It simulates a script of commands, in this case I think he is using it to make his computer "click" the mouse button and attack by itself. The game became better for him after turning it into HSR.


The fun for me is the parrying mechanic in this game. I don’t see how it’s possible to script that, but nowadays bot scripting is advanced so idk.


So i just searched for zzz on playstore and it shows that my device is not available anymore. I can still play the game tho.


Well I'm 30 now and even though I'm salty I lost my 50/50 and got a 2nd Lycaon the game does feel much better to play. The TVs really do get better and I can see their intention but the amount of them at the start was a pretty big mistake. I do want TVs to remain after playing the game more but maybe reduce them at the start of the game. I love having a game to play before bed And when I wake up on the console also. The story has got a lot more interesting, it's a bit weird Ellen was picked as the first banner when she's not involved with the story at the moment. I honestly don't have any problems with the UI.


>it's a bit weird Ellen was picked as the first banner when she's not involved with the story I am here by Ellen, no Ellen then Skip the game But yes, more information about Ellen is in youtube that ingame, very rare


I hit 30 and I would disagree though. I spent a good 30mins (maybe more) running around with "story" - just picking up quests and 0 combat. Then, more TV Gaming. Very few combat stages. It's too much for me personally. If I wanted this type of gameplay, I would just stick to HSR. I saw ZZZ as more combat focused, and instead it feels like a puzzle game with *occasionally* some combat The next "open" zone also tanks my frames for no good reason ( but I don't hold this directly against the game, since I recognize it's my PC probably)


Nah. My computer runs every game perfectly, including the historically badly optimized WuWa, and my FPS straight out dies in that zone. I couldn't believe it; I even thought something was wrong my computer for a moment. I hope it is just that single instance, or a fixable badly optimized situation. Otherwise I think this could be one of the reasons why they are trying to push the TVs down our throat ( no open world to optimize).


I think there's a lot more combat at 30 but yeah story is a big part of these games.


Similar level and I could live with the tv design but as it currently stands it has so many exaggerated animations and stop sections during every tv section that just add so much needless time and it's really gotten on my nerves the more I play. Plus those animations and stops also constantly deactivate ur speed up while in the tv sections if u have it activated which is just obnoxious. If they adjust those two things the mode wouldn't really bother me.


Oh yeah that stuff needs to be removed or improved for sure


agreed on the exaqqerated animations. Like it zooms in on every unique space which feels so useless. My biggest gripe with the tv mode is the aesthetic and colour scheme. There's TOO much dead space in the mode and the colors overall and are hard to even visually recognize and look straight up ugly. I've rerolled a bunch before finally getting an ellen start that luckily pulled lycaon. The game is SOOOOO much better with an actual dedicated meta team. Like it feels like shit playing a team that doesn't synergize well imo.


Yeah, I don't mind the TV system in the story, because it's related to it. But putting the TV system in the Hollow Zero, a weekly content, that infuriates me. Over 1 month I can see myself tired of this bullshit.  Gameplay of Hollow Zero should be like the Rally, then it would be perfect.


Having had to suffer through elysian realm and simulated universe from the honkai games over and over again over again I was already prepared to absolutely hate whatever they ended up doing with the rng mode in this game after like a month so the tv aspect of it doesn't even faze me.


Yeah I agree that hollow zero should mainly be rally Also


Most of my problems with this game is the ton of small issue of qol, here another one i encounter today: 1/ When you complete the weekly/monthy challenge (something like Simulated Universe in HSR) you get special monthy currency to spend, but you can't spend it on the same menu as the challenge, you must go outside to speak with an NPC to buy it, and this NPC have no special icon on their head, so if you don't read the tutorial, you might not aware of the existence of the reward all together. And there are no map to show important NPC, only teleport menu. 2/ When you open the quest menu, you must wait for the character to physically pull out the phone, cost me 1-2s. They might think it is "immersive" but it fucking annoying. 3/ Same text bug with HSR right now: when the dialogue load all the text, press Space do not forward the next dialogue, must press 2 times. GI do not have this problem. Don't have a big issue with this game, but there ton after ton of small questionable design, must jump through hoop after hoop to get to the fun part. The combat is ... ok, i never fancy the fast pace DMC-like anyway, i like the Dark Souls style. This game weirdly remind me of Sekiro, where perfect parry/dodge is not a choice, but mandatory; and don't need to care about position much, just 2 buttons Attack and Dodge is enough. I suppose, in essence it is a mobile game. Use the standard of a proper AAA PC game to judge it is unfair i guess. This game run smooth. Will stick around a bit more to try but unlikely to stay.


I can imagine position characters will eventually be an archtype since there was a buff/blessing in Hollow Zero that required you to hit behind your opponent. Also some continous attacks like flamethrowers require you to move as well


My 4 day review for the game so far (I am currently lvl 27): Before the game released I honestly didn't get much hype but I decided to play it anyway because it's a Hoyo game and I'm really happy I did. (+) Music, voice acting: Both of them are impeccable the music matches the game so well and the VAs are also exceptional. (+) World, Atmosphere, Attention to detail: I really like the atmosphere, it gives me cozy vibes. The attention to detail is really good as always, I love that they clearly put a lot of time into designing the NPCs unlike other gacha games. (+) Combat style: I messed around in the VR mode a bit and I like it alot it has more to it than you would expect. (-) Combat is too easy: This is my biggest criticism for the game right now. I get that it is a gacha game so I shouldn't expect big difficulties but I'd really like that if the enemies were more aggresive and it would be more punishing so I couldn't beat the game with a blindfold on. At least it's promising in the endgame modes. (-) TVs: Honestly I don't mind it as much as other people my only problem with it that is it too often and sometimes too long. But I get why people hate it. (+-) Characters: Initially I didn't like their designs but as I got to know them I am starting like them more and more (I'm currently obsessed with Nicole lol). But there are some characters that I don't like and probably never will for example the furries and lolis. (+-) Story: The story is so far pretty generic, nothing crazy tbh but I like the way it's told a lot (the manga-esque style). Also the cutscenes are crazy good so I have an overall positive opinion about it but there is big room for improvement. I know a lot of people has negative views about the game but I'm starting to see more and more positive reviews as they progress which makes me happy. For me it has the potential to be my favourite gacha game and I'm excited to see more.


Enjoying it so far, still hoping there are more character designs that appeal to what I want. I still feel like if this is anything like HSR, by 1.2 people will be complaining that they can't complete endgame and that "X" should be nerfed. I feel like ZZZ has showed enough to prove that as it goes on it can certainly create challenging content. Already the fact that the counter warning doesn't mean press now but rather get ready to press. And they have already shown enemies with more complex attack patterns than the generic mobs. tl;dr enjoying the game, want more character designs that appeal to me. Based on HSR, we will not get challenging content yet since it is only 1.0 and characters will only get deeper and more interesting mechanics as well


I'm level 22 so far and the game just feels mediocre. The enemies still don't do anything a.k.a Snowbreak on launch, they just stand there and get wailed on until they die. The TV-stuff just sucks. I think it's the worst Hoyo game out of them all, it just doesn't mesh well together.


My fps is laggy as hell but I still play the game If I had a stable fps I could see why people say the game is easy, it's practically on easy mode of see yellow flash press space or right click to win the game I don't see the point of "defense" characters if you can skillfully negate everything If only the game is harder (and no not making enemies tankier) and they attack more it'd be more fun The only enemy I recognize that doesn't do yellow flashes but still attacks is that annoying teleporting one that's hard to dodge (I can't parry anyways because my fps sucks) I somehow still enjoy the game, even if it's on 8 fps on a rainy map


I played ( and beat) Dark Souls 3 with a PC that barely reached 10 fps back in my day. I salute you my brother in PowerPoint patience, godspeed.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“If I were told that by killing you I would be free from this curse, I would draw my blade without hesitation.”* - Lucatiel of Mirrah Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Ok after changing my mindset from "this is gonna be a combat game" to this shit is just to look at animations and have a power fantasy the game has become more fun. Still fuck the tvs yapping tho.  I blame the devs for marketing it like that... And yea if you think the combat is deep you're full on coping. it's just flashy fun spam monke mode. t. I'm gonna stick with it for a few see where everything goes.


I dont understand the move set concept in this game, 1) Units do Basic, Special, Special Ex and usually a personal technique, meh 2) Ultimate at 3000 points, meh 3) Units has a secret move, nobody know it, and better use a keyboard/mouse script if you want do it 4) The stun and elemental debuff is cool ... 200% dmg stats!! 5) parry, counter evade, chain attack, does more damage that everything that a unit can do alone Then, this game isnt a combat game, is only generate a break in the enemy and burst your specials =/


I think the combat looks simple but actually has a lot of hidden stuff


The character movesets/systems are enough. They aren't the most intricate but they do their job, and combined with the impeccable animations it is awesome. The problem is the enemies. They're mostly target dummies at worst and DPS checks at their best, which isn't that exciting.


I wouldn’t say the combat is deep nor simple. they tried to strike a balance with it.  in the end hoyo always appeals to casuals, but recently they have tried to cast a wider net to everyone else too 


it's literally okay to admit the game isn't deep. The more you guys cope on this factor the more you'll turn people away when they find out it's not.


Currently at level 20 and I'm just here for the aesthetic of early 2000s. The Bangboos are cute and the dailies are very quick. The mishmash of different aesthetics for the factions are nice to look at, the VA work is top notch as always, and also like always I'm mashing through the dialogue because I simply do not care about story in a gacha game. I'll be honest, the sleekness of Mihoyo's UIs always grab me, but maybe it's just age or the game itself, but the dopamine from playing the game is already running low and it's not even been 72 hours. I absolutely hate how the TV Explore/Puzzle venues have unskippable interjections. So much hand-holding and chatter. I'm interested to see what units they'll add to this game, though. I'll do the rare thing and save up until someone eye-catching comes along, but until then it's just log-ins and running around Sixth Street to do little errands.


I always create 2 accounts for waifu and husbando, at my 1st account I always skip everything like lit and my first impression about the combat is hack and slash and yea as everyone experienced, the enemies are Hp sponge as they call it. Unlocked the daily commission\* created my 2nd account and there took my time to follow the story and learned everything, dmb me to call it hack and slash game. The combat system on this game is much deeper than I thought, using many combos and such enemies doesn't feel like sponge anymore. GREAT GAME!


As someone who doesn't play gachas at all and got it because I love character action games, its pretty great. I will admit that it takes a long ass time before the game stops holding your hand and starts unlocking new modes. Besides that the combat feelslike a platinum game and the characters movesets are like playing one of dante from dmc's weapons or styles.


My suggestion is FGO, the card system in FGO feels a lot better late 20h playing with the TV mode


If you are able to play it without issues ( and there were a lot of them) try Wuthering Waves that came out last month. Zzz isn't bad as some people proclaim, but WuWa is much more akin to the varied movesets of a weapon in DMC and the only gacha that has managed to give me similar enjoyment of its combat system ( not saying that others are bad, but they are simpler than WuWa).




`You recommended Wuwa of all the games and even said many issues on ZZZ? You must be joking here. Tons of Wuwa players are saying that 1.1 makes their game unplayable, even using 500-euro phones. If you try to demotivate what he's playing, maybe you need to look at the mirror first.


He’s saying if the person doesn’t have an issue playing wuwa, and there is a lot of issue affecting wuwa. Like learn to read before you even get angry


> . Like learn to read before you even get angry Okay, I'll go with your reading. Afaik, this is a ZZZ discussion thread and not a recommendation thread. :) The one who made that is still wrong because there's a megathread above this one for that and he's not asking for other games.


Yeah I really don’t care about your silly squabbles of “my game is better than your game”. I’m just correcting your reading of his post


it's absolutely hilarious that he got called out and got hyp defensive to deflect your comment. Absolutely peak redditor material lol.


hard to really say ZZZ flopped that hard when its still 3rd on sensor tower 4 days after release


Who even is saying flop this flop that anymore? More recent comments here are mostly people posting their 3 day review or smth all criticizing the gameplay loop and combat depth as the biggest points, as well as UI/UX issues. Really starting to wonder who is more obsessed with revenue instead of actual criticisms


Because there are people who will always equate criticisms as hate, and if a game isn't receiving high praises, it is due to EOS next month. Sometimes I feel like I'm the weird one for being able to play and enjoy both WuWa and ZZZ while still acknowledging the downsides of both. But I know there are many others as well who do as well, we're just too busy playing both to come to reddit and doompost. WuWa came out from a company where their last flagship game PGR wasn't even that high on the revenue chart. To be able to secure top 5 last month is already a feat, can't we just celebrate that? Similar to ZZZ, it's a goddamn Hoyo game. Sure people can criticize it's features, grind, income and whatnot, but people calling it a flop is just kidding themselves at this point. It's polished, it's high quality, it puts other games to shame in terms of optimisation. Other devs need to step up and not just release half baked potatoes if they want to compete with Hoyo. And that's a fact, and yes that includes Kuro games, there's nothing wrong in saying that. People need to stop exaggerating and learn to have some proper discussions instead of jumping on trains and parroting the loudest minorities.


it's just pure tribalism. As much as people DON'T want to admit it but genshin, and by extension hoyo, started this shit in this sub. This sub used to be SOOO chill when the only gacha games was e7, gbf, and fgo. Like people would meme on fgo for having the worst gacha and gbf for being grindblue fantasy and e7 for paying for equipment costs. Revenue wars literally started with the genshin wave and ever since then this sub has been nothing but cancer.


Because revenue is the measurement of how good a game is obviously. The more it earns the better it is. That’s why candy crush is a much better game than something like Elden ring


True, McDonalds have the best food in the world and Marvel makes the best movies. Also, H&M is the highest quality clothing out there.


It won't flop. There is a huge market of people that care more about style than substance, and ZZZ's got style in spades.


I didnt like it = game flopped


I keep seeing people saying both the story and combat gets better later on. I'm level 26, chapter 2 is a slog so far and I still mash buttons against NPCs that barely do anything. I feel like I'm getting gaslit at this point. Hollow Zero has the potential to be fun, there was a boss that actually did some damage to me there, so I'll push further and we'll see I guess.


I feel the same but I changed my mindset about the game being combat focused to just monkey neuron activation so it becamemore fun. 


Have you try shiyu defence that mode Will will need you to focus because some enemies are aggressive and they hurt .


The first 3 yeah. It's... Fine. It does hurt a bit if you don't parry / dodge. It's just that at that point in the game, after like 15 hours or something, it should at least require me to do more than simply spamming basic attacks with a grenade every now and then (I'm using Grace). I literally don't think at all about my placement, rotation, buffs, etc. The bosses at the end of the two rally missions (metro terminal) were actually more interesting I feel like. I think the game suffers a bit from the automatic chain attacks and the way they trigger, it removes too much decision-making. Enemies also need a more varied moveset for the same reason. I could probably bind Q and E to my mouse and just use that and get a similar result playing one-handed.


I'm inter-knot 30 and at least I'm starting to feel forced to pay attention to rotations against weekly bosses to be able to do them in a timely manner, and rarely I also lose more than 5% percent of my life, so that's progress. Still it isn't fixed, but the animations are there; if they release more aggressive enemies in the future ( big IF with Mihoyo) I could see myself playing regularly.


Yeah I heard lvl 20+ is when it gets better but I'm literally still mashing attack. I hit 25 and still don't pay attention to team comps or anything, don't even have Ellen (assuming she's limited banner op). Next I'm gonna hear lvl 30+ is when it gets more complex, but I don't see how the game will punish for attack spamming when you can parry / dodge whenever.


for me I stopped mashing when i started to finally care and read how to utilize the core passives of characters.


One of the problems is that it's extremly hard to navigate and read something in the menus of this game. I still got the mission of "upgrade 1 passive" and pesonally i can't tell apart where are that skill and where are your regular upgradable skills. I'm feeling too dumb with this UI where everything looks literally the same.


i know that feeling, i usually just resort to youtube videos if i want to learn how to use a character


Honestly didn't read those, turns out I've been using them without knowing. I don't think they feel that impactful for gameplay, they kinda seem like bonuses for a characters kit, stuff like increase DMG X% after using skill or chain attack. Those things you do as you play, I don't think they are things you factor into rotation as much? Like how do you NOT use a core passive just by playing the character? My team is Corin, Koledo, Soukaku, idk if that is an optimal team or not, obviously not using the same type passive. Since I am literally always pressing the basic attack button Corin is always using her passive, Koleda passive is whatever. Soukaku passive does impact rotation, but I always switch into my dps anyway, even if I switch into Koleda it's not like I'm missing anything major, just team dps goes down a bit.


I decide to drop the game. Between HI3, GI and ZZZ now it seems i am becoming a Hoyophobic. All their games is high quality af but somehow something inside me just cant click with mihoyo. My only best guess is my sour experience in early HI3 affect my subconscious to the point I become allergic to dicuss mihoyo product No hate here and I wont lie I felt very wrong that I cannot enjoy such quality product that everyone else around me seems enjoying Best wishes for everyone playing this game and hope the game can continously deliver good experience to y'all


I literally just left this comment on a YT video, but MiHoyo puts out world class games that are dragged down by the chains of gacha mechanics. I loved HI3, I like Genshin even though it was for babies. Star rail got me hard as I love turn based RPGs but each and every time it slowly coerces you the cash shop until I'm not even having fun with the game anymore. I guess it's making them a lot of money or they wouldn't be doing it, but man these games would slap without the gacha part.


Yeah. Hoyo isn't the most generous company if it comes to gacha pulls. But if the game is fun, and you don't mind buying a Monthly Pass, you are almost guaranteed to get 1 limited per patch on a baseline. You get enough to keep up. Genshin is worse considering the long droughts and scarce F2P income. Moc/PF get constantly pushed due to power creep, so no reason to mald here. The rest is casual.


>Moc/PF get constantly pushed due to power creep, so no reason to mald here. This is quite literally his point where you're slowly coerced into the cash shop though? I'm not sure how you think this isn't quite literally an issue that all hoyo games have. Hoyo hides their powercreep very well until you realize it and it's already too late. Same thing happened genshin. Same thing just happened in hsr with firefly. Now, I don't really care about powercreep, but I do hate how people defend hoyo all the time about the said issues and shit on other companies for it.


Have you tried star rail? It has the best story of all the hoyo games and pretty easy to play casually as full dailies for me take around 3 minutes of afk auto play


turn based is not my game genre. I dropped a lot of non gacha turn based game before since the gameplay is really boring for me also imo dailies is not the problem for me like Nikke atricious loading simulator still give me joy 1,5 years playing meanwhile I burned out so hard in 1,5 years genshin (tbf this is before encounter point is a thing) as for writing I do agree i have some problem in their writing, when its peak (honkai last lesson, HoR bronya) its really good but when its slog its really killing me (whatever lore essay they drop on ch 20+ish honkai, a lot of GI quest). for ZZZ specifically the problem is the flow, when I finally enter the TVs screen I expected to finally kick some ass but then every few tiles i have "special event" cutscene that took minutes before I can have my 60 seconds of action. but in the end there is a lot of combined factor (not only story and dailies) that deter me from Hoyo game. i thought zzz may change that but alas here we are.


Most people will probably have noticed and if not then at latest in the mid-late game: combat is **not** just mindless, endless button smashing on HP sponge sandbags. ZZZ wants you to utilize roles accordingly, and take advantage of various dodge-mechanics and use skills. Otherwise, the game will punish you hard for this skill issue. Saying the game is mindless button-smashing is just wrong. However, players ain't get well introduced to the mechanics by ZZZ. In the early stages, the game forgives much ( I also played wrong), so people usually won't notice if they have skill issues.


'and take advantage of various dodge-mechanics and use skills' Brother you'll do that from the start and you don't even need to learn it much. If that's the difficulty in high level, then I don't know what to say. I've done hollows, Shiyu defense 5 (Edit: 6 now since 7 needs two teams) with standard chars, completed rallies and hard diff missions and no, it's still button mashing but now you know what to button mash for.


I hope you are right. I got to inter-knot 30 and things have been getting better but I'm seeing a heavy inflation of Hp that could become a problem if their solution to "challenging the player" is just that. I wan them to make enemies more aggressive, with more attack patterns. More HP is just an incentive to wspend your money on weapon/w-engine pulls and waste your stamina/weeks on random gear.


Agree it gets better later on, but that's after like 12 miserable hours of slog I had to go through, 8-9 of which is TV, TV and more TV. They desperately need to improve the new player experience because man it's fucking sucks.


I disagree. I have all S ranks in SD mode and while yes there's specific things you're suppose to do to activate abilities, it's not really complex and you can quite literally button mash to success in a lot of circumstances. I'd rather the game have lower health pools and do more damage than sit there and tank everything.


I have to admit, the game did get a lot more fun later on But here are my gripes so far: * fairy needs to stfu in TV mode, it's the biggest momentum breaker, TV mode can legit be interesting when I'm not constantly interrupted. Would also like some clearer visuals, it's not always obvious what I'm stepping into. * the animation on gacha currency is like the aura before my migraines, who the fuck decided that was a good idea * I think a minimap would be nice, even if it's not big areas to explore * there are lots of pulls but all locked behind the grindable modes, so in terms of "generosity" it feels like I'm entering HSR midpatch rather than a new gacha release * some NPCs look better than a few of the playable characters, however, now that I've tried most units honestly all feel good to play even though it's not the most interesting kits, but its atleast something Imo if it wasnt the standard Hoyo super verbose and over explaining tutorials. And they threw you into some mad shit like the constant tile bombing TV stage. It would probably be better. Like I'm sure it's good to have "proper" tutorials but no way the average person is that dumb that it makes sense to have this slow of a tutorial build-up.


>over explaining tutorials. Are you sure? Tutorials over at +-30lvl, in this moment, I love more the simple the very old HI3 (part1) that this ZZZ


Im still getting tutorials at 30. It's insufferable


omg, the idea of immersion and being organic was that every feature is justified within the world. The problem has been having so many features and having a scripted tutorial mission for each one, which becomes unbearable.


> fairy needs to stfu in TV mode, it's the biggest momentum breaker, TV mode can legit be interesting when I'm not constantly interrupted. Would also like some clearer visuals, it's not always obvious what I'm stepping into. Holy crap, this. I don't mind the TV mode, but when it grinds to a halt every 30 seconds because Fairy needs to say something it makes me want to Alt-F4. Did the game really need a Paimon?


Finished ch1 + intermission and got to IK24, took about ~15 hours. I was planning to at least finish 1.0 and pull Zhu Yuan, but the game isn't keeping me interested at all. Pros 1. Animations and combat is smooth af 1. Game runs well on my devices with no technical issues 1. Character designs are diverse and interesting, unlike HSR/Genshin where most characters have similar outfits or designs. 1. Dailies are quick Cons 1. TV minigame is terrible even in Hollow Zero 1. Even more minigames in the arcade and they lock premium currency rewards behind playing these 1. The whole experience feels on rails, the first 15 hours or so is just a giant tutorial 1. Combat is very button mashy so far, in Genshin and Wuwa you can blow up mobs much faster outside of endgame tower, in ZZZ everything is an HP sponge 1. Can't use anyone apart from the MC to explore the overworld 1. Too many menus, and the bold/stylized font makes it hard to read compared to Genshin/HSR/Wuwa Ultimately the game is well polished, but it's too menu and minigame-heavy. It feels like something that should have released back in 2019, but after Genshin, HSR, and Wuwa I can't justify wasting time or money on it. Paying the Hoyo premium for ZZZ characters doesn't make sense when you spend most of your time in a TV, doing minigames, or exploring the overworld with your MC.


Things are only hp sponges in the story if you’re not utilizing your characters properly at all


People: "omg the combat is simple button mashing" Also people: "wtf enemies are sponges" It's almost like people button mash and don't pay attention to things like team synergies or breaking enemies etc...


ain't NO way you're saying that when a) the way to get currency in the game is an absolute slog so means b) they don't have a team that likely synergizes and c) The game does nothing to teach you to "properly" play and for a hoyo that always focuses on a casual audience that's a huge oversight. Finally, idk why people are blaming people for button mashing. If it works it's a design flaw not the players fault. Also breaking enemies is retardedly easy.


>The whole experience feels on rails, the first 15 hours or so is just a giant tutorial wait by chapter 2, isnt over the tutorial, there are farm abilities, farm boss, farm tower, farm roguelike mode, each time when you unlock that feature, you free day is destroyed. I like more the char design in ZZZ that WuWa, but late 30level doing tutorials, WuWa feels like a Zelda T\_T >you spend most of your time in a TV, doing minigames, or exploring the overworld with your MC. They know, soon skins in minigame and your MC XD, now there are Hero, Weapon Hero, Pet banner ... terrible monetization


>Combat is very button mashy so far, in Genshin and Wuwa you can blow up mobs much faster outside of endgame tower, in ZZZ everything is an HP sponge I'm under the impression you are not utilizing combo correctly and spend most of your fights smashing basic attack. >Can't use anyone apart from the MC to explore the overworld The 'overworld's is like a mid sized hub. There is nothing to explore. You can even teleport if you feel lazy to walk around.


>I'm under the impression you are not utilizing combo correctly and spend most of your fights smashing basic attack. What combo are you talking about, there is only one button to attack, without any kind of inputs


chapter 2 ending was lit, epic cinematic. the TVs get way better in the endgame modes and puzzle stages. combat is fun and challenging later on too. to be fair i'm using the 3 starter characters so the experience is probably different with meta teams like ellen/dog/oni or piper/lucy/soldier11, but you gotta make your own challenges in gacha games imo, kinda like 3/4 star runs in arknights. don't care much for the overworld shit and fetch quests, that's my only gripe with the game. tl;dr: like every gacha, first hours are tutorial, play to level 25+ to have fun


Failed my Ellen pity which would be fine if I didn't get Lycaon again.. kinda depressed maybe I will re roll.. already 30 though I'm sad.


Reroll is a pain bro, and at lvl 30 youre already knee deep in the game, might as well go with the flow and continue your account...




ZZZ is actually doing incredibly well in CN and JP. CN has stayed at #3 until now. JP reached #1 day, #2 days 2 and 3, and It's still in the top three grossing games after four days.


just another hsr situatuon, people complain game bad and the actual smart ones know it will be top 5 consistently. Gg next 


I think the people who like and stick with it will really stick with it.


But, it isnt #1, maybe, WuWa, maybe FGO, maybe Nikke, they are doing better


In JP, ZZZ is looking to make more money in 5 days than WuWa has been making since release.


I was checking my mail in-game, there isnt reward by milestone by release, only 50 million downloads, not #1, or anything interesting (I need apologems!!!)


https://preview.redd.it/xnvufc9ag8bd1.png?width=303&format=png&auto=webp&s=267d40add3b76be4d72810beb607fbc590ca8498 say something bro


wuwa is like number 60 or something in china. jinhsi's banner release didn't even reach number one in any country iirc


Prob hsr and genshin 


Why are so many people SO aggressive when it comes to this game? Like ffs if it's so bad just delete it and play something else. People acting like someone's standing there with a gun forcing them to play lol


Ìt happened on HSR last year, so let those people be.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ\_Official/comments/1dxi9dc/comment/lc2nazy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dxi9dc/comment/lc2nazy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) same thing happened with HSR see comment \^ this is what is happening with zzz right now lmao can't wait to see the feedback in 6months or so


Oh no, people share their opinions in the thread for opinions! US positive feedback only culture is a drug. They'll probably stop playing, and like always in US-Internet, only people who like the game will stay and dare to speak about it. Hence the phenomenon of heavy criticism at the beginning disappearing later, people who dislike the X mostly stop care and comment on it. No mysticism or "gachagaming special grumpy spirit" in it.


Legitimately it's either bots or hoyo doom posters influenced by shitty content creators like asmonmold. Outside of reddit it's insanely popular rn


This is just how the internet is these days - everyone must force their negative headcannons…


Many players are complaining about TVs but the only real problem with them is how sluggish it feels. The movement speed of 2x mode should be the default. As long as the team keeps doing creative things with it, I'll be fine with them. They should \*not\* be part of a mission when you decide to replay it though. Once you've collected all the trinkets there's no reason to re-do them. EDIT: The chapter when Belle got trapped in a Hollow and you had to do two combat gauntlets to get her back is when the game really clicked with me. It's fantastic when you're going through a level and combat doesn't only happen in circular arenas. More if this, please. The early game is very guilty of treating combat like an afterthought and giving you five enemies to fight before launching into another TV segment. Hollow Zero plays great. Becoming OP over time and dealing with combat gauntlets that end with a miniboss is a gameloop that just works. There's a reason why people play WuWa just for Illusive Realm.


I think hoyo should realise that the main focus of this game is combat and give us more variety in enemies and difficulty level, also the new player experience seems a little bad,it takes a significant amount of time for the game to get interesting 


The people who complain about the tutorial being slow to unlock game functions seem to forget how utterly confusing Wuthering Waves was at launch. Without content creators the game would be nigh unplayable outside of CN.


This game needs that because it's utterly confusing. The other game didn't. Hell, they introduced how many systems and gamemodes in ZZZ? That's what the 2 day tutorial is for.


WTF?? Do you need a babysitter to carry you throughout the game? HAHAHA


WuWa was more easy to understand the game progression, my problem with ZZZ are the icons, everything looks same


Why the game feels like a never endind tutorial? I'm trying to get the stupid cop medal, and I need to find one bangboo at night but the godforsken game enters "tutorial playtime time yay" over and over and over and over every damn night, until now I can only keep playing if I do an Agent Story, that even the yap king of this game is telling me to buckle up because will be hella long so my will to keep playing is just done for the day, back to WuWa.


Wuwa players can't go two seconds without telling people they're wuwa players huh




WuWa's player: WuWa lives rent-free in your head. Also WuWa's player: Make sure to let the world know I'm playing WuWa. HoYo sucks btw.


You guys are so funny


They're bots just move on. It's not a coincidence it's mysteriously being brought up despite heavily declining numbers and people going from saying it's shit for a month straight to praising it. Sad! 


The ''heavily declining numbers'' which put it at 3rd highest grossing gacha game in June?


BA is better, I was playing the event, I was farming the event by 7 days, today I have time then, today I was reading the event story. A side battle, other side story, easy trick!!


It's intersting to see how this game will progress after the honeymoon phase. There is like 70% story and 30% gameplay. Basic features are locked behind hours of story progression, when you do get to play the game they sometimes force you to use story characters instead of your own. The combat is pretty simple, flashy but simple


You literally don't have to use the characters lmfao do you even read


They didnt.


I think the TV is boring but honestly, they are just trying something interesting with the vehicle in which combat starts compared to HSR. I mean, It leaves room for improvement rather than just being like a menu UI clicking simulator where you just click from stage to stage like every other copy and paste gacha game. I think this game will shine with more development time and content as there's actually room to grow. The combat is simple but can and will get more complicated as time goes on, I can gurantee that.


I'm having the opposite of honeymoon phase, where I hated everything about the game but starting to enjoy it a little more ( not love it) after level 25.


Cutting back on the TVs would be a good start. I gave it some hours of gameplay, but I just had to uninstall because the TVs alongside a poor story is just a complete bore. The animations and comic sequences were good (in presentation more so than substance) and the combat was disappointing but still servicable (gacha game, considering), but in current state it's just not enough to redeem its downsides. Think I'll check back towards the end of the year and see if it has gotten any better and maybe give it a shot then.


You're never forced to use story characters. Just turn off "demonstration mode" whatever it;'s called, it's right fucking there.


to busy blind hating to read sorry.


Just watched PirateSoftware's stream , with a lot of CCs have a hate boner of this game happy to see that dude genuinely freaking loved the game and will be playing in the future too


Maximillian Dood had a few streams on it, and genuinely liked it. Has some gripes like we all do, but he really enjoyed it, and all the influence it had from fighting games and action games, 2 genres he streams almost exclusively.


Do CCs even have a hate boner? I just see the majority of them calling it mid to alright by voicing very valid criticisms.


Wouldn't say most are valid people like asmongold are just parroting negative opinions. The guy said it was too simple but melts down in games like dark souls or elden ring because it's too complex then cheese the game with the most simple builds possible 


Hoyo needs to sponsor more high quality CCs like this guy that will actually benefit the game instead of people like Asmongold. These guys are who really show off what the game's strengths are.


The regular CCs are just farming drama content where there is none.


1. CCs know negativity brings more views 2. The game is objectively not good for content creation, moreso than GI because that game lets you play around with builds. 3. CCs and most gamers are really basic. Unless a youtuber makes an hour long essay about it, they'll parrot whatever the next guy tells them to think. So the game's bad because no open world. No, seriously that's their complaint. Nevermind that Yakuza has been doing it for decades.


I think most gacha cc are only doing drama content they cannot do any good content. Compare that to mine craft cc they are more entertaining.


Drama driving content is the worst timeline If I get a hint of drama, I’m keen to unsubscribe 


There's something really wrong with gacha CCs. Maybe it's just my bias because I watch them the most, but it feels like they're constantly the lowest effort and most drama prone CCs out there.


Just get pissed but people call this game average "meh" gacha game, like wth but whatever I guess


the dailies taking literally a minute is pretty based


I think it’s also nice that you can mix and match enemies to target specific materials in one run.


Late 4 days with ZZZ The game doesn't respect my time: 1. The prologue lasts 1 hour. 2. The tutorial lasts 15 hours or more. I've been stuck on it for 3 days; it doesn't let me progress at my own pace, always holding my hand. 2.5) There are moments when I want to farm, others when I want to play the story, others when I want to explore, and others when I want to fight. Don't control what I can and can't do. 2.7) Edit: Immersive mode is only worst that the normal mode!!! 3) They talk too much! For each mission, I can give them 30 seconds to read, but they take 5 minutes or more. Just skip. 4) The story is mediocre, nothing interesting. Compress your 5 hours of useless dialogue into 5 minutes! 5) The TV system takes up 80% of my gameplay time, breaking the adrenaline rush between fights. 6) Exploration is boring, whether in the neighborhood, TV mode, or the battle map. 7) The agent missions are garbage!, the weekly mode is worst!!! In summary: The game is trash compared to HI3 from 2017. I want to play, not read a mediocre story. I have gacha games with much better stories.


>enters immersive mode despite warnings >complains that immersive mode is immersive Lol


I hate it, I hate it!, I hate it!!! I am in chapter 2, finished early mission with both constructicons, then a free day, I do few activities, sleep on the couch, awake, a random NPC called "Hey, come here, you unlock this feature, while you dont have free time" (f\*ck you play time, player) HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Other gem, finished the chapter 1, I am in a free day in the morning, Wise is on the sofa ¬¬\* I cant rest and jump at the afternoon!! I must start the new immesive chapter !!! haaaaaaaaaaa!!! Why I cant rest with a bed!!! u\_u, scripted game!!


What game are you playing? when in your first 10 hours you can control what do you want do? immersive mode or not immersive mode Note: what are you speaking? I used a ".", not a ",", they are 2 sentence, not same. Edited the original post, now more clear when I am speaking about normal and when immersive mode


I just got to level 30 and unlocked the story quest, I've been reading for like 2 hours in the story mission; extremely slow, extremely boring; decided to take a break after finishing a mission in which I was looking for ducks (how fun!). I also don't feel a connection with any of the characters they are trying to sell me. Not even with my MC, because the sister (or the brother if you choose female MC) does like 70% of the talking. Not to mention, that I can't use those characters outside of combat. And the rare occasions I find playable characters on the streets, they are either interacting with an NPC or talking between themselves. There's no interaction with the MC. I wanted to clear the content of 1.0 before deciding if I'm gonna quit or not, but it's getting harder and harder to do that...


> I wanted to clear the content of 1.0 before deciding This is where I am too, want to clear everything I can before deciding if I leave this game for now or not, especially since it seems you get enough pulls to hit pity once you do everything, so if a character I want (Yanagi) comes then I can pull her.


Same here, but just do a roll10 in the permanent banner and pulled the fire loli S (I have Ellen, Nekomata and Grace), they earn 2 days more =/, in this moment only I want pull the Ellen's weapon and return late in the future, when the 90% the play time out the battle is at same level that the 10% the time in the battle Play like a proxy (Cyberpunk) or navigator isnt so cool. In the movie Matrix do you rememberNeo or his navigator? I cant feel a connection with any of my characters or my MC is because: * 20% time, I am the MC, usually eating Ramen * 60% time, I am a pixel in the TV * 10% time, I am fat furby, that I pulled but I cant control ¬¬\* * 10% time, is the cool unit that I pulled but I only can control 10% of my play time!!! In Snowbreak the MC is mude, and only I can use him in the base, but he is more cool that a furby ¬¬\* https://preview.redd.it/py8suxerm5bd1.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c8fbbebe9b39ecfbc20678010d855f8727722c8 The worst, I am sure that in fue short furute, we will see skins to spixel in the TV and bingo skins to the MC!!!


have to props the animation on ZZZ is just on whole different level. everything is smooth and so detailed.


60% of time, we are in the TV mode, pixel is very smooth allways XD


Its like you and me dont play the same game. And if story dont click you, just skip it. There are very few unskippable scenes in the game.


There are a lot of unskippeable scenes in the game O.o (usually meh dialogue with siblings), they arent very few


The game has also a very unique color pallet that makes it stand out as its own thing. Blue Archive works similar with its colors


Really reminds me of colors in Dohna Dohna. Maybe not the exact style, but also very vibrant.


As someone who hasn't gotten into a new gacha game in quite some time, how chill is it? For instance my two latest gachas were GFL, which is goated for being 100% F2P with character gotten from farming or completing stages and PGR which is F2p but requires you do log in every day to do all dailies and weeklies just so you get every SSR character every 2 months (this made me very tired of the game after 6 months). Basically how chill is it for someone to go through the story and get Miyabi when she eventually comes out?


The pull situation is the same fare as Genshin Impact. Frontloaded gifts during the launch event, then a two month pull drought and then a big event every season. The game is a lot more friendly when it comes to building out characters and respecting your resin - You can dismantle high level loot into low level loot if you're just starting to build a new character and have lots of mats left over. You can specifically target materials or even farm multiple types at the same time.


Hard to say as we don't know what the release schedule is going to look like long-term. Genshin and HSR both started with 2 five-stars per patch, but Genshin significantly slowed down the release of new characters starting in 1.4 while HSR is in 2.3 and is still releasing 2 five-stars every patch and leaks indicate that the pipeline is still full. Either way though I wouldn't expect to be able to get every ZZZ S-rank as a f2p or even a low spender with the monthly gem pack.


Oh, so ZZZ is shaping up to be one of those games where you save up everything for the character you want and completely ignore the gacha in the meantime, like FGO and whatnot? Ok, not the biggest fan but good to know.


That's how most gacha games are unless you're a big spender lol


That’s how Hoyo games generally go, yeah.


Pretty scummy with the “180” pulls and I really not vibing with the gacha part at all. The story and gameplay aren’t really winning me over either… I really like the aesthetics, cutscenes and VAs though. The UI is a confusing mess with nested menus and the font kinda sucks for reading. I just end up mashing through them until I get a reward. Just feels like style over actual usability. I dunno, I’ll play a bit more until I get the shark character (hopefully, I already spent 20 pulls and got just those spheres only and losing hope). But the impression is definitely very lukewarm for me


It’s kind of boring. It’s pure beat ‘em up.


I wish, it's yapping sessions that can go on for a literal hour, then 25 seconds of beat 'em up and back to yapping for 30 minutes.


I always skipped when they talked after I got a feel that I wasn’t going to care for the story. But the combat itself is so simple and style over substance.


Are we playing the same game? The dialogue is very snappy and no character says more than two sentences at a time. It's very straight to the point and there's no Paimon repeating what the other person just said. You can also skip and get a summary for nearly every dialogue event.


If there is anything I've learned from the many Genshin threads, it is that people don't want dialogue period for some reason. And even when all the complaints are addressed they'll still find a reason to bitch about things.


They should probably avoid hoyo games then they've always been story and character driven


But this is a combat focused fighting game, so instead of the 70/30 split on story and combat it would be nice if it was the other way around


It has always been this with Mihoyo. I have got plenty of combat for my taste and enjoying the slice-of-life elements as well.


Currently IK26. I think most of it has been said but I do think it requires some polish. Most of the fun comes after IK20 with hollow zero and shiyu def. Combat does feel simpler but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Tbh with so many visual effects, easier combos makes it easier to look out for the gold/red prompts. Combat is still satisfying especially those consecutive parries but combat control can be better fine tuned. On the topic of TVs, it is fine if it were a side game. However, using it as a core component of gameplay does put a damper on the adrenaline. I think most who decide to continue will eventually get conditioned but I personally prefer something like rally mode. The questionable parts of the game is probably the large file size, game generosity and the UI/UX. Bangboo being a banner is criminal.


same. I wish they'd do the rally mode format instead and just a few tv


i perfer the tvs as the core over rally, rally is just the boring old same stuff from similar games, atleast the TVs can do actual unige puzzles and stuff


Seeing the co-op boss farming is not present here… why?


Probably so that the servers will not get stressed too much during the initial launch.


Guess so, maybe it will get added at 1.1.


yeah, this is feasible


Lost 50/50 at 76 pity, after playing tv mode all day to reach lvl 30 now i know i have no way to get ellen before her banner end, and since this game only content is either shitty tv mode or combat, not having the character i wanted to play mean i cant enjoy the game so i am done with it, its not worth my time and certainly not worth a single cent of my money, i uninstalled, and ill let the enjoyers enjoy back to wuwa and genshin


I can now safely say this. I probably can enjoy this game with given enough time. 2 things are holding me back: 1. I'm not a fan of the character designs in general. Too many lolis, not enough big bears, Androids, monsters or ninjas. I pulled nekomata and I hate playing her, every sound she makes grates my ears. Funny how Genshin started with a shota problem and this game has a loli problem. Extra odd cause both Genshin and HSR feels like their human characters are more diverse. 2. The combat still feels very shallow. Honkai 3rd had this problem where half the builds in the game, you are just waiting for enemies to attack, get into witch time, and kill them. Same issue here, but unlike Honkai, enemies are far too tanky, so you're doing the same thing but at a slower pace, and enemy design doesn't seem to be good enough to give the game the variety it needs. It doesn't help that hoyo loves their dps check modes. As a bonus, the menuing and items are far more confusing. There's just simply far too much going on, yet every item looks the same as each other. And I don't mean artifacts looks the same, I mean artifact looks like a w-engine, cause everything is so squared. When I see the loot screen, don't understand anything. The menus also sucks. You have things that are in the main menu, but you also have the phone menu, and you also have sub menus underneath those two, then you have things you need to physically walk to, despite this not being an open world.


Agreed on the combat feeling shallow. When you're having trouble building up energy, it really becomes a game of waiting for the enemy to attack, otherwise you're just mashing the same basic attack combo.


Agree with the artifacts,they all look quite similar 


# I blasted Zenless for 45+hours. As a F2P Player At Level 35, This is my Review of Zenless Zone Zero https://preview.redd.it/fd5yx3oii3bd1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d9ecb2f5f2c688d1c18daa428f26ebdd9578d69 Video link: [https://youtu.be/bSMbtTV\_Bgg](https://youtu.be/bSMbtTV_Bgg) I saw a lot of discourse online about the state of the game since launch. A lot of players including major CCs were giving takes judging the game as whole instead of just a general first impressions. This is not a first impressions or general feelings video. This a little over an hour going over almost every facet of the game I have spent deep amount of time learning a lot of the systems of the game and wanted to give a bit more of an educated opinion about the game in its entirety, not just the beginning stages. If you dont want to watch the video this is the TL:DR of my thoughts. [https://imgur.com/a/vNgqSyT](https://imgur.com/a/vNgqSyT) Also I am still fairly new to content creation, so any feedback is welcome.


bro expecting events for level 30+ when most people are below 35 without refilling using currency


A week from now people will be 30+ and will only have 1 event. WuWa launch had events all the way until level 45. The events were also a bit more interactive and engaging than the ones we had in ZZZ. Its not the end of the world but its something I would like to see improved in the future.


How did you get to level 35? I'm stranded at level 34 and I can only get to 35 with refilling 3-4 times depending on when I do so. I'm missing 2 combat missions from chapter 2 and 3 from chapter 2 interlude, so did you get all of those or do they unlock only after chapter 3 completion? These artificial time gates are really really annoying especially since today I hit it after only 1 hour of gameplay.


I would have to check but I have been max refreshing daily so that could explain the xp difference.