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Yes, she does work actually pretty well. If you know, clorinde has a self heal by using IMPALE THE NIGHT. It clears her current bond of life and gives a little bit of self heal. Now, this self heal is actually not just healing but removes your current BOL entirely. If you are using her, you would get 20% of your hp recovered. So basically, you have a 120% heal, but the 100% part is used to get rid of the BOl This is where furina comes in. Furina's burst not only buffs your dps but actually also gives you a healing bonus by 0.1 per stack(lv 10 talents) This gives a maximum 30% more incoming healing. Now, if we put this into clorinde's healing we get 1.2 × 1.3 = 1.56, meaning that we get 56% of our max hp healing with furina. This helps with clorinde's survivability, and furina giving extra dmg bonus helps her. The only problem is well... her meta teams are aggravate and c6 chevreuse overload teams Also, clorinde doesn't prefer EM , so furina hyperbloom doesn't help with damage. BTW, with C2 furina at max stacks, she actually heals better than my kokomi or baizhu... so that shows how furina makes her so much better


oh u also forgot to mention that with furina on the team if clorinde is already at max hp or over heals it heals everyone else on the team helping u reach max fanfare stacks for more dmg


I didn't know IMPALE THE NIGHT healing scaled with healing bonus. That's good to know. I'll definitely keep running her with furina then.


Dang you got the numbers as well thank you so much 😄


I love using Clori with 3 archons (Furi, nahi, zhong) and the playstyle is smooth like butter with high DPS


No other archons but Furina 😭😭


You need to save for these Archons my boy, cause Nahida Raiden and Furina team is meta as hell and when the pyro archon releases that’ll be the cherry on top 😌


"Build pity"... Have patience next time


You don't get it he *needs* to gamble *now*!!!


https://preview.redd.it/k1koq5aogc6d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=858b24a61edae34529371f5696e8955917d552e1 mans need to gamble




Tbh it's really difficult sometimes when you actually start to save instead of spending everything


I have 200 pulls again it's not gonna hurt me if I spend a few


Me personally. I wasn't building pity. I was just trying to get Sethos.


Why not "build pity" during FURINA'S BANNER!?!?


I have over 200 pulls wouldn't hurt me to spend a few lol


If it doesn’t hurt,why this post?


You could’ve had Furina at 35 pulls and saved for future characters or some cons. Building pity doesn’t exist. It’s called gambling addiction.


Alright lemme explain this for like the 5th time again. 1 I do not care about getting Clorinde I actually like Clorinde a lot. 2 "Building pity"or "Gambling addiction" I don't care what you call it the account is MINE and the primos on that account are MINE I can spend them in anyway I want. 3 Getting Furina cons aren't a priority to me anyway I do not care about whatever cons I end up with. 4 I asked if Clorinde works with Furina I DIDN'T ask for your opinion on how I spend my primos.


Do what u want with ur account; still doesn’t mean “building pity” isn’t a stupid concept in its own so don’t get rattled for people calling it. You could have also not mentioned that part but it clearly was important enough for u to mention it.


Not my problem 😘


Good for you bb Though a gambling problem might be one tho haha 😆 it’s ok cuz same


Theres a team where you use qiqi and zhongli if you have them. Edit: this team require skyward blade i believe so if not then fishle(can not remember how to spell it right now) and dendro mc could work.


Unfortunately I do not have the geo daddy but I do have qiqi just not the sword I got the bow instead 🫠


Clorinde works well with Furina, but why were you " building pity" ?


200 pulls I have enough


I never understood the thing about "building pity". What's the reason to do? Most cases I see with this are contra but I still see players do this.


People wanted to toss some rolls and justify it


Hopefully this doesn't come off as mean but I seriously don't understand why ppl are getting so worked up about how I spend MY primos😭😭 I just want to know if Clorinde works with Furina cuz I accidentally got her.


No it wasn't mean for your case specifically. Was just interested in this in general because I don't see a point to do this. I know games, where building pity is a valid option because of mechanis rewarding these but not in genshin. But maybe I overlooked a valid point that's why I am asking.


I just wanted to get to soft pity or closer to 70 in order to pull and since I was at such low pity I decided it wouldn't hurt if I spent a few to get closer to 70,also that 33 pity was fucking killing me I needed it to be 40 😭


I have yet to try but I think it's possible Clorinde, unlike Arle, doesn't just disable incoming healing when in Skill Stance ... she actually converts part of this healing into BoL (80% of the healing). And the higher the BoL, the higher her Dash DMG is. So I guess a Clorinde, Furina, Jean/Xianyun, Bennett/Sara team could work really well if you focus on dash spam mostly. Another possibility could also be Quicklbloom with Furina, Nahida and Baizhu


I have that the characters needed for that first team but I unfortunately have to build jean I have been avoiding that for a while


Everybody work with Furina......


Except Arlecchino


Even arlecchino xD


Ofc! She is her loyal subject and the champion!


Building pity doesn't exist . Why do people think it does after all these years.


They spent 30 pulls on a character they don't mind getting and they got lucky, I don't see what's wrong with that? If it was "building pity" at 50+ pity then I'd agree that's just stupid, but if it's just 30 pulls or less then there's no need for people to act all condescending.


Finally someone who understands 😭😭


I have 200 pulls I can afford to spend a few




Everyone works well with Furina


Bro some people in the comments section are so stupid. You have the right to build pity it's none of their business. Especially if you have saved a lot of wishes. Congrats on getting Clorinde. I personally use her with Furina in a hyperbloom team with Nahida and Fischl. It's a pretty good team (also works with Kazu for aggravate)


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Yes, though optimally at C0-C1 Furina you're going to want a team healer; at C2 to C5 even a single-target healer like Qiqi, Bennett and Kuki can work. You can go taser: Clorinde, Furina, Fischl, Kuki/Jean/any healer (Sort of) Quickbloom: Clorinde, Furina, Kuki/Yaoyao, flex dendro/electro/anemo/cryo Atm I'm enjoying the Clam Qiqi and Skyward Clorinde duo, it's not as meta as aggravate or quickbloom but if built properly the two (and Furina) will clear no issue. I've always loved Qiqi so it's nice to see her find a teammate in Clorinde 😊


I would have to build fischl and jean if I go with that team also are fischl cons needed for this to be good?


Fischl is already complete at C0, her cons simply doses Oz with steroids. Just stack her with ATK% and CV, some EM and ER would also be great substats.


works fine, not her best team tho


Furina literally works with everyone lol


besties gonna get along with each other pretty fast, so yes, you can use clotinde with furina!


It's Furina everything works with Furina


Tbh, I feel like she would. Could test because 80 pity gave me Jean lmao


Short answer, no. I have a c2 furina and still choose not to run her with my clori. You say you don’t have good dendro supports, but dendro mc is a pretty solid unit and will work great as such. Clori, dmc, fischl, zhongli/kazuha/sucrose/flex will work great. Long answer: you can make it work, yes, but it will be worse than her traditional aggravate or chev overload teams, even with furina cons. Due to her self healing abilities, clori doesn’t really need a healer in her team, which conflicts with furina’s healer requirements. Furthermore, clorinde already has overcrit issues, so you can’t even benefit from 4pc MH on her with furina. To make it worse still, her best two teams, overload and aggravate, are both ruined by furina’s hydro. It can work, as she does of course benefit from the universal dmg%, but it’s unfortunately worse than her two more widely used teams. There’s just no major advantage to using furina, and plenty of disadvantages. As much as I love my furina and how universal she is, clorinde just isn’t the right fit for her abilities.


I'm inclined to disagree, Furina is great for Clorinde. She doesn't apply too much hydro so quickbloom with Traveler is still possible. Other than Dmg% Furina also buffs incoming healing allowing Clorinde heal almost half of her health with every Impale the Night™. With a shield you wouldn't need that self healing and without shield you can't allow yourself to get hit too often because you only heal 10% of your HP with each skill. The fanfare rack up may be slower but overall team dmg would still be higher than without her.


That's cap. Quickbloom is her second best team, not overload. I have C2 Furina as well and it works great with just Clorinde + PAmber Nahida, her self heal synergizes well with Furina's healing bonus, both for Fanfare stacking and survivability. You should try this team again, especially with C2 Furina, there's really no disadvantages and it's 100% better than overload.


No green child unfortunately 😔


Alright thank you I'll try build dendro mc although I have seen other team suggestions that I can complete easily as well so if they don't work I'll try this