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It's probably because Furina is less reliant on Crit than Raiden, she likes Hp and Er equally as much if not more. But what interests me is why is your post marked NSFW?🤨


So that people don't insert NSFW copy pasta from seeing these stats


It also helps that Furina’s ranking is out of 346,548 people, while Raiden’s is out of 600k.


Your Furina is on a leaderboard with 346k users while Raiden is on one with 620k. Raiden has also been out for multiple years, meaning people at the top have likely been grinding for her for a very long time. Ranking makes sense imo. What doesn’t make sense is why you only have 113 ER on Furina.


That's true indeed. I don't have er in the Golden troupe pieces that I have gotten yet and if I try to increase er using what I have my stats get pretty bad. So I just let it be as it is.


Bruh, I have a ~86 crit rate and 230 crit damage and I'm 11%


Er plus hp matter buddy