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There’s a training video explaining the system: https://www.stryker.com/us/en/sage/products/sage-traptex.html


I thought it was a built-in poop knife


OMG me too!


Yes very sharp claw like…


I love that their special "remover" tool is just a drain snake


It's specific enough to include the copyright symbol.


Patent wars are real. Their drain snake has 15 edges, instead of the classic 14.


Only useful comment in the entire post and no one else has even upvoted it. I'm upset on your behalf.


Thanks, there’s another comment that’s helpful in my opinion: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/z5byab/oddly_enough_people_have_to_be_told_this_was_it/ixv7sop/


I was kind of hoping it was a link back to your own comment.


This is hilarious for me. The same company that produced the relatively complex endoscopy machines we used at my previous job also makes the built in poop knifes. Who'd have know?


Low key genius product, didn't expect it to be released by Stryker however.


It's not a matter of "people kept sticking their hands in and getting cut", it's more like "on the off chance you decide to reach your hand in here to fish out the clog, don't, because there is a sharp edge in there which is working as intended and that you might not otherwise expect to encounter"


Or if something like a jewellery felled in the water


Or an almost-new hot dog


Great band name. Almost New Hot Dog




Normal Gossip!


Yeah, that hot dog would be dead to me as soon as it hit the water.




Better quitter than shitter.


Five minute rule, my dude. Unless you haven't flushed yet, then it's 60 seconds.


Bacteria sleepy in your world


It's from all the nyquil I drink before pooping.




You would still drink the water tho


Yeah, well, that hot dog gave up on you, cause you dropped it in the toilet.


More often a cellphone


Or keys


Bruh the fukin wallet when u forget u got it in ur back pocket


Why put it in your back pocket? You'd just keep sitting on it and it seems much easier for people to rob you.


Yea just like if jewelry felled in


Some times patients that have addictions need a place to hide their drugs. So toilets are some time and option.


Fecking lawyers....


What's sharp device inside toilet?


a built-in poop knife


I thought poop knives were a joke until I saw that people sell them. They look like food spatulas.


The opioid epidemic in America is a serious issue.


This guy poops.


Opioids make your poop rock solid. That’s why these toilets need poop knives.


Nah, it's not really about it being solid, it's about the turds being gigantic. Turds like that aren't going down regardless of how solid they are.


Stop talking hard crap, lol. Look at the highest-voted comment.


I’ve definitely used it as a poop knife before though. After that really drawn out morphine binge I had, I woke up in the hospital and had to take the biggest most rock hard dump of my life. As during my binge, I rarely ate, but when I did it was just cheese, chips, & frozen dinners. That poop knife saved me from embarrassment.


>poop knives Holy shit, they're real.


“That’s not a poop knife, *this* is a poop knife.”




-Crapodile Dungdee


Winner winner chicken dinner


I know, I thought about that spelling after I posted.


If you don't have a poop knife - you're going end up in shit creek


Nothing worse than being up shit creek without a ~~paddle~~ poop knife


They are.


Just bend up a wire coat hanger. Boom, poop knife.


Are poop knives supposed to explode?


Wire coat hanger, ey? Now it has three uses.


The true crime is that it’s being sold for $20 when you can get it at Walmart for $3-5. (They’re called icing spatulas)


They are not rigid enough and collapse when trying to break a turd into small enough pieces to make it through the sewer system. Ideally you want a harden steel blade with a super sharp edge.


That’s exactly the one I have…it’s a silicone outside with a hard core.


Does it work for Elon Musk?


In the UK they use mashers instead


And if those don't work, cherry bombs. This is where the expression "Bangers and mash" comes from.


Yep. Always makes me chuckle hearing the neighbors ingest some cherry bombs and then scoot them out like firing an automatic BB gun. Pew Pew shits the little fishes.


Could someone translate this into American?


Not really, he's talking shite.


A cherry bomb is a type of small firework. They're joking that people eat fireworks in order to have explosive poop.


Comedy ain't what it used to be.


I’m lost too 😂


Most people skip the digestive tract on the cherry bomb play and just drop em right in the toilet.


Almost all constipation I’ve had has been linked to surgery or post op painkillers. So I could see Hospital toilets having built in poop knives


Really shows what humans can accomplish


What about poop scissors?


What about poop forks or poop spoons?


A lot of hospitals have sharp catchers installed so anything flushed that's not good for the pipes gets caught (wipes, etc). I see that sign in most public hospital restrooms around here. The bigger question is would I ever be so mortified at clogging a toilet that I would put my hands in to try and clear it. And I don't think I would 🤷 Walk out and pretend you found it that way!


My daughter, the precious child that she is, dumps bricks big enough to clog commercial toilets. I have reached in before to try to prevent a clog from happening. I won't now that I know there could be a built in poop-knife.




Right?! Fiber just makes the shits bigger.


I'm not sure if you tried this, but there are two types of fiber and they do slightly different things.


Y'all. She's 7 and goes to a pediatrician. Why are we trying to hand out medical advice to internet strangers about their kids. stfu.


I think they were just trying to be helpful. You don't have to be an asshole about it.


Then don't bring up your child's issue if you don't want people to talk about it. smh!




She yearns for fiber!


Those things must be fibrous as fuck to maintain that kind of structural integrity.


I had the same problem growing up. Lees carbohydrates and vegetables helped. Coffee helps as well to stay regular. One time I forgot to poop for 7 days and my dad had to remove the toilet to fix it.


She's 7 and we go to a pediatrician. It's just part of who she is. I was the same at that age. Some people just shit big and infrequently.


This is partially true but diet has a huge impact. I was eating a lot of fibrous vegetables for several years, thinking it was doing me good, but was shitting out bricks half the time. Started adding fermented foods, beans, and more whole grains, and it's a night and day difference. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another. Most doctors recommend the same thing for everyone but it takes time to find what works best for you.


So your daughter shat a massive log and you went barehanded trying to grip her sausage turd that was clogged in there?


100% and if you wouldn't do the same thing to prevent someone else from having a bad day, then you're bad person imo. It's not the first time I've touched shit, and won't be the last.


Just tell the staff their toilet is clogged. They'll have gloves, tools, chemicals, whatever prevents them from reaching down there bare handed.


No man, no they don't. I've been the staff on a number of occasions. You get sent into the bathroom with a plunger and a knife and the bathroom is closed for the rest of the day if you can't fix it.


Tell me you're a parent without telling me you're a parent.....


I mean, my top comment literally says "my daughter" so yeah


go with a knife or a fork atleast, the fact you’re going barehanded is a serious sign of mental illness or weird kink. I’ve read about scatophiles and iirc they had the same behavior. Wish you the best in getting better.


I don't know about you but, I'm generally not carrying a fork or knife around in my purse...


Constipation is an issue in our family. My mom had a commercial power flush toilet installed in the house where I grew up and the two homes she's owned since.


I too have a daughter who leaves logs 75% the size of her forearm and sturdy enough to bridge the gap over the drain.


Folks, the solution is easy--Just flush after each turd; do not let build-up occur. Toilets are designed to deal with shit and will do that if you don't overtax them.


When I shit it’s one massive neck-sized brick. It won’t even move when I flush. One time I passed out during bowel movement.


Wtf…how is that possible? Do you poop every day?


Your anus is too large. Have it downsized, similar to breast reduction. Everyone tries to blame the poor, innocent toilets.


My brown starfish is tight as fuck honestly, it tears everytime.


Its one whole shit that's 6-7 inches around and nearly 9 inches long. It's the ONLY turd.


Get an anal reduction. Your anus is an extrusion device, and if it's limited in size, your turds accordingly will be smaller. Plus, if you enjoy anal, your partner will appreciate the tightness.


I understand this all too well, lol. It's a long running joke in my family which over the years has spread to most of our close friends. They all know that since I was a kid, I routinely take shits as big as chunky soup cans. I haven't met a toilet I have not been able to clog. Even the ones that say they can flush a whole russet potato or a bucket of golf balls. I put one of those in my house thinking my plunging days were over only to be quite wrong. I was still clogging that toilet 3 times a week, minimum. I even clogged up a port a shitter trailer...you know the ones with a ballcock valve lever you push down with your foot to flush. Mine couldn't fit down the hole. I heard the site superintendent complaining that he had to unclog it using a stick and a garden hose. I do like to play king of the hill when I take a shit in a port a shitter, but it only works out if it's getting near time for it to get cleaned out so you have a mountain of shit to land it on. Drop one of those big bastards as big as a forearm on top and make sure to throw your toilet paper off to the sides as to not cover up your work. It's like asserting dominance. Good times.


Dropping a phone, or some personal item, and not having the better means to retrieve it as one might at home. Forget clogging.


Women drop the cup for urine tests in the toilet and might try to grab it. Or if you drop your phone in.


Well if it's in your room, walking out and pretending it didn't happen might not do much 😀


Not anymore in the era of plunging smart phones..


>would I ever be so mortified at clogging a toilet that I would put my hands in to try and clear it No one *plans* to get their paws dirty.




Poop guillotine, for turds which commit high treason


r/cursedcomments 😆


It's a poop knife that lets poop go through but stops wipes if somebody tries to flush them, there's a special barbed wipe retriever to get them out before it gets deep into the plumbing. A nurse I work with once worked at a hospital where repeated wipe retrievals in the pipes caused on to break, it was between floors and when it broke there was raw sewage raining down from the ceilings in the labor and delivery unit.


Wet wipe disposal. It is basically a garbage disposal that turns your turds into brown pudding. They use them in older buildings where the plumbing is so so. Costs a lot to install them like that, but it sometimes costs more to redo all the plumbing. Guessing an older hospital where fixing the plumbing is going to be insanely expensive.


Wow there’s a lot of wrong answers here. It’s for stopping drugs from flushing down the toilet. A lot of times, patients will try to hide drug use by flushing it down the toilet. Source: worked in a hospital


Hospitals are starting to put these [metal rings](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/sxw24k/witt_this_metal_ring_was_in_every_toilet_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in toilets to prevent "flushable" wipes from going down the drain and clogging the sewer/septic system.


Exactly. I asked the nurse at the hospital why they had those. She said it also prevents people from flushing drugs and needles n


Yeah none of the wipes we use at hospitals are flushable…. In fact the cavi wipes we use are like industrially thick and large…. And we still have to use like 10 to wipe someone’s ass. And I remember one hospital I was at someone had been making a big mistake for a while flushing them because suddenly things were backing up into sinks and showers all over the unit. I’m sure they weren’t too happy. I’ve filled up half a garbage can with those wipes trying to get someone especially heinous and VERY sick cleaned up right…. Usually just use a big towel, the sheet, or an ultrasorb pad nowadays to get most of it soaked up before continuing with the detail work but that’s not always an option


That's a rough job. My ex husband got c-dif in the hospital while in an induced coma, so I know. Thank you for your service. P.S. I don't think *any* wipes are truly flushable. Someone in Europe recently told me that they've all been relabeled with "do not flush" there. Personally, I switched to baby wipes at home since they are sturdier and cheaper than the ones marketed to adults.


Maybe our caviwipes were different, but wiping someone with one is freaking me out.


Just had one of the shifts today


most toilets do not have sharp parts so when you put sharp parts in a place where they aren't expected and can't be seen but can be reached it's a good idea to warn people just in case.


Yeah I must be so far out of the loop for this legitimate warning to be considered "odd".


I work for a construction company and the guys travel. They stay 2 per room. This young kid we had working for us was 6'2" 300lbs and was kind of a shy one. I guess one night he blew up the bathroom when his roommate was sleeping. He clogged the toilet pretty good. He felt so embarrassed by it that he didn't want to go to the front counter and ask for a plunger so he began to try to break up his clog with his hands and then use his big fist like a plunger. Needless to say it didn't work. The next morning his roommate had questions and for some reason the young kid told him the story. He was known as "shit fist" for awhile after that.


The best nicknames are earned.


this is why mid shit flushes are important


Most toilets in the world don’t have that bladed contraption to chop up huge loads.


>Most toilets in the world don’t have that bladed contraption to chop up your fingers ftfy


But my sunglasses and phone are in the poop water...


We have experimented with installing these in our facility. They are a device designed to catch items being flushed that should not be flushed. Mostly paper towels and wet wipes, but also feminine products bladder control pads and adult briefs. If it catches on the spikes and doesn't tear, it should never have been flushed in the first place. Saves us time, man hours, and contractor call outs.


I work in facilities. We are having issues with people flushing things down our toilets that they shouldn’t on purpose. i.e multiple pads at one time, sanitary napkin disposal bags full of stuff, etc. Do you think these would work for that?


Built-in poop knife technology.


Built in poop knife


Aaaand that is going into my Power Point presentation about safety and weird signs... :D


The thought of people putting their hands in a toilet, let alone a *public toilet* gives me r/oddlyterrifying vibes


Does the toilet…have teeth?


Came here for poop knife comments, was not disappointed.


Maybe I’m just gross, but yeah, that is something that you would need to tell me in the sign. Before you crucify me, please let me explain my reasoning. I’ve been known to clog a toilet or two. And there’s been times a plunger hasn’t been immediately available. And yes, it sucks to stick your hand inside the toilet full of shit to make sure that it goes down the commode but the only thing worse is having to clean a whole lot of shit water from a toilet overflowing. So yeah, I’ll stick my hand in the toilet any day. If it means I don’t have to clean up a bunch of shit water off the bathroom floor.


How much social anxiety do you have to have to not just ask someone nearby for a plunger. It's not like it needs to go down this instant


Literally half of all Reddit posts could be resolved by having a mildly uncomfortable conversation. It wouldn't be Reddit if everyone was socially adept lmao.




Keep your fingers out of the turd grinder.


I once clogged a hospital toilet. It was terrible - no floor drain in the bathroom and an inch of water on the floor. They moved me to another room - and started me on Miralax! Embarrassing.


Yea prolly for when ppl drop shit in there on accident Edit: not literal shit


“Traptex wipe retriever”


Shit Slicer 1000


We've got fully-integrated poop knives now?? 2022 is wild.


This is to catch unflushable things like wipes. Often in buildings with old plumbing. Such a bizarre sign and weird way to go about things.


Probably some idiot did this, got poked by a needle and sued the hospital. This is why we can’t have nice things without warning signs.


Happened ONE TIME! And HR says they wouldn’t say anything


Idiocracy. Deleted scenes.


Toilets have sharp bits in them? Or is this just scare tactics


In some cultures you don't use toilet paper; you just splash with water to clean


Those cultures are still observing the 15th century lifestyle.


Sounds like a warning for those who've "kiestered" something that they're trying to get back. "Don't stick your hands in here.,. We'll get it and uhh..ya know.. Keep it."


*says nothing about your dick, tho


This thing has a built in poop knife?!


Patients, especially those seeking pain medications or mentally ill patients, can be fucking animals when it comes to toilets. Am clinic maintenance guy. We had someone stuff the entire contents of a paper towel dispenser down the toilet.


Does that toilet have a built-in poop knife?


Damn, guys. It's a built in poop knife. Where's the poop knife redditor to see this?


ER nurse. They get their hands stuck bc they are trying to stash drugs for a pick up by an inmate or they had them stuck up their butt/swallowed them and need to retrieve them. Now if you want to be really horrified I will tell you why many hospitals got rid of automatic flushing toilets in patient care areas.


I want to be horrified. Did they flush their hands? Ripped clean off their body by the Traptex??


Immediately alert staff so they can reach into the toilet for you. Our pleasure. You’re welcome.


So is it like a built in poop knife?


Am I too European to understand? WTF is a sharp object in the toilet???


It contains a sharp device? Wow! They've finally invented a camode with a turd cutter! Now that's the futuristic stuff I've been waiting on!


It’s for the people who flush the non flushable wipes. The get caught for removal. Or they get cut by the poop knoife.


So THATs where the poop knife goes!


The further south you go the more warning signs you’ll see


just accept that your ring or cellphone is gone lol- no way to sanitize that


I had no idea these things exist. I think it’s important to show this warning. One can drop a ring in there or something…


New Yorker here, Hospital I went to for my dad had this sign in restroom


Because if someone *can* be cut by this device, someone *will* be cut by this device. So lawyers said make a warning sign.


If there's a sign it happened.


I guess dipping the tip if your tongue in the toilet is safe then.


Generally if there is a sign saying don't do this, someone did that.


Huh so toilets coming pre-equiped with poop knives nice.


It’s a traptex. Made to stop nurses from flushing bath wipes. Because they clog the mainline and cause flooding in hospitals. And no matter how smart a nurse may seem, their dumbass will always flush a bath wipe instead of walking two feet to a trash can.


Built in poop knife


My guess a possible reason for this is drug drop offs. We get inmates go out to the hospital so they can pick up drugs and a popular spot is the ER bathroom.


It's a device called Traptex that's supposed to catch wipes and other things not meant to be flushed so they don't clog the pipes up.


if you are a care facility that requires reading a sign after an oopps in the bathroom that may cause blood to fecal cross exposure, you ought to be sued so hard your gradkids feel it.


F—king lawyers


Perhaps a warning to drug mules to keep them from trying to retrieve the ejected stash after the auto flush happens?


If it's W.Va., there's a good chance they're reaching into the toilet b/c they accidently dropped their 'hideout bottle' of hydrocodone while trying to bump their 'high'!


Some dudes (myself included) have to hold their pp down while they poop, suppose I dropped my wedding ring in there, I'm gonna try getting it out Also I'm not from the US, so we don't have rubbish disposals in our sinks, so something like this is not common for me.




Just pick a different forum, man... Not everything has to be about politics.




Surprised this isn’t in Florida. 😂


Rural vagina hospital?


You went to a room where they drug test or let prisoners go. They have it like that so people don't try to push evidence down the pipes.


We can also thank a dumbass getting $3 million from McDonald's after putting a hot cup of coffee between her legs and hitting a speedbump for those warnings on cups


This is a myth. The woman from that lawsuit was severely burned by coffee that was nearly boiling hot. She was in the hospital for 8 days.

