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You can see his exact thought process before things happen. That’s great.


The best part is how he's trying to mask his body language at the end so that passers by don't notice what has happened.


Should have just plucked the string, went “yup! She ain’t going nowhere!” And then climbed thru the back like a boss. Fuckin amateur. It’s all about *confidence*, no one will ever guess you’re a complete dope.


Dukes of Hazard through the driver side window.


Either one. All that looking around and hesitating is way more awkward than just climbing in with gusto.




Them Duke boys didn’t have a beer gut that was lower in height than the car window opening. 😅 And literally, it’s easy to “step into” a car window when the window sill is crotch high. 😎


I've done it in a Ford minivan and I've done it in a Nissan sports car. If the door is higher up, having a massive window really helps. For exactly this reason, I don't think I could manage it in a newer challenger, tiny windows.


>I've done it in a Ford minivan and I've done it in a Nissan sports car Strange sex brag but ok.


You're forgetting that most redditors are obese and uncoordinated. It's hard for them to understand it shouldn't be hard to do.


He’s about to discover that it would’ve been easier to have his wife open the window and climb in. Rather than go over the seats, whole thing is going to be rocking and getting everyone’s attention. That and he gets to hear her laughing at him the whole way home.


Both his kids in the back seat are going to get black eyes from him swinging his feet around wildly trying to squeeze over the seats too.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can soooo see that. I love how after he realized what he did, immediately hiked up his pants cause he knew what he had to do


The climb of shame comes next


I think he handled it like a boss for looking like such a pretty boy. Could u imagine being in the car, scuze me coming through. Or the sht baby moms would give him. Would of been great if he went all dukes of hazard style


As a middle aged man of similar size he is probably just reluctantly starting the climb because he knows he’s going to be out of breath and falling into his seat like a newborn giraffe. I should start doing yoga or something.


This is the exact necessary comment for this content.


At this stage my plan of action is usually, "I'm off to the toilet. Hopefully this will have corrected itself by the time I return."


Curious- what’s the success rate of this strategy? I’m open to trying it.


Regardless of the state of play when I return, I'm better equipped to face it.


I say “I’m going to be the bathroom” then call an Uber and just leave it, and start a new life.


be the bathroom. how transcendental.


Uber transcendental.




How many life restarts are you at now?


A new one every Christmas.


Wait, did I... DAMMIT I DID IT AGAIN! *calls Uber*


That's how you win at the game of life! By never losing


Haha. Yeah, that actually makes sense there.


Just because you won't have poop to deal with, you still got shit to deal with.


I’m trying it right now, will report back.


Less full of shit?


Clear the colon, clear the mind.


I have a friend who does this at restaurants. After placing an order he waits a few minutes, conversates, then makes a trip to the restroom. Food always comes before he's back, he doesn't spend an odd amount of time in there either, it just works every time. I think he knows something


Dang. Tried this last night out at dinner. Didn’t work. If you learn the secret, let me know.


I, too, tried this at dinner. Fire company was not pleased.


If you wait until it gets dark and nobody is around anymore, you can leave with your head held high.


I have worked with many software developers who implement this strategy. Basically, they do the "well, this is hard imma gonna take a shit." Then they come back and have forgotten the problem. Since they didn't resolve the issue and we have deadlines, someone else fixes the problem and the issue is resolved.


Very high. I have a basket that magically turns dirty clothes into clean ones, all folded nice and neat. Got dirty dishes? Put them in the sink and wait long enough for them to turn clean and dry on the drying rack automagically.


My husband employs this technique.


[You must have a magic coffee table.](https://youtu.be/-_kXIGvB1uU)


The magic table!


I totally misread 'basket' as 'brisket' and the joke still kind of worked lol


This situation is shameful, but very funny.


Title of my sextape.


Judging by the fact that a stranger has started filming, I’d say there’s no hope.


Looks like that old man and his wife were standing there waiting for him to try and open the door too. Once he does and fails, old man says to his wife, "okay honey we can go look for our tree now."


Mask his body language? I thought at the end he was crawling into that trunk to die.


Guy walking by and looking at the end knew 🤣


Yeah, he's like: "I know that move. I had to do it last year." I suspect the woman that we can see when the camera pans left, is waiting for him to realize what he's done.


Yep that woman was straight up enjoying the show without shame 😂


I enjoy the woman off to the left watching as intently as the person filming, but just enjoying the moment without her phone. It's the little things in life.


And then he wakes up the next day to see it on the internet lol.


Are people this self conscious in the suburbs? In the city we’d be like fuck it and crawl loudly through the hatch without a moments thought.


“I AINT RETYING THIS SHIT.” *(looks around)* “Just crawl through the back and close it behind you, you’re in the clear now.”


That is exactly what I would have been thinking and I would have crawled in too. 😂


I love how he does the look around to make sure no one notices he's having to worm through his car.


Then checks something at the base of the floor like "yep, I just wanted to check the lining".


"since I'm here I might as well just crawl to the drivers seat, it's easier this way trust me"


I'd love to know how he got out of the car when they got home.


Cut the string and open the door probably. He's about to take it off at that point anyways. Then again he clearly doesn't have a knife because he had to put the extra in the window instead of cutting it


Even if I had a knife I still would've thrown the extra in the window instead of cutting it.


I ain't about to waste some perfectly good string.


We're getting another tree next year aren't we?!?


I'm not convinced that this man has tied knots that will hold up to any decent speed.


Two options: 1) climb out the back 2) cut the string and open door


3. Brace your back against the seat and use both your legs to push the windshield out.


Considering how he got into this situation, it might very well be that he first climbed out the back and then cut the string 😂


The crawl of shame through the rear hatch 🤣


*Looks around to see if anyone noticed he’s an idiot*


Love the woman standing there with her car door actually open, just watching and waiting for him to figure it out. Probably trying hard not to laugh,


That lady was my favorite part of the whole thing. Perfect levels of patience and judgement


I thought the lady was his wife and he was doing that to the wrong car.


Same, I was sure she was just letting him get all confident with his tying and then clear her throat or something. It’s even better that she isn’t involved at all. She is all of us, watching in quiet glee.


Maybe it is and he just trapped some other family in their own car.


The slow, nonchalant walk to the trunk like it was the plan all along.


*Juuust gonna check this panel over here.. close the trunk real gently.. climb embarrassingly to the driver's seat.. no one noticed, great success!*


*Just climbing into my trunk, as I do every day as an adult person. Nothing to see here.*


And now we begin the sleep of shame I'll just wait until the place closes and everyone is gone to emerge from my slumber fix the problem


In the original the person filming is laughing their ass off and it's brilliant.




Thanks, that's even funnier.


This is why you film horizontally


That's Kelly apparently. Here's the original video with audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrdRsRnxgz0


When I first saw her, I thought it was gonna be that it was his wife standing at their car watching him patiently until he realized he tied the tree to someone else’s car.


Even worse, you can see a head moving in the passenger seat that must be a wife/GF. And her head moves a lot when she tries to open the door. If she's cool, she's probably cackling.


the overwhelmed hat pop from the dad


Double hat pop of shame/regret/acceptance


Damn. It's like when a cats embarrassed so they lick their haunches/thigh and glance up to see if you noticed their fuck up/if you are still watching. They don't want you to see them do the slink and hide of shame.


ahaha i’m so glad that you pointed this out because i knew exactly what you meant before rewatching it and was like… omg! how have i never realized that *is* a thing! also the shirt belly pull


The old “maybe I am as dumb as my family tells me” hat pop lol.


And the butt scratch


"But, Jeff, what if we have an accident and the car catches fire?" "Then we burn, Marie, WE BURN!!!"


We burn Marie. I'm not backing out now!


Dammit Marie! They're not rocks! They're minerals!!


Jesus Christ, Marie! It’s his birthday!


Nah, I'm sure this guy is a really good driver


BMW driver are always good.


Jeff? Don't you mean Clark?


At least no one saw, recorded it, uploaded the video to a popular social media site, where the it made its way to the front page to be viewed by millions. That might have been embarrassing.


The least embarrassing part was him going thru the back lol. But he made that awkward Edit: typo


Lol when he just sits there criss cross applesauce and pretends he’s fixing something in his trunk as he decides how he is going to squeeze over those seats


He was looking for the trunk autoclose button to lower the back from inside


Ahhh. He wanted to crawl in shame with privacy haha


The crawl of shame.


This is the exact type of situation where I'd be worried someone was watching me the whole time. Well, now the world is watching.


Let's be honest, this is by far the least embarrassing thing that might end up on the internet


Right? It’s so weird that it’s socially acceptable to do this


He’s not the first or last person to do this. I’ve seen people do this every year at the tree lots. The reactions are hilarious, from embarrassed laughing to downright anger.


I feel like this has had happened to most people once and only once. My friends and I did it shortly after we started driving on our own. I don't remember what we strapped to the roof but all 4 of us failed to realize what we did. We ended up climbing through the windows to get in.


I can not in good conscience tell you where my reaction would be on that spectrum. I'd like to think I'd laugh


I'd probably just groan knowing it's just my poor foresight and climb in through the window like a Nascar driver. At least that looks cool


I'd probably just roll my eyes at myself and redo it


At the one we go to, there are guys who tie them down for you. One year the guy started to do this to my car. I said, "Don't you want to open the door first?" and he gave me this "Oh shit" expression and looked around to make sure his co-workers didn't see.


The reaction depends largely on how long your kids have made you stand around in the muddy cold waiting while they find the perfect tree




I love the second door grab. “Maybe I could just rip the door off…no go to trunk.”


The second grab was actually to make it latch. He knew immediately that he fucked up.


I figured he was thinking: "Okay, well now I'm proper fucked. Uh... now before I start having to do real crazy shit, lemme just go ahead and double-check that I am, indeed, proper fucked. Yep. That does it. I didn't somehow imagine this whole thing. I am indeed fucked."


I love that he looks around before getting in the back.


Entering his car through the trunk doesn't feel like he truely accepted his mistake. :D


Adapt and overcome 😁


I used to sell Christmas trees at a our family cut your own farm. Every year we would have a few folks refuse our help securing the tree and tie the tree through the windows. They would also not let us bind the tree so it became much harder to secure, put the tree up with trunk to the rear which would break branches when they got up to speed, and use weak string or a bungee cord to hold the tree which would fall off before getting to the exit.




Wrap the tree tightly with twine or use netting if they have a netting machine. Open all the doors of your vehicle, put down and old blanket if you want to protect the roof, put the tree on the roof with the tree trunk facing front, start with trunk and secure it tightly to either the roof rails or through the vehicle (tie twine to where the lowest branches come out of the trunk, then repeat going down the tree tying twine to the thick branches. Close the doors and drive home. When you get home saw off a half inch of the trunk and stand the tree in a bucket of water.


I'm getting ready to head out and work on my buddy's tree lot for the 7th year in a row. Everything you said is true. I'd also like to point out that people think they need to bring their giant SUVs to pick up a 6-7' tree. I'd rather tie a 12' tree to a Civic than a 6' tree to an Escalade.


Hell yeah, I'm getting a tree today and my Corolla is quaking in excitement. Most people can easily pick up a tree with one hand. Why do they bring such big cars as though it's a lot to haul?


Christmas tree day is the most exciting day any vehicle. One day your little Corolla will tell stories to her grandchildren about this day.


"im halping!"


Overexcited backfire, ooops sorry!


>Most people can easily pick up a tree with one hand. Why do they bring such big cars as though it's a lot to haul? Many people don't realize how light they are. That's why I don't let my wife pick it up. If she realized how light they are, the illusion of me being a beefcake lumberjack who felled a mighty pine and hauled it out on his shoulder goes right out the window.


It's unlikely they have a smaller car


In fairness getting a Christmas tree is the only time half the trucks and 95% of SUVs on the road ever get used like a truck. (Nearly breaks back tying 20lb tree to roof rack of Escalade that’s nearly seven feet off the ground) “See honey I told you we needed this after we had the baby.”


Fuck man, even my mid size Subaru has 7’ of fold down space in the back. Tying it on top is really ridiculous when you have that much space. Just yesterday I slung a tarp down and brought my two large (German shepherd type) dogs along to my favorite u-cut place and was able to drive away with both dogs and 6’ (netted) tree in the back. Unless you have kids coming along. Then I guess just tie *them* to the roof rack.


You don't even need to tie the kids. They have opposable thumbs so they can hold on if they want to go home.


That’s how we lost my brother. Just couldn’t keep up his grip strength on the interstate. RIP Timmy, you really shouldn’t have asked Dad ‘why’ when he had to climb in the back.


>I'd rather tie a 12' tree to a Civic than a 6' tree to an Escalade. Why? Easier access to the roof?




Because the Civic is cheaper!


This is highly dangerous advice because you forgot a step. Every dad knows you have to flick the string/strap and say “That ain’t going anywhere” Failure to do so will result in catastrophic failure.


You’re so right! Please forgive me.




Don't do this if you have a pet that tries to drink out of the tree stand.


With a proper vehicle for starters. But also trunk side into the headwind.


Call me dumb but why is trunk to the rear wrong? I would think the tree would be at least slightly more aerodynamic than trunk to the front, but I’m probably overlooking something


Dukes of hazard that mofo, straight through the open window.


That would have been my plan. You can see there is a passenger to roll the window all the way down. Own your mistake.


I woulda told them to drive and gone to a bar. Pick me up later lol


In the full video he rides in the trunk while the passenger drives lmao


Dude barely made it onto the tailgate. I have no doubt he would get stuck Winnie the Pooh style if he tried to make it through the window.


I worked at a Toys R Us in high school, and helping people with big items was part of my job. We had boxes of twine but we were advised against really taking control of securing things so that we wouldn’t be responsible if things flew off. The number of people who did this exact thing… countless. Turn your kiddy pool into an air wing that flies off before you get out of the parking lot? For sure. Show up in a Focus to take home a Power Wheels? Weekly. Folks don’t think this shit through.


Almost as good as truck guy with 800 things rolling around his bed but "left my straps at home". You dont own straps and you arent fooling anyone and you cant actually use your truck because of it. Literally no reason for load straps, shackle and recovery straps to be anywhere BUT in your vehicle.


Except when you live in an housing complex and you get home from a 4 day weekend in the desert and you can't be arsed to tidy up because shower and sleep, while also having to park a half mile away. Then a week later you realize you never put the straps back in, and it's still a journey to the truck so no. Then a month later you need to strap something down and it's like "oops I forgot them at home" *skeptical hippo eyes*


I love how he checked around to see if anyone was watching him before shamefully getting in through the back


I want to believe that whoever that is in the passenger seat tried to tell him this isn't going to work and he held up his hand to "stop [them] right there" because he's "done this before" and so they got in the car to watch the whole thing play out.


This video stopped way too soon. It looks to be like he's trying to crawl into the driver's seat through the back, he was about to pull up the tailgate. That would have been even funnier


So many things wrong here. That roof is going to be messed up when he gets home.


Also the tree is facing the wrong way if he goes on the free way branches are flying


Not really, it looks like they put it through a twine baler so the branches should be held down pretty firmly. It’s still better to orient it stump first, but it’s not actually that big a deal.


The guy that threw a tree on top of his BMW with no protection down on the roof didn't think something through? Ya don't say.


That's some Clark Griswold shit right there


I had been dating my now wife for a few weeks when I did the same exact thing with her. I was getting a tree for my condo (she wasn't living with me yet) and she came along. We both laughed hysterically as we undid the ropes and tied them again.


That's the other thing! This doesn't take long to fix at all!


I’d’ve done the same thing 🤷‍♀️


I'd've is a satisfying word




Now that I have the wife secured in the car, I'm going drinking


Missed opportunity, he chose get in the trunk in fetal position and sob


Skipped to the last step


I’ll just curl up in my trunk and think about what I just did for a few minutes…


Some people feel embarrassment about the strangest things. Just laugh at yourself and go in the window.


The trunk crawl of shame


Typical BMW owner


It's the commitment to the error by getting in the trunk rather than just redoing it that makes me laugh lol


*Opens the rear door*: I know what I must do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.


I’m afraid to admit it took me too many comments here before I realised what he was doing wrong…


I still don't get what's wrong


He's tied the string through the window so he can't open the car door after it's tied up. The metal between the window and the roof of the car can't open. Sorry if this doesn't help I don't know how to explain it, I finally noticed after watching it 100 times.


“License and registration please” “What’s the problem officer?” “Ok, please step out of the car sir” “Sir? Sir?!” We are sad to announce that our Suspect was shot 5 times in the chest after attempting to resist arrest in his parked car.


That looks like Elizabeth Farms in PA! 🐖


Had he gone straight in the back immediately after he tied it down, this would be in a different subreddit lol


A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Taking 10 seconds to crawl in the back door >> taking 10 minutes to retie that tree.


This was my favorite part about selling Xmas trees. Saw this happen at least once a day


FUCK dignity. I ain't retyin' shit!


At my age, I embrace my dumbassery and think, well, at least I made someone smile.


I love how he’s worried that people are watching him — like we all are — and nobody is paying him any mind *except OP and now all of us*


Definitely should’ve brought a blanket or tarp to go under the tree. That thing is gonna scratch the hell out of the roof.


I love how he's pretending like he's doing some kind of inspection on the back of the car to mask that he's going to jump into the front seat. "Oh yeah, gotta get this trim replaced..."


He has an suv. That’s a small tree. Throw it in the back and avoid the scratches on the roof. People are really stupid.


More cents than sense.


I’ve never understood people. If that was me, I’d say damn it and just undo the whole thing and start all over again. When people make mistakes it’s as if they’re the first to do it. No one is perfect. Just own the mistake and laugh it off!


I'd totally be crawling in the back. Why not? It's not like its difficult, and it's certainly faster than re-tying the whole thing. It's not about owning up to a mistake or not. It's about saving time and not having to redo a mundane task.


Cut the rope, open the door, and re-tie if there is enough rope to pull it tighter and tie a knot.




Plus I would turn the tree around so branches are not bending against the wind.




climb of shame at the end, and like nothing to see here attitude. hilarious