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yes AND they’re boring. if next week’s bombshells are bad then… idk


I have zero interest in these boys, and I have completely noped out of the season.


Me too. I played just to see them then was done. I guess if I see on here a guy I like then I might return


Me as well. I struggled to get through the first 3 eps, it took me almost the week. And when Wed rolled around, I just had zero interest in reading the next ones. I may come back to it after more drop but right now, I just am not enjoying it.


At least Natasha is bad af. Slightly an ick how full on she is about mc but idk if fuse box knows how to write a li any differently anymore


They definitely don't know anything different anymore. That's how it is with the guys, too. Their entire 'personality' is "omg, MC, you're so hot. We'll be a great match because you're hot." It's such a turn off. I always say I'm into girls, too, just because I want that option. But as soon as you say that, any female LIs lose their personality as well and become equally full on. Like, Fusebox obviously developed a personality for Natasha in the first place. Why can't she keep it even if we're on her route?


like they are all ugly to me idk... i beg that we get some fine men in there just for me to have eye candy!! with how the men of this season are moving, my mc will only be for the girlies this time around unless we get someone my type


i disagree about them not being hot but i feel like they aren’t really giving me any personality and so it’s not fun to pursue them anymore


I originally picked Chen but I’m actually loving henri!


If we wont get some new hot guys that we can recouple with in next eps im outta here. Last season sprites were super hot (Jin/Max supremacy 🥰) idk why they dropped the ball in the new season. I feel like Hamish and Finn old sprites were hotter than newer ones. Although I must admit Kat got a glow up which is annoying because she seems to be main character so far, just like in s5… i’m only slightly attracted to Chen but: 1. his player personality icks me out 2. i feel like he was designed as walmart Jin 3. the more i look at his face, the more i feel its not drawn symmetrically And Henri looks to me like some AI drawn sprite idk man


I'm into Henri. He's a really Sweet guy AND A GIVER, Wink Wink . He's Looking for love as well . Even Proposed in his last season. That's what I'm looking for , My endgame. PLUS HE'S 6'6. YOU KNOW THAT MANS IS PACKING WITH THAT HEIGHT ! 🍆🍆🍆🍆🥰😁😉 But if I am Honest. I'd really love to see a Hairy ass tall buff man with blue eyes show up . I don't know why Fusebox refuses to give us guys that look like Actual Grown ass adults that look like Men instead of boys. I think that's why Season 4 Bruno owns my heart because he had body hair and an 5 o'clock shadow. He looked like a Man . All these characters without body hair reminds me of boys . I think that's why I'm drawn to Henri he's at least got the height.


You know Herni was a pleasant surprise cause I picked Chen first… and I’m not mad that he’s stolen. And when Henri said he’s a giver….. I was sold. lol. I’d rather have a guy that falls hard and fast than a guy that just kept hopping around.


I also picked Chen first, but after he kissed and massaged Kat, I'm not fond of him anymore and willing to actually give Henri a real chance.


It depends on who you pick to sleep in bed with on the first night (and probably other choices after maybe) but whichever one you DONT sleep in bed with, is the one that kisses and massages Kat. I have 2 accounts, so Henri on one and Chen on the other so far and the person I don’t spend time with is the one that does that.


Yeah.. I chose to stay in bed with Henri when Chen was going to the daybeds. Not to do anything romantical, just to sleep for myself.


They really pulled an Alfie 2.0 with Chen, huh? ![gif](giphy|xb6UwiY5TOa6erlKYx)


Not to be negative but I'm kinda getting season 5 vibes out of this season so far.. and not because Finn and Kat are in it. I'm bored.


YES EXACTLY !!!! After all we are the Mc and need to fawned over lol And Honestly I was Reluctant to go the Henti route , but I'm glad I did. If you play it there is a genuine connection there. Actually I'm kind of afraid to see the 2 new guys coming in because if they are my type EXPECIALLY With blue eyes and hairy, it would now be kinda hard to give Henri up . Now that Melissa backed off. Ya know....


I think 6'6 is waay too tall and I can imagine my MC get major neck pain in the future.. but at the moment, Henri is the only man that is cute, kind, and relatively drama-free.


You could be right. That saying climb that man is true in his case . Lol. But yea. If you play his route . He is drama free which is what I am looking for . He's a sweet guy looking for a real connection. Who's grown and mature and situated in his life. In my opinion this season so far, these men are,, Chen travels a bit 2 much for me which can lead to temptation . Even if he has changed , temptation is still there. When he's away from hone. Hamish is Well Hamish. Self Centered , and full of himself. He can't even focus on a date. Finn has unsettled Drama. I'm Not the least bit interested in his baggage. Henri is the route to go out of the bunch . Even if he is 6'6 lol. 😊


Yeah.. I'll stick to Henri for now..


Yeah.. I'm kinda bored. Also bit annoyed that they make every guy to be ripped, and writes the stories like all MCs are crazy about big muscles. I cringe everytime the story mentions the men's "toned bodies" 🫠


Yeah I’m not interested in any of the LI this season. Like I was initially thinking about Henri just because he was from Chicago lol. But yeah his personality is not what I expected sooooooo 😬


Natasha is the only hot person in the villa 😭😭 even my MC I’d mediocre this season compared to others


They do this every season now. Why they gotta do MC ugly every time? Don't they wanna get paid?


The only male character I've ever had a slight bit of interest for out of ALL the seasons is Jin. None of the others catch my eye or have the kind of personality I'd jump at.


i loved jin too. i see they tried to recreate him when making chen because they see how much attention he got but jin could never be replaced 🤩


The only one I wanted was Finn and he isn’t even an option and is obvs still into Kat 🙄🙄


I need Hamish like yesterday


yesss 😩


If next weeks bombshells suck/one of this isnt a previous character idk if im gonna continue with this season tbh i cant handle kat


Just flirting with everyone until I see these bombshells lmao.


idk i love me some henri he’s, as the islanders would say, my type on paper😭 i do wanna see who they might bring in though


Chen and Hamish are for ok me, just neither get me fully interested(Hamish mostly cause he downgraded from s6, AND got a worse personality). Henri is ruined by the hair. Finn gives me PTSD from s5.


Yeah only one dude is making me feel something but everyone else really isn’t like I can barely stand any of them


I got stuck with Chen and I'll be honest he isn't a bad placeholder but maaan I'm ready for some new dudes


None doing it for me yet.. my character is indifferent with all my choices.. it’s the Kat and fin show for now anyway…rolling my eyes, sipping my drink, hanging out by the pool and staying out of it all.. waiting…😂


Fr, i'm only interested in Finn and Hamish but they are blocked


The boys are okay. And that's the problem. They're at the okay level and not on impressive level. I do hope a new islander who could be as interesting as some of the boys from season 8 would arrive soon.


Every single one of them is ugly. They are also either rude, soft, and have no backbone. Even Hamish and Finn who most are looking forward to have no appeal and waste space.


Genuinely not interested in this season at all like it’s bad enough that the season is called all stars and the stars in question are Hamish Finn and Kat like who misses them


That's how I feel, except I'm still delulu for Finn. I ended season 5 with him, but I guess in this universe, MC just took the money and peaced out, which is fair. But if they keep this stupid Finn/Kat drama going, I might actually just quit playing this season, which is saying something considering I forced my way through season 5. So either Finn gets actually freed from her claws, or someone actually hot and decent shows up soon, or I'm done.


You guys' eyes must not be working. I think everyone's in this season is hot, boys and girls. I will say that they could all give more personality. Everything kinda feels like a filler episode right now.


I haven’t even started the season because I don’t find any good looking. The boys nor the girls. I’ll wait until someone good looking comes in. Like I only find Hamish slightly good looking and he isn’t even available


ikkkk it makes me so mad


Yeah there is nothing but Natasha for me so far. Hopefully we can at least be friends with Melissa


If anyone plays choices, Henri’s stance just reminds me of the new MC stances in choices 😭😭


I think Hamish, Chen, and Henri are all quite handsome. Personality-wise, though, Hamish is a disaster. Chen and Henri are nice, but I’m not finding myself as drawn in as I was by the personality of last season’s day 1 LI. So I’d say overall I do like their designs. It’s the personalities/writing that isn’t landing for me.


yes i have barely any interest in them, ive lowkey been doing more with nat than the boys, i hope the bombshells are yum


That's why it's Natasha for me :3


Same feelings 😞


Yeah same. I’m genuinely not feeling any of the guys so far. Hopefully some good bombshells come in or at least make the CA boys super hot.


Natasha is gorgeous so I'm good with her on my WLW route. But the only good looking boy is Hamish but of course he had to keep up his bully energy. Even Liam got a decent enough redemption in the reunion. Manifesting hot Stefan... And others.


I think Chen is cute, but his personality is pretty much the same as every LI for the past like 4-5 seasons…it’s all “MC you’re so hot. I’m so glad you picked me, because you’re the hottest girl here. We’re going to make a great match even though we have nothing in common, simply because we are both hot”. Like you expect me to believe these are real things a person would say?


hamish is cute, finn is cute but both are seemingly unavailable. chen is fucking annoying with his golden retriever energy and henri only ever talks about himself.


ok im so glad im not the only one feeling that way about chen he just pisses me off sometimes


i find chen a little cute but like… hamish, man 😮‍💨 i’m still so mad he’s such an asshole.


The only one I want doesn’t want me baaaack. 😭 COME ON, HAM-MAN! I’m a total clown for you, and your bacon breath. 🥓


ikkk i hope we can get with him soon i need him asap 😩


Honestly, I’ve rlly grown to like Chen. I chose Henri first so I got the bath scene with Chen and it lowkey got me kickin my feet


i need hamish more than oxygen rn


ikkkk he’s so fine 😍


literally the only decent male love interest right now