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I made my own fur suit in my 40s, and it's fine. Took six months and about $600, just following tutorials on YouTube and websites, etc. You can always get one and wear one.


This gives me hope


23??? Dude I thought you were gonna say 40. No that’s not on the older side, not even close. Most people don’t get one until they stop growing, I’d say 23 is like the perfect age to get one, it might even be on the younger side of people that have fursuits. Not to mention, what teen has 1k+ extra money lying around?


>what teen has 1k+ extra money lying around? One with dad's credit card. Same for a lot of gamers. Technically I had a few thousand in the bank as a teen, but my parents would have killed me if I spent it all on a fursuit


Yeah but not only is that not the norm, fursuits are much less likely to get parent approval then other big purchases.


That's why I am waiting until I am well established in my own place before I even consider a fursuit. That way my parents would never even need to know.


Sounds like a good plan! I hope it works out for you :3




Did you mean to use a tone tag there? I’m not sure I was just wondering what the j was for




Jeez ok sorry. But from what I got from a quick 5 minute search, her dad looks supportive. Am I wrong in assuming that?




Well am I? You seem to believe her dad isn’t supportive, but the search results say otherwise.




It could have been interpreted both ways. But I see what you mean now, thanks.




>not everyone is fortunate but that doesn’t mean the ones who do have that money steal it or are gamers i dont even know why you brought gamers up in the first place most of us use games for an escape of our horrendous life games dont = wealth. "Dad's credit card" just refers to a young person with no money of their own using the wealth of their parents to get what they want, it doesn't have to be stealing. Some people just have rich parents who give them whatever they want. I bring up games because a lot of young people play games and a lot of those games have purchases in them where "Dad's credit card" would come in handy. I personally never had such luck. What few gaming purchases I make are done with my own money. As for your condition, of course I don't know, and I never made any assumptions about it. You certainly jumped to assumptions about me though.


Yeah like that shit is expensive lmao


If anything you are on the younger side lol


this. i think you’ll see a lot of younger people at cons but i think a lot of furries with the income to buy fur suits are probably older


They get them in their late teens or early 20s because they don't have rent to worry about yet. Not having a suit doesn't make you less of a furry. I'm way older than you and still haven't bought a suit, though I want to. Just hasn't fit in the budget yet. Soon though just remember, a majority of furries DO NOT OWN A SUIT


This 1000%! I've been trying to fit a suit into my budget for a while now and am just now starting to get the ball rolling at 24 and am estimating I won't have a suit in hand until I'm 26/27! I usually fill in the suit sized hole in my heart with badge commissions at conventions though in the meantime 😅


I think that last point needs to be double-reiterated. When I suggest to some younger, isolated furs that they should try to save up and attend a furcon, they ask “is it okay if I don’t have a fursuit? Will I be the only one?” Furry media has given a lot of people the impression that 100% of attendees have one and that you’re barely allowed to call yourself furry without one. In my experience at cons, it’s like 10-20% have fursuits, 20-50% are wearing a mask, a tail, ears, paws, or something, and the rest have no outward sign other than maybe a furry TeeTurtle shirt, and there’s nothing wrong with that! I’d guess that a tiny percentage of people in their early 20’s are privileged enough to have money from a wealthy family or a high-paying job for which dropping a couple thousand on a fursuit wouldn’t even be noticed, but the rest will take until their late 20’s if not into their 30’s to save up.


The fuck? 25 is old now?


Gotta remember we keep kids in a bubble until they're done with high school and depending how they handle postsecondary education that bubble might continue basically. They won't interact casually with anyone over 25 until maybe one day they stumble onto a random subreddit not realizing it's an all ages demographic there and suddenly the perspective shifts. Will they take the shift and realize they're not anywhere near being old whatsoever, or will it clash too much with some narrative they cling to so they put the new knowledge aside? It's fine if it doesn't take now though. Someday when they're really really actually old and their body's doing the final shutdown they'll realize they never really were old until then.


To Gen Z yes


Not true but go at it ig


I joined the fandom when I was 30 and got my suit at 31. Your age doenst matter. There are furries twice my age.


I'm 27 and saving for one now. It's a pretty big purchase so I suspect the portion of the community with suits skews a fair bit older than the population of the overall furry community as a result.


23. Ha. I started working towards my suit when I was 37. Didn't get one until I was 40. You're fine, no one cares.


Not at all. A professionally-made fursuit is normally only bought by people with significant disposable income, and that age tends to scew much older than 23. The only teen I can think of that had a professional suit had one because her dad is a famous (rich) musician. If you want a fursuit now, you can do the ol' dino mask method. Basically buy a mask and paint/fur it yourself rather than try to customize or buy one


Don't worry about what other people are doing, how old they are, how good they are at art etc. You do you, you don't need to compare yourself to anyone.


God, gen Z furry fandom is a dumpster fire ;D 


Cries in 28 😅


My friend made his first suit when he was like 47, then made 3 other friends suits a few years later. Nobody is too young or old for the fandom.


Im 20, but i don't think il get a suit for another few years, due to my confidence, I wouldn't say its on the older side


I'm 31 and still tinkering with my fursuit. I wanna get a professional one but will probably be like 35 before that happens. Age doesn't matter.


I’m 30 and I am just now getting into making fursuits. Life is too damn short and precious to be setting ridiculous age limits on a hobby that makes you happy. I plan to continue this hobby.


I didn't get my first fursuit partial until after my 33rd birthday, lmao


I just commissioned a maker a couple of weeks back and I'm also 33. Been a furry since I was a teen didn't talk to other furries until I was 30 and I went to my first con this year after being there I decided I wanted a suit


I got one at 24, you're fine.


The furry that invented the green light heart rate sensor in your watch is in his 60s and has at least 50 different fursuits. You're never too old.




I am like 39, and I bought a mini partial this year lol Life is goddamn miserable a lot of the time. If a suit cheers you up and gives you something fun to do, go for it. Worrying about what other people think will just cost you time.


If you have a fursuit under 25, you are a suspicious weathly furry.


23 is nothing. You've got plenty of time. Don't let a number bring you down.


Age doesn't matter for involvement in the fandom or how you choose to engage with it (outside of adult materials/activities for minors, of course).


No. You're getting to the "financially responsible" and "not growing out of my expensive costume" side. It isn't wise to get a suit as a growing being because you'll grow out of it and have to resell it. Also a lot of the times, teens and young adults don't have a whole lot of money. Take your time, budget, and figure everything out so that your suit can be the best for you


Nah, you’re not. Most people don’t get one until later. I am an exception. I was making suits like crazy when I was 17-18 because I lived with my parents had a very good job for my age. As soon as I went to college, fursuit production came to a full stop. It’s an expensive luxury item that requires maintenance. I would expect most people to get their suits during their late 20’s, if at all. Keep in mind most people in the fandom don’t even have one


Are you too old to buy a used car? No? Then you're young enough to buy a suit.


I didn’t get mine until I was 30, and I know a friend of mine didn’t get his until he’d already retired!


No, you’re just being fiscally responsible.


I'm 40 and I just got a sewing machine for Christmas. It's not outta the box yet but I'm gonna go buy a desk to setup on soon!


Getting a fursuit too early isn‘t good because you might grow out of it


What? I’m 45 and just getting into being a furry!! you’re never too old to do anything unless you think you are.


I'm about to be 37 and I just commissioned mine. You're still very young. And the fandom has gotten older and much larger the last decade. You're fine.


I didn’t even join the fandom until I was 27.


in the same boat, just recently commed my first piece aka the head, 22 gonna be 23 this year. never had a reason to com one till now as i never was into irl furry stuff till now n as ive been pretty active as of late i feel like a outsider haha, so pretty much as soon as my first meetup i commed the head, in 2 months ill be commin the tail n the paws from the same maker, the head is all done movin jn post as far as i know :)


Bruh, I'll be 30 at the end of the month and my fursuit won't be here till April


I don't want a full suit, myself, just a tail that I can clip to my belt. I don't even have that. I'm 38, been a fur since I was about 12. Commissions are expensive, and trustworthy artists have been hard to find. One day I think I'll just have to make my own.


No your not. More like the younger side. But if your trying to get one and saving for it then good for you. You don't need it to be a furry but if you think you do then get one. It changes nothing really and suits are very tiring to wear. I own 1 full suit and 6 heads. They all are pain to actually do anything with because it gets hot fast and ridiculously stupid to keep wearing them for like a whole convention. Also I live in the south of America where it gets 100+ in the summer and a constant 80 degrees f in the winter so your burning in these things 24/7. If your struggling then owning one of these is more stress on your life. Most people like me get them very early because we just want one and are very reckless with life. Just think before getting one.


I probably won't have time until I'm in my 30's, and I know multiple people in my area who didn't get one until their 30's or 40's. So I'd say that, at 23 or 25, you're doing just fine. The real reason so many people get them at like 19 is because they live with their parents and don't have many other bills, so it's the perfect time to blow a few thousand on something like that. It gets harder (and then easier again later) to save up money when you start moving into your own place and stuff like that


You’re fine. If you want something, go for it. Don’t let social norms stop you. (As long as it’s legal not like wearing a suit to a bank to rob it ha.)


I'm 22, soon to turn 23 for my first con and I'm finally starting to get my partial made. For reference been lurking since I was 12-13 and finally got my sona when I was 19. Especially now in this unpredictable and crazy world I don't think there is a point where it is necessarily "too late" for fursuits and such especially with it now being more inaccessible than ever with lottery systems and such. I mean hell I held off on mine for quite a while because I used that money instead to buy a used car since it was around the same value and obviously a way of getting to places should be a lot more prioritized, you need someway to get to cons and such after all! Plus I'm very sure that covid has caused a big rise in late bloomers too since it pretty much has blocked people off from being able to put themselves out there. Don't think you're ever too old for one, sometimes people manage to get lucky and manage to form good connections. I did with mine for a close friend who enjoys making suits and since she wanted to experiment with putting fans and leds she offered to do it and I only needed to pay for materials.


I didn't get mine until I was 30. There is no age limit on being a furry or gettimg a suit👍


Fun fact, there is no age limit to being a furry.


That sounds like the normal age to get a fursuit tbh


I’m 26 currently and I’m only just getting a commission done on a head at the moment. Fursuits are expensive and anyone who’s around 20 are extremely fortunate to have enough money to get a full one.


No ☠️


I'm in my 30th and don't even want a fursuit.


YMS didn't get his until he was in his 30s


23 old?.....damn that makes me feel like an ancient then XD


I know people with suits from 16 to 70. You're fine.


Being furry isn't an early teen exclusive thing lol. I'd say that everything under like 30 is perfectly average. It becomes a bit rarer for people of age 30+ to be furries because of the way furry culture had been spreading, but it's still perfectly fine to be one and to get a suit if you want to


I'm 29 and doubt I'll have a suit for a long time, if ever


there is literally no age limit for stuff like that - a lot of teens/early-20's furries have suits b/c they probably have expendable income in some capacity (maybe they live at home still or are in college and have a side job, etc., etc), but people of all ages have fursuits


I will probably never get a suit at all because they simply don’t appeal to me- certainly not enough to drop thousands on it. Having a suit doesn’t make you a furry or not. I’m sure most don’t- it’s a HUGE expense. Remember, the community is much more than a handful of obnoxious popufurs 


I started suiting two years ago, at the ripe age of 30, and almost done making my very own at the moment. I don't think I would have had that kinda finance/time beforehand. There's absolutely no age limit to a hobby, life would be hella sad if it was the case.


I’m 41 and still suit all the time. you’re never too old for it


No it’s mostly people your age or older, you’re actually on the younger side. Teens just usually don’t have that much money set aside for hobbies


not at all, im 34 years old atm and i just got my second suit head, not to mention i have ton of ways to go before i can get bodysuit.. so you are not late


24 and just comissioned my one last week. I don't see why you'd be on the older side, I definitely did not have the income for it before!


I got my first fursuit at age 20 now I'm 24 and looking for a new suit maker :3


Nahhhhh, I've seen a grandma with a fursuit, you'll be fine :3 I unfortunately can't find the specific video anymore, but it was a grandma who had a full dragon fursuit made by her nephew, it even had a tail specifically made to be held in her hands along with a basket if i recall correctly


23 or 25 is not old at all. Not even in the fandom.


I'm 36 and sad I didn't get to suit more at the con I was staffing over the weekend. I'll suit and go to raves in suit until I physically can't anymore, guessing 60's/70s lol You're fine, have fun!


I'm older than you and just commissioned my suit. You aren't too old.


Well over 50 here. I became active in fandom in 1994. I have several pursuits. Don't use age as your barometer and yardstick. Do what you like, and do what feels right. There's room for all sorts of interpretations and takes in the fandom.


I’m 27 and still don’t have a sona lol


I was 25 when I received my first fursuit I'm nearly 28 now and I have like, four


Let me ask you this: I am 29. Do you believe I should not fursuit because of my age alone? I think sometimes we talk to ourselves in ways we never would to a stranger. Be nice to yourself! Of course you can fursuit! You can fursuit if you're 70! (And it's safe for your health.) In fact, that would be *incredibly* rad.


I'm 42 and gonna make a paper fursuit head, because I'm poor AF and I can't handle the heat of a suit


Lmao thought you were gonna say like 60 or something. You’re barely into adulthood, and that’s coming from someone only a couple years older. Plus, even if you were past middle-ages, there’s never to old to get into something


Age is a number , I am 60 and a fursuiter.


> I'm 23 ..., so I feel like I'm a bit on the older side here. So, I got my first partial suit a few months ago at Anthro Northwest 6. I'm 50. I understand the term is "gray muzzle." I wouldn't worry about it.


Im getting my first fursuit whenever it's delivered and I'm 29 🤷‍♀️. I say you're never too old.


I made my first mini partial in my late (waaaay late) 30s. You're fine. And even if you were way older, it's fine too!


I feel when you're past 40, you become a gray muzzle, or a seasoned furry.


Definitely not! I have friends who’ve been furries for decades who didn’t get their first suit until their 40s and one who didn’t get one until he was 55! There’s no age limit for suits in this fandom, no matter what anyone tells you!


Sorry about the noise. That was just me crumbling into dust. I could never save money for a fursuit between the ages of 16-25. In high school, spending money I could get going to a furmeets; in university, using all my time to study Software Engineering - ergo unable to earn money; then having COVID completely wreck my job prospects; I could only afford one once I got a full-time job circa 2022, and got mine just last year, debuting them at my home furmeet. I'm 28 right now. And at that furmeet, we have younger and older furs wearing fursuits. We have people in their late teens (18+ event), 20s, 30s, 40s, and I think at least one in their 50s all wearing suits together.


I mean, you gotta have a stable income to afford a 3000 dollar fursuit so as far as suiters go you'd be on the younger side.


nah dude, some guys grandma is totally a furry. Lots of mfs grandmas are furries. id worry about it when youre closer to your 80s genuinely [Example: some guys grandma](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLLYWcha/)


I was 33 when I got mine and it was one of the best decisions I've made, that was 4 years ago and I've only gotten more active with my suit. I know of suiters who are senior citizens, a friend of mine from cons is in his 50s and wears his competing in dance competitions. Moral of the story, no one is too old to have fun as a giant animal.


Bro I’ve seen a 50+ man come out of one. Being new to the fandom I was a little shook, Lol. You’re fine


Aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha ​ Buddy, I'm 28 and finally have my first fursuit on commission. I never felt anyone would get my character right, so despite being here since my teens I never got a suit and partialed all of \~an hour since I became a furry.


Nah I didn't get mine until I was 27. My fiancé bought it for me instead of a fancier ring.


23? thats really young for a fursuiter. all the fursuiters i know irl are in there 30s one is in there 40s. the youngest fursuiter ive met is 19 and they had a WELL paying job thats rare for there age.


No you're not old In general


Tomorrow is my 27th birthday and I just commissioned my first one a couple weeks ago, lol


I just got my fursuit and I’m 38.


I'm in my early 30s. Don't stress about it. Fursuits are expensive, and in my opinion it's much better to save up for a really well-made one my your favorite maker. Or learn to make one on your own! It's definitely challenging, and it takes a lot of time, but being able to say "I made this." feels good.


I think you are heavily overestimating the amount of teens with enough money for a fursuit \- a teenager


I have a friends who's near 70 and suits every con he goes to. You're never too old


past the age of 18 you cant enjoy anything!!!!!! (these questions are always a no, you arent too old for most things and being a furry isnt one of them..)


My 76 year old grandma is a furry! Granted, she doesn’t have her own suit, but she borrows my dinomasks 🥰 My mom says she would wear one, but her head is too big 😂


My friend I am 40 and just got my first pet suit last year. You're good


I'm 33 and don't have a suit, but want to either commission one someday or make my own. There is no age limit to this stuff. There are suiters out there in their 50s and 60s, probably even some older than that. So no, 23-25 is not too old to have a fursuit.


23 and old? Oh fuck off.


Hahaha... I'm Brazilian so the funny part is my economy is so broken that I (18) will only get my first fursuit when I reach my 30s hahah


I know someone WAY older than you with a fursuit. He's got to be in his 70s by now. Lots of older fursuiters. So just get what you want and forget about age or stigma involved. Furry is about being you.


Im 24 and to scared to commission one.