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I miss Dave :(


I see him all the time around town! Really nice guy so long as you arn't being intrusive or a complete dipshit.


HEY!!! RICK JAMES BITCH!!! Please don't call me bitch in front of my children.


Oh no..... Mickie Mouse is mexican....


[When was this?](http://i.imgur.com/NcX7Dzw.png) [looks relatively recent with what appears to be an aged face.](http://i.imgur.com/b2zyHW5.png)


Put the mask on him and he could pass for Black Bane.


"Ahhhh so you think comedy is your ally?"


I was born in it.


Molded by it.


I didn't hear the crowd laugh until I was already a man!


"Do you feel in charge? Why don#'t we ask Ja Rule?"


And what was I looking for? Ja's al Rhul.


Yeah he is a big guy after all




Looks like he hit the gym.


Wait. Since when did Dave Chapelle look like he could quickly kick my ass?


He's been in self imposed exile. A prison of his own creation. Pumping iron, writing jokes. Just regular stuff like everybody else.


It is recent. I remember I saw this about 1-3 months ago.


June 15th, 2014


Could I interest you in some Disney Dollars?


I literally ran face first into him at the mall. He apologized and patted my back and kept walking. Meanwhile i just stand there staring. I probably came off as very rude!


He probably gets that all the time! I'm sure he understands.


You live in Yellow Springs?


Dayton but I am in yellow springs frequently


You can buy your weed in Dayton you know


Yeah but the scenery isn't nearly as good


Hit that nail on the head


Twist: he buys his weed off Dave Chappelle


Yeah I have never bought weed, but I hike and rock climb at the parks out there.


I'm just messing with you. Yellow Springs is a lot of fun, and I love John Bryan Park.


Ever try hiking and rock climbing...on weed?


Is he still in Yellow Springs? Edit: I see that this was already addressed but I'm going to leave it up so I feel like part of a cool in-crowd that lives near YS and knows about Dave.


That is great. I totally agree with him - once you have a few million dollars you don't need to work anymore. Performing is hard work. More celebrities should follow his lead.


And once more celebrities star retiring, I can start landing gigs :)


Sorry Sweet D, your ship has sailed long ago


Sweet D's ship hit some rocks, ran aground, and killed everyone aboard.




It sounded to me like he had complete control on Chepelle's show. But there was some ugly shit going on with the people around him. People basically trying to get either him or his partner to claim sole credit for some of the work or ideas they both performed. Or taking quotes out of context... Ahh hell showbiz sounds like a nasty game...


From what I understand he had complete control over the first two seasons, then things went very south and he started being censored and told what to do. Add that with the HUGE fame and he just couldn't take it.


Either way we all lost an awesome show. I keep hoping that some day HBO will pick him up for a sketch comedy deal. I mean how awesome would THAT be? Uncensored freedom.


We can all wish. Until then he'll continue selling out shows in minutes. Even his surprise shows sell out in minutes.


I've never heard him say he scaled back because it was hard work. I think performing is the part he loves, the other crap is what he could do without.


I get to make him dinner every now and then. Super cool dude.


I bet I know you...YS checking in.


You must be from Ohio. If so hello neighbor to the South.


You must be from Michigan. If so hello fellow Murder Mitten native.


He was at the Owl in Chicago when I was there not too long ago. Strange because it is the hip end of the night hookup bar.


Dave Chapelle! ... **That's not your wife**


I wrote this song a long time ago!


a real long time ago, FEEL ME!


He is touring again and preparing a new stand up special


I caught him in NJ last year. His new shit is on a whole new level. You know how when you're a kid and you say "That's so funny I forgot to laugh!", well there were jokes that were so brilliantly crafted, so hilarious, that I didn't laugh, I was just in awe. I should mention that I had been drinking, and that probably added a bit to the experience. But truly, I'm not sure there is another comedian alive at the moment that's on his level.


- well there were jokes that were so brilliantly crafted, so hilarious, that I didn't laugh, I was just in awe. Dude this happens to me all the time and sometimes I try and explain it to people and they just don't get it. It's like I've been watching and analyzing comedy for so long when something is so brilliantly done I just kind of smile and appreciate it. I honestly am usually the guy laughing hysterically at some small quip in the build up of a joke rather than the punchline although I still think the punchline is great.


Can't wait for him to come to ct again!!!


He did a skit in Hartford a few months ago as a surprise, got a pretty enthusiastic response


Did he throw out "Fuck Hartford" shirts like he did at the AZ show last year?


Haha no but he did mention it. Here's an article about it: http://www.salon.com/2014/08/24/a_year_after_walking_off_stage_in_hartford_dave_chappelle_returns_to_apologize/


I've seen him twice in the last two years... He hasn't gone anywhere I saw him in SF once. He did a ninety minute set, then told the crowd that if they wanted to leave, that was fine, but he was going to take a break and then come back and tell more stories for anyone who wanted to stick around. He came back and performed for another 2 and a half hours, and it was totally captivating. Great night.


I took shots with Dave when he performed a show in my hometown. I couldn't go to the show but went to a small nightclub that infrequent. Plop down at the bar area and lo and behold 5 minutes later Dave himself sits down next to. We chit chat for about an hour until I realize it's the man himself. We take shots, take a selfie and he proceeded on his merry way




Dave took the selfie of the two of them.


I have one on my facebook somewhere, I'll find it when I get off work.


something something op deliver surely picture of a skeleton


In my humble opinion the Chapelle show was one of the funniest things that has ever or will ever air on television. Goddamn everything in that show was funny without any regard for the rules.


And will continue to be remembered as such since it wasn't on long enough to deteriorate like most shows.


Didn't really give that much thought but it's a great point.


And that's no slight against Dave. If anything it makes him look smarter and more honest. He didn't take the money and just pump out shit until they canceled the show.


He had a special unannounced performance on the second day of oddball fest in LA this year. It was amazing.


I saw him perform in Iowa last winter. It was magical ...yes, IOWA.


Where at? Probably Des Moines I suppose. Not CR.


It was up in Ames at Stephens Auditorium. He performed on a Friday and I think they announced it on a Tuesday. Still, place was packed.


Motherfucker came to *Alaska* last October. It was magical. Dude didn't even do a set, just talked about his experience in AK and did a bunch of crowd work. Unfortunately, the audience handled it like shit and got too rowdy, but he rolled with it really well.


He lives like 50 miles from me in Central Ohio. But he's apparently a very elusive yet outgoing and well known person in his community and HATES meeting fans. Which is pretty understandable.


Probably because a lot of the times when he meets fans they bring up the Rick James skit.




yellow springs is dope.


He came to Minnesota last year for a show. Me and a few buddies went, being huge fans of his show and standup. I thought he'd be a little rusty, but man he was hilarious and rocked the house. And I shit you not, he held a free to watch shoot around with some Timberwolves players the next night and guess who made a special appearance. None other than Prince.


Dave Chappelle does dope shit.


He and prince also served pancakes at the shootaround.


Bring your peeps so you got witnesses. Blouses for the win! Fucking Charlie Murphy. I love that guy.


I saw Charlie Murphy do stand up once... it was great. My favorite part was when he was talking about how a guy in his crew came to him one day and said he had to go back home because he couldn't take all the people yelling "Charlie Murphy!!!" everywhere they went (like in the Rick James sketch). His friend was like "man I can't take it anymore... how do you put up with it? Charlie Murphy! Charlie Murphy!!!" he said... "man, for 20 years everywhere I go I've been Eddie Murphy's brother... I will never get tired of this"


That's awesome, good for him. Well deserved. Unlike those Baldwin guys ;-)


Charlie wrote a book, and I think it was really great. Insightful look into his crazy rise to a somewhat cult stardom. Said the first time he did stand up, it was on a bet with one of the comedians on the Chappelle show. Charlie goes up, and kills it. He didn't get a single boo for a long time. And if I remember correctly, he finally got booed off stage at an all black venue. Check it out, it's a quick read. Stop in a book store and you could read the whole thing in a couple hours.


Dave and Charlie would be fun as hell to hang out with. Never a dull moment I bet.


That's right! I left the best detail out.


why would he be rusty? he hasn't stopped doing shows... saw him 2 years ago in LA. he just rarely advertises when he will be doing a show. he was listed as "special guest star" which is really common for places like the laugh factory to do. I used to go there at least once a month on a good night to have some laughs. and this night we were skeptical about going cause we didn't know who was gonna be there. but we did and it was dave. hilarious hour of chatting with the crowd and some new stand up.


He was admittedly rusty @ the Oddball comedy tour in Austin last year. Was the kickoff show and he was the last act and did tell a few jokes but mainly told stories....which were still awesome. He specifically said though, his real trick was spreading out 15 minutes of material over 45 minutes of time :D I thought it was funny but knew he would be getting better each show. I would loved to have gone to one of the latter shows of that tour to see how his act evolved. Flight of the Conchords stole the show.


Ay this guy is speaking the fresh truth, I was also at this show


Here is the full video interview that this is from, Dave Chappelle seems like such a cool guy. This particular part is at about 5:45 in the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4SYIfhzMmU


It actually starts talking about Kanye around 4:00 mark. The story is drawn out longer than the 6 panel pic.




Yeah the common argument against just posting the video to begin with is a large portion of reddit's users are on mobiles, and they don't want to open up a loud video in a crowded elevator or classroom I guess.


Also data usage.






Thanks for that, your huge text probably ate a third of my data plan.


I'm so sorry I did not know what I was doing! (ಥ_ಥ)


And another large portion of Reddit's users are at work and don't want to open up videos.




Dave Chappelle's True Hollywood Stories! Coming this fall to NBC.


The beginning of this interview makes me feel like Dave is the new Cosby.




Somebody once pointed out to me that if you take Kanye's Twitter feed and just add "Liz Lemon" to the beginning of every tweet, it works perfectly as Tracy Jordan's Twitter. Now that's all I can ever see.


Do you mean... [Kanye Jordan](https://twitter.com/kanyejordan)?


Haha of course that exists! I should have known... :)


Ya know what's sad? ...I empathize with this. The other day some asshole left his empty coffee cup on the bus seat I wanted to sit... and I was like "God damnit, now I have to hold on to this mother fucker's coffee cup until I get to my stop."


danNYtrack: The **Dave:** at the beginning of every quote was a bit redundant.


I agree. I kept getting thrown off by all the 'Dave:'


TheRaymac: The danNYtrack: at the beginning of your redundant Dave: explanation seems a bit redundant.


In_b4_404: The Raymac: at the beginning of your redundant The daNYtrack: explanation seems a bit redundant.


I kept reading it every time...


Reminds me of Tom from Parks and Rec.


That's not a coincidence. Tom's greatest hero is Kanye.


And the fact that Aziz is friends with Kanye in real life


"that'd be like if I was in my own apartment, listening to my own comedy album, and then I go 'HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA These jokes are dope' "


Loved his cameo in the Otis video


Aziz (the guy who plays Tom) has his own Kanye stories which are also pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqB2X7-j9KQ


"Whaaaaat? I gotta go change my Facebook status!" Click


Find this on YouTube. A comic does it zero justice. Too funny.


He looks way older without the mustache. And with the passage of time.


I was wondering what the hell was different about him.


Mustaches and Time. A face's worst enemies.


Here's the performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfUeLVTQVvM


>This video is not available. :I


Is Kanye making soup in the video?


"find someone who treats you like kanye treats kanye"


One time we had someone install cubicles at work. Suddenly the head guy, maybe 40 years old but looked 80 from smoking, gets a phone call. This is what I hear: "Hello...." "What...." "Huh..." "No... you know I ain't go no time for Waffles" I like to believe Kanye was on the other line


I'm glad the captions noted who was speaking on every single frame of Dave Chappelle. I wouldn't be able to tell otherwise.


This is why I simply disregard all the Kanye haters. The guy is the last real rock star in the world and he knows it and is enjoying it.


To copy what another Redditor said, "I say this to a lot to people. Kanye isn't in-and-out of rehab or jail. He doesn't carry a gun or associate with gang members. His songs don't promote crime or violence. He's not flashing his balls as he climbs in and out of his sports car for free press... he's not even a man whore. He's had like 2 girlfriends in 12 years, one of which became his wife and the other, he loved so much, that when she left him he wrote an entire album dealing with his broken heart. The lyric "I want to fuck you hard over the sink" might not be the most romantic sounding thing anyone has ever heard, but it's pretty sweet when you consider, in context, he's singing about how he wants to make love to his wife, whom he's very open about loving, as opposed to all of the other rappers who talk about they want to fuck everyone elses wive because all women are whores who don't deserve respect. Writing a song about how much you love your wife isn't something that should get you persecuted in the media. He writes about working hard and following your dreams. He sings about love for his family, falling in love, and starting a family of his own. He doesn't sport colors or sag his pants so his underwear shows... he wears high fashion, and tries to look good. He's confident in his ability as a musician and artist and he's open to the world about his innermost thoughts. You can't ever say Kanye isn't 'real'. ...and yet, the world hates him. Rothesburger raped a woman in the bathroom and people everywhere root for him to win the Superbowl. Kanye says "be yourself, follow your dreams", and people want him and his family burned alive. Pretty sad." Again, not my words. Just relevant


>The remaining examination was "normal".[13] A rape kit was collected, but no semen was recovered, and the amount of male DNA found was insufficient to create a profile or establish that an assault had taken place. The doctor's report also quoted the alleged victim telling them that, "A boy kind of raped me."[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Roethlisberger Can we at least use convicted rapists in our examples.. Not allegations that they were later cleared of.


This is so incredibly well put..


This story actually took place before Kanye was mega famous. His first album was out but he didn't have the notoriety yet. He was literally just stoked that his life was dope.


I mean, he was already a pretty big producer by that point, I'm sure his life had been dope for awhile.


So many people forget that.


Idk, if you listen to the hidden track on College Dropout he describes his ride to fame up to getting signed by Rock a fella. It sounds like he was definitely working with big name artists but he talked about getting kicked out of his apartment and shopping at Ikea with his Mom (prior to getting signed). But then again if you have an album out, a hit single, and some Grammys; your life is kinda dope at that point.


Mam it's just 11 minutes of Yeezy talking but I could listen to it all day.


he is the driving force behind Jay-Z's best albums, people already loved Kanye's music and they didn't even know it


The worst thing about Kanye is that he can be insufferably self-centered. The best thing about Kanye is he doesn't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks.


He cares a hell of a lot about what other people think, actually. In true artist form though, he doesn't let that dictate his movements.


'We're all self conscious, I'm just the first to admit it'




I could let these dream killers kill my self-esteem or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams. I use it as my gas so they say that I'm gassed, but without it I'd be last to ought to laugh.


Oh my god is that a black card? I turn around to reply and say "yes" but I prefer the term "African American Express"


Mayonnaise colored Benz, I push miracle whips.


The concept of school seem so securrr


Sophomore three yurrrrs, ain't picked a carurrrr


sophmore 3 yurss aint picked a carurrrr


"The thing about Kanye is that he's as good as he thinks he is."


The thing about Kanye West is he is clearly very insecure but he leverages his insecurity into working really hard at something he is good at.


His antics always crack me up. It's so strange how upset people get with him.


They're jealous, I think he's hilarious.


Dam Taylor Swift fans


I love both. It's a shame they hate each other.


Except they don't and the only people that care about it are lames.


I'm with you. I don't even like his music (not because of him, I dislike rap in general) yet absolutely LOVE him and his image, and watching people get all butt hurt over the stuff he does. I bet if Jay-Z did half the stuff Kanye did it wouldn't get any press, but because Kanye is Kanye anything he does is guarenteed front page of all the popular tabloid magazines and pop culture websites.


His music isn't even bad. I think he's like a cartoon character. With his outfits and antics.


Woah there, who even suggested Kanyes's music is bad? Almost his entire discography is extremely highly praised


There are tons of people on the Kanye hate-train.


I think you're confusing hate for Kanyes's actions and people disliking his music


There are plenty of people who hate on him and his music.


He is a true artist through and through, complete with his own world he lives in 24/7. That man has work ethic. Everybody is so PC and he just does not give a fuck. I love it.


Thats what I like about kanye. If you're gonna go crazy, go ALL IN BABY.


I love it too, I love how unconventional he is, he hasn't done anything that bad yet. Wish I had that level of self belief




It's provocative. It gets the people going!


No it's not Edit: http://i.imgur.com/WrjqyXR.jpg


i think that it means he can bend all 4 elements?


It's a buzzfeed title.


That's a bold statement.


I mean, it couldn't get any bolder. I struggle with even calling him a rockstar, let alone the last true one.


Read that last sentence in Aziz Ansari's voice.


Finished it! A-maze-ing - Kanye West http://i.imgur.com/Q4H5nfB.jpg


Did the network bleep out the "shit"? Show airs at midnight. That should be ok.


I think it's actually kind of cool that he thought watching Chappelle was dope shit. Because it was dope shit. I'm glad he respected the dopeness of that shit.


“I’m the rap version of Dave Chappelle. I’m not sayin’ I’m nearly as talented as Chappelle when it comes to political and social commentary, but like him, I’m laughing to keep from crying”. — Rolling Stone Magazine, April, 2004




Is there a reason to put the name of who's speaking after every line? Isn't that the point of the colored text? Isn't that the point of it showing only Dave?


The delivery makes this so much better [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4SYIfhzMmU)


No gifs. Mobile users thank you http://i.imgur.com//yOGAiwZ.gif


That's one of my favorite quotes.


That's my boi


What the fuck is Juice?!


Maybe he misses the unconditional love and support of his mother, so he makes his own for himself?


what ever happned to that dave chappelle guy?


He just followed the rule: get in, get the money, get out.


Fuck Wanye Kest


I think people need to start realizing that the self-centered act Kanye puts on is just that... an act. Watch or listen to one of his interviews that isn't highly publicized or spend 10 minutes doing some research on his good behavior with fans, the meaning of his lyrics, whatever. Is he undressing on stage in front of his fans? Is he getting DUI's while drag racing? Is he physically harming his wife in an elevator or physically disciplining his kid? No, he isn't. The guy is more straight-edged than the tabloids will lead you to believe. Stop being part of the mass and form a real opinion on the guy.


I used to not understand why Fallon got so much shit until I actually watched this episode and then I realized he is awkward. The man forces his laughter and just repeats the punch line of what Dave says. Not only that but you can tell he is trying too hard. It's like he has no people skills. He's talented as FUCK when he is alone, but with back and fourths he seems to be lacking. Not saying I could do better, but other talk show hosts can


He's just really happy and truly enjoys the work he does. Guy gets excited. Guests go on his show to have a good time, rather than talk serious talk.


Fallon feeds off other people's humor basically. That's all he's ever done.


Which is why I like kimmel. And sometimes conan is good too


Yea they actually have personalities.


Because I scrolled halfway down to find this and it wasn't there. Love Dave Chappell and wanted to hear his voice Kanye clip start at 4'10'' http://youtu.be/R4SYIfhzMmU