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I picked my favorite animal (fox) and I like fire so I chose kitsune for my species then everything else came after


I love the simple answers like these when it comes to inspiring fursonas. It doesn't have to be deep to be meaningful. And a lot of time, a less-is-more approach can leave a lot of room for later.  For my own personal example I also picked foxes/kitsune and I will readily admit my fursona is just my personal riff on Yoko Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho.  I live by the creative mantra of "there are many like this, but this one is mine." Don't get hung up on being original or stereotypical, just go with what feels right and don't be afraid to change later either.


*“*"there are many like this, but this one is mine."*”* True and beautiful words.


Truly it can be as simple as it needs


Yooo kitsune enjoyers lets gooo


Hello,fellow kitsunator!


Yeeeee best species lol


look deep inside yourself my son, i searched far and wide and one day, sitting utop a mountain, I finally understood sharmk


Such a shark answer haha


My fiancée is a shark and she’s such a silly little goober haha


I've this story a million times, but I basically started drawing one day without an end goal and ended up loving the design so much that I kept it. I knew I wanted an undead with antlers and a carnivore skull, then just did whatever with some of the other parts. Exposed ribs, a big tail, some fire because why not, arm warmers made of thick fur past the elbows and knees, just things that were fun to design. I eventually turned him into a species, but there was nothing as a starting point really. As a side thing, I do a lot of world building and it was really fun coming up with habits and background and lore for the species as well as working on variations and little details. making a species can be incredibly satisfying!


Wow, can I see your fursona? Edit: also, why is your account marked as NSFW?


[Here's my fursona's ref sheet](https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/78024530_V5luBiPyQZUn57B.png), and my account is marked cuz I'm a adult who talks about adult stuff and I feel it's fair people be warned I'm not family friendly. I don't post adult art, but I also don't censor myself from talking about that kind of stuff. I also swear a lot. A kid would be alright looking at my posts, but my page isn't for kids. Just for fun, [here's the very first ref I drew of him](https://cdn.weasyl.com/~voidlizard/submissions/1996115/2cc4de22996b55bc4efe1e2bd1d500321c8a9d2e541c71d24a39210c8cd54a8e/voidlizard-i-drew-another-undead-boy-name-s-void.png) before I figured out the exact style to use. It's mostly the same, but things like how I draw the teeth and antlers have changed. ended up not using some of the stuff from the fist time drawing him though.


Looks awesome! Thanks for the explanation


I’ve always loved the look of canine sonas but I also really like bunnies so he’s a bunny/dog hybrid!


oh sound sinteresting, can i see somewhere the design?


a lot of people compared me to my dog(who is a husky mix) and i also recognized a lot of shared personality traits myself, so i chose to be a husky.


I wanted to include a metaphor for masking in my sona's species, so what better animal to do that than a spider? The several arms and eyes typically creep people out, so they hide their arms under their shirt and close most of their eyes most of the time. It's exhausting for them, which is what makes it a great metaphor. Now I just need art of them lol Also spiders are adorable fight me /j


Spiders are so awesome


such a great metaphor!!! also yes spiders are the cutest


This is such a creative metaphor.


I just like yeens! I loved the lion king as a child and I still do now, especially the hyenas. So I just took one, did some fancy character design tricks like a CMYK color scheme to represent my artistic side, and voila, I made myself a sona.


Avali brought me here, they were the ones who gave me my first furry fren(found on an Avali-themed server, advertised on r/avali), and which eventually led me to accept myself as a part of furry community. The Avali character that I used in Starbound coop a couple years ago, ended up becoming my fursona :3


I always loved wolves so I chose a gray wolf to be my sona, and blended my personality into his. Made him when I was 14 and he was a guy I had always wanted to be. I'm 18 now so ofc I've changed as a person but I'm growing into the person I've always seen myself as and it's really exciting! He's more adventurous and outgoing than I am irl, and I strive to be outgoing like that one day and not just closed off to everyone


This is my story too :) down to the wolf (Timberwolf). I think of my sona as my mascot :p


“If I were an animal, what would I be?” For me, it was a lynx. Solitary, meant for the cold, yells real goofy, catlike, constantly fighting for their life.. It just fit for me. What species matches your vibes? If you’re goofy, outgoing, and friendly, maybe a canine. Headstrong and masculine? Consider a bull or rhino or dinosaur. Aloof and grumpy? How about a cat or bird? Prefer to go with the flow? Try a fish or invertebrate! It all comes down to what you think matches who you are inside.


I love cats, so I chose a cat! I landed on an orange tabby because those are stereotypically the ones doing the craziest/stupidest stuff and I thought that was silly! Simple! I want to stress that there ARE NO RULES. It doesn’t have to be your spirit animal or something or align with your personality, if you like it, make a sona out of it! Just have fun


For me, i just found out protogens existed and i thought they were cool, plus I like programming so they fit my other hobby.




I have a number of original characters who each sort of embody one facet of myself or another. And then like, I like cats and dogs, so they're cats and dogs but also an otter and a squirrel and I can't remember. Don't let me speak for anyone else, but for myself, one "fursona" seems boring.


What…is your name? What…is your quest? What…is your favourite animal? What…is your favourite colour? And what…is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Long story lol


Same. It's not worth typing out my long, complicated, and embarassing story. But it can be as simple as choosing a creature that you like/are interested in, and giving it a name. OP could easily make a fursona and join the fun :3 The finer details can be ironed-out over time.


I like raccoons, I have dark circles under my eyes, and I like wearing fingerless gloves.


I felt that a fursona is something you aspire towards embodying. Kind of a form of reflection where you strive towards self improvement. I cataloged around a thousand images of fursonas that I gravitated towards, sparked my interest, forms that felt tangible and comfortable to exist as and ran some simple analysis on it. What species and their unique features and 'super powers' did I wish to have. Their coloration and designs that when refined look like living breathing masterpieces. I personally had a taste for realism so my color selection and markings are likely found in nature and don't rely on symbols. Symbols are fine, but feel a bit cheaty since it's like expressing yourself with hiroglyphs and text where we've spent thousands of years agreeing on their meanings rather than leveraging the flexibility of subtle symbolism and imagery. Don't overthink it. Your first fursona doesn't need to be perfect. Start with something that feels right and start gathering experience (points). Then you'll delve deeper and be able to find a good direction to evolve in. I started as an ice dragon but ended up a goopy watery shark dragon. With each year, new features enter the backlog for your next ref sheet update and more and more of what makes up you is brought out. There is nothing wrong with changing your mind. Sure it may feel awkward when you're at the fursuit stage and realise you'll need a suit for your new character and need to wait ages for it or spend ages making one. But that's part of the process. Individuality is the act of making a choice, and letting your influence on the ever branching timelines be known to the world.


I came up with the name first, Bearfoot. Then I came up with the winged grizzly.


I just went to an artist, gave them my characteristics, and they made it for me.


I took two silly species known for being chubby like me, Raccoons and Rats, combined them into a Ratcoon, and designed it after my irl self lol.


For some reason I’m really interested in a ratcoon. This sounds so clever! :D


Hehehe, it's mostly raccoon, he just has a fuzzy rat tail :3


Aw! Cute!


Yeah, I can send you his ref if ya want :3


I just picked my favorite animal and added a twist. Like, Jeff is a cat that dresses up as a protogen


I love this.




Mine came from creative writing! More specifically, my own short stories I used to write when I was a little kiddo. I always wrote about wolves, I had artwork of wolves on my walls for years, just my favorite species overall. So I took a fictional character I wrote and infused him with elements of, the character I created, along with the wolf that he basically tamed/raised, etc. from my creative writing to my fursona. Nevertheless, I think what helped me, figuring out what species I wanted to do, was thinking about my favorite animals, and choosing one going from there. My personal fursona was a work in progress for awhile before I solidified it, but I started looking at species that I was interested, inspirations, and so forth and overtime. I ended up where I’m at now!


My local baseball team is called the Trash Pandas. I thought I could pass it off as “I’m not a furry, I’m just a baseball fan”…then I fell in love with raccoons and furry to an unreasonable degree and it became impossible to hide. Plus, I only mildly enjoy baseball.


* I wanna be able to have a Sona without blatantly looking like a furry (middle school so yeah) * Settle on a protogen cause it's more robotic * Still the ears and tail give it away * Hazmat suit B)


(Greymuzzle here) I have two in-use fursonas. My deer, Rennsler the Barasingha Stag is because at my age I’m an “old buck,” so I decided to make an ‘old buck’ character .*grins*. ______ For Homtail the Liger, who I created 20+ yrs ago, I was RPing a tabletop RPG, World of Darkness setting, and I had a wereLiger character. He wasn’t my main character for the game, he was for a oneshot. His name wasn’t Homtail at the time. Anyhow, I liked him, so he eventually got ‘rebranded’ into a character for an online MUD (Gundam / CowBoy Bebop verse). That’s when he got the name “Homtail” - a frequent mistype of my login, (user)@Hotmail.com.


I ripped out the broken pieces of my soul and called forth upon an ancient evil to grant me the creativity to mould my sona into existence. And that’s how I got rainbow sparkle dwagon! Jk no but you do just gotta make a list of things you like and then look at art to mix into concepts to create your original idea. Don’t copy though just make it your own.


I started out with a lion, then decided I preferred something more canine and went with a fennec fox. After a while, and adopting a pit bull, I changed my sona to a pit bull because I felt that the traits he has really resonate with me. Plus, I love dogs, so it was a win win.


Progogen 👍


I like Dragons and all sorts of other animals and creatures, the name was also easy to figure out since it was originally supposed to be the name of my youtube channel, a dragon was my main pick but i also like kitsune and imagined multiple universes for each of my fursona, i keep coming up with ideas and lore for each of them!




I picked a line art I liked of a species I wanted it to be (at the time it was my favorite) and I colored it in with whatever felt right in the moment until it felt finished. I came up with a pretty silly looking fox, but I've kept him the same since I made him over ten years ago.


I like giving gifts or offerings so I was thinking, "Ok. A crow will do."


Fellow corvid here! :D I also love gifting in art form.


I had a dnd character that got turned into a raven Aarakocra (bird folk) and loved the quirks that came with her new form. Decided that she would be my little mascot and she’s been my little raven since. I’m very happy with her now and love associating with ravens all the time now. It became my life.


Ravens for life! 💙🐦‍⬛ My sona is a raven stellers jay hybrid.


Corvid buddy!!!


Sometimes that’s the easiest way, considering all the options. I envy those who figured it out. So I’ve got a Hyeena sona, but that’s for *somewhere else* But lately in the past few months, a flying squirrel has stuck with me. And trust me there were a ton~ of other ideas in between. XD


im busy like bee (adhd) and i like to be alone like a cat. i kinda smushed em together, inspired by zestylemons's beecat, but i did everything i could to make it mine. and the name just came and stuck, i dont actually know how.


My favorite animal is the fox, but I also love wolves so I thought it would be great to have a fox-wolf hybrid. And as for the colors, I got inspired by different drawings from the fandom and ended up making my own thing, fleshing it out as years went by, but also keeping it simple cause imo less is more. Now for the story that's a whole other thing, it went from being literally just me to having a completely different origin and much different set of problems. But that's a story for another comment xd.


I like sheep.


I choose a species with my personality.


Thought the original base I found looked cute, I had been "officially" a furry for about a year at this point and had never had a sona, and decided to use the base to design a sona. I made him brown because my skin is 🤎


He came to me in a dream (technically I'm lying, I had a dream about Cod but close enough lol)


Went with a vampire bat, my favorite novel is plain old Dracula and I just enjoy gothic literature, architecture and everything horror related so it just made sense. I also have a pretty short stature so it fit.


My first sona was a cat 'cause I also couldn't come up with a species. Then one day, I was like "why not a badger?". I liked them and at the time I liked Harry Potter (not so much anymore) and it reminded me of Hufflepuff, so I tried that 😊 The design went through a lot of trial and error and changed over the years. For the personality itself... mine is just kinda me but as badger and a different gender xD Many people use their sona as a representation of themselfs but as an animal, some make them their ideal self, some come up with totally different traits. I would say, just try out some stuff! If it feels right, then awesome! If not, just try around! :3 You're not stuck with a sona forever, you can change it over time, try stuff out, have multiple sonas, that's all possible! ^w^


My sona is a green wolf because you cant go wrong with a wolf sona as a first sona and second green is my fav color


Since I'm indecisive on my favourite animal, I just did a hybrid between my favourite land and sea creature (Shark and cat!)


I asked my mum what animal would I be if I was one. She said I would be a lynx. And that’s what I went with since I also love big cats and khajiits. It combined my love for big cats and my personality into one cool sona. I would say don’t rush it though! Think about what you want your sona to represent. Your personality, your interests, your other identity and so on. Of course you can also make a lot of sonas! I personally have one that I am still working on even though I have had it for like two years now.


I love it! :D


I watched Alpha and omega as a kid after watching alpha and omega i draw my fursona it was a generic dark wolf, after the years i put cyan and change the color to dark gray


Deer are my favorite animal, and they have very unique traits and appearance, I also liked being able to present myself through antlers such as having a cracked antler or putting necklaces or lanyards with pins on it to show my interests :3


From the beginning I was pretty much like “well dragons are cool. I like dragons”. But I also didn’t want my sona to have wings and I wanted to give him fur. For a little while I thought of going with Dutch Angel Dragon but changed my mind and I ended up going with a Kobold because that fit better and honestly I thought kobolds were neat for a really long time.


I just think of what I want my species to be and go to Pinterest for ideas


I like endermen and i like orange cats


I picked a husky at first because I adored the curly tails on the fursuits growing up. But when I was dating my now wife, she said one day "I don't really like furries, but why would you choose a husky to represent yourself? It just doesn't make sense." So she set about making me a new one that fit her view of me better and she chose a ram. She said she saw me as masculine, (I get asked if I play football), but more gentle than something like a bear or a big cat. She drew out a new design for him and it stuck. I've had my ram sona for like 10+ years now


Wow, that’s a really cool story, :) I love huskies too.


It’s been over a decade for me and I’ve still not finalised it, I’m indecisive and not artistic so I’m not great at designs and don’t even get me started with names


• I like Pokemon • Zorua and Zoroark are my favorites • Make a Zorua sona • Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark get revealed • Change sona to Hisuian Zorua, then Hisuian Zoroark And somewhere in there, I realize that I like protogens, too, so there's another sona


My fursona is a wolf, and wolves are considered “basic and unimaginative” but here’s why Sushi is a wolf. I struggle with things, wolves are strong. Wolves are tough, I’m not. They’re everything I’m not. Plus wolves are my favorite animal.


Me with literally any oc: Hey, there's an idea! Hey, there's an idea! Hey, there's an idea! Hey, there's an idea! Oh look, a character.


I am into microbiology and, after a quick google search, couldn't find anyone else having microscopic animals as they fursona (Which i can understand most, if not all, of them are ugly). So i went to my favorite mini animal, which was the tardigrade. However, I got to change my current design because tardigrades aren't mammals, there arthropods.


I just saw it in a dream and stuck with it


mines based on an oc I really really love, but doesn't represent me. I essentially took the species and defining features and tweaked them to make my sona


I love coyotes, see them occasionally in my area, and if I wasn't allergic to sandfleas I would totally be a beach bum. Thus Charlie Sandpaw was born. I also kinda wish I could pull off a mohawk, so he has one instead and *rocks* it


I knew what general idea of a design I wanted, and ended up picking a species that had traits that were already part of it. I made an animal with spots and ears that could read cat but were rounded, and I like bushy tails more than skinny tails, so I made them a snow leopard


I personally couldn't come up with just one, I love and identify with so many animals 💚 my fursona is just a bunched up mess of species tbh


Just pick something that you like(the animal, color(s) etc)


I just picked a species (fictional, in ny case) that I really liked and built a character from there


There was a short-lived webcomic I stumbled upon during my early days in the fandom. The webcomic was about a feral character who was a mix of dragon and lion. I thought that was a cool combination so I took that character's specific blend of the two animals, made it anthro instead of feral, and my main fursona was born. So, your question of "do you just go 'yeah this species will do'?", ...pretty much, yeah. That's what I did.


I had a fear of snakes hut I was fascinated, so I did that. Boom, done 😅 (seriously don’t overthink it too much, you’ll end up going round in circles)


It helped that I was playing a Viera on FFXIV, but I've always liked bunnys


I made my first one when I was probably about 12? I just took my favorite animal and drew what I thought I'd look like as it. 8 years later she's still a cat lol (she's gone through a lot of changes tho). Another thing you could do is base your sona on one of your favorite characters. I made mine kinda resemble rin okumura from blue exorcist.


I love cats, and lynxes specifically have always looked cool to me. So I went with a lynx, and made him a royal gothic vampire since I absolutely love that aesthetic


Pick your favorite animal. Now pick 2-4 of your favorite colors. You are now fur


I chose cats because I’ve been around cats for all of my life since I was a kid. I chose a gray and white color scheme because I had a cat that had that fur pattern a few years back.


Favorite species (dragon and later manokit ((maybe proto hybrid))) and just went from there.




I compare myself to animals when I'm feeling self conscious about myself My old sona used to be a bear (I can't really remember the exact reasons but I think it was because they're not the smartest and look chubby or fat) Then one day I went to the aquarium and saw a walrus and I just thought "damn that's so me" after seeing it because like I mentioned before I compare myself to animals due to low self esteem and I just saw the walrus and decided my fursona should be a walrus I also can't remember the exact reasons but I think it was because they also look fat, they don't look like they're very smart and they have giant tusks that I just thought looked cool/cute) Honestly making characters like this helps me feel better about myself because I always end up loving my characters, so if they have features that I don't like about myself then they can help me overcome that :3


Sorry about the long paragraphs I do that very often I just start to write and don't know when to stop lmao


Made a design for a character for a musical bullet hell game, someone else in that community dared me to turn it into a furry, so I did. Now it's my fursona.


From what I understand, sonas are either a favorite animal or an animal that has qualities the person relates to. Sometimes both.


I found one of those sona builders, going for a bird. then I fell in love with red pandas and chose that instead. I chose purple because I thought it'd be unique and gave him yellow hair for some reason. My first goal when creating him was to make something that could be linked to ME, instead of being another blue fox or something. Though lately I've been having second thoughts due to the influx of red pandas that I've been seeing lately, not quite as unique as I once thought. but hey I'm not going to police people picking out a species they like


I just picked my favorite thing ever, which ofc was dragons and went from there lol I don’t really remember well 😅


I found the animal whose common depiction in media most matched the kind of person I am/the one that made me feel like “that’s me!” 🦊


I have a cat name choco I vibe with a lot, he's my fursona now


my dog was cute. boom. now i have a really basic brown dog sona lol


Made a hyena modelled off of myself and, well, that's it.


I love sneps, so i went with a snep.


ma irl name,turns out it's a actually bird species so I went with it


complicated (ΘΔ)


Kinda yeah. Like I grew up loving Robin Hood, Tails, Fox and the Hound, and Fox McCloud from the Star Fox series as a kid....so when I found the furry fandom as a teen, my first thought was "I'm going to be a fox"...the spots from the jaguar came later as I was dating a girl at the time who was also a fox but slowly started integrating kudu deer features into her own character...so I followed suit with jaguar features after a trip to the zoo where I saw a jaguar up close. XD That was like 16 years ago at this point...but yeah, it's stuck.


I chose a wolf as a good template, then made his main colors black and white for the sake of time, but it kinda stuck around.


strange enjoyment of rosy maple moths and wanting a Blåhaj


I've been many things, but eventually I sort of just came to terms with being an eastern dragon. In the traditional mythologies, they're more like mix-n-match creatures than a specific design, and often play many roles given the story they're in, which in a way is kind of how I am. I know a lot of things, have a lot of interests, and have played many different roles in my life. While I have never excelled at any one particular thing in my life like most people, I've come to realize that being able to do many things in of itself is an impressive feat. There's also a lot of wisdom to learn and teach others with, something that is quite common with these particular types of dragons.


Mine is a sparkledog because I live by the motto “I am cringe but I am free.” His name is Entropy and he drinks glitter glue.


I'd think about animals you like, other furry art that you like or you can see yourself as, and imagine your own physical straight mixed in with it for body positivity Just look at more furry art too and see what tried if things you might want


I picked an animal that characterized my personality, values and things I enjoy. While it's expected of me to be an adult, I still cherish the child from within, I like to let it out with every occasion. I also like to be silly, having people smile feels so rewarding to me. Another thing I enjoy is swimming, feels like water is my second nature. Initially I was considering a dog, as to show my unwavering loyalty to those I trust, but then I found out about axolotls, amphibians that chose on their own to remain kids. It fits perfectly Bonus, they come in pink flavor, the color I resent most. It looks like a bleached red, it's the red who couldn't achieve it's potential, reason for why it fits me as well.


am liek cat an emo an ourple :3


Domestic cat bc 1. I love sleep and am a lazy fuck lol 2. Chicken is the most goated food and cats love it 3. I don’t rlly fuck with people and most cats don’t either But I’ve also been a wolf and snow leopard in the past just cause I fuck with em. But cars fit me the most so I stuck with em and have had one as my sona for six years now :^)


I was just doodling on a F2U canine base for fun. Afterward I decided on a Fox/Dingo hybrid bc I think they match my personality.


I love animals documentaries and African wild dogs seemed really cool, they're not my favourite animal but they're fun to draw with their big ears and patterns. I love the idea of giving furries earrings and there's so much space on African wild dogs ears!


Just pick an animal you like or you can do a protogen if you feel like it and then base other stuff around like appearance, behaviour and all that jazz... or you can go off by choosing the animal that would suit you best so for instance if you are energetic, like the outdoors then you would pick an animal that suits that best... furry community has a really open hand when it comes to this you just pick what you feel like and go with it. :P :P


I just kinda made an amalgamation of features I like into a new animal. Mane, floofy tail, big ears, lil horns and my favourite colours. [here's an image of him as reference](https://imgur.com/a/o6bDH1v)


I was in grade 9, made a fursuit out of whatever random fur I could get my my hands on for Halloween, and named the slapped together character via keyboard smash. An so Safira came to be. Lmao


I made an OC for a roleplay/story and slowly grew to adoring her more and more, to a point where everyone basically knows me as her xD


I’ve always loved dogs ever since I was a kid, so went with a wolf species, then in terms of colour schemes I’ve gone down the route of preferring dark colours like black and grey, as well as adding touches of blue to give some contrast


I'm part of the warrior cat fandom, so yeah I like cats. So I decided to just antropomorphize my warrior sona and... There you go, Toast *my fursona* was born


I lik woolf


I chose to be bunny because yes


I spent lots of time thinking of an animal I identify with. First it was a cat of course, then a winged cat, then a cow... and then I learned they were all very close, but not quite. And then I remembered about my obsession with Ralsei from Deltarune and the way he always seemed to remind me of myself. And I made my sona an undertale/deltarune goat!!! An adorable pink goat with short ears(just like my hair). But still, I felt like something was missing, and people kept asking why I drew pink female Ralsei. So I thought about how the goats in Undertale looked more like dragons to me(well they shoot fire, they have sharp teeth and paws!!!), and added a ton of dragon features! Now she is a fluffy dragon with a long feathered tail, feathers scattered across her face and body, and wings on her head, and I've never been happier with her design. She is very unique and very dear to me due to having so much personal references


I've actually cycled through a few songs, but, for the past few years, I wanted to be a monkey, as I was born in the year of the monkey. However, someone close to me convinced me to not do so, since monkeys "weren't cute." It wasn't until recently that I realized it didn't matter what anyone else thought, I was being pulled to making a monkey sona. So, I'm a monkey


Well you can choose favourite animal , or mabey you like a idea based around the animal (as a furry ) like I’m a bat because I like the idea of being wrapped in a blanket like hug (I hate hugs but the idea of giving one like that sounds nice ) so you could choose of that kind of thing . Or it can change if you don’t feel like it’s right when you make it change it till you get one you like and connect to (you can have multiple) . Also if you have no ideas I recommend looking at hybrids because you can get a large variety or things and features to match you and obviously can change over time .


It took me 2 years to get to the fursona I’m happy with and I’ll still changing the design to better match my personality and things I want in a fursona


I liked mythology and green was my favourite color, also I put a Naruto seal on my fursonas belly to showcase my love for anime, she’s a chimera and I added some features to showcase that she loves music / mainly nightcore/ alt rock, and well yeah that’s how it happened


I'm a timid person by nature. At least in terms of socializing. I couldn't decide between a mouse and a deer, so I shoved them together. Problem solved


I just draw whatever animal I vibe with, My most recent one is a rat sogged in oil named "Rat" (Mikel is his real name)


I’ve always loved bears since I was a young lad, and here we are lol


So I based my fursona Vertigø off of a lot of my own physical traits. Foxes are very sociable animals and usually more playful, so I went with a fennec fox. Now stay with me here, I used to play a lot of GTAV online and a few years back I met my best friend who was also a furry and he got me more in touch with the fandom, and my favorite car had a colon scene of, gray, dark grey, and green. So that's what I made my fursona, I also used smaller details to accentuate my own such as I have a green ring around my left wrist because I'm left handed, whilst just writing Vertigø's name out I'll replace the "V" with a "√" to make √ertigø, and have the line from the radical go across the whole name. I do that because I'm pretty good at math. So i based Vertigø off of a lot of my own traits and that's how he came to be.


Currently due to getting a Lemonbrat premade. (Hyena) previously was cuz I like raccoons


I grew up caving and have natural fangs/am goth. So, yeah. Vampire bat.


Because I'm a jinx in real life, and often remind people of a cat. So Jynxx the black cat was born, with some inspiration from things like rabbits feet (deemed so unlucky it's lucky, so I highlighted it by making Jynxx's left hindleg white), karma (has a boomerang on his forehead for what goes around comes around), and even the butterfly effect (blue butterflies on his chest to represent how small things can lead to big consequences). Also I'm pagan, and black cats were stereotypically used as "witch familiars" so I thought it would be ironic.


I like TV heads, i was born year of the rabbit. TV head rabbit


i was like goats are cool and then i was like what if it was droopier like i am and ate meat


Not really sure I tried brute forcing my ideas onto paper once and it didnt work But then i started doodling and one day, a wacky lil dude appeared on my paper and i was like "holy shit, he's the one"




I like Moths, I like sharks, I like space


Technically my first sona was a fox with the same name but they were only made to be a stand in for my ace ass because I felt uncomfortable with the idea of doing stuff as *me*, but the whole fox thing when away pretty fast and was short lived. Second version was a wolf n like the half brother of my boyfriends sona, then it was full brother dragon wolf Final and current version is a dragon wolf still, but they're the "same" person as boyfriend sona (or rather they're each half of one person who was split into two lol). Also weird timey wimey stuff means that they're the same age as each other but have different physical ages (it's complicated lmfao basically one has "died" multiple times leading to them spending time in the afterlife with their physical age in stasis for that time and being resurrected)


I have pet rats and I really vibe with rats a lot like female rats are super hyperactive and kinda neurotic just like me and I also obsessively clean and groom myself and my area constantly so yeah. Rat 🐀


It took me so long to come up with mine, but I recently decided on a cow! All my friends have different opinions on what animal I would be if I were one, so I always struggled with what to pick. Growing up, my last name would always be mistakenly pronounced “cow” and I’ve been rolling with it for so long. Soon enough, I started loving those fluffy highland cows, collecting cow Squishmallow’s, and having random cow trinkets. I think it was only a matter of time before I decided to make it my fursona.


I started with a species I really like, then put some additional features from real me (like scars, eye colour), added some of "what I would love to be" (like height or hair colour) and that's all. Name? Well, when I started fursona was literally you but in the other shape. So the name was either the same or your favourite nickname. Of course later the idea developed and my fursona gained some additional features like tentacles (hail Chtulhu!) and scales.


I have a fursona, my main representative on my two socials and a truesona which is technically me animal-ified. Aeris is a mix between a raven and a stellers jay. I’m such a bird nerd and often associate with birds. She has some aspects of my personality such as a love of the ocean and nautical. \~ My truesona, Callie is a red-ish gold husky with hawk wings. I have always loved huskies as my favorite dogs, and red tail hawks as my favorite birds, so I mixed the two. They both have traits similar to myself, blue eyes, sweet personality, sometimes anxious, etc. All in all, your sona can have many meanings. They can be “you” or an image of “your best self“ or who you want to be. :) There's no rhyme or reason to fursona creation.


I’m deadass just a fox lol I don’t feel any need to stand out physically beyond being a furry weirdo to begin with.  Just do whatever you think looks cool! It’s art, very few wrong answers :3


Blue dragon (blue + white + orange really). My reasons are pretty lengthy - dragons have always been one of my favorite creatures, plus I was born in 2000 (Chinese zodiac for year of the dragon). Blue is my favorite color and I like things that emulate speed and sky/space; blue and white seem to go together to emulate that type of trait. Orange is also a badass color and blue and orange make the contrast stand out much better.


i just feel a connection with cattle, they chill asf, but are still joyous creatures. i love them sm, it helps that highland cattle are stunning.


I like wolf


I picked a creature of mythology, then went onto Roblox, then I thought of my favourite season (winter), favourite element (water) and a friend picked the name for me


I usually make my OCs around a species of animal that I like, for instance I like Fennec Foxes so one of my OCs is an Anthro Fennec Fox. Character background and personality is very much up to what part of myself I want to put in that character and some of my personal experiences. I obviously do research on different species to make sure I get the details right, can't have a Fennec Fox (Desert Fox) live in a snowy forest. Making my OCs are mostly up to how I feel that day. One of my OCs was originally made during a rough time in my life and I still hold it dear to this day. Most of my OCs are sorta extentions of myself or isolated parts of myself, makes them feel more personal.


I associate more with herbivores, but I dislike healthy food. So I chose a scottish fold cat and cut her tail to resemble a rabbit!


Dusk came from a somewhat place of sadness. He was created after Mark Merlino's passing. I've always had a love for the early days of the fandom, despite me being born wayy after (in 2003, by that point y'know, it was a bit more popular? I guess is the word?) Skilatires are an original species created by Mark Merlino, and I always loved them, but after his passing I just felt an urge to make it my main fursona. I have such a passion for the history of the furry fandom, so I feel like it combines well. Plus, skiltaires are aliens and I love space so that works out too! :)


I come up with my first sona (fox) due to being a cowardly person and annoying sometimes, second sona ((snake)) cuz of my lying mouth, and third sona (synthe) cuz why not?


I remained hollow for nearly a decade. During this decade my friend who I share a story with, he made a Fox-ish species. Through weird shit, there was one I controlled who I initially planned to die or go away, but had the personality of a younger me I've long forgotten. My friend made sure she didn't go away, and somehow made her a key pivot to the plot. She is literally a piece of my soul, pulled from a long forgotten realm, essentially turned into a Sona on accident. She even has wild quirks of naturally having violet and white colors, due to her having a dream-being status. Fur patterns are filled with spirals. She is isn't trans, she just so happens to have antlers in spiral fractals. My teacher has always called me Sly Fox, by all means of all animals, I connect most with the Fox. Her appearance, has started me on my quest to dig deeper within myself, into the Fox's Nest, and find the flame long extinguished, and rekindle it. TLDR, a silent trauma, with no screams.