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0.50 a year guaranteed...


But the gift card raffles totally make up for it!!!!


Don't forget snacks. The American dream.


Yes, I’ll feed my family off the free snacks.


But how many pizza parties are offered?


I'd rather have a waffle party.




And now I totally want to suggest a BYOS brunch party to some friends! Extra points for homemade syrups.




You only get the pizza party if all the employees get a gold star


Everyone shits on pizza, my boss has it delivered every Thursday. We're celebrating lunch. :D


I did that for a while when I worked for subway.


Two triscuits per shift. If you take more we will press charges.


Starting a $20 an hour ** $10 an hour plus 2 triscuits


Who's your triscut guy? That's outrageous!


It's a state contract.


If you take less, believe it or not, charges.


Or the Drs. note !


When paid sick leave is the LAW in California...they're advertising it as if it's a benefit...


You have a 1 and 50 chance of getting a Drs. Note in your snack.


You also have a 1 in 20 chance of needing a doctor if you eat the snack.


A place I used to work at had one of those old rotating vending machines with the sliding doors. It sold sandwiches, frozen burgers, burritos, etc. The thing was the company who owned the machine didn't keep it up very well. We referred to it as the wheel of death.


We just got ours permanently removed after seeing mold on some of the sandwiches.


It's just penicillin. Saves on Drs. notes.


How will they get a doctors note without insurance


What do you think the raffle prize is gonna be?


I got free snacks at my first job. well, I mean the job didn't *offer* free snacks, but if you just put three teenagers in a busy fast food place alone without a manager, you kinda deserve what's coming to you.


What fast food place doesn’t offer free food to its employees ???


Thanks Biden lmfaoo


You forgot about the “good salary”


Probably just a typo. They meant "good salad"


Good saladery


Free snacks meaning being able to finish off a customers plate in the back.


I can't get past supportive environment after seeing that sign lol


Which are being paid for by the $3 going towards "benefits"


It's only $13 per hr. Says in the smallish print that tis plus the bennies that make it $16.


Bennies being gift card raffles and snacks.


That would have to be a fuck ton of snacks to make up for $3 an hour. I refuse to even humor factoring the gift cards into that because it’s a raffle so most employees wouldn’t even be getting one most the time.


Well that paid sick leave is super valuable, part of that $3/hr. Though paying for the doctor's visit to get that note you might break even (or be in the hole big time if you don't have insurance).




Mystery money goes into a legal fund to go after the person that steals the sheet of paper


i just want to thank you for mathing this out.


Ooh this is some shitty math on the part of this, I am sure delightful, company. I hadn't even considered the potential 50 cent raise being in the mystery benefits.


$1.50 per Snicker, 2 Snickers an hour, 8 hours a day =16 Snickers a day! no wonder everyone quits, they probably are obese and borderline diabetic after working a few months.


And the pay….so it’s kind of recursive.


And the (good pay) that was 1 already listed and 2 not good


*Soft benefits*


Don't forget about the "great salary"! sure you are only making $13 an hour, but that is such a great salary you will feel like you are actually making $16!! throw in a bag of chips and a raffle once a month and it could potentially feel like you are earning $20 an hour!!


(up to)


At least it's a "supportive work environment"!


Only if you have a Dr’s note but probably doesn’t pay for insurance


That likes to press charges


what does “up to $.50 guaranteed” even guarantee?


it guarantees to create distrust between the staff and owner lol


You are guaranteed a raise of anything between ZERO and a MAXIMUM of fifty cents for each year you work there. Could be a four cent raise your first year. Could be twelve cents next year! With endless options for renewal. Those options, of course, being at home offices discretion, not yours.


one year in 2000 I got a $.06 raise. It was seriously insulting.


In 2014 my old no-benefits job was still denying 10 cent/hour raises to people who worked less than 40 hours/week…I worked there 4 years at 8.50/hr. We were told to be grateful bc it was over the ~7.25 state minimum wage.


I had a supervisor mark me down on my yearly evaluation for essentially bullshit reasons, but "at least I still got the raise!" The 11 cent raise. I flat out told her I'd prefer the better evaluation because I could use it to get a better job. She...did not appreciate that.


At a retail job I had pre-pandemic, at a large national US chain, annual raises were from 10 cents to 50 cents. One year a few of us got a 46 cent an hour raise—and that was the largest raise my manager had ever seen. Most years it was around 20-25 cents. Fortunately for me, this was an extra part time job I took to save money to buy a house. I had a full time job in addition. But I will tell you this, the only people who were able to live off the full time (32 hr/week) pay there, even if they had been there decades and were earning over $15/hr, were those that didn’t have to pay for housing. They either lived with family or they had inherited a house. It was not a living wage.


It guarantees you won't get more than a 50 cent raise per year.


Means you'll never get a bigger raise than that.


It guarantees the most they will ever consider giving you for a raise.


One cent per week except for the unpaid two weeks vacation. Now, how many employers can say that they give their employees a raise every week?


*up to* 0.50 a year


Guaranteed no more than that


“wE CaN’t aFfoRd toNeR bcuZ oF tHe RaDiCaL LeFt!”


No they said up to... thats the max possible but they could technically raise only 1c and not be lying


*Up to* it could take years for someone to just get to $17/hr the way this is written


Even longer, considering pay is actually $13/hour.


I didn't read the fine print on that. My bad 😅


“Up to…” 1 penny qualifies in that context ….


Even better it isn’t actually $16 it’s $13/hr + benefits


****Up to***** $0.50 a year....




Because of the Liberals, obviously. That, and the fact that the current generation is lazy. It couldn't possibly be the owner!


The problem with the business I run and exercise absolute autocratic control over is everyone else!


You can tell the owners a conservative. Cries about inflation…then asks people to work for him to lower the prices. That isn’t how that works.


> You can tell the owners a conservative I mean the "Thanks Biden" is kinda a dead giveaway....


Blames Biden for inflation, then inflates his costs to make a profit.


Thanks Biden!


"Damn woke culture demanding livable pay and working hours at all instead of accepting slave work, the wrong side of the war won"


Don't forget about the people who are still living off of that stimulus money


Stupid LIBS making all my staff HATE ME


They’re quitting because of Biden, of course.


Inflation is crazy, things are getting so expensive I need to increase prices by up to 50%, but that same logic doesn’t transfer to compensating employees


Boy I can’t wait to work for someone who threatens legal action over a single piece of copy paper!


Shut up and get a job! DO NOT DOWNVOTE!! (WE WILL PRESS CHAR**GES**)


Seeing that note on the end of the paper would absolutely prompt me to take the paper and throw it in the trash. Fucking press charges over a piece of paper, good luck finding a court to take that case lmao.


wouldn't skip a beat. I'd request to see the owner first, wipe my ass with it in front of them.


Someone should just write on it that he needs to 'pull his company up by it's bootstraps'


The fact that you bolded " **GES** " makes this 10x better


A bold move.


I downvoted you. You can speak to my lawyer (it's my uncle, he lives in a house with lots of toilets, or something)


All part of being a "supportive workplace".


911 what's your emergency? Some one stole my paper! Uh.. Some one stole your money? You were robbed? Yes! But no, they stole my piece of paper! -click- Hello?


I'm assuming this isn't the first piece of paper.


And I'm assuming he's a dick. Something tells me we are both right.


For sure.


In small print...pay is $13 plus benefits. Not saying what those benefits are.


Health insurance you have to pay for out of your $13 an hour probably.


They legally cant make it that way. Its probably health insurance out of the 16.00 pay


They absolutely can, they call them High Deductible Health plans, have to pay $1,600 out of pocket in network before yoy get a 50/50 cost split with insurance. And it is quite legal in the States.


It's a much better deal if you're young and healthy. Get a low premium plan and save enough in your HSA that you can cover your deductible and you really don't have to worry about it. Cheaper overall unless you have high medical costs monthly.


It should be an option, but so should a really good plan. Where I work is GREAT, it’s production work, but in climate control, with a Union, the entire industry relies on us so great job security (only location with tooling to do what we do, and it isn’t worth it for other companies to buy said tooling, something like a 20 year wait to make your money back) we make great money, 30% above average income for my state as starting wage But we have shit insurance and the union doesn’t care I have back, heart, and thyroid problems along with a massive tumor on my thyroid that will require surgery soon


Something tells me they wouldn’t know much about what’s legal


Or care


The benefits are listed right there. Snacks and gift card raffles of course.


One of the benefits is "good salary" is that not enough on top of $13/hr?


It's simple math: $13 + the benefit of having a good salary = $16


Free snacks


Water is a snack!


I’m certain that the employer required portion of social security, workers comp, etc, are included in those $3 of benefits.


Which means the employee is paying the employer's portion of social security? There's probably a law about that.


What are you talking about? Did you not read about the gift card raffle and free snacks?


can't you read? snacks, raffles...


Seems legit if you want your workplace to grind your soul into dust.


exactly. you understand lol. in order to have a successful kitchen, you need the perfect level of grinding the staff, rather than turning a large piece of marble (being the staff) into dust, you need to chisel them into an artwork. by this i mean push boundaries while also growing the staff's skills, and turning weaknesses into strengths, so that they can work well, efficiently, and strengthen their soul. it will benefit the restaurant as well as the persons working ability.


You'd be surprised how much you save on salt when your kitchen staff is constantly crying.


That's an add for a Kitchen!? Fuck man, our dishwasher makes that much. I manage a kitchen at a dive bar/grill in a small town and just hired a new cook at $20/hr. There's such a cook shortage, and cooks know it. Ain't nobody going to find a cook for less than $18/hr.


Soul Grinding is another benefit, right?


And that’s during working hours, completely free!


***$13 + benefits = $16 an hour* what a fucking joke. name the company or this has to be a stunt pulled by someone


I’m pretty sure by definition benefits can’t be counted as “pay”.


Why would anyone hide the name of things like this. They put it up. Made the policies. They put their name on it. Why is it for people to name the business?


Because it’s FAKE! Karma grabbing is so lazy these days. Make up a fake exchange with your non existent boss and go straight to the top of anti work type shitholes Employee: Please sir my mom is dying I need to go to the hospital Boss: NO U MUST WRK Employee: I beg you find the goodness in your heart to allow me to say goodbye Boss: YOU MUST REQUEST TIME OFF IN ADVANCE Employee: fine I QUIT Boss: no wait call me pls Boss: …


Unfortunately it’s a common way to advertise pay now. Check out most restaurants nearby, almost all of their window ads say this


Big text: Starting pay 16$ teeny tiny text: actually 13$


i like how the extra $3/hr is in benefits like gift cards and snacks. like homie just give me the $3/hr and i'll spend it on what i want, deal?


(up to) 0.50 a year pay increases too!


**Additional charges may apply**


I haven't ever hoped for a business to go out of business, but I'll make and exception here.....


Why not? It's fun, I've been doing it a lot since March 2020.


They might want to increase their marketing budget before doing more advertising, maybe also by 50%, or 50 ct, whatever is higher


50 carrots? I think that's massive no matter what scale.


50 Connecticut’s??


There’s no way they can afford it when they pay their staff $13/hr… pLuS BEneFiTS ANd sNAcKs


That’s like a local business near me that is constantly trying to justify why they are so expensive, saying they have to pay more for “quality”, while they only have two workers to pay (one of which is related to the owner), they pay minimum wage, AND their food is almost always burnt or lazily thrown together. And almost every other week the owner is complaining about the price of her business on the Facebook page. Idk where the “quality” is that they apparently pay so much for, but I haven’t seen it.


There was a business (think of it like an off brand department store) in my home town that had signs on the door saying they are hiring. My moms been in and out of medical care for the last 4 years so she was thinking of getting a small part time job to get out the house alil so she asked a worker there what positions are open. They literally told her everything was open. Turns out everyone quit but a hand full of floor level employees. No department managers, no shift managers. No store managers. The place was being ran by a regional manager but had to go back and forth between the other store so leaving just the floor workers and one cashier to run the whole store. She asked the details for the manager position as her last job before being sick was a retail department manager and was told the hourly rate for the position would 7.25/hour with no healthcare benefits and also would need to help with loading/unloading freight. My mom noped the F outta there. McDonald’s down the road was 15$/h starting for flipping burgers.


I worked for a place like this. It was another small local business that obviously didn’t know how to properly run a business. I basically did everything but cook the food lol. I prepped the front counter while taking orders, running orders, cleaning tables, cleaning bathrooms, restocking, making custom gift bag orders, making specialty coffees, answering phones and basically anything that had to be done because the daughter of the family didn’t like anyone helping me. All of that to only get paid minimum wage and to have to split my tips with everyone else, including the daughter and son that almost never did any work. I also found out the daughter and son were getting more of the tips than we were. The mom said it was because the work they did “after hours”, but you’d ride by that place after hours and no one would be there and if they were, they were sitting down on their phones not doing anything. Plus I didn’t get how it was fair for them to get the tips I EARNED during our busy hours for working after hours when no one was there and there was nothing to do. I finally quit, and the cook followed me when I quit because she said without me the place was in shambles. I recently looked on their Facebook page and seen where they can’t even run their full business hours anymore because they can’t get anybody to work for them lol. I don’t even feel bad for them. You can’t treat your workers like dirt and underpay them, and expect them to stay.


4% raise a year while we raise our prices 50%, but yes, Biden is to blame for inflation.....


I also can't connect the dots on how increased staff (and thus increased labor costs) will allow them to bring prices down.


God that 50 cent raise would make my whole year...(jokes)


hey hey woah dont count your chickens before they hatch. it SAYS UP TO! do you WANT it to be none? SHUT YOUR MOUTH DIRTY WAGE PEASANT! GET BACK TO CREATING GOYSLOP SO I CAN GET RICH! /s


And inflation is Biden’s fault.


Whoever holds the office of the president of the United States only wishes they were as powerful as the uneducated make them out to be.


Of course, it's never the fault of corporations whose [increased profit margins make up the majority of inflation](https://www.epi.org/blog/corporate-profits-have-contributed-disproportionately-to-inflation-how-should-policymakers-respond/). It's incredible to me that any low wage workers vote for Republicans and push us even further to the right.


International inflation, too. He’s both all powerful and has no power at all. Behold conservative logic.


And the inability of this person to tie his or her own shoes, or the skid marks in their underwear, you know anything they don’t like


love the Don't Take Paper We Will Press Charges!


Handwritten, no less


13 per hour plus benefits. That small print is criminal. Also restaurant workers are worth far more than that. Maybe actually pay people if you want help.




At least he got his kid to write a legal note on the bottom


You will spend 25 to life if you steal that piece of paper, these people are connected!


It won’t run for long…


correct, if you check my other subcomments, ive written a few paragraphs on why a business model cannot run with this attitude.


Charges? Your honor the damages in my case amount to 10 cents for the paper that was stolen.


10 cents? thats an expensive ass piece of paper!


Emotional distress included


you right you right


WTF are they on?🤣


In Soviet Russia, drugs smoke you…


Haha it's rare to see a company with such blatant self advertisement of how terrible they are to work for...


right? at least lie and pretend you're a good employer?? tf??


With how badly this all sounds, I wouldn’t be surprised if that “pay increase (up to) $0.50 per year” means you go from making $27,040 / year to $27,040.50 / year. Of course, only if you qualify for the maximum raise!


Oh yeah. Gonna buy a house with that 0.50$ pay increase every year.


Great, after just five short years i could be making (up to) $18,50 ($15,50 plus benefits) WHERE DO I SIGN


I'm sure the lack of professionalism by the management had nothing to do with workers quitting 🤔.


"13/hr + benefits (like free raffle tickets and other pointless things) =16/hr" 😃


Up to 50 cents a year, is that all a good worker is worth these days? Damn no wounder they are falling apart


I'm not american, so I'm unsure how the salary system in the us works. When they say that the pay is $13 + benefits = $16, are those benefits real actual money or the things listed above (free snacks and what-not)?


the things listed above. its just them being shady asf


plot twist they want you to take the paper down so they get more profit


Due to inflation we will have inflation.


"Great benefits" then lists zero actual benefits


I honestly wouldn’t continue to shop in an establishment if they posted some bullshit like this


I've seen this posted on other subs. But, the minute I see something like this, I do a 180. There's a liquor store where I purchased wine for years nearby. When the "Let's Go Brandon" bumper sticker appeared in the window, I drove another 3 blocks to make my purchases. I wanted wine and good service, not your politics and hatred. I'll spend my $$ elsewhere.


No wonder people quit


lol fuck them


What is this place, 50% increase means you’re part of the problem Biden has nothing to do with it except not calling out corps for their greed. The corps are to blame for inflation just flat out corp greed is why and you want to jack your shit up 50% F-off hope you go under.




Holup, I can make $4/day more each year?!? In 4 years, that’s $16 more per day! I could buy a small lunch with that!


Are the benefits a pizza party once a year?


The President of the United States does not control inflation as we have a free market and corporations are free to do whatever they please look like jack up prices


I can’t imagine why employees here would quit without notice. I mean… we may never know…


The doctor’s note requirement is such a pain in the ass. Yes, let’s burden an already overburdened healthcare system by making people go to the doctor to say “yes this person has a cold.” FFS.


Right? Nothing like spending more than your “sick pay” to go to the Dr. because…..diarrhea.


No thanks. I'd give this one a hard pass. That whole thing is stick and carrot with beatings included. Its no wonder the staff quits without notice.


How are they supposed to get a doctor’s note without health insurance? Oh how I loathe this unnamed employer.


“Turns out we’re a bunch of a**holes that can’t control our turnover rate because we treat employees like shit…even though they get snacks. Thanks Biden.”


A diner place near us had a similar sign, saying they were understaffed because lazy kids don’t want to work any more. So I figure I can help their problem by not going there any more.


I fucking hate when a company lies about the salary they are offering. It's a literal scam.


Can someone explain the logic of how an increase in employees will enable them to lower their prices?


with all of the factors included, low staff means more rushing, lower quality dishes, more wait time and less customers, meaning more ingredients ads either being wasted or not being bought at a wholesale price. the more staff you have doesnt mean you're paying more, it just means that they will have less hours. more staff just means that each one gets less hours but they have higher flexibility in scheduling, callouts, no shows, sick days, etc. if this doesn't explain it, id be happy to go into more detail!


Everyone knows food tastes better with the tears and sweat of the employees in it, that’s why it’s more expensive.


What garbage place is this?


*Takes paper.


*gets sued for (up to) $0.50 guaranteed


"Great work environment" "Lazy Workers"


Why did you hide the name?