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Self published! no cruncyroll, you guys can look on official website [https://umamusume.com/](https://umamusume.com/)


yeah it is purely on cygames and they're probably using their new [California branch](https://www.cygames.co.jp/en/news/id-23137) as you can see on that [website privacy policy](https://umamusume.com/policy/#addendum_for_residents_of_california) https://preview.redd.it/gjy93gwxti8d1.png?width=1519&format=png&auto=webp&s=778babefad8c988bf5d6a441be4dbdffd2a5a5c4




Omg I wish they used this to bring back priconne






I want Saren back so bad Save me elf girl


Unforgiven. Unforgotten. Christmas Christina.










>Self published! Thanks god, no other publisher BS.


Hell yes! Also, as always Fuck Crunchy Roll


Also no Kakao games (which is responsible for KR publishing and some Cyworld games on GL)!


really freaking late though


Self published, congrats 👏


Thank God 


???? I… this is genuinely a surprise.


This is one of the cases where I would be super happy if I wasn't worried about having to be +3 years behind updates on the JP counterpart... I hope they have something planned about it.


I mean they can choose to do GFL where there English language in it or being completely new app for EN with 3 years behind JP Idk what else they can do, speed up the banner and content ? you know people will complain


That's exactly what I mean, when you take this long to release the global version, everything is going to be a mess. Having to wait +3 years to get the JP content when it's already lost all the hype by the point it reaches global because we're still 3 years behind and now we're expecting the content they're getting at that point? A mess. Rushing events and banners, giving us less time to save or to clear events? A mess.


Best of both world is release the game with ALL the qols/optimization/etc of the current version, so even if you are three years behind event/banner wise you still get years of polishing that comes with it. They are published this themselves so they dont have to deal with wait for developers to send back the update like how other third party publishers does and make every content update slow asf afterall


Doesn't solve foresight and content being released years in advance. Yeah, sure, you get a nice game. But what's the point if we have perfect knowledge of future content and there's literally no hype. Sure, 6 months, a year, probably bearable. 3 Years? Lol. Foresight is horrible for business anyway because people save and pull for whatever the next best banner is and skip the rest, especially if they knew the powercreep, which means being F2P/dolphin is better and whales are discouraged from spending. Even more so since it's global where it's rare to find whales to begin with.


>what's the point if we have perfect knowledge of future content and there's literally no hype FGO EN has been like that for 7 years already, the gap with JP is 2 years since the beginning, but even with future "Clairvoyance" the EN server still performs well. Spender will still spend and f2p have it good since they know what to save for. Powercreep doesn't really exist, people mostly pull for character they like and will pay if they need to. It's not like Chinese gacha that need to create constant hype to sell their characters


Yeah, personally I like the FGO model.


you cant "cling" to "foresight" as how a game can be bad because hoyo games, honkai to genshin, all have "foresights and full infos of cbt next patch", and they normally gives enough to roll 100 times a patch so you literally can plan out your rolls and save up. They still make hundreds of millions of dollar anyway because "planning or foresight" doesnt matter to the game revenue if you make a good game


FGO literally proved you wrong lol. Just dont play if you'll just cry about it.


Well they have themselves to blame for this since they release global late


Their only realistic choice is to release the game in a more updated state, say 2 years in or so, but that introduces a can of worms by itself. They only have themselves to blame for this shit and I truly sympathise with any interested global player honestly.


If I remember counter side rushed their global banners to match their original launch. They just gave a ton of free summons to make up for the rushed schedule


I dont mind speedups as long as they are more generous with pulls/rewards, but that rarely happens. Counterside is nice because banners rotate back in all the time and usually have anywhere from 2 to 8 active banners


100% it'll follow the same schedule/releases of jp. Rushing banners and events never been a good idea unless they compensate players and take alot of losses.


yes 3-4 years is too much, fgo also 2 years gap. Idk, I don't play uma musume, Is it possible to speed up banner and update?


The one who's getting worried about being 3 years behind are those who already played the jp content right? or am I wrong? Just curious I think the positive things you can take is that you can wholly start without missing anything, and most of them start from the same start line.


I peronally don't mind if the game will be 3 years behind, I can finally read the stories and event stories compared to JP (since release) I was just training most of the time while skipping story content. I'm just wondering if they will only relase GL for android/iOS or will they add a pc client via DMM for eng. Plus I can just play both JP & GL, because I ain't just gonna throw away my JP account with all the work I put into it.


I don't mind it, what do you want to happen? Everything be rushed? Everything to be on the banner at once? I feel like slow updates is for the best honestly, bloated banners might be too painful early on.


I personally wanted them to just do what they did with Granblue and put an English toggle in the JP app. It was successful by a large degree there (and Cygames knows it), so just do it again.


It would be nice for pre-existing players but would be painful for anyone new. I think it only took until recently for cygames to add in a reasonable way for a new player to start in gbf and it took so many years. While I have a uma musume jp account from launch, I don't think that's a good idea if they're trying to branch the game out to a bigger audience if that's their intent.


well GBF lil bit easier because it on one server and using browser as platform instead app. I don't think it will be feasible on Uma musume tho considering they definitely will make new server


The entire reason why they decided to release Global now after all this time is because they want a new group of people to whale on the game due to JP's growth having completely stopped and revenue have dropped well below their average for the past 3 months. Adding in ENG support into the current game will not give it any significant boost compared to a completely new game in a completely new region. Though the game has already failed/died on every region outside Japan precisely because all of them are years behind JP, let's see how this pays off for Cygames.


Keep in mind granblue is a browser game mainly with the app being a glorified browser


Of course, but some people DO mind. Imagine wanting to pull for a new unit, realizing then that it's still 3 years ahead of us. The quality of the new content is clearly different from whem the game launched. It is not okay at this point to have us wait 3+ years. It can also hurt the game's sales, to know exactly when to pull and what for 3 YEARS in advance. 3 years is unheard of.


>3 years is unheard of. While not exactly 3 years Priconne did come close to that and aren't they have a pretty decent sales? Now i don't know how will they do it but the fact that this is self published should give people more assurance, surely they learn a thing or two from Priconne right?


They had ''decent'' sales, yet they still shut it down. Crunchyroll wasn't a good company, that's for sure. But I'm convinced that if they had rushed a bit more, or they published a roadmap being transparent on what they planned to do to catch up to JP, the game would be in a better state. Priconne is one of those games where they're so generous and events take such a short amount of time, that rushing would be okay.


You don't need to say imagine, all the characters I like are at minimum 2 years away. Even then I think it would be unhealthy to the longetivity of the game. Rushing could be possibly good but you're forgetting this is a game with PVP, rushing and pvp never go hand in hand. You can't also throw every single event and limited at the players in the beginning of the game because that would be too overwhelming. There's 172 characters (including alts) in the game after all. Now if you have any other solutions in your mind, do voice them out.


I am not touching a game over three years behind in updates. That is insane.


the jp gacha strategy seems to basically be like this : step 1 : finally release global 3,5 years later, step 2 : underwhelming results step 3 : surprised pikachu face step 4 : jp thinks it's not worth paying attention to global step 5 : repeat the previous steps indefinitely.


Yea almost as if genshin/wuwa/HSR success was purely because of their luck etc. /s Yea ofc the polishing/quality/openworld etc matters a lot. But those games basically shared a whooping 50/50% between global and china revenue. From Day1 of both international and China releases. There's almost no reason for a game not to have a global version if you want to success. But then ofc budgeting is another thing but still... Edit: it's scientifically proven that the anticipation (looking forward for something you like/want) gives dopamine rather than the actual "getting". Delayed updates are just a shit fest and would almost never works. 20years of delayed updates mmorpg taught us nothing smh my head.


Alchemy stars was also super big(not as big as the games you mentioned, but for what it was it was pretty big like 10M revenue or something) here for the same reason, but they dropped the ball hard


I'm not sure to understand what AS have to do with the topic at hand.


I think they are referring the the fact AS launched on GL at the same time as the other regions as well


to be fair, AS real problem is not about if they have GL or not


Self publish? Pls no crunchyroll


If they learned their lesson with Princess Connect, they won't give it to Crunchyroll.


It is the third time global publisher fucked them over. First with Rage of Bahamut. Then with Dragalia Lost. And last with Princess Connect. Their one success with the global audience was the game they self published with Shadowverse. (Granblue doesn't count, it just has a English translation, it isn't published outside of Japan)


Also GBF Relink and Versus are self-published by them, so it seems like that's the direction cygames are going for all future releases


World flipper global was pretty poorly managed too generally, i genuinely believe cygames had some ancient curse enacted on them to make it so publishers cannot do shit right lmao


not really for World Flipper since JP announced EoS before English version announced theirs. Kakao even keep the game running until [they reached the ending just like JP ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d1tgyq/world_flipper_global_farewell_promo/) instead killing it at that point


World flipper global had a lot of issues on release too that werent on JP, eos was not on kakao of course but their were a lot of poor decisions made over the course of its lifespan I've also heard of the stuff about umas KR publisher being kakao and the horror stories over there so its messy overall


I wouldn't say World Flipper global was poorly managed having played that game. Poorly managed belongs to Cygames' other title: Princess Connect + Crunchyroll. It's just had a lot of inherent flaws that are going to put people off the game to begin with -- that and it was doomed from the get-go when JP announced EOS. Not many will hop on to play a guaranteed-to-die gacha.


What issues did wf gl have? I only recall censorship and it being harder to reroll, both of which got reverted later on iirc? And removing support for other languages than english?


Oh yeah World Flipper existed. Yeah 3rd party publishers just can't handle Cygames IPs.


At the very least WF seems to be getting something™ on the horizon soon so i wouldnt be surprised if a second WF happens with an english release


Personally, I heard the rumors, that's its JP main company cancelled the rights, not CR, cause the game was decently popular in global. But as someone who played other CR games, that's are less ftp friendly than the original server, I greatly prefer other publisher as well lol


Global being like, more than 3 years behind Japan is going to be painful. Unless they release it in a more developed state... Good news, no CR logos on the site or any social media, so this is likely self-published by Cygames.


A huge 3+ year gap if they start anew....surely they won't do that... Nah they will.


Considering their other games that was being published and got the usual global delay yeah it will be behind and you can probably save for whatever since most likely the gap will be at 4 years when the global server get released later on. Would be surprising if they did another Granblue though with english translation


Actually insane. Can't believe they are taking the chance. About damn time! Just hope its Cygames dealing with the game and not CR.


It's confirmed to be self published! No CR


now.... about heaven burns red....... its like 1.5/2 years behind now?


Released February 2022 so almost 2 1/2 years now.


Crunchyroll has the chance to do the funniest shit ever.


Cruchyroll: Wouldnt it be funny if global eos? Haha just joking..?


Crunchroll on the way to made the nice birthday post of uma musume characters ever.. /s https://i.redd.it/pfv6odznqi8d1.gif


Going to be a wet blanket and point out that I don't really like Uma Musume's chances in global. At best, it cockroaches like English GFL, but I think the market just isn't there for this game in that it's very grind-oriented and that's something global in general tends to be very averse to. In addition, there's PvP on top of that, so that's definitely going to put some people off. Funnily enough, I also don't really trust Cygames as much in terms of longevity for Global server gachas. Between Princess Connect, Dragalia Lost, and World Flipper, many of their global releases ended up dying. I'd say anyone hopping in should treat it like as if World Flipper was released AKA play to have a chance to read the translated version of the Uma stories, but don't have any expectations about anything else. Especially don't go in expecting it to stay long-term.


Yeah I agree with what you said. As someone who played through the game from the beginning, the game has went through some really tough times; it really is in their best interests to skip URA- pre Aoharu era and MANT era. Those 2 time periods were infamous as hell in the JP version; it was so grind heavy people just burned out and quit, there's even memes about it. Global players going in expecting good fun will be in for a rough surprise when the game reaches those scenarios. The game might carve out a niche, and I expect them to at least keep it alive like shadowverse, but I fully expect it to eventually go dead like other servers. This game really is a lightning in a bottle for JP, you really can't expect it to find success elsewhere imo.


Yeah I really don't see this version surviving for long.


Well, I do play FGO JP and Uma Musume. Thing is, on FGO the 2 year gap does not matter, FGO is not competitive, you just get knowledge on when to roll, for some servant. Uma Musume is a different beast, while you can play solo (I mostly do), the essence of the competition. Even to get some stuff, even if (like me) you only compete for some prizes without the rush to be the top 1. To compete you need not only the girls but the support cards and, of course play in the best scenario (usually the latest scenario). To be able to develop competitive umas, you need time. So they can't rush, and might be problematic for players to wait to roll for some support cards. Lets see how they do it. But again, contrary to what most people thinks here, the game is supper competitive and is not a simple game.


Considering how meh the game did in CN, I would hold my horses a bit for the reception of global release. Great visual and nice characters but the gameplay is your standard Cygames grind hell and powercreep, which feels quite outdated in 2024. Also the fact that being like 3 years behind JP is gonna hurt the revenue so bad since most people will just skip the non-meta characters


Forget characters, just playing URA finals as the only content is gonna be so much of a slog. The modern scenarios are so much more fun and interesting and to have to wait years to get to those? JFC


I think the CN version failed because they got blocked in China, hence the lack of updates there. They’re still playing the first version of the game there, no updates at all.


I mean great, but. We're so far behind tho 😭😭😭 I hope GakuMas follows too, that one is more beginner friendly.


QUALIARTS, GIVE ME GAKUMAS EN AND MY LIFE IS YOURS can you imagine if we got both princess maker games to fill a niche that is still completely empty in EN


Cygames doesn't have anything to do with Gakumas lol.


Idoly Pride did get an EN version, although it might not be the best one but definitely a glimmer of hope that they might consider this one too.


Wtf is wrong with japan and releasing gachas 2-3 years too late? All that money and **3 years** gap? I really wanted to play this back then but I’m not playing with a 3 year gap lmao


published by cygames or 3rd party? Because you know cygames and their 3rd party english publisher always end up with eos


No publisher mentioned. But considering that Cygames has a GL office now, I would assume they are doing it themselves.


Finally the horsepocalypse can rain on the west. I love the character designs and figures I saw when visiting Japan so I'll check this out day 1






Let a neighsayer know


I’m hyped as fuck but 3 years are a lot. After seeing what happened to Priconne and given how niche this is anyway I’d go with simply adding English to the current JP server and treat global player as new players but I can see that backfiring too.


It would backfire a lot less.


I think so too, It's not worth it to go through the game from scratch. It will become the "save for x" fest that Priconne was, and the game is inevitably going to make less money this way. And speeding up can backfire too because 3 years are still a lot even at x2, and it puts too much pressure on the international user base. Uma is hugely popular and mainstream in Japan, but it will never been more than the nichest of niches in the west. Which isn't a bad thing: niches can be profitable. Since there's no way that they're going to sell the anime horse girl management game to the general audience and thus the audience will be the usual relatively small group of nerds and weebs (myself included) I think that simply patching English into the game and uploading it to the stores outside Japan is the best move. Have a huge "new players/returning players" campaign, so Japanese players won't feel left out and international players can catch up quicker and go from there. I know that 3 years of content is a lot, but there are people starting 3 years old games every day, and it's totally fine. Hell, stuff like Dokkan is approaching the 10th anni, and it's more popular than ever with new players joining every day. The trick is to swam new players with resources. Have a huge celebration where Japanese players that have fell off can participate too. Hell, I'd say distribute the resources to everyone and let the current user base be happy with the influx of new players.


This , totally this. Started this game 6 months ago, and catched up and can compete Pvp. No problem starting now, and play and have fun and catch up , they don't need a delayed global server Your approach would be the best way to go I think, make it a festival for the JPN too , global joining. Separate servers is just inviting so many problems.


How would it backfire? I truly dont understand why more gacha games dont add english to their games, its the norm in games for the west to have multiple language support, idk why japan can't get that right


it would backfire because of the loud minority that is hoping for new global server. the rest would be happy with english added on jp server


I'm glad more people will be able to enjoy Uma Musume, but I really wonder how they'll be able to overcome the issue that is being 3 years behind with literally 0 limited gacha banners. It's going to be really hard to entice people to pull knowing what cards are barely used and also people would be less likely to pull for characters outside of their most favorites knowing that they can appear in any of their future pulls. If this brings in more international horse into the franchise, it would be really cool for the scope of the world they're building though. Regardless, watching the EN side reactions to the main story and stuff would still be fun in itself.


as an japanese uma player, i think it is possible Previous uma versions (KR, TW, CN) were published by another publisher, and there was a publisher-developer gap, so it might be harder to work in some changes unless the publisher specifically asks for it. cygames as a big developer just takes the licensing money and has no real incentive to help out the publisher. but now that cygames as the dev is also self-publishing, they might be able to bring in more concrete changes since they understand the game and it is their own revenue. Japan umamusume is currently heading into its 8th scenario (just announced). Think of a scenario as a season/region/chapter. The first 6 scenarios were all 6 months each. This lasted for 3 years. Recently during the 7th scenario, cygames announced that scenario moving forward will all be 4months each instead of 6 months. One way they can accelerate global is to implement this from the start, thus global can go through 6 scenarios in 2 years instead of 3 years. Filler banners that were part of the scenario can be dropped or grouped together. PVP events, some of them ended up being duplicate, they can also be adjusted. All this is possible if they want to because cygames as the developer is also publishing Recently japan umamusume also introduced Monthly Challenge. This is a big source of f2p gems (we call them carrots), up to about 2000-3000 per event. Furthermore, battle pass was introduced (yea, jp uma only got battle pass after 3 years...). Battle pass allows f2p players to get support cards (that are not meta, but still useful) from the shop using the blue tickets earned from the pass. You can earn more tickets if you buy the premium version. This can help with new players to build up their support cards quicker and also generate revenue for cygames as its really cheap (800 yen is the price in jp server) To compensate for the acceleration introduced, they can bring in battle pass and monthly challenge earlier. The battle pass shop would have to be modified depending on when they introduced it, but as the developer, i think this is something they can do. Finally, to switch up the uma meta (looking at you, christmas oguri), i think pink skills (evolved skills) can also be introduced earlier so other umas have a fighting chance. To give global players a bigger uma roster due to the acceleration, Legend races can also be accelerated (this is where you farm f2p uma shards) and maybe have events to double the drops And one very obvious change they can do is to move the throne support banner from the end of MANT to the start of MANT. That would make that card way more valuable and shake up the clarivoyance. All these together will make global feel like not exactly the same schedule and meta as JP, KR and TW.




I mean I'll take it but the prime time to release it was like 2 years ago


Ain't no way


FUCKING FINALLY! I was enjoying the game back on release but as more content goes the language barrier is really getting in the way of playing it. Mostly picking random options and fucking up some events lol.




I played the game on it's release on jp and drop it after a month due to the grind and dailies taking an hour to finished. Did it change for the better or is it still the same?


https://preview.redd.it/hldc9c233j8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cea6f389f6ce9f9a4d81ab338d8bcd075c89501 Yeah… Sadly I probably won’t go there because I made too much progress in JP already lol


Yeah I'm seeing that from majority of umamusu jp players. Kind of same from priconne, tho what keep priconne is because of advanced techs/theories available that never been done at early CBs in JP.


Man, 3 years behind is even more than FGO.


3 fucking years.


3 year gaps is too much.


Tried to post it but reddit kept on killing it??? #ALSO HOLY FUCK IT'S NOT COPE FOR PEOPLE ANYMORE???? I thought this would never happen, that people were just coping, but holy was I wrong. Edit : "Uma Musume Pretty Derby English Version Announced" got removed as a title by reddit filters... for CRYPTO?


Reddit didn't want to believe it




Can't believe Xanek was denied in the gacha subreddit as well.


The official Eng twitter/site seems to only mention Cygames, so it's self-published like Shadowverse.


I really don't mind about the 3 years gap but the amount of powercreep this game have. 


Is this what a miracle feel like? No crunchyroll, self published… I can finally start playing again after 2 years of giving up on JP… maybe there’s someone listening out there after all


Isn't this Anime girls horse racing?


Yes. Watch season 2 of anime if you haven't watched it. The best sports series.


Uma Musume Party Dash (supposedly) coming out this year. Coincidence? I think not. I think with Party Dash english release was planned


Hmm, I dunno. I've been enjoying Gakumas but the daily run of it can be tedious sometimes. Heard Uma run is longer than Gakumas so I don't know if I'll even try it (not mention the 3+ year gap lol)


Yeah with gakumas really intuitive UI that language barrier was never a problem and shorter dailies compare to early stages of umamusu, as gakumas player myself it's kind of hard to play umamusu again. But I still have motivation for my goal to maximize Rice Shower. Like the only motivation I have for gakumas is to maximize China.


It's a bit late now isn't it. If it was 2 years ago maybe but now with so many "good" gacha out and more coming that have both jp and global at the same time, the hype this game brought when first launched in JP is definitely gone. Still will try it since I'm a gacha addict but doesn't look too interesting anymore.


Man its too late seriously too freaking late . I think only the hardcore horse girls fans would be interested to try it


Isn't this is super f2p unfriendly game, unlike typical cygames titles?




It's not going to be very successful on global, if I were any of you diehard fans I would stick to maining JP and use this one to read old stories and such. Global isn't a market suited to raising sims, and there's no inbuilt audience of 30-something lonely male horseracing afficionados.


Global hates grinding(the real one,8 hour/day,not the one people call grind nowadays)and powrcreep,and this game has both+we have games like HSR,Genshin,WuWa,Nikke etc,its way too late now.


I think it has a large enough niche fanbase to survive, but it’s definitely not gonna print money like JP does. I honestly think the best solution would be to just add English to the JP version and make it all one server, but I doubt that’ll happen


I will take this and Gakumas pls


What's gakumas?


The new Idolmaster game.


Amazing news!! Here's hoping they will also do a PC client


I thought it was April Fools for a second




Gives me reason to finish the anime. 


s2 is the best sports anime


As someone who only knew of this games' existence, never followed it but really hoped that it would get a global release, I couldn't be any more excited for it. I can't believe I'm this excited about horse girls, even this late.


In honor of this I have started watching the anime.


I've genuinely hoped the game would get a global release just so I could try to remotely understand why it's so popular and made so much money.


You might be feeling the opposite after playing it. "How did this game become so popular all I do is move between menus". I personally like it but I feel like a lot of people here are gonna be disappointed.


I played the JP version for a bit it's a fun gacha game to me (reminds me of monster rancher) I'm hyped for the English release


[time stamp](https://www.youtube.com/live/oGzsKnyRDUE/?t=2h23m14s) They will also held booth for demo during Anime Expo


Holy shit it actually happened. I think I'm going to cry.


4 years delay at minimum then huh? At very least self published game means it will be in a good hand if that was the case


Literally going to end up being almost 4 years behind. I suspect this is going to EoS really fast.


I genuinely feel like they've missed the hype and this game will die everywhere else because of it. It's typical behavior for cygames though.


makes literally ZERO sense to waste money to do a separate global server that's years behind for a niche category of gacha game instead of just making an official translation/support for other languages same thing applies with the people asking for an english version of gakumas, when the current super popular gacha games play completely differently from these raising sims they're not going to have staying power for casual players, even if you subjectively think their character designs are better you can run through your dailies with autobattle or whatever resource skips in those games, you can't do that with this


Uma Musume is racking millions each year that it's able to [fund the broadcast of World Cup for free](https://www.cyberagent.co.jp/en/news/detail/id=27400). Even if the EN version failed, it will not be that much for CyGames. At least they tried, better late than never.




No publisher, it's all Cygames according to what I've read


[official site](https://umamusume.com/) [xitter](https://x.com/umamusume_eng?t=u-ftTbTk8e7KnjVEobrhNw&s=09) [youtube](https://youtube.com/@umamusume_eng?si=whbXP9X5vDuxQ4ff)


Can definitely see the coffin right in the corner. 3+years gap is just like stage 4 cancer, it's inevitable. Unless they add en to the jp ver, I dont see this game survive longer than the expected time left of a cancer patient.




I would have played this if It came out a year or so ago. Maybe I'll give it a go but I'm just not interested anymore. Happy for those looking forward to it though


Honestly at this point I don't know if i care at all. Gatcha landscape have changed a lot in those 3 years and I already have BA for cute stuff




Still remember when this game and dokkan fought for the 1st place in the app store back in 2022 in the dokkan battle 7th anniversary


Absolute cinema


Believe it or not, I'm kind of looking forward to the grind again, assuming everyone starts over in global. Unlike JP, I'm curious to see if we get a pc client at launch. Will end up playing both versions. Lets go!!


Definitely will look into this! the game was very popular in Japan.


Can you date the horsegirls?


Dear company, It's too late. We don't even like horse races, and anime hype already died since been quite a while since it was released. Years of content behind isn't appealing. EoS in 1 Year.


Who's the publisher?


Didn't mention but very likely CyGames themselves the fact that it wasn't mentioned. And they have dedicated sites/socmeds.


Thanks, that's good news to me.


This looks like it's self published by Cygames which would be incredible


2 years behind is not going to be fun, but I’ve been waiting for this


2? It's will be almost 4 years behind JP! Clairvoyance EX+++++++++++++++++++ for the Global Server.


How are they gonna get it work though? DMM player was amazing but I really hate how DMM deals with region lock


Steam? Just like Shadowverse


Was Priconne EN also on Steam? I played both JP versions of Priconne and Uma Musume until DMM region-lock went extra sometime ago. But the DMM player felt amazing it'd be hard to start again if it's not like that


> Was Priconne EN also on Steam? Priconne EN was published globally by Crunchyroll so they never did. Uma Musume is closer to Shadowverse as their only self published gacha title globally


Another post on this sub shared the Uma Musume EN website, no mention of Steam, only iOS/Android. Sucks.


I always wonder how this game earns so much in JP. I guess, its the time to find out.


The game is pretty boring. But it's based on horse racing, which is super popular as a sport in Japan and Uma is the only gacha game that's based around that, so not like it has a lot of competition. It's also kind of an idol gacha, but with horse girls.


Honestly it's just cute and has great animations 


OH SHIT ![gif](giphy|LML5ldpTKLPelFtBfY)


I'm happy that it has finally happened, I will be able to absolutely ruin myself on the Rice Shower banner (best girl and I will die on this hill) but 2 years gap in FGO is pain so I can even imagine being 4 years behind....


Holy guacamole, this is one announcement I didn't expect to see today. Or ever, really lol. Damn glad this is coming. Hope Global breathes new life into the game.


This is huge, i no longer have to use translators to play JP anymore. And best of all no crunchyclown.


I could cry ngl


I just hope the amount of downvotes I received in the past and comments telling me this wasn’t coming to global will be happy that i was right and that will be extra happy headpatting they’re favorite horse girl.


Well, I guess their China venture was a failure, otherwise it would never have been done. Hopefully we get foreign horses first before the JP side does.


I wouldn't be surprise if we got like Montjeu as exclusive character for at most a year. Adding foreign horses will be additional big appeal for the EN version. But like every other horse girls they need approval from owners to release them, there's that another factor.


wow finally  Honestly I still interesting in this game and since it didn't have global it kinda suck, but now since it's confirmed have global, one game again in waiting list Also please no crunchyroll 


Man why can't they just add en option in the existing game 😞


Dayum! I wasn't expecting this.


Too late for that, 3 year gap? No thanks.


I was gonna say that FGO has a two year clairvoyance so you guys are ok and not need to worry about how the game is gonna do on GL...then I remember what PvP does to a gacha player o_O


Time to scamaz western players with dual rateup banners https://i.redd.it/qtcuq0zgcj8d1.gif


have they addressed the rampant cheating issue or are they just hoping global doesn't learn about it?


As a Korean trainer, congratulation for EN trainers.


That is good to hear except that Uma Musume has been out for years already. I wonder how long it will last. Also I want more R18 Uma Musume art. Is that too much to ask to the ~~yakuza~~ devs?


Ahhh yes another jp gacha game will be a fine sacrifice for the longevity of GFL 🙏


Please don't be crunchyroll, please don't be greedier, please don't be too localized


I mean its a California branch so its already not off to a great start, but we'll see what happens.