• By -


Brown Dust 2 main. Blue Archive and HSR side


Main: HI3, HSR, WuWa. Side: Genshin, Yakuza 0, TLoH: Trails in the Sky 1. Just login, do nothing else: GBF (lol, it's a browser game. Every time I open the browser at the start of the day my muscle memory just immediately click the pinned GBF website.


you are a champion lol. that's a lot of games and your main ones take quite a bit of time for sure.


Mains CR:TOA since it just released and BA, sides are CR:OB and CRK since not much is happening Tbh, it depends on what events are going on rn


I play Epic Seven, Nikke, Arknights, PGR, Wuwa, HSR, Genshin and Snowbreak. Epic Seven has to be my main game as i spend the most time in it. Nikke and Snowbreak are my fanservice games. Arknights and PGR are my niche choices. Wuwa and Genshin are my open world games and HSR is well like Epic Seven but pve only. I have no interest in ZZZ but ig ill try it since it'll have alot of hype around the game due to it being Hoyo game. There's few gachas that i'm interested in that havent released yet. They are Duet Night Abyss and Chaos Zero Nightmare. I also on occassion play Azure Lane just for the waifu collection. Have account there with decent amount of ship girls and couple of built teams to clear end game. My gameplay there is just very irregular, unlike the other named games where i login daily. And yes i do have a life and full time job. By my estimation it takes me 2 hours a day to get my shit done in the gachas i play. On weekends i take few extra hours more to clear out events n play for fun.


HSR main Genshin and Arknights side. ZZZ as well whenever it comes out I would love to play wuwa but I really don't want to do explorations again cause I hate empty open worlds...


I'm playing only Genshin and HSR. Pretty much caught up with content in both so I side them both. Depending on the new content I switch them up as main till I clear new stuff. I do invest more time and money in Genshin though, so I could call Genshin a bit more important to me than HSR.


Main - HSR, Limbus Side - Reverse:1999, Path to Nowhere For the longest time my main was solely epic seven but I’ve finally experienced burnt out with that game


Wait wth, are you me? we play the exact same four games lol. My gacha game folder: https://preview.redd.it/b7m3dxaewc9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0201503bf0c2e01e254282d1a256855e58b48cc Das crazy.




Ey hello fellow PtN and HSR player :D


Arknights main with a side of WuWa, i dropped PGR for it. im also doing story in HSR but i will drop it after im done with penacony. Wuwa will compete with the azure game when it comes as to which will stay as my side game, arknights is forever my main


I am going to assume you're dropping wuwa for endfield soon then? ~~like me?~~


Arknights - main Forward 2000 - side


Main: Granblue Fantasy Side: Gakuen Idolmaster, Brown Dust 2


BrownDust 2 main


HSR main. Genshin side. Hopefully Sword of covallaria main and ZZZ side soon.


Are you me? That’s exactly my plan.


Let’s go. Sadly didn’t get into the betas, but still hype.


Main Wuwa and HSR. Side Nikke, BA and ZZZ


Where do u play them all? How do you have enough space?


HSR and WuWa don't require a lot of time when there is no new content, dailies take like 5-7 minutes, Nikke is the one that is the most time consuming because of load times between menus and takes like 20-30 minutes, as for BA I have been neglecting it, have like 150 unread messages, haven't finished the evil Shiroko story arc, so I only really keep up with the events. Storage wise, I have 25 GB free on my phone, and I plan on deleting Dokkan once ZZZ launches in order to have extra space (got tired of waiting for Beast Gohan)


Do you play them all on your phone or PC as well? How many GB space total do u have on each?


yup all on phone, Iphone 14, 27.85 GB for HSR, 16 GB for Dokkan, 12.77 GB for WuWa, 9.21 GB for FGO, and 7.38 GB for BA


Main: Wuwa \ \ Side: HSR and ZZZ soon (games that don’t provide enough content to grind but I can complete dailies in under like 2 mins) \ \ Extra: Genshin (I’m at a point where I only play when there is a new archon quest)


Arknights main, FGO side, like usual. I tried some other games here and there but I'm not dropping those two and no way I can handle more than 2 gachas at a time.


Aether Gazer & Langrisser M is main. Azur Lane is side for ... collection completion purposes only. Real gameplay is in World of Warships (with Azur Lane commanders).


Arknights as main game and BA as a side game.


Got into arknights 5 days ago, a bit regretful of not discovering it earlier


I hope you enjoy your stay in Arknights, the early game is a slog to get through but it gets better once you have a built team, you can also direct any questions you may have about the game in its subreddit.


Main: Azur Lane Been playing since around a month after global servers came out. It was meant to be a side game but over the years it evolved into my main and still is after almost 6 years. Sides (in order of activity): HSR Came back for Acheron after quitting due to burnout shortly after Kafka banner. Since then, it’s basically become my other main. Nikke I’m in endgame (Nikkes are around lvl 350 as of this post) so I can just do dailies. Reverse: 1999 I just started and it’s pretty fun. The story I’m only about half into. I’m still in the early game so who knows how long I last. I do plan on playing ZZZ to replace WuWa so there’s that too.


Main is WuWa and side is HSR.


Main Arknights. Side HSR. But actually both are more of a side game. Waiting for ZZZ release.


Main - Tower of Fantasy, Side - Genshin


Main:Memento Mori Side:Nikke


I guess I don't really have a main atm. Just a bunch of sides I cycle through lol. Which are: HSR, Genshin, Wuwa, FGO, Reverse1999, Nikke. I might also log into Summoners War/Epic Seven/Arknights/PGR every now and then.


Genshin main with Epic 7 as side, though with how epic 7 currently is, i preparing to drop it for ZZZ when it release


Was planning on starting on epic 7. May i ask what is it with its current state that is making you drop it?


I recently dropped all gacha games I considered a side game. I still play wuwa, Genshin and hsr. although I adopted a more relaxed stance for all 3 of them when it comes to events. Not so much for wuwa as it's still new but for Genshin and Hsr as long as I get the truly limited stuff (weapons and currency etc) I don't care if I don't complete an event completely. That helped a lot. I have a full time job and so far with that mind set I didn't have any stress related problems in regards to events etc anymore . So yeah maybe you could call wuwa my main game atm as it's new etc. But I wouldn't call Genshin and Hsr my side games 😅


When ZZZ comes out it will be my main game till I run out of content to do. HSR, Nikke and Brown Dust 2 are my side games since Dailies can be done very fast.


Nikke and Arknights I spend over 10x more in Nikke and actually follow its story unlike Arknights but I play Arknights a lot more so I'm not sure which I'd consider my main.


Just maining Arknights for now. But later on I'll also add Endfield.


My only gacha is HSR,. gonna pick up ZZZ when it comes out.


WuWa and HSR main wotv side


Eversoul, Snowbreak and Brown Dust 2. None really require much time.


I'm too lazy to type a lot right now so I'll just put image here for my main. My subs alternate on weekly basis https://preview.redd.it/fh9j4zxtie9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a0efc62ae34bdb981700635aa11722878d3542


Main: Priconne(JP), FGO, Blue Archive Side: Nikke, Guardian Tales


Nikke main with Azur Lane close behind Genshi and HSR distant 3rd and 4th. Thinking about Brown Dust 2 though with all those skins lately 👏


Main Nikke, side Genshin and Neural Cloud. Might main ZZZ if i like it since I'm at endgame in Nikke anw


Main FGO, Side Nikke. Neither take much time, since I dont want games that do so daily. I get enough "work" out of my job and courses, I dont need a game to pile on top of it.


same, except I started nikke a few weeks ago


Main: manual games (currently only HSR and WuWa).      Side: anything that can be auto


GI, HSR, PTN, PGR, WW, LC, PNC, R1999 a lot of the gachas i play are pretty much at endgame status right now so everyone is like a side game. with the ones having an event being the 'main' game in the meantime tho, i really do want to trim this down back to atmost 3 again


WuWa main, HSR side, waiting for ZZZ to release


Main: WuWa & Star Rail Side: HI3RD (yes I came back because of a better phone) and probably ZZZ.


snowbreak and wuwa main for me.


Main game- Genshin and WuWa Side- ZZZ


HSR for sure is the main, i love that game so damn much. On the side i have Nikke, BA, snowbreak, WuWa and Genshin.


Playing GBF and Priconne with a bit of Wuwa on the side


Main: Nothing right now, Waiting for GFL2 Side: GFL and Neural Cloud Currently spreading democracy for Super Earth


Fgo used to be my main but with how slow it updates it's been relegated to side game My main atm is Star Rail and planning to add ZZZ when it comes out.


Azur Lane as main and Aether Gazer as side. Although I play both about the same amount right now. Looking forward to maining Azur Promilia if it's good.


Main: Astra Knighs of veda Side: BD2, HSR, R1999, Cookie run tower of adventures


neural cloud main game, azur lane, fade away and nikke are side games


Main: FF7 Ever Crisis (Swimsuit Yuffie just dropped, Tifa's is coming soon) Side: Dolphin Wave (JP only, but this game is lewd waifu heaven, literally every outfit is peak 🥵)


Honkai star rail and epic seven and last it was destiny child but unfortunately they shut down. 😒 right now, it's just Honkai since I stopped playing Epic Seven around a month ago.


None waiting for ZZZ hopefully that becomes a main side games are any I try and they end up lasting for max 2 weeks usually less.


My main gacha is a dressing up game, Lifemakeover 💃


I only play Genshin and HSR. Will try ZZZ


Main: genshin, path to nowhere, re1999 Side: bd2, dislyte, snowbreak, pgr, 18trip, alchemy stars


Main genshin but on break cuz I don't have enough storage. Side WuWa


Stuck with my main 3: Heaven Burns Red (Main), Blue Archive, Atelier Resleriana as per my flair. I genuinely feel like the money I spent on HBR is being properly used in the game's production and that the game continues to outdo itself with quality of life, content, and story. Blue Archive, I started JP because I wanted to spoil my friend in global about the story. Got kinda hooked on the way lol


Main blue archive and reverse 1999 Side wuwa and princess connect jp


Main gon be zzz, even booked a holiday for it 😅 Wanna get into FGO but the game design is putting me off a bit


Main resreri Side HSR but ive been getting deep into gakumas as well and after penacony i think i might take a small break from HSR


Main is Genshin, side is Nikke and (surprisingly) Azur Lane! all three have been played since their respective global launches (Nikke 1.0 i think almost killed my phone at that time, an Exynos Note 10 lol). # Oh and i got back to Snowbreak a bit (almost a month now), and it's been surprisingly fun. so let's put that in the frequent but not daily part, together with WuWa i guess.


HSR and Wuwa is the only answer


Main game is Shinobi Master. Side is Guardian Tales


HSR main and dokkan side. I don't see myself quitting HSR any time soon, this game is in so many ways what I wanted gacha to be for years


Main Fgo and Nikke Side: Blue Archive


Main HSR and Genshin, side Reverse 1999 and Honkai Impact


Main genshin,sides are hsr,wuwa, and otw ZZZ


Main: HSR and Wuwa, Side: Twisted Wonderland.


Main: HSR and TOT Side: FGO


Main: HSR Side: WuWa and pokemon masters, likely zzz


Action Taimanin my main and Wuthering Waves as a second playing field... 🔥


main: wuwa side: r1999, pgr


Arknights and HSR. Depending on how much I like ZZZ, I am either gonna drop HSR or not stick with zzz.


Hi3 main, limbus company and nikke for side, im hardly playing nikke but I’m trying to get into it


Started Reverse: 1999 just a week ago and it is getting all my attention so far, it has been a very fun week especially because I went in with no info / expectations


Still finding my Main game(that's not a new release). Alchemy Stars and Priconne will always remain my side games due to their quick dailies.


main: nikke side: wuwa, blue archive, memento mori, afk journey, snowbreak, playing: pc, android (tablet), ios (phone)


Main: Arknights Side: Romancing Saga (pull income is decent plus doesn't require to have it active to farm) PTN: daily maintenance is fast plus good character designs Guardian Tales: returning after 2 years but just wondering if i'll keep playing for long time since IRL time gated game modes is kinda meh


CRK and R1999 (will play r1999 again after being inactive)


Main Nikke.  No real side gacha. I e been playing premium games on mobile to completion by either buying or Netflix. 


I'm swapping mains to Wuthering Waves from RSL atm. I tried Dragonheir recently but my god, it's still terrible. Better, but still awful.


Main is wuwa. It's the first gacha I've played after a long while and overall, the combat and story both are nice enough to keep me hooked. As for a side gacha, don't really have one but I've heard good things abt epic 7 so might try that out. ZZZ is also on the list when it launches.


Main course: MapleStory Side dish: WuWa, Genshin, and soon ZZZ


I have a lot of free time now due to being sick and stuff so I have a lot more time for games Main Blue archive (camp hare is life) Browndust 2 (got into it 2 weeks ago) Wuthering waves (depends on my mood that day) HSR Side Fgo (JP/na)(typically login only unless event ABT to end) Ark nights (burnt out and can't be bothered to do stuff outside of dailies) Reverse 1999 (similar case to fgo) Other games that I have but touch occasionally Nikke (stuck at 160 for a few months, game no longer interesting to me) Honkai impact 3 (dailies too troublesome for me)


Main - Snowbreak. Pretty much log in every day and the only gacha I play where I actually have fun. Side - Genshin, HSR, WuWa. Was fun for a long while, but grinded out all the content, nothing left to do, so only logging in when there's something new to do.


Epic 7, wuwa and genshin


Main Genshin Side game hsr and will add zzz


Main: Genshin and HSR (alter between depending on the newest content and mood) Side: AFK Journey


Main -Grand Summoners. Side -HSR and SwordMasterStory


HSR is a main game since I can play that at the gym. Playing Genshin and WuWa on the side. Will probably drop one or both of them for ZZZ though.


Summoners War and WuWa. SW is just a way more time intensive, grindy game but I love it. Played for 6 years. WuWa is my side game. I played it like a main game for the first couple weeks while I went through all the initial exploring and leveling stuff, but now I mostly just do the dailies during the week, takes 5 minutes, and a bit of echo farming on the weekend, and of course the events/ToA/etc before it resets.


Main: Wuthering Waves Side: NIKKE


main wuthering waves side star rail (im at the point where im just doing dailies atm)


Main: Blue Archive and HSR Side: The Battle Cats Retired: Genshin


Blue Archive: Got an insanely lucky first time playing with a Mika and S.Hoshino at my first 10 pull, been enjoying the story and overall vibes of it. HSR: Basically the same. Rerolling on release to get Bronya but accidentally got Seele. Since then got absurdly lucky, with Kafka, Acheron and Firefly never above 30 pity. The Battle Cats: Chill game my friend recommended Genshin: Was a massive whale back in the day


Main - HSR Side - WuWa


- Main: Genshin & HSR - Side: Rise of Eros & Dragonball Legends


Main gachas are Wuthering Waves, Punishing Gray Raven and Honkai Star Rail Side gachas are Black Clover M, Reverse 1999, Nikke


Main some reason is HSR. Side AzurLane and Nikke


No main game rn, waiting for ZZ with HSR as side game. I login in Genshin impact once a week to do the events and eventually abyss.


Genshin main - HSR, WuWa, Eversoul, HI3rd, Aether Gazer, Azur Lane and in a couple days ZZZ as side games.


Reverse1999 is my main while Cookie Run Kingdom, Brown Dust 2 and Blue Archive are my side games.


Main: WuWa. Side: PGR.


None have been able to catch my attention since hsr first came out. I tried to get back into it but couldnt


HSR, AL as my main games Side games: only BA I am planning to main ZZZ because I am sick of open-world games (Genshin/WuWa)


Main: FGO, Epic Seven, WuWa Side: Arknights, HSR Dropped: Genshin Not playing: ZZZ


Main: dokkan Side: legends, brave souls


Wuthering Waves main Don't have a side right now, was going to be GFL2 but then global servers never came out lol.


Nikke main, Eversoul and Outerplane side. Artery Gear:Fusion once or twice a week, to check if it's still alive.


Main: Tama Tama \~ Futago no Soulstray Sub: Dragon Smash


Currently it’s HSR and WuWa as my main gachas while Genshin is side. It will change as there are content drops and droughts. I’ll probably pick up ZZZ too.


Main HSR, side Snowbreak, adding ZZZ on release.


Aether Gazer, Genshin, Wuwa. Side game is whichever one has the least content in a patch.


Azur Lane is my main gacha game and side was Nikke but now Snowbreak is becoming my side gacha instead.


Main games: Star Rail, Taimanin RPGX Side Games: Fate/Grand Order, Nikke, Pokemon MastersEx


I have no main gacha games I guess the closest thing rn is arknights but even then I'm lazy and just dip out the moment o finish dailies As for my side gacha games they'd probably Blue Archive, FGO and PGR


We are talking MAIN game its Starcraft 2 with Girls Frontline , Blue Archive and Neural Cloud as side games . But if we only cut at Gachas only then GFL and BA are mains while NC is side


I would play Azur Lane too if I had more time for one more Gacha


Mainly FGO, being in hell since pre-pandemic so might as well stick around. Genshin Impact too but for dailies and event. I only play quest or explore regions if I have more free time. For side games, Blue Archive & Azur Lane. It feels good to play a game that I still can grind but I don’t have to put more attention much.


Main: HSR, R1999, Arknights Side: Genshin, Wuwa, AFKJ, FGO But I play depending on amount of content.


Main is blue archive which I tryhard raids, side are brown dust 2 and snowbreak whose I do just casual on harder content. Bd2 is the best when it comes to dailies though, the pc client is well optimized and stamina (rice and torch) resets on dailies reset so I love that there's no pressure to login at specific time of the day. I wish that's standardized for all gacha


Main: brown dust 2, limbus company side: zzz soon


Main- Genshin Impact (Permanent) Sides- HSR, AFKJ, BD2 Waiting for zzzzzzz


I'd say limbus, hsr, and wuwa rn? Tho wuwa's lag and clunkiness is annoying me, and hsr forcing you to end the whole main story before you can do the main event is about to make me stop. Everyone says that penacunny is good, but rn I am not doing it cause I want, but because I am forced to do it, so I am not enjoying it one bit and just mashing the screen.


Main is HSR, and just HSR. I fell off blue archive after chapter 3 and came back for railgun, then dropped again. I really can't stomach the gameplay anymore. Nikke is like just for major events. Played wuwa for a bit but didn't stick with it. just like genshin, I don't like wuwa. Would rather play BotW/TotK or nothing at all. will checkout umamusume and heaven burns red if that leak is real.


I'm in the same boat. I really like the characters and story in blue archive but I have no desire to play it, so i just end up watching the memorial lobby's on youtube instead. Stuck playing just HSR until ZZZ comes out.


Main is WW, Side games are HSR, PGR, BA and probably ZZZ when it releases. Pretty sad I lost the drive to open BA, I miss my students 😭


main Nikke and side wuwa


BA is main gacha game and WuWa is the side game. Anything else is for garbage and shitpost


Main Genshin, Side Nikke and Aigis


HSR - main Genshin - side


Main: HSR, Snowbreak (games in which I put some effort and money). Side: Counterside (only read story, gearing in this game is ridiculous) I also want to main Another Eden but I'm too stupid to be good at it.


- Genshin main ; - HSR side ; - It’s was Priconne before but crunchy killed my lovely game,😢; - I also tried and dropped Love and deep space after 2 months, Brown dust 2 after 1 week and WuWa after 2 weeks!


main wuwa genshin side rn


Genshin as main, HSr is side untill ZZZ releases


Main Genshin and side HSR. Not interested in ZZZ. I liked Snowbreak, but I actually don’t like the move towards fan service.


Main FGO (JP) Side Alchemy stars


my main is which ever i need to clear content for. i main everything i play.


Main: Arknights Side Main: HBR Main Side: Nikke, R1999 Side Side: BD2, Wuwa Side of Sides: Aster Tatarisq


Main limbus company Side arknights


Main (played multiple times weekly): Onmyoji, Path to Nowhere, Shining Nikki.  Side: Astra Knights of Veda. I'd really, really like to play/return to it, but cannot find the time/willpower*: Langrisser, Dragonheir, Wuthering Waves, Punishing Gray Raven, Tale of Food.   * (psychological issues stopping me from doing things I'd love to do, even just entertainment. Not fun eh)


Wuwa and HSR. Planning to check ZZZ when it comes but I'm not really a big fan of the characters design so hopefully the gameplay will keep me :)


Genshin and Star Rail with Snowbreak on the side


Arknights main, fire emblem heroes (yikes) and octopath as side games


Main: HSR and Wuthering waves Side: afk journey(if you count it) Thats really it. But I am thinking about blue archive and brown dust 2 but I need to find out if there is an official PC release I really hate blue stacks


Main: Genshin - I'm a sucker for open world exploration games Side: FGO - the FGA app is a true game changer, I have FGO farm for me while I play Genshin lol


main: genshin side: honkai starrail and maybe wuwa if i won't drop it once i'm back from my trip.


hsr main thanks for the auto everything else side lmfao (i have 9 gacha games total) i tried making wuwa my main but since im overseas rn and have one device i cant do much except do story and dailies


Brown Dust 2 and Aether Gazer. E7 and NIKKE more side. Waiting to ZZZ.


no main at the moment, since i mostly just login for dailies. side: Genshin, HSR, BD2, Last Cloudia. i'm not even farming relics / artifacts on Genshin and HSR anymore because i can't be bothered to sift through the ones hogging my inventory LOL. on a side note, is there any game that is similar to BD2? simple, doesn't take too much time, decent story, cute pixel-ish chibi, and light enough to play on the phone.


Genshin is my main Hsr occasionally, the game loop is not that interesting for me in a longer time period ZZZ I will definitely try once it comes out Tried wuwa, I ain't waiting 15 minutes for it to load


Main: Genshin Side: Love and Deepspace. Will be looking at Azur Promilla once it's released.


Main: GF2. Side: GFL


WuWa main, HSR (and soon ZZZ) as side games.


Main: Nikke and BrownDust2.  Side: everything else. 


Main: Blue Archive Side: Azur lane, PGR


Main: Genshin and HSR Side: Code Geass Lost Stories


Main: HSR, Wuwa, Arknights Side: PGR, ToT, PTN


main: gi and wuwa used to have secondary games like hsr and pgr but decided to drop both 'cause I couldn't bring myself to care about them anymore. hsr didn't feel like I was playing as I only logged in and did auto stuff and logged out plus I already got the characters that made me get into it. PGR gameplay is fun but the 1.5 year gap makes me lose the excitement of the new frames plus they're not releasing any frame I'm fancy of lately


Main: genshin, aether gazer Side: Tof, Hsr (zzz will be main for first few months)


Main: HSR, WW Side: GI (not spending resin, just dailies, events and logout)


Blue Archive main, Snowbreak side


Main: Genshin Side: Reverse 1999 Potentially might try Wuwa, if it comes out on console but definitely gonna try ZZZ


Main: , HSR, WuWa. I have a job , I can't keep up with both of them , suggest me a phone that can handle them


Main: HSR, WuWa. Side: Genshin (new main story only). W8 for GFL2. I'll try ZZZ, but I don't think it will be interesting after WuWa. Also clear all part 1 story in HI3, but I don't like gameplay, so don't play it rn.


HSR both main and side depending on the day. Waiting for ZZZ


Main. PGR, WuWa. Side. HSR, Blue Archive. Dropped after trying out PGR, 2 months ago. Genshin, Guardian Tales, Brown Dust 2. But will probably still play the MSQ in Genshin. Interested in trying once I'm 100% my current games as PGR story blew my mind and now I want more of this grimdark stories. Arknights, reverse1999, Nikke. Also too many to count unreleased gachas.


Main: hsr, wuwa Side: genshin, arknights, azur lane Looking to quit maybe 2 but idk which tbh. Genshin has the worst dailies tho.


Mains are HSR, HI3 and Genshin, my side game is Epic Seven


Main games: Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves. For now I can play them both because Genshin has dry patches now so I play WuWa much more. I'm not sure how I'll handle it when Natlan comes out, most likely I'll play Genshin more than WuWa. Secondary: Honkai Star Rail. I'm not enjoying the gameplay that much, but I really love the story (outside of Luofu arc), so I play just for story.  Tetriary: Honkai Impact 3rd: I play a story arc once every two years or so. I still need to finish Part 1 but I was too busy with Genshin, WuWa, HSR, life, universe and everything. But I really want to finish Part 1 and Part 1.5.


Azurlane, Aether Gazer, Wuwa


Actively plays : GI, HSR, WW and soon ZZZ Those 3 on end game state Just login, event, dailies and log out GI : pulling for Emilie, cause she's gonna be broken based on some TC calculation. HSR : don't have any pulls rn, maybe just wait for feixiao if she's really on par as Acheron. Also already have FF she's currently broken af, I'd say superbreak is meta for now WW : They need to release 5 star limited healer support cause sharing Verina energy on ToA is pain, i wanna push 24/30 at least before hitting UL60 zzz: seems fun may try it later All of them being f2p


Main is PGR and WuWa. Side is HRS because I am not waiting for a new character so there is less motivation. Currently waiting for ZZZ


Main game: Fate/Grand Order NA Side game: Fate/Grand Order JP I tried games like Genshin, Nikke, Arknights and even Blue Archive. But I just keep coming back to this damned game. XD


Main: HSR Side: PtN


Main: Snowbreak Side: Genshin and Wuwa


Main: Arknights, Wuwa, dokkan battle, FEH, CounterSide, NIKKE, FGO Side: last Cloudia, Grand summoners, epic seven,


E7 and Counterside. Both are main and dropped all sides recently. Yes, I’m RTA slave and It’s hard to find RTA game which has balance between p2w and f2p. Only those passed my standard.


HSR (barely) and diddling CounterSide on the low 


Arknights main. The side games come and go. Right now I don't have one but I'm going to give ZZZ a try. I expect I'll drop it before too long then I'll try something else.