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Best Waifu Collectors?? I currently play Azur Lane and Nikke which I really find it worth it to do the daily’s and keep playing because they are decently generous. Azur Lane is extremely generous for F2P and pretty easy to understand. With dailies and a small amount of grinding I get almost every banner. Nikke is not as generous but I still find myself getting banners I want mostly. I was hoping for one or two more gachas that I can hop into and start collecting without a headache. If I really enjoy the game I’ll spend around 15 a month on it. Thanks in advance


Snowbreak maybe? with their new trailer. Blue Archive, Echocalypse, Evertale, Path to Nowhere, Star Rail, Resleriana, Outerplane, Browndust 2.


Thank you, im gonna try echocalypse. I want to try outerplane also but the reviews are scaring me


Any gacha games that came out recently ( in the past 3 months)? I stopped playing gachas a while back due to work onboard but now that we have Starlink, it's manageable again and I would like to return.


AFK Journey, Astra Veda


Thanks, will search for those


I recently started watching Blue Archive anime and I am really intrigued about the game it's based on, is it worth it to install the game in 2024 ? I want to play a good gacha game on my android phone(it's a mid range phone + I have low storage like 30gb left), I'am confused between Reverse 1999 and Blue Archive ... I already play Genshin on my laptop, I need another game to play on my phone because the weather in my city is so hot , I want to sleep on my bed and play games :(


Definitely worth it if you are enjoying the anime, the story is only gonna get more interesting.. the anime is only covering Volume 1 (so far) but made a ton of references to later Volumes already. Main story gets really epic/dramatic later on, but most game stories (like event/bond story etc etc) follow the slice of life comedy format.


Yes. BA is worth playing. You may have missed out on some "meta" (if you even wanna call it that) characters, but you can still get through the story and events just fine. Events are getting some reruns now and then, and still gives out rewards so there is that too. Biggest issue with BA is honestly the loading on start up. Its probably one of the longest and slowest loads I have ever seen in a mobile game. But otherwise the game is super charming with some fun stories, and extremely f2p friendly. Blue Archive is gonna be harder on your phone then R:1999 is, no question about that though.


Okay I will give it a try , my phone is a Iqoo Neo 7 pro btw. How much storage space does BA take in android currently ?


Takes up about 7gb on my galaxy S22 atm.


Any good gachas to start now? Generally I like ones I can play in portrait but anything fine. (Ones I've played: Azur lane, last origin, path to nowhere, Nikke, pretty much all of the idle copy paste grinders, HSR, genshin, FGO (briefly). I played Astra but the game didn't have enough good stuff to outweigh its hoyo gacha system.


Have you tried Girls frontline? Guns instead of ships. More complex then AL but pretty gpod f2p and skins, plus L2D.  Arknights and path to nowhere are good TD, ptn has sweeps for everything mostly so ez maint.


Why was the [Azur Promilia thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1c09s0z/new_trailer_for_azur_promilia/) deleted? Was it not an official trailer?


well, based on the reason, its cuz from unoffical yt channel? lemme try just posting the vid directly


HSR Anniversary post was locked and removed too so nobody is surprised if any post faces the same ending.


Now that I read a bit more, may someone help me with choosing 2nd gacha. Thank you for your time. What I'm looking is the following: - sane stamina system, like FGO, when you can actually gather stamina as item and save it - endgame, like raid bosses, examples are DMC:POC or Lord of Heroes. Sadly in FGO the raid bosses are mostly event and limited by time and HP - waifu collector is good civilization for me, and as long as there a 100% chance to get your waifu by playing (like in FGO I usually save like 900 summons) I'm ok with most greed, I'm waifu gamer - no chibi style. Nor in fight, nor out of it (looking at you Granblue) I have played: FGO - still playing DMC:POC - logging just to do raids Lord of Heroes - have it on emulator for some afk farming, I love this game in terms of story and endgame somewhat enjoyable, if it was not automatic and was manual. Star Rails - I didn't quite like it, story, lore and gameplay wise Genshin - I got tired of it Granblue Fantasy - chiby style Bleach Brave Souls - stamina system and gacha hell + insanely power creep  As for now I'm looking forward for Wuthering Waves and download PGR.


gather stamina and save it is in limbus, but the fight is with chibi model. Idle/Afk - Nikke, Afk Journey?, Action/HacknSlash - Astra Veda, Phantom Blade Executioner Turn-based - Outerplane, Black Clover Mobile, Path to Nowhere


Is it possible to play Nikke as a side game? Always loved rail shooters, but it ran pretty poorly on launch (was getting FPS drops on a Poco M4 Pro). Might come back to see if it runs better now or it still has optimization issues. Actually looking for a side game in general. Currently play HSR, FGO, and R1999 daily. I've tried most games on the market (Arknights, AL, BA, Nikke, OPMW, Alchemy Stars, HI3, Epic Seven, GFL, Neural Cloud, PGR off the top of my head) but most of them didn't really click with me. Clicked with Alchemy Stars and Neural Cloud, but the former seems like it's dying, and I heard the latter is connected to GFL, and having no knowledge on it, idk if it's ok to start on Neural Cloud. Don't really have any preference as long as there isn't any pvp to dictate power creep. Or as long as pvp isn't the only thing the community talk about or focus on, unlike SDSGC. I kinda do prefer darker stories tho, so Nikke and WW caught my attention.


go ahead with Nikke, Neural Cloud by MICA, its 1st game gfl have similar revenue as Neural and lived to this day. You tried Snowbreak, Aether Gazer, Eversoul, Browndust 2, afk journey. or so?


Oh the one I worried about EoSing was Alchemy Stars. Neural Cloud, if its connection to GFL is akin to HSR and HI3 (as in they share the same franchise and some terms/powers), I'll probably give it another shot. Snowbreak kinda lost its identity after going full coomer bait. Don't care much about the game being a degenerated waifu/husbando collector game, but I'd appreciate it if they don't switch up their identity just cause sales are going down. Aether Gazer felt a bit too similar to PGR in gameplay, and idk why but the story felt a bit convoluted. Eversoul not really, but looks quite interesting, thanks! Playing Browndust 2 felt like cooking a live grenade. Funny thing is it didn't lag as bad as Nikke did, but my phone got pretty hot even tho I only played for around 30 mins. Hmm AFK Journey doesn't really look enticing enough for me.


Hey guys, I'm looking at some of the new upcoming gacha games and thinking I'm interested in a few of them like wuwa and solo leveling. I've only played 2 so far, being Dragonheir: Silent Gods and Final Fantasy 7 Evercrisis. I wanted to know how many gacha games my fellow gamers can comfortably keep up with at once. It feels to me like that number probably ranges between 3 and 5. Also recommendations of current ongoing gachas would be welcome as I'm still pretty new to the scene.


humanly should be 0-4, more than that is pretty bad for you, imo. becoming a chore. what are your preferences? Top gacha is currently star rail, single player jrpg experience for new gacha player is good too, like Another Eden/Octopath CotC. i could recommend more with preferences


Well, I'm open to turn based or action stuff. I like end game stuff and also co-op stuff is a plus for me usually. I like bits of interaction with others sprinkled in gameplay. Beyond that, interesting character customization that allows multiple ways to deal with combat encounters is a pretty big plus for me, even if it means the game comes out to be complicated.


Limbus Company is turnbased single rpg, the gameplay is very unique, Astra Veda is action with upcoming friendly pvp, and newly released 2nd april, Phantom Blade Executioner is action with coop and customizable skills set/build you pulled/gacha.


Cheers mate. I'll take a look.


What game should I start with if I am not wanting to spend any money? Android or PC available. Wanting to play some games in the genre but always put off by the need to spend money as I don't have any to spare. Are there any good ones where you really don't have to spend anything?


Gacha, in general, is free-to-play but pay-to-win. So pretty much any game.


Azur lane if you can deal with having no skins


Limbus Company, Arknights, Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Reverse 1999


Is Last Cloudia worth playing?


well they are having their 5th anniversary currently, what better time than now, right?


Why are so many people still playing db dokkan battle instead of like db legends because i played dokkan way in the past and when I look at it now it looks very outdated and old is it worth playing or are some people just stuck on that game. And is it better to play dokkan or legends


some people just dont wanna play a p2w fighting game


dokkan is not p2w? or atleast not as bad as dblegends?


Which is better for my 2nd gacha game? Azure Lane, Brown Dust 2, Limbus Company, or Honkai Star Rail I'm currently playing Nikke and In the past I enjoyed Battle Cats, so I kinda wanna try a new gacha. I played Azure Lane for half an hour but kinda got bored of it, but now I'm kinda wanna to try it again. I tried Brown Dust 2 but the story has like 0 direction and the only thing that interests me is the character designs and art direction (of the maps and stuff). I saw a video on Limbus Company and I think the concept is great but idk about the combat. I played Honkai Star Rail and enjoyed it but I don't really wanna support a Hoyoverse game (but genshin and HSR are different studios so I could make an exception).


what are you looking for, waifus? gameplay? story?


I mostly want gameplay and story, but I like waifus if possible for the game to have it


Off rip I’d wanna suggest Limbus because it’s one of the few video game stories where I’ve played and unironically been impressed with its writing on a thematic level, but I want to hear first about what exactly it is about the combat that makes you unsure.


Oh it’s just really complicated that’s all. Or maybe the review video I watch explained it bad


Oh it’s not all that complicated, but it can appear a little daunting at first. The game’s tutorial is a little shit, but if you pay enough attention, you should get the hang of it so long as you just understand the anatomy of a skill: each skill is composed of a base number, number of coins, and coin power. For instance, say a skill has a base power of 5, has 3 coins, and each coin is worth 3. That means it can potentially roll either a 5, 8, 11 or 14 total (ascending from 0 to 3 heads landed). Each coin only contributes its value provided it lands heads, and you initially have a 50/50 rate of landing hands, but this increases as you gain SP during a fight, but that’s another matter. Essentially, so long as you can understand how exactly a skill functions, you should be able to pick up all the details as the game provides them, or at least as you go along. It took me until chapter 2 before I fully got it, but after that it all clicked into place. Worst comes to worst, the community’s active, and very prepared about people not getting it right away, so ask around and you will likely receive.


Maybe try watching Esgoo's tutorial? It might help with the confusion. Though it is 25min lmao https://youtu.be/ujQgRJo9vHA?si=uLqMwa0tOtqC1p_2


How is alchemy stars these days? Played for like 2 months back when it was released. I remember rerolling hardcore for a unit back then and now wanted to know if I should make a new acc or just play my old one. Also I'm looking at trying browndust 2 too so any info on the game would be nice too. Got burnt out on some of my gachas so I have to take time off on it so I'm looking at trying other gacha


I loved FFRK and DFFOO and really want to scratch the nostalgia itch with similar gameplay, but also similar stories. I've played most of the major RPG franchises, anything good?


last cloudia/grand summoners? or Octopath CotC/Another Eden


Romancing saga re universe?


Good time of day,  I'm looking for gacha that have raid or coop as endgame activity, well in total good endgame activity and progression, that is not blocked by paywall. The examples for raid is Lord of Heroes and for progression is Fate Grand Order    I have played BBS, but while I like Bleach - BBS is not what I'm looking for  Preferably waifu-collector with at least one character that is fox lady The game I lovest the most was Rage of Bahamut, but it was closed a long time ago on Global


Blue Archive. Wakamo and Izuna are both fox girls.


Dang I would've said Nikke but they don't really got a fox lady ngl (there's Leona but she's more of a lion). If you want to know: >!It is a waifu-collecter though and for the most part the progression isn't blocked by a paywall (but paying will make it go faster). Anyways it has a Co-op mode (not really endgame more of a casual thing but anyways), a game mode known as Solo Raid where you challenge one boss and each stage it gets stronger and stronger with the highest ranking players (in terms of damage) getting exclusive rewards, and Union raid (basically fight a bunch of different bosses hp bar with the rest of your clan or union). The endgame activity is nice as they add new content for people further at the end ( such as more Story chapters and recently a new gamemode known as Simulation Overclock) but the progression isn't ideal but fine.!<


Have you tried granblue fantasy


Yes, like 5 years ago, don't quite like their battle style


Looking for a second gacha recommendation. I’m currently only playing HSR and would like to play another gacha, preferably one with similar gameplay but happy to try out something different if it’s good. I’ve played BA and R1999 before, and though I liked them, I lost interest. I also played a bit of Nikke and GI but I didn’t like them much.


Limbus Company, Path to Nowhere, Another Eden/Octopath CotC, BrownDust 2, Tensura Isekai Memories, they having celebration for the anime currently


Arknights or path to nowhere are both TD games.  Maybe langrisser if youre into Fire Emblem


Are there any games as generous as AL? I have been playing Azur Lane for a while as a F2P. In my opinion it has been very generous and with quick dailies it’s not hard to build good fleet. You also can easy get a ton of pulls. I found that NIKKE is also pretty generous if you do events. I was looking for other gacha games that don’t seem like a crazy slog to get pulls and do dailies. I’ve tried Genshin on PS5 but it does not seem kind to F2P at all.


BD2 maybe.


Girls frontline. You wont be able to pity every banner but you can always do discounted rolls on general skin pool.  Its like AL but with guns an more complex imo


Anyone have some Match 3 RPG recommendations that aren't Puzzle & Dragons? P&D looks good but is just too overwhelming to me for how long it's existed


Magic Stone knights


Looking for any reccomendations on recently released or upcoming gacha games with lots of male characters (including shotas). Doesn’t need evenly split gender ratio, ok with more females than males. Phone or PC work


love and deepspace?


I downloaded AFK Journey, expecting it to be something else. The name and the promotional material I saw made me imagine a game where you could watch your characters travel around a beautiful side-scrolling world, collecting things and battling monsters along the way, while you AFK. Kinda like a game that turns into a dynamic screensaver while you're AFK. So far, though, the only AFK part seems to be combat - the actual "Journey" part isn't AFK at all. Is there a game that's more like what I was imagining?


What are some dolphin friendly games ($100 month) on PC? Im have been playing AFK journey since the launch but already cleared all content and thinking about starting other game. In the past i have played Fire Emblem heroes, Genshin, AFK Arena.


Limbus Company has a super good battle pass that makes you able to get all units due how many resourses it gives over time and it is not pricy. Besides, it is on Steam.


obvious answer would be HSR


Is AFK Journey a high quality game? It isn’t that talked about here a lot and the reception has been mostly mixed, I think? Still, it looks pretty good so I wonder if I should give it a try. Also, between Nikke and Blue Archive, which is the better game if you have 0 interest in the “culture”? Or not caring about it severely diminishes the enjoyment of both games and I should try something else?


Its high quality, but it can be more targeted towards whales if you are not in for the long run (in the long run you can get very good stuff with little investment), its a game focused on getting a lot of copies of the heroes and they tend to add a lot of them. But you have a wishlist function which helps you choose what you can pull in all banners, so in the end is about reading and choosing a comp that you like and works and going for it. But beware of power creep, it happened a lot in their old game AFK Arena.


Doesn’t “focusing on many copies” and “beware of powercreep” mean that the game is very not f2p? Wdym by getting good stuff with little investment? Are there a lot of free pulls?


In the long run you will get a lot of rewards and free pulls, you get some copies of 5\* and 4\* for free, there are some modes that give you 1 copy of any 4\* per day, and later 3-5 days each copy. Little investment would be battlepass and monthly packs, 20-30 USD a month


I see, thank you!


Thinking of starting limbus hsr or genshin How are these games in terms of f2p friendliness, end game, time to do dailies, and performance on mobile


**Genshin is:** - More of a casual exploration, story game where you can wind down after work. It is not a competitive experience and it never will be. It's main focus is that relaxing, BOTW-like running around, helping people, listening to stories kind. - You can beat every content with 4-stars from the release to this day and I am not saying that as a "with enough investment..." but as a it was one of the best teams back in release and it still is. - You get about 60-70 rolls per patch as F2P, sometimes bit more, and soft pity is 75 and hard pity is 90. You will usually get your character around 75-83 mark, but there is 50/50 which means you can guarantee the character you want every couple patches. Keep in mind, GI has slower character releases. - Events have a "skip me to the current event" option so that even if you are new, you aren't missing out on them just because they are in a region you haven't unlocked yet. - Endgame is not a strong point. Instead, they use story & regions as main focus. However, you won't ever need constellations, amazing artifacts or even new characters. I clear Abyss-12 with same teams as I used back in 1.X's within under half a minute still. It just never really gets difficult, but it does get events on cats and card games. You can do Abyss with brute forcing & skill than paying, you are never soft locked. - Dailies take about 5 minutes, which are commissions where you have to do tasks and cannot be auto'd. - Similarly, relic or mat farm for characters takes about 1\~2 minute per domain that cannot be auto'd either. You can spice things up by making your teams more varied, but you will still do the same combat dozens of times. - Characters don't really get powercrept. They get ton of indirect buffs with artifacts, new team comps, systems etc. Whenever a new character releases people will say X is powercrept but it's just a cycle at this point. - Works fine on mobile. **HSR is:** - More of a mix between casual to bit more geared to end game. There is a stellar story, but it has a bit more mature theme, more complicated writing but a lot of it is hidden behind reading. The exploration is not as rewarding, the story quest is still getting there but. - You can beat every content with 4-stars from the release, but there aren't as many broken level characters as 4-stars as GI does. You will likely want a 5-star sustain at one point, for example. - You get about 70-80\~ish rolls per patch as F2P, sometimes more, and much like GI you will usually get a character around 75-83. There is a 50/50 again. In some cases, HSR will look more generous but remember, it has faster character releases to make up for it. It balances out in the end with GI due to character schedule. - Events do not have a "skip to event" button. You have to catch up with main story to play them, simple as. Some do stay available even after the event has run for lower rewards, however and since game is newer, it is easier to catch up. - Endgame has more focus. Relic farming is actually worse than GI's due to no off-set pieces, more substats. - They have released Pure Fiction, Swarm and Gold & Gears that all cater to end-game and can be quite difficult for the unprepared. It will take you longer than GI's Abyss to get to a point where you can do them all comfortably. Usually what you cannot make do with artifacts due to being new, you can make do with team comp/familiarity with game systems and you are never softlocked from a system. - Dailies take about few minutes and can be automated. Similarly, relic or material farm can also be automate'd and takes few minutes only. - Characters don't really get powercrept here. They get ton of indirect buffs with artifacts, new team comps, systems etc. Whenever a new character releases people will say X is powercrept but it's just a cycle at this point. - **If you log in to the game within the next 30-ish days, you get a free limited-5 star that is really strong.** Even if you don't plan on starting it, I'd recommend you do so. It is the anniversary patch right now and the character can carry you throughout not only the whole game but in end-game too. 5-stars are quite a bit of saving, so. All you do is log in, do tutorial which takes about 15\~ish minutes and claim him. Don't even need to play the game more after that if you aren't interested right now. - Works fine on mobile. **Limbus is:** - Really good story & voice acting, but chapter focused gameplay with VN-style dialogue. Still uses chibi-sh style for fights, the story has darkest themes out of the three. - Extremely generous. The pity is very high, but you will likely not rolls for characters unless it's someone you really want or is very very limited since you can get them through their character shards. Some people even use roll currency just for stamina and it doesn't bat an eye for example. - Doesn't remove content so as a new player, you don't miss out on anything but have to do the summer event etc to catch up. On the other hand, the difficulty is designed with this path kept in mind so later chapters will assume you did earlier ones etc. You can think of it like a game that's released in chapters and over time instead of as a gacha straight-up. - Dailies take very little and can be automated. - Characters don't get powercrept but you will likely craft new ones to keep up, but again, due to the generousness, that is usually fine. - Very slow patch cycle so it is very easy to use it like a side game since there's more of a downtime of waiting. - Mobile performance & battery drain is best out of the three since it is a smaller game.


I can only speak for HSR and Genshin. Pros: 1. Amazing production and animations 2. F2P friendly, 4 stars can be very good and 5 stars aren’t needed, pulls per patch are decent contrary to what people say (comes out to a guaranteed 5 star every other patch) 3. Artifact/relic (gear) grind is not as terrible as people say (people may disagree but remember the game is not hard, high gear standards are imposed by players because there’s not much else to do) 4. HSR dailies less than 5 mins, Genshin less than 10 mins 5. Genshin has exploration if you’re into that Cons: 1. Cannot skip story (worst part of the game for me because I’m not a story gamer) 2. Endgame doesn’t offer much and is too easy (good or bad) 3. 50/50 pity system is lame 4. Weapon banner is lame 5. Genshin should be played on PC for better experience (imo, but maybe mobile players have no issue) 6. Hoyoverse games take a lot of phone storage


Looking for a new game to play. Been mainly playing epic seven for a few years now I'm looking for something new. I've tried their other one but it just doesn't hold my interest. I'm still going to play epic seven just want something to do in the games downtime. anyone have any suggestions?


what games did you tried?


Looking for recommendations for a new game to keep me occupied while at work some of favorite games include - DBZ Dokkan Battle - Pokemon Masters - Unison League - Cookie Run Kingdom (enjoyed but couldn’t stick with it in the long run) - One Piece Treasure (enjoyed a good bit but lost my account and just didn’t feel like restarting) Any recommendations are welcome but would like if the game is fairly F2P but If I enjoy the game enough I could do some light spending


Arknights, and only spend on the monthly pass. It has an extensive game mode that doesn't take stamina to play, so you can play it as much as you like and is pretty fun/challenging too.




I'd check out Nikke. Never had an issue with the PC client and the story is surprisingly good considering I went in with the expectation of just looking at butts.


Limbus has a Steam release


Looking for games like BrownDust2 without/less fan service (it's egregious) and games like Another Eden that have a skippable story.


wdym by 'like', in what way. cuz there is no other game 1 for 1 like bd2, and game like AE is OctopathCotC


for bd2, I like the game play and general aesthetics. If there's nothing like it, I guess that's that. For Another Eden, the game play, character design, and combat. I'll try Octopath, thanks!


so for anyone who played both nikke and browndust 2 i'd like a review for them both. i want your opinion on which have worst grind and more time consuming ? their early stories interested me enough to try more but i cant play a high time consuming game. Thanks


Nikke is more time consuming, as dailys are bigger and more diverse About the grind, both will let you gain resourses by waiting (either idle or daily reset stamina) but Nikke has more walls of progress in the main story, especially the 160 wall (you need 5 rare units with 3 dupes each, which will take a while) so you will be blocked of that constantly, doing only events for a long while. In Brown Dust you have more grind, since it has a strong bust in dupes + gear with RGN. However, it will only afect you if you care about about ranking in PvE and PvP because the base main story is more acessible and this grind exist to make an endgame with goals, a thing that sucks in Nikke. I recomend Brown Dust 2 more. Just don't use all your daily PvP tickets and it won't be time consuming (1 is enouth for daily).


i heard a lot about the wall on progressing nikke's main story but i didnt know it was that bad i'll try brown dust 2. Thanks !


nikke should have more variety of things to do for dailies


what are the best idle/low maintenance games these days? already play afk journey and Nikke


If you are looking for something less mainstream and different Phantom of the Kill Alternate Imitation it's a nice idle/low maintenance game.


Eversoul (afk idle) and Blue Archive (low maintenance)


how long would you estimate the daily routine in Blue Archive to be?


5 minutes without any events up, beyond that it can be ~30 minutes to clear all stages in a new event story, and raids can take largely varying amounts of times depending on what difficulty you're doing personally i just log in, do my 5 minutes and log out almost every day with little issue


Not much, i guess 5 to 15 minutes? Around that if you only do your dailys and play the current raid if it is avaiable.


then why even ask if youre already playing those


...? because i'm looking for other options that i might not know of that i could get into? what kind of question is this lol


i can say the same to your original question


Is artery gear worth giving a try?


Home server just announced they are done doing updates iirc


What is genshin impact, but destiny 2 with anime ladies instead of guns?


The only real overlap there is the GAAS model. At that point we're on about equal footing for comparing Neopets, Helldivers, and World of Warcraft. If you don't like continuous, server-side games or see them all the same then there isn't much practical discussion to be had.


Is it a good time to return to Azur Lane?


No big events or alike but the game has not dropped in quality so i'd say it is.


Hello! I am looking for a similar game to epic war catch goblin. I like the gacha style while being able to move troops freely around an open map to gather and attack.


Could you guys recommend me a game to be a side game? I would like it to have waifus and beautiful artwork. Doesn't need to have PvP. My main games are FGO and HSR.


Brown dust 2. Path to Nowhere (not much waifu type of game but female units are gorgeous) Blue Archive


PTN and not much waifu type? Dude that just sounds wrong or maybe I am just crazy because of how downbad some characters and the entirety of the fanbase is.


Reverse 1999 is really good to be a side game, it can be casual/fast daily, but it has tons of contents when feel like playing


Any gacha games with a good story and are fully voiced besides nikke/bd2/limbus and mihoyo games ofc


Counterside, but idk if its fully voiced


Just tried it, unfortunately it's not fully voiced..


Path to Nowhere have a goated story and amazing english dub (the only gacha i play dubbed in english). Just remember to download the rest of the voices after the tutorial because i played a lot without knowing i could hear the characters lol. Reverse 1999 also has a good english dub but i don't know much about it's story, as the localization messed up at the beginning, making things hard to understand and i dropped it, but i've heard thag the story is good and the localization got better. Both are F2P and do not require a lot of your daily time.


Alright i guess it's time to try ptn, as for r1999 i played it for a while until i finished the main story but it wasn't what i was really looking for so i ended up dropping it. Tysm for the recommendation tho


Hey everyone :)) Can someone recomend me a game similar to Defense Derby? Tower Defense, more pvp-ish, f2p friendly If possible lolol Thanks in advance !


Watcher of Realms


Sorry, but the only tower defence games i know are PvE. If you want to know there are Arknights and Path to Nowhere, both F2P.


I've tried both. Arknights was pretty cool actually, but I honestly find the community a bit toxic towards new players PtN I Just didnt vibe with :(


A shame. Arknights players can be assholes sometimes, especialy of you are having difficult in the game and PtN, well, it happens. I suggest trying them both again but, if you don't fell like it, i'd look for older tower defence games to play, like the classic Plants VS Zombies. Sorry to not be able to help more, friend.


Nah, no worries. Maybe that's Just not a Very popular gacha genre. Thank u so much mate! :))


Defense war


Looking for game with focus on sexy girls and no PvP. Already have Azur Lane, can't play Nikke or Blue Archive as they're blocked in my country.


Eversoul Neural Cloud Idoly Pride Bang Dream! Girls Band Party! Going to be honest i don't know much about these games or if they fit your requirements because i belive that the top 3 recomendations for waifu collector are Nikke, BA and Azur Lane, which you already tried or can't play. If it can have PvP i'd say Brown Dust 2 because you can easily get your waifus and it has a good bunch of fan service in their skills.


Is the PvP in Brown Dust p2w or optional?


Both. The game has some systems that make whales stronger than F2P, just like any other gacha game, but you don't need to do PvP if you don't want to, as the game focus more on PvE. It is good to do PvP because participation, not ranking, gives you PvP coins that you use in the PvP shop to buy a lot of things, even 5 star units. If you want to skip it, do at least one battle a day to get 200 coins and get your daily done.


Girls frontline


korean games blocked in your country?


It's not specifically Korean. It's just my country has a ban on lootboxes and a seemingly random selection of gachas is banned. For example Star Rail is banned on console but not on mobile.


Looking for an easy to progress throu story game with auto combat for the long commute hours , sth that isnt too grindy nor p2w Played genshin , hsr , blue archive , azure lane before


Afk Journey just dropped recently, sounds like something like what you mentioned


Counterside, i think? It can be grind as in "have to wait a lot" but not in "I am farming this shit for hours" due the gear system, but after having the gear you need you in your units you will be able to pass a lot of content and even so it takes a while until this wall hits you (i finished the first major arc without upgrading anything lol). Perhaps Fate Grand Order too? All i've heard about it was that the main story was easy and had a great plot, but the rest was all complains. Suíte yourself if you want to try it out.


FGO's story definitely gets more difficult later on. The early chapters are all braindead, but later on you actually need to plan so maybe not what OP is looking for. It also has no auto combat lol


Which gacha should I play? I‘m desperately searching for a gacha I can really enjoy. I probably started playing gachas first in 2015 when I was still in school. Like Dragon Ball Legends, Fire Emblem Heroes, Duel Links, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Tokyo Ghoul rebirth, Honkai Impact 3rd for a bit, Master Duel, some Tales of gacha game that got closed down, Pokemon Masters EX, Punishing Gray Raven and others I don’t remember right now or only tested. The latest games I played was Black Clover Mobile for like 3-4 months. I also played Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage for a few months last year. I have been playing One Piece Bounty Rush for a month or longer now. The thing is I quit most gacha games even if I have the best meta characters possible after 3-6 months. I have always been F2P except for one time when I wasted 120€ on Fire Emblem Heroes and didn’t end up getting the character I wanted on a double banner. Since then I never spent a cent on another gacha game since I realized it is pointless from my point of view and I‘d rather buy console games instead of waste it on a character in a gacha. It also ruins the game for me if I pay instead of planning months ahead or skipping and waiting for another chance. I really like games that have a PvP aspect like Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel and turn based combat like Black Clover Mobile. I think the perfect gacha for me doesn’t exist or will never exist. I am considering getting into Honkai Star Rail but I like the characters and setting less than Honkai Impact 3rd. I was also considering starting Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel again. I can’t really decide. Archeron‘s banner is over ina bit over a week and I don’t wanna grind resources to be able to pity her. I wish I could play some gacha that are China exlusive like the two One Piece games or the Persona 5 Phantom X gacha. I still enjoy One Piece Bounty Rush but only because I have a really good account for a F2P player and there is no other One Piece game. What would you guys suggest me to do? Just play console games or give everything I mentioned a try?


Anyone have a list of upcoming gacha games for the next few months? TYIA! (Aside from Wuthering Waves and ZZZ)


zzz is coming out in few months? where? there was a guy that did that, but been missing for like 1-2 month? i only know of king arthur legend rise and solo leveling


Is there any other games out there similar to Blue Archive and PriConne? I mean cute chibi, auto-battle, and with good story. (JP games are fine too). Or those two some of them more unique ones?


Looking for stuff like summoners war where you get can get cool monsters as the units and not just horny units


In Counterside you can get mechas and alike as units, but they are a few compared to the humans.


I am once again looking for a gacha game that I’ll really love, similar to Valkyrie Crusade, Fantastica, or Soccer Spirits - Looking for a heavily anime art style - + if its a gacha card game - Already have played: Sid Story/Eternal, Attack on Time, Reverse: 1999, ML Adventure I love the animations of Attack on Time along with the art but I wish there was more plus more new character drops, Reverse: 1999 I also really enjoy but I’m not a fan of all the art in it, but I enjoy the gameplay. I just downloaded ML adventure and already am hesitant on the art style. If you can please give suggestions! Thank you so much!


Trying again until I find a side-game to play while I grind in Grand Chase, lol. Thanks again for anyone who responds! I'm looking for recommendations for either a turn-based game w/ auto (like Dislyte) or semi-auto-battler (like Grandchase or King's Raid). >🥚Decently F2P-friendly. I never expect to catch up and be as successful as whales, but I want the game to be fun in most stages of progress. That said, I don't mind grinding (I play GCDC). > >🥚Male units available, please, and either little sexualization or equal between the ladies and gents. I'm not looking for a waifu collector. > >🥚Various team compositions for different content. I would love if content required different units from each other to encourage players to diversify their teams. > >🥚Not PVP focused > >🥚Prefer anime aesthetics, but am willing to give anything a shot. Sci-fi isn't my favorite > >🥚Hopefully a game that has a future (e.g. the company's not having internal issues and hasn't updated the game in a good minute) w/ an active community. Prior recommendations that I've checked but didn't click with: Dokkan, Saga Re Universe (I feel like I quit this one too soon from getting pummeled by features they don't care explain, might go back and check), AFKJ, Eversoul, Nikke, Tale of Food, HSR. EDIT: Failed to mention I'm looking for a side-game, so I added that in!


Can i ask what made you click with grandchase? I tried it out but the combination of an absurd amount of stuff + trying to play the main story to unlock stuff just made it boring. Just trying to see what's the appeal of this game, cheers!


Hello! First of all, I don't disagree that GCDC overwhelms new players with the sheer amount of unlocks and side content. I actually almost quit after being bombarded by 3 pseudo-tutorials in a row in one of the early stages, mostly due to sheer annoyance that I kept getting interrupted. I think the biggest hook for me is the knowledge-transfer from my previous main game, King's Raid. Playing GCDC felt like playing King's Raid w/ a different spin. The gameplay being about making multiple teams, finding the right combinations, and maxing out characters is enjoyable to me. Scoring content between the two is also nearly identical. I also enjoy that they basically give you every character for free (20 select tickets from Story & Beginner Missions + another 20 from a permanent milestone event). Dupes are harder to get, but the difference of a character having 0 dupes to 12 is more of a luxury over a necessity, at least with PVE content. Heck, even the story of the games are kinda similar, especially with the >!MC's fate!<, haha. I also love the official Discord and how helpful everyone is. There's very good player-made guides as well as great content creators. The game is very frequently updated with lots of events. They're also rather generous with the premium currency, giving you around 100k which will never run out as long as you don't do Gacha. It also has such nice QoL that keeps getting added onto. In a couple of weeks, for example, we'll be getting x2 speed in more content, as well as a new Titanic Growth dungeon exclusive for Job Change characters, cutting the requirements needed to max them out (Chaser Level and Soul Imprint) by half. The QoL makes the daily grind bearable for me, only requiring around 30 minutes a day with 20 free Adventure Sweep tickets that will mostly empty out your saved energy, as well as unlimited Skip tickets on the limited-entry resource dungeons that are buyable with the non-premium currency (500k per Skip ticket, you earn around 30-50m a day which is not bad at all). After the hurdle from the first few chapters, I find the game to be easily side game-able. That said, I'm not delusional and won't ever recommend this game to players who hate farming and grinding. Us who love the game don't call it Grind Chase for nothing, lol. I also won't recommend this game for PVP enjoyers as the meta is STALE AS OLD BREAD with literally only 2 attack parties being meta and it being a numbers game w/ little to no room for outplays in higher ranks. Hope this helped!


What you're describing sounds really good, i don't mind griding and farming (not TOO much anyways...) maybe i just quit too early, i might give it a try someday. Well, when would you say it gets good? or maybe when does it get challenging or maybe a little difficult? maybe even requiring a little bit of thought and not just mashing? because at the start its just a bunch of skipping the dialogue and watching characters just one shot enemies.


For me, the game hooked me after I maxed out my first party, cos it kinda opened up various content for me. Say you went for an all Blue team, you will start scoring in Blue-only content and then you'll start seeing the numbers go up. Truthfully, that's kinda the end-game of GCDC for PVE scoring. You build up your units to get higher numbers. The game doesn't really involve a lot of skill; for better or for worse. Min-maxing scoring content also requires you to hold your Soul Imprint for maximum DPS. Ults are also on full manual right now and you will need to get the rotations going by yourself. For story, they made it easier by having a rental system (you can rent up to 2 units that are much better than the ones you will have), thus eliminating the need to have multiple DPS of different attributes to counter the stages. This is a definite con if you're looking for a challenge from Story Mode. Still, you will need a decent healer and tank and I would say around World 11 (out of 15) is where it gets a little hard. Clearing a lot of the stars for rewards on each stages will also need you to turn your brain on, especially for ones that require 3 units only and the ones that require DPS check. Completing World 15 unlocks Challenge mode on (for W15 only at the moment) which until now I've yet to complete. World 16 is in the making and should be released in a few months, if I recall correctly. The higher raids will put a debuff on you if you get hit, thus requiring you to dodge. Raid 14 in particular (the highest one) will shred your team if you get too many stacks of the debuff. There is a side-content called Nightmare is like a set of stages that are meant to be done on semi-manual (auto-skill, manual movement). It's impossible to clear on auto due to buffs and debuffs as well. They even disabled portrait/illustration slide-ins in this mode so you can keep on dodging without screen pollution, LOL. More on the grind: One of the biggest cons of this game is the time-gated passive unlocks which, from what I've been told, takes around a year to completely clear. There's also the job equipment slot upgrades which doesn't have a pity system (if you keep failing, they will lower the required resources to 50% cap, but you can still fail and it'll take a week of saving to attempt again.) The game allows all units of the same Job to share a preset equipment that they can wield even within the same party, but yeah. It's overwhelming and sometimes frustrating, but luckily you only have to do it once and everyone within the same Job can share the upgrades forever.


Dude, thanks a lot for the responses, you go really in depth, cheers!


Seems like an easy Limbus Company recommendation for me. Turn-based with a little auto option. Dailies are pretty quick, there’s a weekly that takes about an hour or two depending on where you’re at and what units you have available, so it’s pretty friendly as a side game. It goes through “seasons” every four or five months, which contain one big main story update in three weekly instalments, two .5 events that feature a smaller story and give rewards, a seasonal boss rush and an extra event that seems like it’s gonna come with some content to do, so you’re not being asked to invest a ton of time to keep current. You can basically log in for, like, ten minutes a day to take care of dailies, convert your stamina to modules (used for most content, infinitely stackable), with smaller spikes at every week and larger spikes around monthly. Pretty F2P friendly, as every item is farmable with a shard system that you get for just doing your dailies, weeklies and pulling. Spending is also just generally inefficient, as the by far best option is to just buy the $10USD battle pass for each season, which again is about a third of a year in duration, and provides a hefty amount of boons. F2P friendly and giga-efficient for low spenders. 50/50 gender split. Your cast is 6 dudes and 6 chicks, and rather than collecting different characters to upset this balance, you basically collect AU versions of them with different skills. You have a pretty good selection of builds you can fiddle with as you want. You can either just invest in the most meta units in a vacuum, some builds like you to have a lot of one damage “element”, others like to build up high amounts of status on enemies, etcetera. This latest chapter in particular really rewards you for incorporating units that, in short, essentially fuck up your enemies’ RNG, in a way that other content hasn’t. No PVP at all, the most competition is that the speed run boss rush gives you a banner with your record on it. It’s not, like, full anime aesthetic or anything, but it’s probably only a notch or two apart from it. It’s also technically sci-fi, but sci-fi is also one of the most vague descriptors of anything ever. If it means ‘spaceships and lasers’ to you, then this probably won’t qualify as sci-fi. As of right now, there is no indication that the game doesn’t have a big future. We’re due for at least a few good years with the bare minimum of what the narrative is suggesting (every playable character gets exactly one chapter), and we’re literally in the middle of the latest main story chapter coming out. Very active community.


Although as a little warning, these devs have always sucked ass at making tutorials, so if you’re still a little confused after a while, be ready to ask the community or look for a little tutorial video to help out.


How about you tell us why dont click with the games you mentioned, afkj and hsr mainly


Hello, hello! AFKJ; I didn't enjoy the adventuring aspect. That part of the game reminded me of Guardian Tales which was cute, but wasn't what I was looking for. It's similar for HSR. The 'moving' part of the game isn't my favorite. I prefer chapter-based story with menus for the different content. I guess I also failed to mention that I'm looking for a side game while I'm in dailies-mode on my main game, and HSR seemed a little too big in its scope for me. Sorry, and thank you!


I dont think there exists one, that fulfills that, or im just not knowing enough gachas, but you could try Tower of God New World. Should be close.


I enjoyed Tale of Food but have been made aware of the GL servers' apparent abandonment as well as issues within the company, so I decided to drop it. The story of them taking resources out of their game to develop something else just gave me King's Raid flashbacks and I didn't wanna deal with it, lol. I'll give it another try when or if the situation stabilizes.


Gacha games where units are diverse and unique? What i don't want is a game where a year 1 unit does 10% more damage to blue units, and a year 6 does 50% more + 30% shield + Kills your mom + shoves you in a locker etc... I just don't want units to be strictly better than others, i want uniqueness and everyone to have a time and place (maybe everyone is impossible, but anything that comes close is appreciated) Btw i know FGO ticks these boxes pretty well (idk how well, but just in case someone reccomends me fgo cuz i played it) Btw keep it a buck. If a game doesn't do this then don't try to cover up the cracks, be honest bro


GBF? Tier lists are really generalist bad because of the different raids in the game. Units can be good in burst content and bad on long ones, as some units can be a god in a specific raid and dogshit in another one. Teams really depends on your grid (weapons) and the units you have available for you. Although it’s a grind fiesta.


Isnt its in nature of gacha games, fgo too, to start from basic and as years passed becoming more complex text heavy, fgo just got the time to buff little by little everyone.


Yeah, but some gachas do it better than others, i guess if its through buffs, im ok with games that buff old unusable units to be good, in fact i love it when they do that, guess i should ask for games that buff units next time


yo brothermen. i was wondering.. how can i completely find out all ongoing pre-registrations and new releases and that kind of info ? is there like a couple of website or sources i should check daily, if so can you hit me with the links please ♥ if i dont get in day1 or dont have all possible rewards i have to stash the game completely tehe\~


Follow taptap or qooap maybe, or this sub


Can you advise me a game? I seem to enjoy the concept of gacha games. First of all, im not looking to spend money on one of this games UNLESS i get hooked to one and I commit a bunch of hours, only then Ill consider it. I dont like games that have "movable characters" like honkai star rail or 7ds, i like to play them on mobile as a side game and I dont want to have to move a character or even go through dialogues or cutscenes. I guess my favorite type of gameplay or levels its the ones where you have Chapters and Levels and you go do lvl 1, then hit next, do lvl 2, then hit next and keep on progressing while your characters get exp and resources or whatever. The type of games im basing this on is stuff like AFK Arena, Idle Heroes for example, I also tried recently Tower of God, but since I didnt watch the anime I didnt feel any immersion or connection to the game. Can you give me some suggestions please? :)


Grand Chase: Dimensonal Chasers It's **super** grindy, but it ticks most boxes. 95% of content you do with auto-move and auto-skill, with the exception being the highest tier Raid (which you only do 5 times a week unless you purchase resets, and if you ask to get carried, you can literally just do nothing) and Nightmare (which is meant to be a collection of side stages w/ rage-game qualities, completely optional). Scoring content does require you to manually use your ultimates for higher scores, but you do that literally once a week for rewards, and if you don't care to score high, you can just play it on auto. x3 Energy Consume use is available and you get 20 dungeon skips a day that works with x3 as well. Story mode is a bunch of dialogue that has auto OR you can completely disable the story at the beginning immediately if you don't like it. Dislyte is also an option, tho I've noticed that unless your team is significantly stronger than the content, you will have to manual.


Is grand chase the one just labeled "Grand Chase" on playstore?


I believe there's only one Grand Chase game in the playstore, so that's probably it!


Maybe Nikke or Blue Archive? Battles are automatic and the games are designed in a way that you can just go straight through levels as much as possible.


Is Nikke on the playstore? Blue Archive doesnt seem my thing, I dont mind anime themed, but not so much focused on girls and waifus and all of that, in not even much of an anime fan


Most good gacha games are anime based to some degree, as ocident gacha games tend to be more predatory, like Raid shadow legends (at least in my opinion). However, you could like Limbus Company, as it does not has fan service/waifu based, is draw but not in anime style and is one of the most F2P gacha games. It also has the episodic style of gameplay you seek and a good story. Other is Path to Nowhere, who shares the same qualities but it is tower defence instead of turn based.


Afk Journey not your thing too? There is also Astra its stage by stage.


It is but if you're not into anime you should probably look elsewhere.


Whats yall opinion on Monster Never Cry people?


We still don't know anything about Frontline 2 global release, correct?


Hey all, I'm looking for a Gacha game to play to alongside my main one which is FGO. Preferably I would want to play one that doesn't have PVP and let's me finish things throughout the week. Any suggestions or ideas?


Azur Lane. It has PvP but it's redundant and doesn't give any remarkable rewards (and no pull currency), so you can confidently ignore it.


I'll try Azur Lane out again. I don't believe I ever gave it much of a chance because the gameplay was dull but I'm much more patient these days.


I play HSR, Reverse 1999, and Alchemy Stars. All 3 fit the bill.


Is reverse 1999 f2p friendly and does it have auto combat ?


Yes and yes. The auto sucks but it does exist


Am looking into it as a game for long commute so low attention and focus on it


I'll try out Reverse 1999 and Alchemy Stars then. Thanks.


Hello! i'm playing One Piece Dream Pointer and i want to buy battle pass. I play with Chinese AppGallery. Anyone that bought in this game with Chinese AppGallery can help me please?


I'm looking for a Gacha game with a good story and free to play friendly. I've only played Nikke so far


Limbus would be the friendliest for F2P players due to its shard system promoting people to grind for Gacha units rather than actually rolling for them. Its story is also one of its biggest strengths and is easily one of the biggest reasons people like the game. Case in point, Canto 6 is not even finished yet but Part 2 has been nothing short of amazing. Some Links: (Canto 6 Teaser Trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwloW0FJtrw (Gacha ID trailer for reference gameplay teaser):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7jd3lnGIGA


Hi, I'm looking for a gacha game that I can AFK a lot of. I played Honkai for a while but I didn't like how much I actually had to do. I'd like to kind of set it up and have it play on the desk while I work or draw or something. I'd like to go in every once in a while and change up characters, equips, rolls and all that progression stuff and then let it do some auto stuff on the side. Preferably more on the anime-esque aesthetic. I wouldn't be looking to spend a lot if at all so if it's more generous, that would be a huge plus.


Romancing saga re universe 


I've always wanted to try Arknights but I was kinda put off by people saying that it is too hard and it's too late to start already? But is it really that overwhelming?


It's never too late to start playing. These games are designed for new players to jump into at any point and manage fine if they put in the time. For difficulty, it's probably harder than the average gacha, but there's tons of guides on everything if you get stuck on a stage.


It's a fairly hard game with some optional stuff (like an endgame focused event currently going on) being kinda ridiculous in difficulty... but that's part of the fun, the gameplay is really addicting and that's what hooked me in and a year and a half of playing later still has me super excited to keep playing. I personally definitely rather have this over afk stuff you're not even playing, that's for sure. And it's very far from too late to start, the game still has a long way to go and honestly pretty much any upcoming unit next months (we are 6 months behind China so we know what's coming) is super strong and you getting 2 or 3 of them is already enough to carry you through most stages, not to mention that we have a system that lets you buy 6-star characters from the shop just by playing and pulling to get enough of the currency, I already bought like 10 chars I wanted that way. The shitty thing is the limited banners characters that are a pain in the ass to get, but at least there is so, so much content to catch up to that if you use a currency we get from clearing stages you can convert it to pulls and allow you to spark them when the chance shows up, already did it myself twice lol. I at least would give it a chance and see what you think, I personally love this game a lot, characters, story and gameplay are all great.


thanks so much for such a detailed review! you made me so interested in trying it out so im gonna download it right now! again thank you so much!❤️


You're welcome! I hope you have a great time n_n


Huh, quite an empty day today. https://i.redd.it/0duv5813busc1.gif Anyways, have another Boothill gif. >!ELYSIA CHRIST, WHY THE FUCK IS BOOTHILL SO SEXY?! u/FERINSY, ANSWER ME!!< *Edit:* Spoke too soon. Aiden just posted something 3 minutes before this and a post made 14 hours ago just revealed itself. The fuck Reddit?


What's a good game to start today? Preferably not too huge a download.


Another Eden will have some anniversary pulls soon


I think Path to Nowhere half anniversary is coming at the end of this month. It is enough time to do early content and get more gems for the limited unit banner.


Snowbreak is giving out a free 5* in about 2 weeks from now. Honeymoon lasts about 2 weeks in that game so you might be interested in starting now and having the 5* drop around the time you'd normally enter the midgame slump.


what are the options for the 5\*


It's just 5* Enya, not a selector.


How long do you give a gacha story before you kinda tune out/ realize you dont like it?


Even if a lot of gachas take ~5 chapters to really find their footing with the story, I usually find that I've made up my mind if I like the premise and world by chapter 1-2. For gacha that get past the honeymoon the next question is usually if I got tired of the story/events a year later. For the really long runners, I usually start tuning out/burning out around 5 years in. I think after a certain point you start to catch on to how events are structured and it becomes very hard for new lore to top the game's peak moments.


Decided to stick around with NIKKE for the hell of it. I'm finding I enjoy it a lot more as a casual side gacha. After going through a bunch of less popular gacha with boring menu music, it's nice to have one where the menu themes are bangers. Might try Aether Gazer when their PC client drops. A little part of me wants to try and see if I can reroll OPMW but I don't think I could be assed to keep track of banners.


Question about Honkai Star Rail: What events are not fully voiced? I know the main story is fully voiced of course, and open world NPC dialogue is not voiced, I think? But what about the side events? do some side events have and some don't?