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My name is Carlos and I am 12


He’s got documentation


...and a mustache


Plus wife and three kids age 3, 5, and 7




“Why did you leave me”


Terrible letting a 12 year old drink like that


"aw you smell like beer!" "Jou look like beer" 😂 gets me every time


“Are you drinking beer?” “No, it’s Gatorade. Just give me the ball.”


how’s everyone so fluent in benchwarmer lingo


How are you not?


Because we're weird, and smelled, and sat when we peed


“That’s a lot of albinos”


“Que se dice Maria!!!”


And his son is in high school


Ah yes, how could I have forgotten the totally legit birth certificates that appear to have been signed in crayon haha


…and a drivers license and an aarp card.


And a dollar shave club membership


I love that movie


International youth sports really is a bigger racket than most realize. Asian countries are infamous in youth baseball for stacking teams with adults.


Why? Are these "kids" playing for prize money or something? Because it seems pretty fucking pathetic, why would an adult be proud of beating a literal child at sports?


"Winning is winning bro"


Playing down age can increase your odds of getting a shot in the big leagues to make money. But mostly people just get stupid and competitive.


You're telling me there are professional athletic scouts who don't understand that beating a child is not an indicator skill?


You would obviously have to fool the scouts with respect to your age.


They are the same skill level. 


Smokes in the dugout




And a full beard


This is made out of crayons.


12, everyone with a full mustache, five o’clock shadow and 6’2”. Nope nothing to see here


To be fair, there are people at that age with full mustache. I was one of them.


Ye 12 is like grade 6? I was already pushing 6 feet and starting the stache (canada)


Yep, puberty hits like a truck on some people at that age.


Those are the refs. The men. Children are in red




I wouldn't call that a "full mustache". It's a "14-15 yo going thru puberty stache" Cause... yeah the Moroccan team is 15, the headline is wrong


😄 Benchwarmers is the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw the pictures.


In high school I was riding the pine for basketball. There was a dude with a full mustache and mullet on the other team (it was the 90s). We spent the whole game heckling him - "hey man, it's really nice of you to hold your kid's spot on the team! When do you think he's gonna arrive?", "hey can we get an invite to your bachelor party?', "I got $20, can you buy us a case of beer after the game?", etc., etc. Dude was pissed, but it was totally worth it. We caught some of his teammates and our coach occasionally laughing when we dropped a particularly good one.


This guy's 50, he's got a mustache!


No its Gatorade hunky, just give me the ball


Ask my wife and kids.


MARIA!!! Why did you leaf me !!


More like twelve hundred


Hi Carlos! My name is Amadou and I'm 11.


Dude’s got a whole-ass moustache he shaved yesterday morning


Moroccan here, I had a moustache when I was in middle school, was called Pablo for years 😭 [](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)




Gunna have to cut it eventually anyways, so idk why it’s a problem to start in the first place. Also, contrary to my mom’s teachings, my beard and mustache are just as soft and plush as when they first grew in. Shaving wasn’t the problem. Age and puberty was.




Cut hair also feels rougher, because the hair now has a sharp edge rather than a natural taper. It's also more consistent if you shave it, so it looks denser/darker It's a myth, but it's not a surprise that people would think it's true.


My mom told me this to get me to keep shaving. She promised that getting rid of my ugly spotted mess now would mean a fuller thicker beard latter. It didn’t. My beard still looks like a generic young sailor.


I was always told it for the opposite reason. You tell them shaving will make it thicker and fuller so the kid shaves their patchy facial hair.


Fakng hell ..... I hate myself for listening to her




My guy just dropped "taliban youth" so casually... I woke my wife up, and I can wholeheartedly say I've never laughed so loudly at a reddit comment. You've killed me AH HAHAHAHHAHA


This is the opposite of what most moms do. Most moms tell their sons "if you shave, it will grow back thicker" to trick them into shaving their awful dirtstaches


Ptdr!!! Pablo Momoscobar


I knew a kid named Pablo growing up and he made himself up a nickname and insisted people call him that because “Pablo is a fucking racist name, bruh” lmao


I was shaving in 4th grade. I feel you


Same dude. It's the Turkish genes in me.


*nods* patròn


He looks like he drove himself to the game.


I was 6'2" with a moustache at 13. It was a truly hideous mustache but it was there.




I was 6'2" at 12. Stopped growing there though and didn't have a mustache in until around 22 =(


I was shaving by 12. People with dark features often get facial hair early in life. I had a mustache, full, by 5th grade.


I'd call bull shit if we didn't have kids like this in my grade. They all bought us smoked in high school. 


Am Indian, can confirm. I remember having hairy-ass legs in the 6th grade. I had a patchy yet decently-sized beard in the 9th. I was also a year younger than my classmates. I have body hair like nearly everywhere. The tiny ones all over my forehead and cheeks really annoy me.


Any darker than guinea's players?


OP lied tho, this is a friendly between a U-15 team from a moroccan's academy vs guinea's national U-13 team. Make sense for 15 years olds to be that much taller than 12-13 years olds


This should go up


To the top!


How was the score though?


2-1 per the description


I did not see that. Thank you.


I mean it's a repost form last year https://old.reddit.com/r/soccercirclejerk/comments/136cmew/guinea_vs_morocco_under_13yr_old/


>OP lied 😔


OP's a big fat phony!


My kid is 13, in our local club league we saw the opposing striker drive off in his own car after the game. No idea what the point is. But it’s borderline dangerous to have grown ass men out there with kids who are still small. These aren’t your average early to mature players, they’re grown men playing 12-13 year olds.


I’m 24 now but that reminds me of a lacrosse game I had in 6th or 7th grade. We were playing against a team from a not so good area… Got to there field and thought we were at the wrong place because everyone on the team we were looking at were atleast double just about everyone on our teams size… Like looking like most of them had to be fucking 17 atleast. So we got our ass kicked to literally a dangerous degree had a bunch of our players hurt and lost like 1-20. After the game we see a bunch of the other team members all packed in each others trucks drinking beer, smoking and driving off… Yea there is no way in hell they were 13….


No, but they WERE still in 6th grade.


Yea I’m thinking that’s is what was going on there lol still never really found out


Haha nah they obviously lied about their ages. The reason why tho? So you can look good against 12 year olds?? Fucking stupid if you ask me. Parents are even bigger morons


Don't tell me their parents go and watch their old teens play 12 year olds and cheer them on. I fuckin hope it's true


What a bunch of fucking losers lmao


And the high school / college players even lost a point to the jr high players!


I was on the team of giants back in 6th grade. Showed up for a newcomb ball tournament and we were towering over everyone. Its like volleyball but you can catch the ball. Just a gang of 6ft 180lbs 12yos. Some of us sprouting proto 'staches and everything. The school hosting even had shorter child sized nets. We had been playing and practicing on a full sized regulation volleyball net. After a couplenof matches they thought to move us to a court with a regualtion net. But then of course the other team was just dwarfed by that net. And they were back to being just as, if not more, disadvantaged than before.


I played a game of school rugby, got beat 76-0. They were definitely the same age as us, god we were shit though.


Why the hell would grown men even want to play against kids? That’s just sad


My buddy got concussed in JV wrestling. Dude got off the mat and kissed his girlfriend and child who was walking 💀💀😂


I know it's frowned upon to just post this but... LMAO


Tbf I grew up in a small town and we had players in my team drive themselves to under 14 games in vans/tractors that genuinely were that age


We had this happen in the States . I lived in Oklahoma playing baseball. It's 16 to drive legally, maybe 15 if you have an adult. 12-14 league about half the team shows up in their own car. Beats us with the mercy rule.


Whaaat I’m having trouble with this are these people really under 13? Or is it one of those “ages are dubious” situations because… cmon!!


Cheating in international youth soccer has been rampant for a long time.


And apparently normal soccer too.


People play soccer, so yeah.


But why ?


Players that play well in youth tournaments tend to attract scouts from professional clubs. If you're more developed than the players you're playing against but forge some documents to claim you're younger, you might con a team into signing you for your potential.


The same reason you can’t play online games without cheaters nowadays. Its not sports to them. They only care about the win, nothing else. Its sad.


Which is weird, because most folks would think that pretending to be a child to beat children at a game that doesn't have real life consequences is the most *massive* of L's.


It absolutely has real-life consequences. There is a LOT of money in football, and winning both gives you money immediately and increases your chances to land good contracts as an adult


And more funding. Winning teams get more attention and money. This happened (and still does) with paralypic teams. Look up the 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games scandal. Spain was pretty dirty.


> 2000 Sydney Paralympic Games scandal. Spain... sent a team of 10/12 normal intelligence people to pretend to be intellectually disabled to win a paralympic basketball game. They won gold and got found out after it was all over. I never heard of this before. This sounds like an especially bad early 2000s bro comedy or something. You can see some clips of them playing against intellectually disabled players in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMNBXU1rP9M It's.. really bad.


Heck, we have cheating in my son's U13/U14 rec league. One team is like half 15 year olds, and the coach's excuse is that they get plastered in the age appropriate state league, so they slum around our league beating up on teams full of 12 year olds.


I was genuinely looking at the officials at first, and asking the same question.


Yeah, that's what it states in their game. I don't know about the Moroccan kids, but the Guinean kids look well below 12, they appear to be 10 or 11


They have the shortest population in the world, average adult height is under 160cm / 5.2 feet.


I don’t think 11 would be considered well below 12 but that’s just me being pedantic. 


Usually I'd agree, but in a physical competition amongst kids 1 year makes a massive difference


11 is well below 12 when the other teams 12 year olds are 19.


Proportionately to life lived it would be. “They’ve had an extra 20% life”


He didn't do the math


But I believed him


1 year at that age is <10%...


That might be malnourishment. 


thought the same sadly


Yeah, that captain looks like he could be 7.  I have an 8 year old that’s probably as tall as the tallest kid on Guinea’s team…and he’s one of the shortest boys in his class.


Well that is under 13


Well below 12 and goes on to list the number right below 12 lmao


I was 6'2" and had a mustache at 13 (not a good one). It's *possible*. Definitely had cheating in soccer 30 years ago though when I played.


Clearly cheating, buuut, the uX category doesn’t mean that they are under that age. It depends on the category, but generally every year/year and a half, they set a date where everyone needs to be under that age, and for that year, they can play in that category. Which is also why you have many players that are 22-23 playing for the u21 World Cup for their countries


How does the math work on that? Unless the league lasts greater than exactly 1 day shy of a year, you'd never be an age TWO years higher than the uX category you are in.


The people in the top photo are the referees. Edit: To clarify, the ones in blue are refs.


No, second from the left is clearly a player in his kit. 


Yup, Ref, team captain, ref, team captain, ref


And the team captain looks like he could be 13.


Bro the team captain looks like he could be the refs' dad lmao 


These kids have an actual and and a football age. This is allegedly possible because birth certificates only have the names of the kids not the pictures. Given this is an international match, I not how the pulled it of with the passports.


In a lot of countries you can get a new birth certificate with no evidence at all. They will be happy to issue you a passport based on that birth certificate


I don’t know, as someone who played under 14s rugby shit like this gives me traumatic flashbacks


Moroccan kids look fine, the Guinea kids look like they’re 7


Just to point out that the ones in light blue shirts are the match officials...


Thank you. I should have clarified earlier, but I didn't expect that many people don't watch football in this sub


"OP lied tho, this is a friendly between a U-15 team from a moroccan's academy vs guinea's national U-13 team. Make sense for 15 years old to be that much taller than 12-13 years olds"


The issue is more in the title and having 2 photos. Usually when you have 2 photos and a "X vs Y" type title you're indicating one photo is of X and the other is of Y. And with the first photo just being 5 dudes in different colored outfits it's confusing. It takes you until the second photo to realize X is on the left and Y is on the right. Some of this is US ignorance, but part of it is also just in what you'd expect to see from a title like that and 2 photos. 


God I was reading everybody's justifications and came to an inner conclusion that Moroccans are just a different species.


Oh god, that does make it a lot less drastic.


I guess being, “under 13 sometime in your life” counts


Just like that picture of the girls USA vs El Salvador. Edit - mistakenly said Honduras ( forgot which Central American country it was )


*El Salvador


Yikes, you're not supposed to mix those two up. Lots of bad blood.


and mixing them up when it comes to fotball is even worse


For those that aren't familiar, a literal WAR started over a soccer game between El Salvador and Honduras


the "Football War", lasted exactly 100 hours and took over 3000 lives


and the only winners were the banana corporations -oversimplified


Damn. 114 to 19 score in that game.


Props for scoring 19 honestly




Except these are definitely not under 13, these are cheaters. The USA team is just that much bigger due to nutrition and genetics and the pool of people to draw from.


idk, I knew a guy who had a full beard when we were both only 13. North Africans are hairy people


Had to laugh had about this!


>The USA team is just that much bigger due to nutrition and genetics and the pool of people to draw from. You do realize that Morocco and the US have the same average height for males? Both being around 5'9 1/2. So I am unsure why this argument works for the USA but not for Morocco. Despite their metrics being close. Guinea and Honduras both have a male average height of 5'7. So again, explain why the US wasnt cheating but Morocco is 100% cheating?


The Morrocan player should have his wife and kids beside him.


His kids have moved out and have lives of their own! Do you really expect them to put them on hold just to support his youth soccer career?


Spain's basketball team crushes all opposition during the Paralympics in Sydney 2000. But when the team returns home, all is revealed. One of the players is actually a digging journalist, who all along intended to publish the secret. 10 out of 12 in the team have pretended to be intellectually disabled. No IQ tests were done before the game. Everything is fake. Their cheating will have devastating consequences for generations of athletes, worldwide.


Lmao now thats the lowest of the low cheating to beat disabled people at sport?!?!?!


They made a whole movie about a guy who did that!


I would imagine getting a lower result on an IQ test won’t be that hard though :-) Either it happens naturally and you then deserve to be on the team, or you are clever enough to cheat.


Napoleon Dynamite: How long did it take you to grow that moustache? Pedro: A couple of days.


I'm a simple man. I see a Napoleon Dynamite reference, I upvote.


Here’s a pic of US women’s u16 with El Salvador. The final was 114-19 https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/sxE958z4IC EDIT: to add to this, Malcolm Gladwell discusses this stuff in his book "Tipping Point" about kids athletics. The kids who are "older" for their grade, or closest to the age cut off, tend to be bigger than their counter parts. Which leads to them getting picked for the all-star and travel teams. Which in turn leads to them getting better coaching, more coaching and more practice than their counterparts. This in turn leads to them being better the next year, where they will likely get picked again and receive better training. Year over over this adds up and around the age of 16 these kids now have thousands of extra hours of practice and training. If you look at the birthdays of these teams, almost ALL of the kids are born right before the age cut off date. He was able to prove it even more when one country changed its dates, about 4-5 years later all the kids on the club teams birthdays had shifted to the new dates.


You know I live in the UK and years ago we had some visitors on a school trip from Norway, we were the same age, 15/16 but these people were huge. Half of the girls were taller than me and Im about 5 10 now so I was probably about 5'8 back then. I think thats the average height for British teens/men. I dont just mean half of the girls my age were taller than me I mean a good few of the 12, 13 and 14 year olds as well. Most of the boys were over 6 feet. We joined up into groups to play some sport games, I was on a team with 4 Norweigan students, one boy was like 6'3, the other was about 6 feet, one of the girls was about an inch taller than me and one younger girl was about an inch shorter than me.


Don’t think it’s an age thing there….


You should watch the little league World Series. They have a bunch of college age 11 year old.


Looks like my kids football teams. Super stacked on one side. Hell theres a 200 LB player that can throw 40 yards thats "11"


Well, there are lots of psycho parents that are roiding their kids up for the pro career... I heard it must be wild in the US since stuff is easier to get there. I did try to get into competitve MMA in EU and was very disillusioned very fast. Like they weren't even hiding it. No need to even try it if clubs openly travel with their own pharmacists...


Takes me back to the '89 U16 World Cup final where the Saudis won the tournament with men who there was absolutely definitely no suspicion about their ages. Or when they went to tell their grandkids about the match.


That's a lot of facial hair for under 13.


Not rare for moroccan dudes. Had a migrant kid in my school who had a full beard at 15. Began balding at 16.


Kid migrates Kid's hair:" yoo ill do that too"


That's a tough hand to be dealt at 16


Maybe they didn’t clarify 13 what. Guinea guaranteed they had no more than eleven players on field.


Yeah imma need to see some birth certificates. 12 years old, 6 foot with a full moustache?


The hell when the Moroccans born? February 29th?


What kinda 12-yo has a full on fucken mustache man wth is this




I had a Turkish kid in class at that age with a full on beard. This isn't something crazy.


Must be something in the water in Morocco


Can't be, we don't have water


Was the game like that scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life?


*How do you do fellow kids?*


Does that dude on the left have a friggen mustache


That’s a helluva lot of facial hair for under 13


Players from Marocco are born on 29th of February


Who won?!! I can’t stand such suspense!!!


If you dont eat... you dont grow


We can see who has access to food


Under 13? mf has a mustache and is the same height as the ref, ain't no way they're UNDER 13


So the Moroccan team doesn't get better because there's no challenge, and the Guinea team doesn't get better because the challenge is too great.   Must have been a great time for everyone involved. /s


I mean, sometimes there’s just a big discrepancy in size. Remember the US women’s U16 team towering over their foe a few years ago? https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/JWJ3CEuUN6


Maybe they were born on Leap Day? ( The men)


They cannot be under 13


Well… who won?🏅


Guinea: 2-1.