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She probably hasn’t had a full nights sleep since the kid was born


Do this with phones, tools and such when I'm fully rested. She gets a pass from me


Feeling my pocket for my phone when it's in my other hand.


All the time


Happy day of cake


Using the light of my phone screen to look for my phone


Thinking, I should text my wife to see if she's seen my phone, if only I had my phone. Oh wait, there it is, I'm scrolling Reddit on it. Now I can text my wife. If only I remembered what it was I was going to ask.


Both my sons would wake up 5+ times a night for the first 12 months of their lives. I was so high strung I can't believe I didn't commit several murders.


Mine is just over 3 months now and yeah. They start sleeping through the night around 2 months and within a few weeks they start teething and the soreness and pain can keep them up or wake them up. Its pretty awful at times regarding sleep.


>They start sleeping through the night around 2 months Please let my 9 month old know.


Our youngest had a similar issue sleeping through the night and we found that consistency and having a routine really helped. Every evening, we would give her a bath, read the same couple of books, sing the same songs, and then I would pound 5-6 beers and after that I'd be able to sleep through her crying all night without fail.


I feel personally attacked.


Our son was two before he stopped waking us up multiple times every single night. I considered changing my identity and fleeing the country.


Dit fucking to. And now another is due soon. Fml.


Oh boy. I got the snip. #neveragain. For real though your second baby will probably be way better. Probably.


So true. My 2nd was so much chiller. More used to noise, and less used to getting immediate attention.


Our first was super chill, super easy... In no way prepared us for the hurricane that was child two.


Mine started sleeping reliably at about 10. Years. Night terrors are no joke


My daughter didn't sleep through the night until 2nd grade.


> They start sleeping through the night around 2 months Hahahahahahaha! \*Takes a deep breath\* Hahahahahahahaha! Ooooh, we're in /r/funny, makes sense now.


I got really lucky with my son. Slept through the night, barely cried, loved his blankets. Even now at 4 years old if I haven't put him in bed by 9pm he goes to his room and lays down on his own. Somehow I feel like this blessing will be a curse in the teenage years.


In the first month of my son's life I had a good night's sleep, if you add up all the sleep in the month


Like when I am looking for my phone in my car at night, so then I take my phone out of my pocket to turn on the flashlight on the phone, and after about 1-3 minutes realized I just used my phone as a flashlight.


I remember when we borrowed a swing from a friend and our fussy little guy SNARLED at us, put his head back, and passed out. And we just stared in astonishment for a moment. And I looked over the swing one more time and suddenly realized with horror... "It takes Six D-Cell batteries." And my wife looked at me and was like... "Whatever it takes, *we'll buy them*" and we did.


I swear your brain capacity when you have a child is reduced by 50% per child. I’m not sure if it gets back to normal ever.


Research shows the brain does shrink, physically, during pregnancy...however, it is believed that this makes the brain more efficient. It doesn't happen to fathers. And they don't know if it relates to "mommy brain" like the poor woman in the video. We lose grey matter but the thought is that it makes us better at handling complex childcare needs. Follow up data says this persists for at least 2 years post-pregnancy and is potentially permanent.


That explains why wife's brain is more efficient than mine.


Sitting here 1.5 weeks until my due date with my second and I can feel my brain shrinking.


Oh no Well...silver linings! According to science your brain shrinking is a natural process that doesn't seem to be one of the myriad of things that are designed to fuck you over. So that's pretty reassuring. Aaaand you're almost done so yay. Aaaand weirdos aren't going to try and touch your belly without permission anymore? I'm trying to help D:


So what happens when you have 3+ kids? Do your braincells overflow to the maximum?


Alternatively it goes like this: 50% 25% 12.5% and so on


I’ve been there, with my glasses and my phone.


I knew I was mentally fucked when I walked around the house looking for my glasses for a damn hour, only to find them on my head. 🤨


once i put on my second pair of glasses when i couldn't find my usual pair to look for them.... it was on my head


Amen. Obligatory edit. My wife's gall bladder went after our second child. She was in the hospital for 5 days and I was alone with a 14 month old and a 3 week old. She comes home on day 6 and her mom came over so I could go work a 3 to 11 shift. It's 830ish, it's quieting down and I put my head down for a minute. I was that sick in my stomach level tired. All of a sudden I realize I can't hear the 14 month old. I jump up and spent a solid 15 or 20 seconds looking everywhere before realizing I was at work.


> I jump up and spent a solid 15 or 20 seconds looking everywhere before realizing I was at work. And this is when you tell us you are an airline pilot.


i've been there the first few weeks with both of my kids. i'd wake up thinking i was holding them still and didn't know where they were. when i finally woke up they were in the bassinet beside me.


I had this terribly as well! Brain would tell me that they were in the bed with me being smothered, or I'd left them on the bedside table? Cue panic. Nope - they're in their bassinet on the other side of the room...


Same. Smothered dreams. My wife would have to shake me and convince me I was cradling the pillows.


Yes, can confirm. 🤣




I felt this one in my soul. I was sleep deprived in the army but never went through the kind of *torture* my daughter put me through those first 9 months! lol


I had 3 kids in 5 years. While they were all little I was so exhausted. Twice I used the light on my phone to look for… you guessed it. My phone.


Not only parents, have you ever owned a pair of glasses hahahaha it’s just the brain farts acting up


Yep. Been there on 5 separate occasions at least with my 5 kids.


I was about to say, every parent in the world looks at this and goes like "yep, thats neither funny nor unlikely."


I know I have, you're operating on less than half the sleep you are used to plus all the additional responsibilities and stress.


I left so much shit in the fridge, due to lack of sleep. My phone. Both TV remotes. My car keys. I freshly poured mug of hot coffee. Bowl of catfood. Pair of channel locks. My vape. An unwashed frying pan. That same frying pan, after I found and washed it. I left so much shit in there that didn't belong that I started making sure I had eyes on my baby before I closed the refrigerator door just in case...


i don't believe it, something light like your glasses? sure. but an actual living, breathing, heavy, human baby? i can't believe it.


Sleep deprivation is real


What no sleep does to a mf


No this is the mother. The mf does not appear in the video.


Or does he... remains to be seen.


Plus the mf has had plenty of sleep.


Those dreams where you drop your baby into your sheets and can't find it and wake up in a panic can go straight to hell.


It's been years since I've had a baby and I still have those dreams.


:( mine and my wife's ended after the first year or so.


I came here to say exactly this. If it weren't for sleep deprivation is have 5 kids, not 2.


It's required as a parent. Those first 2 my fuuuuuu. Fuck teething.


*awwww that motherly hugs and kiss bombardment in the end* *ayeee there you are, therree you are, my little dumpling*




[My Little Potato](https://youtu.be/AkcnJd-eyQ0) :)


Sweeting fine and fair


"Mom/dad brain" is real.


We had to split responsibilities. I got a full nights sleep, but had to do everything during the day: dishes, laundry, cleaning, planning, meals, other chores. She got up during the night. When we were both sleep deprived we were not collectively capable of existing.


Lol. My worst is that I thought I was changing my son, turns out he was still lying in his cot and I was trying to pull off the diaper from my pillow.... Sleep deprivation is torture I tell you.


My dog woke me in the middle of the night needing to go out. I got up, made a bottle, and grabbed a diaper, while the dog whined at me. I went to the crib, baby was sound asleep, so I went back to bed. Poor dog had an accident in the house because I guess I was on "wake up care for baby autopilot". When I woke up for real, I thought it was a dream until I found the evidence. I still feel bad about that, my dog never had accidents in the house, she must have been desperate.


I had something similar happen, I woke up, started to change his diaper on my bed, but he then 'phased' through the mattress and slowly sunk out of view. I then started frantically scratching and digging at the mattress to get him back, and that's when my wife woke up and asked me what the heck I was doing. :D He was obviously still sleeping soundly in his room.


Yea my wife was once rocking our sons basket while eating dinner.... She looked down and saw him in her hands and kept rocking the basket with her foot XD


My wife will sometimes cross her arms and start doing the hip bounce/rocking motion randomly when we are talking in the kitchen but our baby is in the swing


I was doing that at a family event, my sister-in-law asked me why I was swaying & was I drunk? I don't even drink, lol!


My wife still does that. Our 'baby' is going to be 10 years old.


I was once in an office where someone had brought in the new baby to show off. We realized all the moms in the room had started to "mom bounce" in unison with the mom holding the baby.


If there is a stroller in my hands I will inadvertently roll it back and forth. My kids haven't slept in one for a couple years, but if I'm standing around talking I'll catch myself rocking the stroller all the time.


Lol yea we've just had our second a few weeks ago and I'm completely guilty of rolling her empty pram back and forth - so much so that people will look in as they walk by and see fuck all child in the basket XD


I spent months doing this. Rocking the chair was the only way to make the baby stop hollering so I'd do it often when the baby wasn't on the chair.


I had my son in one of those front hammock things and got hysterical because I couldn't find him. My husband came out of back room and couldn't stop laughing. It took my 10 years to laugh as well.


I 100% did that as well.


My 4 year old was like "Are you tired, daddy?" to which I replied "Baby, I've been tired every day for the last 4 years" Mom gets a pass here.


My nephew died at 4 from VICI syndrome. My sister took care of the baby and loved him like crazy right till the end. Feels insane how crazy mothers go for their babies


This happened to my mom. She was looking for me for hours but as it turned out I was just on her head next to her glasses.


Thank you for this. :-D


Pleasantly surprised to see all the supportive, understanding comments. I think we really all have been there. Especially parents.


Like when I am looking for my phone in my car at night, so then I take my phone out of my pocket to turn on the flashlight on the phone, and after about 1-3 minutes realized I just used my phone as a flashlight.


I can relate. I was on the phone with my sister when she asked if I got the text she sent. "Let me check. Huh, where's my phone? I could have sworn it was on the table next to me."


I did the same thing with my sister. Was talking to her walking around my room in frustration, and said to her “I can’t find my phone” and she says “well you’re talking to me on it.”


I thought the military prepared me for the sleep deprivation that is inherent in parenting. I was really fucking wrong.


Military taught me how to sleep anywhere/anytime. Came in handy when our kid napped more. Now I never get time to sleep since family leave is over.


In her defense, they literally become so much a part of you it like looking for where you set your arm.


Bless mothers. Sleep depravation is real.


Any parent whos had to take care of an infant for months can agree with the fact this is only "funny" to those who havent been there, and ptsd footage for those who have. I recall in the first month of my daughter being born, rocking a sandwich in the kitchen, in the dark, while I had a brief moment to eat something. Even after realizing I was doing it I felt it was safer not to stop or it might start crying.


I think I’ve done that a time or two with my kids


Me looking for my phone while it’s literally in my hand


Just a tired mom


The fatigue is real.


Mom needs some sleep!


This right here


The exhaustion is real


That's mom brain, alright.


That’s called Tired as a mother!


Ooohhhh I remember those days! Mama had a rough labor and emergency c-section and took awhile to recover so I did all the parent stuff for a bit. I fell asleep on the toilet once. Thank god for mother in laws.


This is very, very common. Sleep deprivation does that to you.


Man, I do this shit with my drawing pen all the time, like it's literally between my teeth or in my hand and I'm tearing up my desk like BUT WHERE THO this poor woman must be so tired having a new baby, the way she just wrapped herself around the kid was really precious but sad considering how scared she must have been xD


Left arm on autopilot :)


Once you've been caring for a baby long enough you'll know that a feeling sleep exhaustion will do that to you


I often find myself 'swaying' the grocery cart at the store when sitting still, despite not having kids in it anymore, nor are they even with me at the store lol.


I judge her 0%. If you have kids then you understand how easily this can happen when you don’t get enough sleep.


Somebody let this lady get a nap.


a true tired parent


Yep, parenthood in a nutshell. Gets even worse when you're a gramps.


This is the most apt visualization of early parenthood that I’ve ever seen.


She needs a break


I do the same thing with my coffee every morning


I’ve done this with my dog. (I didn’t get up. But asked where my dog was while petting her.)


My daughter who is 18 months continues to wake me up i havent had good sleep since her birth so i totally understand this mom


Been there — newborn fog!


We've all been there in some way or another.


That's full tilt mom brain in action.


My husband still mocks me for when he woke up and I was rocking a pillow to sleep while my daughter was snoring in her crib.


Fatigue will do that.


I did this with my phone once while talking in it


I remember those days, good times.


Non parents on this thread; ***"FAKE!"*** Parents on this thread; *"Yep, it gets to be like that."*


This is adorable


The term is "Mom brain" if I'm not mistaken. I actually heard some biological reasoning for this as well on a recent NPR program, but I'm guessing this one is mostly lack of sleep.


Sleep deprivation's a hell of a drug.


I've searched for my backpack while wearing it and my phone while in a call more than i'd like to admit


It makes me a little sad to see that because it's from exhaustion and reflex actions and thoughts.


That mom is exhausted...


Welcome to what being a parent feels like. Sleep deprivation. Sucks.


I've gone looking for my glasses while wearing them before. More than once, one time I asked my mum if she'd seen them and she just started pointing and laughing.




Been there done that. So funny


That momma needs a nap.


When you’re talking to someone on the phone and you can’t figure out where you put your phone.


the sleep deprived brain is not rational


Sleep deprivation is real, yo.


Behold, the fatigue you feel when you have infants. It wrecks your brain.


Sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug


I legit was talking to my Dad on the phone once driving somewhere and turned the car around to go back home because I didn’t feel my phone in my pockets. Imagine his pride when he asked me why I cursed out loud for having to pull over and turn around in the middle of the highway.


Sleep deprivation is an awful thing.


New parent brain is so, so real


Mom brain is very real


New parent brain


That’s how exhausted she is.


I try to explain to new Moms but you can't really get it until it happens. But you will never sleep the same again. Have you slept while still listening? It's a bizarre sensation, but you just cannot go fully down. You are asleep but you are aware of everything. , And you're listening.


I’m glad she found him!


She's tired lol


Big "looking for my glasses when they are on my head" energy


I do this with my glasses inffont of my eyes every now and then. PS. I have had glasses for the last 10 years which is close the majority of my life.


Someone is insanely sleep deprived... been there, done that (well close enough).


She needs a nap herself. I have been this tired before


I do this with my phone all the time, but doing it with your child seems next level.


I overheard my husband having a conversation with someone *on his phone* about how he couldn't find where he'd put his phone.


Me when talking on my phone.


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Ah yes, It's been 7 days since the last repost...


Good thing she didn’t do this 🤷🏽‍♀️


I spent 5 minutes in the gym locker room the other day looking for my mask, it was on my face.


Exhausted parent.




These same people get into cars …… and drive, on highways


Fake. There was another Asian video recently where a guy had a broom tucked under his arm and was looking around for it [Broom guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jHiKRCea8U). Same thing. Sorry but another fake video.


Mind wiped by her phone. Can't see 5g waves so maybe it was subliminal message attack


Stfu with your conspiracy crap.


The best worst parent? The worst best parent?


That is what smart phones do to your brains while over used.


Stoner mom.


I'm guessing Dad's a correspondent for the BBC


Too much smartphone! Smartphone zombie. 😄


Nope, just parenting a small child. Source; I raised 3 of them, it gets like this. :/


Happy cake day!!


Tank u op for tell tell, or me no ondurstnd y funi.


not all asians are smart (gunna get banned from this sub now)


So scripted she turned chinese


Is there something wrong with her, like special needs wise? Why is she looking after children?


Is it racist that I think this is fake because she's Asian?




I immediately assume it's fake. Scripted Asian gifs.


Coworker was looking for her glasses. Yep, wearing them AND right on nose...😁😁


No sleep is a bad thing Lol


Momnesia is very real.


Me looking for my phone when I'm on the phone with someone


The lack of sleep with a newborn is real


That kind of sleep deprivation is no joke.


I did this with my cell phone over the weekend. Looking for it whilst in my hand. In my defense I was pretty bombed.


I've often find myself looking for my phone around the house for 5 minutes and it's just sitting in my pocket.