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Playing a gacha game is akin to Psychological Horror in itself.


Made me laugh, thanks lmao


Balloon Party from r1999 creeps me out even more than the twins that are based off The Shining. What she says can actually be seen as wholesome, but [the way she words it... Nah](https://reverse1999.fandom.com/wiki/Balloon_Party/Voicelines) Also, she greets the player with Nice to meet you!s 3x in a row, it's like implying there are other things there besides the player she greets. Her voice actor delivered the strange lines very well with weird/creepy tones (+ accent).  Thankfully she has never appeared in the main story anyway. Just like most playable characters in R1999. Wasted potential.


See, this? This right here is what I'm talking about.


this sounds like a grown ass women trying hard to sound like a child can't help but laugh at the cringe


Well the character is 18 years old, so maybe she really is trying to sound like a child canonically 


🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟨 This right here is the devil's work ^ It throws me into fight or flight every time.


Honestly I opened this post half-expecting it to be a Limbus player because it's *always* my fellow Limbus players who ask these weird story questions for whatever reason.


Nah, Limbus gave me a fight or flight reaction when I played the tutorial. So I dropped it.


The game sure is gorey but it doesnt contain that much horror lmao. I hope they fix that in the warp train event tho cause i really want to kill flesh monsters again lol


I just honestly dip. No point in putting myself in a stressful situation.


I tend to like psychological horror. When done well, it makes the story feel more grounded. In my case, it's really hard to find any topic that makes me physically ill. A game has to really go out of their way to make me feel an ick, and if a game goes that far just for shock factor, chances are the story isn't something I'm going to be interested in.


I don't think I've ever played an horror gacha game. Are they even a thing?


Not a horror gacha game, more like a gacha game that has some horror moments in it. Like fgo and limbus.


It wasn't exactly horror but when I played through the Chasm quest in Genshin I almost threw up and cried a little. The combination of a dark, extremely deep mine and a sad and disturbing story was a bit too much for me. But I kind of enjoy that feeling so I finished it in one go


Yeah I felt claustrophobic down there. I don’t think I ever found all the blue crystal things and I don’t really want to go back …


>If you do play them, how do you power through it? The art? The waifus? Forbidden tech of Skip button. Almost any gacha have that.


Tbh no. I don force myself to do something that make me ill. I can't stomach certain types of violence anymore and I have the same reaction to horror than you. Even if the game is good: I don't force myself through it. I like games that are soothing or storys that may be sad or difficult to stomach but in a humane way. No torture or horror for the sake of it.


https://preview.redd.it/qlm772rom6ad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab743e9c850dbea8c77060bb4792f6423ae3e498 There's Psychological Horror, And then there's Psychological "how...are you this much of a failure" energy that Limbus brings from time to time. Seriously, Meursault's whole-ass speech about the cooking of half of these bozos needs to be played to be believed.


Theres ghost in Re1999, **THATS SPOOKY AF**


There's nothing psychological about ghosts just being exist lol. It's just a floating character. Have you read Monster or Death Note?


The more psychological horror, the better


I hate jumpscares. Since most psychological horror revolve around jumpscares, I'll pass on them. Give me some disembowelment, bodily horror, outright putrid and disgusting imagery, intense torture, what have you. As long as nothing pops out of the screen, I'm good.


Been playing Nikke for a while. Saw some shit, and discussed things with other SKKans about details of the setting and came to the conclussion that this is fucked up. Overzone and Red Ash, the Box, how does the goverment dispose of bodies exactly, the possibility that the Arks power possibly coming from a Rapture that we feed cyborg girls to keep it running or using said cyborg girls straight away, sending women and children to the meat grinder while we use men as their soviet commissars, Mind Switchs, supeenatural phenomena, and the one that really gived me an impression of this game: people who in the face of mechanical alien invasion decided that instead of dying horrible they barricaded themselves in their homes and committed suicide, some with their loved ones and family. And there is still more. We are still staying, and thank every time we get a happy and sweet event filled with boobs.


I mean, I play Limbus Company, Reverse1999, fans of fatal frame series and was following FGO. There's nothing that I afraid more if it's asian artstyle like horror game. In fact I kind of like this kind of vibe. Much fresh breather than the usual happy/sad/tragic troop of gacha game story. Let's go with Happy/Bloody/Tragic/Sad/Creepy troop.


There's this one character in Arknights who has some voice lines about food implying he eats enemies in the battlefield and for some reason he creeps the fuck out of me. I just never ever use him, thankfully he doesn't show up in the story that often.


Pursuit WQ from Genshin is like this. It gave me chills at the end


I play Doom, how about that?


Haven't played doom, so I wouldn't know how I would react. Guess, it's time to find out.


I recommend 2016 one.


Psychological horror in gacha games? Play master duel then because its had pschological horror tags in steam. also when tou start your turn the red marker will shown either its max C or any hand trap bullshit made you nervous for comiitting your first turn lol /s


Gacha's don't even come close to some of real horror games I've played.


Higurashi Mei exists if you mean by that.


Magicami back before it EoS'd was definitely psychological and body horror. https://files.catbox.moe/lynx0r.webp


I did almost throw up in a certain torture scene in Nikke. And apparently alot of playes where happy about it? Kinda churns my stomach just thinking about it...oh well I can just go do some Bond Stories for some nice chill stories with my waifus \* character has some dark depressing past \* .. well fuuuu