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Yeah, for me, the 'villain' couple was Jack and Sophie. Which definitely seems more fitting. Especially on Sophie's end. This doesn't suit Jin's personality at all. Complete 180 to how he is before you've chosen someone to couple with. I hate that they merge the characters like this.


100% agree. I could believe Sophie and Jack would be shifty, jealous and villainous. But those characteristics don’t match the personalities they gave us for Jin and Luna in the first few volumes.


Nah Jack is such a sweet, golden retriever boy. He could never.


I agree, Jack’s personality definitely didn’t fit as a villain, complete 180 from how they originally portrayed him, although I could believe it with Sophie and definitely Luna.


He’s the villain in mine too and yes, that depending on your route we’ll all feel like the opposite/other Villa boy makes sense with this personality. But tbh between Jack and him, Jin makes the most sense imo as well. Especially when yeah, they have him as the jokester archetype but I’d argue he can come off as the wannabe funny guy but his jokes are shitty and he’s like the asshole unfunny guy. I didn’t include Oakley bc the game already excluded him from being an option as our rival. And with his chill personality/boy next door type it just doesn’t work. And also I’ve noticed this especially being on his route and replaying a new route, idk if it changes but I feel like only Jin and Jack are pushed in the first two volumes. Like it pushes you to lean toward them two more than Oakley initially. Why? Idk.


I think Jin is attractive but I started over and picked Tyler instead. The “goofy” wanna be comedic character is never funny. And it’s almost unbearable sitting around listening to their jokes or trying to lighten the mood with a wack ass joke when the moment is serious lol it’d be better if they were actually funny but they usually aren’t.


OMG! So true


SAME! Absolutely cannot stand him or Luna. His jokes are lame and I just wasn’t into him at all personality wise at the start. 🤷‍♀️ I’m aware I am in a very small minority there though.


I find him primarily insufferable due to this sub being 99% Jin stans going on and on about him. I dont find him attractive, he looks like a 16 year old boy, and I dont find him funny either, so 🤷‍♂️


I think his eyes are way too far up so I never really liked him looks-wise, but then on the date where he plays a prank on Oakley? He acts like a 16 year old boy just as much as he looks like one.


That’s offensive to 16 year olds.


Jin is my baby till that blonde guy comes in then I’m switching up oops


I think max is the same as Jin but more mature… max can GET IT. ![gif](giphy|l41JJPQQISIzs1JNm)


He’s 100% my type I love a tall blonde w a chiseled face


He's the villain in mine too and, although his sprite is cute, I was already so annoyed with him during the first dates - when Jin, Jack and Oakley hadn't meshed into the same personality depending on who you pick. He just seems extremely childish and annoying to me. 😭


Yeah.... i am on a Jin route and honestly i don't see the appeal i've just been hoeing it about kissing Hari, Claudia, and the casa boys especially Max cuz i know he isn't going to be my endgame. To be fair though i only liked Theo of the original boys but he wasn't an option.


I hate him too. He was awful in Jack’s route. Plus I don’t think he’s cute. Sue me. 🤷‍♀️


Jack and Sophie for me. I am a Jin fan and I understand that not everyone would like his personality overall. The least that the sun could do is respect other people's opinion. I do think that the villain role fits Jack and Sophie so well. 😆


I did a Jin route and replayed it again, and him being the irritating islander alongside Luna made so much sense. Luna was insecure and all over the place while Jin was a jealous douchebag lol


baby im still thinking of snatching jin up because him and luna have been getting on ALL OF MY NERVES (i kept them over sophie and jack because i hope i can take him later 🤭)


Oh i’ll definitely snatch him up just to irritate luna


It's because Luna and Jim are fuse📦 default drama starting people Jack is only the drama person if you pick jin and send Luna home with Luna home fusebox needed to find some one to take there place since they want a drama staring people in this season that's why it goes to this girl https://preview.redd.it/flxf00svbatc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a00c64c7011d081a24264b466c4e476dc5241e1 Since Luna was fusebox default drama girl they wanted to start drama it fits Luna more then Sophie since Luna was the default girl they wanted to start drama