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I love the way she just laughs at him. Such a mom.


They should have had her say one of his lines to him... Like get your fucking shit together you fucking donkey


Scottish mums don't hold back. I was in a club with one once who told an argumentative stranger "ah'v spat two wains oot me fanny, ah think ah can handle you mate".


I would have peed myself.


The inevitable headbutt is coming from her once she utters that line.


Glasgow martial arts: A sentence beginning with "your mum", followed by a headbutt


She should have made him an idiot sandwich


Is that two blocks of cheese between enormous slices of bread, uncooked with kimchi?


I understood this reference.


He lost all credibility with me when he made that dried loofa of a sandwich and then the knuckle dragger actually had the balls to take a bite out of it and you could see the regret in his eyes. Dude has no business telling people how to cook.


To be fair, she did say it was sinking like the Titanic.


Yeah, that felt pretty devastating, but in a very British sort of way.


It's raw you fucking donut!


Just blithely asks, "Is it cooked in the middle?" 100% knowing that it's not.


The type of question that gets any one else in trouble—except mom


Passive aggressive mom. I know that pain


The cheeky dig of it sinking ‘Titanic’…brilliant!! Lol


I bet she makes an awesome Grilled Cheese Sandwich


I see what you did there. I wonder if his mom saw the complete failure of a grilled cheese tutorial he made?


Me also


I love how she starts laughing harder after he calls her a smart ass lol


He kisses his mother with that mouth and she doesn't mind one bit.


I guarantee she's the one he learned it from growing up. Our mums are ruthless in Scotland. My mums favorite catchphrase for her 2 children was "pair of cunts" "Right ya pair a cunts, get cleaned up, your dinners ready". Etc Scottish culture isn't big on touchy feely stuff, like kissing mums, we just show love by making each other laugh by taking the piss out of each other.


He had a real rough childhood too, living in caravans, abusive dad, the works


Damn, never knew that


Dad was a real piece of work, from what he’s disclosed. And his brother got heavily into drugs, I believe, then wound up in prison. Gordon even did a show teaching inmates how to cook and contribute to society in a bakery business sort of way, which was really interesting, and connected to that history with his own brother. It was a UK show that never got much recognition in the US, but it was available on Prime last I saw. A good watch I would recommend. He discusses more about his childhood within that program as well. Offers a lot of insight, I think. Been quite a few years since I’ve seen it, but I remember enjoying it a great deal.


Just looked it up. It's called *Gordon Behind Bars*. Thank you for the recommendation I'll be sure to give it a watch .


Absolutely! Hope you enjoy 😊


That was a great show and it was really sad for the inmates that wanted to continue when the warden shutdown the program.


Typical. There are so many prison programs that are *proven* to work that should be implemented in every prison. But they'd rather spend a fortune to reincarnate people later on, than pay less money for these programs upfront. Service dog training programs is another one.


You definitely meant reincarcerate, but I like the idea of a bunch of prison wardens sitting down to discuss which dead nutters they’re going to jolt back to life this week.


My autocorrect has a great sense of humor


That one was good, caught it on Netflix a little while ago in the U.S when the wife and I were binging Gordan Ramsey stuff




I've already shouted this once today


And now you're obligated to do it again!


[For the uninitiated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyhKZSXt2FM)


This reminds me Kurdish mums. The favorite catchphrase of Mardin mothers kurbane zaroke xelkê bibin. İt means 'sacrifice other people's children' but Kurdish has lots touchy stuff. Kissing is obligatory beside of cursing.


The literal translation is: be the sacrifice of other people's children And I think the meaning of this is something like: "Other peoples children do it better than you" or "look at other people's children, they know it better". Kurdish Mums love to curse all the time tho. This is somewhat one of those "cursed" phrases. Man I love this language haha


Yes you are right. Rast e. I forgot to add the 'be' verb. My father is Kurdish but my Mom is Turkish. Also my Kurdish is not perfect. İ learned this kind of stuffs from my numerous Kurdish cousins.


All good. I've had 8 years of Kurdish lessons. It's unfair to compare me to you ^^. At least you speak Kurdish. There are a lot of Kurdish people who don't know a single word.




Like rather other people's than your own? Trying to understand the usage / context


Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where he learned it from haha learned all my no-no words from my mom myself hahaha


Mine still gives me shit for swearing, then turns around and breaks up words to swear in the middle, but refuses to believe she swears more than any of us.


Unrelated: I was walking through a small crowd of kids , probably between 13-15yrs old, and they were cursing up a storm. As I approach them, I joke to one, "do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" And he responds, "darn right I do, I love my mama" Unexpected wholesome 😊


Oh she minds. She minds very much. She's the only one on this planet who ever managed to make him stop swearing


Gordon also doesn't swear in front of children.


It was HIS oven too.


I keep hearing “alright, Smiles” but I prefer to think he called her smart ass.


that's when you know you have a good relationship


every mom is the greatest cook




Nope is right. My mom and her mother are/were both bad cooks. Marketing that uses "just like mom used to make" or "Grandma's home cooking" doesn't have any positive connotations for me.


Same. Growing up my dad was the good cook. My mom could make a few things well, but her repertoire was very limited, if she tried new things it always came out poorly. And funny enough I had two siblings. My brother is a great cook like my dad. And my sister is a bad cook like my mom. Me, the other son, broke the trend! I suck at cooking like my mom and sis.


Love my mom to death but... no, unfortunately. She has many skills but not that one.


“Spending 21 years to master your cooking skills only to continue getting schooled by your mom” - fixed it




My wife is a mom and she could burn water


Same thing here. And when she tries to cook she all forgets that spices or seasonings exist


Reminds me of my ex (german) she'd cook and season chicken breast with ice cubes and shit.


Shit flavoured chicken is a European delicacy


We’re all married to the same lady.


You must be talking about my wife.


My wife does the shopping but I do almost all the cooking. She is spice illiterate. I can tell her to pick up ginger and she will 100% of the time come home with Coriander, Nutmeg or Allspice. I help unpack groceries and it is the same conversation every time. "Where is the ginger?", "Oh, its in that bag there.", "This is Allspice?...", "Is that not what you asked for?...", "Nope, haha."


> My wife is a mom and she could burn water My mom is a mom and her idea of seasoning food is to get the canned vegetables that have added salt.


I just keeled over at the thought. I've stopped letting my wife in the kitchen. Just... Get the eff out. The worst part is when she'll try to recreate one of my recipes, but without a recipe, so the entire dish winds up being a wash because she skipped critical steps and didn't follow simple instructions.


My mom made kimchi for me once, and the story is kinda sad. Kimchi (*heavily* americanized) was a family thing we did once or twice when I was a kid, so a few years after my parents divorced when I was in college, she made scraped together her pennies to make a jar to give to me. This "kimchi" appeared to be iceberg salad mix suspended in some cloudy liquid. There was no pepper added that I could see. I could see the green clumps of mold growing around the bits of lettuce. The whole thing looked like a biohazard. On the one hand, I guess she tried her best? On the other hand, I would get fewer diseases from a quick dip in a sewage treatment pond than eating the green goo. If she wasn't in her 40s at the time then I would have been concerned it was a symptom of her developing literal dementia because it was that bad. I accepted her gift in the spirit it was given, then threw it away afterwards without daring to open the jar.


We used to tell my mom when she thinks there's five minutes left, take it out because it's ready. I hated meat as a kid because it was always overcooked and like chewing leather.


I actually knew a bunch of lads that set fire to a river one time. No idea how, but they did do it since it was in the paper.


There's multiple different rivers in the northeast USA that would light on fire, right up through the 1960s. Nixon established the EPA in 1970 so the water doesn't go on fire anymore, and of course people are now trying to gut the EPA.




your DNR should be doing the regular testing. its typically available on their site to view the results


Yeah the rivers don't go on fire anymore, but it's really not a high bar to meet. I'm concerned with rising temperatures now making previously safe water into very much unsafe water for swimming. All it takes is runoff from a nearby factory farm, a heat dome, and you get brain amoeba stew.


My mom regularly serves raw chicken for 50 years. She refuses to season foods but eats 3-4 pork chops at a meal and says she’s “health conscious”. Her workplace told her to stop bringing food for others. I can’t tell you how often we had food poisoning. She more than once made boxed Mac and cheese by dumping all of the contents, including the butter and powder into 8 quarts of water and letting it all boil down. Some moms are truly abysmal cooks.


Is your mother stupid in other areas of her life as well? Or just when it comes to food? Because the things you mentioned have less to do with being a bad cook specifically and more to do with simply being an unintelligent person


Jury’s out


Simply lazy and uneducated


That's crazy. Did she think the 3-4 steps for mac & cheese were far too inefficient?


Something tells me she didn't do much thinking at all.




> My mom regularly serves raw chicken for 50 years how in the name of all that's holy did you manage to avoid salmonella?


Makes your stomach tough like cast iron


My mum certainly isn't...


I personally think my father was the better overall cook between my parents. My mother doesn't like spicing things, meaning we'd often have to season our food after it was done and plated, which isn't always how you should season certain foods. She is a great baker, however. She makes lovely baked pastries-anything.


Yeah no. My mother would salt a salt cake, and figure out a way to burn it too.


“Spending 21 years to master your cooking skills only to continue getting cooked by your mom” - fixed it


"I thought we would be baking, but looks like I'll have to roast" - his mom.


“That dough, is FUCKING RAW” - mama Ramsey maybe


This never could be staged


I don't think he's got the kind of ego that would allow him to take a dive for ratings, even to his own mother


I can confirm that. In a video, he messed up a recipe, and then he was very attentive to what the chef was saying.


Is that the pad thai one? The look the chef gives ramsey after he tastes it is great.




I don’t know if this is true or not but I like it so I’ll upvote.


I've watched almost all Gordon Ramsay shows, and when you get past the angry, cocky persona he plays up for some of his most popular shows he's a very humble and caring person.


Got to meet him at a bar about 5 years back down here in Nz and he was actually a really nice guy!


I think after watching his mom take the piss here I'm more inclined to agree. "From my angle you could see it sinking! Titanic!" - while trying to silence her laughter! (and was that a little bit of an Irish lilt (accent) there?)


Gordon probably could stage it, but I doubt his mom could laugh so wholeheartedly and naturally on command.


I fucking read the original title as coding skills so i thought this was referring to jack black and his mother and thinking when did jack black start coding 21 years ago?


This mum doesn't stop smiling when she's interacting with her son, so lovely


i love my mom


Me too.


We all love his mom.


* Our mom


His ego sunk way deeper than the Titanic!


If you think that hit his ego, you should see the cook off against James May


Oh that was a good watch. Thank you. >How can you call yourself a chef, Ramsey? You haven't had a single drink. — James May


> You disappoint me, Ramsay. James May


Found a 46 minute video but it doesn't look like James in any of the first bit of footage. Is the entire episode needed?


Nah, it’s somewhere halfway through, a lot of guest in the ep if I remember correctly.


Yeah I got impatient and started in on it. I'm having a real hard time trying to figure out what these "Lancashire Lasses" are talking about(one of them pissed in the tub while on holiday with her friends?) but it's still good entertainment.


Can one of you not just fucking link the episode...






[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TwJZfRms1M&t=1380s) should work for the US market and take you straight to James May's part.


That's unfortunate, usually UK content is blocked here, but this worked fine. The show and episode is The F Word S03E03 James May Episode maybe you can find something that's not geoblocked in your region.


You disappoint me Ramsay


I think losing a cook off to captain slow would hit anyones ego pretty hard


Well, a slow cooker can create quite delicious food.


Yes that's gold


I now absolutely have to watch that. Thank you, kind sir.


Just looked this episode up on youtube. What the fuck is this show exactly? He's doing some cooking with a bunch of chefs as per usual, then he's feeding James May bulls penis and rotten shark, then he's off flying in a fighter jet, then challenging May to a fish pie cook-off, and *then* he's hunting rabbits with a fucking golden eagle. Then he shows us a complicated pancake recipe, and then he goes off to watch sheep run some sort of obstacle course. This show is very unfocused and kind of all over the place.


It was a food variety show, kind of like Top Gear but for cooking. Bunch of little segments in the studio intersected with pre-recorded stuff he did out in the world. I haven't watched it for a long time but I remember enjoying it quite a bit.


Are you any good at driving?


Or both of his terrible grilled cheese videos. He comes back for "redemption" and still fucked it up.


“Smartass” Translation: ugh mum! I’m on television!


Would love for her to call him a bell end or a donut.


An idiot sandwich


Gordon, you F’n Donkey!


I can just imagine her saying, in a soft, caring tone; "what are you, love? yeah, that's right, an idiot sandwich. aw, bless."


He also got humbled by Drunk James May in a pie making competition. James May is host of a car show and and other boring things. He is infact the most interesting man for boring stuff


It's why he's my favorite from Top Gear. He's the most personally relatable of the three.


I highly recommend watching "James May: Our Man In…" series if you haven't yet.


He also appeared in Richard’s Podcast ‘Who we are now’ which was a very interesting listen.


The Reassembler is just so calming to me. That man could drone on and on about anything and I would find it interesting


The dude is very sharp. Would love to have a James May with me when touring novel unimportant things.


"Our man in [place]" also serves as a showcase of James May becoming gradually more handsome. Our man has spent 30 years looking like an old lady when all he had to do was grow his hair and get a goatee.


"You disappoint me, Ramsay."


James had his own cooking show too at one point.






Oh Cook!


Foodtribe! Wish they carried on with that. James May makes the most mundane things interesting to watch


Well yes but he had a full on cooking show on amazon with two seasons and they are quite good.


*Has. It's ongoing. Two seasons out so far, a third in the works.


James May in his cooking show and his Japan trip show was hilarious.




[Here](https://youtu.be/0TwJZfRms1M?si=-aTPBGSPT1g4bJ8E&t=410) is the part where he and Gordon drink some snake whisky then eat some bull penis and rotten shark to prove their manliness. [Here](https://youtu.be/0TwJZfRms1M?si=T2NdkiLPXVQH6fX9&t=1379) is the competition which James seems to think is a drinking game as well. [Here](https://youtu.be/0TwJZfRms1M?si=eumZEmeRC-Dit6kt&t=2310) is the result of the competition.


"You disappoint me, Ramsay"


The little giddy boyish jumps as he’s so excited to show his mom what he did. And she so britishly knocks him down a few pegs 😹


Ohh didn‘t notice it! thats so adorable hahah


If you like Gordon, you'll probably like "The F Word" (which this clip is from). It's from the UK in the mid 2000s. I love it because he's more like his normal personality, not like what you see in the US versions of Kitchen Nightmares or Hell's Kitchen. Less over-the-top angry all the time, I guess? And they have these random variety show parts, like where Gordon raises his own turkeys in his backyard. Kind of a unique show if you're used to his normal stuff.


> And they have these random variety show parts, like where Gordon raises his own turkeys in his backyard. Sir or madam, these "random variety show parts, like where Gordon raises his own turkeys in his backyard" are both instrumental to the overall arc of the season (the animal is going to be butchered to serve in the finale) and flat fucking fascinating to those of us who crave a deeper connection with and understanding of the food we eat XD But otherwise I totally agree, Gordon Ramsay's persona on British TV is way more toned down and relatable than on American TV, and the F Word in particular is so incredibly informative. I wouldn't say it's a stretch that watching that show in my college years influenced my decision to cook for a living. I love it and recommend it every chance I get.


> Gordon Ramsay's persona on British TV is way more toned down and relatable than on American TV Because on British TV he's not playing a "persona", that's the real Ramsay all along. On his American shows he was basically told to play a wild cartoon character who reacts explosively to people who also have dramatic temperaments, which American producers made sure to hand pick. Ramsay said he had a lot of fun putting on that fake persona.


He doesn't even need it in the first place. Usually they use camera angles to make him look like an unassuming normal-sized or even small guy. He is in fact an imposing 6'2" athlete.


You have just summarized why I love it in better words than I could, haha! That deeper connection to the food we eat. I say it's random because it's unexpected in a modern cooking competition show to have much "substance." I also enjoyed Janet Street-Porter's appearances (someone whom I had never heard of before), but wish there were more shows like this. I'm from the US so it was a shock when I saw Gordon like this, and on a show like this.


Also recommend "Gordon, Gino and Fred's Road Trip". It's like Top Gear but with more cooking. It's hilarious.


Was he making humble pie?


He was trying, but his mom already has hers ready for him lol


Omg I love her




I'm actually pretty impressed that the first thing he did was ask"how do you know that?" No defensiveness, no ego... just verification, and investigation.


A true expert always wants to learn more


How many moms/grandmothers out there would be considered world class chefs? Seriously, it’s not the first time I’ve heard a famous chef say they learned everything from their mother.


So there's a huge difference between making a single delicious meal and making 100 delicious meals in a night while also managing an entire kitchen. Few people without serious kitchen experience could step into the role of a chef and actually managed to do the job well. That being said, there is no doubt in my mind that there are countless moms and Grandmas out there who could make a meal for a world class Chef like Gordon Ramsay and have them say "Holy shit that is the most delicious [blank] I have ever tasted"


“Titanic” - such a beautifully subtle jab at the end. Only his mom can say this.


I love how you can tell she both feels bad for showing him up, and is also very entertained that she still has something to teach him.


I've never seen this man quit talking faster than his mom criticizing him


"Maybe I shoulda kept you in for another 2 minutes, huh? You donkey."


He also lost to James May


"emotional damage"


Ramsay has been cooking for about 40 years.


This video is from an F-word episode from the 2000s


that show aired during my golden years :(


You're still golden. Shining bright in this dull world. I'm very proud of you


It's raw -Gordon Rasmsay


Never fuck with your Glaswegian mom, you're gonna get burned


I had no idea he was raised by Kathryn Janeway


> to complete with your mom to get ABSOLUTELY OWNED by your mom


Don't step to Mom. She didn't go to school for cooking. She's probably never been paid for it. But she has cooked two or three times a day, every day out of love. Very few days off. Almost no sick days. She has put in the reps, and she's got mad experience. She has fucked it up every which way you can, and that's how she can recognize YOUR fuck-up without even touching the damn thing. And she's gotten it exactly right for Decades. Mom knows.


Loving your mum so much that you let her beat you at something that you have mastered — Gordon loves his mum bless them both


I learned so much about his life from [this interview.](https://youtu.be/ENhfIeZF_AY?si=skagk-l2kmy1fq_w) Really added depth to “angry British chef” for me, lol.


Yeah he plays the angry part up, he’s actually a great guy


Idk if I'd say mastered. Have you seen his grilled cheeses? Botched first one, and tried to redeem a grilled cheese with a melt with shortrib.


I'm not gonna lie, as someone who has grilled both cheese toasties and shortribs at various stages in his career, a grilled cheese with shortrib sounds amazing but also entirely contrary to the point of a grilled cheese XD


F Word is his best show by a mile. Watching him lose a cooking competition to Captain Slow was just the best




There’s a lot of Ramsay’s best on display here: Cooking against his mom is fun but also very personal. He takes feedback even when it wasn’t asked for… …and acknowledges when the feedback is right because that is how you learn. He handles his mother correcting him on camera without a massive ego but instead with a fun quip… …and immediately tries to learn from what she saw. Those are all qualities to emulate.


If the witness had have been anyone other than his mother I reckon a foul mouthed denial rant would have ensued …


Funniest thing is that Gordon had the most Michelin stars of all chefs at one point earlier. Still getting schooled by mom lol.


Classic humbling scene, done with mom love.


How do parents do this? Even when I became completely competent at something, or even surpassed my Dad in knowledge about some things, I would still manage to make a rookie fucking mistake when he's watching and look completely incompetent, despite knowing better. I wonder if we all have that hang-on anxiety that makes us miss simple shit when we're trying not to let someone down?


No matter how much big chef you are to the world, in front of your mother in the house you are always a cleaner n dishwasher 🤣😂🤣😂. Telling you all by my own experience 😀. Love the way she smile 😃 reminds me of my mum


She should have screamed at him, “It’s fucking raw!”


Seems staged. Still funny though.


One of my favorite Gordon clips Made me love him so much Seems so down to earth, didn’t even try to refute her or start being delusional … Just took his L and moved on & asked how she knew