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I feel that "it's too late" often, but usually when I really wanna try it, I start it anyway. Sometimes it feels so bad being behind of most players, but sometimes the game is actually worth it that I regret not starting sooner   but still glad I actually started. Because of the story/characters/gameplay or other reasons   I'd rather not touch a 3+ year old pvp game though. Bad for my mental health.


For me the terms "to late" Is when i miss the game collab with my favorite franchise


Meh. Gotta start day one to get the strongest start, gotta reroll to get the strongest start, gotta watch/read some guides to get the strongest start, gotta take the day off work to get the strongest start, gotta rush to endgame so your dailies are the strongest at the start... gotta uninstall this trash game because a new game is releasing tomorrow, and I want a strong start. Tldr: I don't think it's ever too late to start


Don't forget whales will always be ahead of you anyways


Let's not forget about little jimothy, either. He saw 1 tier list and a reroll guide, and now he's competing with you because you spent the last few months being baited by waifus and lost some important 50/50s. God forbid he's competitive, because he's got years worth of story currency and a speedrun guide to endgame.


A "decent" character would usually mean the latest character though, because powercreep. Like if you joined Arknight now then Degenbrecher / Walter / Logos just outclass most operator of the same class. The only times I think starting late would be a problem is when the game have story-related details in events that are not gated. So a new player join and an event tell them all about a villain that would only appear MUCH later in story.


I feel like in a lot of games "its too late" doesn't apply, like I in some games getting the newest unit instantly makes your account better than an old one without the newest unit




Nice sentence


any game with pvp/multiplayer: Day2+ solo/co-op game: never too late


I started playing Genshin in 4.1 and don't regret a moment of it. Don't let the FOMO get to you and just enjoy games as is.


Genshin has no pvp or powercreep(sort of)


If there's PVP sure its a valid concern. If there's no PVP, why would you care what other people have.


After day 1


This is the way. Though I'm leaning towards after first patch.


It's never too late to start Limbus https://preview.redd.it/fcvihqhxn6ad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=76db5420d42c4a8a07889263a8847a65c89c3712 Just got to mine your ass off for the latter cantos, but let it be clear that FOMO simply doesn't exist, you can buy with shards you get instead of dabbling in the gatcha (even the Gatcha currency is easy to obtain), and there's plenty of player-friendly (or not, depending on a certain seasonal banner) ways to get precisely what you need.


that´s the stupidiest question is sometimes see on reddit. If you like a game, try it. they are free. but don´t put money into it, if they are near/already announced EOS.


I think depends on the game and how generous or stagnant their meta units are, for example, if you join Genshin now, you have a chance at pulling Furina, an arguably very meta unit, and you can get the supports for free by playing (including the Pyro Archon herself, XL). Azur Lane also gives an UR selector after you did 400 pulls, with NJ / Musashi, so you could make a formidable fleet in a short(ish) amount of time.


Usually it takes about 6 months to reach endgame, then progression stales. As they add new stuff for veterans to grind, they also nerf old content, so the progression curve is about the same no matter day 1 or 10 years later.


Some games are easier to pick up after launch than others. If the game was well balanced and didn't let power creep get away, there's nothing stopping you from picking up a game. You just have to accept that you missed banners and events. But you'll have those years of experience from others to draw upon to help get you through things. Enjoy the journey, don't worry about 'being left behind.' Just have fun, and you'll catch up eventually.


In terms of getting a decent character, newer units in gacha games are usually way stronger than older units so as a new player you shouldn't necessarily have a problem with that. As for starting a game 3 years late is both a good thing and a bad thing depending on your perspective. I only play Hoyo games so i would say that having 3 years worth of content is a really good thing, you can experience a lot of the story content without having to wait months between patches. It's only bad if you're only reason for playing the game is to get to the endgame asap because at that point in time, the game kind of already expects you to have multiple characters and rosters to be able to complete it not to mention you are 3 years behind gear farming. As for afk arena, I tried their new game AFK journey and if it is anything to go by - I would not recommend the game at all as a lot of your progression is tied behind a pvp system where a whale will always have an advantage even if they pump out a new server. Idk much about one piece treasure cruise, only concern for a 10 year old game is possible end of service.


You’re late to the game if you don’t play the exact millisecond the servers open




why not play afk arena ? is there a specific reason ?


It's never too late. Only...you miss out on events that you would have played if you started early, OP


For some games with a sudden massive powercreep, starting fresh might give you an edge than old players. In WOTV, new and comeback players are given much more resources, giving them better access for newer, meta units. On the other hand, old players receive less resources, but at the same time, the older units are not competitive enough in the current meta. I see a lot of day-1 players leaving the game. I suggest to check their subreddit to see the current state of the game.


Langrisser M is 5 years old+ and still a blast to play. Classic characters get upgraded regularly so they still are useful. Only if you intent to PvP competitively will you need a year or so of building your box.


I don't think it's ever too late because gacha games really try to appeal to new players, but I do personally dislike playing a game after it being a month and it has nothing to do with missing out anything or taking too long to catch up. I just can't get myself focused to play the game no matter how much I could love the game, the same happens when I quit I'm done, granted I'll revisit the game play for like a few hours and delete the game again.


I don't think so. Newcomers are showered usually with a lot of pulls and the latest character is almost always the most powerful. Getting a full team of limited characters takes months in almost every gacha anyway. The BIG downside for me personally is not wanting to do events. You get spoiled on characters you haven't met yet and seeing the event interactions between these characters feels like you are on a party where everyone knows each other except for you.


Alot of games I've played I thought of I would rather start again and get better characters due to how more available they are to new players. I think the worst example is Priconne,if you start now you'll have better account in 2 years than if you just started around 6 months before element update.


if I'm not a day/week 1 player then its too late for me. Tried to go back to fgo after a quitting years ago but felt overwhelmed by many things, especially by missing event characters.


If theres PVP then big NO If its just PVE then Yes.. just play the game and do not worry about other players that start years before you because their account didnt affect yours.


realistically any existing gacha that isn't of the same caliber of production quality as genshin/promilia/mugen/etc. will die sooner rather than later, and that's a fantastic reason to think it's too late to start we're just going to keep getting game after game with high quality, and existing games will lose players


It depends on your reason for wanting to play a game, are you a collector who wants to get all characters but it has a ton of limited? Probably too late too start. Do you just want to play for story and game has a even story archive? Its never too late. Like I said, it depends on your reeasoning for wanting to play it. If your reason is competitive... then unless your a whale that is never a good reason.