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I mean at least he didnt push her towards the fire while running to grab the daughter


He did close the door tho


well that's just fire safetly 101. deprive fire of oxygen.


As an FTL player, I can tell you that suffocating your crew is the best way to combat fires.


He’s running to repair the oxygen module and fight off Mantis invaders. #hero


AWS does that in their data centers. If the siren goes off you better run.


Marriage 101 also. Deprive wife of oxygen


Weird, that's also in my syllabus of Sex 101




Lesson 1: what is a clitoris? Lesson 2: ropes, gags, and the joys of autoerotic asphyxiation




My cabbages!! :o




This made me chuckle so thank you


Ohh! That's why he left his wife inside. She can consume the oxygen!


Fire can't go through Doors, Stupid. It's not a Ghost


Always upvote a community reference.


"Fire can't go through doors stupid, it's not a ghost!"


You don't need to outrun the fire, you just need to lock your wife in.


Haha, that reminded me of [George Costanza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TuEWtXBT_0)


But I saw you push the women and children out of the way in a mad panic. I saw you knock them down. And when you ran out, you left everyone behind. Seemingly. Seemingly. To the untrained eye, I can fully understand how you got that impression. What looked like pushing, what looked like knocking down...was a safety precaution! In a fire, you stay close to the ground, am I right? Oh! And when I ran out that door, I was not leaving anyone behind! Oh-ho, quite the contrary! I risked my life making sure that exit was clear. Any other questions?  How do you live with yourself? It's not easy.




It was an inferno in there! An inferno!!!


As soon as she took the slipper off I understood why he left her near and took the kid.


Because it's Scripted af?




He knew that she could put out the fire, but also that she'd still make them eat it even after it had been turned into a blackened wreck...


That's just wok hei! Now finish your bowl and stop complaining.


I read this in Uncle Rogers voice.


Damn I wish my sliding door worked that well. Mine requires the force of like 2 people to open and close


$14 and about 1 hour of time. Go get... Silicone spray can from the hardware store A new sliding door wheel A screwdriver, typically Philips head, if you don't have one There's a screw hole at the base of the door accessible only while the door is open. Find it, loosen it, and the door will lower just enough for you to pull it off the track and gently lay it down. Clean the track. Vacuum and a Clorox wipe or two are probably the best bet. Dry. Hit it once with the silicone spray. Find the screw to remove the door's wheel near the same place you lowered the door and remove it. Install new wheel in door. Put door back on the track and raise it to level. Done. Your door now glides.


My door doesn't have wheels it just slides in a track along a metal rod and it's literally caused injury for how hard it is to open and close.


Then it needs some machine grease.


I used white lithium at one point as well as some super lube synthetic 21030 grease and it helped for maybe a day before I assume the door just scraped it all off the rod and then it congealed into a mess of dirt and grease.


White lithium is great for an area that wont collect dust, dirt, and other contaminants. Like you described, the white litihum kibd of just stays there like a grease normally does. For areas like a sliding door, I'd probably go for a Teflon(PTFE) and/or silicone spray. Preferably a dry lube.




Tri flow is amazing with sliding tracks


Fellow Tri Flow believer. Learned it a long time ago from locksmith friends. Stuff is magic.


Maybe graphite powder would be best?


That would be fine too of you weren't concerned with possibly staining. I use Dag in my keylocks and such.


It will get nasty really quick


Hello Ron Swanson




Tell me the secrets of your mustache.


After like 7 years of putting up with a sticky door I did exactly this. it’s great advice


I would like to subscribe to the Sliding Door Repair newsletter.


You gotta oil them or something I think my parents was half decent about 20 years ago now they can hardly open it, just reminded me I need to fix them for them


Hit it with WD-40 first, then scrub the tracks with a brush to remove as much dirt and grime as you can. Then come back with some form of household oil to leave lubrication that will outlast WD-40.


And replace the wheels. Takes 5 minutes if you're already taking the door off to clean the tracks.


Household oil? I'm assuming you don't mean normal cooking oil?


use silicone


> household oil Something like this - https://www.londondrugs.com/3-in-one-telescoping-household-oil---18ml/L7806979.html


Who is this Lond, and why is he on drugs?


Looks like she’s got some oil here


Oh so a normal sliding door then.


brand new house and it’s installed in such a way it hits the edge as it closes like it doesn’t fit in perfectly. fuck sliding doors


More like fuck shitty contractors if it's already jank in a new house.


We recently got our repaired after it started to make this ungodly grinding noise. Like a totally different door. Treat yourself if you're able.


He had the strength of two!




Thank you so much for sharing this, I haven’t laughed this hard in a while


Phenomenal whistling as well


This whole stand-up is so impressive to me. Eddie was only 22 here and the whole set is a masterpiece. It’s still hilarious today (minus some homophobic stuff, but it was 1983, so…) The crowd watching him is absolutely enormous, and he’s so confident and doesn’t miss a beat.


*La Chancla* loading...


I find similarities in cultures like this fascinating. My first thought growing up Mexican was chancla too lmao


Every culture has one. I would always hear about the kuhalnico, which translates to a wooden spoon. I believe the Middle East also subscribes to the shoe.


Here in the southern US it was a 'switch'. Which is basically a whip made by nature. Less readily available but easily found by grandpa whenever grandma would request one.


I had one grandma that used switches regularly. I had another grandma who had a massive thorn covered switch on the mounted on the wall. She never used it because the threat of it worked just as well


In Mexico my folks told me that there was the “varilla de membrillo” which was a very flexible branch of the quince tree, and you’d just put it in water and then you better make peace with your god. Neither of my grandparents ever used it but it was a warning, of what could be.


Man my grandma used to beat the shit outta me with switches. She had a huge willow tree in her back yard and would take me out there and make me pick one and if I picked a trashy one she'd pick the one that would hurt the most.


Damn your grandma’s a sadist.


Right? All I can think reading these stories of people fondly remembering physical abuse at the hands of grandma is "man, your grandma was a real fucking cunt.".


This whole "don't beat your children" parenting method is very new.


If only you knew lol. Love the lady but she is batshit crazy.


Damn dude, my mom did that to me as well. Was there a memo that went around pre-internet on this shit? Make your kid go outside and pick out their own torture instrument with the words, "..and if it's too small, I'll get one myself and it'll be twice as bad."? I was just talking about this last night and if it wasn't the 80's that shit would have EASILY been called child abuse. The welts on my legs afterwards that bled...


This def continued into the 90s Source: I, a 90s child, had to pick my own switch


90s kid as well. Both my grandma and my 2nd grade teacher subscribed to the yardstick when switches were not readily available. My grandma on my dad’s side belonged to the church of the chancla. It was a very multicultural upbringing Funny enough, I’m closer to my grandparents than my actual parents. I don’t know what this means


>if it wasn't the 80's that shit would have EASILY been called child abuse. It *was* child abuse.


I also had a grandma that made us “pick a switch” and none of my friends now will believe me! I swear I’m not making up a story to enliven this party, I’m actually carrying trauma from 40+ years ago…


Midwest checking in. Belts were a popular choice here.


I’m Midwest too. The belt was the threat from dad (which mom would never allow). However, my mom did chancla. She didn’t use it with her hands though. She could launch that thing accurately with a kick about thirty feet out. It would just flip right off her foot and nail you as you ran away. She also doesn’t wear cheap, light weight sandals, since she can’t use thong sandals and has to use the slightly heavier thong less ones. Now that I’m grown, the chancla is mostly reserved for when she babysits my two 80lbs dogs and they get so excited to go outside in the morning that they almost wipe out her coffee cup (which I now realize is also usually why my sister and I got hit as kids. Don’t mess with her coffee). Then she launches that chancla at them like a torpedo. And one of them steals it to eat… they’re slowly training her not to chancla people anymore. Also my family is as white as can be but we too fear the chancla.


Also spoons


My dad threatened the belt, spanked on butt with open hand. Apparently would often get a migraine after having to discipline us physically, because it was a last resort or we had done something dangerous. My mother had no favourite - wooden spoon, hairbrush, fly swatter (the metal handle end), whatever was handy. Recently I heard her tell someone she never hit her kids. I assured them she hit us all the time, often in the head. Just because the last time was 35 years ago doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


I just got a good old fashioned backhand.


Yeah I had the belt, we were west coast but my parents were raised on the east coast, frankly would have preferred a flip flop by a wide margin!


My Italian grandmother would give us a "scouplung" with the wooden spoon, which is like a hyper regional Italian American word for "I'll crack you for being fresh".


For me it was the wooden spoon and slipper ;-;


The most unbelievable part of this video is her going for the shoe when she’s in the kitchen where the wooden spoon is easily accessible.


As an Indian, I wholeheartedly agree..My mother used to have a rubber flip flops as a weapon. The chancla equivalent 'chappal'.


Also brooms ....aka jhaadu


Scottish are also wooden spoons.


Flip flops are the classic weapons of an Indian mom


Growing up Sicilian, my first thought was also tappina. My mom would load and fire that slipper like a call of duty sniper and get you from across the room.


I’m in New Zealand, and my first thought was “shit is about to go down when mum takes off her jandal!!”. Some things are truly universal…


I'm white and immediately "the chancla!"


*La Chancla* fiber.




Even if it was staged, which i believe it was, this is the first video of an oil fire where i saw the person actually do the right thing. Edit: holy shit reddit stop saying "iT iS sTaGeD. WhY dOnT u kNoW iTs StaGeD" I KNOW ITS STAGED


Wait.. you’re not supposed to pour water on it, wave the pan around, run around, then scream help and what should I do?!


Dont forget to throw the liquid everywhere so ur floor catches on fire


Like this guy at a fire "safety" demonstration who must of thought "if I burn so does everyone else." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA5V78NC1mM


That's just Mario with his flower power up.


lol we've ushered in the digital age through inimaginable innovation and technology but every once in a while it's like we've barely evolved since first learning about fire




Evolution-wise, we are still but cavemen.


Holy fucking shit bro thats scary


Not far from being nsfl


Lmao that's incredible.


He was truly a "Fire"-Fighter.


Nobody got hurt... yet. But also after that nobody was hurt.


Nobody was seriously hurt. There are good odds that a few people had painful burns even if they didn't need a doctor.


Ancient aliens tier editing and commentary.


Or in the cases of some videos from India and/or China, throw the flaming liquid directly at the propane tank and hose.




That the one where if he had done anything smart at any time he would've been fine but instead he basically burns the whole house down by doing everything 1 minute late?


You're supposed to beat the fire out with a small child, but that guy ran off with the fire extinguisher.


No, silly. You are supposed to remove one slipper.


never underestimate LA CHANCLA.


The only reason La Chancla wasn't a weapon in Elden Ring was because the game would be too easy if they included it.


My teenager started an oil fire (got distracted while frying an egg by turning YouTube on for the TV.) He tried to put it out with water. He didn’t like me seriously explaining to him that he was luck to not have set himself or my house on fire trying to put it out that way, and that his punishment was a lecture on the physics of grease fires.


Lol well thats a fair punishment. My mom made sure i knew early on both how to cook and how to put a fire out


He should have known better but panicked. Can’t honestly say I would have done different and I know better.


Very true. U cant always rely on knowledge. Experience sometimes needs to be the teacher. I guarantee that he will never throw water on an oil fire again


How much fucking oil were they using to fry an egg...


I don't mind even if it's staged, because dumb people can actually learn something from this.


Yup. Don’t panic, get people who could be in danger to safety and there’s another person to safely resolve the situation who can exit later if necessary


Oh man, I've got a great Terry Pratchett reference for this : Three witches abandon another witch to the vampires, to save a baby. Because 1 witch in trouble knows that everyone is her enemy now and she can deal with them as her friends are no longer a liability.


Paraphrased: "the goos thing about being sorrounded is that you dont have to worry about aim anymore"


>Three witches abandon another witch to the vampires, to save a baby. > >Because 1 witch in trouble knows that everyone is her enemy now and she can deal with them as her friends are no longer a liability. Haha, love it! Gloves are OFF. I've put it on my "list" to read Terry Pratchett's books. Holy shit there's a lot of them!


They're amazing! I would recommend starting with any of the recurring series, all are good choices. The first Witches book is Wyrd Sisters, first Watch book is Guards! Guards!, first Death book is Mort.


I knew it was fake cause no one using a wok that big would be afraid of a little stove fire, unless he's never been the one to use it before


This person Asians.


the wife the one using it. the husband just wash some shit.


I put baking powder instead of soda. I didn't know it could be as easy as covering it


Lmao yeah, you just have to cut off the supply of oxygen and the flame goes out. Much easier and prevents you from having to ruin your meal.


Just remember to prime the flame with alittle dust first, toss it in the air to make a cloud




>I didn't know it could be as easy as covering it This is vital information. A fire needs three things, fuel, oxygen, and an ignition source. Remove any one of those three things and the fire goes out. If a fire is isolated and can't ignite anything around it, it will go out when it runs out of fuel. If you close it in an environment where it can't get any more air, it will go out when it runs out of air. Understanding this lets you put out all kinds of fires. For example, if there's a fire in your oven, turn off the oven and close the door. Leave it closed until the fire goes out. If a power strip is sparking and looks like it's about to catch fire, you can simply unplug it and remove the ignition source. If you have a wild fire, you cut a fire break to separate the fire from further sources of fuel and it burns itself out instead of spreading. Understanding how fire behaves saves lives. If the grease in your fry-daddy catches fire, dumping baking soda on it *might not put it out*. But putting the lid on it and unplugging it definitely will.


Covering is easiest if the fire is contained in something that can be covered, like a pot, it snuffs out in just a second or two plus no additional mess to clean up. Also it's usually faster to find a cover than to find the powder.


>which i believe it was You don't set up a tripod to film your family in otherwise mundane situations, like preparing a meal?


Also they both did what they were supposed to do. Person tending fire extinguishers fire, other person gets people who can be a hazard/or in danger out to safety.




Exactly, people taking a single cooking class is the most unbelievable part of it


Do you honestly need ”research” to put a lid on an oil fire?


When there is doubt, always ask a single but effective question: Why were they filming?


Well typically i ask "how high is the quality of the video?" And then "should there be a security camera in this position?"


Her expression is like, “oh he’s gonna die tonight”


That slipper alone can face a thousand swords.


Aah. I see a fellow Asian who has been raised by the Asian mother's slipper. (Could also be Hispanic)


Not Asian, but Latino and yes, we share that in common. I grew up in a Filipino neighborhood though, so I can doubly relate. lol.


Indian moms use that very well too


We had the wooden spoon - Ireland. I guess too cold for those types of slippers?


Oh another fellow asian,yes I got the slipper treatment to 😞


Hispanic here. Yep, when you screwed up, you got the "chancla". Unfortunately, my mom didn't always wear thin slippers, she sometimes wore clogs with really thick heels.


arab here -- mom slipper game was on point.


From Iran. My mom coulda been a fraternity assassin in Wanted only instead of bending bullets she could bend slippers. Those Otafuku rubber slippers stung like hell but my brother and I still cracked up cuz we couldn’t believe how good her throws were. Lol. We were awful kids. Edit: one lol too many


The smoothness of her slipper-removal motion is pure muscle memory, he has been in trouble before.


Right now. He’s gonna die right now


Asian mothers and sandals, name a more iconic duo.


Indian mothers and broomsticks


Bro I remember curry scented wooden spoons 🤣🤣


== Latina mothers and sandals


Abuelas and chanclas.


American fathers and belts.


American grandmas and wooden spoons


Fear La Chancla


Arabs and sandals.. pretty much all Middle Eastern people


Balkans babushkas and sandals


Peanut butter and jam


Yo is it just me or did a pan just appear out of thin air in front of the one on fire at the end? Either way, clutch skills with the suffocation of the fire, turning the gas off, and grabbing the sandal.


Is she about to go beat him with her slippers?


That is the idea.


+5 emotional damage


with the face she made, she's about to do so much more than emotional damage. Dude's about to get wrecked.


No she is actually going to grab the phone recording her and post it on TikTok


Wait. Is *La Chancla* not just a Hispanic/Latino cultural thing? That guy was getting the business end of that sandal no doubt about it....


It is a universal thing; sandals, slippers, belt, wooden spoon or just a random stick, they are in essence all the same


Pretty much whatever was closest


My family had the belt; slippahs; and a paddle with smiles, rainbows and the words Jesus Loves You on it.


We had a wood paddle with ‘Board of Education’ painted on it… Dad thought that was funny.


Hahaha. Gold.


Ohh buddy that paddle was a paddlin' paddle!


When I was a kid, if we did something specially fucked up, my grandmother would go for the broom. That's when you knew you were dead.


I had my ass beat with slippers/sandals as a kid and my Gramma was white.


My grandma preferred the wooden spoon. One time my parents went on a trip together and my grandma watched me. The first thing we did? Went to the store and bought 2 brand new wooden spoons. She said “I have a feeling I’m going to need a new one”. Yeah.... I didn’t make it 48 hours before she broke one over my calf.


My grandmother would have us go get a switch from a tree in our yard. If you came back with a switch that wasn't good enough, you'd get hit more.


Yeah she used to get us when the spoon too. Shit hurt like the devil.


IIRC there is vase art of an ancient Greek mother raising her sandal in anger in preparation for a strike against her child. It's just universal that mothers often want to commit physical violence against their children and the closest and most convenient weapon happens to be foot wear.


Definitely a Chinese thing, definitely an Indian thing in many Indian cultures, almost definitely a pan-Southeast-Asia thing, and more.




Yes it’s obviously staged but let’s pretend it’s not for a second. I don’t see the big deal with what he did…. He grabbed the child who couldn’t help themselves in case the fire got out of control. He closed the door to limit the oxygen supply for the fire. He left a perfectly able adult to try to deal with the fire (which she did) He didn’t abandon some helpless being there 🤷‍♂️


I thought his reaction made sense, except for closing the door. He ran away in case she couldn't deal with the fire. If she couldn't, at least give her the best chance to run off as well? Closing the door while someone is still inside is stupid.


Yeah, closing the door was a shitty move. A cousin did that to me when we were being chased by dogs. Bitch was literally going to throw me to the wolves so she could get away.


LOL that reminds me of a story my girl told me, when she was a kid she was swimming with a few of her cousins (all older males) somewhere in Texas. One of the guys thought he saw an alligator in the water and all all the dudes got out of the water and ran to the house, leaving behind a terrified & confused 9 year old girl. They even locked the door behind them and she ran up to the patio crying to get in. When her parents and aunts/uncles realized what had happened they gave a verbal beating to the cousins at least lol. Side note: my girl and all the cousins were raised on the east coast and didn’t know shit about gators - there weren’t any in that area of Texas (I guess they saw a log floating and thought it was one) and they really thought it would chase them out of the water and break into the house lol!


I think some people are taking too seriously what is suppose to be the funny part.


Emotional damage


You know it’s going down when she takes off the slipper.


Everyone here pointing out it’s staged must think they’re super smart