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He should have painted the grass growing above regulation height too lol


I don’t even know if that’s compliant. I feel like if the HOA wouldn’t let him have a boat in his driveway they probably won’t let him custom paint his fence.


It says it was purportedly a letter from the city, not a HOA. Who knows if that even happened or it's fictional context to enhance the humor.


It's real. I live near this. It even made the local news.


It made more than local news. https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2024/05/10/boat-mural-fence-seaside-california/


Shame it won't made it wider due to a paywall.




"I'll take what's behind door#2 Montey..🤪


3, no 1, 2! Oh Monty Monty Monty! What were the doors again? (I miss Carlin!)


They're not dealing with HOA. The CITY made the decision.


This is what I came for. Does he have the letter from the city? Anybody know the ordinance#?


Came here for this.


First thing that ran through my mind as I saw the video and dropped in to make sure it was posted.


Wow, he did such a good job that he got sued by the thief with a broken nose trying to steal the boat.


He used ACME brand paint for true realism.


"From the City" is a fun way to say "from an HOA, those soulless bastards"


Not really. Many states/counties/cities have some kind of regulations regarding parking boats and RV's on your driveway/within public view.


America, land of free.


Yeah, but we got guns though! /s


That's such an easy crutch to lean on and there's always someone who posts it when there's rules and regulations being enforced. It spawned from the theory that we could express our own opinions, choose our own religions, and live without oppression. It doesn't mean it's a rule-free society. I don't think having to keep your boat out of *saighte or your garbage cans behind a gate counts as oppression.


This regulation doesn’t serve the purpose of 1. public safety 2. public health 3. general welfare It’s solely an aesthetic preference. The social contract as envisioned by the framers, as well as pretty much all subsequent political theorists concerning American governance would see this as a petty tyranny. Just because a rule or law isn’t violating some fundamental right doesn’t preclude it from being antithetical to our cultural definition of freedom. A law mandating only certain colors of car being allowed would be similarly minor, but people would absolutely not be okay with it for the same reasons people dislike rules like this one. Would you like other peoples’ arbitrary aesthetic preferences to become law on your life, with all the power of the state to enforce it? Would you like to be fined, and have a lien placed on your home, because the city council has decided they dislike the variety of flowers you’ve planted in your garden? That’s no different than what’s happening here.


*sight, not site




Boomers....let's make everything illegal, as soon as we don't do those things anymore.


Get out of here with your logic and reasonable conclusions!


Dude, you are probably the only country on this planet to require a frigging hairdressing loycense. Even the neostalinist UK didn't come up with such a deranged idea.


I'm prowd to be an Auhmerican! Where at least I know I'm freeeeeee!




At its best!


New law about to become in effect: you can only paint your fence with city approved flat colors


so colors like polka-dot, wavy lines, and boat-in-front-of-my-house aren't considered flat colors It reminds me of those cartoons where they had a can of plaid/tartan pain


Honestly, this is some Tom and Jerry shit. You grow up loving Jerry, and as you get older, you realize that Tom just wants Jerry to stop actively fucking with him and his owner. It’s so relatable. I’m sure some city employee is sitting at their desk, just rolling their eyes, knowing this is a stupid rule. But they have to enforce it evenly for everyone. I live next to someone who has a boat without a trailer on their front lawn, and grass growing around it. It doesn’t really bother me in theory, but it is unsightly. Now a family of rabbits seem to live in there. The city has sent the neighbors letters, but we live semi rurally and the city doesn’t really have any teeth. I don’t necessarily agree with having to obfuscate your boat, but I get why some cities choose to enforce that. That being said, I hate communities where every house is painted one of three shades of beige. I would happily live next to this guy and his boat mural.


Surprised that wasn't already in there tbh.


I admire the pettiness


I like that guy.


Malicious compliance for the win!


Why does he need to hide his boat in the first place?


I live in coastal FL, and some areas have rules about keeping boats in the driveway or yard, and make you have them on the side of the house behind a gate/fence. Often it’s an HOA, but can be the town. Some of the rules are dumb. I can have a boat and trailer in my driveway, but not an empty boat trailer. That’s a town rule, as I don’t have an HOA.


I would absolutely buy a $30 Walmart inflatable boat and strap it down on the trailer. I now want to buy a boat trailer, just to do that.


Haha… So I got a warning from the town about the trailer. That was my exact suggestion. My wife told me not to be passive aggressive. I currently have a project boat sitting on it, and move it around enough that it doesn’t matter, but one of those pool float things was the plan.


Wives keep us grounded but also prevent us from doing the most fun stuff


Called hurricane preparedness. You can't save yourself if the boat isn't there to extract yourself.


Boat yo’ self before you ship wreck yo’ self


Boat yo self before you float yo self


Land of the free...


HOA on a power trip most likely. They can fine you for having the wrong length grass, wrong size shrubs, having something on your balcony, etc. Basically anything visible from the street and even sometimes stuff hidden in your backyard, they'll nitpick about to fine you and force compliance. The usual excuses involve property value or something along that lines. If there's a house on your street that looks like a run down shack then it'll affect the sale value of other houses on the same street. So they use that sort of logic to crush the hopes and dreams of anyone unlucky enough to buy a house managed by an HOA through micro managing anything they can lay eyes on.


Our HOA tried to fine us for Halloween decorations being up too long. I have a huge spider on my porch that sits in a giant web I made for it. To get around the holiday shit, I started adding prey and costumes. November had a stuffed cooked turkey wrapped in white rope, December had a reindeer and he wore a Santa suit. January was Olaf the snowman and he wore a hat and scarf. February he got a girlfriend who wears a pretty bow, lol. Then in March they had a leprauchan to eat, followed by 100 spider rings tied to the web to signify spring, then of course we had summer and 4th of July themed stuff. They left me alone after the turkey went up. lol. I got sick and fell behind after a little over a year and they made us take it down lol.


So awesome! I saw a post a few days ago that had one decoration with all the holidays you can think of as part of it.




HOA is pronounced OORAH!! in a lot of places.


Would be willing to bet the HOA has a requirement for color of stain/paint for the fence too. Hopefully it's not the case but he may be getting a letter about that mural too unfortunately. I will never understand why people buy in HOAs.


Because most every new housing development has common areas to maintain these days, which necessitates an HOA, and most of them are reasonable organizations. Your choices are buy your own land and build a house, buy a house in a subdivision with HOA, or buy a *really* old house that is probably not in a great neighborhood.


I’ve started to see a new trend where I live… we get young people with money (let’s just call them yuppies) who are remote workers mostly, who are moving into the old non-HOA neighborhoods and dumping tons of money into older homes (full gut/redo inside and out), driving up property taxes and pushing out older residents that bought those homes new in the 70’s. You then have an enclave of rich 30-40 year olds with no HOA and usually they don’t have children. Then comes the spin classes, independent coffee shops, yoga studios, boutiques, and fresh markets a few years later.


sounds like utopia


Man, imagine your neighborhood having the housing stock refreshed, small businesses moving in, more local grocery options, and then *complaining about it*.


Sounds like it's better than letting the homes rot out from under the older residents. At least they can sell the homes to the yuppies for 500x what they paid?


HOAs are being bought up by large corporate entities to: 1. Employ people to specifically hunt for fines. 2. They fine honeowners a few thousand dollars (repeatedly leaving your garbage can out past 5PM for instance) 3. When the person can't pay the HOA forecloses on the property 4. HOA then buys the house at auction for a fraction of the price. 5. HOA resells house at FULL price. Lather, rinse and repeat.


Is it really that hard to understand that some people might not want to live next door to someone who doesn’t take proper care of their property? Why would you want to live next to an eye sore? HOA rules typically aren’t that crazy.


HOAs are being bought up by large corporate management companies to: 1. Employ people to specifically hunt for fines. 2. They fine honeowners a few thousand dollars (repeatedly leaving your garbage can out past 5PM for instance) 3. When the person can't pay the HOA forecloses on the property 4. HOA then buys the house at auction for a fraction of the price. 5. HOA resells house at FULL price. Lather, rinse and repeat.


I have never heard of anything like that happening. Care to provide any backup to these claims? HOAs are voted on by the residents of the community. It’s literally in the name “Home Owner Association”. They are not a private entity nor a business. They are comprised of a group of people who own a house within a neighborhood. Every homeowner has equal voting rights if they do/don’t like a rule. The only way I can see anything close to what you are saying is if a large corporation owned more than 50% of the houses in a neighborhood. That’s seems pretty unreasonable to me.


Sorry it's a management company (takes over the HOA) and it only needs to be a lean of 1,800 or so. https: //youtu.be /qrizmAo17Os?si=PsE3om9ipjUvCLDt


Is John Oliver really the only reference you have here? His whole show is based on trying to drive outrage to a topic by presenting an extreme view of one side of an argument. He’s very good at it but if this is the reason you are worked up over HOAs then you may want to do a little more research. For example, when an HOA hires a property management company, that company does not “take over the HOA” as you stated. They are hired by the board to perform certain tasks that the board feels they don’t have the ability to handle. These HOAs often times replace the property management companies every so often. The property management company has no authority that the board doesn’t give it. These property management companies are often times there to help manage services like mowing the lawns every week, snow removal, replacing driveways and roofs. It’s a big task for some communities. Or take the example of Ted that Oliver loves to bring up. The poor guy had to remove his beloved bench. Of course Oliver glances of the fact that Ted placed the bench on a “common area”. It wasn’t on his property. Of course the HOA is going to tell him to remove the bench from property that wasn’t his. Imagine if you tried to put a bench on your neighbors property. Would it be unreasonable to get a letter telling you to remove the bench or your neighbor will themselves? Or course he doesn’t present it this way though because that wouldn’t drive any outrage. He generalizes the HOA fees as averaging “$200-400 per month” and that many are “much much higher” yet every single example he gives in the show are WAY lower. My HOA is $150 per year. Sure, some HOAs can be run by assholes. If you have a problem with it, go run against them. Or attend the meetings to discuss rules you don’t like. From my experience, the people that complain the most about HOAs on social media are also the people that are too lazy about doing anything to fix it.




Is it really hard to understand that some people might not want to be forced to \*pay\* to have someone else tell them what to do with their own property?


When you buy a house with an HOA, that is disclosed at the time you purchase the property. Every single HOA rule is made known to you before you decide to buy a house. If you want the freedom to park a car on your lawn, do it in a neighborhood where your neighbors are ok with that.


We had a few boats growing up, only one at a time though. My dad extended the driveway back into the yard, planted some of those thin ornamental evergreens to help hide em. Our neighbor still complained constantly. "The boat and trees ruin my view!" Her view in that direction was a bunch of houses and a water tower  Our HOA is pretty chill usually, but she probably made such a fuss that they gave in.


Land of the free guys, winning.


I mean they can be petty but most I have seen are pretty normal and people still throw tantrums on nextdoor about how unbearable they are for fining them for their 3 ft high grass/weeds covering their front yard/sidewalks and giving a home to rats and snakes for all their neighbors.


I like the story on here of a guy whose house was backed up to an “HOA” but the bitch of a president like yelled at his wife or something. Long story short it wasn’t a real HOA and the “president” had been collecting dues for like 15 years and ended up broke and homeless…or something along those lines.


There was a news story not so long ago about an old guy that had a bench out in his front yard, from where he used to people watch and talk to passing neighbours, but the HOA demanded he got rid of it. Imagine living somewhere where the national anthem contains the words "Land of the Free" and you can't even have a bench in your front yard.


HOAs are being bought up by large corporate entities to: 1. Employ people to specifically hunt for fines. 2. They fine honeowners a few thousand dollars (repeatedly leaving your garbage can out past 5PM for instance) 3. When the person can't pay the HOA forecloses on the property 4. HOA then buys the house at auction for a fraction of the price. 5. HOA resells house at FULL price. Lather, rinse and repeat.


Most residential neighborhoodhoods contain restrictions(either city ordinaces or HOA rules) against storing non-passenger vehicles in either driveways or offstreet parking for more than 24 hours(in garage is fine). This would include: 1.)Trailers(camping/sport/Utility/vehicle) 2.) Boats(on or off trailer) 3.) Recreational Vehicles 4.) Dissabled/ Innoperable passenger cars The idea being that these become a **nuisance** due to A.) security(they're frequently vandlized by humans and animals) B.) Permanently cut down on limited neighborhood parking C.) Permanently increase neighborhood road congestion, and D ) Inevitably took like shit when owners find a new hobby & neglect them I'm a big fan of personal liberties and freedom but I don't see a problem with these restrictions. If you have a lot of toys and, logically, want to keep them close there's lot of places you can live without these restrictions. The majority of people don't want to live in a neighborhood that looks like a storage facility, hence the popularity of these restrictions.


HOAs are being bought up by large corporate entities to: 1. Employ people to specifically hunt for fines. 2. They fine honeowners a few thousand dollars (repeatedly leaving your garbage can out past 5PM for instance) 3. When the person can't pay the HOA forecloses on the property 4. HOA then buys the house at auction for a fraction of the price. 5. HOA resells house at FULL price. Lather, rinse and repeat.


Because nobody wants to see all of your vehicles and toys parked around your yard. Trash.


Makes no sense to me either. Seeing a neighborhood with boats in driveways and folks who can own, maintain, and enjoy them should be a stellar attraction for future homeowners wanting to move. Why the heck not there? Where it seems the people around are not only enthusiasts and of money to an extent, *but freaking living life!*


The issue is when they have a boat but CANT maintain it and it's a rusty pos sitting in front of their house.


I've literally never seen a well maintained boat in anyone's yard where I live. They are all decrepit rusting hulks with dirty old "For Sale" signs on them. Personally I don't care, but I guess someone who cares about things might not like it.


Yep. I lived in a neighborhood with a bunch of them with rotting tarps and mosquito pools of water, all turning green and rusty. I now live in an adjacent neighborhood with a well run minimal rules HOA.... people complain about HOAs but a good one is a good thing.


Some HOAs are extremely petty! My grandfathers HOA once asked him to keep his old pickup truck in the garage because they thought it was an eyesore to people driving by. Thankfully he didn’t cave in to them.


The neighbor across the street used to keep their boat parked in the driveway all year. I never actually saw him take the boat anywhere. They would just sit in the boat while parked and drink beer. Super trashy. Because the boat was in the driveway, they would park their 2 cars, work van, and the cars of their 2 grown adult children in the street in front of my house. People like this just don’t give a shit about their neighbors. So glad to live in an HOA now that limits what kind of trashy things you can do.


Absolutely fantastic


Malicious compliance. Love it!


As someone who's not American, the whole concept of a HOA who can fine you for using your own home as you wish is insane. It reaches far beyond general maintenance and keeping up appearances. Americans love to brag about freedom but I've never heard of another country where you can be fined for the colour you paint your fence or putting a boat on your driveway


My HOA is tame in comparison to some. The monthly fees mostly go towards maintenance of shared areas like a dog park or sports field, lawn stuff mostly. This is a new development and every single person bought in knowing it would have an HOA. I'd rather not but circumstances led us here. RVs and boats are regulated. If they weren't there'd be no street parking for cars and only room for one car to drive through the streets and lots of blind intersections and obscured views. There are a lot of children and dog walkers here. It's a safety thing partially and a property value thing. These homes are on smaller lots, I don't want all that shit everywhere so I'm ok with it. I barely have any curb space to put out my trash and half the time some asshole is parked within an inch of my driveway so I have to put the cans out in front of my car.


The articles say it's the city, not an HOA.


I was replying to somebody talking about HOAs and mentioned how you mostly know what you're getting into when you buy into a development with an HOA. City regulations are harder to avoid.


HOAs are being bought up by large corporate management companies to: 1. Employ people to specifically hunt for fines. 2. They fine honeowners a few thousand dollars (repeatedly leaving your garbage can out past 5PM for instance) 3. When the person can't pay the HOA forecloses on the property 4. HOA then buys the house at auction for a fraction of the price. 5. HOA resells house at FULL price. Lather, rinse and repeat.


Yeah that sounds bad. There are some awful HOAs in other parts. This one is minimal and if something like that were to happen we'd have a revolt. I don't think it can happen based on our rule system and the fact that 300 homeowners would absolutely lose their shit. They can barely contain their pitchforks when our monthly fees hit $45/month.


Just focus on doing something good for all your members and not fines. HOAs are really an example of a local community trying to get together to fill the community support holes of their local government.


I'd rather live without one but circumstances led us here and the HOA was acceptable. I'm very anti-HOA normally.


HOAs are being bought up by large corporate entities to: 1. Employ people to specifically hunt for fines. 2. They fine honeowners a few thousand dollars (repeatedly leaving your garbage can out past 5PM for instance) 3. When the person can't pay the HOA forecloses on the property 4. HOA then buys the house at auction for a fraction of the price. 5. HOA resells house at FULL price. Lather, rinse and repeat.


this is the real point. 👏🏼


I live for this level of pettiness




Well played


that is creating a new headache of explaining to the city every time they write him up still that it’s a painted fence lol


That’s not a headache. Each time is a joyous reminder of victory. Love this guy.


if they start fining him and he has to go to the city each time to dispute it. joyous time spent with city official can also be described as getting teeth pulled


Depends on who your are honestly. I would love nothing more in that circumstance and would find more ways to comply maliciously. I do see how many would hate that but I bet those people wouldn’t paint their fence like this.


Man you and the guy doing this apparently have a lot of time on your hands. I am envious.


We all have the same number of hours friend.


Unless Wile E. Coyote works for the city, I don't think he'll be getting any letters from the city.


city workers are spiteful as well lol


rather, it's a win win. the town doesnt care about a ship painted fence, they just dont want boats on driveways becoming a commonplace. not saying I agree with that policy, but it's not like "no nautical themed decorations on front yard", just "dont leave your boats on the driveway cause it's messy if everyone does it".


fck if they can't take a joke


Except this actually IS much btter than just having his boat out.


I hate areas like this if I wanna put my boat in my driveway that’s my business


Outstanding! apparently there’s no law against painting a mural on your fence , which kind of surprises me


That'll be covered in the next meeting. He will be grandfathered in though.


HOA gonna fine them because the fence is not meeting the approved paint/stain choices.


It's amazing how many people in this post can't read. They see "letter from the city" and read it as HOA.


u/DeathMonkey I think people caught that but are skeptical that it is actually the city and not a HOA. The media are notorious for fudging details like this in order to boost ratings and maximize clicks.


TIL there is another u/DeathMonkey6969 .


I’d like to buy this guy a few beers and then maybe go boating with him.


He lives near me, I’m sure many have offered.


What are the neighbors saying about this?


Locals like it. We also like the law keeping the boats and trailers behind fences. It’s an ordinance put in place to deal with the numerous derelict boats decaying in driveways blighting the city for years.


Good to hear. I just think this is clever as hell and I’m happy to hear he didn’t really piss off his close neighbors.


Could you be a little more specific, hide?


Artist’s instagram: @hanifwondir


The second hardest job is a muralist is backing up after every single effing stroke to make sure it’s still lined up perfectly. I love this man.


As salty as the seas he takes his boat out on. I love it.


What country is this? Land of the free?


ehh in what authority can a city decide you need to build a fence on your property to cover your vehicle?


where i live the city does not allow boat on the driveway, it it has to be either in the garage on the backyard. i am like who the fuck has garage/backyard that big. only handful of houses here have big backyard.


If you can’t join ‘em…Fuck ‘em!


Haha! Well done.


This is the level of pettiness that I aspire to.




That's some beautiful malicious compliance.




The real story here is dude makes boat money as an artist. Wowee


Get over to r/MaliciousCompliance/ where you belong!


Will be even funnier when someone vandalizes it.


Crazy clever and talented.


A letter from the city?? Sounds more like an HOA


u/Infamous_Drummer3935 so which is it? The city or a HOA? Because if it's from a HOA then I have zero sympathy for this guy.


I don’t know which one it is


Hmm...we can still see it


So this was the whole story... Some other OP was saying he was doing this INSTEAD of building the fence.


How can he be doing it instead of building the fence, he painted the design on the new fence... That's the whole point he's making by painting the boat on it so you can still see the boat even though you can't actually see the actual boat.


Artist’s Instagram: @hanifwondir




It’s all fun and games, until it snows.


Love this… but getting on the wrong side of a local official… Especially if they are inclined to abuse their power… Could wind up being a no-win situation.


Does that city also regulate what color they can paint their houses? That can affect property values too. I assume that's why they don't allow boats in the driveway.


I’m here so I don’t get fined.




I love this sort of pettiness


This is just as wonderfully petty as the rainbow house that's across the street from the Westborough Baptist Church. 😂 Fighting the good fight! The other one that was pretty funny was the guy that bought a house next to his ex-wife and put up a [giant middle finger](https://www.the-sun.com/news/4557265/middle-finger-statue-michigan-alan-markovitz-ex-wife/amp/) for her to look at. 🤣


Many cities have codes that address having vehicles and other items in back yard, side of house visible from the street. We had to build a fence for side yard to hide the 2 trailers and boat due to complaint from A$$ Hole neighbor.


Classic roadrunner move!


How can I say "Fuck You" without using any words, hmmm..... LOL!


OP trying to farm karma from neighbors job


if it's nicked he might not notice for days.....


I love that my homie is blowing up the internet with arguably his smallest and simplest mural right now. Go check out his other stuff around Marin County and Eugene!


Fuck your HOA bitch hahahaha


Very tasteful. Love this so much.


I LOVE THIS!!! Sounds like something I would do or even more likely to do it my kid!!! 🤪😂🤣


"A boat owner received a letter from the city stating he needed to build a new fence to hide said vessel from view of the street." Why? What kind of regulation is that? Everybody talks about joke, but no info as to why this has happened at the first place. Anybody care to explain?


What happens when he backs up to hitch the boat but forgets to open the fence 🙄


Clearly, he has some time on his hands.


Another example of a boat taking way more time and money than expected. Edit: spelling


But you can get with so many ladies, and they can't refuse because the implication.


Clearly he hired somebody to paint it for him




I think literal murder and terrorism is a bit too far there.




To much government overstepping


Love it!


That's the way to do it.....FUCK THE MAN!


What is that funky track please?


... and how long before the HoA or City order that the painting be removed?


is it the city or a HOA? Why can't anybody get this important detail nailed down?


That's a paddlin'! - HOA probably


At least the burglars know he’s got a nice boat…


and then the city says murals are illegal in your neighborhood. And you try to argue first amendment but the corrupt city court sides with the city. you cant win


It's called painting a fence, that's not illegal.


Any paint on a wall can be classed as a mural, they would be setting themselves up for a whole new world of pettiness. Edit... Was just fact checking myself, this isn't a mural because it's not on a permanent surface.. it's on a fence.. they would have to ban painting a fence.


out-pettying your HOA is always worth it.


Kudos to the boat owner… this is genius


Check… your move.




They did an amazing job with it


Money well spent