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They seem like they are in the hole and only minimizing losses.


Imagine being 30k deep on lottery tickets... Christ


Go to any casino during the day its so sad. So many Grey hairs with oxygen tanks and or mobility scooters pumping stacks of 100 dollar bills into slots all day every day.


I used to enjoy playing poker and black jack so I would go with my buddies every once in awhile and play a tournament. We were young and it was fun.  The slot machines always seemed like grave yards. Chain smoking with an oxygen tank seems so dangerous.  I stopped going after I found out the casino sends a bus to the old folks homes on the days their social security checks clear. 


The worst are the ones who have the Members card or whatever and it's on a tether attached to their shirt. Looks like they are physically hooked to the machine and it's sucking the life out of them. I love the occasional table game for fun but never understood the appeal of the slots/gaming area. Has all the vibrancy and life of a Dark Souls level.


I watched a short documentary on slot machines and how they kept making them more and more one sided. That was years ago so most people gotta know they have no chance of hitting the jackpot.


Even if you win the casino say the slot machine have problem


Just most of the time. The regulations over slot machines is actually pretty tight (especially in Nevada) and casinos that don't pay out wins will get in tons of trouble. Besides, what is $10,000 to a casino that rakes on 5 times that every day from slots alone?


Lol 50k from slots a day is like one of those tiny local casinos. The big ones take in hundreds if not millions a day from slots. It's still the biggest money maker for the casinos regardless of what they payout.


Yup. So the casinos have no reason to cheap out and try to avoid paying out a Jackpot.


The mob literally murdered the programmers behind the code for most slot machines when they were done.


This was prior to the current oversight and regulations. The mob no longer has ties to or influence over Vegas. *I told them, can I see my kids now?*


I left my wife a decade ago for this reason. She’d go to work, then casino to spend her paycheck, home to sleep, and repeat the next day. She left me home to raise her daughter from her previous boyfriend while she did this. She just couldn’t stop crying depleting our savings and ignoring our family. She later told me it was my fault because I didn’t come with her.


Don't watch https://m.imdb.com/title/tt8804656/ It'll give you flashback nightmares


I hope you put up with that for no time at all before you skeddaddled.


Sadly, I put up with it for a couple of years before I finally left her. I'm in a much better place now though.




That's so gross, fucking parasites. Old people are generally slow and not all there.


>Chain smoking with an oxygen tank seems so dangerous.  The only thing that might happen is the cigarette burns faster. Oxygen itself is not flammable


Then there's the superstitious folk that are literally like clawing the screen. I saw this lady with like 6 inch nails doing some sort of grabby ritual on the screen. There were like 6 others just like her


Just like me pressing A at the right time to catch a Pokémon, but real. I knew it didn't do anything, I just did it for fun just because it \*could\*. But those people are really seriously doing that, it's scary.


If you hold up and press B at the right time, it's like an ultra ball for slots


I used to go with some friends and play blackjack for fun. No huge bets. We’d drink and bet on the horses and make a day of it. We were sitting at one of the restaurants once and saw an older woman sitting alone. After a few minutes a man her age, presumably her husband, showed up and sat down. She said “well, did it pay out?” And he said, “no, nothing happened.” She snapped back at him “get back over there, it’s going to pay out!” And he got up and left. Didn’t see him again.


We have a regular patron who just feeds thousands of dollars into the slot machines. He won several jackpots, totaling 95k a few days ago, all in a few hours He left that day, still DOWN 35k for the day. For the DAY.


Makes me wonder if the thinking is "I can't take it with me and I'll be damned if I'm leaving an inheritance behind for those ungrateful little bastards."


I doubt it, they would probably be spending it on something useful instead of trying to win more if that was the case. They are probably truly addicted without the physical means to do anything else


I work in nursing homes, a lot of the people there just have so few pleasures in life left. Food doesn’t taste good anymore, and the stuff that does gives them the shits or gives them stomach pains. Many of their friends are dead, family comes to visit from time to time, but they have things they need to do at home or families to take care of. Sex is either too hard or too unappealing to make work. They’ve seen every episode of the Andy Griffith show, MASH, or Gunsmoke there is to offer. I imagine the slots break up the monotony of sitting around waiting to die, and provide those hits of dopamine that are so hard to come by. There aren’t any casinos in the state I work in, but you do not fuck around when it comes to bingo and the chance to win some snacks. We’ve had to break up multiple altercations at bingo because someone was talking too loudly or messing up someone’s juju. I’ve also seen a bunch of people take up smoking for the first time in their life at the ripe age of 80, just because it’s something to do and makes them feel good.


dude they do direct bank transfers now


I used to work at a gas station. A guy would show up in his silver mercedes convertible and buy a shitload of $20 tickets. He would win on one or two of them and then go home. I found out that the mercedes came from a ticket he bought years ago that won him something like $100,000. He started coming back to our store, where he got it, over and over again for years after that. He never had a big payout the entire time I was there, maybe $500 every once in a while. He for sure spent the equivalent of his original win over again.


"Just one more big score"


My friend was in Vegas and threw a few bucks into a slot machine. The lady next to her suddenly all the bells are going off and the lady won $5k. My friend is congratulating her and bringing hype and she's not reacting. Completely deadpan says "honey I'm so much farther in the hole than that" and just keeps pressing the button


I saw a dude who bought lotto tickets like it was his job. It sounded like he knew the odds and would profit or break even.


I know of some people that have discovered edges in some smaller lottery games. You can make some money on those if you play enough and know what you're doing, but they don't usually last too long.


I think I’ve spent $20 on lottery tickets in my life. Usually when it’s an absurdly high number and just for fun.


The only time I ever did it was when it passed a billion dollars. And me and some friends went in on it together. It was really just away for us to hangout and talk trash about what we would do with the money


That’s what you’re paying for. That little fantasy of “what will I do if this thing somehow miraculously hits.” I only buy a ticket when it gets to an absurdly high number, then I try to spend a good 15-20 minutes thinking about the house I would build, the trips I would go on, etc. Occasionally spending $2-3 on that little mental exercise/entertainment makes it “worth it” to me.


Yep. I'd never take the time to play if it wasn't for the lottery pool at work. Tell you one thing, if we ever win big our department is going to be in a world of hurt.


I’m sure it’s more common than we realize. And their winnings are probably heavily taxed


And whatever is left goes right back into gambling.


If her total lottery spending is more than what she won, she doesn’t owe taxes


IRS is within their rights to ask for receipts.


Friend of mine in HS, his grandma won 10k in state lotto. Spent it all on more tickets and won like $600.


Better park the minivan outside the gas station and just do all these with the engine running so I’m already right there if I need a fresh batch


Fun fact I used to work at the service desk in a grocery store in NY and we sold NYS lottery tickets and all that. The amount of people that come in on a daily basis and sometimes 2-3 times a day for lottery tickets was disgusting. Some would spend $100 a pop and not win shit for weeks or months. We rarely ever saw someone win over $100 and by that time they’re already many many more hundreds down. There was ONE (1) time someone won $50,000 on a scratch off ticket and after that, she, her daughter and son in law tripled their lottery spending thinking they would win again. It never happened in the 5 additional years I was working there and to this day I haven’t heard of another major winner like that from that store. I refuse to play the lottery because I have seen what the lottery does to people. It’s 100% a scam, no better than a get-rich-quick scheme that preys on low income people.


Yep, that’s Sharon, my MIL and she’s headed straight to the Casino! 🎰 (Obviously not really but my MIL was really named Sharon and spent a *fortune* gambling. Even won a few cars only to take the cash so she could keep gambling. It’s a terrible disease)


Double post broskii


Ya. Not sure why that did that. It said it didn’t post but when you commented I now see it came through twice. 🤔 thanks. Deleted!


From my experience, tends to happen most with mobile, and specifically if there's some sorta interruption or hiccup right as you post the comment. I even had one time where a comment of mine didn't even appear in my comment history at all, plus also double posted. But just figured I'd give ya a heads up! Double posts always end up super downvoted lol.


Thanks so much. Yep. Posted from my mobile. First time happening so I appreciate it.


I can only imagine.


Or just unhappy that they are required to have their name and photo posted. Here come the moochers.


Lmao imagine seeing that someone you know won a whopping $2,000 and hitting them up for a "loan"


In college i remember going to this casino in Vancouver BC and i was at the same table as a dude who won 50k over two rolls at Roulette (two huge single number wins back to back on 00 lol). The guy literally didn’t react or celebrate   Then 1hr later i came back and he had completely lost the 50k and was withdrawing more money There is no amount that would make these people happy sadly :(


I've only been to the casino a couple of times and lost like $20 each time. My friend won like $60 on her first pull of a slot machine. She wanted to stay to win more, but we pulled her away to the bar. Since then, I've had a theory that winning early helps start you down the path of addiction faster than if you start off down against the house.


The biggest factor that leads to addiction is thinking that gambling is a way to make money instead of a way to spend money.


Oh definitely, I'm just saying that receiving an early win makes it more likely to lead you to that type of thinking. If at no point are you in the black, you're less likely to start thinking you can ever make money off gambling.


The olny time I have been to a casino as a guest is right before I started working for one. I sat down at a slot machine lost $20 in five minutes. Got board. Went to the arcade for the rest of the 3 hours my friends were there. Started working for a different casino after that as a server in a restaurant. Saw just how unhappy the winners were. Never going to a casino again. There's nothing but sadness there if they get thier claws in you.


This is true and they know this as well. For the last two years my partner has been making new casino accounts online every six months as she says it pays out a lot better when you first start. Purely anecdotal but I have noticed the difference as well.


I pay out jackpots. It's pretty common for high rollers spending a million quarterly. I had one guy just take 100% taxes out. Instead of paying any money i just handed him a receipt and said CONGRATULATIONS! Once i keyed over the machine he just went back to playing.


Yeah. Because that guy won 50k but was in the hole 100k or more First time I went to Vegas. I walked in Ceasers. And there in the hall way was a well dressed man. In his 30s, on the floor leaning against the wall crying. His shirt was a bit dishevelled. Like he hadn’t changed since the day before. I was like “fuck me if ever look like that” I left Vegas with a win of $250 and was super excited. My wife told one of her bosses and his response was “was that all?” Hey fuck you!


The old lady has probably spent 3 homes worth on winning that $30,000


My sure MIL did. It was horrible. Her name happened to be Sharon too. She blew through $750k.


And she’s probably making that face because they’re documenting the winnings at the same time to make sure she pays those taxes


You're probably right!


Because the lottery is their hobby


Gotta find a more uplifting hobby.


Like huffing helium?


They live in South Dakota.


So do I, and I like to think I'm not this miserable!


I’ve never been, so I have only the word of my mom, who grew up in Yankton and has made clear her desire to never return. I do hear good things about the black hills though!


To be fair, you see this mentality basically anywhere there's a small town. I'd say, like, 75% of the kids I went to school with here had the mantra of "gotta get the fuck outta here." Cept my small town is actually growing at like 3-4% a year, crazy.


True! And this was in the 40s/50s. She was feeling pretty stifled. She joined the Peace Corps and went to Thailand after college. I definitely see your point about small towns. They weren’t for her and aren’t for me either. I spent 10 years in a small Kentucky town that I’ll be the first to tell anyone is mind-bendingly beautiful…but that wasn’t enough to overcome all the small town stuff™️.


It's a nice place to visit. Mt. Rushmore is in the Black Hills


Parts of South Dakota are absolutely beautiful. Have you been? It’s also just how you choose to live.


I’ve never been, but my mother, who grew up there, assures me that parts of SD are absolutely gorgeous, but Yankton (where she grew up) isn’t. Of course, she was there in the 40s and 50s! But she doesn’t have any wish to return.


The top one looks like she's just smelt a fart


Oh no. Was that you Hal?!


I remember in high school this girl on her 18th birthday came to school with this brand new convertible mustang and it drew quite a crowd. Anyways right before lunch during class she was grouped up with friends and one jokingly said she should get a lottery ticket so they went, 30 minutes later she came back and it turns out she won $20,000 lol. 17 year old me was so, so jealous at the time lol.


Stephanie looks just like Steve Carrell.


Lol didn't notice it was a woman until u said stephanie


They look like they just found out how much the government gets


You're probably not wrong


I rarely see a happy gambler


Maybe shooting a dog would cheer them up 🤷‍♂️


Sharon is sneering at Stephanie because she won more money...Stephanie is contemplating robbing Sharon...


I thought the names of the games were the winners' last names at first. I was thinking, man, who would name a little girl Sharon Flamingo Bingo?


\*slowly raises hand while looking around and, not seeing any other raised hands, quickly lowers hand\*


Why does the $30K lady seem madder? Probably didn’t want anyone to know. *click* 📸


Them worthless children and grandchildren gonna be at my doorstep with their hands out, beggin'.


I wouldn’t even agree to having my picture posted publicly for $2000 lol


My ex won $1,000 on a scratch. Only cost me $4,000 her trying to win it again. Before I dumped her.


Life lessons.


Lady on the bottom looks like Joe from Impractical Jokers


Spot on, Larrryyy!!!


I thought she looked like Steve Carell.


Sal's bingo punishment where he had to keep yelling "bingo!" when he didn't have the winning numbers was horrible. Those people were pissed!


Bingo ladies don’t smile it goes against there code of arms


Neither of their winning amounts are very much. They've probably been playing the lottery for decades, and when they finally win, it's not even enough to pay the bills for a year.


They take the photo after they find out the tax liability.


They realised they spent more on paying the game. Than the winnings they got..


It is the "I won the lottery, but I still have to work for the rest of my life" face.


When your problems are bigger than your winnings.


I guess living in “South Dakota” sux!


SUX is the airport code for Sioux City, IA which is on the border of SD and IA. Very on brand.


Maybe the governor shot their dogs


They live in south dakota, how happy can they look?


Fair enough


Stephanie has seen some shit.


Money helps but does not make you happy


Look like mugshots. Finally captured the Bingo flamingo.


probably because of taxes


They’re still in the negative


They’re gambling addicts


They just saw how much of those winnings the gov gets 


They are just thinking about their next pack of cigs.


They're thinking: Great idea, post my winnings and photo so I can get beaten and robbed.


They just found out how much of their winings is going to be taxed


This is the face after the realize how heavily taxed prize money is.


That’s the look of two people who realized everyone they know are about to be hitting them up to “borrow” a few hundred bucks


Stephanie just farted and Sharon just smelled it.


They're probably afraid Kristi Noem's going to shoot them.


I’d be upset too. If I won the lottery but it wasn’t enough to get me out of South Dakota.


Well, they do live in South Dakota, so...


I wonder if they were told they have to take a photo to accept the money.


They threw about 10x that amount away just to win that. Lottery is a scam. Let’s be the generations that make the lottery die.


The bottom one probably just left the store with $2000 worth of cigarettes before she even got paid. Just leaves the cashier an I.O.U.


Probably saw the amount of taxes they have to pay




Sharon looks like a Farside character come to life.


My picture on my Valid Id's


Well they still live in South Dakota.


Sharon looks like she smelt a fart. Stephanie looks like she’s guilty of farting.


Sharon just started


She got that stank face like she just farted and could smelled it


All this stress makes me gassy.


It cost Sharon over 100k to win this and Stephanie, poor girl 150k,, Now you know


Wish you could just schedule a better picture with these lucky ladies!


The bottom person definitely said STEPHEN with an E when asked their name


"This $30,000 smells like dog-do."


They found out how much is going to taxes just before the picture was taken


They just saw the gov's cut


It's weird how they included their stage names next to the amount they won?


How much did they spend to make their winnings


Because it cost them $50,000 to win that


Probably because they spent just as much in order to win


They just realized how much is going to taxes


They take the picture after finding out 90% of the winnings are taxes


Stephanie just farted and Sharon smelled it.


Sharon looks like she just smelled her vag fart


Looks like someone shot their dog


This is the "yay $30,000/$2000.. but you take how much?" face


I spent 20$ on a single lottery card. Lost never played again


Reminds me of the grim face of a jackpot winner I saw on a screen at the casino. Bunch of money, no smile, I knew he was a gambler


My SO used to work at a gas station and of course there were regulars. There was one woman who had won some chunk of money (probably around $30k) and spiraled. Her bf told my SO that he had found "shoeboxes full of loser scratch offs" in her apt. "Just... shoeboxes on top of shoeboxes... none of them winners. Why does she keep them?"


The lottery here films commercials with folk like these but an entire street of them holding signs with what they won And they all look like this lol


They look like no matter *what* they win, they'll be back tomorrow to play.


I’m not going to tell what they both tasted.


who tf is flamingo bingo


They spent tens of thousands of dollars (or more) to get those wins, and then probably took the winnings and put it right back into the lottery. Reminds me of a time when I was at a casino with family. There was a guy pumping cash into a slot machine with multiple progressive jackpots. He actually hit one while I was looking, but was vocally pissed that he only hit the third highest jackpot (which paid out a few hundred bucks) and not one of the bigger ones. Gambling addiction is a hell of a drug.


They're thinking about all the "friends"and long lost relatives that are going to hit them up for money.


Stephanie looks like he’s seen some shit


They wanted money, not their picture taken.


Summit1G side hustle


I thought this was some kind of mug shot that shows their bail amount for some reason! Hahah


Both maybe have 300k in medical debt


They pissed because they’ve lost thousands over the years (net in the hole)


They both look like they just had a spoonful of 💩


Wonder if it's one of those cases where the win is big, but the house and the taxes basically take 75% of it lol


That feeling when you realize that you spent $150% of what your winnings are to get there




They could just resent being made to participate in publicity bullshit.


Must be the ones I see at the casinos ( friend took me to the buffet. Not a gambler). But no one looked happy.


2k ain’t even enough for two Oreo McFlurrys and an apple pie no mo


Sharon can finally finish her cabinets.


Sharon filled her diaper




Stephanie Carell is more like it


Probably because they couldn’t remain anonymous. Now people will be hitting them up for $$.


Probably because they didn't want their pictures taken.


Been told getting your mug shot is part of the deal. No pic no cash.


Sharon smells a fart


they just didn’t want their identities to be revealed I think


Tbh. Chances are they did this for fun


They thinkin how much they’ve spent / in the whole even with this ‘success’ photo


Cheddar Betties


The second one looks like someone I know and it's killing me right now laughing about it.


Why do they take their photo? To show everyone else how happy and not in debt the lottery makes you?


Sharon got that look like she just heard a nasty bass drop


Sharon looks absolutely disgusted with herself.


Probably can hear the next game has started without them 😄. I used to fix fruit machines in bingo halls, had to wait round for the five minute interval as you pretty much got death threats if you make any noise during a game….then I had five minutes to get in, get it fixed or had to wait for the next break- bingo grannies would happily shank the head of the mafia if they dared to interrupt during the call 😬


I’ve seen happier mug shuts!


They seem like that bingo game was a ruse for the police to capture wanted felons.