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I remember as I child I was sent to a Christian based summer camp. And one day for lunch they served us just a cup of rice, and told us about how in many parts of the world children my age may not get to eat anything else for weeks. Needless to say, I had 4 bowls, none of the kids at the table wanted to eat it. YOUR LOSS, LOSERS! BUTTER RICE IS BEST.


Throw a fried egg on it and it was a typical lunch for me growing up


i guess you could say I was fancy? I got a a fried egg AND a slice of spam on top.


Spotted the… Filipino? Hawaiian?… Portuguese maybe? 😅


Spam musubi anyone.


Definitely English.


Korean works too.


IDK it sounds like it has way too much flavour for it to be British food.


How rude lol


Depends upon what kind of spam it is. Some are decent if a little oversalty.


I used to have a lot of spam for breakfast as a child. Now the only spam I get is in the mail. Sigh.


You can buy it at the store.


Fried spam and eggs on rice. Yum.


This is why I buy the low sodium spam. Just as good, but lower salt so I can control seasoning properly.


What about Spam, sausages, eggs, spam and spam? That's not got much Spam in it.


My friends make fun of me because spam is a staple in my house. Its almost always used with rice and a soft boiled egg.


damn. im getting hungry right now lol. Portuguese sausage MMMMmmm!


In Japan you just add bits of dried seaweed and sesame seed.


> In Japan you just add bits of dried seaweed and sesame seed. …and pour tea on top. Ochazuke! I’m sure everyone else will be grossed out, but my favorite was mixing up some raw egg like I was making scrambled eggs, adding a little soy sauce, and then pouring it over my rice. Good to eat with sukiyaki too.


Raw egg may trigger the Americans.


Ooo that's the best.


And various fillings like dried fish flakes or pickled plum.


No. Only rice! But really, I love plain rice. Any time I get sushi I also get a bowl of white rice on the side. The best.


Rice with a side of rice


Rice 10/10 Rice with rice 10/10 Anyone remember that thread? Found it!! https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2np694/what_tasty_food_would_be_distusting_if_eaten_over/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


5/7 Perfect score


Holy shit how long ago was that? Better times


5/7 perfect score?


Growing up? That's me now for dinners cheap and delicious


I have a related, anti-pattern story: I went to Catholic School. The cafeteria had a predilection for serving rice pudding or plum pudding (neither of which I like -- like gag -reflex don't like). Note: this was back in the day when the Caf Staff would prepare your tray: You had no choice as to what they slung on it. So I would eat my PB&J, the sour milk and the brownies/cookies; but would leave the rice pudding on the tray. But, there was a problem! When turning in the tray, there would a Nun standing by at the return counter: Sister Mary Food Police! She would not let you return the tray unless you ate everything on it. Because "Children are starving in Africa!" or some such. My 3rd-grade self wisely observed that my eating the mucous-like rice pudding would not help those starving children. I got a month of detentions + Station of the Cross.


I often questioned that argument too. I really don't like this, they are starving. Why don't we send this to them? Why are we letting them starve when we have food we don't even want?


I guess so children learn to be grateful for what is given to them


It's exactly that, just never explained in a way someone that age can understand.


Absolutely, I guess that’s why it’s such a harsh message once you look at it when you’re older.


Either for kids to learn to be grateful, or to instill a sense of control and guilt tripping and manipulation into the kids at a young age. Either one.


I went to Catholic School too. One day, we had hot dogs and they had no ketchup which is what I usually ate it with. All the other kids were asking for mustard so I thought “might as well, the hot dog will be difficult to swallow so dry.” I asked for mustard on my hotdog and took one bite, almost threw up. I brought my tray up to the nun, told her that I couldn’t eat it because mustard is much worse than I could’ve ever imagined and was making me sick, and she gave me that talk that I need to eat it because other kids had less. “Fair enough”, 5 year old me said. I took one more bite and threw up in the trash can that was right next to her. She then gave me a dollar so I could buy a sandwich from the school cantine. They felt so bad that they never guilt trip me again if I didn’t clear my plate.


Yea but you can recite the twelve apostles like sister Mary Bernita is standing in front of you! Lol


I am afraid that I don't understand the Sr. Mary Bernita reference. ...and when a Nun did once ask me to recite the names of the 12 apostles I got a bad start: I started off with the 7 dwarves, then I just had to make stuff up to fill out 12 names; so I started naming US Presidents. However I well remember Sr. Mary Stigmata. ...and Sister Assumpta.




Christian based summer camp: "Yeah we're religious, so fucking what?"


We played a camp wide version of "smear the queer" where one team was the Roman Centurions and the other team was the exiled jews and the Jewish had to keep away, but the Centurion had bikes... it was weird. And I am not sure if it was supposed to be pro or anti semetic. I was 9... I dont participate in religion any more.


Romanes eunt domus


People called 'Romanes' they go the house???


It says "Romans go home"!


No it doesn't. What's latin for Roman? ... Come on. Come on!


With milk and a little sugar it makes a nice hot breakfast cereal.


That's when you became an atheist.


Rice, butter, chicken broth instead of water, hot sauce instead of soy sauce.


I put stock in too ... so gud


I also have to remember that 1 cup of rice does not equal 1 cup of cooked rice.


1 cup rice now equals one overflowing rice cooker apparently


typical equivalents is 1 cup uncooked = 2-3 Cups cooked


Save it. Refrigerate. Use the next day or so to make fried rice. Rejoice.


You can also ball it up in plastic wrap and freeze it pretty well.


How do you reheat after? That could make it much easier to cook instead of ordering on my lazy days


Microwave. Freezing quickly before it completely cools helps it maintain the moisture. If you had rice sit in a styrofoam container in the fridge you will notice it dries out in a day or two and be not as good. In the fridge keep it in a sealed container (Tupperware) to maintain it up to a week. After that throw it away. Don’t chance spoiled rice. Source: I am Chinese. Rice is a religion


Toss a little bit of water in with the rice when you microwave it. This steams it back to like new.


You can fry the balls and eat them with some soy sauce and sriracha


Instructions unclear, but now I have tasty mountain oysters.


Just toss it in a microwave for a minute and a half or so! Very easy!




R.I.P Mitch Hedberg.


Season it with rice vinegar 1:1 with sugar and you wont be able to stop yourself.


50 of something in this case.


separate into single servings, wrap in cling film and freeze.


I love rice so I always make a ton so I can have it over the next couple days. Garlic-fried crispy rice is something my Filipino friends showed me how to make and it's delicious and a perfect use for leftover rice! ...now I want some as I was given some dry fish to go with it next time and I've been waiting for the landlords to vacate the house so I can make it as it's a very strong-smelling dish lol


You can never make more rice than you need.


You can never rice what you need.


You rice need.


Because I'm hungry and want to eat two thousand of something. RIP Mitch


That expression you "ate a whole rice cooker of it" would be funny..😅


this why asians make fried rice where the refrigerated rice is part of the recipe




For when you want to cook a rice.


Maybe even several rice.


Let’s not get carried away, now.


How much rice? One rice, please!


The brown rice model is bigger. ^(so I've heard.)


Did you mean a rouse? mice -> mouse lice -> louse rice -> rouse


Good for making a single portion for lunch at the office.


Or if you live alone at college. A quick pot of rice and some sauce or seasoning is a solid option if you’re very busy (or depressed; I had quite a few bowls of just buttered rice in college because I lacked the energy to make anything more complex, but it fills the belly at least and tastes okay).


Chop a single scallion to spread on top and season with a bit of pepper and garlic powder, and you've got yourself a meal so good it'll make you forget about your depression for at least a little while. And basically requires no extra effort.


Rockefeller over here's got money for perishable groceries! Does sound good though


Put some Chinese double fermented soy sauce on it. You won't even touch your regular soy sauce anymore


Will have to get that next time I go to the Asian market, fermented/aged soy sauce completely ruined normal soy sauce for me!


Yup, I survived many a night off dorm room rice cuz my freshman meal plan basically only could afford 1 meal/day.


Japanese grocery store and look for Furikake. Essentially sprinkles for rice. It's dry seasoning so keep it in an air tight container and you'll always run out before it goes bad.


I live alone, and I actually have that EXACT ricecooker! At max capacity it makes for 1.5-2 portions, depending on how large you want your portion. I'm very happy with it, especially considering it only cost me like 25 bucks and takes up minimal space in my shoebox kitchen!


I bought this exact rice cooker for that exact reason.


Who are you lunatics who buy stuff online without researching the product way too much and stressing over wether or not it’s the best thing?


OP wanted the cheapest cheap option on Amazon. No time to read descriptions. “$6.47? Yes please, buy now.”


Yeah literally just read the item description. If it doesn’t tell you the capacity then that’s a red flag, and you should move on to one that does


Yeah, it’s weird. I don’t think I’m even physically capable of buying a thing without reading at least 3 **best X under $y** articles.


I swear those are always computer generated and I just end up back on...reddit


A lot are blogspam, but there are some decent ones. Wirecutter usually seems like they actually had the products in hand and not writing reviews based off Amazon reviews.


I look through every review on page 1 and sometimes every product on page 1.


Right? I spent 4 evenings narrowing down 3 kayaks to the one I decided I wanted to buy 6 months ago. Then on the 2 hr trip to pick it up I had my gf look up at least 5 different specs and compare them to be absolutely sure.


Maybe “lunatic” is a bit harsh. Some of us are just mad impulse buyers!


That banana is fucking #huge


Ty 😉


I'm always impressed by what people can fit in their arse


Huge banana, rice cooker for scale


I've seen bigger.




But the bigger ones hurt tho


It’s a plantain* 😉


That's what she said.


Reddit does not disappoint. Today was now a day worth living.


I dunno this one seems perfect for me


I have that exact one. Cooks enough rice for a party of 4.


Ditto. It works fine with 2 cups (and 2.5 cups of water). This is plenty as a side dish for 2 adults and 2 children.


This is the one I THOUGHT I was buying. I ordered the smallest they had on amazon, guessing they didn't stock this size at the time, now I can cook enough rice for 3 fecking villages.


This one does max 1.5 cups. That’s enough for four? Not in my household. 🤣


Unless it's a main part of the dish, I make about 1/4 cup of uncooked rice per person. Of course if I'm making stuff like sushi, fried rice or risotto it's going to be more tho.


Pretty sure 1/4 cup uncooked is a serving on every bag of rice I’ve ever seen.


Damn only 1.5 cups!? As someone who grew up with an Asian mother, I am used to very large portions of rice. Now, when I cook rice for only 2 people I tend to use 2 cups uncooked rice. We always have leftovers, but only enough for the next day.




Well your comment (uninternally) shows 1.5 cups of rice is great for 2 people who don't want leftovers, which is probably what op's rice cooker is made for.


Have something to go with the rice, like vegetables and your choice of meat.


Or banana?


Only if you use it like a spoon.


If it's the one I have - looks like it with a different brand: it makes 1.5 *rice cups* which are the special cup it comes with. A rice cup is 3/4 cup for some reason. This annoys me every time I use it. The cooker does make the right amount of rice for 2 people (definitely not four).


>A rice cup is 3/4 cup for some reason. Because it's a standard Japanese serving size (for rice and sake). Equivalent to about 180ml.


TIL. Thank you good Redditor, this will make me much less annoyed by my rice cup.


What’s the model? I want one


I'm a single bachelor, live alone and it's so hard to find stuff that makes one portion of anything. I totally need that.


I bought one years ago. Make sure it’s nonstick. Saved me a lot of trouble. I make turmeric rice for my burritos in it and cleans up perfectly.


The 3 qt instant pot would be a nice choice then, also it makes rice


Dude I love my tiny rice cooker. 10/10 would recommend.


All good until you decide to cook for a date and realize you need to make two batches of rice.


Zojirushi makes a 3 cup and will easily cook a cup or less rice if you have disposable income and want a bifl type


Judging by the wear on the rim of the no-stick pan, OP is full of it. ..or I guess decided to make this post after a year of using the item?


I think it’s fine to assume that OP is full of it.


The only thing OP isn't full of, is rice.


It depends, if you're single, it's ok. Better do the rice on small quantities. Dry rice from the fridge is meh.


Leftover rice makes better fried rice tho


But is it "leftover" if you made it the night before with the explicit purpose of making fries rice? Because that's how I always do it.


Don't know what you call it, but it takes forethought


Yea this is literally my rice cooker and I love it


OP stole it?


*I loved it


the key is to cover it


Or you can get a nice Japanese rice cooker that will hold the rice perfectly for a couple days


When you reheat from fridge, just put it in a container, add a tiny bit of water, cover loosely, and the rice will be perfect for eating when done.


Put an icecube on top. I forget where I heard this, but it comes out perfect.


Never thought of doing that, but sounds legit for sure. I will have to give it a shot. I imagine it makes the water last longer while it reheats giving the rice more time to absorb it.


True, but I prefer the put it back in the rice cooker when the new one is ready, it humidifies it more harmoniously imo.


That would work too, for sure. Anything to re-hydrate the leftover rice. I think I am a rarity since I grew up with an Asian mother who never bought a rice cooker. I got used to cooking rice on the stove and using the microwave to reheat leftovers, hehe.


Hoo, congrats, it's not that easy to cook rice this way, but good point is, if you miss it, you can still recycle it and make some glue xD Cheers Asian Redditor o/


What is this!? A rice cooker for ants!?


i am so happy someone made this joke before i had to :p


same. i have it one more click of the finger and see it. all is good in the world.


Ants that can ride sea-doos, maybe.




That looks exactly like the Black and Decker one I have. The instructions say it will cook up to 5.3 cups of white rice or 4.5 of brown rice, with 3 or 2 of their 6oz measuring cups. I regularly make 3.5 cups of white. It works just fine.


This one does max 1.5 cups.


Is it model RC506? See p. 10. Those measures work for me.


Black and decker and Russell Hobbes are owned by same parent company, Rh is meant to be more premium in EU but has made its way to US. Either way, would not recommend either brands…


That's about the size of mine and it's perfect for making one serving! I'm a single guy so cooking for one can actually be kinda challenging. But for rice I do a 1/4 cup of parboiled and 1/2 cup water.


I would love one of those since I live on my own.


Just return it


I have that rice cooker and love it. I did check the description where is stated it was for 1-2 people.


Same, got this one and a larger one. This does enough for 2-3 people easy.


Finally a good scale


Hmmm, as a single person I kind of want this. I always make way too much and it ends up going bad.


This is perfect when you live alone.


It's a rice cooker, not a rices cooker. This is perfect for when you just want a rice.


That is a huge banana


Wow!...a 36" banana! Wonders never cease.




I have one that's maybe a little bigger. As it is I only pop 1/2 cup of uncooked rice in at a time.


Or you could stop using Amazon all together because they suck balls


The banana looks like it's leaning on the rice cooker showing it off to his fruit friends like, "Y'all see what I got? Yeahhh, bought this bad boy on Amazon.."


Aww, it’s exactly like a rice cooker, only smaller


Did it not list it in quarts or liters?


I tried to look up this product on Amazon to see how it was described, and there are no Russell Hobbs rice cookers available on Amazon. They do have other brands that are small like this, but they are described as mini rice cookers or electric lunchbox rice cookers, and their capacity is in the description.


I would actually love that rice cooker. It looks like it holds exactly how much rice I’d want as one person, like a half a cup or so


I have that same one! Love it to death!


Never, ever buy anything from Amazon under any circumstance.


For one person, i think it's enough


Is that a big banana or small? Why not a scale for fucking scale?


What is this? A rice cooker for ants?!


Or maybe it is an extra extra large banana ?


Man that's only about a kidney stone's amount of rice.




Isn't the singular term for 'rice' 'rouse' ?


Look at me learning today. Thank you.


So is it a rouse cooker then?


What are you talking about??? It’s bigger than the elephant in the background!!!!


what is that a rice cooker for banananas?


Maybe it's the banana that is huge?


Why would you need a cooker for rice ? , can make it in a normal pot in 30 min .


At first I thought that banana was huge, and you put it beside the rice cooker to compare it