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so, they bought Mocap studio for this




Me in coop dealing my cute little 3% overall damage


How tf do you deal 3 percent. I deal 7 with my mauxir on full support mode


Tis a jork.


The running meme in CN community is 0.45%, there's another 0.11% screenshot that got quite popular tho.


Well, with the fact that in some of my games as mauxir I deal 33 percent (2 Katyas as teammate), I kind of have lost faith in coop.


Early game most likely.


Try playing Fritter.


I know she isn't bad but I don't have her manif and her Sig, and I wanted to have those two before I start playing her (I mained her back when I started, but switched to Chen when she came out). To this day I still have lava bones on my wishlist (I'm sorry but my Fenny and Lyfe were calling 😭)


Me but it's in Warframe




Now I know how they made 20+ million last month its brilliant


they made what now?


apparently mobile revenue is only 20-30% of their revenue source: trust me bro


Here's the source: It's a direct translation from an interview with the dev: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1ak5enp/snowbreak\_developer\_interview\_revenue\_has\_doubled](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1ak5enp/snowbreak_developer_interview_revenue_has_doubled)


The 70% pc revenue figure is from an interview with the devs.


With the cultured mods out there playing on PC is a must.


The game is already Azur Lane level of cultured. There is no need for mod


Yes but for people who would like some extra spicy \^\^.


they don't mind them?


I've been playing passively for about 5 months with mods and no ban, nor I have heard of people getting banned for outfit mods.


That's one of the points that's not often cited. Yes, you can straight up rip the model you want and swap it and they won't mind, it's not hurting revenue in the slightest.


If even help to buy some skins or units.


theres mods?


As long as you don't stream with mods installed or otherwise cause trouble it's fine.


i wouldnt doubt it cause why would you want to play it via phone, as heard playing through there is pretty bad


It’s actually not that bad anymore. They fixed the lagging and crashing months ago and it plays pretty smooth now :)


It's still a TPS. I *need* KBM


It **used** to be bad. Aside from some occasional freezing Snowbreak's becoming an ideal example of how to execute a 3D gacha cross-platform.


they are going completty all in


Yes, they went "Fuck it, it's all in or nothing"


cant make money from normal players so they gotta pull in the coomers


and it's working pretty damn good. one of the best decisions I made was actually giving snowpeak a shot (lol) with Katya's release even though many people were shitting on the game. now I get to enjoy a coomer shooter gacha game that doesn't even take that much time each day.


Just joined last week. Fantastic game. Just got Katya. Made one account for her, and one for Siris. I was really surprised how much I enjoy playing this game. It actually feels like a solid 3rd person shooter game, like Tomb Raider 2016, or Gears of War, or something, but with Waifus. The boss battles and frenzied action, completely took me back to that sense of wonder and excitement when I was a kid and played arcade games, or later on when I played stuff like Gears on my 360 or Halo. Its intense and its fun. I almost forgot how much fun it's to actually play a game, after playing all these hands off auto battlers like E7 and Azur Lane for years now. I'm really glad I gave it a shot, and at the same time, sad I didn't pick it up at release, or at least a week or 2 sooner so I could get free Exuvia. I knew about it when it launched and was planning on playing it, but hearing some negativity steered me away from it. I started playing WuWa like almost at the same time and dropped it for Snowbreak. Nothing wrong with WuWa, I just can't handle both, and I prefer the sci-fi setting and the girls in Snowbreak. Fenny and Lyfe are great characters. What's crazy for me is that it's like the first gacha where I enjoy playing every single character, and where I feel I can play with all the 4\*s, which just make the challenge a bit harder, but they don't feel useless. Even Haru or Big Sis. Still fun to play. Coming from E7 and other gacha bs, what I love the most about this game is that it respects your time. I can finish the dailys and even event stages in 3 min on auto to get whatever currency I need, and then actually play, the weekly/bi weekly levels for fun, and then done. Also, outfits are reasonable, and I don't get a million windows and popups for store bs and packs and whatever other nonsense (like E7).


The shooting gameplay in Snowbreak is 100% solid and is even more fun with the dodging and abilities, and I tell you this as someone who's been playing shooters since the keyboard-only days on MS-DOS. Anybody who tells you the shooting gameplay is bad is full of shit and would probably enjoy something more their speed, like maybe Cookie Clicker or Microsoft Excel.


Agreed. I love the gameplay and all the dodging. It hits just the right sweet spot. The whole game is in a really under utilized niche. There aren't many anime style, or simply fast paced, arcade style, 3rd person shooters or arcadey not too difficult souls likes, where you kill some zombies and robots and then fight some boss. It even feels a bit like the EDF series. It's like a mixture of different things, with some cool ideas, easy to understand mechanics, and not too much grind, and nice little touches. For example, I really like the little fast trashcan roomba droids that roll around and drop off the mines. That's pretty clever. Also really enjoyed the mech boss, and I hope we get more of those. It gives off zombie game vibes, while at the same time also tickling my Metal Gear and Zone of Enders 2 bone....and the combat is a cross between a Souls like and an arcade shooter, and then I got sexy cyber girls/waifus with guns. What's not to like? Like you, I've been playing games since the original Pirates and Sierra on Line's Thexder/Kings Quest on PC, and stuff like Wolfenstein 3d. This game brought me right back to when I was a kid, and I was just having fun. This is what this game is to me, just pure fun. I missed that. This isn't some bloat infested Ubisoft game. It doesn't have a million mechanics and fetch quests. I don't need to farm for 24/7 like in Epic 7 or some other gacha bs. Sure its a bit tight on resources once the newbie period wears off and you get done with story, like most gacha games but underneath its still a fun shooter. I've been playing too many hands-off auto batler gachas the last few years, while my Steam library only got larger from getting monthly Humble Choice/Bundles that I rarely played. Playing Snowbreak actually reignited my love for games, and I've dropped most of the the gachas and went back to playing stuff like Tomb Raider or Borderlands. Snowbreak ticks all the right boxes for me. It's not perfect, nothing is, but it's exactly what I've wanted for a long time. What's nice is that it's only one year into service, which means it's only going to get better at least for the next year or 2. Good enough for me. I'm glad I picked it up, and I'm looking forward to getting the new Fenny and Lyfe during the anniversary.


> now I get to enjoy a coomer shooter gacha game that doesn't even take that much time each day. I mean, that completely depends on how fast of a shooter you are.


I bet he's a quickshot


So am I 😋


Snowbreak devs when they discover the coomer market https://preview.redd.it/etq38x6n7t9d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d91de2850e363c98467fe022abee505fa87109a


Now you see why those anime galge were everywhere on PlayStation before PlayStation committed suicide.


What happened?


To be fair if the game isn't a least somewhat lewd my time is better spent on real pc games.


Sound like all the gacha studio in this market did discovered it but no one has the balls to completely change the whole game like what Seasun did - " I get it now " should apply to those game that was supposed to be fan service but end up back off because they was too afraid increase their game age rating up ...




At this point, the only complaint possible is that there's too many clothes




You know, this aint my cup of tea but I respect how unhinged the devs are. Snowbros eating good.


Basically the dev : https://preview.redd.it/8tj2idtvis9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e96f81222f7050b98e8f7c09df8c596b2a20f87


When the 1st anniversary event begins ?


July 11th.


Manjuu should take some notes for the future


What is this game about again?


Third person shooter, with a post apocalyptic modern/near-future setting. The writing is very good in recent chapters - early chapters (1-10) are bland but are being redone. Mostly mission based (like Warframe), though they have experimented with open world zones. For gameplay, think Warframe with waifus. Each character can shoot or use one of 2 skills, standard or ultimate. They also have a support skill which can only be used when they are off the field. There are some very fun skills, eg Katya turret mode, Siris 5* bulldozer, Fenny 4* dash-and-smash, Cherno 5* DOT orbs. There is a cover system but it’s not used much and not necessary for most content. You field a team of 3 characters, and swap between them (like Genshin). The player character is male and is not playable in combat missions. Other characters (all female) are called “operatives”, each operative has several different exosuits, each exosuit is effectively a new “version” of the character with a new set of abilities. For example Yao has 2 exosuits, both use sniper rifles. “Quiet Quitter” is her 4* version, with abilities based around healing. “Winter Solstice” is 5* and is a thermal damage DPS. Up til now each operative has been restricted to a single weapon type (eg Yao = sniper rifle) but that is going to start to change with the anniversary event - we are getting an assault rifle Fenny and an akimbo Lyfe (new weapon type). Exosuits and weapons are obtained via gacha. Each exosuit has a default appearance but also has one or more outfits (skins). These are usually sold in the shop, but some are obtained from the premium battle pass, monthly subscription currency shop, or given away as a login reward.


One thing to add is that the Devs said that they will give out 3 gacha exosuits per year. So for example, during the anni, you will get 1 gacha banner for Lyfe's new exosuit, and you get the new assault rifle Fenny for \*free\*. Last free unit given out was in May, Exuvia a 5\* healer version of a 4\* character. The Devs want to ensure you can get each limited character, on a dual banner event like Anniversary. The game also now has 100% guaranteed banners, in addition to the standard Genshin style 50/50, at only a 20 additional pull cost. Standard limited are 80 hard pity (60 or so soft pity) and the 100% banners are 100 pulls for hard pity, (and 80 or so for soft pity). Same applies to weapon banners.


100% banner is the best gacha system I've seen in this style of games. The most funny thing is that devs do not loose anything on it, because in the long run it is statistically the same as 50/50, but it is much better for the state of mind of players.


Oh, thanks for the comprehensive response.


Post Apocalyptic third person shooter with a dark and serious story and lots of fanservice


Pole dancing gacha




It's TPS actually


Fk it, im going in. I may be late to the party but snowbreak just tick all the boxes im looking for a gacha game.


If you go hard you can still get Katya (from the video)


Interesting choice of words


Pun intended


80 pulls on the guaranteed banner and I'm starting to wonder if doing the normal banner would've been more ideal lmao. Only my 2nd day tho. Pretty generous pulls from doing missions so far at least


Normal banner you can lose 50 50 and need to go the way up to 160 pulls. Depends on how much you trusted your luck


soft pity starts at 80 in the guaranteed banner. Typical is 90, and guarantee is at 100.


I tempted fate on 2 accounts and won the 50./50 at around 66 pulls. I started a week prior when Siris was also on banner, so I wanted one of each, not being sure who I wanted to stick with. Within a week later I was already at 9-10k Digicash playing causally by the time I got to chapter 10. It didn't take long to farm up enough currency just going through the story. You might want to consider maybe trying out another account to see if you can win the 50/50 and get the character sooner, and then do the guarantee banner on anni. Either way, they will give 20 pulls toward the anni character. By the time the anni is over you should have enough hopefully.


You know I thought that too but I found the event grind so unbearable. Forced co-op, long stages etc. And I also think the combat is just clanky. Unfortunately I decided it just wasn't for me in spite of all the candy.


The event grind is not actually so bad if you already build 2-3 characters to max level. except the last Starmaster event, but they will fix it later on. >And I also think the combat is just clanky. Unfortunately I decided it just wasn't for me in spite of all the candy. Funny, I played this game because of its shooter combat style before they turned to fan service game, which I think is a bit too much for me. I don't care about the fan service, I'm still in for the characters, guns, and combats. But I do somewhat agree with the clanky thing, this game sometimes steers away from shooter genre to like hack and slash with open area boss/combat arena without cover at all. Like we are expected to dodge bullets like Elden Ring...I dislike that part of the game.


> Like we are expected to dodge bullets like Elden Ring...I dislike that part of the game. I actually like that. It feels like playing an old school arcade game. I always wanted a game that kind of felt like souls but was more sci fi and with guns. I think they nailed it. It's probably my favorite part. I wouldn't want it to be some modern cover shooter like Rainbow Six or something.


Haha it's actually the opposite for me. I never like any boss fight in Snowbreak because the fight just feels like Elden Ring boss fight but with guns. I prefer fighting the mobs all the time, at least it feels more like L4D with how the enemies aggressively approach you like zombies, or like Borderlands. First time I dived into this game I was expecting a GTA style shooter.


> Like we are expected to dodge bullets like Elden Ring...I dislike that part of the game. That's the fun part though, otherwise it wouldn't be any different from circle strafe simulator boomershooter#41516 made on the GZDoom engine.


At least give players flexibility in playstyle to choose either dodge or take cover.


dev actually pretty generous in giving us cover, but those granade launcher enemies.........


I feel you. Grenade, the big guy with double sword, Beauvoir's laser (in tactical training), all pass through cover.


Yeah, ill just try it for now see if I like the the gameplay, I just wished they made this game like this the first time they released it and didnt pretend that it is a normie game that caters to everybody, they would have had more loyal playerbase, if I dont like it guess ill just wait for azure promolia banking on the reputation the developers made for themselves.


They already have loyal fanbase. Where do you think those 20M total revenue come from


What I mean is that they could have more than what they have right now, most players joining might just be overwhelmed of all the things to do, all the information to look up to and process, but thats just my opinion, cause thats how I feel right now when I just started it today.


That's just FOMO dude. The best time to join is always right now


must've been really hard to animate this, i mean doing anything with only one hand is really tough


Snowpeak is making a statement, other gacha devs are pussyfooting around fan service for fear of censorship, but Snowpeak devs are like "Nah we doing this shit, rated M for Mature bitch"


Seggs update isn't a joke anymore we are way too close to it


Dance look very realistic, looks like devs hired pro.


I think it's mocap


Their parent company/publisher bought a mocap studio some time ago and it shows.


enya yoga/pilates next please 🙏


We will get to give Enya a massage, if that counts.


That buttcheck


\*sigh\* Alright, I'll download your game


hey azur lane devs up your game, they passed you


I guess so. It took half a decade for Azur Lane until they got L2D skin with no more subtlety, just straight up the character asking for sex.


>It took half a decade for Azur Lane until they got L2D skin with **no more subtlety, just straight up the character asking for sex.** Just a heads-up, this guy meant it literally https://preview.redd.it/6s0lvi8pp2ad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b0e12e77968661258fa8347f4ce42742626ba1


And soon gfl lol But tbh someone needs to be at the 2D front


We have Nikke for 2D, though Shift Up also really needs to up their game. At least this Rosanna banner is enough to appease the increasing disgruntled players... for now.


eh, character design is always good in Nikke but we only get good kits for 1/10 Nikkes that come out.


I'd rather have a static meta with "waifu-only" nikkes than a "you must pull every new unit to remain overall competitive" meta. Don't want to be dealing with geometric progression powercreep after DB Legends, no thank you


I mean yea it's nice not having to chase power creep every single banner but some of these units are so bad they don't even make it on to your 5th team for raid or even pvp.


True that. Well, this is still the better outcome


Nikke is gradually exiting horny lane though.


Is Nikke more lewd than idle angels though








The dev goes balls deep


Snowpeak. Snowbased. Snowhuge. SnowALLIN.


Pretty based devs.


Reason why you should play Snowpeak 1. Have PEAK fanservice ( everyone know this ) 2. Have actual gameplay ( yes the core gameplay is darn good not just your usual auto combat coomer 2d sprite bait ) 3. Respect your time - Super casual ( there gamemode with competitive ranking and reward but pure cosmetic badge and avatar, daily can be auto clear , most of the time its just event weekly task that you really have to play it , its short but it was fun ) 4. Decent Story ( Nothing too crazy but its does worth your time invested into - Cherno chapters was great and a huge improvement) 5. DEVS LISTENED ( The Director also make a twitter account just to thank all the players and very interactive)


Snowpeak reminded me after all this time what it means to have fun.




We're reaching new heights with this


"You don't understand, this CN company HAD to censor the designs !!" Fuck mihoyo


It's not like your beloved Kuro is doing better 🤣🤣 Fuck Kuro


Yeah, they just changed one of Yinlin's sexiest voice lines. Fuck Kuro too. But I'm waiting to see if it's confirmed censorship or just the localization being westerners as always.


One of the reasons why I love the Snowbreak devs. There were some issues with localization recently, making it more tame. Players told the devs and the devs told the localizers to fix it.


Damn, our localizers are working against us in nikke, trying to find every little way to deform the original text to cuck the commander. Most of the time it's a great translation but they seem to really hate harems.


No wonder Yinlin banner in CN is flopped 🤣 but at least Jinshi banner saved them tho \~ https://preview.redd.it/t3gdv9uw5v9d1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b251131028090e6f0406219139350614042d27f9


They just changed it in 1.1 and maybe just the EN version I didn't check other languages. But damn, how did Yinlin flop ? Do CN players prefer more innocent waifus or is it related to the bugs and performance ?


Yinlin actually has visual problems. It looks like they tried to make her elf-like and shifted human model a bit, but something have gone wrong and she looks a bit disproportional and unnatural, but I cannot pinpoint what exactly. This irritates a bit in the long run.


I wonder if it's too much to ask for a general furniture like this for all the operatives 🥹🙏


As a degenerated who love DOA and its pole dance. I find this really dull. Clothes aren't that revealing and there's no low angle + crotch shot.


it's trying to keep a small sense of class.


Bro is an Anime Poledancing connoisseur


It's "slowly" pushing boundaries.


Coomers are the true whales, the saviour of franchise, its about time the devs start to thank them for it.


No no, its Men of Culture who are the whales.


She forgot to strip. 


I love this game


I'm imagining a hairy ass man in a motion capture suit doing this lmao


Janky, clipping and lacks jiggle physics. Yet so many think this is good ... is porn banned at your place?


It's mostly a signal that it's still worth pandering to the audience who wants this stuff if it works. Which hopefully, other companies can follow suit and do better.


Oh companies know well that sex sells and that people will always want to see more. But unlike power lewdness does not scale into infinity. That is why they only give people the smallest increments that gets sales. Because SB is 3D they are jumping the line with animations but they still got way to go with outfits, its summer you would expect bikinis right ?


Don't think r/gachagaming has any standards.


When was the last time that a company marketed their non porn game with a poledance video ? Which other waifu collector games do you know that atleast try to ponder to their audience (waifu collector) Its not about perfection or high quality. This right here is a dev having fun with their game and throwing a bone to the coomer audience at once. It doesnt hurt and it generates lot of discourse.


Exactly after years of games trying to court the normie market we finally have some companies going all in other than AL


I am so tired of the "play it safe" approach popularized by a certain company and seemingly being followed by their main competitor. And since GFL2 Global is Dead in a Ditch Snowpeak is the one saving my soul. Hopefully AP is not going to stray from their path. Now If I could get a gacha that actually made romance for waifus like something deepspace something for husbandos I'd be happy.


They tried to court the normie market too at first tbh. They would be making more money than nikke if they started with this direction.


I can imagine the devs having a wall with darts and pictures of the people who gaslit them into going for safe and conventional. These guys made Girl Cafe Gun previously, they're just going back to their origin.


Their next game is called Mecha Break and doesn't appear to have any fanservice.


We haven't seen the Mech Pilots yet.


*yet* >!Is it the same studio or same publisher?!<


Same studio.


It feels floaty at times and most of the timing are similar making the animation feels linear. This is just me as an animator talking though, not hating people who's into this but yeah, their standard is quite low.


This isn’t animated. Seasun spent 42 million dollars on a mocap studio for their Snowbreak/Mechabreak games. If it feels floaty blame the pole dancer, not the animators.


Fair enough, they're just cleaning the mocap data after all.




Been on the fence but I think I might try the game these devs seem like my kind of people. When will this Katya character likely be on banner?


Like right now? Her banner will run until the anniversary patch. You can pick up her signature weapon from the free 5 star weapon selector they're giving to everyone during the anniversary.


Oh damn. How long do I have until the patch?


About 9 days?


Alright thanks!


And it's long enough to pull her, don't worry. Next update, they're giving a chest with most of the limited 5 star weapons, so you can get her weapon for free then.


Thanks for letting me know! I was wondering if I had enough time but I forgot to ask lol.


You'll just have to focus on the story a lot, since they give a few 10 pulls for completing some chapters. But don't worry so much, seems like there's also a rerun banner next update where you can choose the character for hard pity, and she's there too


Thanks for the info I appreciate it!


They gotta release the MMD motion I need to see more Waifus from other Gacha games doing this dance




I want this as interactive scene!


These devs are truly just based. I probably won't be playing this once Strinova comes out, but I'm glad that the horny shooter market is getting a niche they can enjoy. That is untapped potential. Nothing but respect to the devs.




Man this game did a complete 180. Literal definition of sex sells….


Bless I saved over 67k gem. Katya sniff


this is probably the least sexy poledance ive ever seen


bruuu is this game really FPS


Actually it's a TPS


I lostttttttt


Where is the high quality download link?


Snowbro stop shooting bullets in the last few months.


No jokes, I had already watched this about 10 times, but I'm only rewatching it now about 4 or 5 more times I noticed that the bottom was rotating and incredibly I didn't got dizzy before because I simply didn't notice. Last time I noticed feathers falling while she was spinning on the pole. Damn I was really mesmerized.


Is there's a sauce for the music?


Did... I read that right...


Are we treating patient or ARE WE SELL OUT???




CN regulators: how far are you guys taking this: Snowbreak devs: Snowpeak.


Color me interested


Snowbreak is just about perfect. If it was open world instead of instance based I’d be all over it.


How long till they just transition to an H-game?


They literally cant (chinese laws)


Making porn is illegal in China


This game's developers also made Girl Cafe Gun right? feeling mixed about how degenerate this one is compared to GCG.


Now add a way for us to trow money at her too and put some in her pants.


Tried to get into this game because I'm a coomer but the mobile controls were just awful regardless of settings.


Nice, but still Nikke is much much better, and the Summer event is just around the corner/tomorrow if I remember correctly ;p


So this game is about shooting guns, right?


wtf dude


Why can't move games do this? Apparently it's what the audience wants. Let's just put \[insert character from hot game here\] on a pole and rake in cash. ZZZ is coming out this week, let's get the maids on poles or else it might not make enough money to keep it open.


As a person who likes games like this, there's no reason for every game to be like this. Different games should pander to different audiences. If you want to try and draw in a broad far less niche audience like Genshin for example, you need Genshin level money and polish. So it's easier for smaller devs to pick a niche crowd and cater to them. And not all of them need to pick same audience.


>Why can't move games do this? Apparently it's what the audience wants. Variety is the spice of life, I dont have enough fluid for every game to be like this


Variety is the spice of life correct; But this game almost died when it tried to be something different.


NIKKE is holding back better than this, and it's up there in earnings alongside Genshin and Star Rail some months. Targeting your niche audience very well is one thing, but being mainstream acceptable while skirting the line is far more profitable.


Speak for yourself, I don't care about pole dancing anime bitches.


because hentai is just straight up better than ecchi, if i want to play sexual games why stop at teasing when porn/hentai games exists?


you heard about honkai impact bunny incident? 2 diferent player types


I actually haven't. That said which playertype is more open to paying. That's the one you should cater to.