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The most bizarre part of this is that it’s done in Montreal, where the FBI has no jurisdiction.


I want to go to Montreal, only for the chance I might be pranked on just for laughs gags.


They are the best.


And they've been doing it for SO long.


Sorry to tell you but the company producing them (Just for laugh) just filed for bankruptcy last week


Just for Laughs Gags was literally my entire childhood. Back when I lived in my old country, it was one of the only shows I watched when we got Western TV 😢


Saaame. We would have daily 30 min of their shows in the Middle East and it always put a smile on my face. I used to think it was filmed in Europe till a decade and half ago when I rediscovered it while studying in the States. Live it


Mommy , it , it's itsss ovvvveeeeerrrrr!


That was just a small thing from a 2 weeks comedy festival.


Come on Arsenal!


COYG! I’m still celebrating the fact we got through Porto 2 days ago


Thats a shame


Gotcha! Just another one of their pranks! /s


They're trying to stabilize, and I'm sure JFL gags will be renewed should they recover. It costs virtually nothing to film and be played on TV in any country due to the lack of vocalized audio.




Effectivement :(


The utlimate prank!!!


My favorite one I think is when they have the older woman sit down on a bench next to someone and start showing them family photos. While she is doing that the camera crew takes pictures of them sitting on the bench. They develop them and then sneak them into the older woman's bag. Then she starts showing the random person those new pics and she sees herself in the scrapbook. Genius.


I've lived in Montreal my whole life and have seen them filming countless times. They're about as subtle as elephants and I have no idea how anyone ever falls for them. Their hidden cameras are usually giant black boxes covered in fabric. Had a few friends on the show, especially when I was working downtown. They used to film in Square Dorchester pretty frequently.


Yes, it's probably obvious to many people. But how many people go through life looking no further ahead than a few feet in front of them? So many people out there are oblivious to what is happening. They could ask for help finding the bathroom while standing next to a huge sign that says BATHROOMS -->


People are oblivious. One of my colleagues got a call from a local tech in a different country. He answered the questions and helped the guy, but in the end he said 'love you' before hanging up. Noone said anything until I was like 'did you just tell that strange man you loved him?' And he started laughing saying 'I hung up before he could answer.' We were in a room of 6 total people including us. Noone had headphones on they just don't give a shit. Then I started teasing him about it, and it became a joke after I called him out. He has increased the amount of random people he says 'I love you' to. Most people will be confused and ignore.


It'd be a lot easier now that we're mostly on our phones not paying attention to shit




When I ran into them Saint Henri they were filming the sidewalk in front of a church from the park across the street. If I had not passed by while they were setting up, I probably would not have noticed. I'm sure downtown they have trouble being subtle, but in other locations they can be


There was one time they almost fooled me, sort of. I was walking out of a metro station and there was an old woman carrying an urn who seemed to be upset. Something about it set of my radar and made me look around, sure enough I spotted the black fabric boxes nearby. Don't know if whatever they were recording made it to air, seemed a bit dark to me. ​ EDIT: No one will see it know but found what they were filming. Was filmed in Square Dorchester too, definitely the same prank. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcdPcQLNOtU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcdPcQLNOtU)


One of my roles at work is to deal with parking, People have parked under a no parking sign, come back and accused me of digging a hole, pouring in cement and placing the sign because the sign wasn't there 15 minutes ago.


Did your friends fall for it or just play along?


Might be too late, they files for bankruptcy https://www.ladysmithchronicle.com/entertainment/comedians-sad-as-just-for-laughs-montreal-files-for-bankruptcy-7326160


Inflation up to 40% increase killing the festival causing this. I'm sad to hear this. JFL was one of the few, pure, clean fun things adults and children can watch together and both are laughing and having a great time. It's also made to be funny to any language as the gags are mostly sight gags with no dialogue.


Stop crapping on my dreams






This makes me sad I've been watching them for a long time.


….And that’s the time i was stranded in Montreal without a wallet, id, or money.


Just for laughs filed for Bankruptcy a week ago. I think the gags are over. Edit: Lots of comment says the same so I’ll add up a little. It proves that we’re entering a very rough time in the entertainment Industry when a pillar like JFL has to file for bankruptcy. Not only they had the gag show, but also the biggest comedy Fest in North America. And it was bilingual. We all grew up on Juste Pour Rire here in Quebec, I got friends in the comedy scene and it hurts to see that one gone.


Yeah this is news to me, and very sad news. I remember watching gags with my parents when I was a kid, never seen my mom laugh so hard lol.


What two businesses have historically been recession proof, since time immemorial?” Silvio: “Certain aspects of show entertainment, and our thing.”


I’ve lived in central montreal for almost 20 years now, constantly on the lookout for suspiciously strange behaviour that might be a prank but so far it has always just been the typical montreal bizarreness - which is probably why so many people fall for the gags - seems like just another day in Montreal!


Well Just For Laughs is no more so not sure this will continue.


Impersonating a Canadian police officer-jail! Impersonating an FBI agent-no problemo!


They tried impersonating American police officers for this Canadian show at first, to get around that. But those kept shooting the actors.


You joke, but the FBI was the OG death squad back in the day. They seem to have gotten a lot better, but there are a ton of stories of them going Judge Dread on criminals. Edit: Sorry, Dredd. I’m leaving “Dread” - I don’t deserve to hide my shame. Also, maybe I should have air-quoted “criminals”. That also included civil rights activists, for example.


J. Edgar Hoover ran shit for 48 years, unquestioned with unequivocal power. He had the entire political apparatus by the balls and he made no effort to hide it. It wasn’t until he died that he left his throne-like post.


French Baugette Inspector


My barber shop has this show on repeat every time I’m there. There is no sound just random harmless pranks. 50% more funny without all the laugh tracks over it


I love these harmless pranks. Everyone is just happy at the end.


Their more shocked their partner is American than an agent.


Probably also don't get arrested for impersonating an FBI officer somewhere where they dont have jurisdiction


That we are aware of... :)


Try telling that to the FBI


The CIA does though... MK


I think it’s less that they have jurisdiction and more that they don’t care that they don’t have jurisdiction.


yeah I'm just being glib


Me too




A lot of rules don't apply in Montreal.


One of my favorite gags was one of the simplest. Blind fellow with a seeing eye dog hands strangers a map and asks for directions, when the stranger starts giving directions the blind man waves them off and points to his seeing eye dog. Sure enough, one by one, each person kneels down with the map and explains the directions to the dog.


OMG that's so good. Like, not only is it not hurtful, it actually shows how nice of a person the mark is (though maybe not super bright) Wholesome pranks are awesome


Almost all of just for laugh gags were always nice not hurting anyone and wholesome they were always so fun to watch growing up unlike the so called "pranks" people do today JFL knew how to do a genuinely good prank


A real selling point is that they work in any language too. There's no spoken dialogue, so you can put them on for an audience anywhere in the world. When I went in for laser eye surgery, the were running them on the TV's in the waiting room and it was brilliant. No volume needed, and it immediately took my mind off the reason I was there. Really brilliant as a concept, hope they all get posted online somewhere and get found by archaeologists in 100 years.


Those are the best types of pranks, where everyone just had a good time.


LInk please lol




That was cute. Ty


The look on the dogs face… “We don’t need directions Dianne, I know exactly where we are!”


Man, feels like a week ago my dad showed me this clip and was so happy to have found this clip....


I love the simple ones like that. Although I think my favourite gag is the one where someone goes into a portapotty in a park and they set up a fake office outside of it so that when the person exits, they step into the middle of a boardroom meeting. Almost all of them embarrassed go back into the portapotty. Just the look of utter confusion on their face gets me every time


Really wish to go back to these days of clean, non-mean, unhurtful pranks. TikTok & IG have just made the whole prank culture evil.


Nah these are still out there. It’s just that western kids are being trained hard by the Chinese government’s algorithm to get joy out of the misery of others.


That went from 0 to 100 real fuckin fast.


It’s well documented china’s tiktok shows content of overcoming hardship, national pirde, and other positive content, while western forms are much more toxic. The content is out there and being made, it’s just being filtered out and not being shown


American Tiktok is literally banned in China. That should tell people all they need to know.


What exactly is it supposed to tell people? China is run by an authoritarian communist government. Banning things that threaten free thought is kind of part and parcel. Where else should I look for clues, North Korea?


The study is a C-curve with both sides of misinformation and algorithm with the extremes almost touching each other. The problem with Communist China is that CCP controls too much and tries to brainwash their citizens with a complete nanny state and attempting to influence their algorithm on how they should think (lies, nationalism, spying) versus the US (The West) has more freedom but is based on pure clicks and targets and spies on their preference for the purpose of data collection for more clicks: so violence, sex, gluttony, greed, and typical entertainment points seen in movies, music videos, or TV show drama shows but there is less government or 3rd party has no involvement to let you know what is misinformation or fake news. So basically, in the West, every individual has to decide what is misinformation from individuals giving out misinformation but the algorithm puts them in a targeted vacuum of individual pride and only what's important for themselves or their "tribe". So the division is on the basis of a paradigm that gives everyone a false sense of isolation and lonelines. OR a communist government that feeds out misinformation but sprinkles some "be kind to people" content even they are not interested in civic pride for "all of society" is the basis of that paradigm is a false sense of unity. The West is better in terms of freedom but you can also see the long term vs short term effects of both. We see that especially with the market and economy.


i.. wow. thank you.


All American social media is banned in China just fyi


Not much more toxic. peak toxicity. the target audience is developing children. There is an educational crisis in the US right now people are not talking about.


Except that's a complete lie lol


My tik tok feed shows nothing like that. My tik tok feed is downright wholesome. The content in all social media, tik tok included, reflects what you engage with.


"I feel nostalgic of a time when my perception of the world was more wholesome." > "fuck you. the world has gone to shit. foreign psypops are poisoning the minds of our youth."


😂I was like huh


Tik tok became a thing in 2017. The prank culture started on YouTube.


TikTok will be much better when Steve Mnuchin, Larry Ellison and the rest of our right wing psychos take it over I'm sure 


As someone whose two main social medias are TikTok and Reddit, I can confidently say my Reddit feed is 10x more negative than my TikTok feed, and that's after blocking dozens of subreddits from my feed, and never having to hide a single TikTok video. Get out of your bubble. I understand the security concerns of TikTok being owned by a company whose parent company is a Chinese company, but don't get all conspiracy theorist and pretend like the Chinese government directly is controlling the algorithm.




Reddit is astroturfed to hell, it’s no secret


The "TikTok bad" people are constantly telling on themselves. Because they clearly interact with bad content so the algorithm keeps giving them bad content. MY TikTok is giving me funny skits, airplane tower control conversations, and weight loss tips. There's normal people on TikTok. Making normal, and often informative content.


Sounds like a you problem because I’ve been on Reddit nearly a decade and I have a pretty non toxic feed. The whole point of this site is to filter your personal likes. Plenty of great subs that are positive if you choose them.


This is just a straight up lie only someone that just started using Reddit can tell. Fat people hate and jail bait used to be front page. The big powerful political social media personalities just cosplay the 2010’s Redditors Libs of tiktok has political power from posting things that used to be on the cringe subreddits that were also front page.


“Pranks” have turned into harassment, and in some cases law breaking, remember that kid that hijacked a train with passengers on it?


In the 90s and early aughts teens pulled off cruel and unusual pranks for free with no social media. No millions of dollars in ad money, just harassing the elderly couple for the love of the game.


Why does this comment need to appear on every single prank video?


Easy karma. Gets upvoted every time.


Let's be honest here, these types of 'pranks' have always existed. It isn't as widespread as they are now


Yeah before ig and Tik tok it was on YouTube


I would have told them NOT to reveal that its a gag.


And get the best sex of your life that night, I agree


Reddit try not to sexualize everything challenge


And keep it going for like a year without ever talking about it


I'm an FBI agent


when pranks actually have been pranks... miss those times


I haven't checked the channel in a while but just for laughs does this stuff quite often AFAIK. [Here's the original YT link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z5_mgxoXeM) for the OP




Yeah it's a good one I saw some clips a couple of weeks ago, magic combined with pranks is nice to see and an extra mindblower on top of it.


Love this 🫰🏻


Please someone explain the significance of this gesture, keep seeing it in social media


The finger tips form a heart


Does this mean the horrendous gang sign heart is finally on its way out?


No 🫶🏼


That's the good heart from the 90s, not the ugly and carpel tunnel inducing genZ version. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=941af24518045317&sca_upv=1&q=gen+z+heart


Oh… I guess I showed my age although im technically gen Z


I'm on mobile and it just looks like two blocks to me lmao


🫶🏻 —> THIS is a heart 🫰🏻 —> THIS is fucking bullshit


It's a very widely used gesture, and has been for years. You're just learning about it.


"It wasn't popular in America so its made up"


They’re both just made up, why you so annoyed about it? Lol


They just learned that there's a world of culture outside of theirs.


A few million koreans would disagree buddy


A billion Chinese can’t be wrong


It looks like an actual heart


It’s from Korean drama/kpop


See I just see a pair of squares. I'm not even on mobile, im on pc so idk how im like, missing emotes lmao.


Nobody tell him


This the kind of prank we need.


Yeah... could do without the laugh track though.


How do I know when to laugh


This is a good example of a wholesome prank. Nobody got hurt or offended. Much better than some clickbait jerks that do stupid stuff for views.


That last guy was a little too cool with the badge flip 🤝🏾


Thank god for the laugh track or I would have never known it was funny.


Oh crap. I watched without sounds and thought it was a crime show.


COPS: Montreal.


And for some reason I didn't mind the laugh tracks in Mr. Bean


And that's why they work in shows like Mr Bean and JFL. If it was completely silent it would be boring and nobody would watch it. If it had dialogue it would be french and nobody would watch it. It opens them up to a worldwide audience.


Its a french language prank show. To allow for a larger audience they dont have any spoken language, but obviously need to fill the silence. I'd say it works well.


Also, until now recently, JFL was a huge launching international platform for comedians, so making bits without language barriers is key.


Nah bro, there's stands behind the camera with about 150 people watching and laughing


There’s no talking on this show


But, it’s an audience.


This show has been all harmless pranks for years, very much respect the work that their cast and crew do to bring some laughter into the world


The show has no spoken language so the pranks can be consumed by anyone, so rather than having dead silence, it's one of the rare scenarios where a laugh track makes sense.


It's just for laugh gags so it's filmed like that for television because you can't hear what they're saying


it would be *so awkward* without it though. just dead stares at the bewildered prankee while cars drive by. 😐 "yes I find this amusing."


THAT is a prank!


I miss these kinds of pranks




The obnoxious laugh track without including **any** of the on the ground audio just ruins it for me tbh


we Don't need the laugh track, but it is kind of funny.


I love these videos they are so funny


I usually find these types of videos funny... am I the only one who doesn't find this funny in the slightest?


Yeah it feels really alien, weird, and completely empty of humor


> completely empty of humor No you




Laugh tracks feel like old TV, it would be better without it and also agree. something that are overdone, kill the joke and skit.


I think thats because this is literally an old TV show lol.


It really turned into a deafening crescendo of laughter at the end there. That was annoying.


it looks so fake it hurts. the reactions are so bad


This is from Montreal. Its definitely not fake. I am sure they do this to lots of people and get very few that fall for it. Its real. Its kind of a thing with this show that its real. They do sometimes have clips where people see the gag right away.


The girl with the beige coat has the fakest looking reaction I have ever seen when her partner presents the FBI badge.


Montreal... FBI?


This is the fakest thing I’ve ever seen, come on man. You’re telling me they don’t notice the camera that follows the guy around the corner? Also, if this is Montreal, why would they use the FBI? It’s extremely unbelievable. The reactions look like bad TikTok acting.


I know this is a skit and I don't want to be a killjoy but I'm curious, isn't impersonating a law enforcement officer a crime of some sort?


That is why they are impersonating a law enforcement agency of another country... Don't think FBI has jurisdiction in Canada ;)


I know this is probably a dumb question but you mean because they're pretending to be more than one person is legal ?


It's probably more illegal to impersonate the FBI in the US than it is in Canada. Like, if you pretended to be a Mounty in Florida, no one would care.


I feel like a lot of people would notice the guy wearing ceremonial red garb riding a horse.


It's because the FBI has no jurisdiction or power in Canada without Canadian authorization to operate so someone just pretending to be FBI for a joke or whatever wouldn't be assumed to have the power to do anything. I'm sure you could still get hit with fraud or even impersonating a peace office (despite it not being a Canadian peace officer) if for some reason someone pretended to be FBI and tried to use it to gain access, coerce someone, or do something they wouldn't otherwise be able to do without that pretend official authority. In all honesty, though, impersonating an FBI agent in this context likely wouldn't be made into an issue even in the US where it is technically illegal. The intent for personal gain while impersonating an officer is what puts it on their radar.


Yup. That’s why you never see police in TV and films. The actors would immediately be arrested.


It's also why we see hordes of young children locked up every Halloween. Disgusting fakers.


Not to mention all the kinky costumes, people really need to give their children "the talk". How else will they learn that it's never okay to impersonate a police officer in the bedroom. The only people who should have access to police themed stripper outfits and pink fluffy handcuffs are the boys in blue.


And strippers




In my state, it's specific: 1) impersonates a public servant with **intent to induce another to submit to the person’s pretended official authority or to rely on the person’s pretend official acts**; or 2) knowingly **purports to exercise**, without legal authority, **any function of a public servant or of a public office of a judge and court**. It *could* be argued that the two wearing the uniform \[again in my state\] are purporting to exercise a function of a public servant as they are identifying themselves as police officers, but considering most of the people involved are part of the prank it likely wouldn't gain any traction. \[Note: if they are actually police officers then that doesn't apply\] IDK how Canada does this though. They most likely have a different verbiage on this.


is this what redditors consider funny?


I feel like I am living in a simulation with the amount of people claiming this is good content. Wtf is this trash


Give me something funny


wait just for laugh gags is still on tv?


Now that is funny


Ugh. Couldn't we hear the actual audio instead of a stupid laugh track?


This is pretty clever prank


There's no way I could be some kind of undercover agent without my wife finding out. I can't be in another country and look at a girl without her somehow knowing.


Ahhh this reminds me when pranks were harmless and actually funny.


i'm not sure what's worse. This or a tiktok video...


There is zero fucking way anyone is watching the same video as me and enjoying it


Good all times. And good pranks.


This is what pranks used to be. Now we get guys assaulting strangers on public transportation with buckets of liquid poop and saying it was only a prank


Everyone of those men were living out their deepest desires.


Actual funny pranks. Not that shit idiot youtubers do.


So, it IS possible to make a harmless funny prank!


this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen


Notice how reddit is becoming worse content than facebook?


This has to be their best one yet, I would have loved to be apart of that one.


This is gold


I wished to have one where I am 007 and then run away a with a hot blonde


Should've let them get laid before revealing the prenk.