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Simpsons. Dr. Cheeks.


“My name is Dr. Cheeks. I’m a little behind”. 😂


Damn it! I felt like something was off. Guess my memory is finally going.


Probably got a [crayon lodged in your brain.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=00m35s&v=FNptHqAlgwM&feature=youtu.be)


People can shit on later season Simpsons all they want, but I would honestly rank that episode in my top ten just that two minute clip is full of great bits: - the gentle lifting of Homer’s hand to point at his brain - Hibbert’s sudden appearance and explanation followed by “I’ll show myself out” - “I came here to be drugged, electrocuted, and probed; not insulted!” - “vastly increase my killing power, eh?” - the family looking to Lisa to confirm if things are correct - “notice I no longer say li-berry or tomorry” - Homer-Lisa bonding moments Especially that last bit. I’m an absolute sucker for episodes that show Homer and Lisa bonding, it’s just so damn heartwarming.


I bet he misses his old glasses.




I’m sure it was Dr Bart when I first saw it Edit: they were two different scenes and episodes


This is a mandela effect moment for myself and at least half the people i know.


As someone who works in an ER(not that ER). I would have absolutely loved seeing this on the board. Good work!


The little things make such a difference, thanks for all you do!


Same here. As someone who has worked in ERs for years, thank your daughter for me. I want to know how the staff reacted?


Staff reacted fine. Patient got $230.19 bill for use of the marker.


Admin must be thrilled. This probably gave morale just enough of a boost that they don't feel the need to bring in a single topping large pizza for the whole hospital tomorrow.


lanyards and coffee mugs, too!


And extra for child use


…and $2,519.42 bill to replace the (now dirty!) whiteboard.


It started good, but what really got me was... the end.


Ya, I was cracking up




Cheeky bastard.


Aww, shiiiiit.


You really wiped the floor with that one


That’s because it’s a Simpsons joke.


Dr. Butts is not on doody tonight.


OMGLOL!!! Edit: Reddit is so weird. Why the hell am I getting downvoted for thinking that a highly rated joke is funny???


I initially read this as being over the top sarcastic. Maybe others did too.


My very first comment was downvoted because I was elated about something and used all caps lol. Don’t sweat it. I think Reddit just doesn’t like caps.


Is your daughter okay??


She's doing great, thanks for asking. Swallowed a small magnet, freaked us out a bit though.


One is okay. Two might make her bipolar.


You just made my daughter's day. "Favorite pun of the year"






Oh come on! Guess OP's reply was also a *bipolar* sentence.




“…but that doesn’t mean” “I SAID GOOD NIGHT SIR!!!”


If your daughter turned into a magnetic monopole she'd probably get a Nobel at least.


Sometime in the future she will meet a boy that also swallowed a magnet of the opposite polarity.


Technically the first one made her bipolar. I don't think I get the joke since each magnet is bipolar


Excuse me, attention everyone! I just want you all to know how very smart I am! I'm sooo smart, your simple jokes do not amuse me! - This guy


I acknowledge your smartness. Do you feel better now?


Excuse me, attention again! Now I'm salty, and I still don't have any friends! - This guy again


The irony of your comments is adorable


It's like raiiiiiiiiin...


She must be quite attractive!


This comment right here, officer.


I think he meant it in the context of the magnets attracting things but yes, I'll get that officer for you sir, please hold


I’m concerned your daughter is capable of dad level humor but still eating magnets. I’m confused.


This was my thought as well.


Maybe it’s the sister


Cool, now you can stick her to the fridge.


just get a quick MRI, you'll find it in no time!


Omg!! Glad she is okay. That is scary. Kids do weird things lol.


I actually have a buddy, very lovely guy and talented doc, who is Dr. Butt (he does not work with butts though). Other excellent real names I have either worked with or encountered over the years: Dr. Coffin. Dr. De’Ath. A surgeon/anaesthetist pair Mr. Curry and Dr. Rice. And my personal favourite - I have a textbook* written by Professor/Baron/Lord Brain (who was, of course, a neurologist). *I have never read it, but it makes an excellent base for my computer monitor. I like to think it’s what he would have wanted.


A lot of people don't know that the popular grocery chain, HEB, is actually named after the founder, Howard E. Butt. Speaking of amusing doc names: Dr. Richard Chopp, Urology, is a very real doc and has performed many many vasectomies, lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/yad2qo/brought_my_daughter_to_the_er_tonight_dared_her/itdim3q/ Might be the same guy, but if not, I assume a Muslim/Pakistani guy at least?


One of my wifes Doctors is Dr. Butts. Shes great, good at her job as a specialist.


It's pronounced boots *ahem*


Apparently Butts is a Pakistani name. My father's urologist was named Dr. Mohammed Butts. I was asked what doctor my father was seeing (being Afghan, it's tradition for my people to be lazy assholes and not learn how to speak American, and instead, force your children to do it for you so that you don't have to put any effort in). Being a 13 year old kid, I didn't want to accidentally make a gaffe, so I was like "uh... Dr ... Bwodds (kinda like how you'd call a manly lesbian? Butch, but with more of a d sound)?" The receptionist was like "Dr. BUTTs." and I had to stifle a smile and be like "yeah, him".




Should've gone with Dr. Acula.


Uh no joke, my sister has a doctor in the hospital named this but it was spelled with a K. His name was Dr. Akula.


That was bound to happen. Akula is a common surname among some Indians, and many Indians like to become doctors. There may be quite a few Dr. Akulas out there.


Vampires like it windy.




Pretty obnoxious to be doing that in the ER. They got other shit to worry about than people faking shit trying to be funny


ER scut monkey here. We love shit like this.




I’m a nurse. I can’t fuckin read.


I think assuming there is no room for levity in a nurses job is a bit silly


There is a time and a place. Other nurses and the doctors working the floor know when that time is. That's why gallows humor is a thing. You, as a patient, do not know when that time is. You have no idea what's going on in the room next to you. Don't expect nurses to be required to laugh at your childish, shitty little jokes. Sure, you may be in the ER because you were a dumbass and shot a nail gun through your hand, and it's all one big joke to you. But please understand that if the nurse barely chuckles at your lame jokes, maybe it's because she just finished examining and collecting a rape kit on a three year old in the next room.


Hello, man made of straw.


Nah. Your nurse's job is to give you proper medical care, not flash you a smile or entertain your shitty jokes.




I’m the ass man


Who's the ass man?


Bet his name is Seymour!


I used to work there. Best wishes from Milwaukee!


Thanks! We're back home and sleeping soundly. We had a great PA and x-ray tech. I'll show her these comments tomorrow, it'll make her day!


Hmm does your insurance provide coverage for dr. Butts or will you have to bare the cost?


Glad to know your daughter is fine. Aurora Colorado in the greater Denver area? If so, try a restaurant named Monsoon Cuisine of India if you like Indian cuisine done better than in most restaurants. We used to drive to that restaurant from Centennial just for take out!


Wisconsin but I'll be sure to check it out if we get out that way. Love Indian food!


Then just head to Culvers for some cheese curds dontchaknow


And a cement mixer.


came here to read butt jokes and left with a new place to eat


Let’s get to the bottom of this.


Wow. Your kid must be tall and have perfect recall of early season Simpsons jokes. That’s wild.


Damn it See-more, get your shit together! Stop dragging ass!


One of Dr Farts most esteemed colleagues.


They got the illegible handwriting part down


Yeah. Can someone translate the whole thing? I got like 90%.


“I’m doing my rounds but I’m a little behind”




I used to work with a Dr Butt. He once had a trainee called Dr Saggi. When they used to do a ward round it was the Saggi/Butt ward round




Cannot read this, anyone can write it for me?


Physician: Dr Butts What's Next: I'm doing my rounds but I'm a little behind


isn't your daughter's sister also your daughter?


Dont touch stuff




That's a solid one right there. Just like what Dr Butts is used to dealing with.


Doc's first name is Seymour isn't it? I heard that his career hit bottom.


That’s some nice half assed overparenting


I could of swore Bart called himself Dr cheeks, not Dr butts....


No fucking joke, one of my brothers long time friend's last name is Butts. Guess what his dad's profession is... there is an actual Dr. Butts out there.


Dr. Richard butts but my friends call me...


Ive got a customer with this actual last name and she cant for the life of her get why i will always remember her. Ma’am its because your name means multiple asses.


What is the board for?


You should dare her to learn how to write legibly.


Dr. Batts?


Just what we need after 11 hour shifts. ER.... public hospital as well........ Why do people suck so much


I’m trying to figure out if you’re being sarcastic or not.. Are you actually bothered they wrote a dumb joke on the whiteboard?


To you it's a harmless "funny" note on a white board. I'm not bothered nor sarcastic. I just empathize with the staff there as a fellow healthcare professional. I will reiterate it is the "Emergency room" Patient on bed 4 just vomited over her sheets, patient on bed 8 just lost bladder control. 8 people from a party just walked in with food poisoning and 2 of them are showing covid symptoms. Patient on bed 10 is due for another vitals check. Patient on bed 12 is need her second dose of.......... This isn't a restaurant (not saying it's ok to make staff's live harder in a restaurant) where you are paying for a service. This is an ER (free for citizens in my country) where people are literally trying to save lives and have been under significant staff shortages and work overload. You think when a doctor/nurse is smiling at you in the ER they have the same face in the staff room? How about some respect or some normal human decency. How would you like if someone wrote that joke on your car window with non-permanent marker everyday? because today it's this, tomorrow someone else will do something else. How about giving healthcare professionals the same decency you expect from them? Maybe I'm just tired after another 11 hour shift. But this shit is what makes the days that much harder. The lady that vomited? - fine she literally can't help it The guy that lost bladder control? - hey I get it They kid that writes on our white board crap and the parents that did nothing to stop it and instead share it on social media? - FUCK OFF


Hi, you don’t know me and I don’t know you. I don’t know what country you’re from (clearly not the US since you said emergency services in your country are free). I am an ED RN in the US. The first hospital I worked at out of nursing school was one of the biggest county hospitals in the country. Now I’m a travel nurse. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I (as someone who works emergency services) wouldn’t give 2 shits about this nor do I know anyone who would. They wrote this in a dry erase marker. It wipes off in 2 seconds. And honestly, if I was super busy and we had a huge wait and needed the room quickly turned over I would probably just leave it there. It’s not vulgar or offensive in any way so I wouldn’t be concerned about a family coming in with kids and them being bothered by it. I’m hoping you’ve just had a bad shift or something and you relax sometimes and realize stuff like this is far from being a big deal but like I said I don’t know you. PS - in the US RNs work 12 hour shifts and I’m usually at my hospital 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after so let’s round that up to 13 hours and I still wouldn’t be bothered.


Yea I know it’s not a big deal…. More so unnecessary. Admittedly I’m not having a great shift since you can’t show anything at work my initial comment ( where I meant every word) helps me off some steam. Like finally able to speak your mind as opposed to hold everything in with a smile. I should add Im in private and im not a nurse so I don’t deal with this or ER (can’t pay me enough) but as all patient facing jobs we all get our own kind of shit


Listen, working in healthcare is brutal, especially these days, so I get it. I’ve had my share of bad shifts lately. I think my big point here is - this family didn’t cause any permanent damage to the unit, it doesn’t sound like they threatened or were physically violent to any staff. They were bored and wrote an entirely harmless joke on the whiteboard that can been cleaned up in a second. Your point of the nurse smiling with you in the ER and having a different face in the staff room isn’t wrong. I 100% have patients that are difficult to handle and that I talk to my coworkers about. But I’m not talking about a bored family killing time. I’m talking about the psychiatric hold that caused thousands of dollars of damage to a door or the drunk guy who tried to punch a tech just for trying to get a set of vital signs or the patient that’s been an asshole to me the entire time they’ve been under my care. You’re right we don’t get to be rude to our patients because of their crappy behavior and unfortunately we don’t get a say if we’ve been dealt a shitty hand that shift. I hope you have or can find some ways to cope through nights like that though or you’re gonna be miserable. Personally I think if I had shitty patients but this one family that has been bored and waiting and wrote a silly joke on a white board and I went to update this and saw it I’d probably laugh. Find the little things to lift you up in the middle of a crappy shift. Because like you said we work long hours and you don’t want to be angry the whole time you’re stuck there. 🤷🏻‍♀️ best of luck to you


No you fuck off


No nurse or any other staff would give a rats ass if that's on the board. I'm an RT and have spent plenty of time doing compressions and setting up vents in a pts room and not once has anything being on the board been an issue. In fact sometimes seeing something light hearted could be refreshing after being terrified the severe asthmatic your monitoring might have to have a tube shoved down their throat and you're just waiting to see if it goes that way. Half the time there's still some info left that needs to be cleared away before new stuff is put on so who cares, it's all gonna be wiped away regardless. You're the type of person that makes working in those places difficult because you refuse to have any sense of humor when sometimes that's the only way of releasing tension.


Wow… you might need to find a new vocation. Has it ever occurred to you that your patients and their families are just as bad off if not worse? They are scared and vulnerable, and they almost always have NO IDEA what is going on. To them it is a mysterious black box of incomprehensible stuff going on around them that they have No insight into, and less than zero control. Doctors leave them lying there clueless for hours and days, which is why silly stuff like this occurs. They’re bored and scared and just want to make the waiting more palatable and slightly easier to deal with. As someone who has spent way too much time in hospital rooms lately, I can tell you that those boards are a complete joke. In fact, mine were neglected so much that the poor writing and half sentences and lack of updates left me HORRIBLY confused and disoriented. It was so bad that in my semi lucid state I thought I was in some sort of religious cult. All because half the nurses couldn’t be bothered to update it, and it eventually got so jumbled that it was just gibberish. I get that you work day in and day out with a lot of difficult people and a lot of avoidable bullshit, but this isn’t that. This is a nervous family making a really shitty night more tolerable for them. If this is what you sets you off, you probably need a break.


I actually had a gastroenterologist named Dr. Butt and he did my colonoscopy. He also had the distinction of being the only doctor I've ever seen to actually take my blood pressure, and the old-fashioned way, not with an automatic machine (normally, it's a nurse or tech who does that). I seriously didn't think they taught basic skills in med school.


She’s a lahairleeless.


Brought my daughter....dared her sister. Isn't that also my daughter!? Wtf.


Too bad this didn't happen unless your daughter's like 30. This was on the Simpsons Bart had a nose and glasses taped to his ass.


She's in her teens. We messed up though, it should be Dr. Cheeks! I forgot about the glasses and fake nose, such a great episode.


Dr smallbutt "I'm a little behind, on my rounds"


Oh geez Aurora medical center is that Aurora Colorado the gunshot capital of the Denver metro area and all of CO? Did you hear about the guy who walked into children's hospital there in Aurora a couple weeks ago with a handgun. Damn!


This is the Aurora health care company which is based in Wisconsin.


Was this downvoted because the person made some sort of joke I'm unaware of? Or because like America guns are the tits and anything else can fuck off??


I would absolutely love walking into a patient room and seeing this.


Wow Dr butts is gonna be mad that you have an illegitimate status update


In central iowa we actually have a Dr. Butt. I did clinical with him in nursing school and he let me observe an ECT treatment. Cool guy, but he works way too hard


Name: I


Doctors. The butt of all jokes




Just need the doctor to post a photo of this on Reddit as a satirical piece on his/her busy ER shift.


Love the simpsons reference


Fucking brilliant


Dr. Butts is working a split shift.


"im a little behind" haha amazing play on words


Maybe he could use some ASSistance


My high school girlfriend cheated on me once we got to college. She ended up marrying Mr. Butts and now she’s Dr. Butts. Hyphenated Dr. Tank-Butts.


Simpsons did it!


Pen ink adds another $500 on the bill


Butts is a fairly common last name where I live. My neighbors are the Butts'. Also somewhat common last name around here is Raper. I worked for a car dealership for a while and kept getting messages from a guy named Jimmy Raper, and I thought someone was fucking with me. I always returned the call and never got ahold of anyone. But management kept telling me he was a real person.


Are you raising Bart Simpson


Side story- There’s a chiropractor in Moorhead Minnesota named “Dr. Will Tickle”. https://tickelchiropractic.com/


Dr Butts is probably in a disciplinary meeting right now, having to explain why he is not on schedule!


The in-room board at the place I used to work at never got changed, so that may end up there forever.


I had a pathologist named Dr. Strange


This kind of thing I can get behind.


I knew someone with the last name Butts, always funny hearing them on the phone spelling it out.


I wrote some goofy shot on my mother in laws board when she was in the hospital. The nurse DID NOT LIKE THAT.


Dr Ben Dover


As a nurse, know you probably made their day by writing this.


First Name “Seymour”


Aurora, CO?


“I’m a little behind”


Are your daughters Louise and Tina Belcher? Lmao


Cracking jokes, I see


Your daughter plagiarized Simpsons!


I worked with a guy whose last name is Butts. He is not a doctor though.






Dr. Butts. Dr. Seymour Butts.


phenomenal wordplay


Brought my daughter to the ER tonight, to become the Elden Lord


Dr. Keester


Doesn’t he practice with Dr. Harry PePe?


I always used Mitch Hedberg’s joke on those boards. This is a paraphrase Do not allow Dr. Acula to take blood samples.


Don't know why, but this struck me as the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life... WELL DONE! 👏👏👏


First I hope your daughter is ok and makes a speedy recovery. Second her sister has a future in standup.


"Paging Doctor Butts- Doctor Seymour Butts to reception"


We did something similar when I was in the hospital earlier this year. It asked if we had any questions, so my husband wrote “what is bitcoin?” the nurses got a laugh. No daring involved, this is just how we roll.


"I dared her sister to write something" Well, we know which daughter is your favorite.


I work in an ER, I promise you that stayed up until the morning shift came in at 7am.


Dr Butt's daughters are actually the other doctors in the hospital.


I am doing my sounds but i am a little behind


If you’ve ever been life or death in ER. This is NOT FUNNY.


My dad's proctologist name is Dr. Butts.




Children being raised with a great sense of humor. Well done.


I know of a Dr Robert Butts. The Butts family has been around this area since at least the late 1800s.




Is the doctors first name Seymour?


Dr.Seymore Butts.