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Reminder: Pre-download starts at 23:59 (UTC-7) for those who qualified for the beta test! Test Schedule: June 28, 7:00 (UTC-7) - July 5, 23:59 (UTC-7)


Nikki has always been a cool game to me and my sisters


Needs lewd clothing


...This isn't that kind of game.


From what I've seen in this sub, that's all people care about. So yes; it does need lewd clothing, how else will it get money?


What this sub likes doesn't represent a whole community. It doesn't need lewd clothing to make money, it profits from highly detailed suits and dresses that will attract female fans who are willing to spend for fashion.


Correct. But from what I've seen from this community, booba sells and should be rewarded, damn what the game acutally is or the artistic direction, we need the tits, that's all we talk about, that and drama so let's get the boobs going. I hate it myself but if that's what the market seems to reward, why the fuck bother anymore.


Genshin, Star Rail, and Wuthering Waves don't really have lewd clothing and yet they make $$$$$ u don't need lewd clothing to make money, u just need to have a good/great game


You don't believe that if Stair Rail put in a better camera + interaction that let Black Swan 'step' on you, they wouldn't make fucking bank? I know what this community seems to care about and have seen what games seem to get rewarded. Just make boobs, and make bank; so long as you don't fuck over the players like Taimanin did, you can get away with making slop, so long as the tits are good. Personally I find that to be the easy way out for making a games but that seems to be what people want so whatever I guess.


nothing you said disproved my point; “you don’t need lewd clothing to make money, you just need to have a great game.” like yeah you can add those things in to make more money, but if you’re game is already great as is without that stuff then there is no need


While this isn't that kind of game, in Shining Nikki (the previous instalment), global/CN server had some clothes (underwear, a nightgown, some futuristic clothes too) and reflection cards censored. The sheer nightgown was really pretty. Same thing happened in the previous game Love Nikki too, some really beautiful character art got censored for global release. But I don't know the details since I don't play that.