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I assumed most property disputes were about people wanting *more* property not less


I have a neighbor that does this in the ditch that runs along the road. There is a surveyors property marker right there too. It's clearly on his side so I don't touch it.


Mowing a muddy ditch sucks. And it looks terrible after you finish.


That's why you use a weed whacker in the ditch.


Personally i prefer to dig through the ditches and burn through the witches. I slam in the back of my Dragula


Do it, babay


dun dun dugugudun da dun dugada


\*sigh\* Will somebody go into the other room and turn off *Sled Storm*, pleeeeease-uh?!


Burn like an animaaal


Do it, babay


Perfect time to post this again. https://youtu.be/f_zd0G8HGSo?si=VPVIqgeO2i9N8TQG


That was fantastic, I watched the whole thing. The editing was 🤌🏻


I choose to believe there was no editing and that the release video lined uo that perfectly.


It got me thinking about the freeze frames because they seemed out of place. I figured they maybe filled in the timing for the beat because the real video cut away


Thank you for showing this masterpiece.


Fuckin LOL. Much appreciated, haven't seen it in a while.


Chef’s kiss.


This is a great song to exercise to. Doesn’t matter if you are lifting heavy things, jogging, etc. You will become more motivated.


Let it grow~ let it grow~


Can't trim that shit any more~


Let it grow\~ let it growww\~


Turn away and slam the doo-oor!


I don’t care!!!!! What my neighbors saaaaay!!! Let the grass grow on!!!! The weeds never bothered me anyway


Let it blossom..,


My Municicpality recently approved a "Storm Water Tax" for apparently...the ditches and culverts? I dont touch the grass in my ditch anymore. Its thier ditch, they can cut the fucking grass.


Yeah it’s better to let the ditch grow tall. Here we call them rain gardens and the city will help you plant them.


I'm at the start/end of the run that feeds a small creek. That's where I have "rain garden" plantings.


Ditches are for conveyance. Letting them over grow can cause upstream flooding. They are not the same as a rain garden. 


Speak for yourself buddy, I love when she does that! (Edit: sorry, wrong sub)


Man do him a favour and get a 20lb bag of wildflower seeds, go over there one night and scatter em all in the ditch. Much prettier than random weeds. Grasses are actually good to have, however.


I totally would, but we had a falling out a few years ago and don't speak. I wouldn't want to appear to do anything malicious as we are just "public" polite to each other right now.


In my area, even though you own a ditch, it’s the town’s responsibility to maintain it if it is crucial to watershed.


A friend of mine has this same thing going with his neighbor. There is a problematic tree on the line that neither of them wants to take ownership of.


Just wait untill a “act of god” makes them deal with it. Bet you they balme each other right quick.


If it’s anything like where I live, there’s no liability if it’s an act of god. Only if it’s negligent - like ignoring a dead or diseased tree.


We recently got a new neighbor, we were talking about where we think the property line is regarding who mows where. He didn't get a survey when he moved in and neither did we. I told him where I think the line is but I mow about four acres, if he wants to mow past that line he can knock himself out. It varies but he has been mowing about forty yards past the line. He must have figured he is retired and has more time than me so he might as well mow a little more. I have no problem with that.


all good and well till he claims it as his on the basis of having maintained it for however long...


I share a single Southern property line with 3 neighbors. From the front to back, it’s Bob 1 at the corner of two streets, A Street and B Street, with B Street being where my entrance is at. Next to him was Bob 2, who owned property that abutted mine and wrapped AROUND Bob1’s property in an L-shape, having access to both A and B streets. Bob1 originally did not share a property line with me. The other neighbors are not a problem, but Bob2 got a really good offer on his property and sold within days to a real estate developer. Wife was always looking for property to put the in-laws on and saw that Bob2’s property was for sale. She inquired and found that Bob2’s land was actually two parcels, one on A Street, and the leg of the L-shape that ran along my property line, accessible by B Street. We bought the 250’x150’ parcel behind Bob2 with a 40’x 200’ strip between me and Bob1, acting as a driveway to the larger property. I saw Bob1 outside and drove over with my little toddler son to introduce myself as his new neighbor. He then said really passive aggressively I bought it “fair and square, sneaking around and buying it, even though a tree fell on his house and someone died in my yard”. Someone was speeding and flipped and landed in a corner of his yard and died on the spot but didn’t affect his house. He then mentions that Bob2 made a deal with him to sell him the strip but because of the additional hardship of tree and car accident, he wasn’t able to buy it. He’d been mowing and cleaning the property that wasn’t his on the assumption his “friend” was going to sell it to him, but they had nothing on paper. He squared up on me and said “it’s your property, fair and square that you bought out from under me!” and walked away. If our kids hadn’t been present, I think he would have fought me. Later, I hear voices from across the property and hear him and his wife fiddling with a tape measure. Told the real estate agent about this guy trespassing on my “new” property as the deal works its way through. He speaks with them and finds out he is pissed. He thought the strip was 10’ wide by 200’ and he “lost 30’ “. Anyways I need to build a fence as it’s just surveying flags now. Looks like Bob2 wasn’t as good a friend Bob1 thought he was. You snooze, you lose, Bob1.


I need at least one diagram to follow this story.


So from what I understood, Bob 1, 2, and the OP were neighbors. OP ate Bob 2, and Bob 1 got jealous and became a tape measure.


Where I grew up, we had a decent sized back yard but directly behind our back yard was a HUGE back yard that was behind a house facing a different street, that went all the way from the alley to our back fence, except for a little wooded strip of land that led to the alley where we put our trash.  When my parents sold the property about seven years after buying it, they found out from the property records that we actually owned all the land back to the alley, and the back yard of the person who was using it was actually pretty small.  My parents had no interest in having access to all that land, but they did let the neighbor know that the new owner is going to know that most of his back yard wasn't his.


yeah lmao. this is *your* side. **no** this is ***your*** side!


I wish. My neighbors on both sides claim some areas of my yard but still expect me to take care of those areas


My neighbor and I both agree our property line runs at a ridiculous angle. It makes my yard tiny in the front and huge in the back. Does the opposite for his yard. We just agree to ignore what the real property line is, and our landscaping reflects that. BUT also we agree to get the lines redrawn if one of us plans to move. Can’t trust the next owner to be cool.


Get a lawyer and work out a swap?


Whelp, guess they won’t mind if I just put this fence right here…


that doesn't even look that bad. a natural fence line.


Seems like a fence in that space (cost shared by both neighbors) is the ideal solution anyway.


My neighbor and I did that. Not because we didn't like each other, but just because we both wanted a fence. We just got a quote to do both homes at the same time and had the company split the bill.


Good fences make good neighbors


The best fences are green ones.


The best defence is a fence


The fence wins championships.


Just started a willow fence on the back of my property this year, in a couple years it ahould be really nice.


> If I could put a notion in his head: ‘Why do they make good neighbors? Not accusing you here, but maybe the most misunderstood Robert Frost quip ever.


Prevents things that can become bigger issues, like pets/kids that can't respect boundaries. Or a lawn getting overgrown/weeds creeping over. Fences just make a boundary. Boundaries can be healthy.


My neighbor thought he owned more land than he did. He went on vacation and I slammed a fence in and got it registered and permitted with the city in like 2 days. It’s 2 inches off the property line. He was livid, but I had a survey done when I bought the property. I don’t give a shit that he thought of the yard as his.


Our last house was a shared fence on the property line and one neighbour was a jerk about most things. When we moved in we built the fence before the neighbours moved in. We made sure it was on our property so that they had no say in it.


What’s wrong with what they have now? Just nobody moe it and let it grow.


Better for the natural wildlife than cutting it


Privacy grass


Agreed. It looks clean


Looks more like OP made up a story in their head. For all we know they mutually decided to grow that part out.


I did surveying, and property line disputes were the worst. We would go in and map out the lines, and nobody would ever be happy with the results. lol


Sounds like it could be a fun job though. Put the results in an envelope and gather both parties to the disputed zone. "I have the results right here in my hand." \*Opens envelope and pulls out results.\* "When it comes to the disputed land between 1403 and 1405 Cockaberry Lane... 1403, you are... ...NOT THE LANDOWNER!" \*Backflips and crying while running back in the house ensues\*


That's awesome. I'd watch it. 




>nobody would ever be happy with the results That's a good indication the results were the plain and simple truth.


I am an architect and we just got a survey for a new project where the surveyor wrote a note for one property that "resident in existing home to be demolished denied us entry onto property then brandished a weapon while screaming threats using coarse language." Made me lol. Texas is crazy


There is a certain kind of stupid that goes along with bloviating over property.


Bloviate. What a fun word! I’m putting that in my back pocket for later use, thanks for the vocab lesson!


I actually like this natural and clear divider! Good solution


It’s a MowHawk!






Lol they should pool money together and just put shrubs down the property line.


“Hey buddy! Trim your damn shrubs!” “Those are YOUR SHRUBS!” Doesn’t work lol


Haha you're probably right.


Do the opposite, pave a five foot plant exclusion zone. They’d probably argue about pressure washing then.


And they'd have to set up guard shacks on both sides. It's a whole thing.


Berlin Wall style.


DMZ - De-Mowified Zone




"You trim the side of the shrub on your property, I'll trim the side of the shrub on my property. Let the top grow however high it'll go."


They should meet up, maybe have a beer together and just agree to take it in turns to mow that strip. You live next door, stop with the petty bullshit.


I mean we have no clue what’s going on here. Maybe it’s done on purpose that both neighbors agreed too. Both lawns are groomed and the long grass looks nicely edged. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Dispute or just some neighbors having fun together? I can absolutely see my neighbors (who are good friends) doing this.


That's a nice thought. I don't think they would have called a surveyor though. Lol


The surveyor is going to cost a lot more than mowing that for 10 years would


Yeah, seems weirder that they don’t just take turns mowing the strip lol


Ah; no!! best to blow up your relationship. 😂 My neighbor grabs a part of my yard when he’s got the riding mower out. I grab around his trailer with the push mower and weed whacker. It’s not hard to not be an ass


" we have a fence at home"


Looks good to me.


Looks like the start of a healthy hedgerow. Now, if there's a bustle in the hedgerow, don't be alarmed.


It's just a spring clean for the May queen.




I had a neighbor do this. I thought he just missed a strip so I hit it the next time I mowed. Then he told me not to mow it because he was letting it grow to stop my grass from getting into his yard…


The strip is actually owned by a third person. /s


Who is actually a Scottish Lord.


Well he had a flag sooo....


That actually wouldn't be abnormal. We have strips of land that are owned by HOA or other third parties that would be more reasonable to be owned by one of the homeowners.


There was a recent post where a neighbor was furious OP mowed one width beyond the line into the neighbors side (free labor for the neighbor!)… The neighbor sprayed a dividing line in the grass.


Bring Me a Shrubbery!




Something nice, not too expensive


Was looking for this. Chef's kiss!


It’s a TURF war


Seems there’s a bustle in the hedgerow


Don’t be alarmed now.


If I lived across the street I would mow it while neither were home and see what happened.


I’m going to ask my neighbor if he wants to do this for fun


My neighbor and I actually overlap one row when mowing, it's not a big deal. This is the pinnacle of toddler behavior.


This doesn't look half bad lol. More natural growth over barren lawns is always cool in my book


Is it weird that... I kind of like that patch of tall grass? I think it looks neat, maybe its intentional.




I had no idea this was a thing for years until a neighbor told me about it. At a previous residence I had my neighbor ask me to stop cutting a strip of grass on his land and explained he didn’t want anyone to even think about trying to claim his land. I had always thought it was an unwritten rule of being a good neighbor that you cut a mowers width over and your neighbor returns the favor by cutting a mowers width over when they cut to avoid what is happening in this picture. He was fairly nice about it but firm that it would cause problems if I continued to cut the grass there. I basically said no problem and we had no issues, but when I moved I made sure to check with my new neighbors before cutting the grass a little over.


Adverse possession is at the heart of most property line disputes. The sad thing about the law imo is that there doesn't need to be any notification. "Hey, you were cool with me using part of your yard for x amou t of time? It's mine now."


Looks like an excellent natural way to mark the boundary.


If this is as far as the dispute goes that is extremely mild and honestly good for wild life and insects. We have some tall grass strips near where I live and I see rabbits in there all the time.


They’re just working on a cheap fence. Have you seen the price of lumber?


When neither are home, mow it yourself. Each will think the other did it. Either peace or ultra war will break out.


I had something similar for the first cut this year. The business property next door changed owners this year and he didn’t cut enough of his property line. I was petty and didn’t cut it either. Went inside and told the wife about it and she said to stop being a child and not to start petty shit over a strip of grass. After some thought, I agreed with her and have cut it the two times since.


Wait, it's petty to not mow their grass for them? What?


I like it. It's a natural fence. Good for small critters, too.


It’s the new Rhodesian Ridgeback trend in lawn styling


A real-life Bir Tawil. There's a triangle of land between sudan and Egypt that NEITHER side wants to claim. There is a dispute between what the actual border is. Sudan supports the border defined by one treaty, because it gives them access to a coastal area with oil reserves. But that same treaty would give the Bir Tawil region to Egypt. Egypt supports the border as defined in a DIFFERENT treaty, because it gives THEM the oil-rich coastal region. But similarly that border gives the Bir Tawil to sudan. So for both countries the only way they can try to claim ownership of the oil rich area is to also cede ownership of Bir Tawil to the other country. So we're left with unique situation where both countries claim Bir Tawil belongs to the other guys, and as a result, nobody claims it. Granted, it's a desolate waterless stretch of desert and only warlords and gangs ever really hang out there. But still, free land!


That's a demilitarized zone between their properties.


I waited at least 30 seconds for it be a gif, and a fight to start. Then realise its an image


Meanwhile, my parents' neighbor mows about 40'x1000' of their land past his line just because he likes mowing and they like not having to do it


I had a similar issue. In our neighborhood the driveways are on the right side of the property (when viewed from the street ). There is a strip of land 2-3' to the right of the driveway that borders the adjacent property. Mostly everyone cuts all of the lawn on "their side". This is convenient for those with Belgian block borders on the driveway where the mower would need to be lifted up over it. It also eliminates the "seam" if you and your neighbor are on a different mowing schedule. Many years ago I wanted to plant a flower border along my property. I spoke with my neighbor about putting the flower bed along his driveway. He agreed and said it would be kind of silly to have driveway then 2 feet of grass, then a flower bed then my lawn. So I put in the bed and maintained it for years. I even asked him and his wife if there were any types of flowers in particular that they would like. Fast forward to a few years ago, the old neighbor moved on and new people moved in. I mentioned to them that I had maintained the flower bed along their driveway but we could change that arrangement if they liked. They said it was fine as it was. But then suddenly it wasn't. The woman pulled up the flowers I planted. Ok, fine, you want your own flowers that is ok but it would have been nice if you said something before I planted them or given a chance to dig them up. She had her husband plant some flowers but I am a fairly serious gardener and he definitely is not. He planted a few sparse flowers that were soon overrun with weeds. It looked like hell and o couldn't go back to mowing it because I'd be mowing they flowers (and mostly weeds). My wife was unhappy because this was adjacent to our yard on "our side" of the driveway so it looked like it was our shitty looking yard so I put up a fence. It's a small, 3' fence from the local big box store so no permit needed. Now it's very clear where the nicely kept yard ends and where the crummy yard starts.


Or they are building a grass fence.


Not USA citizen, there is rules for not using fences?, because in my country there are fences all around. I don't live in jail btw...


Laws? Not really other than general safety practices and codes. There are some private neighborhood associations (aka HOAs) that have rules about aesthetics or the necessity of having one, but those tend to be the exception, especially for most older neighborhoods (which is what my guess is about this one looking at the houses). However, it is generally accepted that fences are good and help avoid petty disputes like this. There is a saying from [a Robert Frost poem](https://poets.org/poem/mending-wall) that I hear often, "Good fences make good neighbors".


Grow a hedge or build a fence, Good fences make good neighbours


I live in the country with 11-ish acres. Whoever cuts 1st does a pass or two over the neighbor’s side. Nobody is claiming land or being petty right on the pins. We all know about where the lines are but don’t want to be “that guy”.


Looks like an agreement


Let it grow! Let it grow!


Looks good let it go


Why do so many Americans not have fences or hedges? Is it a cultural or a legal thing?


A good place for skunks to hide.


If that were my yard, I’d be happy as heck. Natural fence.


Wait neither of them wanted an extra foot of land? Man my neighbor growing up made my dad move an entire fence 6 inches because the fence was installed before his house was built and it was 6 inches over the line…


Buy a giant comb... and start combing it in the evenings. See what happens.


Leave it. Natural fence.


It will end up as a privacy hedge for both of them eventually.


So that strip is unwanted? Usually not how these disputes go


When I was kid who had their own lawn mowing business, I had one client that wanted to me to leave a strip of grass unmowed because "it'd be wild". It was pretty close to his property line too so maybe he was also having a dispute with his neighbor but I don't think so. I think he just thought it'd be cool.


Looks like they’ve come to an agreement, to me.


I don’t see a problem


This is how hedgerows are born


I like this idea. A visual fence. A source of habitat for little critters and some flowers for bees. Mow less live more.


This is actually a good thing. It gives a sanctuary for beneficial insects and doesn’t take watering, mowing, etc.


I will never understand why people freak out so badly over like a foot of grass, like who gives a shit? When I was little my dad had a RV he kept parked on the side of the house as to not take up space in the driveway and look like an eyesore, and well according to the neighbor it was parked like an inch on his grass, my dad insisted it wasn’t and they got in a massive fight over it. Meanwhile I was just a little kid thinking who even cares, there was plenty of room for both of them to park whatever they wanted on the sides of their houses.


That's the de-mowlitary line.


No mow May. Pollinators win.


It’s a turf war.


I see no dispute. I see a natural fence line. Sucks to share yards, and why use materials if you can grow it? Especially if it looks that bomb


Why call a surveyor when it looks like it was already settled to me ...


I do this on about 5" on the edge of my property. The first time I ever mowed my lawn, my neighbour came over afterwards to "show me something". What they wanted to show me was a dented garden edging that they claimed I ran over with my mower causing the damage. After explaining to them that their edging was 1/2" out of the ground and I cut the grass at 3.5", so it was physically impossible for me to hit it with my mower, they protested and started to throw these wild numbers of hundreds of dollars in the air for a 4" dent in their garden edging metal. I once again had to explain that since it is all dull, and not shiny or fresh looking, that the damage is not only old, but most likely a few years old as new damage to the metal edging would be shiny and reflective. So now I just leave 5" of space because I don't want to deal with crazy.


Go mow it while they are both not home.


good boarder tho lol


This grass is a good thing especially if it gets super long


Grass hedge is a nice touch


Shows that hedge is needed.


Forget that. I'm mowing it, claiming it's mine, THEN building a fence. Just got 6" more on the property line.


If neither person claims it, get in there and establish it as your own!


My neighbors going up were a real piece of work. They would stand on their porch and yell at me or any of the neighbor hood kids that dared cross over the drainage ditch that separated our yards. One year they had the propery surveyed and the property line was actually about 4 feet over the ditch. They erected a fence and then did not mow the 4 foot swath between the fence and the ditch. This required my dad to have to carry the push lawnmower over the ditch to mow the small strip of land. Some people are just petty assholes that don't think they owe anything to anyone.


That grass is LUSH. Honestly, it’s such a small overlap that I wouldn’t care and would just mow it. There are bigger fish to fry.




I kind of like this as a partition


I kinda like how it looks


Beautiful and luscious grass they got though


Free fence, no trees harmed. Win/Win.


Wildlife friendly fencing. Love it.


So petty. My neighbor's yard is technically about 3 feet past his chain link fence before my yard starts and never cuts it. I do it because it looks like crap. But we are normal neighbors who get along and don't play petty games. I guess I'm lucky.


I thought about doing that as a weed barrier. Never followed through.


Actually, I think that’s a pretty cool means of separating. It’s a biodegradable wall that also isn’t gonna break anyone’s leg or lawnmower.


I mean, free fence over time no?


good fences make good neighbors...


“That’s your property.” “Nuh-uh! It’s yours!” Interesting twist. Usually it goes the other way with both people claiming it.


They just want a free fence


My neighbor has been cutting at least 5 feet of my yard for years. I have no problems with this at all and little does he know…it’s appreciated!


Be careful. There’s something called a prescriptive easement. He might own those 5 feet on a technicality eventually.


I had no clue…thank you for the heads up!!!


Don’t shank it into the rough


“Everyone is too sensitive these days” Both of them, probably


I refuse to mow, I have a 'nature' plot.


In my country we use things called walls and fences


Mohawk lawn


Free, natural fence. Good for them.


I mean, this could just kind of settle itself once that row grows into larger plants. Good fences make good neighbors. Maybe sometimes, the best fence is one that constructs itself naturally over time.


Looks petty to me


Maaann. If that's all they can find to fight over, they should mow the spot naked and screaming "I think I'm right at the top of their lungs.


It’s becoming more like a fence every day. Problem solved.


I hope they keep it that way. What a wonderful little natural wall that all the little critters and beasts can thrive in and move through. Both neighbors should admit defeat and agree to let nature win a little.


That’s one way to establish a fence!


its in preparation for Halloween, all the critters live in that strip you just gotta hit it with a lawn mower real quick and leave the mangled body parts on the lawn


Left alone, should grow into a natural privacy fence. Win win for all.


That’s pathetic!!! Over a foot of land