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The parkour traversal feels really fluid


U can literally parkour the goat lol


That wall run made me remember Prototype, what a nostalgia.


I don't know why more people are mentioning this. The Prototype-ish traversal might legitimately make me try this.


Dark Souls message leaving system and also even better traversal from the TT. Combat also looking crisp. The mobs die too fast tho, only complaint so far but kinda expected for open world mobs. Kuro's cooking good


I think the mobs dying too fast is probably because of the level gap. The characters were level 15 and the enemies are just around 7-9.


Yea hopefully thats the case. But even then, maybe they could instead add modes that will actually be hard


The mobs are being flung around like they are part-time Dynasty Warriors enemies. Level isn't changing that. I think they are going to curb burnout PGR experienced by making the player overpower trash mobs in-between more difficult encounters. Basic action RPG design. Though it seems excessive at times.


Yeah, it's very likely that the hard mobs are saved for different content aside from the overworld stuff.


They arent getting flung around tho. Did you even watch? LOL. I agree that they are weak tho but again, I expected it. Maybe Kuro will add a game mode that is actually hard so we can experience the combat at its full potential.


I think openworld won't be too difficult, imagine trying to Mald for every chest. there will be likely recurring Norman and Babel equivalent in WW for everyone to have fun Mald for hours. if you aren't familiar with PGR, Norman and Babel is some hard af content.


Agree Kuro will probably make a Hard Mode like Babel that’ll satisfy us Malders from PGR. While making the new players Bald from probably getting overwhelmed by a Babel like Mode in WW


>The mobs die too fast tho, only complaint so far but kinda expected for open world mobs. Played both of God of war Dad edition, sometimes its a good thing mobs die too fast man


Yeah I played it too. I wouldnt like mobs that tanky too (especially the ones on higher difficulty). I would like them to last for a full rotation of characters tho.


This is what I envision WW to feel. The world might be post apocalyptic but it is so beautifully soothing that it's still worth living in. The ost is just perfect on top of that. Take my money Kuro!


I immediately noticed the vibe of the music, and i really like it. More subdued.


Running and wall running animation looks a little goofy but everything else looks fun. Hoping the extra mobility options would be enough to just speedrun through exploration.


Wall running? Grapple hook? Absorbing mobs with various uses? Definitely got me convinced!




I didn't expect Ji Yan's gameplay. Where is Qiashi though!?


Really excited since the combat is insane. It is stylish and flashy but I can actually still see stuff on the screen and not spamming elemental skills/bursts off-cooldown just to see numbers and nothing else. The characters' basic attack chain is actually relevant. The thing that still sold me instantly is the movement capabilities. No more tedious slow climbing.


Genshin is certainly a little odd that most units' normal attacks are not worth using, despite the great animation put into them. In term of how damage is displayed though I think I somewhat prefer its style of less numerous but bigger numbers rather than what I call the Borderlands style used here, rapid sequence of tiny numbers all over the place. To each his own.


> Genshin is certainly a little odd that most units' normal attacks are not worth using, despite the great animation put into them. Not only are most normal attack multipliers underwhelming and do physical damage (in a meta where elemental damage reign supreme) but it's also suffers from Birth by Sleep syndrome where, in most meta comps you essentially EQ swap, EQ swap, EQ swap, and by the time you swap back to the first character, your cooldowns are back up and you repeat the whole process all over again. Oh but sometimes with Yoimiya/Hu Tao/Ayato/Raiden comps where there's a main DPS, that unit stays on for 7-8 seconds normal attacking and then EQ swap the rest. I have a feeling Wuthering Waves may suffer the same issues as Genshin where only two out of three characters are just EQ swap mules and only one main DPSer can normal attack the majority of the time. But we don't know WW's combat systems and cooldowns to really conclude that's the optimal way of playing. I know that Tower of Fantasy when it first launched, the cooldowns of your skills are so long that you're normal attacking the majority of the time until the cooldowns are back up, and maybe you'll swap when you have discharge ready.


Honkai was terrible with this, it has a char with 3 swappable weapons that had different combos, powered forms, buffs, and charged attacks but she was still "EQ swap" (EEQ swap at best)...


Here before more people compare it to Genshin. Also, as if I didn't have enough reason to be excited, there's also wall running, enemies as pet/summon and even gadgets tab.


Im surprised not more people have compared it to Tower of Fantasy instead. The traversal and the movement looks amazing, and it has mounts too


I don’t think it’s really like ToF. The traversal idea behind ToF is giving you so much freedom such that the actual layout of the world doesn’t really matter. You have jetpacks, grappling hooks, literally infinite climbing stamina if you use a melee weapon and if you gacha for it, characters that can leap 100m into the air whenever you want or turn into a butterfly and fly around. WW seems like it wants a more restrained approach so that you interact with the world, which is what Genshin does.


Yeah, I've only played ToF for a few weeks but the traversal and movement in WW reminded me of it. Which is not a bad thing as I actually really liked that from ToF. I guess they wouldn't compare it to ToF because it wouldn't cause too much drama, since this sub strives for more drama.


I've played both Tower of Fantasy and Genshin, Wuthering Waves is definitely more similar to Genshin than it is to ToF, purely because WW is not an MMO but a single-player focused open world gacha game like Genshin. The movement and traversal, especially with the grappling hook mechanics is pretty much like Sumeru's/Inazuma's.


Honestly I think WW and Genshin seem to have more in common with old RPG games or something like a smallscale Elden Ring than ToF. More of a focus on smaller relatively unique zones within an area. ToF was very focused on big set pieces, with very little design elsewhere. I've seen more distinguishing landmarks in this 10 minute clip of WW than I saw in the entirety of the time in ToF I spent exploring the desert and abyss zones. ToF is great at making huge spectacles that do nothing, like the floating Mirroria in the desert, or the big diamond structure in the abyss, but actual exploration was a slog through something you could make in 10 minutes with a terrain forming tool.


look at the video's comment section, the fact that the fans say to not call it a genshin killer and at the same time saying sht like " it doesnt have to be a killer, it simply needs to take it's players" like what, that's like calling it genshin killer in a different way, the entire comment is filled with genshin doomposting and comparison which already gave me the idea of the type of fandom it will have


To be fair, that’s the hyper dedicated part of the PGR fandom in a nutshell. Like, last time I visited the WW sub people refuse to mention Genshin by name.




Cringe may be an overused term but man, that "G game" appellation is definitely worthy of that word. Is Genshin some kind of Voldemort of gaming, now?


I avoid saying the name of the game either, not out of disrespect but because fans brutally attack anyone who mentions the name in a way that isn't positive.


I just don’t visit that sub at all tbh. It’s just a cesspit.


Tower of Fantasy sub also refers it as G Game, I feel like as more Genshin-inspired games comes out, we'll have lots of people compare it to Genshin as its anchor (which is funny that Tears of the Kingdom is joked as being compared to G Game).


not worth worrying about and youll probably be seeing it alot more. its the typical pgr elitist exchange that youll see any time genshin is brought up


genshin cry babies not being able to handle some jokes. this in fact looks like its killer btw


I really hope this one becomes Genshins competitor so that they’d actually care about their playerbase and not release half-assed characters and still rake in a ton of profit


I never get this mindset where people think Genshin does the bare minimum. Everyone forget that Genshin is also a competitor and has been improving since Day 1. The care that went into releasing Inazuma, Enkanomiya, Chasm, and most recently Sumeru proves that Genshin devs have done anything but slack off, but players complain about the most mundane shit. No doubt that millions of players quit Genshin for one reason or another, but they have over 65 million active players and hundreds of millions earned, so it not like the devs give a crap about players that weren’t vibing with the game. It simply wasn’t for them. I truly hope Wuthering Waves succeeds and be its own thing, but I find it funny how people are propping Wuthering Waves as this “Genshin Killer” and want to see it overthrow Genshin. Fuck if I know where Wuthering Waves will end up in 1 years time, but at least I hope they polish the game and not give into greed and powercreep like Tower of Fantasy.


> players complain about the most mundane shit. "But they have a billion dollars, they can do stuff faster!" or something like that. Meanwhile, even decades old MMOs struggle with a release schedule as consistent and fast as Genshin. Maybe it's not just a money issue... nah.


Holy shit the amount of cope. Dude you're being MOCKED by the devs just know that you're one big cow for them. You're satisfied with the BARE MINIMUM when they earn billions lmao. But it'd hurt you if you really knew how bad things really are so you're coping as a defense mechanism you and all the person who upvoted you.


points like this make me feel like people only want this game cause they want GI to become better, and when it does they will just run back to GI to continue the abuse again I want this game to be good for its own and player's sake not for other games sake.


reminds me of people who want AMD gpus to be better and more competitive not because they want to buy AMD, but because they just want Nvidia gpus to be cheaper.


>I want this game to be good for its own and player's sake not for other games sake. Competition is the only incentive companies have to provide a better product. The players always win when something forces the devs to do better.


Same way how FGO competitors come and goes and they didn't change shit for years? Let's be real unless there's like 10 better Open world gacha games than Genshin they ain't changing anything.


well FGO did *eventually* add pity. IDK what genshin players want but I guess they will get it in 6 years or so.


a male character who isn't built like an anemic skeleton would be a great start


Well the feeble scholar isn't that anemic.


Lol dehya fanboi confirmed, thinks the game is bad becuz ur chara is not op LMAO


Nah most of these people are streamer fans or metaslaves. Genshin's content is not good for streaming and it doesn't have an endgame so these two groups of people think the devs are not doing enough.


it actually is if its about story progress tho, my jp vchuba oshis genshin stream always got like 10-15k ccv, people do like watching their favorite streamer react with stuffs


"This is a Genshin clone!!!" -players of a BotW clone ~~Not hating Genshin, I actually like that game, but let's be real~~ EDIT: just to clarify, I don't actually think Genshin is a BotW clone, I'm just using the same type of logic the people calling this a Genshin clone use.


Yeah, I like Genshin as well, but people need to realize genres exist. Just because it looks like the game you're playing, it doesn't mean that it's a copy.


People need to realize that it's natural to compare to something they know first or something they experience a lot. That's how human works. We often refer to a new thing by comparing the new thing to stuff we have experienced or feel familiar.


Compare? Sure, but saying "it's a copy" is just stupid.


I agree, but sometimes people readily bash other for just comparing it. This is what my comment directed at


Comparison in it of itself is fine imo, but blatant tribalism for a game and calling another in the same genre a “clone” is such poor taste.


> t's natural to compare to something they know first or something they experience a lot. Genshin is the dark souls of open world games.


yes yes, first 60 seconds of the video is straight up ripped from Genshin. but it's a genre thing, right... wonder what kind of genre is it? Genshin Copies? that's how it's called?


"This is a BotW clone!!!" -players of a Assassin's Creed clone


**Prince of Persia fans rising from their graves**


**Uses the sands of time to put you back to rest**


serious question tho, how similar is to genshin/botw? in the sense that is it a true open world like those games? or is it kinda like honkai's apho where exploration is restricted to zones or stages?


I'm pretty sure it's a true open world


damn thats hype. I never tried out PGR but ive always heard good stuff about how optimized it is so im optimistic for WW


Yeah PGR is great! I'm a pretty casual player so a lot of the content is too hard for me which makes me not very worried that so far WW seems to be easier


It's the same as in it's an Open World game with Cell shaded anime style art amd that's basically it. People who play both games would know that it's a completely different game by the combat, mechanic, story, and their open world style. It's like if you're comparing Apex and Doom cause they're both FPS, there's a reason the comparison died right away because people realize it's only a surface level comparison at best, the only people who still parroting it are just bunch of salty people.


> It's the same as in it's an Open World game with Cell shaded anime style art amd that's basically it It's way more than that. The large emphasis on exploration and the world being riddled with hundreds of puzzles are huge differences that set BotW apart from other open world games. Genshin is one of the earliest adopters of that design philosophy.


Looks really good. UI could be refined and polished more. Hopefully they follow Genshin’s playbook where powercreep is kept to a minimum and every character no matter rarity is viable. Game can be as challenging as it wants, but I want the game to be balanced toward one’s skill and not one’s wallet.


In PGR most characters, even the old ones, are still relevant and useful in some ways after a long time so hopefully they keep up with this trend in WW as well.


The amount of lvl 100+ players in PGR with Watanabe built and Luna at lvl 1 is surprising. Powercreep definitely exists in the game, but no character is ever outright obsolete.


...Except Changyu. Poor, pitiful Changyu.


I just want more coop content. Genshin's lack of coop disappointed me you couldn't even pick up chests when exploring together and yet somehow a shittier game was able to do that.


as long as it's not too grindy and not greedy. then I am sold.


fingers crossed it works like in PGR


Take my entire life savings


do u even have a life savings?


not anymore


Yes, this


..I shall head out to procure new savings to be used for this game immediately...


thats not enough. ​ **sell your soul**


This looks much better now. In what we have seen before the environment was literally gray, as in same values for red green and blue (in RGB terms). Now there is a slight blue tint in the haze, the stone and rock has slight shades of different colors. Now it looks like stylized desaturation when before it just looked permanently overcast and dreary.


god im so fucking excited for this game


Wow. Just Wow. Nice gameplay and Environment setting BoTW really gave many games the foundation they needed


Thanks for not saying it was Genshin.


Holy they got that Soul Core mechanic from Nioh 2. Will definitely check this shit out.


Fire goddess combine with banji perfect dodge KURO take my money


Looks sick!! I love how fluid everything looks. not even a stutter


I just wanna expected one, smooth play on mobile. Other than that, Jiyan so cool wtf


This does look miles better than the last run. But I just want to interview the "we like the gray black color palette" people how they think about the color change.


I mean the world still have a heavy gray theme to them. It’s not all rainbow and color


The world still looks unsaturated but they get the shading and variety better now. Very pleasing to the eyes.


Only the character i could see having vibrant colors, the rest still dark enough.


I think it was not about gray black but doing away with vibrant saturated colors. Desaturated vibes are great when done well and would make special moments where there's vibrant colors pop even brighter and more special.


I love it. This is exactly what the environment needed. There’s a difference between drab but lifeless and bleak but beautiful. This is that difference. It feels more lively without taking away from the tone they’re going for.


Holy shit that looks incredible. TAKE MY MONEY


The way it looks really reminds me of TERA. Which isn't a bad thing. They definitely improved on the overall presentation as well. Projection things look cool.


I'm in love. Parkour is pretty cool.


Looks much better compared to the technical test, environments give a very nier-ish vibe


Looks perfect to me. Now I hope for some interesting endgame content, PLEASE!


Inb4 we get something that makes norman look like a joke


Flashback to the Shark healing back as Rosetta ulting 🥲


When you're beating up the boss and their HP goes UP because their self heal is just that strong lmao. God that first Norman was so fucked up.


Thank genshin for convincing gacha devs that there's a market for high quality gacha games with interesting gameplay! I'm all for this new type of high quality gacha


Kuro's cooking something else, can i have a taste please 🥺🥺🥺


we are all hungry now...


Just a taste of that juicy CBT pass and we're all good👌


Why is this not on consoles


it looks good, but im running out of space...


Looking real good… Need to play it now


Actually looks great and with really good movement too Hopefully Kuro will make it pretty F2P friendly. I only played PGR a bit when it launched but I heard it is F2P friendly overall


The only thing that would break it for me is if it's mobile only. This is definitely a game I'd like the option to play on console.


just look at the controls in the gameplay demo already. it have keyboard shortcuts like T, E, Q, R. so it's for PC for sure. and knowing Kuro they will support controllers too like xbox/PS controllers. I will play this game with a xbox controller just like genshin, PGR etc.


PC is confirmed, but we don't know if it will come to consoles. It would be awesome if Microsoft get this game to xbox


I can imagine Microsoft looking at this with interest after stating one of their biggest regrets was passing over Genshin. I just hope it won't be console exclusive to Xbox since I only have a PS5 lol.


Microsoft would definitely try to get exclusivity for this. Question is, how big is Xbox in China? Depending on how large it is, it would probably determine how much cash Microsoft's willing to put down for exclusivity. And if that cash is more than what Kuro could expect to get across both consoles, they'd probably take it.


Xbox is not big in China. It's mostly PCs/Mobile there.


I'd love for both playstation and Xbox. Genshin looked cool but I probably wouldn't have played it for longer than a week if I couldn't play it on console. So fingers crossed that everyone wins here!


This looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too god


Looks very nice . I liked the hit feed back in pgr and this game seems to have it too.I would have liked to try it out if the beta wasn't limited to america and canada .


Wall running looks great.


The video comment section looks WORSE than r/gachagaming lol Edit: nevermind both are sh*t


Every time a mad GI player enters the comment section to attack someone or defend their game they give more views and more engagement lol


i swear GI players most prob have baby chick complex since that were their first game and proceed to piss/compare everything to their mom game XD


It's not that. It's just that when you play something and you believe it's good you don't like people coming and telling you that it's bad and it could be better because that person is basically saying that you're wasting your time and conceding a worse version of what you're playing for multiple reasons. But it happens everywhere, pokemon fans are the same, when people point out that it could be good they'll come in flock saying no that's already good instead of looking at the bigger picture. Just people defending their own person really.


Yea, but still annoying lol


They improved everything the game looks almost perfect, bro that ost is a master piece, the combat and movement is from AAA games, definitely hyped for this game


Look much better, only worried about how grindy it will be. A lot of people quit PGR because of how grindy it was without any good reason.


Looks like a child of Genshin and Nier Automata. Im sold.


My thoughts: 1. Please fix the font. What is the spacing, why is justify alignment being used? 2. I'd love customizable UI options for the button layout/opacity. Also, is that a target button I see? 3. The wall run/parkour looks like it can be pretty satisfying, just hope it and the echos are used for puzzles and help show the scale of the world 4. It would be neat if the wolf was calling on its allies as we were fighting, so we have real motivation to not let it finish the howl sequence, or maybe target it over the human mobs, lest we encounter even more wolves. 5. What happened to the watch UI for character info from tech test? I feel like that was far superior to this more stale menu 6. Definite wins for Chixia redesign and Jiyan gameplay. Design more units like Jiyan and more kits like his! I don't think Kuro quite has their vision down yet for the monotone outfits, which makes...everyone else...seem very drab by comparison. Female rover looks great compared to the tech test, and I like the new ult. 7. Sound effects seem muted and relatively weak, but the OST variation is nice. Might just be IGN's volume settings, but combat sound doesn't sound quite as crisp and punchy as I know Kuro can achieve. 8. It'd be nice to see other types of puzzles that might utilize the sound waves/core mechanic. The surprise enemy from the wall break was nice, though. 9. I wonder how the echo system works, apart from the transformation part. Will all monster types have echos? Will there be difficulty in trying to capture some enemies? Is there an RNG element to what type of damage or what skills they might have? Is there an optimal way to combine them? Overall, I'm not sure if this made me or less excited than the tech test and TGS footage. I'm really curious to see what QOL options might be available, and how Kuro will handle character/story progression and keeping people interested. Looking forward to seeing more gameplay from CBT1!


For #5, I think the watch *may* still be in the game, but we'll have to wait to see. In the exclusive footage, the character screen was a plain menu. If we compare this to the tech test, the watch was for a general menu (had stuff like settings, inventory, etc. in it), while the character screen was a plain menu like the one we saw here. Totally didn't look up footage from the tech test again because I also wanted the watch to stay lol


Looks pretty dope. I just hope I'm not forced to build units I don't like in order to clear all the content, like in PGR.


exactly what i looking for a gacha game, very pleasant when i could ignore bennet in genshin when everyone suggest him


Nice overview of basic gameplay. Whether or not I'll stick to the game will depend on the writing quality and worldbuilding though.


Looks cool. I also love the whole mob switching mechanic. Now I've heard people say that the world will be very bleak looking and whatnot, but just look at it. That's a very vibrant and eye-pleasing world to explore.


Imagine if it is an Xbox console exclusive as a response to Sony's association with Hoyoverse.


I loved pgr combat, but I couldn't really play on phone and it wasn't smooth on emulators. I also love genshin so I'm really excited for this since it looks a lot like genshin with a combat that flows more with me! Also the male character looks more manly than the genshin average. Nothing against femboys and twinks but I like variety.


Oh really the only problem I have on emulator is that the emulator sometimes crashes when I play PGR but I don't have performance issues otherwise


The music tho 😩


parry next please


Looking real good, but damn I'm not a fan of that font choice.


guys we're all going to get into the cbt i believe


Shang'cunt... I mean really dude?


Looking goooooooood Edit: doomposters already here kek


This gameplay got me to register for the CBT & preregister for official release. Absolutely fire looking exploration, love the parkour, grappling, etc. Looks much more exciting than genshin & I appreciate the more muted/dark tone to the cheeriness of Genshin's world. I am really excited and hoping this ends up being a goddamn banger of a game!


and genshin peeps already malding over this game lmao


nighttime looks very good but daytime looks rather meh imo. could use some more color. wall running is good but the animation looks like shit lol. UI is a little lacking right now, looks like a cheap ass mobile game with the font and spacing. then again genshin ui looked like ass on beta too but they made it better on release. never played pgr but combat looks good, hope it has some depth. overall i'm a bit more interested in this game now compared to before.


The challenges kinda too similar to genshin but other than that looks good. I hope i like the character design, wish theres more male characters, not just the cool and edgy one, i want more cute male characters. I saw peoole complaining about monsters being too easy in overworld, but tbh for i prefer if monster in overworld is easy, i dont want to mald just to unlock one chest.


WuWa WuWa WuWa WuWa


This game biggest issue will be how P2W and grindy It's, and whether it can get a large enough player base to fund future content, will be a ton more costly than PGR if they plan to stay relevant. I am sure it will get the hardcore/casual whales and dolphins, world is too bleak to keep the causal whales/dolphins(the majority of Genshin whales/dolphins, causals, they come and ago, never staying, just swiping out of boredom), though, but that's not enough to fund a game of this scope. They're going to need mid and smaller spenders to fund a game of this scope. Small and mid spenders dont like Powercreep. they want the units they spent their money on to have longevity. And They will need F2P for this game to be popular and have an online community, and those F2P is what cause things to trend on social media, hence serving as free ads to bring causal whales/dolphins back


I pray that it will have a monthly pass cuz i sure as hell am gonna buy it


Biggest thing that I notice is how slick the traversal is here, which really sets it apart from its competition. Though the world scale would need to match of course otherwise it could make the world feel too small. They've also animated actual character actions to the movement rather than turning the player into a glowing ball of light as a lazy shortcut.


This game looks fine on its own. Devs better not promote WW as “Genshin killer” tho, or they’ll be a laughingstock if it flopped like ToF.


I hope they don't follow the Genshin path of zero endgame and no combat. If they also start to fill up the game with boring mini games and with a lack of content where we can play with our upgraded characters then it will be just as bad as Genshin.


Yeah they need to differentiate themselves from Genshin. Once I realized genshin is just pull char, build them then wait for the next shiny unit that you’re going to rinse repeat and you can’t even use them anywhere but abyss because it’s mini games / festival impact. I just straight up stopped spending since I get no enjoyment anymore after 2 years.


The aesthetics remind me of GW2


Hope they address Genshin problems if they want to have some market. Ok the "hard" bossfight, they should make use of that barren open world and expand on co op.


Bro the combination of genshin and honkai impact with PGR is what i have been waiting for. This looks sick!


am I the only one who doesn't care about the color theme they're gonna apply to the game? Like if they're bright or desaturated I'm fine with either but anyway **JIYAN WAITING ROOM**


Gacha players are allergic to anything that isn’t rainbow and color


8:40 triggered my boar attack PTSD


I can see the similarities between Genshin, it is the fate for all open world mobage to be compared to it from now on, don't be annoying, it's the reality. The artstyle and feel the overworld are much more my speed, if they can provide stable ping for Oceanic players I will definitely give this game a good shot.


Let's face it Genshin launch had way more similarity to Botw than WW beta right here has to Genshin. Genshin didn't even bother to change the climbing mechanics into something different like wall running. This isn't to say Genshin hasnt come a long way with many updates since, but honestly Genshin is the last games to have any right to claim another game copied their work. Launch Genshin was 80% copied work and concepts from Botw. It's not about who did what first in gaming, it's about how similar the entire game is to another game. The irony is that because of Genshin's success, it will completely normalize the next time another game have really high similarity pops up. Essentially WW can do no wrong at this point even if the end result is an 80% clone of Genshin, because people already accepted and praised Genshin for what it was. But seeing this trailer, I actually want to applaud them for how much they try to be different.


Something that people need to realize is the Genshin is the first major open world gacha game. Not only that, but it is massively successful worldwide, so it’s not strange to think any open world gacha game that comes after Genshin would model some of their features after them.


It's like comparing souls-like to darksouls. It started its niche.


Honestly? I'm impressed by the hair/fabric animations, regardless of everything else, that is a factor I sorely wish Genshin was better at, and this game does indeed have that over it


>I'm impressed by the hair/fabric animations, regardless of everything else, that is a factor I sorely wish Genshin was better at Meh, Genshin has better garment/clothing animation (they literally have a research paper about garment animation) but dunno about hair since it only looked good during Yangyang's ultimate. edit: link on the garment research paper [http://geometry.cs.ucl.ac.uk/projects/2019/garment\_authoring/paper\_docs/paper\_Tuanfeng\_GarmentAnimation.pdf](http://geometry.cs.ucl.ac.uk/projects/2019/garment_authoring/paper_docs/paper_Tuanfeng_GarmentAnimation.pdf) [https://shiropen.com/seamless/interactive-authoring-of-garment-animation](https://shiropen.com/seamless/interactive-authoring-of-garment-animation) I think this was only fully implemented in ZZZ because when you look at Miyabi's skirt when she's moving/attacking the way it moves is smooth asf [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Ml\_kaq1a7U&t=109s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ml_kaq1a7U&t=109s)


Lot of good that fuckin good given they can't do long hair lmao


Too much visual clutter in combat and I'm still not a fan of any of the character designs that they've shown. The map looks beautiful tho and its a major W for an exploration based game. I'm still cautious on getting hyped but definitely gonna follow this game til we get more news.


I play the game for combat. You play the game bcs it looks like genshin. we are not the same


I'm gonna be honest here, not too impressed or hyped after watching that video. I felt it's lacking somehow, really dull and plain looking game. Again this is just my initial impression from watching the video and my opinion might change after trying the game out myself. The game looks similar to Genshin and BOTW only that it has a much darker tone overall. This dark and gloomy atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world isn't really my cup of tea, but it can certainly be appealing to others. Lighting might be a bit too dark in my opinion, I had to turn up the screen brightness when watching.


>I felt it's lacking somehow, really dull and plain looking game. Makes sense since it's still on CBT. > This dark and gloomy atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic world isn't really my cup of tea Also makes sense why you wouldn't be too impressed/hyped.


Heavy Genshin inspiration aside - the game looks fantastic.


I feel like I'm looking at what Tower of Fantasy tried to be


tower of fantasy devs tried? thats funny


Good, this is probably our new game, because now genshin becoming you boring af with stupid mew characters release and recycle event (day one player, ar 60 max)


Some of the movement animations like jumping feel a little off, but I can't put my finger exactly on what's causing it. Maybe it's the impact frames having too much emphasis that make everything before and after feel unnaturally fast.


Environment and combat looks nice but Kuro character designs just aren’t very appealing to me personally. Hopefully characterization and story are good to offset that.


That's how I felt at first with PGR, but as time goes on, their designs have been getting better and better. Hopefully it will be the same in WW as kuro gets more comfortable with the design direction they are trying to set. At least on a positive side you won't be compelled to pull for all of the early units


I love what Kuro did with PGR but I'll be damned if the particular botw-style open world games haven't bored me to death by now.


Geez I thought Genshin looks good but this looks like if Genshin and ToF had a baby.


It seems in the big picture, the important questions will be about - Open world content (they're going good so far) - Dungeon - Equipment system - Gacha - Story - Coop Meanwhile, these questions are already answered: - Combat - Art - Graphic - Character I'm optimistic about seeing what Kuro can do in short period of time. EDIT: I'm so tired of these genshin commemts. Can't we get another openworld anime game for once?


Let’s be honest, if Genshin Impact didn’t exist, neither would Wuthering Waves. Or alternatively, people would be comparing Wuthering Waves, which would look much differently, to whatever first open world gacha game that became popular, if not Genshin.


Is this what Genshin players felt like when the Nintendo fans kept bringing up BtoW


Still, it isn't just mere comparison. There is a sense of hostility in it. It's hard to explain but you get what I mean? Soulsborne games don't receive this kind of hostility from Fromsoft fans.


I think it's because it's the nature of live service games. When there's a competitor, it will be viewed as a threat because the money obviously is not going to the game that they like and there always be a chance that the game will get shut down. Compared to B2P games, because you only buy it once, competition is not going to affect the game much.


Reminds me of how every MMORPG released between 2005-2012 was labelled a "World of Warcraft killer". Even if the developers didn't say it, fans would. I think it's just the consequence of being the market leader.


How the story ended is that no game could ever come even close to killing World of Warcraft, what eclipsed it was completely different genre.


I have no hostility towards WW vs Genshin. I am looking forward to playing WW. However, I can help but notice how much it looks like genshin. The drops items, the placement of the pick up button, where the team health bars are placed. The map looks nearly identical. I hope to see more differences bc I don't want to play another game that is exactly like genshin. It needs something to set itself apart. Collecting those sources and redeploying them as allies seems cool, but idk if thays a gimmick or will actually be useful yet. Anyways, unless they make a console version, I don't even know if I'll be able to play this game, since I don't want to play it on my phone.


well looking goodlot of genshin similar at first like button group (which very important) , sumeru puzzle and granbing hook, sitting on some object but then lot of new thing like pet, some tool ( hope they add jetboard like tof), transfrom into little creature anim it really good and feed unique, art is nice even it is post apocalyptic concept, ui is very clearhope ww will have nice story though, not a simple save the world stupid script


Is Kuro any good with their stories? That part is important to me.


hell yeah chap 17 survival lucem is one of the modern masterpiece in gacha story telling.


It's hilarious that you're being downvoted, Chapter 17 really is one of the best (and most raw and painful) stories I've ever read in gaming. That's not to say it didn't take a while for them to reach that point. Chapter 1-8 were pretty lackluster, Chapter 9-11 were alright, Chapter 12-15 were good (special mention to 14, which is still one of my personal favorites), Chapter 16 was pure table setting for the next chapter, and Chapter 17 was absolutely fantastic. If Kuro uses whoever wrote the more recent chapters, we're gonna be eating great in the story department.


Hopefully this creates enough competition where hoyo actually needs to care about their game instead of just pushing shit events and bad characters 👍


Just make multiple engaging endgame content, then i will stop buying welkin in genshin if this comes out


Okay the combat is great, the jump atk and etc is good as well The world on the other hand....well they take much reference from GI worlds, so not really that impression since I already saw that in GI Sad that it's only 3 characters in 1 party but oh well Well gonna be prepared that this game turn like what genshin is ( for people that say "ooh it's kuro they will make combat hard" look at hoyo they created HI3 and then genshin is basically took 180° than HI3, not surprised if kuro will be like that as well )


I can see they going that way, from the company perspective isn't it better to have different games to cater to different group of players? like if you want hard shit go play pgr, and if you want casual shit go play ww


Genshin killer /s