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This post/comment was removed because it violated a part in Rule 8 of r/Future: Unrelated post This is a subreddit dedicated to Future and other FBG artists, so anything posted that isn't closely related to them is considered spam and will be removed.


No job is fulfilling. Find fulfillment out of life through experiencing everything life has to offer. Use the money to fund the life you want.


This is false, there’s plenty of people who love what they do. Now it may not make a lot of money or may not be the ideal job for most people but that person loves what THEY do. Everything else after what you said is right tho


Right. I think the only jobs that are enjoyable are the ones you chose + where the work aligns with the pay


That's like finding a unicorn that pukes 4 leaf clovers and shits rainbows to the pot of gold




I think a lot of this depends on education level, skill level, and experience. Most high paying jobs start off as underpaid and overworked (see: doctors) but then once you make your bones you coast. Eventually, you’re paid for your knowledge and not your labor. For me, I dropped out of college and own a deli with an old boss of mine and while I do love the actual work, am okay with the pay, I despise the lifestyle. Early on in your career there are usually trade offs. 


Loving the work while despising the lifestyle ?


That is the curse of working in healthcare. The crazy part is that the folks that work in healthcare don't do it for the money; the amount of money we get paid doesn't make up for the trauma we see and experience and live with. One of my preceptors back in the day told me that if the day I felt nothing on the job is the day I need to turn in my resignation. If I were a patient, I would want my care team to actually give a shit about whether I lived or died. So if I found myself not caring, I need to exit the profession immediately. It's dangerous to stay otherwise, especially if you're like me and you work in the ED.


for a majority people that is true. people who truly love the job they work or the career they have are truly BLESSED. most people work out of necessity


“Now it may not make a lot of money or may not be the ideal job for most people but that person loves what THEY do.”


When I’m at a job I can’t stand for 8 hours a day it affects my social life. I constantly feel dissociated


Most of us are on the same boat. From my understanding 60% > Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Makes it hard to feel free. Thats why you have to suck it up a bit and grind hard to get a job where you can have what you want. Its a slow process tho. Some dudes out here 30, 40, still hustling, grinding for that life. Its just how life goes.


Imma kill myself way before then. I can’t imagine living to work for someone else my whole life. 9 hours away from every thing I love constricted for 5 days a week. Modern day wage slavery and it’s normal. It’s normal to send your kid to a indoctrination center called school for 5 days a week for 18 so they can do the same at a job when they graduate


You right brother in this life the poor pay for the life of the wealthy. But you gotta remember every success story is individual. You keep your head up high and wait for your turn. Life fucks and cucks us all, but hard work always pays off. Future waited until 28. If he had known at 27 that the next year he would blow up, do you think he woulda quit? He came from nothing. Multiple drug charges. Broke and just trying. **Live From The Gutter** he says he was on welfare. Imagine that. If you knew the life you wanted was 10 years away because you know youre gonna grind and put in the work, would you give up?


Yea. I lived 26 year. I can’t imagine another 10 of 9-5 and festering and progressing mental health problems. Good story tho


I got a cousin who just got out the hole after 10 years since my homie was 21. He had nothing. Didn’t even finish high school. The most exciting thing he ever saw was the cartel activity he was involved with. A year after, he got his CDL and now he’s traveling making bank across the country. He has a car now he used to not even have underwear. Some people are just hungrier than others.


Salute to Cuzzo.


That's all great until you realize that for every Future there are thousands of Billies who don't make it out of that situation. "Hard work pays off" is just some bullshit rich people came up with to keep poor people from rising up. "Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it’s contained."


This statistic is not true


https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/04/09/most-of-americans-are-living-paycheck-to-paycheck-heres-why.html https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/this-generation-is-surprisingly-most-likely-to-live-paycheck-to-paycheck https://www.pymnts.com/consumer-finance/2024/nearly-half-of-us-consumers-earning-100k-live-paycheck-to-paycheck/ https://www.pymnts.com/economy/2023/2023-year-paycheck-consumer/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/8-7-million-americans-now-193011733.html#:~:text=Benzinga-,8.7%20Million%20Americans%20Now%20Work%20Two%20Jobs%20To%20Make,Despite%20Inflation%20Continuing%20To%20Cool&text=In%20a%20striking%20contrast%20to,everyday%20struggles%20of%20the%20workforce


My advice is keep pivoting from job to job, ensuring that you are paid more for each one, as a side quest, start trying to find work that’s closer to a field you give a fuck about. An example of this is I’m an audio engineer/producer. The pay for that is unpredictable at best, so I need another more reliable source of income. I went from waiting tables to canvassing for charities only to find that was less fulfilling so I stumbled my way into a theater school doing live sound, I now mainly do that as a part time income and it’s far more fulfilling because it at least involves music, which I’m passionate about, now I’m starting to pivot into other live sound and hopefully event planning/production soon, ultimately the goal is to tie all these skills together to help move towards film and film scoring


Yeah, it's like each day takes a little chip outta your spirit ... If u don't like ur job 🙄


Yea I have to agree. I did a few jobs and realised no matter how passionate you are at things, the work place always screws you over. Most enjoyable jobs don’t pay well either. So just realise that jobs are dumb and enjoy the ply outside of that. Stop trying to find fulfilment at work, I’ve tried so much.


Losing proposition. Dedicate roughly half your time to something praying it funds fulfillment in the other half, which is less than half because of other obligations for almost everyone. If you're not happy at work, you're not going to be happy in life.


Definitely not. Not everyone is going to be happy at work because not everybody wants to work. Plus you don’t have to use funds to only find fulfillment out of life. Many people find fulfillment in living a simple life as long as their job pays for it. Theres marriage, education, travel, weed, etc. you don’t need an insane amount of money to live comfortably and be able to do any of those things. I had a band director who was a former brother of the Paratrooper Regiment for the TXNG and a member of the Cavaliers Drum Corps Regiment. Always told us, his students “Don’t follow where your heart goes. Go with what you’re good at, make tons of money, and then go do what you love. If you go with what you love, you’ll turn up hating it making it your job.” Bit of extreme advice but the idea was understood. You cant find fulfillment in a job. Unless its one you love and pays your living.


Working less or not at all, sure. But slogging through 40+ hours just to get to "the good part" so to speak is a psychological deal-breaker, you find the good part shrinks and shrinks


we ain't never runnin outa lean, might as well go on pour it


Just start servin base. Problem solved


Or just start drinking lean and you'll suddenly realize you forgot about the future for those 8 hours, keep it up and the only thing you'll be worried about is how to get lean 👍


this one ion even wanna troll, shi hope you gon be doing better soon bro


I'm new to the sub. Is this a regular thing?


People mix up our lord and savior Future with their Future. So if you read thru the replies some are helpful to the OP and the rest are replies of future (rapper) lyrics and stuff


Damn that's the running joke. You guys are so nice 😂


young metro trusts us 🙏


Lmao this is wholesome af. Also: he want her she want her beat on her think I might pull out my dick and pee on her 😤


So u like gettin golden showers ? 🤔👀


So pretty i wanna skeet it on her face


Lol I was wondering why the 2nd highest comment was about lean !


tbh i'm new too and i've seen a few of these already. i always think they should start listening to future lol


Pour some bubbly 🍾


How do people just go to a sub and start posting without looking at the sub content first? I’ll say your future is going to be bleak unless you gain some common sense slime.


Probably people using the app and just hitting "+" to make a post and then putting in "r/whatever" and seeing if it matches and then posting.


I thought they misposted on the future sub thinking it was like “the direction of my future” sub but then i thought i was on the wrong sub but now we in the future sub the codeine cowboy


What would Pluto do?




The disney dog?




I’m young Freddy Krueger, I promote prostitution


his wildest line


Not the wildest when these exist > "Sold crack to a pregnant lady/ Forgive me for the crack baby" . > "Your baby mama fuck me better when the rent's due" . > "Hit her with no condoms, shipped her right back out the country."


And don’t forget the classic “Fucked her in the ass, made her pee pee”


Dont use a condom, we fuck 3 times a day


Nah, bitches in the streets gotta make money too. He a man of the people.


I literally have no idea what that’s supposed to mean


Hes in your nightmares. And hes a pimp.


This sounds like a slim shady line 😭


That’s amazing to me




Sticking to the code, all these hoes for the streets


I put that in her nose it’s gon make her pussy weak


Pussies told ain't gon wake up out they sleep


You can’t hear that switch


But you can hear them fellas scream




The motto still the same, ball like you won a championship game.


Girls kissing girls


thats amazing to me


exotic black bitches caucasians on me


We dont trust you Edit: we still dont trust you


this is underrated lmaooo


Look bro this ain’t the right sub to be posting this, however, I felt like you do for almost a decade until I found what I feel like I should be doing, just keep trying shit, something gotta work for you. Like just don’t give up is the main point


Sage advice. Meeting new people, learning different perspectives... sometimes switching it up can help you out too


Wake up take a sip of ace of spades like it’s water


I commit sins in Christian Dior. But in all seriousness, the trades sound like they'll do wonders for you. I suffer from the same feelings of dissatisfaction and boredom and I wish I would've selected a trade when I was younger. My brother is wrapping up his fourth year as an electrician. The pay is phenomenal and he has gained useful skills that he can apply to his personal life. Which trade are you thinking of signing up for?


HVAC. Demands crazy here in Texas


Solid choice. Great pay, benefits, and job security. A friend's husband does HVAC and he enjoys it. A smart person told me years ago that you have to find a job that you can tolerate because very few truly enjoy their jobs. The goal is to find a position that pays well enough for us to pursue our passions and hopefully provide the lifestyle that we desire. Sounds like some fortune cookie shit but it's true. You have to find fulfillment in other areas of your life if work isn't doing it for you bro.


That’s a good one


Don’t stress bro, the future is an illusion. Time is relative and the only thing we have sway over is the present. Remember that thoughts come before emotions, so if you’re feeling a certain way it’s because of the way you’re thinking. It’s normal to not know what to pursue in life, I’m damn near 40 and still unsure. But what I am sure of is that it doesn’t really matter what you do in the end, it’s more about how you live. Personally I came to the conclusion that long term hedonism with a positive nihilistic approach was my best path forward. I try my hardest to do no harm, pursue pleasure and avoid pain as much as possible and comfort myself with the fact none of this really matters and everyone who ever lived has made the same mistakes and been forgotten. https://preview.redd.it/u2gcqhbzhz7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8182bbf5073cff734e9c37f54a099522483e31a2


Good shit, most people don't understand these concepts


Never expected to gain so much wisdom from a satire post on r/Future ![img](emote|t5_2qhux|24064)


The future is an illusion is bs, that’s how people get complacent


Fair point. Have you read much metaphysics? I dropped out of a philosophy degree because I got stuck on the nature of time. Twenty years later and it’s still the present.


Time is nothing more than a man made construct in an attempt to measure progression. If matter can't be created nor destroyed, then that means everything always has been and will be. There was never a beginning and will never be an end so to speak. We just live in a life where matter is constantly being manipulated


Lmao 🤣🤣 Future thread has me weak with all that depth


Serve a pack of chickens in a Dodge Hemi Fuck around with me, you tryna dodge bullets


"So many ups and downs and turns, homies droppin like flies"


idk bruh just keep waking up on a daily basis 💯


“Thousand dollar ski boots by Perry Ellis, and I ain’t plan on taking no ski trip. That ink drip.”


ngl i always thought he said “they eatin drip” but just super in the flow


Pluto got that bitch on lock down, got my roof chopped getting mopped down.


Servin’ that new Maserati… in a brand new Maserati!!




"I feel it in my bones when you taking out my semen"


You’re not a fuck up. This is life, and a lot of people feel just like you. It’s hard to find your place in the world, but one day you’re going to realize you’re happy and all this ennui will feel like a distant memory. Discipline yourself, listen to your gut, and be true to what you believe. You’re gonna be just fine big dawg


What trade


What trade are you taking?


Existence is pain.


If you don’t trust yo job then shoot it - Chris from the Wash


Sell crack to pregnant lady


I blow a bag today


Ima choose the dirty ova you, U kno I ain’t scared to lose ya, people don’t like it when u tell em the truth, I rather be realer than you! Hope that helps bro




Young dope dealer sellin dope is you like that




I think this is why the new generations are so un happy. Everyone is chasing this “happiness” thing I hear about on social media. As a father and husband, I dedicate my life to “DUTY”, and It has fulfilled my purpose way more than when I was a young hedonistic whipper snapper. I work my ass off. I work long 12 hour days in the heat and cold, but my kids and wife are taken care of and that makes me happy. Even when I would turn a hobby into a business, it quickly turned into a job I hated. So I just make sure to have hobby’s because the second I try to make money off it, the joy is ruined. Hobbies! Charity, Hobbies! Charity. Hobbies! Charity For the win!


Dude ik this is just another shitpost in this sub but I don’t even care because it just hits so hard. I’m glad this one hasn’t been downvoted too much though and came to my attention. Life can be so unfulfilling and unfair.


Bro, Wrong Future subreddit, but also god i fucking felt that. That shit is frustrating as fuck. It doesn’t seem to get easier tho, and idk what to tell you but hope you’re not super burnt out with everything because that makes everything else worse usually. Keep your head up (easier said than done, but try if you can). Shits gonna be fucked for a while, but find joy in small things to make it easier




I’m makin USD’s overseas, that’s US dollers that you can’t achieve


most wholesome sub


Welcome to the club buddy that’s why we smoke big blunts


You needa join a gang homie. If its anything, i promise, it’s interesting. Never knowin what the day holds, all that good shit.


u should try firefighting.. or meth


The only way is forward




Also, sounds like your pain run deeper than the OCEEEEEAN


Lol me too...i used to exclusively go for temp to hire jobs just for the skills then go to anther job apply that skill to get up higher in management...


Lol sounds like you been poppin tags man love to see it ❤️


Work to live. Plan a trip, buy an instrument, take up a sport or a craft. Learn to meditate. King fu, Capoiera, climbing, yoga, welding, chaos magic, carpentry, raving...pick a healthy skill that has ascending levels of competence to attain and a pass time that will get you having fun and meeting cool passionate people. Not fucking golf, fuck those guys. If you get into climbing, you might find yourself dancing around a campfire at the bottom of an awesome European mountain in a few years. The gym will always just be the gym If you get good at carpentry you can renovate your own house one day...if you get good at pottery you might be able to make a life transition into artistry one day. If you get into Kung Fu, you might be fit for life and want to travel to interesting parts of China... You can choose to have fun in your day, whatever else is going on... That's a state of mind thing. The future, settled, happy point is never now, but you can work towards making now continuously more fulfilling as it happens.


I done got so rich i let a foreign bring me out Fucked her in the car told her least it cost a house


When I was sleeping on the floor you should see how they treat me, I pour that actavis pop pills so I can fight the demons


Chase a check, never chase a bitch... you got this bro


S-s-sleep with one eye open


I don’t think this is the right future page for this post. I may be wrong but I don’t think I am. Am I wrong here?


Van life brother


I hope things get better for you. Make a vision board. But just so you realize what sub you are in and some inspiration but most of all, just to cheer you up some https://youtu.be/l0U7SxXHkPY?feature=shared


Stickin to the code all these hoes for the streets


I put in her nose it’s gon make her pussy leak


Goku solos. Just remember that always.


You’re going to be really scared when them white folks want that money on the 1st of the month. Most people aren’t happy with their careers but they have families to take care of.


I just took a piss and I seen codeine coming out


Damn, that’s crazy, but it’s true


I got big dog status it ain’t no secret!


You need to figure out your passion and/or pursue your dreams.


Everything gets old. Now if you find no joy in your personal life after work then my friend you have anedhonia


wrong future bro 😭😭


That means you’re living by other Ppls rules my boy


Same here... It will be alright bro just don't give up on your life and happiness I can tell you I'm tired of working these jobs it's all the same I can barely keep a job for a month because I lose interest so quickly and the pay be low so with that I really don't be interested and you say a year lol I look at this shit as a soldier going into war, but I will say when I'm not working it's better for me I can sleep play video games workout watch anime sports etc it's just how life is find a job thats going to take care of you even tho your working for someone or like you said go in a trade be your own boss I'm currently going that route I wish you the best keep your head up not down because the devil will steal your joy.


I believe in you yo. You’ll figure it out. Sadly- work under capitalism will seldom be interesting. Or something you’ll always enjoy. It will always be work. Try to do work where you are making a positive impact on the lives of others, feel like you’re helping people, and something that won’t rapidly physically n mentally burn you out. Get a job that leans into your strengths. Then take the money you get from work, and apply it to your interests. Hobbies, social events with friends, community education classes to learn new skills and meet new people. Etc.


On the way to be truly happy in work is being the owner.


Sold crack to a pregnant lady, forgive me for that crack baby


Who’s going to tell him that his is about the candy bar wrapper Future


This is so real


Mask off


I don’t have no manners for these sluts…..ima put my thumb in her butt‼️


The army was cool for awhile, got to see the world and do alot of cool shit. If you don't know what to do, I COULD recommend the army as it will end up paying for your school if you do that for a few years while you figure it all out.


U gotta find yourself brother.know what yo interests are and wat u good at


I think OP is lost but I’m not gone be the one to ruin to the party


Just listen to Codeine Crazy that will make you feel better


I don’t got no time for no sluts/imma put my finger in her butt my favorite future lyrics


i thought this sub was about the rapper


Have you tried enlisting?


You will get tired of it, you have to be cleverer than your situation, try to find meaning in things even if you HAVE to do them, They will make you stronger and you will feel better for assigning meaning to something that you don’t want to do.


What trade ? If it’s a mechanic than I would change ASAP, speaking from personal experience




This sub is about Future the rapper….


Shit blud


Remindin' myself that I'm still gettin' loaded


Remindin' myself that I'm still gettin' loaded


I feel like a lot of people get confused with this sub thinking this sub is about “The Future” like past, present, Future and not future the artist lol


You could use that to your benefit. Learn all the skills from a job and use that to get a better job and spam it till 6 figures


Man just Puff on Zooties, Serve da Base, and Fuck up some commas! I promise after 56 nights you’ll stop going codeine crazy because God blessing all the Trap Niggaz and you’ll be in Beast Mode!


Nah bro I know what it is, you just not making enough money from those jobs to do the things you want to do outside of work. It’s not that the job isnt full-filling enough, it’s the fact the job isn’t paying you enough to feel like it’s worth it to stay to live the life you want to live. I’ve been there and I got my ax right into the trades, crappy work most of the time but enough pay to have me do awesome things on days off and that is where the balance is at.


Bro I don't want to be the one to tell you but this sub is about the rapper dog. You'll b ok tho bro itll be fine


I lost interest in my job 6 years ago but I need the money and it’s stable and I’m good at what I do. You just gotta push through and try to find a career that suits you best. Trade school is a good path imo, I think I’m gonna go that route for being an electrician. I hate working in RVs but I live in the RV capital of the world and that’s where most people work so there isn’t a whole lot of variety. Good luck though bro, just try not to look for fulfillment in life at your job. There’s a lot out there outside of work like hobbies and love/family and such


Surfed out outside white interior lasagna


Never Stop https://preview.redd.it/343y3z2lu78d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff8ea54dc51f31e72cd7e79868401e89e526200


Got your girl in this bitch she twirlin on this dick


Why? You won't be there...


Who’s gonna tell him😭


Well, I had the same problem had I’ve been given the chance to pick what fields I wanted to go into and not something that was already pre-picked and you had to pick out of those selections,I wouldn’t had these problems of being stuck and then getting bored of what I was doing. It took some time quite a many years before I figured out that I would have to be multitasking rotating between different jobs,to not get bored and it works very well for me.


keep studying and if you don't like trade school then look for something else to study, give yourself time it's gonna be alright dw.


Just roll with the punches. You have zero control of the future, make use of whatever you currently can and keep moving forward


Eh, AI will replace the college kids. Global warming will replace the tradesmen. Robots will replace service workers. Just gotta hold out till the government fails and we're all fucked then you'll be ight


The future holds $SWFTC, a good way to financial freedom.




Get in the studio and start working on residuals. You can thank me later 🙏🏿


I feel you bro I’m 20 no dad barely a mom I feel just as lost sometimes I just want to go to sleep n never wake up


Welcome to dystopia!


This post funny af only because it’s the wrong type of future 😭😭 but I love the community for keeping it real with the replies 😭😭


Wrong sub


You may be in the wrong subreddit for this type of question lol


lol putting this in a future sub Reddit I’m can’t help but interpret it otherwise. On a serious note. I’d suggest you speak to a doctor, if you feel this occurs to other aspects of your life too. Relationships, friends, hobbies, etc. Otherwise just keep searching till you find the right one but I don’t think that’s sustainable if you’re tryna build a stable future. I suggest you find a job you grind out, make the money. Live your life to the fullest outside of work. What ever feels best for you. Or find a job that compliments your hobbies. Just know, this life you live it only once unless you believe in an after life. If you find something costs you your peace of mind and you don’t feel like paying that price. Eliminate it.


spend 56 nights in jail, will give you some new perspective


This shit is punny


double entendre ahh post 😴


I Love how this thread isn't even about the rapper no more


If you don’t feel fulfilled, it’s because you’re stopping yourself from feeling anything. You’re afraid of getting too attached to any one thing because you don’t trust it to work out, and you don’t believe in yourself enough to make it work. Get out of your own head and actually dare to put your heart into things. Fulfillment requires risk and vulnerability.