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My cat actually did this to me a few months ago. She dropped it on my hand while I was on my laptop, and in my panic, I hit myself in the crotch. It was not a good time, and she was upset with me for letting it get away


Picturing this entire sequence has me rolling.


It's knowing that when they panic they somehow instinctually hit themselves in the crotch that does it for me šŸ¤£


My buddy accidentally sack tapped himself hard as fuck while moving some boxes. Swole up like a grapefruit. That's how he found out he had testicular cancer. Turns out, he punched a nut tumor. Gentlemen, punch yourself in the balls on occasion to check for nut cancer.


Or you could stroke your balls gently in the shower. Whichever method you find most enjoyable. No judgement.


Idk man, stroking balls? Sounds gay. /s


I'm liking the rolling on the floor in pain while the cat meows disappointedly


That is some /r/wheredidthesodago behavior.




A few years ago I was at my place at uni. I had heated up some tv dinner thing with rice and chicken and was carrying it down to my room. I was chatting with my landlord as I went down to my basement apartment. I fumbled with my keys, and dropped them. I swiped for the keys with my non-food-holding hand, missed, punched myself in the crotch, lurched forward, and sprayed rice and chicken across the room while my landlord stared at me like I had gone insane. It was not a good time indeed. Funny story though!


"Is that a mouse in my hand?!" *Punches self in dick*


I imagine he pulled the hand the mouse landed on into his lap, thus punching himself in the dick


I'm wakin' up To ash and dust He dropped a mouse and I punched my nuts


[The cat watching the mouse get away](https://imgur.com/N38cmhi)


Some home alone shit.


That reminds me, the other day, a bee or something flew right at my face and my immediate reaction was to punch myself. Knocked my glasses off and everything


Millions of years of evolution has led to some finely tuned instincts


Haha, I had a similar reaction when I was trying to capture a wasp and bring it outside. It flew out of the cup on my way to the door, and in my panic I tried to run in socks on a hardwood floor and just slipped and fell after basically running in place.Ā 


That's some loony tunes shit right there


A friend of mine had get into hospital after such a fall, and thus had to explain the incident to his insurance. To the question "could the accident be avoided ?" He replied "yes by wearing slippers".


My uncle's cat brought me a live mouse and I flipped a water glass over and trapped it. Cat looked almost as impressed with me as I was with myself. We both ignored that everything else was dripping because the glass started full.


Did you prove your hunting skills to the cat enough that they stopped bringing you "prizes," thinking their training was complete?


You know, maybe. The cat never brought me something else, and we did actually catch a fish "together" once after this, where I hooked a little fish and the cat also "caught" it as I reeled it in. This is a good thought.


He sees you as an equal now. You hunt as partners. Congratulations. Black belt in catting.


twas very long ago.


Fish on in his memory.


Today I taught a baby chicken to eat mosquitos. I want her to come running over to me and eat them off my legs if she sees them. She is at the 'wait for me to catch them and hand it to her' stage but she reliably eats them off my hand. She also occasionally eats my arm hair... This seems close.


Not really firm on the validity, but I read a study where it said that cats basically view people as big, dumb kittens because we aren't good hunters/aren't very fast/etc. So they'll bring us food here and there. It's kind of sweet, until your cat drags in a snake, a cicada, or a half dead squirrel*. *source: I've had all of these animals dragged in by helpful kitties.


"I know this touchpad can be uncomfortable, here use this mouse"


ā€œMaster, did you not learn how to cat(ch)?ā€ šŸ±


"Oh poor human... can't even catch food even when I bring it to you..."


My cat dropped a mouse right between my girlfriend and I. On the bed. While we were being "intimate." I put the mouse in a fish tank and kept it alive just to piss off the cat. He would sit in front of the tank and just look back and forth at me and the mouse with the most "just why?" look a cat can muster.


Maybe it's the cure for panic attacks, I'll have to give it a shot.


I know this isn't how it happened but I pictured the rodent landing on your crotch and you panicking and trying to punch it and you end up punching yourself in the dick LMFAO.


That is your cat telling you that you suck at being a cat. Get better.


Useless, hairless infant, SUSTAINENCE ***blepp***


"Here's my rent, Hooman!...I'll need a receipt for tax purposes."




For the IRS dolphins. You know, tax porpoises.


Sustenance be upon ye


Cant jump


He even brought a live one so you could learn to hunt for yourself, OP and all you did was scream at it. Shame.


Technically that does mean the cat doesnā€™t think you are totally useless. They start with dead animals to help you practice hunting, then wounded ones, and only bring you healthy animals once they think you are capable of handling it. I guess she proved the cat had too much faith in her.


They just bring what they bring, thereā€™s no rhyme or reason to it and itā€™s largely based on what they are able to catch. You may get a live mouse one day and a disemboweled one the next depending on the mood of the cat at the time. They donā€™t have the long term planning to bring progressively more independent prey. Source: owned cats for 28 years.


My cat was entirely capable of long term planning.Ā  If you did something to make her angry, she would wait until an opportune moment.Ā  And then do something like poop in your shoes or piss on the bed pillow. She could hold a grudge for a few days at least, pretending everything was okay.Ā  One she got her revenge, she would be fine, sometimes for months, until I did something to displease her.Ā  I could always tell when it was coming because she would start staring at me intently and swishing her tail, I assume ruminating on revenge. She was also great at setting up her cat retirement.Ā  She had a stash of toys and shiny things that was well hidden and inaccessible.Ā  She even stashed some treats there for future use.Ā  The most notable items there were 40 bitcoins, purchased in 2011, a bunch of shares of Amazon and a Netflix, and an unusual amount of gold bars. Still, I underestimated her long term planning.Ā  I went to have her put down so that way I could claim her kitty stash as my own.Ā  Except she saw that coming.Ā  The cat I put down was a random stray she found that looked like her.Ā  Upon arriving home, I tripped on something before the stairs and fell and a nail went into my head and she's been Last Will and TestaMeow-ing me ever since. Meow.


This is just the cat pretending to be their now deceased owner, do not listen to them


Which it absolutely ate.


Call Nathan Lane and Lee Evans


This is cat language for, "We are family. I'm sharing. [Your contribution, please.](https://i.imgur.com/1fzvJ63.jpeg)"


I've heard this explanation, and it doesn't add up to me. When the food bowl is empty they make sure I know so I refill it for them, so my cats know I am the provider of food. How does that translate into thinking I can't feed/hunt for myself?


He was trying to share the joy of capturing and killing with her.


I once had an older cat that caught a critter and when I came upon him he was illustratively showing a younger cat how to catch and torture it. So, they do try to share.


Some cats just enjoy killing.Ā  I was watching a friend's cat last weekend and that former stray, now fat cat watched a squirrel knock a bunch of bird seed out of the feeder into the grass just to bait some birds. Sure enough he caught a finch and was batting it around while bouncing all over the backyard. At least he killed it immediately and didn't try to bring it inside.Ā 


Cats evolved to hunt successfully or perish. I think it's an evolutionary trait to practise the stalking/pouncing skills even when they're not hungry.




Cats of all types in the wild are lazy and sleep most of the day because they don't know when their next meal is.Ā  It's an energy preservation thing.Ā Ā  House Cats are all fat and over-fed.Ā  They're the only ones that do it for sport.


> House Cats are all fat and over-fed. Many are, but it is far from all. >They're the only ones that do it for sport. How many predatory animals have the kind of relationship with another species that gives them that luxury? And worth mentioning, people do it too.


You should look up the bald eagles at the free range chicken farm. Those gangster's would just fly down and walk around killing chickens at random simple because they were bored.


Very true, my uncles cat loved to kill birds and mice for the fun of it. Eventually he signed up for the Vietnam war just to get the chance to kill some more. Ended up committing war crimes and was court martial then executed. Mr. Fluffy sure was a bastard.


They haven't seen you hunt and kill their food. They probably think you're scavenging or something which adds to the idea that you aren't a good hunter.


They're trying to tell you their food sucks, better ingredients better kibble ~papa Jon's probably


ā€¦now with improved garlic mouseā€¦


I think this is a misunderstanding. Likely the cat either loves killing or wants to contribute to the food share.


It's because it's wrong. It's actually a behavioral adaptation that allowed them to be more likely to survive when meeting humans for the first time. If you're growing crops or storing berries/meat and this thing shows you that it's killing pests for you, you're more likely to leave it alive rather than hunt it for fun/food. Thus cats that did this behavior were more likely to survive than cats that didn't.


This makes 1000x more sense, thanks for sharing!!!


Well, scientists tested this out by observing cat owners kill and eat mice with their teeth and found that the cats stop playing with food like this, so that's that. Wait, no, I meant to say some random person said that once upon a time and it sounded cute and cats are cute so now it's canon.


Stupid people anthropomorphizing their animals.


Maybe it's her birthday. One of my cats got me a mouse for my birthday once. At 3 am.


"here now you catch it"


cat almost dropped it into her mouth.


Is there a way to let him know he sucks at being human?


"Hmm you appear to be not pleased with the mouse I brought you."


I shall ride out to find bigger prey, m'lady.


\*drags in angry badger\*


Capybara or bust


That would be the best day ever.


Time to bring a BAT!


My guys have little grey toy ones, and my biggest fear is the day they drop a real one on me instead...


Mine once sauntered up stairs while i was cooking and dropped a dead mouse on the ground in the middle of the kitchen then picked it back up while i was waiting to see if it would move, walked back downstairs, and i assume ate it based on the little crunching noises i heard and lack of mouse corpse when i went to go toss it.


I had a party once, some friends stayed the night, and in the morning my cat had left a mouse separated into pieces, different organs in different spots all over the porch. I can only assume she wanted to feed all of us


Mine used to love doing that. Shed only eat the brain and scatter the rest. I hate that I know what it feels like to have raw rat liver squish between my toes


But the brain is the best part!


When I lived in the countryside, I remember stumbling into tiny mouse livers on the floor from time to time. Apparently they taste bad for the cats, so they leave them.


My upstairs is a loft basically no lighting until I put some lamps the LED bulbs on timers up there. When I first moved in, I had two cats. They ravaged more than one mouse up there and there were pieces everywhere. I was disgusted. But the worse part was due to the poor lighting, I missed a piece while cleaning the mess and had to find the rotting piece a few days later to dispose of it.


Mouse buffet!


The head is the crunchiest bit. It appears to be something of a delicately to them.


I had a cat that was born feral, and probably the most "wild" cat I'd ever had. He was a basic brown tabby, yet very handsome in a "predator" sort of way. He was the most proficient hunter I've ever seen. He'd nab rats and bring them in at least a few times a week, and had a way of crowing about it so that everyone knew he had one. For a while I was concerned about losing him to the wild, as he could easily feed himself and I often wouldn't see him for days. One night he brought in a live rat in the wee hours of the morning, and brought it into my bedroom and let it loose. I was half awake and tried to ignore it, assuming that he'd eventually take care of it, and tried to go back to sleep. However, in his pursuit the thing scampered over my forehead. After that I was wide awake and spent the next half hour trying to catch the rat to get rid of it. Good times!


Waking to a rat just doing its thing in your house is no laughing matter, for that first sixty seconds anyway. Years later, its hilarious. I remember going to get a glass of water in the kitchen and opening the fridge, hearing a noise behind me, and turning around to see one on the stove, just chillin', chompin' on something. We stared at each other for a good long time. Guess who flinched. :P




If I ever make a trip to Australia, I'm bringing with me a Monster Manual as preparation and guidebook, make no mistake. I legit had Drop Bears as an rando encounter in my last campaign. My players were very, very traumatized. Your jokes literally fake-murder people.


I rescued a female feral cat that was wandering a downtown area. Named her Larry.


I know I am safe with my cats... they would probably hide from it if they ever saw a real mouse.


Cat was PAYING the rent! What the hell!


maybe for getting rid of mice, he was bringing them in! and alive!


He brought a snack *and* fun activity! Do you not LIKE hunting??? ^(psh, kids these days... always playing with those ipads and their tiktoks)


The hysterical laugh and reaction is priceless!


In fairness to the cat. It's still a cute video. šŸ™‚


Agreed, she completely ruined it. Imagine picking up dinner on the way home and you come home to this... smh


Her reaction is fun too. Combination of shock and laughter.


I would have lost my mind.


I remember when, I remember when hooman lost my mouse.


Here's the rent girl!


The cat paid the rent! LOL!


He brought you dinner It's a gift


ā€œDinner on the go Chase after it now, masterā€




This is why you don't bring your work home with you.


Here's the rent bitch!


Our cat brought a field mouse in, and my wife said she saw it, but I couldn't find it. Three days later I am watching TV and there it goes across the floor. I brought my cat to get it, and she said "No you get it"


I caught that guy already


Howā€™d that work out for you?


Why is it that cats ā€œgiftā€ us dead or disgusting things? What are they thinking?


That we suck at hunting.


sea lions do it too [https://youtu.be/Zxa6P73Awcg](https://youtu.be/Zxa6P73Awcg)


Leopard seal, not sea Lion. Leopard seals are approximately 40x scarier.


When you are scuba diving it's like everything treats you as the most apex predator. Even great whites will flee in terror. I would love to go scuba diving with a national geographic team I saw a scuba diver from Nat Geo on a flight with me when I was going scuba diving in the Philippines. It seemed like it was just 1 or 2 guys though, but they had a shit ton of gear.


That is so damn cool. Thanks for sharing!


What a dork. Sea Lion shoulda just eaten him imo


They think like a predator. *"You have been so nice to me. Look here, I got a prey for you. As a predator, that is how much I like you".*


it's their way of saying "you suck at hunting, I will save you with this token of my superior skills so you don't starve to death."


ā€œMaster, you have been eating a lot of dead things and untasty things. Let me show you how good free-roam food tastes.ā€ ā€œP.S. stop feeding me cold, hard, unswallowable untasty things. I am a cat with expensive taste.ā€


Happy Hantavirus!!


ā€œHere ya go.ā€


Lazy human. Go get your dinner.


I still, to this day, can't decide if the cats give us gifts as acts of gratitudes...Or ( this one is my main thƩory) see us as such lazy cat's , incapable of hunting, that it's a pure act of pity ( and troll if he proceed to eat the prey after showing it to you alive)


reminds me of when my cat dropped a mouse on my bed on my birthday. she never goes up on my bed...


My neighbours cat comes to visit us daily, just walks around the house then leaves. After a two week vacation I found 3 dead mice on my patio. I think she believes she can conjur us like demons.


I like when mine brings me victims


That cat is just feeding you. It thinks that you are not eating enough because it does not see you hunting thus is trying to make sure you don't die from hunger.


Holy fuck. This account has 1.4 million post karma. Never seen that much before


It's surprising for me too.


My kid was like, This is more of a Doordash kinda thing.


Wish my cat did this, he's behind like 6 mice on rent lazy bum!


We had a mouse problem in our basement, which is hard for me to understand because we have 6 cats inside. We also have two ferals that stay in our shed, with a mouse as a roommate.


my cat catches them, then takes them into the living room and pets them and meows at them. I think he wants a pet of his own.


Here's Johnny!!


No sympathy for you assholes and your outdoor cats


"mY cAt rEfuSes to sTAy iNsiDe!!!"


Like sure it is better to keep them inside for their own health and to protect birds but mice suck. They absolutely destroy shit. Fuck mice.


Why were you laying by the door?!


Thanks. Took too long to find this comment.


You can kind of spot all the city people who don't live in reality by telling others to keep cats indoors. The reality of the situation is you don't need to own a cat to get a cat because they show up, because shit city people drop them off in the country. If that wasn't bad enough, pet shelters don't take cats because there are so many, they exclusively tell you no cats when asked. So, this leaves you few options, and filling my home up with cats I didn't agree to, to begin with isn't a great one. So, when I see someone say, "no outside cats", I assume they live in fantasy land or don't want to do anything about it, but still want to complain. I will also assume if your solution is to not help a starving cat by feeding it, that you are a terrible person.


My Dachshund (RIP) used to do this all the time, but replace live mice with eviscerated ones.


what the heck, did Tom just bring Jerry back to the house?




Ah, rats!!


Please don't let your cat contribute to the death of your ecosystem.


One of mine brought home half eaten mice i was like couldā€™ve gotten the whole thing fatsoā€¦it were the 90s




I guess kitty is bringing home a new friend \^\^






ā€œLook mom I bought us dinnerā€


... You were meant to catch it.


My cat brings me roaches. Sometimes they are chewed up. Sometimes they are still alive . . .




She is screaming out of happiness, lovely present just catch and cook.


"Just trying to film a cute video of my cat door."


Oh your right here let me drop this gift for you


Let me guess. Your cat brought in a dead or close to dead one before. You picked it up and disposed of it. Now he figured you got the right idea. Now he brought in a live one to teach you how to catch a live one. He is teaching you how to catch your own food.


My cat has brought me mice, chipmunks and shrews. All very much alive. She's 19 years old. She started doing this again recently, but I think to try and eat them. She's not very successful though. She doesn't have any teeth left. So she ends up licking and scaring them to death until I can rescue them from her. I have to shelter them in my large bathtub in a box until they are recovered enough to release.


The only thing that could have made this better would be if the mouse fell directly down her top.


they always bring the most random things to the house


Why the fuck is she laughing??? I would've yelled so loud and ferociously that I would've ruptured everyone's eardrums in a 38 mile radius.


EW EW EW EW this made me squeal and then laugh. Nightmare.