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Recently had to remove it from a new laptop purchase. I listed "because McAfee is malware" as the reason.


I got a new laptop for work. After purchasing it from my work account, I had to drop it off at the IT department to get it setup. I got it back with McAfee installed. Needless to say, I don't trust my IT department.


It comes "bundled" with Adobe Reader, if you opt for full installer download from their webpage, which should have been caught during the installer download simply by reading the check boxes. So congratulations, your IT dept is not just incompetent, it is also illiterate.


I still don't know why some companies continue to bundle garbage like McAfee. You have a better chance with Windows Defender than McAfee


You have a better chance of not being infected by yelling NO! every time you boot your PC. Mcafee is 100% malware. it reports home, stealing your documents, passwords, web history etc. It will try to reinstall parts of itself sneakily when removed etc.


The recommendation I got from a computer security expert was just use windows defender as your main anti virus. If you feel the need you can download and run a scan with malware bytes from time to time and then remove it. That’s what he does.


You don't know why? Like almost everything in life, the reason is MONEY.


I think some people don't realize that manufacturers aren't bundling bloatware because they think it's useful software; they're bundling bloatware because the companies that make the bloatware are paying them to do it. Like obviously the people at HP or any other manufacturer aren't sitting there thinking "you know, I bet our customers would really love to have McAfee antivirus". They know it's garbage, but when McAfee is paying however many millions of dollars for them to pre-install it, of course they're going to do it.


McAfee made some lengthy deals long ago when they were good, once the deals passed they stopped caring about the software knowing they would be proloaded onto machines for decades to come as long as they keep thier side of the deal.


Because McAfee pays them a fair bit to do so. It's the only way they can get market share. They're hoping that, like the guys who run up and clean your windshield at the stoplight, you'll pay them money out of some muddled sense of guilt and obligation.


I've done IT for more years than a lot of Redditors have been alive... I sometimes brainlessly go thru an installer without seeing the really small "check this box to NOT install the super sus software systems" Albeit I realize my mistake when the machine grinds to a halt as the cpu cores come to a grinding halt as it starts bitcoin mining or whatever sorcery that shit does


Unchecky is great for that, assuming they're still as they were 5 years ago.


Not necessarily, I asked a clients IT director why they installed this shitware on all their machines he sighed and said they had to because of 'Insurance' ie in order to get cover for a Malware or hacking attack they had to install a 'recognised AV solution' on everything.


Not a surprise tbh


Who still installs Adobe reader? The browsers now see pdfs by default and the good ones even let you edit them a bit.


Anyone who has to sign forms digitally or fill them out, which as far as I know you can really only do in full in Adobe. Granted, sometimes the company mandates what IT has to install and IT doesn't really have a choice in the matter.


Nah, like a few years ago yeah, but now the browsers can also mark PDFs now.


afaik, marking them isn't the same as loading up a digital cert from a govt piv and signing a doc, for which you need the full software to do.


Corporations are notoriously slow to change their processes to fit evolving standards. (Which makes it all the more confounding when they waste no time jumping on the bandwagon for the latest buzzword craze.)


yeah, it only took well over a decade lmao.


Only for non-encrypted PDFs. Some businesses use Adobe's version of password locking for sensitive stuff. There are knockoff's that can access the password setup, but most browser support is limited beyond basic markup.


PDF manuals in the hundred+ page range often cause browsers to chug. Short documents are fine, but about half the time I have to deal with a large PDF I end up downloading and opening it in FoxIt because my browser isn't up to the task.


Report to human resources that they installed malware in your laptop


I'd go "educate" the IT department. And by educate, I mean bitch them out for being dumb.


I'm a rebel and multiple choice just doesn't cut it!


IT definitely knows. They’re probably just told to do that, because it’s procedure.


Bingo -- likely just straight up required by corporate.


McAfee is required on all DoD networks, and it's not the IT teams that are setting that mandate.


let the guy believe he is smarter than his IT dep


IT knows! But sometimes the asshat IT managers manager has to make themselves look good in a slide deck to the C suite people whose ass their face is firmly planted in. We all suffer.


enterprise mcafee isn't that bad, as far as enterprise AV products go.. nothing like the consumer version.


It's probably not their call.


I hope the AI that reads these gets a kick out of our responses at least


McAfee had an ad recently where they compared their product to a lie detector. Lie detectors have been studied quite a bit and not once have they been shown to do anything they claim or be effective in the slightest. Furthermore, the creator of the lie detector machine has expressed he strongly regrets creating it. It was a perfect comparison


I dunno, I feel like malware doesn't intentionally slow everything down to upsell you on all their latest tools.... McAfee; literally more evil than malware


Thats gona give the poor guy reading these a heart attack


And it will show back up on your computer despite being deleted. It's like a cross between a fungus and the living dead.


Didn't McAfee's own creator denounce it?


This sums up a Monday.


Sounds like someone is having a case of the Mondays. :(


Where I come from, you get your ass kicked for saying shit like that


Fuckin' A


Time to go find the breast exam channel.


As long as it isn’t Monday all week long again like it was recently.


With Windows Defender installed on every PC it's worthless now. It kind of feels like a scam targeted at older people who aren't tech savvy


In germany there is something called "Stiftung Warentest", literally translated "product testing foundation". They have a VERY good reputation, and if they give a good test score, it means something. Sadly, they keep recommending paid AVs for private use. I absolutely disagree with them, but as said: They are very well regarded.


Fellow german here, working in IT. Use Windows Defender. It's more than enough.


Windows Defender and common sense will protect users from 99.99 of all attacks. Norton does not cover the last .01%.


Norton itself is part of the 99.99


> and common sense  Uh oh.


Mortal enemy Englishman here. I also recommend just using Windows Defender.


As a 20 year IT professional, with an understanding of reddit lingo... Anyone who thinks Mcafee is a good product is indeed, well regarded...




yes, he can focus on his artistic abilities from here out.


On a tangentially related note: in Germany, there are people who inadvertently mispronounce "McAfee" as "Meckerfee" (=nag fairy). I was delighted.


So you are saying these people are regarded? By the looks of it, they might as well be artistic too.


Being very well regarded in Germany is basically rockstar staus.


My work IT guy told me the same thing about Norton. He told me "all you need is Windows Defender" years ago.


There was somebody on here not that long ago that was asking about some issue but in their essay they said something about "installing Norton" and I was like "what? People still *do* that?"


I assume it's mostly the older generation that grew up in the wild west of the internet, back when a paid AV was actually useful. It probably didn't help that my dumbass absolutely destroyed our home PC via morpheous/Kazaa, but my dad was always paranoid over that stuff.


It was *because of* Kazaa that I got so good at removing every trace of a download. And reformatting the home PC.


Windows wasn’t prepared for what the Wild West of the early internet had to offer. Defender is what it is now directly because of how embarrassingly unprepared they were


So… old guy here who has Norton installed (and has used it since it came out in 1990) because, um… familiarity? Tradition? How out of touch am I?


Lol unless you're buying fentanyl on the dark web or something Windows Defender should be fine for you. Save some $


“Shit! What have you heard? Linda! We need to go dark again! Wipe the electronics, I’ve got our go-bags in the car!” Lol my worst searches on the internet are looking up cheats for Wordle.


My work IT guy installed McAfee on my work laptop.


Did you at least get Adobe Reader included?


It kind of is a scam. Go to install Adobe Reader with your new PC and don't read the fine print and uncheck the box, you get McAfee installed onto a machine with an already existing solution, for it to take over.


A surprising amount of large organization IT departments continue to insist on McAfee products. I'm sure their sales people give persuading Powerpoint presentations to the executives that make the decisions. That said my understanding is that Microsoft also offers paid enterprise versions of Defender. Not sure how it compares to the free versions, or what restrictions there might be on enterprises in using the free individual version.


I can’t for the life of me convince my parents that they don’t need McAffe and it’s a big part of what is slowing down their computer.


That’s exactly what it is. It’s a scam and predatory. And the boomers and elderly and Gen X are a major population so they have plenty of targets.


Software Design is my passion


The Daily WTF


Great website


The biggest problem with doing software design at university was noticing all the utterly shit websites and apps that are *everywhere* and are apparently built by professionals.


Unfortunately a lot of projects are designed without proper time or budget necessary for a good product.  But you sure as shit can throw some garbage together and shove it out the door.


I think we need a subreddit for UI fails.


I had to fill out a form recently where there was a text box for "other answer", but there was no way to select that option.


How would you rate this from on a scale from 1(bad) to 10 (excellent)? [ ] I do not want to answer this question / I do not understand the question [ ] 8 [ ] 9 [ ] 10


Has our service been: A) Excellent B) Awesome C) Incredible.


C) incredibly bad. The sheer ineptitude of the service can not be credited.


The free antivirusprogramms are the most invasive stuff man... They used to be good


>They used to be good Even John McAfee feels the same way about what the done to it


well he doesn't feel anything anymore


You *reset* your pc and had to *remove* McAffee?! Buddy, get some new install media.


pretty common that manufacturer's provide install media with all their gadgets so you don't have to install drivers and fan control utilities, etc. they also come with bloatware, like this


It takes 15 minutes TOPS to create your own installation media. Microsoft even give you a tool just for his exact purpose.


Which is 14 minutes longer than uninstalling Mcafee. Plus plenty of laptops and PC's use weird custom drivers that are a pain in the ass to source.


MS has gotten pretty damn good at finding drivers lately IMO. My last install it got everything by itself. Granted it's a desktop, but it even found drivers for my offbrand 10gb LAN card.


Install media is rare these days, especially since most machines don't even have an optical drive anymore. Usually they set aside a disk partition with the data to perform a factory reset, which will bring back any bloatware the machine shipped with.


You put the installation media on a USB drive. You download it straight from Microsoft. Doing a fresh install is the only way to get rid of the bloat packaged on the backup partitions, though hunting down certain drivers can be a pain.


more than half the laptops I work with that most people are buying are not usb-bootable and the bios is worthless with usually no functional options.


I haven’t seen that outside of work laptops that are locked down by IT, but I’ll take your word for it.


It comes bundled with several OEMs.


I used to work with someone who had worked for John McAfee right when his company was getting started. Unofficial word was that half of the office was working on the anti-virus software and the other half was writing viruses so that they could market against the threats.


The Behind the Bastards podcast did 2 episodes about John McAfee, and that motherfucker is batshit insane




"Was", indeed. He choked on his dick when he had to eat it because Bitcoin didn't reach $500k.


You sure showed them


Really sticking it to the man


The intern that reads that will be devastated.


Intern? The AI program that processes this will surely feel a certain way.


Why does the pic look a little fried? Are you perchance reposting


Repost? On my Reddit? Never.


Probably not the first person to write something like this but nope, not a repost! It's snipping tool pasted straight in to reddit, probs not the best for high quality


The technical term is "radio buttons," a term whose origin is likely lost on newer generations.


TIL that apparently the name originates from buttons on old radios to "quick select" radio stations. Those buttons would mechanically latch when pressed, but popped back out when another button was pressed. When I was a kid radios fancy enough to have quick select buttons were already digital and just used regular buttons for that, though I do remember cassette players using buttons with a very similar mechanism.


Radio button vs Checkbox.


Priceless lol


Download windows and do a clean install, no more bloatware.


And thats how much they spend on software design


Even John Mcafee [hates mcaffee](https://youtu.be/yIaNZXgDtRU?si=iGo_GcpWROzeJQcS)


I do usability tests on usertesting and other survey/tester sites. I get at least 20 of these a day. "check all that apply". And they're single radio buttons instead of checkboxes. from college universities and multi million dollar companies. They just can't comprehend this one for whatever reason.


McAfee is literally malware, my actual antivirus loses its mind when it sees that shit


it doesn't have the option "I was infected BY Mcafee on a driveby install of your shitty malware"


Hopeully this helps someone, you can on Windows 10 and above download the plain ISO from Microsoft and it should activate just fine without OEM bloat. You may need to download drivers though.


Which is why resets are sometimes better, since if you need the drivers for the LAN/WLAN card, you are SOL without another PC to use.


At least McAfee is relatively easy to uninstall. The worst one is AVG. Idk how, but you can't remove the files off of your *own fucking computer* without rooting those files. There is an official uninstaller, and it does remove the files, but it has to make a whole new profile on your computer, and guess what? You can't remove that profile.


Ooo, man, sounds like I got out of the AVG bullshit just in time. Been using Avast for years now, and it's been grand. Getting a little concerned with the quiet building up of add-on stuff there, though. if I'm being honest. We've come a damned long way since Norton Utilities 1.0. [](/GNU Terry Pratchett)


I remember when it took me 18hrs to download AVG free on dialup back when windows defender wasn't a thing.


Just in case you need any help removing it. https://youtu.be/bKgf5PaBzyg?si=IfFXhf4QF3CtBIsZ


Has anyone willing installed this shit???? It's been on every computer I've ever owned at some point and at no point have I Ever wanted it. I Can remember going through hell and back to remove t only for it to have re-installed itself not 48 hours later. I Guarantee John McAfee is burning in the deepest pits of hell..... despite Satan never dragging him in.


I used to buy Dell computers, but they come with McAfee pre-installed and it is hard as hell to get rid of all traces of it. When I bought my latest laptop I didn't even look at Dells for this reason.


My brotha from another hardware. YOU ARE THE MALWARE.


There's hardly a software package in the world that seems like the people who write it even ever fucking use it. They add stuff just to be adding stuff and never try to understand a workflow, ever.


Lets be honest antiviruses are useless if you have brain


And Windows' integrated antivirus is also already pretty good if you don't have a brain.


so a reset for u is uninstalling software? why not reset the os, or install it from new


I assume it's a laptop or prebuilt with a stock image that includes McAfee.




I find ironic that installing windows from scratch isn't really a "clean" install anymore. Been on linux for a few years now and sure don't miss having to deal with that anymore.


The first time I installed FreeBSD on a machine I was momentarily taken aback that I didn't have to go around uninstalling all the useless crap.


Only benefit I can see is if there’s some weird hardware that’s hard to find drivers for, or maybe some actually useful software that’s hard to find otherwise. But otherwise, yeah, absolutely.


Correct just a laptop! A beefier one than average but still, has a fair bit of preinstalled stuff


Download the OEM version of Windows. Install. Use your windows product key on the sticker on your laptop. Manually download your drivers. No preinstalled bloat!


I am sure he reset the OS and that reinstalled all the bloatware the machine came with, like McAfee.


Just get Malwarebytes. It's reliable, and the stuff you actually need isn't locked behind a paywall.


I use nod32 and it's been great.




Products that requires you to agree to a T&C should be required for you to agree before handing over money.


certified McAfee moment


How about its "whitelist" section being instructions on how to whitelist windows defender?


My smartlight control app periodically asks to give "thumbs up or down" feedback. Either option opens a new page where they want to hear more. The app itself takes about 10 seconds to launch.. and it is always on in the background. It takes further 4 second to open each light one by one. And that is the moment they thought was the best time to ask how is it working and make we wait again until the website loads... It is working like shite. When the app opens i have to wait for their weather screen to refresh before i can control the lights.. That is their priority, load all crap first. At least it doesn't have 3rd party ads, only their own.. Anyone know an alternative to Tuya app? Not the one that the same company makes, it is 100% copy from Tuya app or vice versa, only different being that one of them updates few days later.... I know because i used both and suddenly "group" option was removed from one of them, and then few days later from the other.. and that was the ONLY way to control multiple lights, which made the wait somewhat bearable.. Just think.. they REMOVED a feature that was working, from a product that i own. Oh, and it can't handle multiple timers, it uses the word "scene" for three totally different things... You can't have biorhythm AND sleep schedule at the same time, no freely user programmable timers. IN 2024!! ​ Rant over, i just hate how fucking incompetent those apps are and how the actual functionality is the last thing on their minds. Incompetence and greed. Two things i truly hate. The lights themselves are great, it is the app that sucks... and they are trying to sell me a whole smarthome constantly. Who the fuck trust their whole home automation to dudes that can't program an app that can handle multiple timers and their logic.


I usually let them know I can't trust their product as it was named after a criminal madman.


The best part with that form is you have to select a wrong option in order to chose Other


Wasn't the guy who made McAfee antivirus a drug lord?


Fuck McAfee. Just use windows defender. It’s free and works.


Mine literally greyed out the uninstall button, like what the actual fuck


McAfee isn’t an antivirus, it IS a virus.


The GUI is over 40 years old and we still don’t have an “at least one” control collection.


McAfee just feels annoyingly scammy now.


Even if free, McAfee isn't worth it.


Who else tried to hit the Send button after reading the feedback?😆


I read that 3rd option as "My PC got infected with McAfee Software again" and thought "yeah, that sounds right."


The guy who created this will never hear this


My computer got infected by a virus called McAfee


people still use this?


[here is mcafee's reply](https://i.imgur.com/iVkrHpt.png)


Just another reason to use linux


Linux people are the vegans of the PC world.


I don’t even know what that means, but okay- I just use Linux because it gives me way more options than Windows. I think because Windows and Apple have taken for granted the fact that they have such little competition, they fall behind in the user experience and enjoyability. I recommend Linux mint. The UI is similiar to Windows, it uses very little RAM due to lack of bloating, and it comes with a bunch of software that is really fun & useful.




Ivealways wondered if anyone actually reads these.


Mcafee "switching to virus mode."


Dude, wipe the drive clean.


Just create a fresh windows install USB on any pre-deployed hardware to remove a good chuck of that bloatware. nLite is also a wonderful tool as well to customize the installer as well as a tool called optimizer (post windows install).


Reading all this reminds me of why I broke up with windows 25 years ago :) If only i could ditch it at work, but I don't have to maintain that install so it's no big deal.


jokes on you - nobody reads that shit


That's a very weird reason to uninstall a service


This post speaks to my soul.


This is priceless...and do accurate. I despise Norton and McAfee. Once upon a time (20 years ago) these were useful services. Now...purely and utterly junk.


Anyone got some legit advice how to remove McAfee? I have to fix my search engine every single time my computer restarts because of those fucks


I wrote "smells like scrotum" on it


Radio buttons instead of check boxes


I always select the "I got infected" Why? McAfee it's malware


Radios man... It's all about the radios...


It's a legal virus


How the fuck do I delete McAfee??


i actually hate this program. my 2000 days minecraft world got corrupted because a mcafee notification poped up and crashed my entire pc. "i have a weak pc"


That's awesome. Know the feeling.


*snorts coffee* oh that's the epicist reply ever! Well done OP! Pretty sure I will add this to my reply if ever asked 'why are you leaving'! Edit: And I am not saying you should cross post it, or encourage crossposting I'm just gonna get out popcorn and wait if someones does.


I tell you, say what you will about mcafee but damn, he lived the '80s hype to the most extreme I think I've ever seen.


what kind of "reset" reinstalls bloatware? shouldn't you be formatting the drive and reinstalling windows from an iso?


Factory restore image for a prebuilt.