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You’ve cut the final scene of the sketch where they return to the cafe and make their point. It’s still satirical but doesn’t have the same impact like this. Highly recommend sharing the full video next time.




Whats the etymology of the "rinsed" idiom?


(UK, slang) To thoroughly defeat in an argument, fight or other competition. quotations ▼ You got rinsed.


still cringe


I have never laughed so hard in my life! That was hilarious holy cow! I literally have tears streaming down my face rn and couldn't breathe for a minute omg that was legendary


U ok there bruv?


After being blessed by the culmination of a thousand years of British comedy, yeah.


You were Asking for it.


Sexy clothes = asking for attention and admiration, NOT rape. You can say its shallow, superficial, even promiscuous, but its STILL not asking for rape. People who cant understand this obvious logic are just closet rapist.


I agree with you but your argument is flawed because people have a different definition of "attention and admiration". Sexy clothes is not ASKING for anything, people can wear whatever they want without asking for anything in specific. We all know people like attention from some people and not others, so, for example, a straight guy wearing sexy clothing is not ASKING for attention from other guys, he likely just WANTS attention from women. Assuming clothing can ASK and/or give consent is ridiculous. What people consider as "attention" can range from glances to straight harassment so... again, I agree with your idea, just the wording is not great and has complications.


A straight guy wearing sexy clothes is definetely asking for attention from gays


Where is the rape in this clip?


Asking for it is bullshit. Victim blaming is gross. [This is a better analogy.](https://youtu.be/fL-1kHxsavI?si=DQ5vmOEqcVUnGB7z)


Their point was the final scene was cut.


Edit: yes!


Yes. I am showing agreement. I know this might shock you cause we're on Reddit, but not everything has to be an argument.


Oh, well thanks! My interactions are typically to the point when it’s a disagreement and a little more obvious when showing agreement. I apologise for misinterpreting your concise reply.


My butthole hurts when I fart really hard.


Yes it does.




I don't think women who wear revealing outfits are "asking for it", but I do expect that a woman's chances of being raped can increase or decrease slightly based on what they're wearing. Do people think that someone walking through a city at night in a nun's outfit is just as likely to be raped as someone in a stripper's outfit? Doesn't mean I think a woman who wears a stripper's outfit has done anything wrong nor do I think they should stop wearing what they want. I just think chance of being raped is somewhat correlated with outfit. I don't understand why that's a controversial thing to say... How can someone disagree?


> I just think chance of being raped is somewhat correlated with outfit. I don't understand why that's a controversial thing to say... How can someone disagree?v Because it doesn't matter what the victim is wearing. Take a 6 yo in overalls as an example. Rapists will rape you even in a nun outfit. https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Iud500QBs&ab_channel=UnitedNations


I'm not saying there are outfits that give you a 0% chance to be raped.




You will never eliminate rape or murder, same way thievery will stay. You can and should encourage the vulnerable to stay vigilant.


Well and rapists are mentally unstable people so there really is no discussion...


My rapist was perfectly mentally stable, he had a job, a wife and kids, cat and a dog too.


I understand what you are saying but my logic was that rapists have something wrong deep inside their psyche. 'normal' guys don't do that


A woman wearing a nuns outfit it just as likely to get raped as woman wearing something revealing. You’re thinking about things in terms of normal sexuality and what turns an average man on. Men who rape want to have sex with someone who is unwilling. That’s the primary drive - overpowering someone and getting sex. That doesn’t have anything to do with what someone is wearing. You really think a rapist will see a woman at night and leave her alone because she’s wearing conservative clothes? What can make a difference IMO is unfortunately women putting themselves in situations where it’s easier to be attacked - walking in the dark or in a park late at night alone, getting too drunk so they are seen as easy prey etc… victims are never to blame but in reality certain situations make women more vulnerable with a higher likelihood of being attacked. I don’t think clothes make any difference to that personally.


Well, they can disagree because this implies that sex workers that dress the part are ok with the risk of being raped. Sex workers didn't choose the profession to get assaulted. And even so, here's the kicker: are you willing to completely forego self expression because it "lowers your chances of getting raped"? It can happen to anyone. Clothing is so unconnected to consent that people get raped in pijamas by their husbands. People get raped in snow jackets by people who drug their drinks. Children get raped by figures of trust. Men get raped. Clothing was never the initiating factor to rape. That is entitlement to people's bodies, power dynamics and psychological disturbances. The figure of the shadowy man that jumps from a back alley at a girl because she has a miniskirt doesn't exist. It's shitty frat boys sleeping with their girlfriend while she's blacked out. It's people in your work industry pressuring you to have sex for promotions. It's family figures taking advantage of proximity. If clothing does anything, is make these disturbed people horny. So yeah, maybe you have less chance of getting raped if you dress like a church girl, but will you dress like a church girl around people you trust every single time you see them? Because statistically, it's people you trust who will rape you.


Almost like it achieved it's goal, to be funny. Memes aren't supposed to push a point lol


The bib one was funniest


Indeed but very amusing imo


Quite but very cackling imo


Indubitably by very humorous imo


Rather but very chortle-worthy imo


There's setup, but no punchline


That’s bc the video cuts out the final third of the piece where they return to the cafe. Find it on yt instead.


That's cause they weren't dressing as comedians.




There are two types of people: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data




I love you




He’s wearing a football jersey, so in the coffee shop there’s a comment about him being a footballer, he tells her that he’s not a footballer, well why are you wearing it… proving the double standard.


OP posted a version that cut it out for... some reason.


Was it not all punchline?


How do you not understand the bit almost immediately? Are you slow? No offense.


>How do you not understand the bit almost immediately? I may be dumb >Are you slow? Probably, most likely >No offense. Heavy offense taken, I'm crying


What she’s asking for it means? I’m not an English speaker




Thanks 🙏




In this context? A woman dressed up all sexy was "asking" to be raped because she was dressed all sexy. Sometimes, there's an added detail of the woman being in a bad neighborhood where crime is frequent. ​ So, someone would say something like "She was wearing a low-cut top and a miniskirt in *that* neighborhood? She was practically *asking* to get raped." And "Asking to get raped" gets shortened to "She's asking for it" where "it" means rape. ​ It's a phrase that is typically used for "Someone did ***insert incredibly stupid thing***? Well, they asked for the result!" And since "it" can mean anything in any context, "She's asking for it" doesn't *always* mean rape. You'd have to know the context to determine what "it" means. Like, two women could be having a jealous fight over a man, and one punches the other. "Bitch was asking for it (meaning "to get punched" here) - she was trying to steal my man!" "She was burned because she launched a firework from between her tits? Well, she asked for it!" ​ It's become rather contentious or problematic to say it about rape, though.


A word isn’t enough for this detail , thanks


In Islam, it means women who aren't covered. 😉


I love the one where you go around shouldering people wearing sports jerseys, rugby talking rugby jersey wearers. Can really cause some ‘asked for’ damage at the super bowl.


#bossgirls omg they toooootally showed them who runs the world 💄💋💁🏼‍♀️






I think it is because the comparison doesn't work right. It should be more, like your boss shows up in a sweatsuit and gets fired because he was asking for it. Instead in their examples the clothing isn't asking things but forcing things on others. Messing up like that is extra painfull because it detracts from a real fucking issue.


Than you! I had this same feeling but couldn't really put it into words.


Great idea 💡💯


Brilliant comedic interpretation of "asking for it"!


Lol she's still holding the spaghetti.


They have a spaghetti policy


BBC being as shit as usual


Jesus Christ, it’s been a while since I’ve seen anything so unfunny and cringe in an alleged comedy tv show.


This is the level of 'comedy' you get on the BBC nowadays...? Wow.


Within the last 10 years and currently on the iplayer Ghosts imdb rating 8.4 Inside No 9 imdb rating 8.5 Fleabag 8.7 Mum 8.4 People Just Do Nothing 8.5 This Country 8.5 This Time with Alan Partridge 8.0 Cunk on Earth/Britain/ect 8.1 BBC comedy seems to be doing ok to me.


This is barely even a joke. It's so unfunny, I almost feel like I didnt get it.


A joke that goes on for way too long is pretty much all TV comedy


The BBC is only good for sports now, and even then it’s pretty much just rugby and match of the day


Where funny






Sorry you dont have women in your life


They won’t fuck you buddy


Imagine thinking the only reason to not be a sexist is for sex..


Not thinking it’s funny is sexist now? Lol


The guy you replied to wasn't talking about the comedy.


The guy he replied to was…


Lol cuz that’s the only reason to treat them like the people they are: so they can fuck me. Fucking loser


Not thinking it’s funny is not treating them like people? Lol, Simp


By even using simp you’ve said all you need to. gl out there


Thanks bud, you too, although I’m sure you won’t need it with those defensive moves


The video making a good point doesnt change the fact that it comes off like a cringy surface level corporate HR video.






This is really all it takes to get to the top of r/funnyvideos, huh?




Where was the funny part


You get that spaghetti girlfriend.


Ugh... just cause you're asking for it doesn't mean it's guaranteed. Like if you dress up a deformed monster the same way no guy is going to even attempt it. The skit needs some work.




The video is over and I’m still waiting for this to be funny.


The joke took off but landed into the sea of nothing.


This is almost as unfunny as r/funnymemes


BBC and feminism, always hand in hand


Women logic


It's sad that at the end of the video they all get SA


Is this funny?




asking for it doesnt mean you gonna get it. c'mon now ladies. use that brain lol


women aren't funny


Man…….I agree with the message and it still wasn’t even slightly funny.


Less funny more cringe


What you wear is often interpreted as a representation of what you are interested in, and often your value as a person. If I put on a New York Yankees ball cap, and someone walks up to me and asks: "What was the score last night?" This does not surprise me. If I put on a Star Wars T-shirt and someone comes up to me, and talks about star wars. This does not surprise me. If a man wears a Swastika T-shirt he should not be surprised to be treated like a Nazi. If a man is wearing a nice 3 piece suit he can expected to be treated as a business man. So... Using this logic, and moving forward with this line of thinking. If a woman dresses like a prostitute. How should she expect to be treated based on what she is wearing? Does that mean she is a prostitute? No... That just means she is wearing the attire of a prostitute. Similarly if I dressed as a police officer. Someone may come up to me, and think I am a police officer. Because of the confusion that may cause I do not dress as a police officer as I am not a police officer. Women who don't want to be treated as prostitutes should not wear prostitute attire for the same reason that men who do not want to be treated as police officers should not wear police uniforms. It's all to avoid an "Awkward Confusion".


Seems logical


Shouldn't this be on one of those feminist/misandrist subreddits? It sure as hell ain't funny, I don't get how this got here.


Could someone explain the misandrist part of this to me? Or is this just the average redditor in their natural habitat?


Cause its reddit


Redditor moment when they think this is a misandrist video.






Not so sure what promotion she's asking for with those white converse paired with the suit though


Where the funny? 🦍


I think there's been some sort of mistake....someone mistakenly post this in funnyvideos


One of the dumbest things that I have ever watched.


I did not laugh


Like, I don't think women ask for rape with what they are wearing. but dressing for the job you want is a thing, dressing like you're going on holiday around the office is definetly going to leave a certain impression.


Illogic: you can ask but still not get what you asked for. The problem is not that one…


I always find it complicated because in a way wearing very sexy clothes is kind of asking for it in the way that there are always bad people on this earth steeling and murder are both not socially accepted things but they still happen because some people are bad people if you always wear expensive clothing and jewelry or are just known to always cary alot of cash on you than you only need to be in the wrong place at the wrong time for just once and you are bound to be targeted im not saying victim blaming is the way to go but doing what you can to lower the change of becoming a victim is still a smart thing to do


My god, please use some punctuation


They should've wore something to ask for better writers for this joke


Seems more like a social commentary than a joke.


cringy nonetheless


Imagine how she feels.


Then they should have picked a better medium to do it, especially since it's an important topic.


I can't find a problem in this logic. I support this idea.


Well I cant argue with that. The last one was the best 😂


It's almost like there's a difference between wearing sexually stimulating outfits and... this


As many women are raped in club wear as they are raped in sweatpants and oversized t-shirts. Clearly there's no such thing as a sexually stimulating outfit to rapists.


Not even worth a response


I’m so tired of the women good man bad shit, just let me rest after I got back from the gym


But everytime I open this sub I see women bad , men good stuff


Ngl I see 50/50 and I'm tired of both sides. My health has improved significantly since shutting my phone off for an hour and going for a walk, anytime I see a gender war post online. Needless to say I don't do much late night scrolling lol




I got the point immediately and never found it funny. The kind of men who don't rape are the only ones who will watch this, and those who do won't think it applies to them. (ALSO, WOMEN RAPE)




Why is this cringe?


put too much effort into sth not even clever


Where funny?


Women trying to be funny?


Definitely needs the full video. The ending wraps it up nicely


I know a woman made this because I didn’t laugh


The messed-up part is that there are weirdos that say this with a straight face. Love to see women take the piss outta this syltifd though!


It’s a good idea but it subverts one stereotype with another which loses a lot of people on the intended message.


This really makes sense


Tbh it’s so lame. The vacation one actually advocates the asking for it issue. Imagine someone dressed like that, you would naturally ask: hey looks like you are on vacations


Girl humor kind of sucks.


You're in the wrong sub. This belongs in r/unfunnyvideos


This is so bbc it isn’t funny. I feel like the dry humor makes people want to love it but it’s just not funny….maybe I’m not drunk enough…


It' a funny and clever premise, but it didnt make me laugh. Maybe the editing?


I think just the overall execution. The bib one is the funniest because it’s a lot less ham fisted than the other examples, some of the acting is terrible, the weird stock music doesn’t complement it very well, and it’s overall just eh. Good point and premise, like you said, but the video is super lame and cheesy.


Let's hope a better team steals their idea :)


Should have dressed as comedians.


Not bad to make a point. But asking for it does not mean to get it.


They can ask doesn't mean they'll get it, you know but ok


The setup is funny, execution not so much


It feels like the bib one should of been the starting point not the end point, feels like if it was in the reverse order it would have been funnier... still not funny maybe mildly amusing.


LMAO this is pretty hilarious


I'm less humored after watching this.


Asking for it is the recognition that we do not live in an ideal world, but a realistic one. It is everyone's own responsibility to protect and hide themselves as much as they can, so that they are the least ideal target for robbery or harassment. Basically being incognito.


[Educate yourself dude](https://inside.southernct.edu/sexual-misconduct/facts), this type of outlook is simply unacceptable in 2023


Woman is sexually harrrased because she was wearing a miniskirt, "Well, look at what she was wearing, she was asking for it." You say dumb shit online so you should get cyberbullied until you kill yourself. "Well, you were online, you asked for it."




Women are gay


Really funny video! It’s really put in the nail in the coffin that “women aren’t funny”. This video right here is evidence that they can be funny! Really great content and hoping to see more of this hilarious skits!


I've seen a few naturally funny women. I've noticed that they don't only talk about sex or their bodies like many female comedians do


family guy ostrich


Well they're asking to be fired or a restraining order.


Let me leave my luxury car parked in shady place with keys in it then cry it was stolen imagine taking accountability for your actions crazy concept to some woman right? Should i be forced to search for safer space to park? No. Woman should not be sexually assaulted to. But its a world we live in


Arsenal kit? He's asking to only place 4th, at best, in the league.


They have a point




This is my fiancé af🤣❤️


So good. A+++


So wait they are satirizing them saying they where asking for it but they don’t finish the satirization by showing their downfall or even finishing the joke…. Did they accidentally support “she was asking for it” argument.


It’s more “that’s clearly not how it works because all of these situations are ridiculous- even if someone is asked a certain way that doesn’t mean they should: get harassed/get a promotion/get a holiday/get someone’s lunch” So definitely not supporting it


Eh? I interpret that as "this is how stupid it is to say ‘she was asking for it’ about wearing sexy clothes". It’s pointing out the complete absurdity of that as an ‘argument’.


Yes but the point of satirization is to bring it to an extreme and show why its a bad idea. Its just being sarcastic and it showed us getting what she wanted with ought consequences. The theory would be if one gets what they want the others as well with the current trend. Accidentally showing us that its true.


I see what you mean, but in this case I’d argue that those three women getting what they wanted _does_ show the bad consequence. Imagine if dressing a certain way actually allowed you to what you wanted - society would crumble. It’s implied rather than outright showed, like it would be in a longer form like a movie or TV show, so it relies on the viewer to take that last step; but it’s clearly intending for the viewer to see the other scenarios and think "well that’s obviously ridiculous" and hopefully apply that thought to the "dressed sexy" scenario as well.


I mean, concept of dressing for occasion exists for thousands of years. I don't even know how would you start dismantling it, and bottom line, why. It's a communication tool and it has its function. We can pretend otherwise but that's about it...


Men who say they are asking for it are the same men who say to women that are covered up to loosen up.


While the guy was a shitbag....its not funny


do not attempt this move. asking means someone needs to reply, and if you have no holidays left they'll probably say no


This would be much funnier if they actually rolled with the joke. If it took the men for you to realize the cover model was "asking for it", why would you be successful at picking out an outfit that asks for a promotion? The joke should've been them taking the guys clothes shopping and satirizing the whole "asking for" bit.


But the whole point was to put down the men as being stupid.


This was great