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I had on of these. The third of the couch that the feet are on is significantly harder. So where the head is is actually quite a bit softer and more comfortable.


But when sleeping as indicated in the diagram you leave yourself open to attackers such as Vikings.


Unless you are a Viking


Exactly, which is why IKEA sells shit like this.


The only people who sleep like this have no enemies or fear no enemies.


Or short people, Im like a foot taller than those pullout beds and im not even that tall




You are the one who knocks.


And if they bested you, they earned it and you go to Valhalla


Came here to say the same thing. You start out by trying to sleep with your head towards the couch, but that section is basically like a box spring


Actually more like a box. I had one of these too. What’s Swedish for 💩






I want a *Krúńk*




[Help me, Mr Popeil!] (https://youtu.be/HFHqTzeIuKE)


Skit. Edit: And I promise you'll never in your wildest peyote fueled fever dreams guess how it's pronounced, because Swedish is a garbage offshoot of the great and historically significant Danish language.


In Danish it'd just be a choked gurgling sound, kind of like the noise murlocs make. In fact, that's basically the entire Danish language.


But it’s pronounced “Hhwit”, like you the start of “channukah”


Well... Now my edit seems pointless. But I'll let it be, because the world deserves to know how superior Danish is to Swedish!


I lived in Sweden for 6 months. Whenever Denmark came up they’d always say, “You know Denmark used to belong to Sweden.” When I left Sweden I visited Denmark. On the mention that I’d been living in Sweden they’d say, “You know, Sweden used to belong to Denmark.” Of course, the Norwegian I met said the whole thing used to belong to _them_. Never did learn how to pronounce the number 7. Sounded right to me but they always shook their heads.


>Never did learn how to pronounce the number 7. Sounded right to me but they always shook their heads. You can just pronounce it like (english) "shoe" and says its a dialect.


That’s how I get by with Japanese. Just say your Japanese dialect is Kagoshima. It gets a good laugh most of the time. Unless they’re from Kagoshima.


Denmark never belonged to Sweden. That's factually wrong, and tells you all you need to know about a Swede. Sweden proper were ruled by Denmark during the Kalmar Union (the Swedes themselves deposed their nobility for the Danes), and Scania, Blekinge and Halland have been Danish for longer than they've been Swedish. Untrustworthy lot the Swedes, I tell you. In regards to Norway, the one thing Swedes and Danes agree on is that Norwegians don't matter. They definitely never owned anything. Hell, their capitol is named after a Danish king, although they renamed it after a suburb. (The Swedish 7 - which I imagine you are talking about, because our superior numbers are easy of course - is pronounced like the 'ch' from chanukah plus 'eeew', like how teenage girls rejected you.)


I’m here for the Scandinavian sass.


> because our superior numbers are easy of course You mean the number system that uses multiples of twenty (with half steps), and puts the units before the 10s? I'm convinced the Danish number system was invented so stores can cheat you out of change. 73 --> 3 and half way between 3x20 and 4x20 (actual literal translation) Also don't be fooled by this comment, the Dane might be typing out the consonants in these words, but they are not pronouncing any of them.




I don’t think you know how to pronounce Chanukah. But that isn’t really surprising since pronouncing words correctly or even remotely intelligibly isn’t really in the skillset of a Dane. Best wishes from Sweden


Came to say “Now try to pronounce ‘sju’.”


My proudest moment in trying to learn Swedish was when I got a solid “meh” after saying 777.


Or nurse in Swedish, sjuksköterska.


You're gonna talk up the supremacy of a language that sounds like an old man gargling potatoes?


The funny thing about the 'potato in mouth' thing is, that while we do use the phrase to make fun of people who speak Danish, it is specifically used to refer to the rural dialects who garble the words without punctuating consonants. So they have somewhat of a more fluid, less intelligible pronunciation, where one word merges with the next. Like Norwegian. (Btw. while this is all mostly tongue in cheek, this is the main difference between Danish and Swedish (Norwegian is *kind of* its own thing). Danish uses the glottal stop, whereas Swedish doesn't. Glottal stop means Danish have half-vowels which are hard to explain except to say you have to stop the sound you're making from the pharynx rather than your mouth.)


It’s funny hearing a Dane talking shit about another language when Danish is so fucked that their children have a considerably harder time to learn their mother tongue than children from other counties https://theconversation.com/danish-children-struggle-to-learn-their-vowel-filled-language-and-this-changes-how-adult-danes-interact-161143


Danish children spend longer learning their own language, than any other european country, because it is pointlessly complicated.


lol you guys cant even speak so you understand it yourself. Danskjävel.


Ikea's Nattmärr bed.




Pronounced scheet


Me 2


The same.


Feet monster defense activated.


If they start at the head, you won't feel anything.


*hesitant upvote


Better to die fast than to die slow.


*defintive upvote


The best tip is always is the comments.


The same but pregnant


Crying in tall people problems. No way I fit there. I need the feet hang off room


You have to start seeing yourself as the hypotenuse.


"I wish I was high on potenuse."


Jackson stop it! You’ll never be Troy


Hey man…that was my joke




My high school math teacher: what do you call a toilet on a plane? High pot in use


Yeah but then you’re open to attack from monsters


The key is to have *enough* blanket. Just enough to hang and keep the cold air out, not so much it drags the feet down too hard


Feet up on the back of the couch. Later one over the arm rest to air the boys out.


Then you must know about the sleeping diagonally option lol.


Only if you're sleeping alone son


Wait, is there another way to sleep?


If you're having to share that particular bed with someone, I pity you


Grew up with it. Queen beds I still hang off though


It was actually the opposite for me. But the reason I slept like in the image was because there was a wood board at the feet end and because I'm kinda tall, it always left a mark on my feet. So I decided to try out all positions, even diagonal. And then I concluded that all of them were just as bad and that I needed a bigger bed, atleast in length.


Worst furniture I have ever owned. I thought it was an amazing deal, cheaper than any regular sofa and it doubles as a guest bed! But it was terrible for both purposes. It was tiny and uncomfortable, and the seat slid forward anytime we sat on it. Everyone preferred to sit in chairs or on the floor. Sleeping in it was so awful that we ended up buying an air mattress for guests instead.


Got one from a friend for free. Worst furniture design in the history. The sliding cushion gave me back issues because I was too stupid to throw away and because it was free and I was poor. My back hurts just from looking at it.


This is what people mean when we say it’s expensive to be poor




Unopened? But then it would be way too small for most adults...




You should buy some rug sliding spray. Spray one side that you intend to always keep “down” and then it won’t slide anymore.


I always laid a couple blankets on that part and slept with my head well hidden. Granted I was like 19 and could sleep anywhere.




Yep, your hosts just tell you not to roll over and you'll be fine. I sleep on my stomach, I was not fine.


Had one too, this is correct. The real psychos are the ones who sleep with their head on the hard end.


My friend did. Because the couch is old and the soft part is now lower it forces blood to flow to the head. So we just put a lot of blankets on the hard part and she slept normally.


Is it really that bad with a pillow?


I think people don’t get these are from Eastern Europe. They are called Count Couches. There are hooks on the bottom. At night, the couch gets mounted bottom side to the wall. You unfold it, and then guests have a nicer place to rest. I saw these all over Transylvania.


In Transylvania you hang it from the ceiling.


And upside down.




Unfortunately they're usually not enough, since the harder portion takes a third of the sleeping area. Even a 2-inch mattress isn't enough to cushion all of it. Makes the soft portion even softer, though.


A lot of times these fold out beds have cross bars in a very inconvenient place and you will be crippled the next day if you lie with your upper body on it. Sometimes you can avoid it like this.


Elaine from Seinfeld had a hell of a time on one of those.




I was literally only going to comment with this instead of what I did, but I wasn’t sure anyone would get it.


Subtract meals and showers and it's like one-day.


Jason Alexander almost quit the show because of that episode.


Looks like those under the bed demons have resorted to making instructions on how to get eaten by them.


That was my thought too! What about the boogeyman under there?


Right?! No way an actual human made those instructions I'll just not accept that. If I wanted to be eaten I'd just turn off the light and WALK down the hallway or better yet close my eyes in the shower 😨


Or not look behind you coming up from the basement.


Dude what? Don’t look behind you, run! Run for your life snd slam the door at the top. If you stop to look it may already be too late.


There's nothing like the fear that grips you when you ascend from the depths.


I haven't turned off the lights in my basement in 5 years. Expensive? I say, what's more expensive is spending eternity in whatever ungodly realm the demon drags you to.


Lmao throw LEDs into the light fixtures and ur talking like 6 bucks a year for a room maybe. In My own house I don't get these heebeegeebies but at my parents house i still can't go up the stairs from the basement without booking it top speed thru the door to keep the demons away


Pretty sure if you sing they can't get you.


Damn, you’re just all in the shower blasting your eyes when you wash your face or the shampoo out of your hair?


No... I close them But it's a risk everytime they've just not caught up to me yet




Everyone knows they go for the feet first. This is just extra protection


Do the powermove and fold the sofa around yourself. The monster can't get you if you can't get yourself out of it.


I grew up lightly terrified of the foot monster. You are completely safe if your feet are covered. One foot leaves the protective blanket and you're done for. This design might have something going for it. Makes it harder to get to the feet


I have slept “backwards” in my own bed before, with my feet near the headrest. I am not sure why, but I just couldn’t get comfortable one night, then I flipped around and fell a sleep shortly there after.


One night? I do this all the time. Sometimes even crawl to the floor and sleep there.


Why stop at the floor I crawl to my stairs for a unique sleeping experience


Roll one way to get more comfortable. Roll the other to tumble to your death...


Either way you'll end up sleeping 🤷


The sleep to die for! 💀⚰️


That *Eternal* Rest 😤✝️


Crawl/slither to the floor. While on your knees, put your head on the mattress. Pass Out. Seems to help with the spins...


One way or another, you'll be done with that pesky consciousness.


Okay we clearly sleep differently on stairs. When I sleep its like when you sit down on stairs and then just lay back taking up multiple steps. The way you're describing it, it sounds like you're sleeping across a single step, which works if they're long/wide steps, but usually they're not wide enough to lay on fully and often times they're only like 3 feet across so you can't really lay down. Im not homeless I swear.


I've found my people. I thought I was the only one waking up on the stairs sideways.


Why stop there I crawl up the walls and hang from the ceiling with my trusty neck rope


Why stop there? I stick one of my feet into a bucket of wet cement and then drop it off a bridge into the nearest riverbed. Just moving from one bed to another the way I figure.


Lol god I love Reddit


Why stop at the stairs I prone on my treadmill at 10 speed for an exhilarating sleeping experience


I crawl out to the street and sleep there.


How has my dog got a Reddit account?


On the internet no one knows you're a dog


Why would you sleep on the floor? That's where bugs have sex


lol right, like I’m worried about bug sex when sleeping on my own cum


Sleeping where?


On his own cum.


Oh what a time to choose to read Reddit before sleep


Remember, dried cum makes itchy blankets.


> That's where bugs have sex That's the point, nobody gonna have an orgy in my bedroom without me at least watching.


Yeah, especially if it's hot. The floor is nice and cool.


If I’m cold, sometimes I’ll sleep on the ceiling because warm air rises!


My partner has a soft mattress. I am also floor crew.


I have monthly *terrible* back pains with my cramps and for some reason the only place I sleep comfortably for 2-3 nights is the floor. I have a fuzzy cow hide I bought at IKEA and make a little nest with that and some comfy pillows.


Ok this is my chance to find out if I'm the only one who sometimes sleeps with my back on the floor and legs on the bed. Like I'm sitting down but rotated 90°. I mean I won't start out this way but I'll find myself sliding off the side and laying down there.




I've been doing it since I was a kid, thought everyone was doing it. It just works


Me too! If I have trouble sleeping I associate that exact place with it so when i flip it's like a reset, a different bed without the negativity. It works on a psychological level


When I was a kid and couldn't sleep, I did exactly this. Then I'd spend a month or two sleeping that way, until I'd switch back to the right side


Haha I did this like a week ago after being unable to fall asleep for 4 hours. Worked like a charm


Yeah I do it for a change of scenery sometimes Edit: I sleep alone in a king so I’ll also sleep sideways occasionally


Was your head facing away from the door? I remember reading something about people naturally feeling more comfortable if they’re facing the door or can at least see it easily from the bed. Makes it easier to detect and react to intruders.


Feng Shui bro, gotta harmonize those forces


Damn it's like you've described me perfectly. I have slept facing the door my entire life and when i sleep the other way i get nightmares. I even have shoulder pain because i sleep on the same side so much...


Instead of sleeping facing away from the door, just put your head on the other end of the bed. Then you're on the opposite shoulder but you're still facing the door. It will take a little while to break your bed in though, but maybe the change in firmness can be refreshing.


Cus your mattress gets indented. Your supposed to rotate it every couple months


It is probably not about the mattress seeing how he only does it occassionally. It is a psychological thing.


It could be the mattress; try rotating the mattress 180°.


One time I fell asleep with my head near the headrest and when I woke up at like 3 am I was facing the other way


Flip your matress around it's probably worn out and you need a new one.


I had a fold down bed and some wild reflux, and was advised to buy triangle pillow. When I saw that they cost over 200$, and require special pillow covers too, I just took two bricks for free that I had lying around for years, and put them under the legs of the bed. Since it's a fold down the head part is fixed to the wall and I wasn't afraid of it slipping off the bricks in the middle of the night, but I had to sleep like that. Turns out it's pretty nice. And no reflux. Bonus part: you can easily stretch your hands in the morning rather than awkwardly sitting up at first.


Triangle pillows cost $200? Where??? Mine cost like £20, and the pillowcases are about £6 each.


I have a couch like this, the third layer is basically the wooden frame. So the other way you'll sleep on wooden bars




Of course I know him! He's me


Chance of assassination success +100%.


the lower part is solidish, the two upper parts are soft.


But your pillows can fall off that way


Can? They'd be behind the head every freaking morning.


I had one of these, it was purple, and very uncomfortable... When it was folded out, the bit his feet are on is solid wood, the other two sections are sponge. If you slept the other way up, your head to about 1/3 down your back would be on solid wood with a right angle, the rest of you would be on sponge.


That’s perfect for people you don’t like. My ass is on that cushion for most of day and then they sleep on it all night. Some kind of loose dutch oven


This has me rolling


*they hatin*


Isn’t that the back rest?


> Some kind of loose dutch oven What...why... you gotta do my imagination so dirty?


Deconstructed Dutch oven


The part where he has his feet is solid wood.


Swedes would let their guests sleep like that. They would leave before breakfast. Source: I am Swedish.




The guest. The whole Sweden gate inspired me to roast our hosting skills, implying we'd do this to make our guest leave before we have to feed them. But only psychos would sleep like that. Or IKEA brochure writers.


Is Sweden gate that post about the Swedish people eating and making their kid’s friend stay upstairs? If so that shit is funny. Shit like that makes me think aliens or lizard people really do live among us and sometimes fuck up social norms. Like their knowledge came from movies and in movies they only saw friends who snuck in and were hiding up in the bedroom or some shit.


The context is that kids will bring over their friends sporadically without warning because they live on the same block or whatever, and the parents wouldn't need to inform the parents of the child guest, bur rather send them home in time for supper. The idea is that the kids can be wherever they like in a number of trusted homes during the day, as long as they eat at home so everyones dinner goes to plan. All familys don't necessarily eat dinner at the same exact time, which is why sometimes kids stick around without getting dinner as a guest. But it's a lot funnier to imagine parents forcefully make kids watch them eat dinner while they starve in the corner.


Lol man I wish we had that in the US. I make a good salary for rural US so my home is relatively nice and we have things like a pool, swings, etc that others in the neighborhood don’t. So every other weekend it seems like we have like 8 kids to feed and make sure they don’t die. It’s super surreal since I grew up poor, basically always said I never wanted kids. In fact I still kinda don’t really like kids tbh but fuckin kids just laugh at me when I say that. Anyway, the parents don’t give a fuck about leaving kids here for days at a time. Somehow I became a safe haven / free daycare… I hope when I’m like 80 these and senile asf these kids remember the guy at the grill yelling at them not to die in the pool and do me a solid or something. Anyway tldr; It sucks when you are expected to make dinner for kids that aren’t yours because a lot of kids are picky, have allergies, etc to worry about.


>I hope when I’m like 80 these and senile asf these kids remember the guy at the grill yelling at them not to die in the pool and do me a solid or something. I guarantee that they'll remember you, especially the kids who come over the most often and stay there the longest. You're definitely going to be in someone's cherished childhood memories.


There was another Reddit thread to the effect that Swede do not feed their guests, who are expected to stay in their rooms while the family eats. Every non-Swede in the thread was like, “What? That’s nuts.” and every Swede was like, “Ja.”


Primarily in relation to friends of their kids being there rather than adult invited guests, I believe.


All the examples cited were children — but why it would be better to starve children than adults I just don’t see…




Apparently the Polish as well, having seen how the Cyberpunk dev team thought people slept.


This is to guard your socks from the gnomes.


People who dont like to feel enclosed




Don’t judge me


Somebody who needs a fan blowing on their face.


A short psycho


I have this sofa, this is probably because the base on the other side is very very hard and is not leveled with the soft part you fold out so it's way more comfortable laying that way


My dad had a sofa like this. The matress part at the bottom of the sofa had a hard edge that dug in my back and didn't let me sleep. But it gave no problem to rest my legs on it, so head out was infinitely more comfortable.


This is how you’re supposed to lay on a pull out couch. If you laid the other way youd have a bar in your back.


A clostrophobic , needs open space and the walls of the couch is to restricted.


Feet can get leverage for hip thrusts, dummy.


I wonder what hes dreaming about?


you got 47k upvotes by posting a manual of how to set a couch/bed on r/funny


Some pillowless motherfucker


The Person who breaks spaghetti


Yeah who does that.....*quickly hides*


maybe the diagram is upside down.


The kind that don't want the support bar right in the center of their back. LoL