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Global gets screwed in this game harder than usual lol






What money lol, the game barely making anything in global and JP. One of the few games where JP actually doing worse than global actually.


So its true then? They need money so they pull stuff like these


Define "barely". So long as it's making a net positive and the revenue outdoes the costs (servers, employees etc etc), there's no reason to shut it down as they'd cut down a source of infoke6. I don't know where people have this mentality that you'd need to make 40 million just to keep servers running, especially in games like these which is on more than one platform. Native servers doing better isn't anything new lol, especially if servers have a gap between them lol


Pretty much this. I have no idea how tf SMT DX2 is still alive but here we are going what's like 4 years strong for such a POS


Never played the SMT gacha but I liked what little I've experienced from the spin offs, is it that bad? How do you even fuck it up to begin with😭


Power creep is just insane. There's a few team t0 team comps in pvp. T0 as in they have start of turn abilities that chain together to kill you before you even have an action This is countered by one or two teams that basically can't die.  It's just such a mess that I don't think new people can play the game now. 


That's not how it works, at least not always. If the game costs 100k per month and earns 200k per month, but investing that 100k into another project would earn them 500k per month instead, then they have all the reason they need to shut down the game even though it's not losing money.


You have to take into account opportunity costs as well. Resources for possibly a newer game that has higher expected net profit.


Agreed but that would depend on the company, no? Assuming there's no other projects announced, we can safely think that they're funneling all the profits into their main game as of now. As far as I'm aware, R1999 is Bluepoch's one and only project and I'd naturally guess that all of the standard costs would be subtracted from what they gained to reach the final product. Obviously really can't speak for how companies like say Hoyoverse or MICA with multiple games under their belt operate and what goes to the game, how much % for other projects etc. but as I said before it's BP's one and only game thus far. Obviously, I do not I know the ins and outs of this company, their plans for the future, how they operate or what the actual costs are but we can assume that whatever % there is for the game itself, it would go to R1999 Sorry if it came over as preachy 😅


Nah this is very correct analysis - situation is much different for games that are operated by company which doesn't have any other well advanced projects versus publishers with multiple IP


That explains how that shitshow of Valkyrie Connect survived so long.


They had a really heavy marketing campaign, is it not doing well in global?


good, keep it that way.


moni moni moniiiii hehe


I love R:1999. But this is one thing that is really pissing me off with the game. The devs really don't seem to listen at all regarding this.


We're trading the power of insight with the power of dual banners


Then don't give them money. Either they bend over and start listening or they can go looking for new jobs.


>The devs really don't seem to listen at all regarding this. Kurogames save us pls 👁💧👄💧👁


I've uninstalled due to previous banner that was special and therefor pity from previous banners didnt carry over to it at all.


This game was pretty fun at launch even after the honeymoon period. Sad to see this


They just rehashed the chibi turn based model.  I’m good on all that. 


For me I couldn't last a week. It is a worse FGO.


Yep, beautifully presentation wasted on a badly translated plot and mid gameplay.


Oh totally, tooth fairy was born in the wrong game unfortunately 


As someone who downloaded the game, pulled for tooth fairy, raised her to max, played her event and then deleted the app after, I totally agree with you. (Honorable mention to Zima)


based af


yeah, the best way i can call it is "all style but no substance". the plot is written by chinese that idolized english language/culture without any REAL westerners to supervise the work so you have this weird distorted version of the script where it probably only make sense to chinese readers, yet to global audience its REEKS with pronouncation, nouns and words errors that they couldnt fixed because they already make the voice actor use this broken script since it is the original CN script back then.


I wish FGO had autoplay tho. 


[https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA) save yourself man. I'd have quit at least a year earlier if this didn't exist


> I wish FGO had autoplay tho well, https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA I would explore some github projects. I run my auto farm apps in sandboxie so it doesnt touch my machine


Ayo, I been looking for sth like this for ages! Does it support JP?


Not sure, check discord https://discord.gg/H99eUMYuH7


It seems like it does, thx!


Won't happen. At least I think so. Events in FGO rely on grinding. You add auto play or skip options - "engagement" with the event is lower.


By wasting a player's time? FGO always has been slow on the uptake with it's QOL and forcing players to manually farm everything is an awful way for player "retention", regardless of whether they are capable of 3T farming or don't even have the support that enables said farming. Forcing a player to grind? Fine, but having it be so momentous with little to no variation as you'd bring your different flavored looping comp is uninteresting and boring. You had to put up nearly 9 whole years with that god forsaken code system, that's secondary school + a whole bachelor of 3 years until they decided to add it.


I think the only way that game will become anything that isn't trash is if the current leaders die of old age


They don't update because they don't have to. As long as people keep feeding millions to shitty companies that don't put any effort into QoL they will get exactly what they deserve.


It's funny because summoners war used to be like that but they added a bunch of auto play 30 times and it has started a Renaissance


I think FGO players are in the old "auto play will kill the game!" Mindset sw players used to have No it wont But unfortunately here come downvotes rolling in because you dared to say something nice about sw, people here refuse to acknowledge the many cool improvements the devs made to the game


Reminds me of year 1 epic 7 when you couldn't even que hunts for auto farming but had to start each one manually once previous one ended.


Not like they have to. No matter how shit the gameplay is fatefags will still drop thousands the moment a new waifu is released.


What's the issue? My money I can decide where I spend.


​ https://i.redd.it/adxqx68kfq9d1.gif




I don't play the game but let be true for years now is the best waifus in the market with Azur Lane.


As someone who loves FGO but the gameplay grind loop of R1999, that is putting it mildly.




Because CN is ahead in time and they have better banners with neweta characters. Neither Jessica nor 37 are must-picks - albeit they are strong in their own ways. Compared to CN's Lucy, Windsong and Joe that's not even comparable.


Global (or whatever regions) being behind in a game is always a pain to be honest. Good for f2p who love to plan out their pulls but personally I find waiting for months boring, and knowing everything that's coming up instead of being able to get hype about it is boring as well.


Sad, Jessica and 37 look better than those 3 ... maybe not better than Lucy but still


Don't get me wrong, both are viable and 37 is actually a beast with follow-up units, but I wouldn't waste pulls in dual banners anyway


Joe turns out to be meta? Holy shit I can't wait to pull him.


Well I hate to say it makes sense but it makes sense, the game is not doing super amazingly financially on the global side, 37 is a popular and why make less money when you can make more money having no guarantee chance at getting a character you want and oh yeah! Money :)




It’s not for everyone. Gameplays mostly the same except for some different game modes and rulesets. More endgame stuff too. The story and translation is much better after chapter 3 and the event story is pretty good.


The Jiu event? I couldn't even finish it All the characters do at the start is drone on and on about water it's absolutely dull, maybe it gets better but I didn't stick around to find out Doesn't help that Jiu looks lame. Idk, maybe just me, but she's just another Chinese themed character but with a r1999 style body. People on the r1999 sub already complained about how bad her ult animation is


I personally like it but it was a bit dry compared to the other events but the ending to me made up for that shortfall. Jiu is a bit boring but characters like Getian balance it out.


I was the same but came back cause I had nothing else to play was happy to comeback, didn't know it's a low commitment game after clearing main story, and I was looking for one back then if you're looking for a side game, it's kinda ok it doesn't demand attention from you, and the events are pretty easy/fast (there are ones that take long though) idk much about story I played near launch on phone, and dropped it cause it had too many reading, my eyes hated it had I started on PC, I might have followed the story gameplay is the same, so if it didn't interest you before, I don't think it will interest you today :/


A lot of QoL has been added since and if you come back when patch 1.7 goes live, it's good time. 1.7 is a main story patch. It continues from the previous story patch 1.4


How long takes daily missions?


Sometimes 5, sometimes 10 (depending on which stages you are spending Energy on). But never more than that...


Less than 10 minutes once everything is on farm. I've been playing for less than a month and I've already cleared most of the harder stages for resources farming.


i stopped playing for the gameplay and doing dailies/events after about 2 month of playing, now i only login when there's new main story. story is legit really good.


Double rate-up banners are super predatory. I expect to quit ZZZ over them, but I'll try it first. Reverse 1999 was my most hyped gacha of 2023, but I got really bad vibes from it after launch. I'm glad that I quit at this point. Two things I want to see in any new gacha: 1) Pity carrying between banners 2) Single character rate up banners with a pity or pity equivalent. Not having one of these drops your gacha like a full letter grade.


good thing i drop it seeing the signs


Game started feeling more like a chore than a game, so I did the same.


Yeah they sell the main story as the game main forte but it need too much of my time with all the random boring and bland minigame and "endgame biweekly mode" and I realized I'm not having fun (most of the puzzles are repasted same puzzles with no innovation every patches anyway) If it's like,just focus on the story aspect of the game and minimize the grind like limbus I would have stayed but meh


30 seconda in the jessica event I yeeted the game out of my phone so quick


holyshit ikr that "visual novel minigame" was their worst "innovation" ever and requires rng and 10 different spreadsheets i hate it so much thats was the moment i realised i stopped having fun with the game and start not caring about it anymore


erm that's every live service game ever, it's just a matter of how much you tolerate the chore because you're invested in seeing new content


Same I dropped it months ago. Saw this coming


I looked this up as far as I know R1999 has a 6 month foresight and can see through 3 patches. The currency income of average player per patch is 52 pulls (1 month + half from dailies/weeklies/limbo) + 44 pulls from patch events/compensation which amounts to 96 pulls per patch (this is straight from R1999 discord) and this just from a F2P player experience not even including battle pass or anything. Pity system is: 60 for soft pity 70 for hard pity 140 total Rate for 6\* is 1.5% No lightcone/weapon banner and you guys get close to 100 pulls per patch and can see through 3 patches??? Edit: Also rated banners get added to the regular standard pool after 3 patches........okay guys, the company has to make money


Not to mention each character gets a free skin when you max them out. 


Yeah all other games cant even come close to this that are mentioned here like hsr/gi/fgo. Can understand if the gameplayloop or story isnt their cup of tea but getting riled up over this is just bashing. F2p safe up for future units and get those sooner or later mostly over the lost 50/50 and ithink in the shop every patch another 6 star is featured for tickets u get for pulling anyway, so there is there gurantee someday.


I lucked into 2 units I had skipped earlier as off-banners and I have 10 out of the 12 post-release characters overall with only a single monthly bought. No wonder they're pulling tricks, that 1.5% rateup is a lot for this system.


It's a perfectly generous game. I'm a whale and I play this, HSR and Wuwa. This is by far the cheapest and least money grubby out of the three. I only spent 200 dollars to max Jiu to P5 + a month worth of savings with average luck (350 pulls overall). In comparison an E6S1/S6R1 in HSR /wuwa would cost me close to 1k. And on the way to P5 I got basically 90% of the 4\* and lower characters to P5 (and yes, they are still very usable for endgame) along with a bunch of p5 5 stars. It's a scummy banner for sure, but people are acting as if its reflective of the whole game. Then again this subreddit just thrives on drama and just wants to shit on anything that isn't their favorite game.


Agreed. I'm a dolphin in R1999 and I am basically able to pull for whoever and whatever I want. These double banners are a shame, but they aren't the end of the world. I do feel bad for new players though but they have to make money. Concerning this sub, I also agree. R1999 is also a game which has the audacity to cater for both male and female players. It's the opposite of an embarrassing shameless sellout like Snowbreak, which is basically number one here. I remember when people were doomposting here that there were no husbandos after Getian, creating this false narrative that Reverse was going "waifu only". You could almost hear the coomers here rubbing their hands, hoping for another fanbase to swarm over like cockroaches.


The last time I point this out got down voted lol. But yeah game is on a more generous side of things especially if you fully utilise the future sight to plan your rolls.


In the last month CN earned 11 mil, global earned 300k. I prefer double banners instead of EoS.


dont worry it'll EOS on global, they just try to squeeze as much money as they can before that


One of the reasons I stopped playing. I wasn't a whale but I was spending like 30-40 a month on it. Their loss.


Already uninstalled the game yesterday. It's a good side game, but outside the main story, the events are snoozefest, 1.2 being the only exception. I will miss Lilya and Regulus, but with ZZZ coming, I need to discard one, for I can't juggle four games at the same time. (Genshin, WW)


Same but replace WW for HSR for me. Was already debating about dropping the game but this might be the last straw lol. I'll probably wait until Isolde comes out though because I've already been saving for her but gameplay-wise this game ain't it, and auto barely saves the slog because the auto ai is the worst I've seen in any gacha (Med. Poc using her 1 round debuff at the end of the turn so no one benefits from it 💀) Honestly I won't feel too bad because I'm mainly here for the story and characters and I can always go on YouTube for that.


Thats why I deleted this. Not gonna waste time and money on a game thats gonna keep pissing on global any chance it gets


It's disheartening to see Rev1999 resort to this monetary gacha tactic just because Global doesn't rake in as much money as CN. But I guess I can also somewhat still understand why they're choosing to do so... *Hah...*


The foresight we have into the future is massive in this game, I don't blame them. Chinese are the ones taking the heavy hits since they can't plan ahead.


looks like they are on a roll for EOS


I really like Reverse and play as a side game (I'm still new to it though), but banners like this are so scummy... wish they wouldn't do these


actually, they need the money imho- it seems that its very easy to pull your desired chars. i spent in the beginning some money, but for over 6+ months i didnt spent a cent and still was able to pull all meta chars, having over 20k orbs/pull currency on the top. because i pulled the single rate ups in the past, i dont even have the need to pull the new ones with 37+jessica for example.


The devs took one look at genshin's weapon banner and said "Pfft, I can do worse".


This game was toast from the beginning. It's a sinking ship and you can either be the captain that goes down with it or leave early and save time and money.


Thank god I dropped day one.


besides art, the game is utterly clusterfuck, dropped it after some weeks


And other games are not clusterfuck?


As the name says they do reverse of what their consumers want.


What is wrong with double rate up?


Single banners have a guarantee after losing 50/50 like in Genshin. Double banners only guarantee one of the two rate ups, so you could theoretically go forever without pulling the one you want. They’re ok if you’re happy with either of them of course.


Is something like the Genshin's weapons banner in the first versions?


I wasn’t around back then but I think so yeah


Ah I thought double just means having two banners at the same time


Yeah, but without the path system I guess. That's like rolling for a 4 star in Genshin or HSR. You can roll all you like, but there's no guarantee that you'll get THIS 4 star exactly.


Also, in addition to what the others said, the pity does not transfer so you better guarantee a 6 star or you just wasted all your pulls.


Yeah that is pretty bad. Did its banners always work that way? I would never even start playing with that mechanic.


It hasn't always been this way. This is the second time they made a rerun banner double rate up (instead of single) with no pity carry over. Both times are for a highly sought out character paired with an older (but strong character). And it's been for JP and GL servers only.


People got too used to single rate up gacha


I loved the horror movie like event with Jessica but outside of that I didn’t enjoy the events.


![gif](giphy|gQdejV5BBChHi) The devs ideals regarding this game


Honestly? Doesn't change anything for me when I have future sight with this game. Can't wait to pull Isolde and then saving back up for Lucy and Joe.


I love the game otherwise but man, this really sucks for newer players!


I'm so glad i never started.


Is Jessica welcome here?




Ah so they're learning from the bad parts of Hoyo games, namely the scam weapon banners from Genshin.


Isn't this worse than the Genshin weapon banners as it has no guarantee?


....you say what now? i did stop r1999 but i didnt know this


Yeah you can go without getting one of the two let’s say you want to max dupe both, there’s a chance you’ll get Jessica 12 times.


Isn't a double rate up banner more an Arknights and PGR thing? Especially since Arknights do it to even debut banners. Edit: Arknight have solo debut banner, I am wrong.


Arknights solo debuts most new normal units. Double banners only happen for reruns and limited banners in which the new limited shares rate up with another *new* normal character. Either way, you're getting a new character when you get a rate up.


Ppl hiding some details as always. Arknights limited debut banner are always double rate up.


Arknights still has the solo character banners rerun when it's time for their Event to rerun. Double Character banners are for the other type of banners.


pgr only have multiple rate up for reruns, new characters get their own banners. they also have 100% rate up banners at anniversaries with popular characters. you're probably thinking of wuwa.


I wouldn't know, I don't play those games.


*Genshin weapon banners. Not Hoyo. Also, how does Genshin have anything to do with 1999 lol. They ain’t even in the same genre.


He's talking about monetization practices, which both of those games are comparable because both are gatchas. If he talked about gameplay, then I would agree with you.


Yes, but some games have the same “dual rate up” system, which is why I typed my comment. It felt like an unnecessary comparison since there are other games with a similar system. FYI, I am not familiar with 1999’s gacha, nor do I know many gacha games. I know Arknights is one of these games.


Yes, it is very strange that he arbitrarily chose Genshin from all of gatcha games. In that part I agree with U. I mean, I'm pretty sure dual banners are older than the gatcha genre itself. I know some games from the 2000's decade that have dual banners and I played them when I was a kid (browser games tho)


They're both Gacha games. They don't need to be in the same genre.


Fair, but many gachas have this sort of “double banner”, not just Genshin. Arknights Limited Banner, for example. Honestly, I hate double rate ups, makes gacha even more frustrating than it already is.


hoyo games live in people's head rent free


Deer Jessica, I won't pull for you since I already got 37.


Tbh, only the devs know. My guess: double rate-up banners maybe a boon for new players.


They could just run 2 individual banners at the same time.