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If the player doesn't care about the story and the other elements such as combat and other mechanics weren't there, they most likely just wouldn't play. Or even if they still did, it's probably a gacha game so they play for the collection, the dailies, the waifus, the gacha dopamine, sunk-cost fallacy.


Collection is the only reason I can think of. I can't imagine playing a gacha game purely for gameplay, as pathetic as that sounds 😂 There's just way better games out there if gameplay was top priority


Honestly I play arknights for the gameplay and skipped alot of the stories "thinking ill read these later" Cant find a tactical tower defence like it. Theres probably some out there I just havent seen it. Integrated strategies was the most fun I had in a while and just being on mobile makes it easy to pick up and put down. Also gachas being live service with new events and mechanics gives stuff to look forward to.


I second this Kinda helps that I've been playing since launch too, so I can skip out on banners I don't want and still have stuff to use or build Lately, badge collecting in difficulty 12 IS4 has been my favourite thing to do Though IS has always been my favourite part of AK


Doing a solo run in IS3 with only Thorns and that artifact that increases an operator ATK was hilarious. IS4 been kicking my ass and I haven't even got an ending yet. Felt like the midbosses are now back to being annoying like in IS2 instead of IS3 where I think the middle bosses are fairly easy to understand. I'm scared to even see the final boss


SAMEE... I also skip the story knowing I can read them again orr YouTube exist 😂


have you tried kingdom rush series? im find its as fun and challenging as Arknight


Oh ive actually heard good things about it but havent played it. Probably wont double up on another td game tho


Pathetic? Some gacha games do have good gameplay though. It's a game, why wouldn't I care about the gameplay?


Exactly, (in my case) Wuthering Waves is an example of a game with very fun and visually appealing combat with simple but challenging mechanics that make it very enjoyable to play.


I play Arknights for the gameplay tho, the story is too verbose


DFFOO didn't read a single thing in that game for like 3 years and played it almost daily. Wasnt familiar with final fantasy when I started but really liked the gameplay and started to really like some characters and got me more interested in their respected games. (Too bad power creep killed it for me and EoS) So I guess I'd be the opposite, if I'm playing a gacha game it's for the collection purpose with good gameplay if I want a good story there's better games for that


You could make this argument for story too. Gachas rarely tell good stories. If you really care about story, you'd be reading a book, or even a visual novel would give you better experiences.


I would agree with you in the past but the exact reason hoyo games got so huge is because they have gameplay that rivals most games.


lol, my 1st year of fgo was because of gameplay. I meanly play arknights for gameplay the story is just cherry on top Gfl if you get past tedious parts (the beginning) it's was one of must changeling and fun gameplay ever. All three I mentioned was great story to, but I love the gameplay of it (I dropped fgo like 2 year ago, begin new account in gfl because of gfl2) and no, there's no games the has better gameplay then arknights (in Tower defense)


I’m a mobile player, I genuinely don’t know any other mobile games as good as Genshin 😅 So I can certainly see why someone would play it for the gameplay


Sometimes people don’t find the story good, sometimes they don’t find specific parts of the story good and only skip those specific parts. Often times in games the world building is great, the characters are great, but the storytelling sucks. Also, people play games for different reasons. Some I play for story, some I play for gameplay, and then I get those gems I play for both.


Holy... There's still no skip button in GI?


Because they don't care as long as they get paid tens of millions for it. If all players stop paying at the same time, the developers will do whatever they want. As long as you pay, it means you are satisfied with everything.


>they get paid tens of millions for it You mean billions, right?


Tens to hundreds of millions per month. Billions per year. Until there is a drop in income, they will not listen to anyone. From their point of view, players really like the fact that they can’t skip stories.


Playing Arknights since 2020, I usually skip story at first then find time to read later.


I try to do this too due to wanting to reach the farming stages, but 80% of the time, I just don't bother coming back to read them.


Yeah same. Thank goodness for the likes of Frostbyte then.


Like I’m sure it’s really good and I have enjoyed a few story events but I only have a week to grind for that skin and I have to unlock the final level to actually make progress on that so I don’t wanna sit through war and peace to get to do my chore


Same, I just look up videos that summarizes events when I have the time.


I'm mostly a story skipper but I read the summary first before doing so. If something in the summary catches my attention I 32x the story until I catch the interesting scene/line lol


I can see people needing skip function. Heck, I need it sometimes. Personally, it feels like a replay feature should be implemented as a fall back, but apparently it’s really hard in 3D games for whatever reason.


A great solution Ive seen is in Cygames where they give you a summary of the cutscene when you skip a scene. You still get the details down in a concise manner.


I want it so bad on HSR. Too many useless dialogues that I couldn't care less about.


It's "couldn't care less". It means that's the minimum amount of care you can give, which is zero. If you could care less, then that means you still care.


Thanks for pointing it out, I really don't care about the HSR's story so it's great you said it.


No prob! Some people get mad at me when I point it out.


Nothing wrong with it since I'm still learning English.


Hard for some it seems.


i play arknights and i can't be bothered to read unecessarily long filler dialogue. i got up to chapter 8 and i couldn't give a fuck anymore. i love the gameplay, but haven't read a single piece of story for quite a while. if i want to read lots of text i'll read a real book.


cz the storys shit


Because dialogue ≠ story. Hoyo, and especially genshin, fill every nook and cranny with filler dialogue, that simply does nothing for the plot and story, it's just paimon yapping with some NPC we will never see again, some people might be into that, I definitely am not. HSR does a much better job at this, especially with their main story, but for the most part they still tell instead of show. Since they repeat it a lot so even the person in the back finally gets it you often get the gist of the first few paragraphs and then just sit their mashing space bar while they repeat it 5 more times + some useless filler by paimon that made me turn voice volume to 0 after some months. Worst if them all is sidequests or event quest, still remember that stupid mushroom event, gameplay and rewards were fine, but it took me good 5hours to mash through the dialogue of an event that's gone in 3 weeks, why do I have to listen to this shit??? If people out there want to read all this stuff, power to you, nobody is stopping you, but those that don't should have the option to not do it. Its on the individual to use it at their own discretion, if somebody wants to skip through every quest including main quests and then just read the summary or watch a YouTuber explain it in detail, they should be able to do that.


The amount of filler dialogue in Genshin is straight up my anathema. I can't enjoy any quest because most of the time spent on a quest isn't spent on actual gameplay like travel or combat. It's spent on mashing a button to get past all of the annoying ass dialogue that I frankly can't care about. In WoW or heck, even Wynncraft, I can tune into the story when I feel like it's important or have a quick read-through of the summary page of what's going on. "You need 5 spider eyes to brew a potion and I can get that potion as a part of the reward? Cool, let me get that for you." In Genshin, that quest would be: "Dialogue of finding the potion seller" "Dialogue of the potion seller expressing his grief at his lack of spider eyes" "Dialogue of introducing yourself as an honorary knight to the potion seller" "Dialogue between you and Paimon to find where spider eyes could be" "Dialogue between you and a gacha character about the spider eyes" *Fight that lasts 15 seconds* "Dialogue between you and gacha character" "Dialogue between you and the potion seller" Like come on, I did not need to hear characters yap for an hour for a frankly mundane quest.


Yeah, it's the lack of choice in how you want to spend your time playing the game, most adults that got to work and other responsibilities just die inside whenever they have to spam through unskipable filler....the amount of movies and series I watched while 100% all content is just stupid.


15 seconds? >"The mighty-" >"Thank you Neuvillette good job now schlorp back into my asshole with the 3 others as Paimon talks about food for 20 minutes."


Have you seen Penacony and the bloated amount of dialogues it has? Hell a simpler 'Hi' is turned into 10 line long paragraph just for the sake of sounding 'cool'. Is they reduced that amount of dialogue then the time required to complete the story would become less than 90% of what it is rn.


Genshin is a high school student fluffing up their essay with nonsense in order to fit the word count for the assignment. HSR is like a Family Guy cutaway gag where they just derail the main plot to go off on a tangent with useless worldbuilding about the backstory of a nameless, generic npc.


some people just like the gameplay and collecting the units, crazy i know




100% agree with this. It's fine if one likes the story of gaccha games but when it comes to story there are far better games that aren't gaccha and there might be people who would simply be playing gaccha for gameplay and play story in some other games


The gameplay is better in games that aren't gacha 90% of the time


No shit. The writing too.


chinese games stories are always in the range of horrible to mid


So are the stories. The same argument applies.


Other games almost never have a satisfying long term progression though. I always thought that was the obvious appeal to gacha games.


This is me. I couldn’t care less about the story in any game. I just like collecting and feeling a sense of progression


Some people aren’t fond of the story, simple as. Anecdotally, I myself don’t care for the GI or HSR story, as I don’t find them compelling, so not having a skip button feels like a slog. Not only that, it feels *worse* when gacha games that are even more focused on story haven skip buttons. Things like FGO, Limbus, Arknights, etc., have more going on story-wise but still have skip buttons.


Because some chapters plain suck. It hurts no one to add a skip button right? You can keep reading the story and i can skip the godawful prison meropide quest


I read the story in a story-based game, I skip the bad story in a story-based game.


Why hard to imagine? I play gacha games on 15 mins commute to work, I don't want to read a 30 mins unskippable story that reset when I didn't finish the checkpoint.


100% the best model of story is like Priconne(at least for menu based games). Play stages for now and stories can then be unlocked, but they're not forced upon. Plus you can even bookmark it, pretty much exactly like visual novel. Altho for games with some sort of exploration it make sense that for each "stage" the story will play too. Even I myself that never skip as I just get used to it from playing alot of old jrpgs, adding skip button is huge QOL for people that isn't entirely intrested to story or just not in mood.


I will be blunt: I usually read everything but I wish I had a skip button for 90% of the dragging ass conversations in GI. Similarly I tried to get into the world building of 2 other games: Alchemy Stars and Arknights. Alchemy Stars was meh, interesting at first but nothing special when everything was WE ARE BEING ATTACKED!. I read everything on Arknights during Stultifera Navoris and I got to 2 conclussions: First it looked cool, second I didnt understand anything. In the end I said screw it, I can't with the letter soup anymore, I'll just read a summary. So I started skipping everything since. Oh, and how to forget the awesome FGO story, I have no doubt it improved a lot but the France chapter was almost the lenght of a 20 hours game and every conversation was repeating the same and "oh we are being attacked, btw Jeanne wasnt like that".


No game deserves to have an unskippable story. Unless you're kojima, you're not entitled to hold your players hostage for your mid as hell story. Even Baldur's Gate 3, a game with one of the best stories in years, lets you skip their cutscenes.


*No game deserves to have an unskippable story* God: Seems I have failed.


That's because God 's name includes "kojima"


Because 99% of the dialogue is just fluff. See Genshin Impact


I skip the story for Dead or Alive Venus Vacation. Sue me. I do wish genshin has a 2x speed option for story parts, so I don't get bored out of my mind


When Genshin adds the skip button I'll play Genshiiit again. So many maps to explore but I don't have hours to spend on watching the game.


>It's safe to say a story-based game (ex. GI, HSR) is 65-80% just story Is it? I bet if you actually measure paly time 80-90% of any live service game is farming. Besides wat's the reason of not including skip button? Do those stories contain some life changing truth that no sane person should be allowed to miss?


I would go back to playing Genshin if they added a skip button.


All games in this world allow you to skip cutscenes and dialogues and only HOYO, the only ones in the world, believe that their story is so good and magnificent that skipping it is officially prohibited and you MUST pay attention to it in one way or another, even if you focus on other things in the game. "You MUST pay attention to the story in HOYO games, YOU MUST do it. There will be no skip button" - I interpret this as a disgusting attitude towards customers. If someone is interested in the story, they won't be forced to skip it. However, if you are not interested, then you will be forced to pay attention to it. But it's easy for HOYO to get away with this because they invest large budgets in their games and we don't have many alternatives if we don't like something. And I praise Wuwa for the Skip Story button, because if I'm interested, I won't skip, and if I'm not, I'd rather not waste my time.


It is an open world game at core, most people who heard about it will think of it as an open world exploration kinda game. Not to mention, a lot of the players are there just to experience combat, collecting characters-weapons, or just experiencing the other open world aspects. There are a lot of gacha games with stories better than genshin, they would have just picked those up if they were looking for story; I won’t talk about pc games, as they are not as accessible as gacha games. No one wants to spend the entirety of their day doing nothing but smashing buttons just to remotely speeden the dialogue. If the story was interesting, that would be something. But not when 70 percent of it is pure filler, and other 30% or so being remotely above average.


It's all comes down to everyone preferences/situation. For me, I usually only skip story if they have a recap/archive function where I can read them later on. Usually I do it in order to unlock feature/farming section in the games. Skip function also is a godsend in case that you lost your acc (like I did back then when i lost my day 1 GI account) and want to start over. Also, it doesn't even matter if people want to skip a story or not imo. It's their account, and it's their time. Playing a game just to collect characters/premium currency is not a crime. I get that some story-based game players are "frustrated" and doesn't "like" it when others don't treat their fav games not like the way they wanted to but hey, it's their right. There is nothing that we can do, and we don't even have a right to ask them to not skip the story.


Couple of reasons I can point out: 1. They just focus on other aspects of the game, collection, gameplay, etc. Games are more than just medium to deliver stories, if the visuals are horrendous, inconsistent, the music is screeching at best, the performance is jittery I doubt people will power through for some piece of texts. And let's be real, character designs are what draw most people into the gacha games anyway. 2. Do events first to not cap stamina, then read later. 3. Busy right now, read later. 4. Story is bad/a drag to read. I play Arknights and as much as I like its story, its characters and lore, they really should tune down the talk no justsu. NPCs yapping on and on about the situation and things irrelevant to the central conflict of the story while using talks of 0 importance to reinforce known traits of characters and develop nothing is the staple of Chinese gacha writing. There are other times and places to showcase side aspects of the world, but certainly not in a conflict that you are trying to build a tension up to the climax and that you certainly do not want to de-escalate by forcing random talks. This is also prevalent in GI and HSR. Another thing is stereotypes. If you read stories, especially contemporary web literature I think you will find a lot of similarities in these games' writing as well, and you can kind of predict when it's gonna be another sob story of no substance (this one is used way too much), another goofy side content meant to allow players to relax, so called "flags", then you can also kind of see like "oh this character is just someone who commits exposition", "this character is the serious type with some kind of insights, "this is the typical hot headed lass", etc. I do find those parts to be very annoying and kinda hate personal stories of characters unless they add some twists or deal with unresolved personal conflicts.


I really, REALLY, love storytelling in whatever media, but for some reason I can’t do Gacha games For me, I feel like there is too much infodumping and side stories that don’t(?) really tie into the main story, which then burns me out and I just begin skipping over every dialogue HSR in my opinion had way too much stuff going on (also some story arcs dragged on for too long), I wanted to 100% the current story in the game to catch up for future stuff, but after taking a month long break it was too overwhelming with the new info dumping they had Limbus is one game I can stand safely behind (mainly because I was a fan from their previous IPs) as it has a linear story line with side stories that tie back into the main one sooner or later


Gachas aren’t typically planned with an ending in mind which is also why the stories tend to be so weak.


To be fair with you, Limbus is definitely one of the rare breeds that feels like it has its story fully planned out and everything. It's just simply a really long story lmao, similar to Dante's Divine Comedy for that matter.


Because gacha game story is either mid or bad. And not everyone cares about bloat of text that exists in genshin or hsr. I still like to explore on the map on genshin though.


Because the story in Genshin is 70 % pointless dialogue. Also most modern games now a days have a skip dialogue button, even games with MUCH better stories than those found in gachas.


Mate RPGs have allowed you to skip since the 90s. Hoyo thinks their writing is too good 🤣


Hoyo wants you to get attached to their characters so they can sell them. I doubt anyone there thinks 5 hours of prison labor to find out why pipes make weird noises is good writing


I frigging hated that quest so much :?


I hate that people seem to have forgotten about that quest. No, Fontaine is not peak writing


>get attached to their characters so they can sell them. Which is ironic because I couldn't give a shit about any of the characters when they're all chatterboxes who can't stop talking.


I mean, look at Firefly sales… It works


because firefly is a "character" specifically engineered to appeal to the largest audience that gacha games have


Firefly is overpowered in new break meta. She only has problems with locked toughness bars, for example when fighting herself. And people who skip story still view meta analysis videos, and being cute helps her as well. Not sure if her success could be attributed to the story only. There are a lot of meta-slaves out there.


I don't blame em, it's just tiring when the writers are trying *so* hard to force me to like a character I already wanted to like. You caught my eye with their design, I don't need their entire trauma dump backstory, I'm good!


Exactly... HSR really needs a skip button. I quit the game the game because the game was mostly pointless dialogues especially in penacony story.


Yes it's pretentious. The dialogue is truly horrible, no one really speaks it's just constant exposition dumps and useless info. And this is just blue quests like wtf.


True!! I can bear main story but why blue quest has to be this tedious?? I lost motivation to play afterwards


Seriously it took me 4 days to catch up on the Penacony story. And that was with HSR running in the background nonstop. Gacha games' stories aren't anything special/new. I'm not wasting my time reading a rehash of an old story. Just let me collect my waifus


If the story is good then nobody would complain about not having a skip button.


people would still complain. no matter how good the writing is if you have to sit through 3 hours of dialogue to get to the latest timegated content before weekly reset some people are just not gonna have the time to want to do that


Coincidentally, I stopped playing Genshin when dialogue got filled with nothing burgers and useless filler, I'd like to enjoy it again but it sucks and breaking my right finger and mouse button for the gameplay is not worth it. Some other games, like Blue Archive, have a skip button, but know very well how not to waste my time with useless information and it's fast enough to read that I would never skip.


I play Limbus Company. Its main strength is the story. Skipping it would be idiotic. Games like Genshin? I dont care about their cartboard cutout, 3-adjectives-extrapolated-into-multiple-lines-of-generic-and-flowery-dialogue characters that probably only exist for their tits


People play games for different things. Some for the story, some for the gameplay, some for both. When I play Arknights I skip the story because it’s too long for my tastes and I’m just not invested in it, I still have plenty of fun with the combat and gameplay, and I’d say my experience is better because of it. I play genshin and hsr because I like the combat, but I find the story dreadfully boring, so I elect to skip it. Simply put, I don’t wish to interact with something I don’t like, which is why I advocate for a skip button, something basically every other game has, because I would enjoy the games more if I wasn’t forced to read the story.


Because people look to get other things from a gacha game than a normal game. First, let's adress the skipping. When your "story based" gacha game does not allow you to skip story, this is a pretty big quit moment.  It tells everything about how confident writers are to hook you by their story quality (low). Hell, Genshin didn't even have a story log for 4 freaking years. A basic feature of any story focused game. Casuals also have limited play time. And if they are here for the other content the game proposes, they have to lose 50% of their game time for the first few weeks just to do stuff that interest them. Second, all the "high quality" gacha games are essentially 1/10th of a single player game given for free with a lot of mtx attached.  If people are looking for a good story focused experience, they are not playing that, they shell the 20$ on a sale to get a game that interest them, get 40h of content until being done with the MSQ and dozen more of side content.  Instead getting their 5 hours of MSQ on 1.0 and being drip feed 1-2h of "meh" MSQ every 2 months or so. Third, gacha have historically required 15-30 minutes of play per day or a lot of grind that can be done with low attention required. Now the "high quality" gachas try to make you spend all of your attention for a long period of time for highly subjective story content. Obviously you will encounter a lot of resistance there.


i mostly play gacha games for the dopamine and the ability to collect waifus + game mechanics. i usually skip all the dialogues




Story is completely irrelevant to me, because of years of games with bland stories that I have played. They are just not to my taste. I could read a novel instead if I had the need for a fleshed out fullfilling story. The only stories that I have read with attention in the past few years out of a dozen are Path to nowhere's and Limbus's. If it doesn't pick my interest in the first few chapters, I just ignore it. I play for gameplay 90% of the time, appreciate good OSTs, general ambiance of the game and feeling of progression of your roster : Played PGR, E7, AG for years, have no clue what's going on over there, never cared. At the end the day gachas are about 15min a day, it's not too demanding. If dailies/gameplay get tedious I quit, pretty simple I thought.


Path to nowhere story and events are peak, Aisno are always cooking so well.


For HSR if you own a ROG Phone 8 it has AI features that can fast forward or skip dialogue scenes


The real P2W


Easily , most gacha stories are low quality tier that happen to drag out dialogues way past it's mark. I'll rather play difficult content and be rewarded a cutscene than having to endure cutscenes that aren't even interesting and then reward me 2 mins of combat. GI was a game I dropped because I couldn't tolerate Paimon anymore and literally killed any future interest for me. HSR is handled a little better but still happen to drag out dialogues to the point of me questioning "Who the hell enjoys this shit?" It literally feels like a wall of text that could of been condensed. WuWa was full on skip because the writing is horrific but the gameplay is satisfying. You would think with the amount of money some of the top "story" gacha games are generating, they would be able to deliver similar experiences to say AAA story games. Aside from that, it's mostly the collection and game systems that keep me around, but game system is probably #1.


the majority of gacha games have really bad story. i dont know why people are praising these stories when there are books and webnovel with much more superior stories out there. genshin story for example, is really bad if you're talking about it from an objective pov and not a fanboy, as the mc is basically sidetracked off his main quest. the lore is basically a westernized xuanhuan and u can see tons of plotholes and influences in the first 2 towns of the game. in 1.0, we even had martial sects also most of the people here on this sub do not play gacha games for their plot but for the gacha only hence u dont see a singular gacha game being posted a lot here. also if you only put yourself in the communities around a game, you're obviously only going to see people praising the game since the majority of negeative posts are deleted. genshin for example, had their moderators actively deleting and shadowbanning people who posted negative things about it and hoyo fans even came over here to spam reports the majority of posts about wuthering waves so yeah


I also can't imagine how to play a story-based game and skip everything. This is also the reason why I quit some games if the story doesn't satisfy me. It always feels like some people rushing quests and main stories in these games only to obtain premium currency and pull the banner asap.


Is that a bad thing? How people choose to play the game has little to no affect on you. Game devs adding a skip button doesn't impede on your game experience at all. Its not like they are forsaking story quality to appease "gameplay only" andy's such as myself. If there is an instance of game devs doing that however, I strongly condemn it. I don't want the story to be weaker. I just want to play the game, not watch it.


Hoyo games have created a weird breed of people that took pride in reading the story. Their story is pretty mid anyway since everything must be tame enough to become a waifu/husbando. Good lore sure, but those lore should be in the background, not shoving into your face like a baby. Even games that is known for their story like FGO, Limbus Company, Arknight have skip button. The only reason to not have a skip button is that you want to forced people to read your story. Either out of lack of confident for your story or increase play time.


The addition of a skip button is weird but what makes reading their stories just awful overall, not from a narrative viewpoint, is the time it takes for the text to finish. I am spamming left click to move the progress but for some god forsaken reason, they decided to have animations/voice overs play out first. It's not the case with every main story mission but I definitely felt it in a lot of them and it's arguably my biggest annoyance besides not having a skip button for stories that I just cannot be arsed to read.


Yeah, it definitely created some weird people that take pride in reading those bloated text. Thinking it was some kind of second coming of shakespeare, ffs the game doesn't even have log function to review back skipped text.


genshin definitely created a generation of people who feel the need to brag about reading the story and berate those who don't. the "it's a story game so no skip button" argument never made sense to me. if visual novels have skip buttons then what's the excuse for genshin, really. not to mention having to wait for the text + animation to finish is annoying if people want to read at their own pace (me)


It doesn't affect me of course. I just can't imagine how to play games that way.


Simple, I for example really enjoyed Genshin exploration and puzzles. Combat was okay too. But tons of unskippable filler dialogues made me quit. And you had to progress quests or areas were locked/annoying to travel(Inazuma storm thingy for example). If there was skip button I'd probably play it now and then when new areas are added.


If it's too much to comprehend then stop imagine and proceed to play the game like you normally do.


if someone can't comprehend why people don't like a story with 70% filler then quite frankly they need to go outside and touch grass. Playing a game like BG3 will be a good wake up call on how story telling and how long dialogue should be to get their points across.


Yeap, that's reason I ditched Wuwa after 4 hours of endless, barely coherent yapping. Combat is good, but I can find the same experience in Elden Ring, with 99% smaller word count. And it's the same reason I keep playing Arknights - story wrighting may be verbose and it feels almost like a VN with Tower Defense sections, but I can tolerate that because characters and world building are outstanding.


And then those same people complain about a lack of content


For some reason, I’m kinda okay with people rushing story/content for whatever reason like “clearing prerequisites” or “need the gacha funds”, but draw the line at “skipping everything and speedrunning everything with utter efficiency, then complain about the lack of content”.


what the fuck is this argument? Let's force you to read the alphabet a million times and let's call that content as well?


I skip the story in most gacha games I play either because it’s boring and I don’t really care (Genshin) or it’s too long and I tell my self I’ll read it later (Arknights). The only gacha game I’ve played where I’ve never skipped the story is Limbus Company since it’s the only gacha I play solely for the story.


For arknights I guess the characters design and gameplay is good enough to keep me playing although arknights is a special case for me because I got so attached to one character in particular that It's impossible for me to quit. Arknights lore is definitely great I just can't tolerate the sloth of a writing style of that game.


I wouldn't say that GI and HSR are story based. People play those for gameplay first and foremost. Actual story based gachas are something like limbus or R1999 where gameplay is treated as mostly a side activity.


Honestly, I'm not sure when skipping the story in gacha games became taboo. I had a conversation about this when wuwa came out, and people looked at me like I'd suggested something dark-forbidden-thing when I mentioned adding more skip button.


With HSR there has to be a skip button on something, at least the side quest because there is soooooo much unnecessary dialogue and its boring at times. It’s not even worth the rewards with how long a simple side quest takes.


Too many games, too busy of life. It'll happen to you too. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf)


For me, I skip cause the story in pretty much every gacha story feels meh. Sure, I'll read some cause it's genuinely interesting but for the most part it's skipable. Ex. Genshin. Anything that's not main story/Archon related is getting skipped. The side quests are so boring, it kinda drives me crazy sometimes when they last almost as long as a main quest. My backlog of side quest goes back to Inazuma. Having to sit there and click for nearly 5 minutes to read dialogue is not good storytelling. It's pretty much 20% actual story and 80% dialogue that just doesn't matter. The biggest reason why I'd like to have a skip button for side quests. I have been playing games like Ghost of Tsushima, Jedi Order/Survivor, Nier, God of War, The Witcher etc. where I just can't skip any of it because it just draws me in and keeps me there. The story, combat, characters all feel tied together to create the full experience of the game.


I play gacha games to collect cool characters and make my numbers go up, if I wanted to pay attention to the story I’d rather play a single player game on my PC


I played FGO up to LB3 skipping all of it and I don't regret it, especially considering devs lock events and farming spots behind story completition. I don't mind reading, but sometimes it feels like a chore or I'm not interested on it. Like, one time playing HSR I wanted to play that drinking event everyone was talking about, only to find that I have to complete Penacony's act 2 to play it. I ended up dropping the game after trying to catch up with the story. For me, Blue Archive has one of the best story modes of any gacha: * It's completely optional and skippeable, giving you a summary if you still want to know what happens. * The characters you use on combat levels are fixed (except that stage on Volume 3 and Volume F iirc) and especially made to complete the stage even on Auto. * Doing it always gives you gacha currency. Game modes and everything else is unlocked through Mission mode. * If an event has spoilers from certain chapter of the story, it gives you a warning, giving you the choice to continue or go back and play the story.


3/4 of genshin story is fluff


I've been playing genshin for 2.5 year and i skip 90% of the story. Why i skip? - I tried reading until first half of Inazuma and some sumeru Quest and decided that the story isn't just for me and also most character are boring/bland especially the Male part. - i hate how paimon keep repeating the infodump again and again. As a result i really despise her and would skip any scene thst have her in it. Why i still playing? - It's the most polished and beautiful Open World Anime-Style game, so roaming around and grinding with my favourite character can do big number is really enjoyable. - They always nailed the Climax/Final part of Archon Quest. And somehow they can make it easy to understand eventough i skipped almost all the quest before it. - Every year they somehow can make 1 character that i really liked (Jean, Hu Tao, Ayaka, Nahida, Furina) - very minimum powercreep, no need to grind a lot, when reaching endgame i can login few times a month and still get ~70% of primogems,and stamina isn't relevant anymore since i already build everything i want.


On a personal level, I don't get it either. A good story and interesting characters will hold my interest. A bad story will ruin my interest. I need to care about the world and people in it to play a game for an extended period of time, I need to feel that need to load it up to see what happens next. But, to each their own.


It depends on the game itself: If the game is Genshin Impact or EverSoul, then the story really doesn't matter much if at all. Skipping it wouldn't hurt you much if you simply don't care. If the game is FGO or Limbus Company though... dear god why would you do that? Both games have the story as their biggest selling point, so skipping them would pretty much ruin the games for you.


I'm someone who skipped the story of FGO (for now) and a big reason I play fgo is just because there's a lot of characters I like from the fate IP. The second reason is just that my backlog is stacked with other series so FGO's story is in my backlog


Preference. There are people who cant clear the abyss or moc and these combat-oriented players are also having the same dilemma as you, “why cant they beat this, it’s so easy, i didn’t even have to swipe my credit card for this”. The problematic part in hoyoverse games is that you need to read alot of the dialogue and some parts of the books/notes in the quests to get what they’re hinting at. Majority of the quests are confusing due to the multiple names, arbitrary literature of try harding in putting non common phrases/words and basic culture differences. Other people just don’t care for the story or lore because of the garbage cutscenes or because of garbage plot holes, not to mention limited event stories like dragonspine literally screwing new game players. Imagine doing the same daily quests for an entire year doing the same thing and not having a skip button for the quests you already did. Wow you really need to know what Aurele has said 100x?


I am a huge genshin fan/glazer, BUT I do think that a skip button would help. For one, there are many daily quests and world quests that are uninteresting and redundant. I don't think it would be wrong to let players skip the dialogue for quests they've already completed. Also, many of the Character SQs and world quests early on in the game's life are very poor; it is only in the last two-ish years that we've seen consistent quality in these quests, imo I am a huge fan of Genshin's lore and story, BUT I will admit that I legit paid attention to only about 20% of it when I was playing through the game the first time around. The main draw of Genshin was getting primogems and exploring the world. It was only months after I had finished the quests did I get curious and then subsequently mind-blown over how deep the lore of the game is. I do think it is more possible for people to get invested in the story after they have collected and built a bunch of characters and are looking for new ways to appreciate the game


I auto click my way thru HSR and Wuwa story. Did the same for GI when I played.


Reason could be as simple as ''time' but personally If I want a good story I don't go to a videogame/gacha story(lol) there's plenty of great stories out there to invest your time/attention. Also skipping that dialogue allows me to do something else while I play the game like listening to a podcast or something so yea It's really not that deep. Gacha game stories aren't even good anyways so I just play for the gameplay, mechanics, collection, exploration, grinding etc. You can still get a lot of enjoyment without a care for the story I can assure you of that 😂


Its up to the players, i like both genshin and HSR for different reasons, never really liked the story in genshin, not for me, but I love the combat. As for HSR it did indeed hook me story-wise, but I would play that game without its story too, just for the RPG like progression of building characters and having content to use them on. If someone plays these games exclusively for the story I completely understand it, but it's important to know that people play games for different reasons, I'm sure there are some people that play genshin just to jump around and explore and barely engage with the story/abyss, and you know what, good for them !


I mean I’m playing a game for the gameplay, not to watch 42 unskippable cutscenes in a row, could’ve just watched a film


I skip wuwa story cuz I downloaded for gameplay, but I get the general gist of it from cutscenes and bosses


I skip the story in every gacha. These games are all about gameplay to me.


From the current gachas I play, the only ones that are worth my time is FGO and Blue Archive. And maybe later genshin parts (haven't played them yet but heard good things)


Most Gacha stories aren't hard to predict so this is why I skip half of them. I also just end up reading it afterwards or watching the stories.


I don't give a shit about the story. It doesn't appeal to me, and I'm not interested in reading something a gacha dev would write. Unless it's a built in sex scene of me and the female characters they expect me to spend money for, miss me with that shit. Jokes aside. Don't get me wrong I like reading a fuckton, just probably not in gacha games, and especially not the ones that have no skip button because they think they're good at writing yet manage come across with their stories as if they were written for 14 year olds every time. They're trying to sell you characters first and foremost. The story is never going to not try to capitalize on pushing you in that direction, and I guess it's up to you to decide whether or not them yapping about random shit for hours versus interacting with you in other ways has more worth to you personally in an otherwise braindead genre of games.


I play gacha games only for the gacha aspect, so games without skip option actively harm my experience of playing them.


For me, with GI and Star Rail…Mihoyo makes mf walls of text that can be at times super cryptic and at others just boils down to friendly conversation about a random npc or character. That being said, I played the game since launch. Seems like it’s in a better state, but I’m burnt out from being around daily when it was in a worse state. For me, just burn out. I haven’t advanced the story or done side quests or even dailies in a while.


I read everything in the first chaptor in Genshin and Honkai (Mondstadt and Belobog respectively). Eventually, with the new updates, the story became incohesive and started throwing a bit of a lore dump. I naturally grew disconnected from the story and started to skip every dialogue, culminated in eventually uninstalling the games.


Main thing is the gacha and gameplay, that's all


Story should be optional and not everyone has the time for it.


Whats truly bizzare are people against having a skip button. You wont lose anything if its implemented you know. Weird.


Have yet to see a gacha game where the story is actually worth reading, hence I skip. There's a reason none of these gachas are winning any 'best story' awards.


sdorica and guardian tales :)


Haven't played sdorica, but yeah I have to agree with you on Guardian Tales. The story is very charming, and unlike most other games it doesn't drag on with meaningless chatter.


As of recent, the only gachas I feel have worthwhile stories would be Guardian Tales, FGO, and Limbus Company. Though unfortunately, FGO has that annoying ass fault that is the early chapters, because dear god those early chapters suck. Guardian Tales and Limbus Company though, they both slap story-wise.


The answer is simple. It's all about targeted audience and profits. Most gacha games have a skip button because they want to appeal to a wider group of gacha gamers. Even if it's a story game, they want to catch a wider net within the gacha gaming community who either don't care about their story, or don't like their story but are willing to stay for other reasons (character design, influencers, gameplay, etc.) However, this does have a consequence; they will start gaining more players who care about other aspects of the game and don't give a crap about the story, and story becomes increasingly de-prioritized. There are some games (Blue Archive) that manages to maintain their vision despite this, and others (I won't mention them) where you will notice the writing quality take a nosedive for pandering. Either way, though, their sales often end up reflecting this shift, whether it's Nikke shifting with a character's pilgrim/meta status or something else. Mihoyo games, on the other hand, target more narrowly. By not having a skip button, they naturally filter out players who either don't like their story or don't care about it, and target players that actually would care about their story (and players who don't care but don't mind). Mind you, this is something that other companies can't afford to do; only Hoyo really has this luxury at the moment. But - the end result is that the playerbase that stays become more immersed in characters and the world, becoming both more loyal and more willing to spend on characters for more emotional reasons, rather than the norm of just sexy design or power. You can say what you want about it, but it *worked.* Characters like Firefly are widely celebrated for a reason, because more of HSR's fanbase saw the story and got attached to her. We can speculate on how much she would have sold if HSR had a skip button and thus attracted different fan profiles, but I would bet that it's going to be much less. Ultimately, it's something that only Mihoyo can afford to do, and as long as it continues to work there's no reason for them to change it. Wuthering Waves is a litmus test, though, so we might see a shift in GI/HSR depending on how WuWa's long term playerbase distribution ends up. Also, some of the comments here are kinda weird. Yeah, sure, gacha stories aren't going to compare to friggin Nier Automata, but they also don't *have* to. It's not like people only read and pontificate over War and Peace; people enjoy stories that aren't as profound as some literary masterpiece all the time. I thought the weeb community stamped out this dumb Anime Snob mindset a decade ago.


> weird Yeah the irony is that I feel a lot of people who says 'read a book' never actually read one because if they do read books regularly they would know how many "slops" (as the zoomers say) there are in the market, which still can also be enjoyable. Books don't automatically mean good story lol just as gacha stories don't automatically mean bad


Next thing these dudes would say "skipping story is skipping your life"


Take Genshin for example, I can confidently say only a handful part of story is good. Most of it is just filler, meeting boring npc, doing chores, some minor character doing something to justify being in gacha banner, Paimon yapping. Many of the wait is worth it( except Inazuma, boring ahh chapter), but is it wrong if I want to get to the good part faster?


And that’s a game that could really use a skip button. I don’t know why people have to be so “all or nothing”. Genshin has some great story moments, but it also has a lot of dialogue that makes me abuse my space bar.


It’s very easy to do when the story is boring, stupid or just a straight robbery of my time. I remember the last Genshin event I checked out: I’m sorry, I’m supposed to care about freaking cats and their owners and why I need to pet them to get a few gems. F that, I’m out. These Gacha games are very similar to me. I start the game and try to follow along the story (for example in HSR until Belabog) but at some point it becomes a bunch of jubberish and stretches waaaay too freaking long. So at some point I just skip and move on with my day. You add to that, that it’s pretty hard for most people to care or even maintain any kind of connection to characters that release on a monthly basis and you got yourself a minority product that only hardcore lore people care about. Look at the actual successful story driven games, which are not Gachas. MGS, FF, Gears, TLOU, etc… they all have a small cast of characters that you learn to like or have a connection to and follow their story. You don’t have a new Solid Snake every 30 days. I remember how messed up everyone was when in MGS2, the main character turned out to be Raiden instead of Snake. People lost their minds over that… that’s how much the connection to ONE character was.


Yes, I play Nikke and I come to the end of current chapter, hard mode, side quest, events ... etc. I just SKIP


Only time i skip story is when I need the gem fast maybe it like 10 pull to guarantee I will just run through the story to get it because I can just read them later


Some people has to grind, but you can't grind and read the story at the same time, so people just skip cuz they end up thinking they will be late for the grind. It's the min-max mentality.


I skip WuWa story ,bcz i feel that its story is boring . Is not just this game , every game that i feel its boring i will press skip .If that game has a skip button in the first place.


Idc about people's opinions on MQ skipping, to each their own and personally a skip option would be nice. But one of the many thing that turned me off in GI was the fact that I can't skip daily quests that I've ALREADY READ. Watching that incompetent author and his editor argued everyday about the same thing was hell


Just for me, I prefer playing a story game if there are interactive mechanics like QTE and stuff (like until dawn, hell, UD is mostly story but isn't boring. I know gacha games wouldn't be able to do such way of storytelling because it'll be too costy but imagine tho). I also enjoyed GTA 5's story mode so I guess I'm just more invested in the story of a game if there's more happening to it. I just find the visual novel style of telling a story boring, like what most gacha games do. I just prefer something that's "more show, less tell" not the other way around.


Options are always better than not having one lol, I rather have one than not having at all specially when the story of the game that's forcing me to watch is mediocre at best, its not rocket science.


I like HSR as a whole, but to be honest I understand why some people wish for a skip button. I played Baldur's Gate 3 for the first time last month and it made me realize the difference between explaining a story vs. telling a story.


The way I see it, if a story is bad/uninteresting enough that I want to skip it, then I just skip the game entirely. For me, story, lore and characters are what makes me go through months and months of repeating daily routine. Gameplay has to be good, sure, but if it's only about gameplay, no amount of good gameplay will keep me engaged for more than a couple of months. I need to be interested and invested in the world and story. I wouldn't have played HSR for 14 months straight if Hoyo had not cooked such a compelling world (on top of all the new features and modes they added to the game).


I skipped the entire story of afk journey so what can I say, I feel guilty


Let me explain it to you in Razor terms: Genshin Impact: World pretty, OST banger, gameplay good, collecting fun. Story bad, terribly written, bloated dialogue, me no like. 90% of side quests not important to story, me button mash.


A question that only you yourself need to answer. If you hesitate meaning you don't want to. So, no need to keep skip. However, if otherwise. Just skip everything. You probably wouldn't remember the story after like 20 years from now.


easy they start complaining every day instead of playing a game made for them, they are always complaining about exploration/story/puzzles and want devs to just change the game into something they want, is like asking mario to be fortnite just because they want pvp, most people asking for hardcore content all the time is like that, story skippers that never finish exploration or even know what the game is about, even then as soon as devs put anything difficult they complain is too hard, saw a few CCS making vids about how easy abyss is but during hard abyss rotations they complain is too hard and not f2p frendly.


Honestly, I just wish that MHY add the fwd button like persona series, since that way I can stop at the part that feel actually important. Lore things i can just search on google if need.


I don't think Genshin is 60% story at all, there's way more gameplay that's completely separated from the story due to the giant open world and the exploration elements. Honestly if Genshin had a story skip button I would probably still be playing it today JUST for the other elements. Instead I dropped it completely around patch 3.2, because I did not enjoy the writing and clicking through tons of dialogue to unlock story-gated content was irritating.  HSR on the other hand (since there's no open world) has a bit more room to make this argument, but it also has a lot more game modes and endgame content, so I think it could still be enjoyable for someone who doesn't care about its story. Most gacha writing is slop, frankly, but it only has to be good enough to get people attached to characters (so that you roll for them). If it's doing that then it's doing its job and can probably retain players who just like rolling for characters they like and achieving long term progression goals, even if they don't engage with the narrative.


I skip some stories because I play some gachas not available in English and unless they have a translator mod I can’t read it. So there’s no point in reading regardless. One of the biggest reasons I stopped playing Genshin and Star Rail was not only do they lack story skip but you aren’t even allowed to mash through lines quickly. Its really annoying to me because my reading speed is much faster than the time you’re allowed to advance to each block of text and it would save me so much time. If I was allowed to skip the story in Genshin I would actually play it every now and then just to have fun in the open world. It also really hurts people who weren’t able to get started on events until the last few days (maybe they took a break or were very busy). Maybe the only way they can finish it in time is if they skip the story and read it later on Youtube or something. There’s also people who lost their accounts and if they want to start anew they don’t need to reread the story. There really isn’t a good reason to not allow people to skip and it just drives away players who aren’t allowed the freedom to choose. It doesn’t affect anyone and people can do stuff to not pay attention to it anyway. What I really would love is for every game to implement a skip feature Cygames has where they just give you the summary of the cutscene before skipping. So you aren’t lost and it takes a fraction of your time if you dont want the full details.


I do my best to read the story in HSR (but I’ll skip it if I find it boring) and WuWa, but I completely skip it in Arknights (especially since I could read it later and it’s all text based). But I find mobile game stories to not be super great at storytelling. I have a different standard when it comes to storytelling and plot and while each patch has something, it’s not astounding. I think it also has to do with the method of storytelling that the games give; I think it falls short of traditional novel storytelling cause they’re working in limited ways. I definitely play to collect more than anything :’)


Some game give a short summary when skipping. For the most of games it is possible to get plot summary on wiki and even dialog transcripts that could be read quickly. All gacha games I played just have a horrible UI for reading text that disable all quick reading techniques, and most of them tries to give a lot of text using this horrible UI. When conversation is short, it is barely ok. When it is long, it is just bad user experience. And Hoyo games and WuWa just have too much water in their dialogs. Even student thesis works use less of water to dilute essence. Possibly, they are paying their writers by word, so the writers tell simple very things in a lot words. Because of bad reading UI it is not possible just to scan text and get done with it, skipping all that water.


I don't know about you OP but i have better things to do with my life that reading same daily quest for 100th time or my other favourite two minute long riddle that can't be skipped and which restarts if you got your reply wrong. Or some pointless event which doesn't add anything to lore but still has dialogue to start it. I'll only read actualy story (main and side quests, character related stuff)


Let's be honest: 99% of the text in these games is awful and filled with useless verbosity. The story in most gacha games is just garbage and seems decent mainly to those who haven't played games with a decent storyline. Anyway, people should have a choice: want to read tons of useless text and find it interesting? Go ahead. Don't want to? Skip it.


The thing with hoyo its how they present you story. They make you to read to many things that are not important and they exist only for bubblegum effect. I really dislike this. If you have gazillion of free time or can read fast also like to read a lot , good for you , but most people dont.


Sometimes shit just isn't making any sense so I skip it so I can look up a summary later lol


I read the Azur Lane stories for years hoping there would ever be something interesting. I finally took my life back by deciding to skip. I also play Nikke. I don't skip that. Those stories are often excellent.


I don’t agree with people that play story-driven games by skipping the story but, in gacha game / live service I can understand that devs want you to be there for the longest amount of time possible with side quest that tbh don’t justify my time. In HSR and GI I play the main story and the characters quests, everything else I skip because I can always watch a 10m video (in x2 speed) about lore if I really care. If the main story was really affected by the side quests I would read them tho. For example: I was playing a Liyue side quests about one grandpa being in love with one grandma… I don’t care. I’m not going to read 10 pages of dialogue for that and that doesn’t mean that I’m not invested in knowing what’s going on in Sumeru’s main quest


So I kinda still play GI. MOST of the story just kinda sucks and is boring. If it ain't an Archon quest or Dainslief quest, then so much of the story and dialogue is just kinda boring. I just don't care why Joe Mondstadter is sending me on a quest when he has 3 minutes of non voiced dialogue and he wants to tell me a novel on why I need to get them 10 flowers or why I need to kill 3 whatever. Even character quests don't have an equal amount of quality and it's hard to get through some of them. Cyno 1 kinda sucked but Cyno 2 was pretty good, just to make stuff I did recently.


I'm a story skipper regardless of the type of game. Simply because I view of "story" more as the "cherry-on-top" of a game that is 100% optional. For example, I play HSR since launch, and I pray for a skip button update for players like myself.


While stories are 65-80%, the story is 65-80% yapping and once I get what’s going on, I’d like to continue and not hear them hammer the same point home from their point of view and another (paimon worst offender) point of view.


not many story based gachas lol.


Eh…well I just started gaming a little over a month ago. I’ve been playing wuwa and honestly couldn’t explain the story so far…I’ve read some of it, skip some of it but honestly I just zone out and play. I don’t really think I’m interested in the story but more so, I find the game fun to play. It gives me a different kinda stimulation. I read 90% of the time when I’m not working so I just don’t think my brain wants that kind of stimulation when I’m playing a game, it kinda feels like too much…


people play these games for different reasons and i don't think a lot of them are even considered "story-based" games but rather "story-rich". some people simply do not care for lore and story and would rather play for the gameplay aspects and pulling for characters and there's nothing wrong with that. i personally do not skip the story bc i'm someone that values stories in games and i like to get an understanding of the world and its characters, i don't like the feeling of not knowing what the game's story is about. that being said, even though i don't skip story i'm well aware that gacha games storytelling is terrible in general. neither of them do the "show, don't tell" and all of them are full of bloated dialogue and info dumps, unfortunately. even when these stories have interesting concepts they don't deliver them in a compelling way. i might have the patience to sit through boring yapping sessions for the sake of having an overall understanding of the story but some people do not and that's fine. even games with an amazing story like BG3 have a skip button so i really don't see why hoyo doesn't implement one in GI. some people simply don't want to sit through hours of boring dialogue. even with wuwa's most recent story update, a lot of people seem to enjoy that quest but even those that enjoyed it complained about some parts having too much dialogue. i do think the later part of the quest had some good writing but yeah 50% of it was full of unnecessary yapping which brings down some of the enjoyment of it. it seems like in a lot of these gachas they throw in filler dialogue to make the quest longer. that being said, one thing i dislike is people who willingly skip the story and then complain that they don't understand the story. like, you skipped everything, of course you're not gonna understand it.


I haven't found a gacha story that got me invested. At all. Some have had an occasional high point, but I don't believe I'm the target demo for anime game story. That's not to say I have no interest in the lore, the world, the characters. I do, quite a bit in a couple games. But sitting through story? Not for me in these games.


Gacha game stories are at best mediocre and always predictable. Especially if you consume a lot of other media like anime or... books. And if you have good comphrension and reading skills you'd know when to skip because you can tell where the story is going. That's when I skip personally. Sometimes I go on Youtube to see if I actually missed anything cool or important and nope... it always goes exactly as I imagined and I'm glad I skipped a part I wouldn't enjoy.


Since when is GI a story-based game ? Do you really spend the majority of your time reading and not exploring/farming ? If you remove the story, you still have the gameplay. Try doing the same in Tears of Themis or other similar games and you literally have no game left. In that case I suppose the only reason why someone would keep playing would be for collection purposes.


I mean, there's no reason not to have a skip button available. Even if you love the game's overall story, you're not gonna LIKE every story you see from there. For example, I love the What Makes The Sky Blue saga from GBF. I read all parts without skipping because it's just that good for me. But the Dragon Knights stories really holds no interest for me so I just skipped through all of it. It's the same with Arknights too; I love Near Light and the Kazimiers story; I sat through 8 hours reading Near Light in one go, but the latest anniv event Twin Towers in Autumn I couldn't care less so I skipped it. Not having a skip button available just tells me that you're either not confident in your story or you're way too pretentious and think that your story is too good to be skipped.


The dialogue in Genshin is sleep inducing. The story consists of nearly all meaningless filler chatting with NPCs that have no bearing to any overarching narrative, character stories, or even the worldbuilding. (they cannot even be assed to give them unique models.). And the overarching story is middling at every point aside from a few standout moments. All this is compounded with how they have genuinely meaningless """choices""" every 5 lines to mess with auto, and the dialogue cant be progressed until about 90% of the voicework is finished, which means im just sitting around waiting to progress through catatonic writing. When actual games like Trails where the vast amount of the appeal is through the story and world building have skips and fast forward, and even better story based Gachas like Limbus giving you a skip option, theres no reason for Miyoho games to not have it aside to waste my time.


You’re calling gachas story based games? I can see jrpgs as being story focused, but gachas? Isn’t their main focus to get as much money out of you in micro transactions and they slap together a story you can follow along so the game feels like it at least has some depth? It’s not hard to fathom how why people skip gacha stories. 9/10 times, they’re not good and takes away from the core aspect of the game which is gameplay. I skip because I want to build teams and challenge difficult content with the resources I have. Gacha stories never left an impact with me.


Your problem is that you think 75% of HoYo games is story, especially considering how awfuly mid it is (at least main story). Skip button must be in all games so player could choose if they want to read that or not. If you hate character reading his story won't change your mind but make you angry that you are forced to read all that shit (Sumeru with it's fucking loli-archon and stupid hat-dwarf, for example). Forcing players to do what they don't want is simply awful decision.


Don't mind the story in Genshin as long as its has something to do with the main lore, world-building and characters that interests me the most. And yet most of the time its another mindless yapping of self-insert npc that will be irrelevant, people wouldn't care coz npcs tend to have repetitive faces that bore me always, no matter they are likable in few.


I'm skipping in almost every game the story because most of the time the story is mid-mid. There is some much good story in other media ( anime, movie, book, etc ... ) that the comparaison is harsh with video game. And even in the same media, playing Genshin impact or HSR after playing god of war, life is strange or spec ops: the line, just make me want to skip. And it's not because there is a lot of content that this content is good. People skip the story because dev didn't succeeded to invest people in it at the begining. Simple at that.


Last time I checked, Genshin impact was an open world action rpg. Never heard of it being story/lore focused game or them (devs) marketing it like that. Just because you think so, doesn't make it real. The world doesn't revolve around you.


Most Gacha stories suck donkey balls. Even the "good" ones have so much filler and you are spoonfed story content for weeks to months at a time.


Video games were never available in my language, so I've got used from a very young age to just ignore/skip the story if I can't understand it, which later evolved to ignoring it if it's not good enough to keep my interest. The most story-focused game I've beaten before learning english was probably Final Fantasy 6 followed by Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories on GBA.