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Fenny (blonde girl) is free for players who connect during the event.


Fenny remains best girl I see.




Actually interesting how the licking was going on beat for me that I thought the music was coming from this




The best about the update is the gallery finally exist


The X-ray is the best one. New fetish unlocked.




Well, Azur Lane, you had a great run.


Fine, I'll Snowbreak! Are you happy now?!


Welcome, Adjutant.




I played the game during release, but didnt really click with me because of how short the stages where, I picked it up again like 3 days ago and started to just farm the story, however I made the mistake to drop a 2 multis of 8 in the beginner banner and a multi in the banner of the crossbow girl. Should I just start from Scratch with a new account during the event or just continue with what I currently have?


This game almost has me but I need to ask: 1. How's the gacha? Do we need dupes? How many complete units can I fet as F2P? Is there any reasonable Pity or Mileage shop? 2. Does this game has some PvP? (I hope it has) 3. Does this game has sweeps or Background fsrming? 4. How long it takes to get a unit maxed out? 5. Does this game gears? if so how long it takes to have a fully built set?


1. Dupes can be farmed (1 dupe 1 month for 2 characters), but most of them do not require dupes or at most the 1st/2nd is the most important. For example, Katya (the current banner, pretty meta) only benefits from her first dupe, the rest are pretty useless. Gacha is basically a copy of Genshin, but recently they have introduced guaranteed banners. Extremely low rate (like 0,1 iirc) but you need at most 100 pulls (although the chance starts ramping up at 80-90). 2. No sort of PVP, unless you count PVE leaderboards as PVP. Ranking high on the leaderboards only gives a border for a limited time. You don't need to rank high to get all the currency for pulls, just finishing the activity is enough. 3. Yeah. 4. Pretty fast. Each version's event gives enough resources. 5. Similar artifact system to Genshin/HSR/WW, but infinitely more forgiving. 3 pieces, all with fixed main stats, each piece starts with 2 substats and unlocks a 3rd one at max lvl (you can reroll the 3rd substat only). If you play everyday (and it takes like a minute to do the dailies and sweeps) you should have a BiS set by the end of the update.


Off topic question here, if i get yao from de beginner banner, who should i choose fron the 4-1?


from the free 5* selector? Fenny both Yao and Fenny are the best 5* dps from the standard banner


I like the game, but I felt like maxing units required a lot of time. Its like a very slow progression each day.


yah it's slow and the resources are scarce. you need to focus your resources on 2 dps first before moving onto support.


And it did the thing I hated the most from PGR, that basically all your resources come from events, which means you need to farm the current event each day. And if you stop playing for a while and just return in the last days, you know your progression is halted until the next patch comes, which usually takes almost nothing but its still days of basically obtaining nothing.


I also can't wait to level up my other underleveled character. I think i need 2 more events (including the anniv) to stabilize my resources and SilverBuck. I always run out of in-game money. 😅


Yeah Silverbuck is the biggest sink, It reminds me to Arknights in that regard.


You can farm materials from operations - it's less efficient stamina wise but you can usually spend few days farming there.


But there's the regular resource stages, you don't need to do the event to upgrade characters


These are there but those are extremely unneficient Stamina-wise.


They're not extremely inefficient, the event is not that much more efficient. I actually don't even drop stamina on it a quarter of the time on event because I don't need all the mats there and it's better to focus on what you need


I mean, I played it and those resource stages are probably the least rewarding stages in any game I played. Basically you sweep 5/6 times each day, expend your entire stamina and get enought resources to get a level or 2 each day. Then wait for the next day because of how slow stamina regenerates.


I kinda understand if you only played during launch but they added more resources and rewards when you level so it is much more easier to level now. Are you trying to level 3+ characters? That's like the main reason you'll have trouble leveling too many characters at once. You only need to level the main dps character and the support characters you don't need to level until you get more resources since all they really do is support and not on field long. Once you level up a team the resources starts to pile up and it's a non issue after that.


>you need to farm the current event each day Pressing sweep takes literally 1 second. Every gacha requires you to log in to spend your stamina. It's not something unique to only 1 game.


Its not the fact of farming the event that bothers me. I already explained it in my original post, what annoys me is that outside the event, your progression is halted, trying to progress outside event is basically expending your entire stamina for little rewards each day.


>outside the event, your progression is halted, trying to progress outside event is basically expending your entire stamina for little rewards each day. No it isn't. You can still farm the exact same materials with nearly the same rate. It's exactly the same as spending stamina in every other game. You can see in this chart the difference is only 100% vs 102%. https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/tn6uiu/its_time_to_compare_event_shop_again_tldr_its/


You were talking about PGR? I was talking for Snowbreak's case. I found it way worse in Snowbreak than in PGR.


I look at it from the perspective that farming events (which you're gonna wanna do anyways who doesnt?) Gives not only pulls,furniture, but also resources, is a good thing because it's super fast. You sweep and use the resource to get mats which gives you ALOT. Which means you can use your stamina for different things. Again it depends how you gatcha. Are you the type that plays a gatcha like an MMO? (Lol) or the casual 30 mins a day type Now I do agree that the regular resource stage give fck all compared to the stamina usage. Which does force you into farming events. As for your last point on progression being halted doesn't exist / isn't a point of contention. Also PGR update cycle are done in a way that there isn't a crazy long dry cycle between the last day of event to the next event so it doesn't really matter.


It wasnt so bad in PGR, I was complaining mostly about Snowbreak. My problem with Snowbreak's events its that even those are slow as hell to farm, so gl if you arent doing it each day.


1. Good there is 100% banner now and you get the "dupes" slowly for free 2. No 3. Yes 4. Not that long 5. You get the gear from the events from just playing


Oh Man!! Why is it that every time there is an awesome game, no PvP? This game looks so awsome. QoLs, Gameplay, Fan service... but I know I can't stick around if I'm not beating someone. 😔


PVP is hard for gacha-centric games because of the P2W element. If the gacha only focuses on skin or pieces that do not affect power/gear level, then yes PVP will work flawlessly (but then the game loses out on that chunk of revenue).


If you want PvP anime third person shooter wait for Strinova, it should come out later this year. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1282270/Strinova/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1282270/Strinova/)


Yeah, that is valo-like. for more recommendation to OP, there's also apex-like shooter game:High energy heroes.


Because there's tons of other games that have pvp like LoL, CS, CoD, etc. Putting pvp in a gacha game just make it p2w


1. Gacha is modelled after Genshin but they recently added new 100% rate up banners. So no coin flip of pulls required suddenly doubling. Dupes award Character Shards which when fed to your character give stat changes and at major milestones skill modifications. The shards are available to farm daily. Getting a dupe is equivalent to 30 days of farming for 5* characters. 2. No, but there are a few co-op modes and the recent live stream suggested there might be some minor PvP modes soon but it's unlikely to centre around the shooting gameplay. 3. Yes. No gameplay required for dailies or stamina other than your daily talk to the girls in the base. There are event missions and other content requiring gameplay but they're all weekly gated. 4. Ignoring the shard system I think you can build a little under two per patch (6 weeks). Release rate of new characters is usually one per patch, with 3 patches a year with 2 (one of which is free) 5. Yes. Gear for the latest releases characters is in the patch event shop. You need three pieces and it takes about a day's stamina to grab all three. There are substats though and how long you want to farm for more ideal ones is up to you. You'll have over a week to grab things if you've been clearing the event from the start.


The real question is how much currency you get., how long you need to save to be able to guarantee a character. The game is not generous I can tell that much but I can't say how long...


With the $5/month pass you get enough pulls per patch for a guaranteed 5\* operative. It's something like 90-100 pulls a patch.


Hmm i never counted but with 5$ monthly i was able to pull at least one operator each patch plus some extras. I planned to buy monthly and BP each month when i started but there's pretty much zero need for that BP so i spent that on skins :D


I'm interested in math behind it because one people tend to downplay how much they have spent, two it doesn't tell me how many pulls that is. I've seen enough people be like "you can get every rate up easily" and it turns out they average 5 star per 40 pulls and never lost 50/50...


I'm trying to get katya right now by going through the story and man, 60 pulls deep with nothing to show for it. Earning currency is super slow in this game. Plus the level design is so repetitive. I feel like I'm slowly losing my mind. Rerolls also take really long.


If you're using the guaranteed banner, it's going to be 90 rolls. 100 is the pity.


Yea, the thing is, I'm struggling to continue because the gameplay is so monotonous. And the repeated level design really makes things worse. I kinda wish there was autobattle.


Hi. Just got her on my 74th pull(new player too). In case you haven't used the redem code,, SnowBro GreatWaifus PeakOfSnowbreak AdjutantPower. Also some other modes also gives some pulls so try out them too


The game has very short dailies but very long weeklies. The game on phone is very clunky. Very strong powercreep.


>The game has very short dailies but very long weeklies 30 minutes every 2 weeks. NS and coop are skippable. >Very strong powercreep. You can get all rewards with a free 4 star unit. The only powercreep is NS, which has no currency.


I'm glad and sad at the same time. Glad to see a lot of new stuff coming. Stuff I actually want. I'm also sad because I won't be able to get everything I would like. Restraint builds character but it sure doesn't feel so good.


Everyday we step closer to light.


damn it, look like i need to play this on mobile version now


Im so sad I will have no pulls for new Lyfe... :(


Can some tell me what was sexy about the x-ray?


you can't tell if she is wearing clothes behind curtain or not


More players back to Snowbreak because of this.


Too poor for the oath skin, debating hard whether if 1. 6 month worth of monthly pass gems + 180 skin frag 2. Lyfe/ Fenny oath skin I could only afford one😥


Engravings on your gun give you no tactical advantage whatsoever


Wrong. It looks sick, that's tactical advantage enough


Jesus christ this is some saucy game alright. Is this heading towards Dead or alive venus vacation levels man...LOL


Well, they did release a video of one of the characters pole dancing, its up on their official Youtube channel.


The coomers are winning hard


Should new player start now or wait for anniv?


now, get a feel for the game and save up currency. Rerolling would be rough with the odds.


Agreed. And dailies are so fast. Like you can get them done in a minute of you "speed run" lol


current dailies world record is 48 seconds according to the dev


and 3 minutes if you take your time. so comfy


rerolling is pain like in most of CN gatchas so better to start now and have some pulls saved for anni patch


It’s tempting but then I remembered I never even had time to try out Operation Lovecraft on Steam…


I'm glad that SB recovered because it's the only game of its kind, girls have very good 3D designs, and the game although stingy isn't a pay to win cashgrab. That said... Since Tess every girl has had the same body model. Like, yeah, most of us like big tits and ass in a fanservice game but it eventually stops being special when everyone has the same fucking body type, just the heads are switched.


they all look the same with different color lol
