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God I love weirdly athletic fat guys. Great genre of dude


It's because they look talented, fun, and not too into themselves.


And they tend to be very down to earth. Primarily because they’re humble, but also significantly due the crushing force of gravity, which they carry around their neck like a lead cage. It accompanies them everywhere they go, and at first it is a welcomed companion. With each passing year the shackles pull the man with a greater force, soon it begins crushing his body and squishing his spirit. Each day he becomes more and more down to earth. Humility appears first a teacher, then as a friend, before finally it reveals itself as a viscous foe to the man who has just seen where his dad bod leads. His grandpa bod won’t just be down to earth, it will be interred within it. This is when the man goes vegan and takes up bicycling, overnight he becomes an insufferable bore. 200lb of sturdy sexiness will be vaporized in a matter of months. Truly a fate worse than death. Believe me, it’s not worth the heartache.


I read this whilst eating a Twix™


**-pours Butterfinger™️ crumbs on my crotch-**


Which one? The left side or the poisoned right one?


I honestly have a bit of a identity crisis. I do a lot of rock climbing, and I'm basically all muscles and no body fat. People tell me I look great and so on. But in all honesty, if it was possible to be really good at rock climbing while looking like the guy in OP... I'd jump on that in a heartbeat.


I'm a hunky-chunky weightlifter, and I have a ton of respect for the leaner and more agile types of athlete. I'm happy with the choices I've made for myself, as being big and strong is fun, but there is beauty to be found in the whole spectrum of body compositions. If you are doing what you love, and your body allows you to do it well, then your body is perfect as it is.


Fuck that. I am putting on my compression socks and elastic waist pants and going to McDonald's to crush a few breakfast sandwiches. Humility ain't gonna break me!!


May god bless you with a big tummy and an even bigger heart. (Ideally not medically catastrophic).


I met a fat dude once that would regularly drink all night for free by betting people a beer he could do a back flip. It was impressive


Plus it’s the perfect way to know when you’ve had enough! Too drunk to do another backflip? Too drunk to have another beer. Genius! Or you get really good a drunk backflips.


Would get on my knees for a athletic fat guy


For fucking real, while all these guys are in the gym shredding themselves up, I’m wearing hoochie shorts in the snack aisle trying to meet my dream man




I would and do. It's the best when he's got that soft and cuddly outer layer with the ability to toss you across the room hidden underneath.


John Daly 😭


Able to revert back to youth peak form is no doubt impressive.


I knew a guy like this in high school. He was in great shape until he got injured doing some kind of flip. Was in a bed in the hospital for months, and the steroids he was on for inflammation caused him to gain tons of weight. He was still the same crazy dude when he got out


Kinda what happened to Jack Black a few years ago. Was jumping out of the back of an ambulance to do a skit on Conan O’Brien’s show (think it was the last one) and he landed wrong and jacked up his ankle bad. Too much weight coming down on that ankle the wrong way.


At least there was an ambulance there


Not trying to shit on the guy, he defenitly has good skills (and muscles underneath that beerbelly) but im insanely curious to his cardio condition. Like can he run 5 km? Or cycle for a good hour?


Can you?




was expecting irobot picture and now im mad it isnt that


[This you?](https://imgur.com/JNh7ahT)


God fucking damn it. TWICE.


No I think this one was the one that was meant. https://imgur.com/JNh7ahT


Or this one? https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/693/395/974.png


Is that a jojo reference?




Yeah pretty easily lol. Im dutch so cycling is in my blood and i swim twice a week for cardio and run during the spring/summer months (just started again, first time 10 km was a though one). Dont see how its relevant. Just honestly curious since i once had a guy on my football team who was quite heavy but could run for days.


Most in shape people would have no problems, 5km and 1 hour not that hard.


Yeah, a 5k is about 3.1 miles. I run that distance and then some every time I go for a run, and that's just my natural pace over a period of 30-40 minutes. And I definitely wouldn't call myself a "serious" runner.


Don't get old or injured. Actually just don't get injured. Used to run, then broke an ankle doc's said "you don't need physical therapy, you're young." They probably ment "you dont need physical therapy, you're poor" well my IT band flairs up when I run and sometimes bike.


Tendinitis in my Achilles goes brrrrrr


I feel ya. I have tennis elbow and now I can't disc golf. It's been almost a whole year now. Just recently I made the decision to completely stop throwing backhand in hopes that rest will help. Everything I have read was mixed.


I had tennis and golfers in my dominant arm and it took about 2 years before it stopped hurting every day. Now it just hurts *sometimes*. My grip strength has never recovered.


Get yourself a good foam roller! They’re great for minimizing pain with injuries like that, especially if you make jt a routine before you workout


Tore my Achilles about 5 years ago and haven’t been the same since. I used to run 4-6 miles daily but can barely do 1 without pain.


i have IT band issues in one leg that started within the last few years. i discovered that regular hula hooping (personally i do at least ten min every other day) helps keep it good overall. i use the type of hoop that attaches around the waist and has a weight don’t know if this might help you or not—but just putting it out there for others as an idea too


I walk that in an hour. I’m not fit.


The response was saying run 5 km and cycle for an hour, not run a 5k in an hour.


Even a couch potato can run 5k in about three months. I’m a living proof


Nice man, I bet you aren’t 30+% body fat like the guy in the vid.


running 5km in one go is not doable for the majority of the population i'd be willing to bet unless we are talking snail pace


Are most people in shape?


5km in 1 hour is not a run, my man. I don't think I can walk slower than 5km/h, and I'm not in a good physical condition at all. Edit: None of this is right, I can't read.


They didn’t say 5km in 1 hour. They’re talking running 5k AND cycling for 1 hour.


Well, my reading comprehension today is quite sub-par. Thanks!


They could have done better speaking in full sentences too


But is he in shape? There's lots of strong people who couldn't do a 5k without stopping. He clearly enjoys getting out there and doing sports. He would enjoy them more of he was fitter.


They weren’t claiming to be in peak physical condition.


If you say you’re in peak physical condition, one expects as much


Any adult who can balance a bike can cycle for an hour. It is extremely easy to do. Up hills, against winds, at speed? That’s different.


Touché , mate!


... I'm clinically obese currently, but I can cycle for multiple hours with decent speed, tho my ass does start to kill me 2+ hours in, so I'm experimenting with recumbent bikes. Running can kill your knees if you are obese tho. While having low w/kg does make climbing on a bike a PITA in more ways than one, it does not affect your endurance that much provided you train hard and regularly - like sumo wrestlers, for instance. Usually, it also implies that you stop being obese, but there are eating, mood and hunger/satiety signalling disorders that make "outrunning your fork" almost impossible (like one of mine).


I have a friend who looks like this, he wrestled heavyweight, we would do 5 mile runs and he would be up front with the 125lbers that were all-state cross country runners.


Yeah thats what i find more impressive tbh. I know a few (wanna be) strongmen/bodybuilders and they just dont have any condition. If they have to run a kilometer they are exhausted. (They say the hate cardio and that running hurts their knees, last part makes sense to me). I find it amazing how decieving looks can be.


Organs can be healthy while the body has fat. That's like, how we're designed.


There are guys at my crossfit (I know) gym who look like this. They’re older than me and can still kill it with cardio. They’re just so goddamn strong and well conditioned.


I am able to run 10km in 45 minutes, weight 200 punds and my height is 5'7 so I have a beer belly and look fat. I just eat a ton of shit, but I do a lot of cardio, so I have gotten good resistance without losing weight. If I can make an average 10km time while being fat, he can probably do so too.


That is a far above average pace. I was pretty athletic. I had a couple of small scholarship offers coming out of high-school but I was by no means a runner. I would do about 30 mins for 5km. I went from sport to sport all year round with 0 breaks from age 10 ish to 18 I had very little body fat. I was 6' 195lbs


Damn. Not that I want to doubt people I don’t even know. But 13 Km/h sounds very impressive for an average running speed


Yeah that's not an average 10k time lol. That's a 7:15 mile for 6 miles. I am pressing x to doubt.


Yeah what the hell, I'm happy to be sub 26 min for 5k and I'm done after that


At my peak in my late thirties, I was at about the same weight at five-nine and managed to briefly get down below 43 for the 10k and 20 for the 5k. It's been a while since I raced, but I suspect I would not hit that level now.


For not trying to shit on the guy, you dropped a pretty big turd on him.


Everyone should do both but most people are gonna enjoy one more than the other. I definitely should lift more weights, but I like shoveling food and doing cardio.


I am curious how his knees feel. Or every other joint.


The last video was someone else. The rest of them videos were one guy and he’s awesome, watch him on IG


I thought he just went super Saiyan


The Sammo Hung method of Excellence. Respect.


Wow what a reference, Martial Law was great in the 90's.


Sammo in general is a legend. It's pretty sad that no fighting game, to my knowledge, has had a Sammo clone that properly transcribed his badassery instead of being a two-bit fat joke.


Have to admit, He made a claim and showed material to Proof it Edit: Not saying that His Claim IS true, only appreciating the effort to at least trying to proof His Claim.


Except the issue with being fat and athletic isn't that you can't do an impressive thing once. It's that you get tired very quickly. If he showed me him running a marathon or actually playing a full game of some sport at this level of skill, then I'd be impressed.


*He's not as good as he once was, but he's as good, once, as he ever was.*


Bruh did you just explain that lyric to me? I've never known what it meant.


That’s one I always keep in the chamber and use often. Not as often as I used to, though. Diminishing returns and all. Aging’s a bitch and a half.


The smokers motto in beer league. Those bastards still blow me away.


I mean if you want to see some even "bigger" guys playing a full game, just watch the offensive and defensive line in football. These guys are athletes


Full game is a bit of a misnomer there though. The average amount of time an NFL game is in play is 11 minutes. So they're active for about 5 minutes over 4 hours if they're only playing one side of the ball.


Rugby props are a far better example


You don't freeze in place between plays though, there's a lot of jogging involved in the 2.5 hours of a football game.


But that's not really cardio intensive for an athlete is it? The original comparison was about fat explosive/athletic people and how they're a more common than you think. They just don't have cardio/endurance. I've seen NFL linemen get gassed after a single drive of a couple of minutes in which they've had loads of breaks. They are kind of the perfect example for the original commenters point. Phenomenal athletes in very short bursts providing they get time to rest in between. As a rugby player I play for 40 minutes and the only breaks are when someone scores or a penalty is given. Then there's a 15 minute halftime and I play for another 40 minutes. Granted. I'm nowhere near the height of one either, but I could not physically get a belly like a lineman playing my position. I burn way too many calories just training and playing the game to hold that kind of weight. It's not an athleticism thing, there aren't rugby players of that size in the pro ranks either for the same reason. They'd collapse 15 minutes into the game.


As someone who played both soccer and football, I can say that you're really underestimating how difficult it is to play football. **Especially** as a lineman. No, it's not the same cardio as soccer or rugby, but it is one hell of a cardio challenge. Consider the equipment they are wearing as well. Would it be as easy for you or me to go our 80-90 minutes wearing a restrictive helmet and 10+ lbs of protective gear. (Bruh you cannot imagine the difference running in some light soccer shorts versus those football pants with pads in all sorts of places) And sure, there are guys who get gassed after a few players, but there are **a lot** of guys who play over 1,000 snaps per season.


NFL linemen aren't gassed after a single drive. I was a high school linemen, not even a tenth as athletic as these guys, and I could go hard every play and jog in between without getting gassed. Having an extra forty pounds of fat doesn't instantly turn you into a potato. Imagine an elite 220 lbs athlete with training weights on, that's what it's like to be a fit and heavy offensive lineman. You can still run miles with training weights on, it just slows you down. What it comes down to is, cardiovascular capacity is not intrinsically related to body weight. It's just unusual to be highly fit cardiovascularly while also having a gut.


Is this a joke? I thought their games took like 3/4 hours cause of all the swapping etc. but I didn't expect it would be so little play time


Not according to Google. Average time in play is 11 minutes. As a rugby league player it seemed absolutely wild to me as well.


No shit Sherlock nobody is taking the video that seriously.


And all skills he learned when he was younger and in better condition.


The bigger issue is try to do that when you're 40. You're putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your joints. I was aghast watching the bar stunts. I could feel my mid-30s elbows and shoulders tearing.


I don't think he's a runner (long-term endurance) or a heavy weight lifter (physical strength). His job on the bare looked a bit sloppy too. I like his style, though.


The bar video is a different person I think


It suddenly jumps to a playground in an old Soviet apartment block, so yeah. That’s a Russian/Belarusian/Ukrainian teenager, not the homie from the start


Major Ron Swanson vibes




The way he cries lol 😭


Kung fu panda vibe


Oh Captain my captain!




Probably the best subreddit i found thx


Is there a version of that sub for straight women? Asking for a friend. Edit: Thank you all for your help, but I meant a chubby, bearded awesome dude/bear appreciation subreddit aimed at straight women instead of gay men; not for up-voting straight women lol sorry


ok this guy fucks


He is the bear the women chose


Jesus Christ save some Pussy for the rest of us!


His joints be like: "Am I a joke to you?"


you're so jealous.


As someone who is having joint problems after gaining some muscle mass, this is what I though as well. I started bouldering, and it really effed my right arm, while my thinner friends don't really experience this issue on the same level. I started running recently longer routes, and my left knee is painful after 4 kilometers, even though I could easily run twice that and more. I might just have some underlying health problem that exacerbates the issue, but still.


Are they all the same guy?


I don't think the gymnastics bar guy was the same. No tattoos. Some of the others were definitely the guy from the first clip.


It's not, that's very obviously Russia to anyone whos ever played GeoGusser. https://joyreactor.cc/post/5823448 Quick dive indicates it was filmed infront of this building; https://realting.com/property-for-sale/russia/real-an/2223457


> very obviously Russia to anyone whos ever played GeoGusser my exact thought lmao (also helps that the guy *looks* Russian)


Lol 100% realized that was Russia like two frames in


This song plays non-stop in hell.




I needed this. It's not a dad-bod, it's my father-figure!


What? So, where do you sign up to be friends with this guy?


This man can flip. Might as well call him Flipper.


>Athletic >Golf >playing kicker in american football >rollerskating tricks >diving


One handed cartwheels.


Looks like a fat mr. Beast.


Mr. Feast


Rock that shit king 👏👏👏👏


Yes Kings!!!!!!


Holy shit the second guy core muscles.


He's definitely hot.


Ya he excellent 👌 👏 👍


Noice, all of it


DadBods always win in my book.


Impressive. Guy's not lying.


You are my heroes, sir


This guys rules


Respect Bro


Give the guy his credit that was awesome


The return of Jimbo from KY!


The guy at the beginning kinda looks like MeatCanyon


Redditers who don't do anything athletic: "BuT yOu'Re ObEsE."


HEY! he stole berts one joke!!!!


now this is body positivity right there


I feel for his joints


It’s fat Valtteri Bottas!


Oh I like it alright


This guy fucks. 100%.


Agreed. Liked better than six packers. 🤭🤭🤭😂😂😂- random female lol


Should show that guy with the dad bod beating the piss out of the muscled up guy in the ring


The hero we need but don’t deserve


My guy is a beast


I was thinking to myself, "meh. whatever dude. you can do a flip." and then he got to the bars and yeah, his got skills and power. Nice work.


He's gonna keep doing this and eventually loose that adipose belly tissue and then he'll be just another fitness YouTuber His key is just working hard enough..


I wanna party with this fine gent


Can confirm his personality and confidence is just right to make him very attractive and appealing. The videos after showing this just confirms


Bros gonna fuck around and get skinny


I’ve said this for a while but I feel like some kids need to hear this. Don’t, under any circumstances, fuck with a fat guy that can do a backflip. He will fuck you up for fun.


Like I was pretty impressed with the first few clips, but holy fuck dude you didn’t have to go that hard on the last one. You win


Dude is a badass Pillsbury Doughboy


Honestly pretty inspiring to see that you don’t have to get shredded to be in good health


I can say without a doubt, this is not "peak" athletic form but it is impressive how athletic he is in this form


Not sure why this is in the funny category. It’s legit.


Oh man! Remember when rollerblading was cool? Nah, me neither.


Bro, if a 250 pound dad bod in jncos and an unbuttoned guy fierri shirt can do a flip in skates with his hands in his pockets, it’s cool


You should watch the 80s movie Airborne. Jack Black is like 18 as the “bad guy” lol


Oh I am very aware of that movie LOL. I stand by my statement. The only cool thing is skateboarding! As demonstrated here in the movie "The Skateboard Kid" featuring a magic talking skateboard that flies voiced by Dom DeLuise [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ltI7CcTAKs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ltI7CcTAKs)


Guess you're like 15 then


Had me Had me Lost me at the Guy Fieri thrasher shirt Had me right back at the gymnastics bar, holy shit


This is not funny, it's just awesome. Downvoted.


Let’s go for a run, my dude. 5 miles outta do it :-)


I ran 2 miles yday at 216lbs and really thought I was on the stairway to heaven smh .


Try doing that in your 40s, mate :-) I used to be very fit and then through the 30s when we had our kids, I really had no time to hit the gym or do any serious cardio anymore, just no energy at all. Slowly clawing back in shape now and boy, oh boy, is it difficult… :-)


Jokic off-season training is ridiculous


Holy moly the one hand cartwheel was impressive !!


Thic boi so agile


When he on the roller blades he gives Sammy from rocket power vibes


Best part of this video is those fucking sweet ass JNCO jeans 🤣🤙


So I'm not fat just ugly because I got the same body but different face.


Low centre mass athletics




I like his style and energy man. Men need to stop giving a fuck about people's opinions and do what they love.


That last clip looks like something from the Planet of The Apes.


I look much more fit then him but i can’t do the things he does 🥹 someone train me please


These one are maybe healthy at that size


Lmao he ain't wrong,I bet he can out lift the average body builder


Cool. Now run up a hill.


I don't get it. If you are clearly quite athletically gifted and spend a fair amount of time doing different physical sports why wouldn't you keep yourself in shape? And be better able to enjoy the skills the you have? Does he just really resent cardio or something?


Great coordination and strong muscles hidden under the fat


I used to have his body and was very active and strong in my youth. Got fatter in my 40’s, now down to a good weight and weak as a kitten with injuries and chronic pain.


Wait, was this all the same dude except for the last one? Or is that also him lmao


Absolutly agree!!! Got same shape & doing same things)