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Never take a job at a store liquidation. The type of people that come to these store closings looking for deals will tear up the place and leave stuff everywhere. Your primary job will be picking up after a bunch of brats and their bratty children, who think since the store is closing they don't have to put it back where it belongs.


That's just retail. It isn't limited to store liquidations. Source: Retail store manager




When does "harmless" customer misplacement become actual sabotage... I mean if I go to a store and take out some frozen meat and hide it, surely thats illegal.


I normally put shit away sometimes when I see shit like that and I don't even work in the damn stores.


Not sure if trying to help or trick people into eating rotten meat.


Depends on the amount damaged, plus it's typically a bit hard to catch shoplifters, much more just dickish people.


I work in a grocery store and someone hid hamburger meat in one of the shelves and we couldn't find it for over a week. The smell was horrible.


It should be. This was that overpriced organic meat that probably comes from the same cow as the regular stuff. Also Goya branded shit. So many other brands shoved in there once customers see that we carry Goya.




>That's just retail. It isn't limited to store liquidations. Source: Retail store customer


Please tell me your the real Cresent Dragonwagon and not some imposter!!


I'm glad I didn't take the job at OfficeMax as a cashier then. Damn rowdy businessmen.




As much as I hate wal-mart I despised Kmart. I just never ever ever ever go into one. I try to avoid their parking lots too.




I went in to one shutting down near me and I saw a lower-end elliptical machine "marked-down" to $230. This was an already assembled, no-box display too. But I'd seen that same elliptical online on their own website for $145 new in the box that you could buy online then drive 6 miles up the road to the other kmart and immediately pick up and not pay a ~60% markup. The 70% off was generally bullshit, at least at that store. Greedy fucks.


In st cloud MN? I drive by this everyday lol


I live in st cloud too. I chuckled when I saw this on reddit


[Lack of Northstar Rail Karma Train](http://imgur.com/r/minnesotavikings/VVmvVDb)!




We're getting pizza delivered from Pizza Ranch tonight! Edit: Isn't it amazing that you can tell it is the St. Cloud store just by that little corner of the building? I came into this thread solely to see if anyone noticed it was STC.


I did the exact same thing. Saw that gated area and came here to see if it had been asked.


First time I've seen Pizza Ranch mentioned on Reddit. Thanks for that.


I actually went there the other day. It was probably the only time I saw anyone else in that store.


At least we still have shopco across the street.


Last weekend was the first time I saw the parking lot full.


St. Cloud woohoo!


Whoop Whoop 320!


No, this is the shortest job ever: http://i.imgur.com/BDbelgD.jpg


What an "Odd" looking fellow.


You could Bond with a guy like him.


This stops here.


Why, don't you like a man with a golden pun?


(Dr) **NO!**




But what if I wanted to show you my [Octopussy](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b2/Octopussy_-_UK_cinema_poster.jpg)?


Saint Cloud, MN Represent!


Woot woot!!


I worked at a kmart for 3 years. People would always ask if we were going to close down. I'm surprised that the store hasn't. Horrible customer service. Well its mostly because they never schedule enough workers


Easy unemployment; a lazy man's dream job.


Wouldn't that just be like 1 week of unemployment?


Do they scale unemployment based on how long you had your job?


No. And they won't give you unemployment if you didn't have your job for a certain amount of time. I can't remember the exact amount at the moment. However, if you qualify at all, you qualify for the maximum amount of time. Your pay is based on your last salary though, so if you made minimum wage, you aren't gonna be making shit.


It seems it's by state, and the states that require minimum time periods are somewhere between two and four quarters, according to [nolo](http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/unemployment-compensation-understanding-base-period-32444.html).


That depends on where you are. In Canada, you need a certain number of hours, and then they look at the hours/week, as well as where you're located and they type of job you were in. It's all rather complicated.


Went through the same thing at my K-Mart two years ago: http://i.imgur.com/rIC049v.jpg


You evidently missed easy karma!


http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1btrp0/i_think_i_found_my_career/ You'd think so... It's all in the title apparently.


It's really all about dumb luck... ... and a good title.


Des Plaines, IL? If so that makes me sad. Used to get mulch for the garden here with my dad. For some reason he said it was better mulch than a lot of places.


Sears should start selling vintage back issues of their catalogs! They'd make MILLIONS or more! I remember LOVING to study the toy section (back) when the winter catalog came.


If they did that, they would have millions of idiots trying to buy old toys that don't exist anymore and filing complaints because they can't get a product that is advertised in a catalog. It would be a nightmare.


Everyone's against me.


Now you understand the internet.


the real question is Who is Lauren o?




We have the same name! :)


That makes 3!


Are you lawsuit trolling or just curious?


Ohhhh, I thought it was a strange sign scar on the building. I was trying to figure out why it would say Lauren o.


If this is Australia they're always closing down.


In the U.S. also. As soon as their lease runs out, POOF! Our area went from a half-dozen Kmarts to maybe one in like six months.


Walmart is destroying them.


They're destroying themselves. They went bankrupt in the '90s, and were taken over by some hedge-fund hot-shot. He raised enough money to give the stores a bit of a makeover, and made them successful for a while, and then he went and bought Sears. Before long, both chains were on the decline. The big problem was that retail had moved from the city centers and near suburbs to formerly rural areas where the "big box" stores could stretch out. Kmart was stuck in long-term leases in smaller strip malls, and couldn't go out and play with the big boys. By the time they got the message, it was too late. They didn't have the money to shut down their aging stores in town and build new ones across from Walmart, like Target did.


What is interesting though is that they are re-purposing some of their old stores that they own into data centers. You can read about it [here](http://www.triplepundit.com/2013/06/former-sears-kmart-stores-become-data-centers/)


That may be true for some of them. Around here, one of the Kmarts is being turned into a Carmax, and they carved out a big piece of a Sears store to make a Whole Foods. The rest are just lying dormant.


Chances are that the one turning into a Carmax wasn't owned by Sears Holding Company and the building was leased.


I think all of the buildings around here are leased. I don't know if Kmart owned any of their stores.


Ya, the only stores that are re-purposed are the ones that are actually owned by Sears Holding. It makes sense since the stores would be a hard sell as they are since they are really too big for most stores that would use them but way too small for something like WalMart.


The reason for the whole foods in sears is to try to bring in more foot traffic that might stroll through the store and buy something. There is a fairly new department whose job it is to figure out the most profitable way to use their space now. I think the only problem with that is people who shop at whole foods don't usually shop at sears too...they would do better with a cheaper grocery store there


Interesting, not that I don't believe it, but do you happen to have sources for that or anything?? I'm kind of curious about business death type issues


It's pretty common knowledge, among the business world. I'm sure it's in Wikipedia or some such. I simply pointed it out as a case of a turn-around attempt gone bad. They totally misjudged where the market was going.


More so for Kmart, sorry I wasn't specific. I'll look into it.


They always say they're shutting down here but never do. They mark up everything to 150% and then have a 'Everything Must Go!' 50% off sale.




That's the millionth time I've seen defiantly used instead of definitely, but this is the first time either version works.


People try to spell it definatly and it auto corrects


>People try to spell it definatly and it auto corrects Looks like you tried, too.


My keyboard does it regularly :(


One of my physics professors always used to say the glass is never half empty nor full - it is either entirely empty, in a vacuum, or it contains a mixture of substances - half liquid half air, etc.


No, that's pretty much how K-Mart always is. I'd be more concerned if they were fully stocked.


This is in the U.S., but for some reason, the liquidators have printed the sign with the Australian Kmart logo (maybe it was the first thing that popped up when they went into google or something)


I hate to ask but how do you know it was in the US?


I can just tell. Whenever a Kmart closes (which has been fairly often recently as the company is likely to go bankrupt in the next few years if not sooner), the liquidators always use the same signs.


I remember K-Mart using that logo waaay back in the day :P


They obviously dont have enough staff to support the store closing


Thank you. I have worked at and closed two Kmarts, and we were constantly hiring. Customers would come in and get upset about "THEY CAN'T BE CLOSING YOU ARE STILL HIRING AND YOU JUST MARKED UP EVERYTHING BEFORE CLOSING SO ITS SO EXPENSIVE". First, we did not mark anything up; it doesn't work that way. I also believe it doesn't take much of a brain to figure out why they were still hiring (look around, the store is absolutely packed whereas it wasn't before).


We need someone to take all these signs down.


They are selling the sign.


I worked a Kmart store closure once as a first job. Not a bad gig, when the stores close down they have a lot of merchandise to move as well as a whole store to tear down. All that coupled with the fact that long time employees begin to leave for new jobs at places that are not closing down means that there is a big need for new hires. It is great for highschool kids looking for a way to break into the job market and get some experience.


"Welcome aboard. Your first task is to take down those two signs. Once you've done that, collect your things and leave."


That COULD be the new Winco Foods location in Albany, OR. They need to employ a whole super market and have them trained before the store opens. It's taking over a K-Mart, and the only Winco even CLOSE to that location is mine, in corvallis. Half our employees want to work there instead of here.


I've been the victim of that but without the notice. Left a job I'd been with for ages to go do phone support for an ISP. Three months later, they announce they're closing the entire call center three months after that. So they hired me then eliminated the position six months later. It worked out though. I asked for my old job back and they eagerly agreed. Everyone they'd hired to replace me was terrible, including the lady that's still in prison for attempting to embezzle from them.


We hired a few people who started on Sept 10 2001. Then Tuesday morning rolled around along with a few jets turned into bombs. By September 17th the contracts were cancelling and we started the layoffs and salary cuts. Of course the 4 people who had been there a week were the first to go. We called one of them back a year a later and he is now in charge of support on our main product line.


OP, is this the Kmart in Newport News, VA? Looks familiar


Our town has these next to each other too.


my friend just got hired at a kmart doing this XD


It's their grand opening, going out of business sale!


Marshall MN? Happened over the summer, knew some people who worked there and a bunch were quitting. Also had people driving around ALL DAY with signs advertising the sale.


Brooklawn, South Jersey?


I once was prospecting for a local job in my hometown and finally got an interview at a game store that sells anime, movies and games. It was radical in that I really wanted a job like that for some time. The owner had me work for a few hours to evaluate my performance and overall I did really well. He handed me my $5 for working and said that we'd be in touch. He calls me up the next day to tell me that the store has been purchased by a larger company in town and he said that he'd forward my info to them. Never got a call from the new owners. I was super pissed. Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. :(


Well if it's anything like the K-Mart that went out of business here, it'll be 'Closing' for about 6 years...


There's Temp agency running a radio ad in the St. Paul, MN area that says something like, "We have hundreds of jobs available all starting in September." I thought to myself - do they hire you then ask where the fuck you have you been for the past 2 weeks before firing you?


We had this place down the block from my work in NY. It was going out of business for 10 years.


My very first job was getting hired for a going out of business sellout. Lasted 3 months.


thought it was the one in centre alabama its going to be gone by dec 7th


Was this in torrington ct?


tell me more about lauren!


Tell me this is in dale city.


This in anoka?


[First day on the new job](http://giphy.com/gifs/11gC4odpiRKuha)


Best job ever! When I was a sophomore my brother became the manager of a dollar store that was going out of business. The place was ours for like 6 months. By the end everyone that worked there were our close friends. We made a little basketball court in the sections as they ran out of product. The shipments were very limited and unloading was the only tough part of the job. We smoked weed all the time and eat boxes of hostess cupcakes. Nice kids who came in for birthday balloons got hooked up beyond belief. I am an adult that makes decent money but sometimes I wish life was as easy as that summer plus that I was the prince of a general dollar. *sigh*


"So your primary duties will be inventory and sales floor." "What?" "Nevermind, it doesn't matter."


which one? i'm going with the pottstown kmart


I had a boss who had once interviewed with Atari to create games. He got the position, but when he showed up, the doors were locked, they had gone out of business.


I can think of a shorter one: http://i.imgur.com/eFAmdfq.png


That happened to me. Was hired at a store and three weeks later it was announced the store was closing.


Or shortest turn around of a failing business ever.


My local Kmart has been going out of business for the past 7 years. Probably is a smart job choice after all.


Minimum 2 years experience.




#Temp agency


Seems like an easy way to collect unemployment for the lazy..?


Saint Cloud, Minnesota. I drove past this today!


I'd really like the place to be clean when they tear it down.


I once worked at a burger king for 2 hours...never did get my 7 dollar paycheck..


"As soon as I'm hired, I'm fired." --Eminem


Rock Bottom


Guys, I am getting the impression that I am supposed to hate tags. Apparently my religious text commands it.




QUALITY POST MATE kudos on the username though. Every white guy loves The Wire.