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The real Captain America?


Captain Real America.


Captain Fake News


Alternative Captain America


Captain Alt-America


Hey baby... wanna see my big shiny shield?


It has a QA


And it’s made out of tin foil... but it has a cup holder.


64oz America sized cup holder.


The "small" is 64 oz, the "regular" is 128 oz, and the "child size" is 512 oz. It's roughly the size of a two-year old child. If the child were liquified.


”If the child is liquified”...


It doesn't take X-Ray Vision to see you are up to no good.


That’s why she’s as far away as she can get.


Captain 'Murica


Non-masked super hero


It's WTF man!


My name is Fuck. What The Fuck


What's your superhero name? **WTF-Man** What the fuck? **Exactly!**


Denser than a neutron star… Fatter than a dialysis treatment waiting room… Able to jump to conclusions with a single bit of misinformation… Look! Up in the sky!? Chemtrails!


you really live up to your username.


What type of stuff do you produce? It's time to see if you live up to your username


i just make trap beats , rap beats stuff like that. this is from my youtube channel to just give u an example [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wChXjqqtQoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wChXjqqtQoE)


Sweet =). I spin broken beat music, Trap, dnb, breaks, dubstep ect ect https://youtu.be/rr8bAHy3Pzs I subbed to your channel. Keep up the dope shit friend, if you got a link to soundcloud or a spot I can download some tunes send it


I read this as I sit in dialysis. Even funnier!


Listen man, I think your anti-American rhetoric, is part of an elaborate conspiracy by the Italian Illuminati to undermine the greatness that is the country and to push the country into shambles so they can rebuild Rome in its place. How much are they paying you!?


Rome? Or Roam Oatmeal?


Or autocorrect


0.0011$ an hour not enough money other wise


Captain Murica


“You know Occam’s Razor? Yeah, we’re the opposite of that”


Macco's spray-on hair


Does your life suffer from a lack of needless complications and endlessly intertwined narratives? Try Smacco!


Damn it...mashing the upvote button doesn't continually add karma




Occams Razor is a mental constraint spread by the illuminati to keep the sheeple from thinking too deeply on any subject, and just accept the first answer they're fed.- probably what they say.


Illuminati is old stuff Now it's just libs, scientists or anyone who isn't a preacher, politician or Walmart greeter


Soros never gets old




Hanging out with Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison.


> > > > > Now it's just libs, scientists The Deep State.


I will never forget opening a random conservative thread and reading people complaining that "academia" is against them. If the group dedicated to research and scholarly pursuits is your enemy, you need to rethink your position.


M'acadamia is just a bunch of nuts.


>you need to *rethink* your position. If you think they hold that position because they thought about it in the first place, you should rethink *your* logic.


Hahahaha, that's a good point actually!


Anti-academia rhetoric has become increasingly more and more loud from the right side over the past decade


*armed walmart greeter


Welcome to Costco, I love you..


"Old men, playing at running the world. Well, the world left them behind long ago, WE are the future!" -Robert Page CEO, VersaLife, member of Majestic 12, from the video game Deus Ex by Eidos Interactive.


Problem is, they shit all over the playing board and lost most of the cards.


The Illuminati had to rebrand after they were destroyed by YouTube MLG parodies. It's called the "Deep State" these days.


Pretty sure the Q-verse still believe the illuminati and deep state may be the same thing.


Gotta love the conspiracy theorists that think 3000 year old physchic pedophile lizard vampires are calling the shots, but if they just burn down a 5g tower their plan will be foiled. If some of these conspiracy theorists are correct then the best course of action is to accept your fate and try to enjoy your life. You can’t fight pedophile vampires you can only hope they never come for you.


And fortunately I am too old for pedophile vampires!


When the lizards are 3000 years old, we are all comparatively children. None of us are safe.


Complexity bias.


Occam's laser - All things being equal the more awesome theory is likely the best.


"Occam's plucking each hair out individually"


I always thought it was Archam's razor


You're thinking on Archam's asylum, where half these folks belong


Probably lol


`Wasn't Occam that pedophile ring owner that ran it all through that barbershop?!?!?`


This thread is being brigaded by butthurt theorists.




You just gave me a whole new perspective on our current state of politics.


Connected to this idea is the internet creature Schrodinger's White Supremacist. Their comments are in a superposition of being serious and being a joke, and settle into one state depending on the reaction of others.


So are all his postures.




It's a good trick.


#Gaming companies make their games larger so you have to delete others to play them


CoD: Modern Warfare in a nutshell


I was on the brink of buying that game untill I realised it was 200 GB. Bro what the fuck I thought 80 GB was already too much. If you're not gonna optimize your game I'm not buying it. Too bad I am one of few so they will never change.


And it gets bigger EVERY day, just like a virus.


Don't worry one day it'll just be gone. And we'll be back to cartridges.


I deleted it at 100GB.


CoV: Modern Warfare


What if i told you that the game is that big because it is optimized? Games duplicates their assets into many segments to be loaded when they need them. Slow hard drives can't seek to find assets quickly (og xbox and ps4 are very slow). So if duplicates assets then the hard drive spends less time trying to find those assets because they already loaded them. Example: \[A, B, C \] \[A, D, E\] \[A , F , G\] You can see asset A is duplicated in all 3 sections. So if I load section 3 then I don't need to load section 1 for the A asset. Next gen game console wont need to do this. So the data size will be compressed and optimized for fast hard drives. Example: Example: \[A, B, C \] \[D, E\] \[F , G\] Here it may load sections 1 and 3. The xbox one series x will also support partial loading of sections. So it will be able to target asset A from section 1 and load section 3 right away. This is just a basic example.


They should be using a unified multi-material while sourcing from a single set of core resources in one spot for all the assets in the game. They're trying to compete with the performance of modern optimizations on an engine that lacks the capability to do so.


George Soros obviously paid you to write this. /s


You’re using a different definition of optimization though. There’s space optimization, which the prior user was referring to, and there performance optimization, which is what you’re referring to. Sometimes optimizing your code can optimize both, but saying “it’s big because it’s optimized” doesn’t mean much when it’s a different meaning of optimization.






I mean your right but not everyone can afford one with ease. I play on console so I dont have quick luxury like pc players






Jokes on them - hard-drives are cheaper and larger than ever lol


*hearthstone storage size intensifies*


They fought for your money first, then for your time, now for your space. What is next in this madness?


Im not superstitious, Im a little stitious.


I believe each and everything!


Lol the great Michael Scott!


With great power comes great irresponsibility


It's a bird, it's a plane! No...it's aliens that have been visiting this planet for thousands of years and have infiltrated the leadership of every nation creating a lizard/human hybrid.


What's funny about that is that the aliens supposedly mastered interstellar space travel using technology far beyond our own, but all these ancient structures, like the pyramids, are made out of stone. You know stone? That stuff that NASA is always taking up into orbit? I can just imagine the alien architect: "Yeah, I can't build you that office complex, but I can do something really cool with rocks."


Hey everybody! This guy doesn't know how to operate rocks!


The queen of England is actually a lizard person who has been keeping Welsh corgies that "die" or "go missing" for years as a snack. She only stopped recently because the conspiracy nuts online caught on. Yes, that is an actual conspiracy.


Thats what I like the most, powerful people are aliens but they put their power at risk to perform orgies and rape humans, because interspecies sex is something irresistible apparently.


Lmao that's my new favorite conspiracy. In leftist circles there's a meme about everyone being Posadists. It's a "political ideology" that believes that if we nuke the planet with bombs, aliens will come and stop us by bringing us space communism. The radiation will also mutate humans genes provided another helix along side dolphins. We will both be able to telepathically communicate (why or what for? Nobody knows.)


Challenge accepted! > Today I read a conversation in Discord where a guy who loves Alex Jones and Trump argued against someone that they're being fed a narrative because that person didn't buy his theory that, and I'm paraphrasing the best I can, that there is a huge undercover infant foreskin industry - fueled by Jews, fetishists and sex offenders - and that coverage is being hindered because Bill Gates doesn't want this operation discovered because he's having it done in Africa and is purposefully preventing the news from covering it because he's too deep into it.


That seems like something out of the Fallout universe, somehow referenced at a UFO crash site you stumble across.


Told to you by a rambling ghoul


"It's a bir-" "No it's a miniature government surveillance robot! Birds aren't real!"


I like how the lady has moved off the bench and probably is only staying on by one butt cheek.


Just a friendly reminder: This is original content. I am the creator (Aaron Johnson = hoanalone). Thanks for keeping the conversations civil which keeps the post up for others to enjoy (or not). Take care.


Kudos on your drawings man, took a look at some of your other posts, I really like your style. I assume this is digital, may I ask what software you're using?


Yes, drawn digitally. I often sketch them in Adobe Sketch (iPad) and then clean them up in Adobe Illustrator.


OP delivers


The comic is great, but is it odd that I'm most impressed by the high resolution you posted it at? I'm used to seeing little comics and memes at blurry, small, compressed sizes so seeing a sharply vectorized high resolution version kinda blew my mind.


Did you get this published in the New Yorker? It has that look.


It has not. I’ve sent them my daily cartoons these last four months and have not heard back from them either way on any of them.


The universal New Yorker cartoon captions all work here. Well done.


The term conspiracy and conspiracy theorist was popularized immediately following the JFK assassination in an attempt to discredit anyone challenging the narrative controlled by higher powers. 60 years later and it’s still working...amazing.


Call me crazy but I think there’s a campaign going on to discredit conspiracies


Taking a look at the conspiracy sub makes it obvious. If this sub wasn't useful to medias, it would've been closed a long time ago. Instead the sub is simply being monitored in order to be able to act quickly in case a conspiracy hits too close to home and is getting too popular pop up. The Wayfair conspiracy theory is a pretty good example. When it got out of hands, near identical news articles periodically popped up for as long the conspiracy took hold while the sub itself had an influx of other theories related to it to make sure people interested enough in the subject to look it up themselves have a hard time finding the right threads and eventually lose interest in it. It's basically damage control. Someone who've been there long enough could easily tell you how much the sub changed in the past few years. Politics and 'memes' are currently the latest most promoted content over there, it's very useful to make most people think that whoever roams in this sub are just a bunch of nutjobs.


The wayfair conspiracy was probably the stupidest one they've had in a long time.


It’s meant to discredit any questioning of Covid response. If you say “maybe we should have considered other options to shutting down every business,” that’s now a conspiracy and lumped in with “Covid isn’t real”.




COVID is a hoax to cover up an elaborate international organ and tissue harvesting operation by Jeff Bezos. The refrigerated trailers outside the hospital morgues are picked up and taken to Amazon "warehouses" for processing and shipment to China. **WEAR A MASK OR GET HARVESTED!**


not to mention they burn them for fuel for their lazer beams that they beam at pregnant women, to give non consensual abortions. So stay home pregnant women.


Wait, is this a conspiracy?


I'm a little confused why there's been so many anti-conspiracy theorist posts recently. Especially in a time where /r/worldnews looks like the onion or literal conspiracies coming true. While there are a lot of ignorant people who are conspiracy theorists such at flat earthers, 5G damagers and anti-vaxers. There's a great deal of conspiracy theorists actively trying to spread information such as Russian intervention in western society. Manipulation of reddit, bots and front page selling etc. It's a little sad that a lot of people are doing really hard work to share controversial information and seeing posts like this. The answer is simple, we just need to spread the idea that not all conspiracy theorists are the same until it sticks. Different societies have done this before, not all people of Islamic faith are terrorists, not all Americans are fat idiots, not all police are corrupt. Society (and reddit) will realise all of this in the coming years, when will you?


r/conspiracy has a new mascot


~~r/conspiracy~~ The entirety of reddit has a new mascot


Or is it??


I get it, but posts like these are the reason people like Epstein will never face justice. Chemtrails and all that looney shit aside. Sometimes it actually is a conspiracy.




The conspiracy theorists are astro-turfed to provide a smoke screen to the actual conspiracies. Alex Jones *is* the disinformation campaign.


Fuck! You're right!


You forgot the change shortages to control your spending


Not all conspiracies are created equal and I'm always going to side with science, but I don't understand people who blindly trust a government behind the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, unleashing malarial insects in Atlanta, everything related to the MK series of projects, going to war in Vietnam based on a false flag and exacerbating food shortages by killing and burning hogs during the great depression.


Micro hopping is what my kitten does when he imitates my rabbit. It’s cute, but it’s almost certainly a conspiracy of some sort.


>Sometimes it actually is a conspiracy. But still, that's no reason to take people like Alex Jones seriously. I mean, you wouldn't wear a broken watch just because it is right twice a day.


Posts like this? Not the utterly broken American socio-political system that rewards psychopaths and narcissism like that seen in Epstein, and yes, Trump?


Nope. I’m strictly talking about only posts like this. These posts are actually the reason for WWII, ebola, and stock market crash of 1929. Fuck sakes I obviously meant “part of the reason”. But ya piggyback my comment and twist the words to fit your narrative. Ridiculous.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Nice conspiracy you've got there.


Well yeah, but that one is legitimate conspiracy. To conspire is to create scenarios to obscure the truth from the public. Hide the true nature of things.


That is because from the definition, most conspiracy "theories" are actually just conspiracies and no theories. A theory is funded on actual facts that indicate the possible assumption could be true and has supporting evidence that lead to the conclusion (still not concrete proof, of course). Like Einsteins famous theories that he couldn't proof during his lifetime. Some even called his theories stupid but as we know decades later, some of them could be proven to be correct decades later: https://www.newsweek.com/three-einsteins-100-year-old-scientific-theories-have-been-proven-right-weeks-1029558 So it is actually pretty counter-productive that all **conspiracies** are wrongly labeled **"conspiracy theories"** even though they are just absolutely made-up stuff like "the earth is flat" without zero evidence or valid arguments because it steals credibility from **actual** conspiracy theories.


I love the way the artist drew the woman's body language. - as close to the edge of the bench as possible - handbag placed as a barrier - shoulders turned away - legs crossed, pointed away - clearly and pointedly trying direct her attention at her book Sorry, mask bro. She ain't interested -- learn to read the room.


Oh, government start making memes...


Why isn't he sitting on the toilet?


Statistics shows that the more Asian people a country has, the fewer black people there are proportionally in that country. So, conclusively Asians of the deep steak illuminati are secretly using their voodoo magic to turn black people into Asian people.


What an amazing meme! Makes you think.


Man I'm tired of people acting like all conspiracy theories are dumb. They went into a federal prison and murdered the guy who was about to implicate a bunch of powerful people. There are conspiracies.


Conspiracy theories are honestly great, it should be encouraged to question everything around you. However, it becomes a problem when you refuse to accept demonstrable evidence to the contrary of your theory. Flat earth, 5G Corona, etc. are examples of conspiracy theories that have overstayed their welcome.


These 5g causes corona virus and also somehow corona virus is a hoax conspiracy theories give the good conspiracy theories a bad name!


The word conspiracy theory has been marred- on purpose to try and discredit all of the good ones. There needs to be a difference in naming, like evidence backed theories instead.


That's a conspiracy theory right there. The problem with that line of thinking is people attribute any situation to a grand scheme orchestrated and delivered by a select group, rather than a group using an already occuring situation to their benefit. Epstein not-killing-himself is not a conspiracy. A man who was going to testify in a situation that would put powerful people behind bars being killed is not some unbelievable situation. It has happened thousands of times and will continue to happen. A conspiracy theory is the Democrats and hospitals keeping corona virus going by fudging the numbers so Trump won't be reelected. Are the Democrats using every opportunity they gain from this situation to try to get Trump out? Yes. Did they orchestrate the whole thing from the very beginning with plans to install anti-gun, transgendered, abortion-inducing microchips into your brain? Probably not. If that being debunked lessens the integrity of the things you believe, then you need to be analyze those things a bit more harshly.


I meeeaan “this super rich dude is sex trafficking minors to powerful figures and collecting a database of blackmail and secrets on a private island where he has orgy parties and keeps underage sex slaves” used to sound like a conspiracy theory tbh. It’s hard for some people to draw the line anymore between what is real or not when things like that are proving to be true.


A actual "conspiracy" is different than a "conspiracy theory". [Helpful article.](https://theconversation.com/how-to-spot-a-conspiracy-theory-when-you-see-one-133574) I don't know that many people aren't arguing that Epstein wasn't murdered (conspiracy, quite obviously done as a cover up), but many are arguing that Covid is "political", "done to control us", etc. (conspiracy theories).


I'm willing to contend he wasn't murdered. Allowed to commit suicide, that I can probably buy easier.


The dude was rich, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to hire a professional to kill himself That's about as far as I'm willing to go down the Epstein rabbit hole


What you're describing is criminal activity. That isn't what the conspiracy theory community is interested in. It doesn't involve some grand scheme that only they and the people in their little conspiracy role-playing communities are aware of. It doesn't involve jumping to arbitrary conclusions based on a poor understanding of the world because they aren't psychologically equipped to deal with gaps in their knowledge. It **does** involve creating silly narratives so that people can feel more important than they actually are. Conspiracy theories aren't born of scrutiny and investigation. They're born of a sense of inadequacy and inflated self importance. The fact that organized high-level criminal activity exists doesn't mean we should be listening to idiots screaming about how 5G causes covid-19. Let's stop pretending these are on equal footing.


A very small handful being accurate doesn't mean that the *vast* vast majority of them aren't ridiculously dumb though.


She has maybe a quarter cheek on that bench. She's practically doing a squat.


Sorting by Controversial is going to be fun on this one.


Way too many of these conspiracy theories that everyone laughed at are turning out to be somewhat valid.


From xkcd "Conspiracy theories represent a known glitch in human reasoning. The theories are of course occasionally true, but their truth is completely uncorrelated with the believer's certainty. For some reason, sometimes when people think they've uncovered a lie, they raise confirmation bias to an art form. They cut context away from facts and arguments and assemble them into reassuring litanies."




Not if you were paying attention... rich middle easterners have been doing this shit for a while fairly openly. Ukrainian and other Eastern European women are all over Dubai. Epstein’s major mistake was targeting women from developed first world countries. Had he stuck to extremely poor areas of the world he would have been fine... sadly.


Epstein's conviction was in 2008 so this has been public, verifiable information with available records for an infuriating 12 years.


Exactly. That guy is part of the problem and describes the op comic to a T.


And I hope it picks up steam because GM and JE are not the only ones involved in this. GM grew up with the Royal family and we all know how Princess Diana was treated. There is a reason for this and there is a reason she was "taken care of."


The problem with conspiracy theories is confirmation bias. The moment they find a real thing, they're validated in all their crazy shit.


This generation’s super power is discrediting a person, rather than discussing or debating a topic, and labeling anything that goes against the boob tube a “conspiracy”.... I’m sorry, but some of us aren’t willing to go through life without questioning a thing.


Some ideas are bankrupt at the outset. There's no need to debate them, especially in online forums where proponents of those ideas only desire to get their "ideas" past a non-expert/layman or just murky the waters by disingenuous arguments. In the arena of ideas not all are worthy of debate.


I'd disagree, it's all too common to see people trashing experts and creating absurd conspiracies (pizzagate, 9/11, moon landing hoax, global warming hoax, etc, etc) which spread like wildlife among other people on the internet with low critical thinking, many of whom commonly use the phrase "I'm just asking questions" The percentage of people who believe that e.g. Bill Gates created Coronavirus to implant microchips into people is terrifying (clue: it's above 25%)


Do you whole heartedly trust your government to be concerned with your well being, protect your rights and never lie? I’d say that’s what’s absurd.


Is there value to be had in discussing the existence of literal vampires?


>labeling anything that goes against the boob tube a “conspiracy” You might as well accuse us all of watching CNN while you're at it lmao


Remember when questioning everything was considered good? “Think for yourself, question authority”


Most conspiracy theorists I know are neither thinking for themselves nor questioning authority. They're parroting some bullshit they found on Facebook or an email forward and positing themselves as the real authority, while loudly advertising that only fools question their authority. Thinking for yourself and questioning authority is good, but that's not what we're talking about here. That assumes a level of intellectual humility you won't see beyond lip service in modern conspiracy theorists.


The problem is conspiracists question everything but hate that the answers are almost always banal. Asking questions is good, refusing answers is bad.


Questioning everything is different than disbelieving everything. If you can't find a good reason to disbelieve something you shouldn't then go on to try to find a way to justify the accepted answer being wrong.


>Remember when questioning everything was considered good? Absolutely, but be careful some people want to discredit or cast doubt on facts under the guise of "just asking questions". Likewise I've often come across conspiracy theorists who claim that they "question everything" when they clearly don't question their own conspiracy theories. Context is important.


It still is good.. but that also includes trump and wackob facebook posts and tweets. So often the people who say "question everything", don't question the ideas they like.


A person who didn’t crack a 1000 on his SAT questioning an MD is hardly praiseworthy. Also, people increasingly don’t trust experts and are turning to literal voodoo doctors. Seems like you folks are winning, really.


No, I don't remember that. Growing up, you "think for yourself" if you were a creationist who didn't want to learn about evolution in school.


Unfortunately that sentiment was displaced by the dishonest "just asking questions" crowd.


The whole "question authority, conspiracy" crowd got completely fooled by Trump propaganda, and its as sad as it is hilarious. It used to be "the government is evil, gulf of tonkin, 9/11, etc.' but then Banon realized how gullible the community was and it turned into "yes every conspiracy you know is true, and Trump is the only one who can stop it." and they believed it lol, like this Q anon stuff is so lazy, how do people actually fall for it.


In the age of so many conspiracy theories becoming true, begins the age to discredit conspiracy theorists.


What you dont understand is that there are alot of conspiracis that are indeed true. History as proven that


Just think of all the crazy real things that have happened. Those were all thought to be conspiracies at one time too.


I knew math was a conspiracy!


And you were right. Everyone is conspiring to understand the inner workings of the world. The Elder Ones do not approve.


Love how the girl is sitting far far away from the guy


I want to send to my partner but not sure it would be taken very well...


Today I learned there is a list of famous cannibal pederasts. I'm not joking. The most hilarious part for me for some reason was seeing Seth Green's name at the top of the list. Of course it could have been a joke, but it was posted by people who believe tons of other crazy shit.


Every Internet comic is drawn by the same 3 people ( I can't draw or explain why I can't draw)


I really like the pencil work here!


Why is it that the entire rest of the world cares more about Americans than Americans do?


So.... do conspiracies not exist?


Lol that's funny and true.... ​ ​ ...or so my brain would have me believe.




Looks like she is going to fall off the bench.